#❥     f2f      ﹕      001.
pietrse · 2 years
𝐟𝟐𝐟 ➵ 𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐲.
with the flick of her wrist, sasha tied her hair up in a bun, allowing it to fall haphazardly on the crown of her head. it wasn’t as though she was aiming to impress — she knew standing next to shay there was no hope of comparison, but she’d found comfort in the last few years in learning to simply not give a fuck about her appearance. the freedom of comfort and the confidence not found in others was liberating, and it made walking out of the house in a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt all the more fulfilling. the sounds of squeals, laughter, and the dogs’ paws clicking along the hardwoods echoed from another room in the house, bringing a smile to her reflection in the mirror. it had been awhile since her house had felt like a home, filled with other people and conversation and hugs and warmth. tugging on the hem of her shirt, she exited her bedroom and made her way downstairs to the living room, the current hub of all activity. just seeing shay sitting on her couch was a welcome sight, the perfect missing piece of a domestic dream. “wanna hit up the grove today?” she asked as she sat down, lady and levi temporarily abandoning their posts next to shay’s daughters to greet sasha. “i may or may not have a friend who works at dylan’s that told me they’d open up early just for us, let the girls go wild. plus, you deserve a day out.” @smitchxo​
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troiian · 2 years
𝐟𝟐𝐟 ➵ 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐧.
"’kay,” troian muttered, mostly to the reflection staring back at her in the newly hung foyer mirror. “we’re ready. we can do this.” it wasn’t as though she was marching off to war, plunging into the deep end with no real gauge of where the current would take her — this was keegan. keegan, after years of being apart, keegan, the one person who, for seven years, had been her cornerstone. someone, somewhere said that if someone remained in your life for seven years, they’d be around forever, and she was thankful the show had lasted as long as it had, because she’d need him forever. keegan was the human embodiment of home. she’d need her home as long as she had breath in her lungs. she tucked her hair behind her ears, inhaling deeply and exhaling shortly as a means of steeling herself. time had a fickle way of finding itself on a loop; troian knew that she would melt in his presence before long, ideally sometime after the girls went to bed. she didn’t want to mar the girls’ evening with their uncle keegan with her tears over just how goddamn tired she was, how goddamn ready she was to just let go within the confines of his arms encircled around her. the doorbell rang, chaos ensuing between rory’s delighted squeals and the dogs barking. “hold your horses, people,” she yelled out as her hand curled around the doorknob. “it’s just —” her wrist flicked, the door opening, and there he was. all of the anxious tension riddling her body dropped at her feet upon the sight of him. home. “keegan,” she finished, an exhilarated breath escaping her as she forewent any other formalities, flinging herself into his arms. @keegallen​  
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blackbrrn · 2 years
𝐟𝟐𝐟 ➵ 𝐭𝐲𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐲.
how long had it been? entirely too long, eons condensed down into the span of a year — time didn’t move the same when he was in a drought, her presence far and few between occasional instagram posts and text messages. so tyler did as he’d promised, booking a hotel room at the del mar with an ocean front view just for them to put a pause on the mundanities of every day life and absorb every second of being back together. he rode down to the lobby in the elevator, sunglasses perched on the edge of his nose as he scrolled through his phone waiting for her arrival. she’d arrive like the first little bit of light in the mornings, the smile already pulling on his lips at the thought of her, memories of her perfume and her ridiculous little laugh and how everything in the world could be falling to shit and it wouldn’t matter so long as he had her in his arms. the doors peeled back, welcoming him to the main space — he scanned across the room for the light, for where all of the energy would seem to be siphoning from, and like the true north of his compass, he spotted her with her back to him, bags in hand. he crossed the room quickly, keeping from being noticed, and despite any better judgment suggesting to not sneak up on her, he tugged her back by the waist into a hug. “hey, gorgeous,” he muttered in her ear, pressing a kiss into her hair. @ashlybenz​
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