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fallencrowns · 2 years
nathan drake open starter
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❝  I don’t really care much to be called a thief. I think I prefer—— lucky and enthusiastic adventurer.  ❞    He was a thief. Completely a thief. And currently with police hot on his ass though he hoped he had lost them.  ❝  What can I say? Things just HAPPEN to fall in my lap as I need them. Y’know, like someone leaving a museum piece completely unlocked. Lucky me.  ❞  Never mind the lockpick in his pocket alongside the little trinket he had picked up. But there was a reason behind it at least!
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fallencrowns · 3 years
@storiesung​  |  plotted starter
All it took was a little rumour to plant the idea in his head. The Imperial Faberge eggs, a lost treasure all on their own but hardly the big SCORE that he was after. Maybe he could sell those off as well but it was a far cry from what he was really after: The Oponskoye Kingdom. Supposedly. Allegedly. Honestly, Nate heard about it in some big pompous den Sully had invited him to so there was really no telling just how legit those claims were. For all he knew, it was just a bunch of rich guys talking out of their asses to try and IMPRESS one another. And people like that said that people like him were the DISHONEST ones. If Nate had learned anything, it was to never trust a guy with a wad of cash that could buy as many goons as he needed.
❝  Private collection, Schmivate schmollection,  ❞  he muttered to himself, slipping into the basement of one of those same guys with way too much money on his hands and gaudy art along the walls. If this was his BIG SCORE, he’d at least have some taste about his decorations. But tracking down one of the ‘lost’ eggs had taken some time along with gathering a couple of the others whose locations actually were known and one other lost one he’d managed to find in a garage sale. Cliché, much? This time, it turned out it was just in the hands of some COLLECTOR that wasn’t keen on letting the world know that it had been found and letting them continue to believe it was lost.
Probably because of guys like him, here to take it.
The basement was absolutely littered with treasures. Maybe if Nate were a COMMON THIEF, this could be his jackpot. But passing up on the jewels hidden behind cases or the safes probably holding their own hoards of treasure, Nate’s eyes were only on the center piece of it all: the Faberge egg. The Royal Danish egg. Light blue with gems glinting off its surface from the overhead lights. Nate let out a small whistle and the pure sight; the photo really didn’t do it JUSTICE. 
The alarm had already been disabled, the first thing he had taken care of when breaking into the manor. Hopefully they wouldn’t notice for a while longer and give him time to make his great escape. Soundproof walls of the basement and security was probably already on the other side of the manor based on how he had tracked them, it gave Nate the perfect chance. Gun in hand, the man brought the butt of the weapon down, SMASHING the glass encasing it. The one moment passed, then another, and no sounds of footsteps or of an alarm blaring in the background.  ❝  Nate, one. Rich guy, zero.  ❞  A small chuckle as a grin started to wash over his features at the sight of the egg without the glass coming between him and it.
Never mind the fact that he hadn’t been able to get the other eggs to drop their supposed ‘clues’ to some lost paradise, he could just focus on GATHERING them first. The second step of actually locating the place could come later.
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❝  I’m pretty sure this is probably the fanciest easter egg hunt in history. Now, come to papa.  ❞  Tucking the gun back in his holster, Nate carefully reached in with both hands, avoiding the shards of glass left, to grasp hold of the Faberge egg and pull it free from it’s casing. It wasn’t exactly his STYLE to keep around once this was all over. Maybe the world would just appreciate the fact that it had been found at last. Once he sold it ANONYMOUSLY, of course. Didn’t need to link himself to a break-in. 
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fallencrowns · 2 years
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I’ve got no roots but my home was never on the ground——             ↳  Na.than Drake & La.ra Cr.oft ft. @storiesung
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fallencrowns · 3 years
@storiesung​ asked:  ❛  i’m not gonna let you die !  ❜ lara @ nate
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Yeah, this seemed about on par. Assholes with guns, a large cliff and Nate dangling over it with only Lara holding him up. They were aiming at her, he knew that and she was a sitting duck trying to pull him up to no avail.  ❝  Y’know, I knew I shouldn’t have had that last sandwich.  ❞  Now wasn’t the time for JOKES, Nate! He had already been shot, blood seeping out and staining the shirt though he had been through worse. That, he could SURVIVE. The drop down? Not so much? Lara getting shot trying to save him? Nate would end up tearing himself up over it probably FOREVER and that was if he even survived as well. He tried to manage a smile, tried to assure her that, by some damn miracle, this wouldn’t be the end of the great Nathan Drake.
 Lara probably knew better.
❝  ——You gotta let me go, Lara. Otherwise they’re gonna shoot you and I’m gonna end up falling anyways. At least ONE of us has to make it out of this alive, right?   ❞  Someone to tell the story and, more importantly, make sure those assholes didn’t come out of this WINNING.  ❝  You gotta let go and then make sure none of them get what they want otherwise this whole world is fucked. Don’t worry, I’ve lived through worse falls than this.  ❞  LIAR. 
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fallencrowns · 2 years
@storiesung asked:  “i don’t like that look, what happened?”
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Oh, she could read him like a damn treasure map. 
He had excused himself when his phone had gone off from their excited planning, leaving the room entirely when he had seen it was Elena’s name that flashed on the device. Of course he had left the room. He hadn’t spoken to Lara properly in—— what? A YEAR? Things had changed in his life since then. Happy and fond memories had turned into arguments and bitterness, especially after his return from yet another adventure with Lara. Accusations and denials, there seemed to be raised voices all the time between the once happy couple nowadays. Their first adventures that had drawn them together were teetering on the edge of being SOURED by the current day and it was why Nate had been all too quick to jump on a new adventure while they began their SEPARATION. 
Hushed voices in the hallways of the hotel, this probably being one of their calmest discussions in ages. She was wondering when he would be back so they could sort through their things for him to move out and put the apartment in her own name rather than their shared one. So much to do, it probably looked like he was FLEEING from it all with his sudden departure. In truth, he was.
But when he returned to the room, hearing Lara’s voice caused him to paused. Of course he hadn’t told her the full extent of what was going on. Actually some might call it downright LYING with how he seemed to pretend everything was fine. He didn’t want her to try and ‘help’ him now though, didn’t want his relationship issues hanging in the air between them like a storming cloud meant to DAMPEN their adventures. And, more importantly, he still recalled her words from the fountain of youth incident. Nate didn’t need to REIGNITE that possibility, didn’t need to put that hope back on the table. Right now, right then, he just needed his friend Lara. Not for her to pity him, to worry, but just to be his friend.
Don’t be a dumbass, kid, he could already hear Sully say.
So, after a long moment, he gave a shrug and a smile, stashing the phone away once more and acting as though it were no big deal.  ❝  It’s nothing, really. Just Elena chewing me out because I accidentally left my laundry out. Told her I’d spend a month doing dishes to make it up.  ❞  Returning back to her side, eyes looking over all of the papers they had accumulated in order to find a location before gaze moving back to Lara. There was everything he could possibly have and want—— but even a treasure hunter knew when not to take something and this was one treasure that would forever be OUT of his reach.  ❝  ——— Anyways, Atlantis?  ❞  
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fallencrowns · 3 years
@multiversemadnesss​  |  lyric-based sc.          ↳   Gold  -  Imagine Dragons
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❝  But then comes the curse of diamonds and rings.  ❞  Okay, those were very generic examples of the treasures and civilizations he had gone after. Generally it was something far GREATER but Nate didn’t quite feel like recounting every excursion they had gone on together or simply wound up working together on. Leaning back in his chair and away from the documents he had on some new hunt, the man rubbed at his eyes in both exhaustion from researching and a trickle of DOUBT forming in his mind.  ❝  I mean, seriously, is there any treasure or lost civilization out there that isn’t somehow CURSED or doesn’t turn people into—— well, NOT people?  ❞  That really did seem to be the most common situation he found himself in. That and winding up mostly empty handed with only some sketches to get him by.
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fallencrowns · 3 years
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❝  Trust me, I know how to pick a lock.  ❞  Okay, so he hadn’t had to actually pick anything in years now, usually going the route of just kicking in the damn door. But back as a kid, he had gone more of a route of finesse and subtlety. Apparently he had become RUSTY. Crouched at one of the side doors of the museum, he was currently struggling with just getting the damn thing open. Smashing a window wasn’t the best option, the things were probably rigged with alarms and it would just give them away. Oh, come on, he just had to wait for the tumblers in the lock to GIVE WAY and release, unlatching the lock. 
At least he was night and a security guard hadn’t stumbled across them yet but he wasn’t too aware of their nightly routines, if they even took walks outside the perimeter. Maybe ever guard was inside. He sure as hell hoped they weren’t just on the other side of the damn door, that would certainly be embarrasing!
Finally, a subtle click and Nate let out a mix of a breath and a laugh as he pulled the lock picks out. Hand reaching up, he gave a slow turn and, thankfully, the door gave no squeak as he carefully pushed it open. This wasn’t anything like his other heists. One building, all connected, no rooftops to climb or grappling hooks to throw. Man, this might end up being BORING, Nathan didn’t like that.
He pushed to his feet, a smirk clear across his features. Still had it!  ❝  Alright, ladies first. Just please tell me you aren’t going for killshots in here if we get CAUGHT.   ❞  His plan? Probably try and run like hell first and then fight when needed. These weren’t bad guys, just people doing their jobs. No need for bloodshed here. 
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fallencrowns · 3 years
@chloefrazertm​  |  lyric starter call.       ↳  I’m Born to Run by American Authors
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❝  Stranger things have come and gone.  ❞  He really wasn’t selling this very well to get her on board, Nate knew that. He let out a sigh.   ❝   Just hear me out, okay? ATLANTIS. Paradise city, lots of lore behind her, there’s EVERY chance this place could exist! And if it does, just imagine the treasures we could find!  ❞  So usually there was a little bit more concrete proof and an actual treasure to find, not just some lost civilization that might not even exist, but why not look into it?  ❝  And, even if it’s all just rubble, if we can PROVE that it existed and find it, that alone will get us set for life, right?  ❞  
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