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starsallalight ยท 2 months
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"Thank you for inviting me. I brought some homemade cupcakes. I hope that's all right"
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starsallalight ยท 2 months
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โ€œAnd if you were with me tonight, Iโ€™d sing to you just one more time. A song for a heart so big, God couldnโ€™t let it live.โ€ Daisy sighed, laying the little bouquet of pansies, snowdrops, and sweet peas on the base of the grave.ย โ€œHappy birthday, Auntie Beth. I miss you.โ€
Pressing a kiss to the cold rock, the girl straightened and smiled up at her companion.ย โ€œThanks for coming with me. I never feel right if I miss her birthday.โ€
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starsallalight ยท 2 months
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Laughing brightly as the ride stopped, Daisy gracefully got off the carved horse and raced over to the gate. "Hi! Where to next? The Ferris Wheel?"
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starsallalight ยท 2 months
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Open to LW muses
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โ€œIโ€ฆ I justโ€ฆ I donโ€™t know if I should go. I donโ€™t know if I want to go.โ€ Daisy sighed, brushing her hair out of her face.ย โ€œI know itโ€™s a great opportunityโ€ฆ I mean a scholarship! Butโ€ฆ But Iโ€™ve never been away from home. What if you guys need me?โ€
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starsallalight ยท 3 months
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Open to Meg
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โ€œI justโ€ฆโ€ Daisy sighed.ย โ€œI donโ€™t know if I want to make a big deal out of shopping for a wedding dress. I donโ€™t really know what Iโ€™d want to wear. Whenever I pictured a dress in my mind, itโ€ฆ It was like yours.โ€
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starsallalight ยท 3 months
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Open to LW muses or mutuals
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โ€œIโ€™ll see you Thanksgiving break.โ€ Daisy smiled, hugging them tightly.ย โ€œIโ€™ll call every day, and we can video chat on the weekends.โ€
It was a hard decision, going away to college. But when the opportunity to go to one of the best culinary schools in the country presented itself, she couldnโ€™t turn it down. Not even with how much sheโ€™d debated. Thankfully, Demi and Nat had been there through all her ups and downs, and they made her see that she couldnโ€™t hold herself back.ย 
She would struggle being alone, that much she knew. It would be her first time away from her parents, from Demi and Josie, and the rest of her family. From Nat. But Papa always had told her that she couldnโ€™t let her life pass her by. Maybe it was time she listened.
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starsallalight ยท 6 months
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@homebehind sent : โ€œYou must have been tired. You fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.โ€
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Rubbing her eyes as she sat up, Daisy's mind was fogged with confusion for a moment. She didn't even remember coming home last night. Had Demi come for her? Grandpa, or Uncle Teddy? Uncle Fritz? Papa?
"Nan's been helping a family in town. Their baby girl is ill. But she wasn't able to go yesterday because of another emergency. I offered to go for her." She explained. "The poor dear was so feverish she couldn't sleep. I had to rock her most of the night."
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starsallalight ยท 9 months
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Open to Meg, Jo, Amy, or Laurie
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"It's not so strange to miss someone you can't really remember, is it?" Daisy asked softly. "You all have such lovely stories and memories of Auntie Beth. All I really have is Grandpa calling me Beth when I was little. I know she loved Demi and I. That she'd have loved all of us. I think about her every day, and yet, I have no memories of her."
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starsallalight ยท 1 year
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@homebehind : Daisy & Meg
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"I'm a little worried." Daisy sighed, looking in the mirror and smoothing out the dress she'd finally finished. "What if Aunt Jo doesn't like it? What if she gets angry?"
It had seemed like a lovely idea when she'd first had it... To take in and update one of Auntie Beth's dresses to wear to the family Christmas party. It had felt like a way to include her. To let everyone know that she still loved them. But now, she couldn't help but wonder if it might be unfair or cruel.
"Was this a bad idea, Mama?"
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starsallalight ยท 1 year
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โ€œOh! This?โ€ Daisy beamed, gesturing to the violin necklace she always wore.ย โ€œThank you! My cousin got it for me before he left for the Navy. My boyfriend is a violinist, and heโ€™s in Europe right now, studying.โ€
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starsallalight ยท 1 year
@starstcff : Daisy & John
John ย straightens ย up ย when ย the ย other ย man ย approaches, ย giving ย him ย a ย small ย polite ย nod. ย  ย โ ย  ย Not ย necessary. ย โž ย he ย says ย immediately, ย shaking ย the ย manโ€™s ย hand. ย  ย โ ย  ย John ย Thornton, ย nice ย to ย meet ย you ย both. โž
There ย is ย a ย curious ย tilt ย to ย his ย eyebrow, ย not ย sure ย how ย the ย name ย Demi ย could ย be ย born ย out ย of ย John, ย but ย he ย keeps ย his ย thoughts ย to ย himself. ย Adjusting ย his ย hat, ย he ย looks ย between ย the ย two ย โ€” ย siblings, ย he ย immediately ย concludes, ย picking ย up ย on ย the ย similar ย features ย and ย the ย familiarity ย which ย reminds ย him ย of ย Fanny. ย  ย โ ย Actually, ย if ย you ย wouldnโ€™t ย mind, ย would ย you ย mind ย giving ย me ย some ย directions? โž
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"Of course!" Daisy beamed brightly. "It's only fair to help you after you've helped me. Especially given you're a stranger here. Demi knows how to get almost everywhere in Concord, don't you, Demi?"
"Just about, yes." The young man chuckled, shaking his head fondly at his twin. "Where is it that you need to go, sir?"
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starsallalight ยท 1 year
@dreamcrs : Daisy & Jo
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โ€œOh, if you had told me that I was anything like your Aunt Amy when I was younger, I would have been livid,โ€ Jo teased with a good-natured laugh.ย โ€œI suppose I donโ€™t mind it as much now.โ€
Jo nodded, understanding her niece a bit. She wouldnโ€™t say this next part out loud, because she feared that if she did, it would make her greatest fear true. But those little things about Beth - her smile, her voice, her smell, the way she laughed - were slowly fading in Joโ€™s memory. And she was afraid, above all else, that one day she would forget those things for good.ย 
She didnโ€™t want to forget her dear Beth. Not for the world. So she was glad she had Daisy, who was so much like the sister she loved the best.ย 
โ€œGood. Letโ€™s let them wait a while longer,โ€ Jo said before hugging Daisy impossibly tighter and pressing a kiss to the top of her head.ย โ€œEveryone could do with a lesson in patience. Me most of all. I never did seem to get the hang of it.โ€
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With a serene smile, the young woman tucked herself against her aunt like a book onto a shelf. She'd never play favorites among her family members, but she always had felt a certain pull toward Jo.
Daisy's mother, of course, was her hero, her best friend, and her idol. Her father was her shelter and her rock. Her brother her protector and defender. But as much as her sister drew her out of her shell, it was Jo who really made Daisy feel like it was ok to take risks. To be brave.
"No one says we have to be perfect. I don't even think God would ask that. Humans are meant to make mistakes, I think. But the point is that we try to better, right?"
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starsallalight ยท 1 year
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"I'm just so happy, I can't help it!" Daisy choked out, her voice almost strangled by the sheer joy she felt, as if it would all burst out of her if she didn't try to contain it.
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starsallalight ยท 1 year
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Open to family and friends
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"It just... It wasn't a very good day." Daisy sighed, trying to bury her re-emerging tears. "A customer got angry and screamed at Auntie Beth and I."
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starsallalight ยท 1 year
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"He misses you." She explained turning the camera from her son back to herself. "You'll be back soon, won't you?"
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starsallalight ยท 1 year
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@starstcff : Daisy & John
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"John. What a lovely surprise." Daisy beamed, getting to her feet once he'd stepped in. "Papa told me you'd stopped by yesterday while Mama, Josie, and I went to see Demi and Alice. I'm sorry I missed you."
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