#❝ 𝐌y wounds 𝐬harpen me. i bleed with 𝐩ower instead of 𝐩ain~ ❞  | ℳ𝒾𝓈𝑡 |〈 №⁹⁶〉
malicedarkened · 1 year
“Mist? Mist!!” Panic grew in every call for him. “Where are you? I have a slight problem!!”
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He was scared.
The card shuddered and a plume of black, smokey particles spiraled out like a twister. Shapes rolling into being, knuckles and legs and a head.
Arms shot out and were grasping for the little one before the rest of him had even formed. "Baby! What's the matter?!"
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malicedarkened · 1 year
Well if were turning number ninety sixes back into puppets, maybe you should be next ✶٭༌
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Acid noise spit through teeth in one monstrous word.
". . 𝑫 𝒐 𝒏 ' 𝒕. "
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malicedarkened · 1 year
﹣ 〖 from @powerofbarian continued: 〗
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"Not long enough, number 96 but here we are you're the one to appear before me. Miss Chaos?"
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A growl tore out of him. Several responses like daggers cutting on the tip of his tongue, but first thing was first; "My name is Mist."
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malicedarkened · 2 years
(shine) He's a 10? I thought he was a 96.
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"..the fact that you could be intentionally joking just as easily as being wholly genuine,"
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"Would irk me. If~ not for the fact that I am quite aware your opinion on my figure~"
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malicedarkened · 2 years
@inmiasma​ asked : before i get to the sad time thread, some more 96/S0?  ❛  are you really sure this is what you want ? you won’t regret it later ?  ❜
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   “Regret.” Scoffs soft laughter around the syllables. The amusement lying not in Shine’s asking, but all within the word itself. Its simple existence. 
   “I have history enough with such a sentiment. Pondering my past will only build me mountains more, it’s -” A beat, debating to voice it, but then does. Because it’s Shine. “- It’s why I avoid it. Now, I regret nearly ever breath of my history.”
   They’ve come so far that he dares to lean close. Ghost a palm to the collar of his friend (companion? savior. future.), while the other takes a lock of amber between fingers.
   “But this?”
   He dips his head forward until their temples brush together.
 “I can never regret you.” Mist whispers, gaze on the green jewel tucked under Shine’s throat. “I will never regret us, whatever we are, whatever we become. My ... friend.”
  (’my dawn. my home. my Shine.’)
  “My regret will never touch you.”
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malicedarkened · 2 years
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  “Oh look, the most annoying and boring Astral has come out of their cave.”
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malicedarkened · 2 years
Yuma is going to wrap his arms Around mist, hugging him tight in a warm embrace.
" What's that? We gotta bother you MORE?? We gotta give you MORE attention and be MORE obvious with how much we care about you? Oh The Horror-- "
| From Yuma! |
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The hold is sudden and (probably shouldn’t have been) but it’s unexpected. Little half-made growls and twists come off of the inky spirit being, grumbling towards the distance with eyes set every which way not on the boy.
“Bothering little brat...”
( The second it looks like Yuma may relent or let go, though, Mist proceeds to not move nor say a word and just stay how they are. )
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malicedarkened · 2 years
❛  you have no idea what you’ve gotten yourself into.  ❜
| From Nova ! |
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  “Funny,” Mist laughed obnoxiously loud for the show of it, rolling shoulders languidly back and bending down to a readied position. Glint inside his irises becoming sharp.
  “I was fixing to say the very same to you.”
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malicedarkened · 1 year
To say Astral had been worried would be an understatement.. disregarding his previous avoidance of Dark for respects sake, the envoy practically burst into the area in a flash of light, his aura ablaze as he grabbed hold of mists face.
" Are you alright?! What happened?? Are you hurt?! Did he do anything to you two?- "
Strings of questions that ended in Astral embracing his brother tightly, a rare quiver in his voice.
" I was so worried I'd loose you when I heard your call- "
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The number stared and even had the gall to blink somewhat in a bit of surprise as Astral embraced him, quick to return the gesture when he felt his brother trembling. Holding him as he explained his fearful worry, guilt yawning wider in Mist's chest.
"I-" Fuck. The numbers-link distress call. "I'm alright. He put up less of a fight than I anticipated."
Mist held Astral's face too, getting their eyes to meet.
"We're both fine. I didn't mean to scare you... I shouldn't have send you that message, I was trying﹣"
What was his answer. 'I predicted I was in over my head as per usual and wanted to clear my affairs?' That sounded like more and more a bastard move the further he explained it. He hadn't thought beyond than making sure what was left of his family would stay together after him.
"...I'm sorry."
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malicedarkened · 1 year
' Try and be friendly ' ' Give him a chance, '
Tori wasn't very sure how to do that.. especially given their first introductions! So- this would have to do for now.
" U- Uhh, hiii Dark- Mist? I- um, I got you this! Yuma said you dont like strings so, i got you something fluffy instead! "
Did she sound as unsure as she thought she did? Regardless, she held forward a palm sized fluff ball with black fur, a small little 96 sewn onto its side. Call it her peace offering..
| From @mizukibirds ! |
This was the human girl that was often around the Tsukumo brat. It took him a moment to recognize her, but he connected it as soon as she spoke.
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"It's just Mist." To his very highly self given credit, he did not say it unkindly.
His gaze snapped down to the fluffy thing and lightly balked. "You.. what is that?" A 'pillow'? Didn't humans sleep on those, but this was much too small for that.
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malicedarkened · 1 year
mist, what were your first impressions of both astral (generally speaking) and shine and how have they changed over time?
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"...." A very (not) covert facing away from the asker when trying to answer. "I think our mutual first impressions are not really a secret."
The pause stretched between an inhale and sigh. "All the Astrals that I know now, it has.. become different. Changed. And with any luck, changed also mutually for the better."
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"Shine, on the other hand." A coy lilt seeped into the drawl of his words. "That may just be the one person whom my feelings have never changed, only grown more... intense. With time."
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malicedarkened · 1 year
﹣✷ [ dash ; @highfivethesky ]
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"What is that supposed to mean!?"
What was this brat prattling on about? He was illustriously attractive! right-
"I make my appearance my own!"
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malicedarkened · 2 years
Cloudy weather meant two things ; Snow And more importantly ; No Sun
Which all added up to the young boy standing out in the powdery landscape, so calm and quiet as it was- Well, until he made a small wad of snow and chucked it at a not so suspecting brother of his.
| From ; Role swap Astral ! |
“Gah-kh!” Mist shook himself of the glittering powder now covering the side of his face. Where Astral had gotten such aim from, he had no idea. He was supposed to be the more jock one of them both.
Not that either of them were anything close to that, but still.
Mist rounded on his brother, scooping his own ammunition and rolling it to a globe between his mittened palms and loosing it after two long swings. 
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malicedarkened · 2 years
Astral was careful, putting his hands on Mist's shoulders.
" Are- you alright? "
The shoulder Astral touches slowly relaxes from its strain.
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"I'm fine. It just-" Chest catches, then releases. "-nothing. I'm fine, brother."
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malicedarkened · 3 years
"Remember who you are. You were originally a part of me and you can never be more."(barianprogenitor)
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"Not you again...!"
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malicedarkened · 2 years
" Hmm...... Yo! Mist! What if we Zexal'd? You know like me and Astral do? "
| From Yuma |
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"Ab-so-lutely not."
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