allelitewrestlings · 4 months
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milesworld96 · 10 months
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nextstopwonderland · 5 months
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Nagata + BCC backstage at Collision ❤️❤️
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sheinthatfandom · 11 months
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BCC is love ❤️
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missprincesse345 · 5 months
His island queen 🌺🌺
Summary: what happens when the elite & rest of the Aew roster meet the only other important person in Chris Jerichos life in the most surprising way.
Pairing: Chris Jericho x younger wife reader ❤️
Warnings: mostly fluff
Y/n fatu ( face claim India Westbrook)
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Her tattoos: left hand
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Right hand:
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Back piece:
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For the past couple weeks going into the new year Jericho & the elite have been dealing with the Bcc’s unruly actions against them since Chris beat yuta for the roh championship then the elite beating mox,Claudio and Bryan for the trio’s belts. The feud has been getting worse by the second from sneak attacks to down right intentionally causing physical harm not only to them but everyone else randomly for no reason it was getting ridiculous, which is why they challenged them to a street fight on rampage 2 weeks from now sick of their tactics.
“ This has to stop!!! Just because we beat them clean at the beginning of the new year those pricks wanna throw hissy fits and attack us left & right then going around randomly injuring others on the roster” Nick Jackson said snarling sitting down the boys and Chris just got back from their 5 man tag match against United empire ,kip sabian, and Ricky starks. Which of course ended in another attack by the bcc after the boys that got slightly bloody resulting in some of them getting stitches no thanks to that damn screwdriver they’ve been using.
Wincing putting the ice pack on his shoulder “ agreed this shit ends after new week can’t afford anyone else getting injured or attacked by them” kenny said closing his eyes all of them understand what it’s like to lose championships every now and then but what the bcc is doing isn’t it. “ especially coming from me being the first victim *points to eyepatch * try explaining to your 2yr old why daddy is wearing a eyepatch I’m not waiting when the day comes moment we walk out and hit the ring I’m attacking” hangman said joining kenny on the other couch holding his husband lovingly.
When feud first started hangman came out to save Kenny and the bucks from a beat down only for the bcc to hold him down and stab him in the eye while the rest were tied up let alone to beat up to help. “ can’t blame you besides they’ve had the belts for to long, Chris you good dude been quiet since we came back?” Matt said looking over at Jericho who was packing his bags silently fuming completely in his own world “ huh ? * looks over his shoulder * physically no mentally I’ll be fine *sighs * okay no I’m not okay!!!” He growled.
“ who the hell do they think they are just because regal trained them then of leaving them high dry all of them are above everybody else?! No just some wannabe house of black knockoffs” Chris said it was true though especially No thanks Bryan Danielson’s hypocrite delusional nonsense and fake propaganda crap. “ Acting like they’ve never lost before doing the most over the top bullshit I’ve seen come rampage all bets are off!!! The want batshit crazy that’s what we’re going to give them those stupid idiots are in for a rude awakening” he declared as the others agreed after this street Bryan & the Bcc’s actions are going to finally catch up to them.
- 2hrs later-
Chris and y/n’s house:
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Waving goodbye thanking them for the ride Chris made it home god it feels good to say that during the whole feud he always looked forward to decompressing from all of it relaxing and being wrapped in the warmth nurturing love with the one person that always brings happiness and joy to his life just when he feels like he wouldn’t find it again.
Walking up the stairs then inside locking the door behind him Chris chuckled hearing Sade playing through the house on low then the smells of delicious food filling the room he was at peace, after playing with the dogs for a little bit he walked further into the house finding the source Chris smiled fondly leaning against the wall watching his flower moving their hips to the beat her siren honey vocals matching perfectly to the music how did he get so lucky.
Y/n’s outfit (all sets made by me) :
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“ Now how did I miss this little performance? Let alone my own home?” He said teasingly startling the woman a little bit before chuckling as she smiled big walking over hugging him tightly greeting him with a loving kiss.
“ we’ll if you got back earlier than you’d have still been able to catch the whole performance” the mystery woman smiled rubbing his cheek before kissing him again “ how you feeling pain level 1 to 10?” She asked looking at the small stitches on his forehead. “ 5 so not too bad but right now I’m here so that’s all that matters, mm is that what I think it is?” He said looking at the meal she was preparing. “ yes now go get cleaned up it should be done when you come back downstairs” she giggled swatting his chest playfully.
Who was the mystery woman you ask?
Well she is not only Chris’s new wife but also well known in the wrestling world as Desiree parks but most people that know her personally especially her family she’s y/n fatu , yep that’s right she’s the usos baby sister and Roman Reigns baby cousin that wrestles under new Japan wrestling/stardom.
The two met mid 2022/23 at jeys birthday to which he was invited after word got out about his divorce from his ex wife who treated him badly and cheated on the twins wanted him there getting his mind off things. And have fun little did he know he’d find love again let alone true happiness in their baby sister as if it was a soulmate like force that brought them together.
Even though he wasn’t really up for getting out of the house mingling with other people Chris was actually enjoying himself quite a bit maybe this what he needed “ hey man there’s someone we want you to meet if that’s okay?” Jimmy said joining him by the bar “ sure I don’t mind” Chris replied taking a swig from his beer.
“ cool uce , hey !!! Sis c’mere!!! * y/n turns around smiling softly hearing her brother * hey Chris this is our little sister y/n” jimmy said introducing her to Chris whom became hot and bothered instantly seeing the Carmel skinned goddess standing infront of him.
“ hi Chris nice to meet you nice to finally meet from all the stories and music the twins tell me about great to see the man himself” she said her voice like honey making him snap out of his haze. “ it’s nice to meet you I’ve seen some of your work too very amazing” he smiled shaking her hand watching her face blush a little everything was going to be okay he thought.
*Flashback over*
The two have been married for almost three years now having a private ceremony in early 2023.
Handing him his plate once he came back all washed up and clean they migrated to the living room and caught each other up on everything going on since sometimes she would be wrestling while he was touring. After dinner and dessert they relaxed on the couch watching a movie just wrapped in each others embrace towards the ending Chris looked down chuckling noticing she’d fallen asleep on his lap.
Smiling softly he just traced her cheek softly how did he end up finding himself a modern Wonder Woman a woman with a simple touch could calm him down or able to always look at situations from both perspectives fixing the problem easily without any hesitation. Beats him but one thing he does know is that no matter what he’ll always protect her.
He’s gonna win for her the nights of fear & worries will be over he hated seeing her terrified crying because of the painful physical state he come home to.
2 weeks later
It’s time the night everyone had been waiting for the Bcc we’re going face their actions but most importantly Chris was going to make them for bringing tears to his wife. He had her stay in the back with Brandi & Britt watching not wanting her to get hurt very little people know about y/n & his relationship it’s not that he was afraid of what people would think Jericho just wants that part of his life private.
Cause now or day’s people can get to you any form especially in their line of work.
The match was just getting brutal at this point both teams were pulling out all of the stops yet nobody could blame them Bcc’s actions had gone to far it was time they faced the music. Jumping slightly as Chris was slammed into the tacs Y/n silently prayed to herself watching her husband scream in pain “ his gonna be alright they all are” Brandi said rubbing her shoulders in comfort “ I know * sighs * just worried i mean get it but i still get scared when he gets hurt doing matches” y/n replied with a small smile she was no stranger to these kind of matches having done a few through out her career.
“ And you’re winners of this match the Elite & Chris Jericho!!!” They announced as the arena cheered loudly the whole building shaking with excitement and applause it was over the bcc’s reign of terror was over. Y/n let out breath of relief cheering watching Chris standing tall alongside the elite in victory both knew that the win was needed , as the boys close out the show with Britt & Brandi Chris was finally going to show the world his good luck charm to the world.
“ Now as you know that through out this whole feud we conquered and fought taking down the bcc tired of being attacked let alone disrespected right?” Chris chuckled as the crowd cheered. “ thank you cause you guys never once stopped giving us that energy to keep fighting through the terror , they caused but as you can see all of these amazing hard working people in this ring have their loved ones with them right now well I have a special person here tonight with me as well” he said smirking as the crowd got excited wondering who the mysterious person was.
“ she’s literally been my rock through this whole roller coaster of pain and craziness literally has been my light for a while now and till the day i die my heart,my bestfriend and god so much more probably going to kill for outing her * crowd laughs * so with out further ado let’s give her a warm welcome” he said pointing to the ramps.
The crowd goes crazy watching y/n walk out smiling big shaking her head walking down to the ring “ it’s Desiree parks !!! The immortal goddess!!!” Taz said in shock as Tony & Excalibur agreed in complete shock.
Getting in the ring with the help of the young bucks Chris pulled her into a tight hug rocking her softly before kissing her head holding her close “ yep this beautiful woman has been with me through it all especially during the lowest months in my life but there is one special title that not only she holds but a title very close to my heart ladies and gentlemen she’s my wife!!” he said watching her blush as the boys & crowd went crazy as she held her hand up showing off her wedding ring.
“ And with that being said Tonight will forever be the most important nights of my career!!” He said handing the mic over to the announcer pulling her into a deep loving kiss while everyone cheered & wolf whistles for the couple.
No matter what came his way long as he had his island queen by his side everything would be okay.
The end ( hope you guys enjoyed it
Her theme:
Y/n’s outfit:
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moxleys-darlin · 10 months
You Make Me Feel Like I Am Home Again
Pairing: Jon Moxley/Wheeler Yuta/Claudio Castagnoli, implied BCC Poly
Summary: Mox comes home to a sick boyfriend.
Disclaimer: I don't claim anything but the idea; characters (unfortunately) and gifs aren't mine.
For @booboo-eyedbambi sorry I suck at posting 😂
I found a lot of prompts and am slowly getting back to writing after some bad writing block, SO! prompts I used:
Sorry, were you sleeping? Come on, let’s go to bed. I'll carry you.
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Mox gets to the mansion late, coming home from Japan, and smiles when he sees Claudio and Yuta laying on the couch. Claudio lifts his head and smiles at him.  “Sorry, were you sleepin’?” Mox mutters softly. 
“No, Yuta wasn’t feeling well but wanted to wait for you, so I offered to stay and lay with him.” He whispers back as he looks down at the young man lying on his chest and rubbing his back.  Mox raises his eyebrows and comes over to feel Yuta’s forehead. “He does feel warm;” he realizes, “come on, let’s go to bed and let him rest.”
Mox tries to help Claudio get up slow enough to let Yuta stay asleep but he wrinkles his nose and wakes up with a groan. “Mox?” He asks groggily.  “Yeah kid, just got home so let’s go to bed and get some sleep, okay?” Mox smirks, holding his hand out to pull Yuta up and hug him when he stands.  Claudio stands and waits for Yuta to sleepily pull away from the hug before scooping him up in his arms. “I’ll carry you.” He chuckles as Yuta tries to struggle. “Claudio-.” Yuta protests but Mox cuts him off.
“Yer warm puppy; be a good boy and let Swiss carry ya ta bed.” Mox mutters firmly, walking ahead of them up the stairs so he can open the bedroom door and pull back the covers. 
Claudio lays Yuta down and quickly lays beside him so he can lay on his chest again and Mox can hug against his back. “I’m glad you’re home safe with us Mox.” Yuta grins into Claudio’s chest.
“Me too puppy, me too.” Mox rasps into his ear. “Now sleep, I love y’all.” He chuckles, kissing the back of Yuta’s head before relaxing to sleep himself.
Title is from Lovesong by The Cure Thank you @booboo-eyedbambi for helping me by asking for this, I hope you love it 😘
I hope y'all enjoy and love it! Lemme know how I did! Much love ❤️😘🥰
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I love fandom life so much. I love these stories we obsess over so much. First httyd, then bcc Merlin, then Good Omens, and now 911 abc. These stories have shaped who I am as a person. And despite all the time that has passed since some of these stories had their final installments, these fandoms still live. WE are still here to BE changed by them. To live having BEEN changed by them. We get to gather here together to talk about how these stories changed us. And we get to look at each other... and see ourselves. Finding family here. Community. Friendship.
I love fandom, I'm so happy to be here and so happy to have known you guys and to get to continue screaming into this void here together about how much better we are as people for these knowing stories and each other.
❤️❤️❤️ All my love to fandom. All my love to long ago. All my love to days to come. All my love to stories and you guys and to getting to be changed and for getting to remember. ❤️❤️❤️
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saito-suplex · 4 months
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That Should Be Me
Pairing: Daniel Garcia x female!reader, Wheeler Yuta x female!reader
Category: Angst
Word count: 2,655
Summary: When tension reach an all time high with Daniel Garcia and your boyfriend, Wheeler Yuta, you realize you have to settle this once and for all. You have to make a choice. With the title on the line at Death Before Dishonor, two questions are asked — Who would leave as the Ring of Honor Pure Champion and more importantly, who would you leave with?
Warnings: Swearing, female reader but no description of reader, she/her pronouns
A/N: I couldn’t help myself for naming this after a Justin Bieber song (and including it below). I felt like it fit perfectly for this angsty mess that Daniel finds himself in.
Requested by: @mycheersricochet Hope it was everything you wanted! ❤️
Gif is not mine. Credit to owner.
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The build up to Death Before Dishonor was getting more and more intense. The Jericho Appreciation Society have been nothing much thorns in the sides of the Blackpool Combat Club along with Santana, Ortiz, and especially Eddie Kingston. Regardless of you not being a member of BCC, you were pulled into the drama, but you didn’t mind and truthfully, you would have inserted yourself into it had Daniel Garcia not mentioned you one night. You knew he did it to get a rise out of Wheeler Yuta, your boyfriend of a year and half.
What you didn’t know was how Daniel truly felt about you. He wouldn’t admit to anyone, not even 2point0 much less the other members of JAS, but he had feelings for you — strong feelings for you. He spent a lot of his nights wishing you were with him and not Yuta. He despised Yuta for stealing you from him.
Daniel was going to make his move, but Wheeler beat him to it a few days before and Danny saw your face light up at whatever Yuta said. He couldn’t bring himself to tell you he liked you after that, but as time went on Daniel saw that whatever was going on between you and Wheeler wasn’t stopping anytime soon. He knew he had to do something to get your attention — to steal you away from Yuta. Daniel couldn’t figure out why you liked Yuta so much. The guy was a loser and a joke in Danny’s eyes, but most importantly, Wheeler Yuta was not Daniel Garcia.
Over the next several months Chris Jericho continued to target Eddie and vice versa. Naturally, JAS had Jericho’s back and BCC was backing up Eddie. Things were getting heated and more personal between the two men, but no one really knew just how personal things were getting between Daniel and Yuta.
Despite you being ringside and being around the two men durning the various showdowns between the two groups, you didn’t realize how personal it was getting between them, how intense and heated it was getting, or the words exchanged between the two. You had no idea the full extent of what your presence was doing to Daniel or how it was making him react.
Much like Garcia, Yuta wasn’t one to back down, and when Daniel would attack Wheeler at every opportunity, sometimes Danny walked away with a shit eating grin on his face while other times Yuta managed to get the upper hand despite being jumped.
This back and forth continued with growing intensity between the two. Daniel always made sure to take note of when you were and were not around. He would also take note of how sickeningly sweet you and Yuta would look whenever he came across the two of you backstage. It had him thinking about how it should him doing all that stuff with you — holding your hand, having your support, cheering for one another during matches, kissing you — that should be him and not Wheeler Yuta. It ate Daniel up seeing you happy with someone who wasn’t good enough for you, with someone who was part of a pathetic excuse of a club in his eyes. Daniel firmly believed he could make you even happier, that he could give you so much more than Yuta — more time, more love, more support, more…. everything.
Having to see you and his sworn enemy all cute and lovey dovey all the time, gave him an idea, a plan on how to finally get your attention, how to finally win your heart, how to finally get you to be with him instead. He was going to make sure he got a shot at Yuta’s Ring of Honor Pure Championship. He was going to win. He knew he would win because he was more brutal, more nasty, more violent in the ring than pathetic excuse of a wrestler, Wheeler Yuta. That’s what he told himself. That’s what JAS told him when the match was finally made for Ring of Honor’s Death Before Dishonor pay per view.
If you thought things were intense and heated before? You had no idea what was coming next.
The few weeks prior to the pay per view Daniel was cutting promos left and right on Yuta, attacking Yuta, and making sure you knew just who you were dating and just who you could and should be with.
Daniel jumped at every chance he got when he saw you alone. He would be bold and flirt with you, ask you to go out with him after the show — just the two of you, ask you why you chose that loser as he put it, and once you defended your boyfriend, Daniel would just laugh and reply with something along the lines of “Come on, sweetheart. You and I both know who can truly handle you.”
You remember that moment clearly. No sooner than the words left Garcia’s mouth, you hauled off and slapped the shit out of him. How dare he say that?! How dare he put down the man that treated you so well, that treated like you were made of gold and Yuta knows how to treat gold, he is the champ after all. You remember storming off, fuming at what you heard come out of Danny’s mouth.
That’s the same day Daniel learned he was using the wrong approach. It was also the day he knew you belonged with him, and the day he learned just how hard you could hit because that slap strung for twenty minutes and his cheek was a bright red for majority of the day. That was the same day he realized just how head over heals he genuinely was for you.
Daniel thought about you a lot the next several days and how to get you to realize his feelings for you because everyone knows Daniel wasn’t a mushy guy that talked about his feelings. He was the strong, silent type. The tough guy that no one could shake. At least he used to think so. He didn’t want to admit that slowly he was becoming soft, but it was only for you. Everyone else could kiss his ass for all he cared.
Wheeler could tell that Garcia liked you, he just didn’t know exactly how much. He could tell by the words Daniel spoke, the way Daniel mentioned you, and by just how hard Daniel would hit him in their brawls ringside and backstage. Yuta knew there was something there, he just needed to find out what exactly it was.
Blood and Guts came and went. Tensions were climbing higher. Fyter Fest night one came and went. Tensions continued to rise. Fyter Fest night two came and went. The two men couldn’t be in the same room.
Daniel had a promo scheduled for the ROH pay per view the Friday before, and he knew this was his chance to get not just Yuta, the AEW fans, but your attention and to let everyone, yourself mostly, to know what he felt about you. Yes, he had mentioned you a few times before for the world to hear but never indirectly said he had feelings for you.
When his time came Garcia cut the promo and ended it with a smirk while confidently saying, “I’m taking your title, and I’m taking your girl too, Yuta”. You stood there with you haw on the floor. You were frozen. What did he just say? There’s no way you heard that right. Looking over at your boyfriend, you knew you heard what Daniel said correctly because Wheeler’s expression was a mixture of amusement and anger. This match was going to get uglier than you had thought.
The two men had a sit down interview of sorts to promote the upcoming pay per view. You had this feeling that a war of words would occur even more so that you played a bigger part in this than anyone realized. Of course you were going to be supporting Yuta, he’s your boyfriend after all, but as much as you didn’t want to, you had to admit that you had been thinking about Garcia, thinking about the things he said to you when your boyfriend wasn’t around, thinking about if Daniel really would be a better fit for you like he would always claim. You hated yourself for thinking about that, for thinking about Daniel Garcia when you were already with Wheeler Yuta.
You sat off to the side and watched the interview. Yuta on one side of the interviewer and Garcia on the other. The interview started off fine, but once Yuta mentioned Daniel’s car accident, it pissed Danny off. Clearly it was still a touchy subject, and you knew that. You had seen Danny snap at people for bringing up such a hard and dark time in his life. You remember hearing someone say something about it once, hearing Daniel coming around the corner you were quick to tell the person to drop it with a stern look. Thankfully, they did before Daniel could tell them where they could go. What you didn’t know was that Daniel had seen and heard the whole thing, falling for you even more because you knew how he felt about the topic.
Once Yuta brought up the accident, the proverbial gloves were off and Daniel wasn’t holding back. Daniel went off about how he was a much wrestler, how he would make a better champion, and how you deserved better, how you deserved to be with him and not Yuta.
The interview ended shortly after that. You couldn’t believe that Daniel felt that passionate about you, the title sure because he was determined to make Wheeler look like a fool in front of everyone. It was his favorite pastime lately. You took in Daniel’s words and couldn’t stop thinking about all he said.
“Babe?” You were brought out of your thoughts when Yuta waved his hand in front of your face. You hadn’t realized he had been talking to you.
“Sorry.” You apologized before continuing, “I didn’t mean to ignore you. Got lost in thought for a moment.” It was the truth, well mostly the truth. The thought of being with Daniel kept sneaking into your thoughts, and you didn’t try to shake it away anymore, leaving you feeling guilty. Was this cheating? You never thought you would do something like that, but if these thoughts counted then you didn’t feel like you should be either man.
The pay per view finally arrived and you were beyond nervous, not for Yuta, not for Daniel, but for the decision you would have to make by the end of the night.
As you watched the pre-show, your nerves and anxiety started creeping up. Once the main card started, you were becoming increasingly more anxious and nervous. Yuta and Garcia were off prepping for their match while you watched Claudio win the Ring of Honor World Championship.
It was finally time for the Pure Championship match. The match that was most likely going to break you. You jumped up from your seat backstage, pacing, body filled with nerves and anxiety to the point you felt like you could throw up. Wheeler stopped by on his way out to the ring to give you a kiss and tell you it was going to all be okay and that it would be over soon.
You wanted to believe him. You desperately wanted to believe him, but your gut told you it wasn’t going to be over until you made your decision. You wanted to scream and cry at the thought of choosing between these two: your loving boyfriend and the man who’s been plaguing your thoughts for weeks on end.
The bell rang and the match began. You caught yourself holding your breath frequently throughout the match. You ended up pacing, wringing your hands, and running your hands through your hair. Everyone around you wasn’t sure what to say or do, seeing you in such a state.
The match was brutal from the beginning, harsh strikes, chops, kicks, wanting to one up the other. Submission hold after submission hold but still neither man showed any quit. These two weren’t just fighting for the title — they were fighting for you so of course they were going to give it their all. Yuta wanted to keep you while Daniel wanted to win you.
You hated that they were treating you like a prize, but saw where they were coming from. You knew they didn’t really think of you as prize to be had; they just both loved you and wanted you for themselves.
You must have been too in your thoughts to notice the match coming to a close until you heard the bell ring once more. Whipping around to the monitor, you see your boyfriend’s hand raised in victory. You let out yet another breath you were holding. It’s almost decision time, and you were a wreck. You didn’t want to hurt either of them, but unfortunately, you were going to have to.
You watch Danny exit the ring and up the ramp towards the back with both middle fingers extended. He was pissed he lost, but more importantly, he was pissed he lost to Yuta. You wanted to meet him when came through the back but refrained from doing so. You watched as he stormed off still giving people the bird, too pissed to look for you. You knew he needed time to cool down so that’s what you’d give him for now.
You gasped as arms wrapped around you from behind, calming when you heard Wheeler’s voice. “I did it. I beat him and now we know who the best is.” He kissed your cheek before heading off to shower and change. You didn’t even congratulate him, too busy thinking about what’s going to happen next.
A few hours later you were met with Danny and Yuta in a deserted hallway. Both men had their eyes on you, silently telling you it was time for your decision. You swallowed thickly, throat dry and hands shaking. Yuta motioned to an empty room to the right, and the three of you piled in.
Once the door was shut, you were met with both of them completely focused on you. You sat down in a chair across from them and let out a deep breath. You knew your decision already, but just knowing you’ll be met with hurt and pain no matter who you choose, truly breaks your heart.
“I—I made my decision. It was difficult, but just know I thought long and hard about it.” You pause, examining their reactions so far. They were both on the edge of their seats, hanging on your every word, Daniel hoping you’d pick him while Wheeler was hoping he wouldn’t lose you. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before continuing, “I’m sorry. I—I can’t pick either of you.” You let tears run down your cheeks as you see both men’s faces fall in realization of what you were getting at. “Wheeler, if I stay with you, I’m scared I won’t be able to get Daniel out of my head, and Danny, if I pick you, I’ll feel guilty about all this pain and hurt it caused Wheeler. I’m sorry. I just can’t.” You choke out the last few sentences as you sniffed in attempt to keep from full on crying, but you couldn’t keep it in. You jumped up and practically ran out the door, regardless of your blurry vision.
As you left you could hear Daniel and Yuta yelling at one another, blaming one another for the outcome.
Daniel couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe after all that he still lost you. He was angry, embarrassed, and upset. Daniel Garcia doesn’t cry, but he did that day.
General Taglist: @cuzimacomedian @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx
Wheeler Yuta Taglist: @sheinthatfandom
A/N: If you want to be added to the tag list, feel free to ask, message, or let me know in a comment!
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sunandsstars · 1 year
GUuuRlllLll MY BILAT IS BLUSHING FOR SEING YOUR OTHER POST LIEK 'Our queen has spoken' GURKLWNSIAKASKSJ but fr need Reader to leave N And gurl If you make a T x reader x R Make it a Lovely and fluffy smut? Or just fluff bcc Of what happen to other chapter that J is just so rough with her ITS JUSY MAKNG ME AKSMWKSJ Btww Sorry late But Happy Valentines dayy!!🥹❤️❤️
I’m sorry that IM late but happy late valentines anon!!!
reader would definitely leave n and j 🤭 because she can’t take all of this shit
and i will definitely make a smut in the future!
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eddiekinkston · 1 year
BCC polycule alive and well ❤️
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mymy4802 · 1 year
Bryan declaring his love to the bcc while murdering hangman in the ring ❤️
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nextstopwonderland · 8 months
Playlist name: “Bryan/Yuta - the story”
Alright this sent me down a rabbit hole. I decided to do their condensed storyline up until now, Yuta POV, with some shippy angling. So this is broken into acts. No individuals links, i was too lazy. Full playlist here, Chronological, don’t shuffle. I did more artist repeats than I’d like, but this ended up having a specific vibe
1. My Hero - Paramore. For the ‘I have a burned dvd of matches I used to watch in my room’ days. Cover version because Yuta self-proclaims he loves the band.
Act I: the courting/glory days
2. Orange Crush - R.E.M. Puns mostly intended. Yuta’s with orange and best friends but think timeline of that post-match segment and him watching Bryan. Finally being around his idol, crushing.
3. Crush - Sleigh Bells. Which eventually leads to his match with Bryan. I got a crush (i gotta crush you). Fighting your idol/crush.
4. Free to Decide - The Cranberries join bcc? Stay with best friends? Yuta is free to decide. Also touches on mental health stuff that he’s been candid about in the past.
5. True Seekers - Sleigh Bells: Joins the bcc, possibilities endless. And he’s got a lot of feelings.
6. Gimme Sympathy - Metric. Things are good right now. Yuta still has a lot of feelings.
7. Comeback Kid - Sleigh Bells: Super juniors and after. Bryan starts taking an interest in Danny.
Act III: the trouble in paradise/breakup period
8. A Little Respect - Wheatus (cover) - Yuta just wants Bryan’s respect. Maybe a little more.
9. Never Say Die - CHRVCHES. Things start breaking down, but Yuta doesn’t wanna give up yet.
10. Cool on your island - Tori Amos. Yuta loses the title, Bryan supports Danny, Yuta is hurt
11. One More Try - George Michael. Yuta is very in his feelings about his mentor/hero choosing someone else, confronts him, they have a sit down
12. I miss you -Blink-182. Bryan’s full into his MJF stuff. Yuta is quietly missing him. Also he used the song recently in a story and I got excited.
Act III: Reunion
13 & 14 Empty Threat - CHRVCHES and The Riot’s gone - Santigold - Bryan comes back, Yuta’s had enough time to get over it all. Bryan is yelling on TV that he loves him even if he’s a little shit. Things feel better than ever
15. Ultraviolence - Lana Del Rey. Yuta missed Bryan’s negative motivation tactics. Pre-double or nothing slap.
16. Perfect Day - Lou Reed. The hike. ❤️
17. Living Legend - Lana Del Rey. Yuta processes Bryan’s announcement
18. Stand by your man - Tammy Wynette. Yuta is in sheer protective/possessive mode after Bryan’s injury. “My man.” He will stand by his man.
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cmpunksupremacy · 1 year
Takeshita now a BCC member and they won. I just keep winning tonight ❤️❤️❤️
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sheinthatfandom · 1 year
The fact that the audio wasn’t working when Bryan was talking AMATEUR!!!!
Little shit wheeler yuta I love it!!!!
This makes my heart so full
I’m so happy
The bcc is about love ❤️
The way everyone’s tongues are pushing around their mouths ahhhhhhhhh
I love them all so much!!!!
Greatest technical wrestler ever Bryan danielson
The heart and soul of professional wrestling Jon moxley just ahhhhh my heart
And now I’m mentally checking out again
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tatsueigo · 1 year
SISSY GIMME YUTA/DANNY PRETTY PLEASE? with danny hiding from the jas? 🥺
So, this definitely got out of hand and there is not Danny hiding from JAS, but yeah, I hope you still like it brother. ❤️
Trigger warning: omega!verse, MPREG
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"Good morning little boy." 
Wheeler picks up Leon from his crib, putting him on the changing table: he is already three months old at that point and the omega simply loves his firstborn. 
He changes his baby, and when he is done, he goes downstairs with him. He is home alone at the moment, his alphas are all out to take care of some things, while he had decided to stay in and maybe bring Leon to the park. 
Leaving his child on the baby carpet, he wears the wrap baby carrier, putting him in it when it's ready, so that his hands are free. Now he can do whatever he wants and Leon can simply fall asleep another time if he wants. 
He isn't waiting for anyone, his mates won't be back before some hours, so he is astonished when someone rings the bell. Leon is luckily awake, so the sound doesn't wake him up. 
"Let's go see who is at the door, mh?" 
He asks gently and Leon just smiles at him. Wheeler loves his kid so much, those little smiles always warm his heart. 
When he finally opens the door, Wheeler smiles: he wasn't expecting Danny to be there, but they are best friends, he likes the surprise. 
"Hi Danny, come in!"
He steps to the side and Danny enters the spacious house, observing little Leon. 
"Am I disturbing? I can… go and come back."
Danny feels suddenly nervous and he doesn't fully understand why. Paul is his best friend and has already a kid, so he can surely help him. 
"No, you are totally fine! My mates are out and I was just about to feed the little man here." 
The BCC member motions to follow him in the kitchen, so that he can prepare the milk for Leon. 
"You can sit on the couch, or here at the kitchen counter. By the way, is everything okay?"
Daniel's smell seems off somehow and he is concerned now. While waiting for an answer, he prepares the milk for Leon Alexander, checking the temperature more than one time. 
He sits on the couch with the bottle and cautiously takes his son out of the carrier, setting him on the right arm. As soon as he brings the bottle near his mouth, Leon starts drinking and Yuta looks at his best friend. 
"Since two or three days I'm not feeling really well, Paul. I wake up and have to run to the bathroom because of the nausea. Generally I feel more tired, so Chris is not really happy about this." He sighs for a moment, taking a deep breath. "I am here to ask you… how did you discover you were pregnant?" 
Daniel sits down next to him, nervous: last time, he and Eddie hadn't used protections, plus his heat was already late. 
"I discovered it in the seventh week after I fainted during training. My mates were concerned because I wasn't hit, nor did I fall before the episode. They brought me to doc. Sampson and, after some tests, he gave me the good news. It was right on Claudio's birthday too." He explains without averting his gaze from the JAS member. "I started with morning sickness almost ten days after, but… I would say we need a trip to the pharmacy."
He would take one of his hands to support him, but can't at the moment. Luckily Leon seems to be done, so he stands up, takes a bib which he puts on his right shoulder. From the leaning position he brings Leon on a standing one against said bin, patting him lightly on the back until he lets out a little burp.
"Uh… can I… hold him?"
Danny is a bit unsure as to why he wants to, he just feels the urge to. Maybe it's pregnant omega instinct? 
"Sure! Keep your arm like this, I’ll put him in the right position over it.”
Yuta gently shows him how he should keep his arm, smiling encouraging: he can see that Danny is tense, but all would surely be okay. When he is sure his best friend is calm, he puts Leon with the head in the crook of his elbow, the baby’s butt instead on his hand. 
It takes him much willpower to not take Leon back, since the little boy is crying because of being separated from him… He still feels so overprotective and it is always difficult for him when little Leon cries. Daniel looks at the baby and then at Yuta, not sure about what he should do: should he give him back? Maybe Leon doesn’t want to stay with a stranger? Maybe he doesn’t feel comfortable with him. Without noticing, Danny starts to rock him slightly. He realizes something has changed only when he can’t hear the cry anymore and, looking down, he notices that Leon is cradled against him, all smiles. 
“Hi Leon.”
Daniel wants to carefully touch his little chest, but is taken aback when the little boy grabs his pinkie finger. He definitely wasn’t expecting that, but doesn’t try to get free, he just lets him do it. A sudden laugh from Wheeler brings his attention to his best friend, a silent question in his gaze. 
“Sorry, but this is so cute and I think you are the first one to actually bond so quickly with him. Even for the Bucks and Kenny it took them a while, but with you I didn’t even need to use my scent to calm him down.”
Leon lets out some Ah-goos to get their attention back and Daniel laughs amused. He feels like his heart is warming up to that little boy. 
"If I am pregnant… would you mind me coming some times to visit and taking a bit care of him?"
He rocks Leon gently, always careful not to risk making him fall. 
"You can come whenever you want, even in the case that you're not pregnant, and I'll be happy to help you out with learning anything!" Wheeler smiles and puts a hand on his shoulder. "I think it's time to go. Since he is still awake, we can stop at a park near the pharmacy and when we come back you can take the test." 
Danny nods at his words: he can't wait forever to take the test, he is there because he doesn't want to do it alone. He wants that baby so hard, if that is the cause of his illness; he had asked Eddie so many times after all. Wheeler takes Leon from his arms, putting him in an upright position against his shoulder, holding his head and neck with one hand, while with the other he holds his lower back. He has to change his clothes, then they can head out. 
"I'll be right back, give me some minutes."
Wheeler disappears in the nursery, changing Leon quickly into a BCC onesie, complete with a long sleeved t-shirt and sweatpants. 
As he gets out of the nursery, Leon another time against his shoulder, he gets to the stroller, where he settles his little boy down. 
"Danny come help me for a moment, please." 
He asks, taking Leon's jacket and wool hat: he can do it alone, but he is sure that his friend won't mind lending a hand for a moment. 
"Keep a hand behind his neck and head, while I put him the jacket."
He gently guides Danny's hand to keep the baby's head right, smiling encouraging at him and when he is sure his friend is confident enough, he proceeds. 
When the little one is settled, he wears a jacket too and they all finally leave the house. At the pharmacy Wheeler buys two pregnancy tests, one for himself too: it's not that he thinks he may be pregnant another time; Danny may be less nervous if he does one too in solidarity.  As they are sitting on a bench in the park, Wheeler moves the stroller slightly, trying to get Leon to sleep. 
"Were you and Eddie trying to have a baby? Or would it be a surprise like Leon here?"
Wheeler wanted to know more, he would be more than happy for him though, maybe their babies could become friends just like them. 
"We kind of wanted one, or at least I wanted one. He was okay with it, but he wanted to wait until you came back and unified the titles. He definitely wanted one too though and last heat we did it without any precautions…" 
Yeah, he is most probably pregnant with all those hints. Plus wanting to bond with that baby means something, no? 
"He'll surely be happy about it. I can understand you are nervous though. Everything will be fine." 
Since they stop hearing movements or sounds from the stroller, they both look into it where Leon is sleeping peacefully. Wheeler smiles and stands up, going back home followed shortly behind by Daniel. Once home, he lets the other omega help him another time, and when he finally leaves the little boy in his crib, switching the baby monitor on, so that he can hear him at any given time. 
"Now that he is asleep, we can go and take that test. If you're too nervous I can take it too. I'll be here with you anyway." 
Yuta gives him one of the tests and guides him to the bathroom. He waits at the door, while Daniel seems to be thinking about what to do or to say. 
"I would appreciate it if you could take one too. Please." 
It would make him less nervous, that for sure and he is glad that his best friend nods and enters the bathroom too. Wheeler shows him what to do and takes it first, not looking while Danny did the same thing. He is more than sure that his will be negative, they have to focus on Danny's. 
The younger omega still has it in his hands, which are trembling, so Wheeler massages his shoulders, to make him relax. The five minutes pass quickly and Wheeler looks at Danny: what does he want to do?
"Do you want to read the test? Or should I do it?"
He doesn't get a real answer, only Daniel passing him his test, an almost terrified look in his eyes. 
"Everything will be okay, you can call me whenever you want, if something is worrying you, okay?" As Daniel nods at him, the neo mama looks at the test and smiles brightly. There are two clear blue lines on it, there is no doubt. "Well… congratulations on becoming a mom! I'm so happy for you." 
Danny has tears streaming down his face: he is incredule, even though it had been quite obvious. He can't be happier though: his dream is finally becoming reality. 
"And I should for sure mind my own business, but I think at this point you would better move in with Eddie. If you do, it'll be easier for him to take care of both of you." 
Wheeler's attention is caught by his own phone buzzing in his pants. As he takes it out, he notices a message from Eddie. 
From: Uncle Eddie
Is Daniel there with you? Those JAS idiots told me so, but he doesn't answer his phone. -
Read 2:13pm
To: Uncle Eddie
Yes, he is here! Could you come over? Don't worry, it's only me, Leon and Danny, my mates are out for some hours. -
Read 2:14pm
From: Uncle Eddie
Thank you, I was seriously worried. Give me ten minutes and I'm there. -
Read 2:15pm
"Eddie will be here in 10 minutes! He is worried about you and didn't trust your teammates when they told him you were here." He announces, holding up a hand before he can say anything. "I can help you put something together to give him the good news, it'll probably be easier to announce it that way." 
Daniel looks at him with hopeful eyes, nodding vigorously. 
"Yes. Please…" 
He murmurs, following Wheeler silently in the nursery, where they keep the onesies. Wheeler tries to keep as quiet as possible to not wake Leon up, while searching for a good one, which isn't customized. 
Once he finds it, they get out, and he finally shows him a onesie which says: Hello daddy, can't wait to meet you! ❤️
"It's perfect. I'll never be able to thank you enough, Paul." 
Daniel is about to cry another time and he doesn't really like it. The hormones are already fucking with his mood… He has never felt so moody like that day, after all. He follows Yoots in some other rooms, where the BCC member searches for a small box and some wrapping paper. With Danny's help he puts everything in the box and then wraps it up, just in time before Eddie rings the bell. 
Wheeler simply motions Danny to sit on the couch in the living room, while he answers the door. 
"Hi uncle Eddie!" Wheeler smiles and lowers his voice. "He is in the living room, on the couch. He is a bit moody, but has something really important to tell you." He motions with the hand towards the living room, while letting him in.
"Thank you Yoots." Eddie follows where Yoots motioned, sitting finally next to his omega. 
"Okay guys, I'll go check on Leon, you two take however much time you need to talk; don't worry about it!" 
Wheeler smiles encouragingly at Danny, getting back in the nursery: Leon isn't awake, but he wants to leave them their privacy, as it is an important and privat situation.
Since Eddie is finally there, Danny feels even more nervous, but the smell of his alpha calms him slowly down. He nudges his head into Eddie's neck, leaving a kiss, while the alpha brings an arm around his waist, bringing him even closer.
"Whatever the problem might be, we can solve it together, babe. I won't leave your side, you can always count on me." 
Eddie speaks low and reassuringly, intertwining a hand in his. 
"I have something important to tell you. But first, please open this small gift." 
Danny hands him the wrapped box, which Eddie carefully unwraps and then opens. What he notices first is the positive pregnancy test, which he takes in one hand, moving his gaze from it to Danny, then another time on the two blue lines. As he notices the onesie, he unfolds it and smiles brightly at the graphic.
"I am pregnant, papa bear."
He, reluctantly, leaves his neck area and looks at him, tapping with one finger his own lips, in a silent demand for a kiss. 
"You are being a needy brat right now, babe." 
Eddie grins, but waits for his answer. 
"But I'm YOUR needy brat, Papa Bear and I want my kisses."
Daniel pouts, but at least it seems like Eddie has taken the news really well. 
"I'm beyond happy, babe. Thank you for this surprise." 
And now Eddie finally kisses him, giving in to his pouty facial expression. 
"We need to go and take all your things from the JAS."
He declares as soon as they divide. He doesn't want to have him with them while pregnant. He wants his omega and his baby all for himself. 
Danny doesn't understand, he simply looks at his alpha with a questioning look. 
"I always let you stay with them because they are your stable and 2.0 could help you with heat, if I couldn't be there. But now… now I want you and this child to be with me 24/7. So you are moving in with me from today." 
There was no way in hell that he would let him still stay with them: he was pregnant now, so Eddie seriously wanted to be able to take care of him and their baby as much as possible. 
“Are you trying to kidnap me, or what?”
Daniel asks with a chuckle, but nods: he would surely need his presence more during those long months. 
“You are my mate and are giving me our first baby. That’s not what I would call a kidnap. It’s more having you move in, so that I can take care of you like I couldn’t before. Matt and Angelo can come visit you, since they are your dads. Plus… you can still come with me to the shows, as long as it’s not too much for you, so you can still see all the others too.” 
He would allow only 2.0 in his house, he can’t stand anyone in JAS, apart from his omega, let alone Chris Jericho, but Danny’s daddies have been so helpful to him in the past. 
Daniel smiles at those words: he couldn’t say no and at the same time he was glad that Eddie was so possessive and protective of him. 
“I love you Papa Bear, this little human too.” 
“I love you too, babe, this little bear too.”
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