#❥  And thus does the Atlas plummet from the Heavens to meet his Witch  |   HER HERO ATLAS
mundmutter · 5 months
as I raved about the Rose Bride archtype that Qistina fits into, I ought to focus on the White Knight Groom and Oathbreaking Prince that is Atlas Hawthorne. A perfectly imperfect hero that carries the hopes, fears, vengeance, faithful diligence and service that a knight ought to have ; all with the weakness of love that betrays the oath. Dutiful to this creed, near blind to all else, his own faith becomes tainted by the influence of the impure apostate that is Qistina. He wants to Help the world, protect it, use his gift for the good of the people ( as a Knight next to the King ought to ) and so a wicked soul like Qistina's would be the perfect antithesis and villain for him to vanquish.
And yet!
His eyes seem to turn from his knights oath the longer the years roll on, entranced by her presence and free spirit, resentful of the Kings ever-growing atrocities that now include the capture and caging of the object of his heart and affections. Now the knight sways and cannot leash his contempt for the very kingdom he was sworn to protect, knowing it was built upon corpses and tyranny and greed. Qistina in all her rage is justified by the knight and now a new oath is born. The one thing that breaks the oath made before the gods ― Love. Her all-powerful spell of Love.
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deathleadsarc · 1 year
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they're married
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mundmutter · 8 months
little tag drop pt1
❥ ― And thus does the atlas plummet from the heavens to meet his witch | her hero atlas ❥ ― blooming in a garden of loneliness ― I see a flower that resembles you | her desert rose saint ❥ ― if i should leave this lonely world behind ― your voice will still remember our melody | her morning sun kento ❥ ― and i heard your heart beating in the darkness too ― so I stayed in the darkness with you | her guardian knight zoro
@hmrtia @villain-he @zangyo @kaizokugaris
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
pardon me while i piggyback off this
i must piggyback off of this and must add things: for example, her growth is Because of Atlas. Her tolerance of speaking to People, is because of Atlas. Her freedom? Because of Atlas. Borne from within a thorny cage and oppressed by the ignorance of people who were a product of their time, who thoroughly destroyed what could not be understood as opposed to dissecting it and studying it and committing to memory each vein and viscera in passionate throes, finds a chaotic kind of peace within being so disgustingly, joyously, irredeemably herself by releasing the bird from that cage of her heart by the very people who forced her there. By Fire. Reborn by the flame and repaying their release of her soul in blood and bone.
That man who bore witness to that depravity she brought to tormenter and innocent alike and chose to continue loving her when she did not deserve it ― HER ATLAS, carrying the burden of the World itself, so carefully pruned each and every prickling thorn without care of how oft he bled. Atlas would bleed to death being apart from her, and for once in her life, so would she with Him. Atlas, who took this wounded and thrashing animal of a woman and loved her despite despite despite being all that he stood against because of his capacity to LOVE when she could not... there is no other who could have such a deeply impacting effect upon her tarnished soul. The culmination of their love in the form of their children, the home they built, the lifetimes they've been blessed with ― such things that alchemy could not transmute : Love. Love's memories that rest within the very grains of wood in their walls, by every footfall, carried by the laughter of their children. . . They are love. Two opposites, but a sun and moon, who pair perfectly despite the millions of reasons they ought not to. By a million reasons there is that one reason they continue to thrive.
It is Love.
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
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when he tells you he loves you
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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New Ship and Relationship Tags! Romance labeled with a ❥, while the character tags will be a  🜔 for Salt
❥  And thus does the Atlas plummet from the Heavens to meet his Witch  |   HER HERO ATLAS ❥ Maestro to Aria ; Our Eternal Symphony of Love  |  HER LUCIFER SOLF ❥ Blooming in a garden of loneliness ; I see a flower that resembles you | HER KING ROY ❥ Serendipity ; we Bloom until we Ache  |   HER TURTLEDOVE EMILY ❥ You and me could move a Mountain by Gaze alone  |  HER QUEEN SATSUKI ❥ We Found Love in a Hopeless Place  |   HER WOODSMAN MARCUS ❥ How far do the Feelings go | However far you want  |   HER HEARTACHE LUXU ❥ Mischievous Heart  ; Who knew Loving could cut so deeply  |   HER MAD DOG GORO ❥ Say what you mean cause you might get it  |   HER KNIGHT JEAN ❥ Put your head on my Shoulder ; Whisper in my ear  |   HER FURY KAIN
🜔 Oh Venomous Brother ;  bloody children in crumbling sandcastles  |  OH BROTHER ZOLF 🜔 Savior from the ABYSS  |  OH DARKNESS RIKU 🜔 Savior from the STARS  |  OH LIGHT SORA 🜔 Necromancer of the Woodland Sanctuary |  OH DEADMAN LAYLETH 🜔 Can the Bravest withstand the Witch |  OH FAERIE 🜔 Gently Rapping at your Chamber Door | OH DARLING POE 🜔 First Borne Son of the Lilith | OH LILITHS LOVE BASKER 🜔 The Dog and the Wolf ; Horrors in our Nature  |   OH DESPAIR DOLCETTO 🜔 The Lightest part of the Coin  |   OH PRINCESS ZELDA 🜔 Loyal to the Very End ; Siblings to the BEAST  |   OH SERVANTS ALESSANDRA & DANTE 🜔 Daughter of Dusk ; Forgive me Forgive me  |   OH YATIR AURORA 🜔 Bonded Mammon ; Ye doth Protest too much  |   OH AVARICIOUS GREED 🜔 Violence reaching Repose  |   OH UNHEARD EMIL
#❥  And thus does the Atlas plummet from the Heavens to meet his Witch  |   HER HERO ATLAS#❥ Maestro to Aria ; Our Eternal Symphony of Love  |  HER LUCIFER SOLF#❥ Blooming in a garden of loneliness ; I see a flower that resembles you | HER KING ROY#❥ Serendipity ; we Bloom until we Ache  |   HER TURTLEDOVE EMILY#❥ You and me could move a Mountain by Gaze alone  |  HER QUEEN SATSUKI#❥ We Found Love in a Hopeless Place  |   HER WOODSMAN MARCUS#❥ How far do the Feelings go | However far you want  |   HER HEARTACHE LUXU#❥ Mischievous Heart  ; Who knew Loving could cut so deeply  |   HER MAD DOG GORO#❥ Say what you mean cause you might get it  |   HER KNIGHT JEAN#❥ Put your head on my Shoulder ; Whisper in my ear  |   HER FURY KAIN#🜔 Oh Venomous Brother ;  bloody children in crumbling sandcastles  |  OH BROTHER ZOLF#🜔 First Borne Son of the Lilith | OH LILITHS LOVE BASKER#🜔 Gently Rapping at your Chamber Door | OH DARLING POE#🜔 Savior from the ABYSS  |  OH DARKNESS RIKU#🜔 Savior from the STARS  |  OH LIGHT SORA#🜔 Necromancer of the Woodland Sanctuary |  OH DEADMAN LAYLETH#🜔 The Dog and the Wolf ; Horrors in our Nature  |   OH DESPAIR DOLCETTO#🜔 Daughter of Dusk ; Forgive me Forgive me  |   OH YATIR AURORA#🜔 Loyal to the Very End ; Siblings to the BEAST  |   OH SERVANTS ALESSANDRA & DANTE#🜔 The Lightest part of the Coin  |   OH PRINCESS ZELDA#🜔 Bonded Mammon ; Ye doth Protest too much  |   OH AVARICIOUS GREED#🜔 Violence reaching Repose  |   OH UNHEARD EMIL#done. done im DONE I M DOINE IM DOOOOOOOOOOONE#long post
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
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@hmrtia   mmm young and old.  x / x
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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( @hmrtia​ ) likes to hold her from behind in the mornings.
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@hmrtia  liked this post ! She is NOT going to ever un-cling from him, thanks
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
@hmrtia​ a lil WIP of the happy family smooching their little William
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honeybear..... sweet lil angel
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@hmrtia :3 someone does not understand Creta alchemy
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@hmrtia​ sent: blease u gotta do the sonboy for the kid meme mostly bc u already sent me an Image but u kno i gotta ask abt atlas & chrissy ... & the fact they end up with like 5 kids
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Name: Wilhelm James Hawthorne 
Gender: male
General Appearance:  very curly hair, bright skyblue eyes and deep skin like his mother  (  the fc doesn’t really do it justice  ). Straight backed and always holding his head high, Wilhelm dresses just as extravagantly proper like his mother wants, but is more inclined to laze about with his clothes when home - in just pants and a loose shirt. He keeps himself well groomed at all times. 
Personality:  He has the strong desire to be a doctor like his parents, and even has a strong affinity for alchemy and creta-based alchemy. While he must live within their shadows, in a manner of speaking, Wilhelm is always quite vocal on how proudly he holds them to his heart. Always thirsting to prove himself right, a wonderful knack for being good at whatever he puts his hands on, Wilhelm will sometimes struggle with admitting his wrongs  -  something he’s gotten from his mother. However, he’s a good, strong boy with the height and love of his father. The curiously determined nature and ruthlessness in his pursuit of knowledge much like his mother. 
Special Talents:  Wilhelm is an extraordinary alchemist for certain, but he does have a hidden talent for writing, and would most certainly aim to be an author should his alchemy career not work out  -  or he could try both. 
Who they like better: As his father is less strict, he ‘prefers’ Atlas. But make no mistake, he adores both his lovey-dovey parents
Who they take after more: Definitely Atlas, though there was a time early on where Christina thought he may take after her in all the worst kinds of ways. In his baby-scribbles, in the way he talks about his alchemy... but no, he’s purely good hearted, just like his father.
Personal Head canon:  Wilhelm works closely with his parents and Brig. General Mustang to help restore Ishval. He thinks of Roy as something of a second parent and really respects him.
Face Claim:
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Bonus I drew a few days ago: 
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@hmrtia​ : ❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ . ;)
Loud and Deafening | accepting
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          The Alchemist had only met him mere hours prior  -  And they had remained talkative for what seemed like the entirety of their visit thus far! But, hadn't it been only her that had been speaking? Raving about her day, the way her experiments were becoming steadily successful thanks to his assistance, how she had slept easier since Atlas's last transmutation at the stitch of her chest  -  
Only her... Oh dear.
But right when she had noticed her string of words had been never-ending, leaving no room whatsoever for Atlas to return questions or answers of his own, she had looked up to make apologies. Yet it seemed as if those justifications were never needed to begin with. For He sets fire to her very core with each flutter of his long lashes, fanning a warmth across her frosty spirits. Staring directly at her, into her, with the sole purpose of holding tightly onto her soul. As if he Loved her. He does love her.
How wildly inappropriate of the Hero. Right in the middle of the day.
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    " Are you distracted, Atlas? "      a whisper, turning to nurse the dregs of sugary crystals still trapped in their coffee's ocean,    "  Here I am, not even letting you speak  -  How rude of me. "
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@hmrtia​​ asked: Pulling mine into a dance! for the touch meme!
Platonic Touches  | accepting
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          The hero twirls and turns 'pon bare heel across a freshly cleaned marble floor, arms extended with gently closed fists as his body swayed and swung to the upbeat tune of the radio. A golden blanket of finely cared for tresses whip 'round his softened face as a breeze to the crowns of tree-tops, with the peak of brilliant blue to spy on her. A sun to greet her through the opening of green leaves high above.
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He had begun to do this the moment he'd heard the song on the radio as well, right as she had entered the room and began to set up their space with plate and cup and tea selections. She could not help but stop to stare at him  ;  mixtures of amazement and confusion to prevent further movement, hands now hovering over the bottom of an empty cup, too distracted by his dancing to continue. But she needn't worry about it too much.
For their eyes had connected, and she was now caught as a doe in the headlights of an oncoming crash. Yet, the crash came in the form of a tug at the wrist, setting her within the comforting hold of his arms as he guided her along in this venture. Atlas did not say a word, but kept his eyes transfixed to the depths of crimson  -  no doubt he could see the glimmering starlight to rival that moonlit kissed hair of hers, for her namesake, and all. Soon they have begun to dance 'round the floor, even with the music near ending. Swirling about in close to silence, the cup of hands to shift into laced bliss. 
Almost as if he were hugging her. Snuggling her as he had done the night before  -  with only his hand. 
Chin tilts upward to line in perfectly with his own, tempted to kiss him, refraining to do so, not wishing to put a halt to the moment. But there came a point in which the vigor of dance had tired the two, the momentum of feet grinds slowly into a teenagers ball. Her cheek rested against his chest, snaking an arm 'round his waist but keeping their hands connected. Enjoy the moment a bit longer.
Then it seemed as if he could not help himself  -  Atlas had leaned forward and pressed a tender peck to her forehead. All at once, she knew exactly what he would be thinking. There lay the perfect opportunity to say aloud his thoughts, catch him by surprise... But where would be the fun in that? Where would be the ROMANCE in telling him in this place of his torture?
Finally he loosens his grip and she walks away from him to the table... Only to turn again, and briskly return to his side to place her lips to his. There is no release until his fingertips can be felt at the waist. 
    " Thank you for the dance. "
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
At night, the city is quiet like the deep sea I'm continuing down the road alone
Guided by a distant voice, I walk I keep looking for the softly glowing blue light
Hey, I found myself My heart is calling for me Because I can hear it no matter how far I am
The silver lights burn in every room I walk hoping for you somewhere, surely
hey, i found you and so i'll never forget again no matter how much it hurts inside, I'll always stay with you
I'll never let go Our connected hands
hey, I found you and so i'll never forget again no matter how much it hurts inside, I'll always stay with you
Forever Forever
Ningyo Hime - Rie Tanaka // @hmrtia
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