#❪ ⠀ ✦ ⠀ ─── ⠀ persephone / au × riordanverse ⠀﹕ ⠀i believe the world can change. ⠀ ❫
missallanea · 2 months
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@mvndrvke : ❝ there are better hills to die on but i find this one quite comfortable. ❞ nico to persephone
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"It's a nice 'nough hill, I'll give you that."
She knows he isn't speaking so literally, but would it have killed him to pick a hill to die on that wasn't such a walk? Lowering herself with a soft noise of effort, Persephone sits beside her son, taking a moment to just enjoy the silence with him. "Don't know if I'd say comfortable. Could use a blanket if'n you're planning to sit up here long."
Scarred fingers stroke through the green grass, which only seems to rise to greet her in turn, the dry and withering bits of plant life under the summer sun soon turning lush from so little attention. If only she could do the same for her children, make them bloom with a wave of her hand.
Children were never as easy as plants. Mama always told her that much.
"...You're gonna get hungry, too, y'know. Didn't much think 'bout that before running off, did you?"
a few various sentence starters
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