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minayuri · 11 months ago
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❤️ 𝕳𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖞 𝕭𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝕲𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝕳𝖚𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖙𝖟! ❤️
(March 11, 1887 - February 7, 1937)
Huppertz was born in Cologne, Germany and studied music at the Cologne University of Music. His best known score is for Fritz Lang's groundbreaking 1927 sci-fi film, Metropolis. Huppertz also composed music for Lang's 1924 monumental two-part fantasy epic, Die Nibelungen and Arthur von Gerlach's 1925 historical drama, Chronicles of the Grey House.
Not only was he a film composer, he also appeared as a bit part actor in a couple of Lang's films, Four Around a Woman and the hotel manager of the Excelsior in Part I of Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler.
He was also close friends with actor Rudolf Klein-Rogge (Dr. Mabuse and Rotwang), their friendship going all to way back to childhood. Huppertz's first composition, "Rankende Rosen" (Climbing Roses) was dedicated to him. Klein-Rogge also introduced Huppertz to Lang and Thea von Harbou in the early 1920s.
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blog-reflection · 1 year ago
ONE / NINE - Basically I Was a Cloud
Today was one the best days I had since what feels like an eternity. 
Mildret has been gone for four days now and I couldn’t be happier. I don’t know where she is nor how she is and to be honest, I also don’t care. First she is old enough to survive on her own. Second she was the one leaving and third, if she’d be dead by now, the police would’ve called me already, so for now everything and everyone is just fine as they are. 
On the more awesome side, I can finally do what I want. Wear whatever I want. Listen to music as loud as I want and best of all, sleep when I want to without someone always bashing in on me for no reason at all. Today I slept in till  four pm, which was okay, considering the fact that I went to bed at around five in the morning. I was up all night gaming with Jesse and I can tell you, we had a blast. I finally got to wear the jumper they gifted me for my last birthday. It was a pink, cropped jumper. Pretty tight on the sleeve and edge with a lot of volume. Basically I was a cloud. I like it alot, especially because even though it’s a cropped jumper, Jesse made sure it was at least covering up till my belly button. It matched really well with my white Calvin Klein and tennis socks so that was nice too. I also did some of the necessary work. I managed to have every student ready for setup. The only thing, obviously, that isn't working as it should, were the access chips for the  library in Royal Holloway. But even that has some news on the horizon. About a week ago, their team sent me an e-mail, explaining why there is such a massive delay with my ticket. They said they will provide me with further instructions via post and that I should keep a look out for any incoming envelopes. On top of all, I also made some small progress with my Italien studies. After I told Lucia what happend at home, she actually decided to come around. She called it emotional support, I call it friend time. We both had so much fun. When she arrived, we started talking about what happened, trying to figure out the reason behind it. Of course, we came to no solution, so we just gave up. We then moved over to some teaching. She brought back the recent test I took and explained to me my errors, as well as giving me more input on what I did wrong, how I did it wrong and how my brain is clingy to the English structure. After the lesson was over, we decided to play some games on our massive TV in the living room. I grabbed my Switch from my room and set it up to the TV. For instance, I do have a TV in my room but the TV in the living room is almost double in size. While I did the setup Lucia opened the wine she bought for us to celebrate the loss of Mildret. I booted up the Mario party and we gamed and gabled for a long time. We then decided to call it a shot after two rounds, since both of us won one round and we wanted to not have a winning person. Both of us were already tipsy so we decided to sleep for a bit before  Lucia was getting back to her room at Royal Holloway. She texted me this morning that she was already home, since something came up. I woke up around midnight so I lowkey wondered where she went. After that I cleaned a bit and then, as already mentioned, played games with Jesse till I fell asleep. 
But what about today? Today was also nice. As already said, I got up at four pm and then just started cleaning my room. Since I don’t do much in it I managed to keep everything clean. I opened my wardrobe and browsed through all the clothes Mildret wouldn’t let me wear. Let’s see. There is a Christmas Jumper Thea got me which is just hilarious. It had bells on it so every step you took, my boobs jiggled. Next are 3 oversized Jumpers. Mildret said they were too colourful and looked like a sack of beans on me. She never really got behind the fact that a lot of people enjoy oversized clothes. There is also a shirt of mine which I cropped myself pretty badly and some more cropped jumpers. I can also spy some fishnet clothes which I adore as well as two bodysuits. One of them was black, but see-through with a lot of gems on it. The other one was a really small mesh. The more I dug the deeper I got. There are so many clothes I haven’t worn. Clothes I loved, clothes that inspired me, clothes that made my day. But also Clothes I simply have forgotten ever existed. I wore the same combination of clothes for almost ten years. I only got so much variety, since all my friends bought me new items like the gem bodysuit I got from Lucia. I I’v been sitting in front of my wardrobe for quite a while, promising myself that one day I will wear those clothes!
Other than that nothing happened today. I made my usual meal which consisted either of broccoli and chicken or pancakes. I know how to cook. I am just way too lazy. I also got some stuff in the freezer like asian dumplings, some pizza Lucia brought me from Italy and so on. Today I decided on broccoli and started preparing everything I needed for it. While that was doing just fine on its own, I scrolled through tiktok not being able to focus on anything. I eventually finished getting my meal together and went upstairs, jumped into my bed and placed the bowl beside it. I booted up my laptop and decided to play a bit of  Cult of the Lamb. Three hours in and I noticed that I got really tired. I took off my clothes and waddled into the kitchen. I haven’t turned on the lights so I lowkey bumped into every single corner in our kitchen. I haven’t turned on the light simply because I didn’t want to. I washed the bowl as well as the pots and went upstairs into the bath to take a shower. Luckily the construction side is over since Mildret left so I can enjoy a nice shower in the evening. I rubbed myself with some lavender smelling shit which made me tired pretty fast. I stepped outside the shower, and walked into my room collapsing on my bed. I quickly turned around when I noticed that my cheeks were pressed against the cold window. I wrapped myself in the blanked better and just rolled over. I mumbled something in front of me which was enough for my echo to understand it. I tuned in to the latest episode of my favourite podcast. I listened for a view minutes before I fell asleep.
I wonder what tomorrow holds
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sabertoofed · 3 years ago
study tag drop
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scandireader · 5 years ago
do you have any recommendations for dutch books/shows/media? I know you mostly post about Scandinavian stuff but I thought you'd have good recs!
Sure I do! :)
Dutch books:
Children's literature:
Tonke Dragt - De brief voor de koning [The letter for the king]
Anything by Annie M.G. Schmidt and especially Minoes - it's about a cat that turns into a young lady but keeps displaying cat behaviour
Paul Biegel - De kleine kapitein [The little captain], De rover Hoepsika [Robber Hopsika]
Toon Tellegen - all of his animal story collections. Poetic and philosophical stories that are located somewhere inbetween children's literature and adult literature. I have memories of reading them in primary school and have continued reading them at various points in my life, and I'm sure I will still be rereading his stories when I'm old.
Jan Terlouw - Oorlogswinter [Winter in wartime], Koning van Katoren [How to become king]
Thea Beckman - Kruistocht in spijkerbroek [Crusade in jeans]
Classic Dutch novels:
Multatuli - Max Havelaar (first Dutch novel that was critical of colonialism)
The diary of Anne Frank (every single child in the Netherlands reads this at school!)
Jan Wolkers - Turks fruit [Turkish delight] (1970s, expect a lot of graphic sex scenes)
Harry Mulisch - De ontdekking van de hemel [The discovery of heaven] (some people say this is the best Dutch novel that was ever written)
Arthur Japin - Een schitterend gebrek [In Lucia's eyes]
Arnon Grunberg - Tirza (I personally hate this one lol but it's become a classic)
Kader Abdolah - Het huis van de moskee [The house of the mosque] (Iranian author who fled to the Netherlands after the revolution and started writing in Dutch)
Herman Koch - Het diner [The dinner] - this was adapted for a major Hollywood movie a couple of years ago
Also I love the columns by Sylvia Witteman, which are about (middle class, urban) Dutch daily life. She writes for the newspaper Volkskrant and has many of her columns published in collections. I don't think they have been translated to English but they would be great for Dutch learners. She studied Dutch and often writes about Dutch literature!
Must-watch Dutch films:
Minoes [Miss Minoes]
Oorlogswinter [Winter in wartime]
Turks fruit [Turkish delight]
Soldaat van Oranje [Soldier of Orange]
Zwartboek [Black book]
De poolse bruid [The polish bride]
Alles is liefde [Love is all]
Favourite Dutch musicians (who sing in Dutch):
Spinvis (his lyrics are the best. Listen for example to Bagagedrager and Oostende!)
De jeugd van tegenwoordig (rap music - biggest hit: Sterrenstof)
Boudewijn de Groot (Verdronken vlinder, Meester Prikkebeen, Ik geloof)
Other favourite Dutch songs: Roosbeef - Te heet gewassen / Van Dik Hout - Stil in mij / Thijs Boontjes - Deze nacht / Lucky Fonz III - Jongens
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reisewelten · 6 years ago
Blinder Passagier
Am Titicacasee treffen wir uns mit der Deutschen Thea, die wir schon vor einigen Wochen in Chile kennengelernt haben. Der 3840 Meter hoch gelegene, riesige See gilt als höchster schiffbarer Binnensee der Welt, deren Ufer sich Peru und Bolivien teilen. Wir erkunden ausschließlich die bolivianische Seite und starten in der touristischen Stadt Copacabana. Unser schönes Hostel verfügt ��ber einen eigenen Garten mit tollem Blick auf die Bucht, in dem drei ausgewachsene Alpakas und ein braunes Baby-Alpaka gehalten werden. Wenn das Baby frisst, lässt es sich sogar streicheln und es fühlt sich wie ein flauschiges Kuscheltier an. Wir verlieben uns auf der Stelle in das niedliche Tier. Nach den Städten genießen wir die Ruhe und die gute Landluft. Wir wandern am Seeufer entlang und erkunden die umliegenden Dörfer. Abends kehren wir in unser hosteleigenes Restaurant ein und essen Lasagne und leckeres Käsefondue. Der entspannte Rhythmus fühlt sich wie ein erholsamer Kurzurlaub an.
Mit dem Schiff steuern wir die Insel Isla del Sol an, von der wir leider nur wenig sehen können, da in Folge eines Konflikts zwischen den Gemeinden der Großteil der Insel für den Tourismus gesperrt wurde. Auf der bergigen Insel geht sehr gemächlich zu. Es gibt keine Autos, so dass die Insel nur über schmale Pfade begehbar ist. Als wir mit dem Boot ankommen, ahnen wir nicht, wie weit oben unsere Unterkunft liegt, so dass wir bei der Höhe und mit unserem schweren Gepäck schnell außer Atem kommen. Kaum zu glauben, dass die vielen alten Inselbewohner diese schweren Wege jeden Tag nutzen. Oben angekommen, werden wir mit einem wunderschönem Seeblick belohnt. Unser Reisefreund Jannis stößt bald zu uns und bezieht das vierte Bett in unserem Zimmer. Abends essen wir in einem gemütlichen Restaurant, wo es nur Kerzenlicht gibt. Der freundliche Besitzer schmeißt den Laden ganz allein und kocht schmackhaftes Essen. Während wir lange auf unsere Gerichte warten, spielen wir UNO mit einigen Sonderregeln, wovon wir die nächsten Tage nicht genug bekommen.
Eine ganz besondere Zeit verbringen wir auf der winzigen und wenig besuchten Isla de la Luna. Hier leben nur 27 Familien mit Solarenergie und Trinkwasser, dass aus Regenwasser gewonnen wird. Es gibt kein Lebensmittelgeschäft, sondern nur ein paar Häuser, eine kleine Kirche und einen Fußballplatz. Wir nächtigen in einer sehr einfachen Familienpension. Edwin und seine Familie sind unfassbar freundlich und erfüllen uns jeden Wunsch. Wir umrunden die Insel auf dem steinigen Strand und betrachten die fernen schneebedeckten Berggiganten, die den See umgeben.
Die Schönheit des Sees ist aber auch trügerisch, da hier die Umwelt massiv zerstört wird. Zwar scheint der klare See auf den ersten Blick sauber, doch in Wahrheit verschmutzen giftige Minenabwässer das Wasser. Einheimische erzählen uns, dass sie kaum noch Fische fangen und die traditionellen Strohinseln, auf denen Menschen früher in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Seeufer lebten, gibt es aufgrund des verschmutzen Wassers auch nicht mehr. Anwohner klagen zunehmend über gesundheitliche Probleme. Daneben fließen Teile des Abwassers aus der Millionenstadt El Alto und den am See gelegenen Orten ungefiltert in den See, da es hier noch keine Kläranlage gibt. Durch den Klimawandel ist der See im Vergleich zu 2003 bereits um über 15 Prozent geschrumpft. Der Wasserspiegel liegt mittlerweile 25 Meter unter dem normalen Niveau, da es zu wenig regnet, die Bäche von den Gletschern versiegen und durch die stärkere Sonneneinstrahlung Seewasser verdunstet. Eine Studie der Vereinten Nationen prognostiziert, dass der See irgendwann in drei Seen zerfallen könnte, da einige Stellen nicht so tief sind.
Die Stadt La Paz geht fließend in die Metropole El Alto über, die sich über den Kessel bis weit in die Hochebene erstreckt. Hier tauchen wir in das impulsive Stadtleben ein. Verlässt man die zentralen Straßenzüge Richtung El Alto, gelangt man in ein Labyrinth von bunten Straßenmärkten. Hier verkaufen meist ältere Frauen, die Cholitas, Fleisch, Gemüse, Obst, Brot, Nüsse und Gewürze. Sie tragen zwei geflochtene Zöpfe und die typischen, ursprünglich für Männer gedachten, Bowler-Hüte. Durch die vielen Lagen an Kleidung wirken sie übergewichtig. Gerne zeigen sie ihre straffen, kräftigen Waden, da diese in Bolivien als Schönheitsideal gelten.
Wir fragen uns, warum in manchen Läden tote Lama-Föten verkauft werden. Der indigene Aberglaube spielt eine wichtige Rolle im alltäglichen Leben der Menschen. So wird in jedem Wohnhaus ein Lama-Fötus eingemauert, um die Pachamama (Mutter Erde) zu besänftigen und das Haus vor Gefahren zu beschützen. In besonders großen Gebäuden, wie Hochhäuser, kam es in der Vergangenheit vor, dass obdachlose Menschen lebend eingemauert wurden, da Pachamama in diesem Fall ein größeres Opfer benötigt. Wir lesen von illegalen Elefantenhäusern, in denen verarmte, verzweifelte und hoffnungslose Menschen eine Matratze, einen Eimer und billigen Fusel für wenig Geld bekommen, um sich zu Tode zu saufen. Die Elefantenhäuser stehen im Verdacht noch lebende Menschen als Opfergabe zu verkaufen.
Um den chaotischen Verkehr in der Stadt zu entlasten, wurde in den letzten Jahren das größte und modernste Seilbahnnetz der Welt mit Hilfe von deutschen und österreichischen Firmen gebaut. In einer Stadt mit Kessellage, wo zum Teil enorme Höhenunterschiede bewältigt werden müssen, macht diese Art des Transports durchaus Sinn. Die moderne Seilbahn steht im krassen Kontrast zu den quirligen Armenvierteln, über denen die Wagen leise schweben. Auch wir betrachten die Stadt aus dieser Perspektive in der Abenddämmerung. Franz und Jannis wechseln das Transportmittel, um mit dem Mountainbike die Death Road zu befahren, die bis 2007 als gefährlichste Straße der Welt galt. Schätzungen zufolge starben jährlich 200-300 Menschen auf der unbefestigten Serpentinenstraße, die von 4670 auf 1200 Meter abfällt und dabei fast alle Klimazonen Südamerikas durchquert. Heute nutzen fast nur noch Touristen die Straße. Franz und Jannis verfallen dem Geschwindigkeitsrausch und haben viel Spaß dabei, die Straße kontrolliert herunterzurasen und dabei durch kleine Wasserfälle und Flüsse zu fahren.
El Alto wächst unaufhaltsam, da viele Menschen ihre Bergdörfer verlassen in der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben in der Stadt. Oftmals werden die neuen Bewohner enttäuscht und leben in extremer Armut. Bolivien ist eines der Länder, das vom Klimawandel am stärksten betroffen ist. Das Leben in den Bergen war für die Menschen schon immer hart und entbehrungsreich. Doch durch die zunehmenden unberechenbaren Wetterextreme wird es immer schwerer, in den Bergen zu überleben, weshalb die Bergbevölkerung als Klimaflüchtlinge ihre Heimat verlassen müssen.
Eigentlich ist es purer Wahnsinn, dass auf einer Höhe von über 4000 Meter wachsende Millionenstädte wie La Paz und El Alto überhaupt existieren. Der Wassermangel ist schon jetzt ein riesiges Problem, da sich die Wasserreservoirs in Form von Gletscherseen durch den Klimawandel dramatisch verkleinern und die Minen das Wasser vergiften. Große Teile von El Alto konnten zeitweise nur mit Hilfe von Tankwagen mit Wasser versorgt werden. Die Bewohner sind daher dazu gezwungen, Wasser sehr sparsam zu nutzen und Regenwasser in großen Tanks zu sammeln.
Auf dieser Höhe wächst natürlich kaum Obst oder Gemüse, weshalb alles aus dem Tiefland hier hergebracht werden muss. Der Präsident hat persönlich die Abholzung großer Teile des Amazonas angeordnet, damit neue Flächen für die Landwirtschaft entstehen können. Der bolivianische Amazonas ist daher einer der am schnellsten schrumpfenden Dschungel auf der Welt. Eine starke Umweltbehörde gibt es nicht im Land und ausländische NGOs werden bewusst kleingehalten. Was zählt, ist einzig und allein der wirtschaftliche Fortschritt etwa in Form von großen Infrastrukturprojekten.
Von La Paz fahren wir langsam mit dem Bus ins Tiefland. Einmal fährt im Laderaum des Busses ein armes Schaf als blinder Passagier mit, so dass unsere Rucksäcke danach nach Tier riechen. In Cochabamba und Santa Cruz zeigt Bolivien ein ganz anderes Gesicht. Die Städte sind moderner, geordneter und Weiße sowie Mestizen bestimmen das Stadtbild. Bevor wir nach Brasilien reisen, verbringen wir im heißen Santa Cruz viel Zeit in unserem gemütlichen Apartment mit Netflixzugang und genießen die sehr gute Restaurant- sowie Cafészene. Wir erleben einen schönen Geburtstag von Julia. Am morgen bereitet Franz ihr einen mit Blüten dekorierten Geburtstags- und Frühstückstisch vor. Julia möchte zu ihrem Ehrentag gerne ein wildes Faultier sehen. Im Wald entdecken wir tatsächlich zwei Tiere in den Bäumen und bestaunen auf dem Weg riesige Schmetterlinge.
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Garten vom Hostel
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Die Ahnen werben für Coca Cola
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Mit Thea auf der Isla del Sol
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Isla de la Luna
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Julia mit Thea und Jannis
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Unser sympathischer Bayer Jannis
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Blick auf La Paz und El Alto
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Seilbahn in El Alto
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Death Road
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Nach dem Geschwindigkeitsrausch mit Jannis
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Im tropischen Santa Cruz
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end-of-paradox · 8 years ago
FE Elibe Family Headcanon
Have a Reglay family headcanon! This will contain mild spoilers for FE7 and FE6, so read at your own risk. It’s pretty long, so I recommend getting yourself a drink before beginning.
Pairings: Pent/Louise (canon), Erk/Priscilla, Rutger/Clarine, Klein/Thea
The Couple - As you may know, Pent steps down as Mage General so that he may dedicate himself fully to his magic studies. - Some time later, he also stops telling Louise to call him her lord because yay for progressive parents and families. IMO it’s a bit out of character. See also: Clive and Mathilda from FE15. - Also, cute nicknames for each other. Probably lots of those from both sides. - Pent is legitimately worried when Louise still runs onto the battlefield during the events of FE7. Remember: She’s pregnant with Klein during that time, meaning she risks both her own life as well as her unborn son’s. Still, Pent has faith in his beloved wife and they proceed to kick ass on the battlefield. - During Louise’s pregnancy, Pent takes more time off from his magic studies in order to look after Louise. He wants both her and the baby to be well. The Kids - Pent and Louise have been established as to dote on Erk, who in turn greatly looks up to them. - During the war, Erk falls for his employer, Priscilla. While she reciprocates, he learns his standing isn’t high enough to be eligible for marriage. - Pent, being the best dad that he is, drives Erk’s training up a notch to help him earn the necessary peerage. After a while, the young mage has greatly improved his skills and worked his way up in Etruria’s society, enough to be recognized as a noble. - The parents do everything to ensure Erk and Priscilla’s wedding is the best they could ever have. They know a wedding day is one to never forget, so they’d want their boy to have an unforgettable day. - Priscilla moves in, learning magic from Erk (and Pent) and spending time with Louise. Who knows, perhaps she and Erk have a kid later. - Pent is mildly disappointed to learn Klein has little potential for magic, but loves his son dearly anyway. He’s at least good with a bow, and Pent and Louise are charmed by Klein’s attempts to emulate his father’s speech and his mother’s skill with the bow. - About three or four years later, Clarine is born, and Pent is overjoyed at her innate magic potential. Anima, no less! Still, he doesn’t favor her over Klein, because that wouldn’t suit him. Besides, best dad doesn’t judge. - Priscilla teaches little Clarine how to use staves, and the little lady grows to love helping others in need. Sometimes, she gets a bit TOO excited, though... - Not much later, the Reglays take Dieck in, a young gladiator who saved Klein from an escaped lion. However, due to his standing, Dieck doesn’t feel right about being looked after by nobles, and leaves without a word. The Lovers - Early on during the Disturbance of Bern, Clarine is saved from Erik’s clutches by Rutger, the young Sacaen myrmidon. She convinces him to join ‘Floyd’ (sic.) and his troops as they defend Lycia from Bern invasions. - Around that time, Clarine also gets to know Dieck, and learns he’s the man who saved her big brother’s life. He retains his distance, however, much to her disappointment. - Clarine and Rutger talk more and more, but things take a turn when Rutger accidentally makes her cry. He’s never really felt sorry, but now he feels he’s screwed up a little, so he apologizes. - Later, Clarine properly thanks Rutger, but he misses her characteristically loud traits. In an odd way, she makes him smile. - After a while, their feelings deepen. Rutger keeps his feelings to himself for much of the Disturbance, but Dieck, the man he’s chosen to be his rival, gives him a punch in the gut for being a coward with his feelings. - Some time before Guinivere’s coronation, Rutger intends to leave, but Clarine doesn’t want him to go and asks him to come with her. It is at that moment that Rutger accidentally lets his feelings slip, and Clarine begs him to stay with her, even promising to receive elite training with Etruria’s finest for as long as he desires. - With a rare smile, Rutger accepts the offer. Clarine hugs him and doesn’t let go for the rest of the day. Dieck decides to return to his foster parents as well. - Meanwhile, Thea confesses her feelings for Klein, who reciprocates, much to her surprise. After discussing their misunderstandings, they decide to be together. - Pent and Louise are overjoyed upon seeing their two children back, especially when they notice Dieck has come back. They once again take him in as their own, and are more than happy to welcome Rutger and Thea into the family. - Thea keeps contributing to Ilia’s well-being, and her actions fortify the relations between the newly-established Kingdom of Ilia (now being a princess courtesy of her sister being the queen!) and the revived Etruria. - Meanwhile, Rutger receives personal training from Great General Perceval every day and is even requested to become an Etrurian General, but declines at first. However, when Clarine expresses her desire to become Mage General, succeeding Cecilia, Rutger changes his mind and caves in, becoming the first ever Blade General. - Years later, grandkids will be a thing, and Pent and Louise are blessed to have such a large and prosperous family.
Hope you enjoyed reading! If you have any feedback to share, then please do so. I’m always eager to hear
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