#❝ blood sweat and tears. i kept my soul — ❞ (fmab)
sovereignxfae · 2 years
Writing replies and I've realized how little things in K'in's personality changes depending on their verse.
In this case it's their sense of identity.
Usually they are sure of themself. Who they are, what they represent and how they carry themself are all assured and cemented in their main verse, kny and fmab verse.
However in their mafia verse they tend to succumb to whoever is above them. They bend into what suits the person regardless if they think they're that way or not because eventually it will become a part of them. For that person and in the long run.
Example and also reason: their father. He gave them a place which seemed sturdy and allowed them to be comfortable in it and slowly started digging away at the foundation and uprooting them until they were balancing on an edge and they turned to his guidance.
With their trust their father made them believe that in exchange to being subservient he will give them back their comfort. He did. For a short while until they became confident in themself enough to question him and give quip per pro.
So the pattern repeated itself. It repeats over and over again.
This also could go for their main au (still fae but in modern world). They are very trusting despite not wanting to be and are very gullible. It wouldn't be hard for them to get into a toxic friendship or be unhealthily dependant on someone. (well it's true for all verse but the others would likely be able to get out of them or just be worse)
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
𝚂𝚘𝚞𝚕 𝚝𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚜𝚊𝚏𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚢 𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚜.
FMAB/STEAMPUNK verse. (it makes sense to me..)
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K’in’s role.
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Going against her fathers wishes K’in practiced Alchemy to try and help in their hobby of making weapons. Though at the time her biological brother, Kody, was in danger of dying at the time, despite not having the best relationship with him she decided to perform human transmutation after begging their father to get someone to teach her. So at age 11 her father caved and a teacher was brought to train K’in.
Same backstory as the modern verse, different childhood/outcome.
Brought up by an aristocratic family. K'in was brought up to be the perfect young lady. Seen not heard. However they weren't very well in that endevour. Doing things that most young men did, influencing their younger sister to do the same.
After months, maybe even years, their training was done. The process followed shortly after. It was hard, brutal. The blood, sweat and tears that were put into it was rewarded by Kody being in good health again. At least that’s what they tell him, they haven’t seen her brother ever since the transmutation was done.
 It went without cost. It was celebrated as a miracle for the family. However with such a thing being taboo it must always have a cost, a price to be paid. K’in suffered that cost. The sickness that her brother was with was buried deep into his bones and blood that the only way to save him was to give up something of the same value. They didn’t know what that could be so they allowed the white being that spoke to them before the grand door to choose.
And chose it did. K’in's senses dull everyday of their life. Hearing leaving in short intervals leaving sounds to be desired, her mouth no tastes bland at certain foods causing them to skip meals at times. Contacts worn on the regular because of their deteriorating eyesight. They refuse to be touched for they fear that they wouldn’t even know if it had happened. Slowly yet he is sure, the day will come when they are going to wake up to darkness with nothing to convince them otherwise. They will wait until that happens. 
The tale of the Philosopher's Stone doesn’t entice them nor give them hope. K’in will willingly surrender to their fate knowing that their brother was saved.
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Onyx’s role. 
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Onyx was initially K'in's bodyguard since young age. Deals were made that Onyx would stay with the Astorias for training to take care of them.
They were supposed to set an example of higher and lower but that didn't work.
K'in made sure she sat at their side at dinner instead of stand. Made sure she ate with them and not starved.
Onyx would have survived. After all there was training for the cruelest to those devilishly kind.
She's thankful though, that most of their training wasn't needed. Though that didn't shorten the amount of panic attacks and gritted teeth they'd suffer when her takes wandered off and ruined her carefully planned schedule.
This went on into their teenage years. Best of friends they were despite the rules set out for them and harsh punishments that were given when they retaliated.
Onyx could do nothing to change their mind and no one else bothered to even try. She felt lonely when K'in shut herself in for their studies.
All before K'in made their sacrifice.
Onyx position was changed to being her handmaiden of sorts.
Four years were their difference. Delphine was supposed to be wiser. Understand more but she didn't. It was already decided that they all celebrate Kody's last days happily so why strive for the impossible?
Questions like these where the only times Delphine's training was needed.
Lack of sleep and food made K'in muddled and irritable. So questions to their thoughts and process more than angered them.
Delphine wasn't allowed to watch the transmutation happen. Only the results.
They were left to care for what everyone called a living corpse. She didn't mind. This living corpse spoke to her even through cracked lips and raspy voice.
She'll enjoy whatever last moment's she has left with her task.
No matter if it's K'in screaming at her, frustrated that not even her own voice could be heard or it's spent happily. Delphine brushing through tangles and K'in's light mumbling about their day plan that will no doubt be disrupted.
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Kio works as the bridge between K'in and their family. After the whole event K'in shut themselves away from their family and refuse to speak to them.
Family wasn't concerned over it as much as they should be. Only going such lengths to the pleas of their biological children. Kody and Seo were worried for their sibling and often visited them but still K'in refused to speak.
So their parents found someone that would play translator. Cost them more money than they'd like, not that it made even a small dent in their bank account.
It took an unreasonable amount of time, by their parents standards, for K'in to start speaking to Kio.
At first Kio's stand offish personality stunted the progress. Him trying to pick and prode at Onyx and her schedule loving attitude didn't help at all.
Eventually he reminded K'in of how they were before all this and they opened up little by little. Soon enough he was retelling short and long stories with the siblings.
This goes on as long as K'in has things to say. He's kept out of law's hands and granted to do what he wishes as long as he does as asked of him.
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sovereignxfae · 3 years
//tag made, weeee
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