#❮ VERA TRUEBLOOD: IC ┊you can try but im unbreakable ❯
flyingupward-a · 4 years
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       ❝ clipped wings, i was... a BROKEN thing. ❞
@shesacred​ // liked for a lyric starter
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
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      vera’s in the middle of her fifth round of baking when she hears footsteps. looking up, she grins at her nephew. she’s got a santa hat on and sparkles across her cheeks. ❝ alec ! perfect ! i need an UNBIASED opinion on how the æbleskiver are coming out ! ❞ she places a plate of the danish pancake puffs down in front of him. ❝ and i’ve got some cookies for you to try too ! can i get you some coffee ? hot chocolate ? ❞ she grabs an elf hat from the counter and tugs it onto alec’s head, nodding contentedly at her work. it’s a look that implies he will face HER WRATH if he tries to take it off. ❝ so ? what can i get you ? ❞
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
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       ❝ can i help you ? ❞ vera was a bit skeptic of the woman at the door. she seemed...FAMILIAR in a way, but given her and max’s histories, familiar wasn’t necessarily friendly. 
@liveshaunted // gets this cause vera wanted to say hi
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
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       ❝ i know we have to tell them eventually, but is it so wrong of me to want to just...soak in a few more days of NORMALCY ? i mean... ❞ a sigh, and she leans back into his arms, head fitting in that spot under his chin that it always seems to find. ❝ they’re so young, max. all of them. what if one of them...or GOD FORBID ALL OF THEM...what if they want to... ❞ she can’t finish that sentence. it hurts too much. ❝ i just love them so much. i don’t want to see them hurt. ❞
@moonlitalbatross // liked for vera
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
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       she doesn’t EXPECT to care much about the visitors from the clave. but the moment she sees him, she can see the resemblance. dark hair, striking eyes....many shadowhunter families have distinct features, but this is one vera knows all too well. ❝ YOU... ❞ her hand lands softly on his shoulder. she may not have runes, but there’s certain basic training that never leaves you, even if you are cast out at twelve. ❝ are you related to a MARYSE TRUEBLOOD by any chance ? ❞
@takeseffort // liked for aunt vera
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
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       vera’s CONFUSED when she hears the knock at the door. the kids aren’t out of school for another couple of hours, max not due back from work until an hour or so after that. pulling her glasses off of her face, vera stands and makes her way towards the entryway. when she opens the door, her brow furrows in confusion. she seems oddly familiar, but vera knows they’ve never met. and that’s when she sees it: her son’s nose, her eldest daughter’s eyes, a certain solidity to her stance that reminds her of her younger girl, a curve of her lips that brings back memories from decades ago...there’s only ONE PERSON this could possibly be.
       ❝ you must be maryse. ❞ her heart thuds in her ears, and suddenly she’s glad no one else is home. ❝ if the clave has sent you for some sort of...PUNISHMENT, can you just tell me and i’ll tell max ? i don’t...it would break his heart to have you arrest him or...whatever it is you’re here to do. ❞
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
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       isabelle’s been relatively QUIET since coming to live with them. vera understands why. being separated from your friends and family can be difficult. vera knows this first hand. so when she knocks on the door that night, bearing a hot cup of tea and a smile, she’s understanding. ❝ hey there, ❞ she murmurs, ❝ sorry, i hope i’m not interrupting. just wanted to check in on you. i know...i know it must be hard, adjusting. mine was...a very long time ago, but i still remember how jarring it all was. and i had HALF the time as a shadowhunter as you. ❞ she hasn’t made much mention of her own shadowhunter roots, but she wants isabelle to know she’s not alone. ❝ what can i do to help ? ❞
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
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       TECHNICALLY, she’s not supposed to be here. she’s been something of the copenhagen institute’s dirty little secret for most of her life now. she has no desire to see any other shadowhunters. even those of her home institute she puts up with because they pay her. those who raised her are long dead by now. but THIS IS HER DAUGHTER. her baby girl. she owes it to her to be here. parents don’t traditionally attend academy ceremonies, she knows this, but they’re open to the public. ever the resourceful one, she’s managed to get some fake runes on her and max’s skin. nothing too REALISTIC but they’d do so long as no one looked too close. 
       her daughter is technically of shadowhunter blood, so she doesn’t have to go through the ascension ceremony ( thank the angel. vera’s heart couldn’t take it. ). vera’s been skeptical, but right now, IT’S ENOUGH, standing with max and seeing their daughter beaming, bearing her marks like she was born to do it. in a way, vera supposes she is. 
       max has gone off SOMEWHERE with their daughter when vera spots her. they’ve spoken a few times about their daughter’s namesake, the little sister max often lamented leaving behind, but vera’s never met her. UNTIL NOW. standing here, staring at the brunette with those eyes she knows all too well, she knows she can be no one else. ❝ maryse trueblood ? ❞ she offers the woman a soft smile. ❝ i’m... ❞ she offers her hand. ❝ honestly, i’m technically not supposed to be here, but...seeing as we’re FAMILY i hope you won’t tell on me. i’m vera. my daughter just graduated...her name is maryse too. maryse trueblood. ❞
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
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@moonlitalbatross​ said: 💬
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       she hates it here sometimes. well and truly hates it. the other kids are mean to her, and while she likes to pretend she’s above it all, that she doesn’t care, sometimes it just gets to be too much. she’s in a corner of the library, wiping FRANTICALLY at her eyes as she sobs as quietly as possible. it had just been one comment too many, and she’s certainly feeling like she just wanted the ground to swallow her whole. not for the first time, she curses the accident of birth that had made her this way, curses the skin that REFUSES to bear the angels marks.
       when she hears someone approach, she’s shocked to see one of the shadowhunter boys. he’s on his travel year, she knows that. max...MAX SOMETHING. truestone ? tailblood ? she can’t remember. but another shadowhunter boy is the last person she wants to see right now. she turns further into the chair, hiding her tear-stained face. ❝ come to rub it in more shadowhunter ? maybe you should try focussing more on your life and less on mine ! ❞
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
❝ did you hear about the werewolf/vampire/witch roaming around this town on halloween night? ❞
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       ❝ isabelle…i’m the country’s leading academic on the downworld. i’m offended you think i HAVEN’T heard the stories. ❞
@runedwhip // halloween starters
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
​❝ let’s go to the fall carnival! ❞ @ VERA, LOVE US.
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       ❝ angel, who told you about that ? i was trying to make it a surprise. ❞ one of the girls, no doubt, or adam, who looks at his cousin like she held the stars in the sky. even MAX isn’t above suspicion. still, vera’s not mad, not really, only disappointed she won’t have a chance to give isabelle a surprise of sorts. ❝ fine, but under one condition: you have to WEAR A COSTUME. family rule. ❞
@runedwhip // halloween starters
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flyingupward-a · 5 years
;; tag dump - VERA TRUEBLOOD
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