#❝⚜ again ❠
unnbatteryacidd · 20 days
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the sniler
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offorestsongs · 9 days
romantic secrets
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ah. so. this is a little ficlet for Sheep's (@natsukishinomiyaswife) fic series Into the Yumeverse! i know i already drew art for it but the idea couldn't leave my head and i didn't think i could execute it as well with art. hope this is okay dhgfjgjjfjg
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Lysander would love it if the universe would stop putting him in situations. He has had enough situations for all his days. There must be people out there who felt that their lives were boring and nothing interesting ever happened to them — Lysander would gladly donate some of his situations to their cause! 
His current situation was this: he was sitting on the grass in the courtyard with Rook, which wouldn't be out of the ordinary if not for the fact that the universe Lysander currently resided in was some weird version of Twisted Wonderland moved slightly to the left (Twister Wonderland? No. That was awful). 
A version with a completely different magicless human girl thrown into the chaos (Lydia, who by all accounts seemed like a sweetheart), without Lysander’s beloved Ramshackle or even more beloved awful cat-beast-son.
Now the first chaos seemed to settle down a bit and so, with a lot of blushing and stumbling around, Lysander had explained to Rook the gist of the relationship the two of them had back in Lysander’s universe.
Rook seemed to react to the information the same way he reacted to every other curiosity that caught his attention; he asked questions and listened intently, and waxed poetically about whatever Lysander had said.
“Ah, what a beautiful tale. I hardly ever imagined somebody would be able to capture my heart,” Rook said. He was looking at Lysander with the same burning curiosity as back when they had first started talking — he was assessing Lysander, almost trying to see through him.
Maybe Rook really couldn’t imagine how he could ever end up with somebody like Lysander. Maybe—
Lysander stopped the thought before he could ever properly formulate it. It was too silly to even entertain, an echo of insecurities that Lysander should’ve been long past. If there was one thing that he had learned from their relationship, it was that Rook never did anything if he didn’t want to. If they were together, that was only because for Rook, it was the most right thing to do.
“I know,” Lysander replied, smiling. Suddenly, he became pointedly aware of the strangeness of their situation. Just this once, it was Lysander who knew so much about Rook, while Rook was still trying to make a judgment call on Lysander.
Lysander’s smile grew bigger. Oh, it seemed like such a silly thing to do — he really shouldn’t be playing tricks on people or mess with their reactions. But… Rook was always teasing him, maybe it was time to finally take revenge.
Maybe the saying was true — when in Rome, you had no other choice but to do as Romans did.
Heart pounding in his ribcage, Lysander raised his head. “You know what else I know?” he asked, and before Rook could reply, he went on: “You named your first arrow Salamander because it was the first animal you’ve caught.”
As stupid as Lysander felt at that moment, he couldn’t deny the sense of satisfaction that curled up in his chest seeing Rook’s eyes widen in surprise
“And,” Lysander continued. “You used to eat poisonous plants as a kid so you would get immune to them. Your biggest scar is on your left hip; you tried to sew the wound by yourself, but it went badly. You used to not be able to fall asleep without a plush lion.”
He watched Rook’s expression slowly turn from surprise to curiosity to delight.
“My! What a curious little flower you are! Maybe I can see how you have managed to ensnare my affections. But, Monsieur Fleur, you should know that it is dangerous to show all your knowledge so freely. You never know how somebody could take it.”
Lysander’s cheeks turned pink. “Who said that’s all my knowledge?” he replied, with more bravado than he expected of himself. “And I trust you, even in a different universe.”
No— Wait— Why did he even say that?! That was… bad. Way too forward. Way too… everything. Regret washed over Lysander immediately.
Overcome with a profound feeling of shame and embarrassment, Lysander hid his face in his hands — he could feel just how hot his cheeks were.
“Non, Monsieur Fleur, don’t curl up your petals now! As foolish as it might be, I am honoured to have your trust.”
Lysander hid his face even more, his hair falling to the sides like curtains. “No! I am not talking about this anymore! One more word and I’m running away!”
He could hear Rook’s laughter. “Ah, then I will just have to chase after you. Shouldn’t you know I don’t give up so easily?”
Ah. Well. Lysander just couldn’t win, could he?
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cloudpools · 2 months
⚜ @rpwiththelilflower liked for a starter! (From Carter)
It's no secret that when you're an artist, you're not doing it for the money. Sure, there are the sellouts that mass-produce garbage just to make a quick buck. Tape a banana to the wall, splatter some paint, and call it modern. Not that Carter was an art snob. That just wasn't his kind of art.
Unfortunately, making stuff from the heart doesn't always mean a steady flow of cash.
He had a relatively small place, but it was big enough for himself and his canvases so he couldn't complain. Well… that wasn’t exactly true. The walls were paper thin, and he often heard people through them. Stomping in the stairwell, conversations in the hallway, and his neighbor yapping away all day. Carter wasn't a buzzkill, nor was he a grumpy old man, but he also liked to get in the zone when he was drawing or painting. Loud music was the perfect solution to drown out the noise! Not that he was an asshole. He was only playing it during the day.
And then he gets a knock on his door.
He recognizes her as the neighbor. Madison? He'd passed by her every so often. They'd exchanged pleasantries and such but nothing more than that. He couldn't get a read on her, and he quirked a pierced brow, curious. People usually steered clear of him, his punk looks intimidating. He hated that they made the assumptions, but after 29 years of it, he'd gotten used to it. No one had ever knocked before.
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"You need somethin'?" It sounds a bit harsh, but he hadn't intended for it to be that way. Music was blasting from behind him so he raised his voice so she could hear him... Though it may have been a bit aggressive. Ah well. Fuck it.
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lilium-dragomir · 5 months
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⚜ Happy birthday @mx-sinisters ⚜
Hiii Sin~ Happy birthday dear, hope you had a nice one! I was looking at your favorites list and saw both of them on your favorite character list as well as the ship dynamic one. So I decided to color them together for you~ Gosh, I can't wait for them actually ending up together in the manga. But I also fear that when they do it signals the end of the series >.<"
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puckish-rogue · 2 months
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Sorry for not really getting to anything. I don't have a reason for that other than "brain kinda funky". I'll do what I can soon cause I really REALLY want this new blog to feel active and have things going on. But I don't know, man. Things are feeling really bad lately.
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inundatae · 6 months
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can i just say that neuvillette being terrible at tcg is so hilariously lore accurate.
while i've always seen him as being incredibly smart in a very bookish way, he takes everything at face value. being able to conceptualize strategies that require an understanding of how to predict the way people think is so beyond him.
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avengerang · 9 months
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The solo queue experience
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sansloii · 4 months
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swevene · 3 months
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i'm slowly getting my drafts done! i have thrown them in the queue to post next week nearly every day. so that's exciting c: i have everyone but alv done so hopefully by then i'll have his done! and i may even get to my asks but we shall see!!
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dastodia · 4 months
What Kind Of Tragedy Are You?
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you were given the choice to live, a thousand times over, and yet you never choose it. not intentionally, oh no, you didn’t know it was a grave you were digging. but with every turn, you were twisting the knife deeper. every decision doomed you more. had it been anyone else, they would have made it. but you? you are so perfectly you, there was no escaping it. the true tragedy of it all, is how preventable it was
tagged by: @trlblzd tagging: @sncwlight ; @acr3ss-the-cosmos (Yukong) ; @amanturine ; @kafkaisms ; @dupliciti ; @forbelobog ; @raytm (Caelus)
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drinkitfrommymouthsuou · 11 months
Soldan sneakily kisses Tamaki on the cheek, before walking off like she didn't do anything. Which is a lie, she did.
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꧁⁕༻♕༺⁕꧂ His focus was not on his surroundings as he poured over his books and study material. His pen scratched against the paper as he took his notes. Ever so often blue eyes would lift to scan the textbook in front of them. Lost in thought, as it were, Tamaki didn't notice Soldan sneakily make her way over to him. Imagine then, his shock when he felt soft lips on his cheek.
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Tamaki lifted his head just in time to see Soldan walk away. Setting his pencil down, he lifts his hand to cover his cheek; a blush warming his cheeks. A smile softened the prince's features and he felt what only could be described as relief. He vowed to return the favor to that beautiful girl.
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offorestsongs · 3 months
im gonna draw it later but. post-NRC Lysander definitely has so many cute tattoos
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cloudpools · 8 months
⚜@lostusagis liked for a starter!
Nara's hand instinctively goes to her sword, fingers carefully wrapping around the scabbard, thumb poised to flick the blade from it's sheath in a moment's notice.
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"You would be wise not to pick a fight with me." She couldn't get a proper reading on this man, but that only makes her more wary.
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lilium-dragomir · 1 year
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⚜ Happy birthday @touyas ⚜
Okay, I should have made it still in time to post this on your birthday! I think, if I saw it correctly on your blog, you like this bunny. Very fitting with the Easter theme! Hope you had a lovely birthday!
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sanpatron · 1 year
Sitting there in his office, his entire torso sprawled out against his desk, and with only the sound of Yor typing away at her keyboard to break up the silence—Django had finally been bested by the leading cause of every company worker's long-lasting anguish and severe depression; monotony.
There was really only so much excitement one could find in doing shit like paperwork, meetings, and dealing with entitled freaks who will completely ruin your standing in the community if you so much as embarrass them at that high society function you weren't even invited to. Oh, sure; concept design and the like were at least something Django could still put his love and passion into. But a single creative outlet working as a lifesaver can only do much in a never ending sea of soul-sucking and boring labor that's ready to swallow you whole at any given moment.
He begins to pick himself up from the desk, leaning back into his chair while staring out towards the rest of Spirale from the large window overlooking the city. It's no secret to those who know him best that Django has always longed for some semblance of the power he once held back home and the sense of freedom that went along with it. Living the straight and narrow was restrictive. Tiresome. It went against everything he practically stood for. Yet in order to survive this world he had been forcefully thrown into, Django would do just about anything to keep himself from going mad. And if that meant having to forego some part of himself and put up with this lifestyle, then so be it.
Though the question remained; how long exactly could he keep this up?
Well, doing anything loud and bombastic seemed to be a no-go here on this quaint little island. Surely there must be something else to help a guy from getting restless. And that's when an idea formed. A wonderful, brilliant little idea that he questioned how exactly it didn't cross his mind before. In his moment of wistfulness for the days of shooting people up and causing property damage, Django had begun to recollect something. Some very vital information. You see, the gang life wasn't exactly filled to the brim with work to do every waking moment. There does come a point where you'll just have to sit back and wait things out before starting the process all over again to get more cash. Same goes for when you're going up against other people. You could go days, even weeks before new intel comes in and you're on your way to fuck up another business opportunity for your rivals. So when you have that much downtime, and a need to keep your hands busy, what's a guy to do?
Side Hustles.
With newfound inspiration, he immediately gets to work on designing advertisements. Django had dabbled in quite a little bit of everything over the years before being whisked away to Radiale; EMT, firefighter, taxi driver, bodyguard, hitman, underground fighter, a practical jack-of-all-trades if you will. And so long as it could provide some decent cash and a way to stave off boredom, he'll happily do any job he can get his nasty little hands on.
Each break during the workweek would be another chance to put his name out there on a more personal level, and as the days would pass, Django would find himself going around the entirety of the city and its branches. Flyers, business cards, practically anything the man could think up he'd do. But it wouldn't just stop there. He made a real effort to speak to the locals in every ward and branch; asking if any of them could use the spare help around their homes, shops, you name it. Taking on whatever job they'd hand him with a smile and the assurance that he could provide them with the best results.
Truthfully a lot of his work ethic was knowledge he had gained from his time as a gang leader. This sort of grassroots kind of approach would always be the basis in getting people to convert to siding with the Saints. If coming off as a pillar to the community helped some of history's most notorious of organized crime leaders, then he could do the exact same thing, and a helluva lot better! And while none of this work was being done for gangster PR exactly, there was still this idea in his mind that at some point or another this would all pay off remarkably in his favor. Provided he doesn't royally fuck it up in spectacular fashion.
Let's all pray for his sake.
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