#❛ ・゚✧ ( ʀɪʏᴀɴsʜ ᴍᴀʀᴛᴇʟʟ )
riyanshmartell · 3 years
𝑁𝑦𝑠𝑠𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎 𝐴𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑦𝑜𝑛.
The Dornish Prince had always felt most at ease with a weapon in hand, the call of battle had never caused the man to falter, though in the many years since he’d last truly fought in earnest he did feel a change within himself. In his youth he fought for the gleeful satisfaction that could be found in battle, a rush like no other. Though this time around he fought harder for all the more reasons he’d gained to return for. The first of which were the two great loves of his life, and their children, then of course his sisters and the responsibilities entrusted to him by his title. The man was blessed with more than he could have ever wished for himself and what better motivation was there than that?
It had now been but a few short days since he joined the Prince Regent at Goldengrove, from the moment he’d accepted the alliance his sister had initiated with the Reach it became paramount that he solidify the foundations of that alliance whether it was one he’d have chosen himself or not. Though this did mean there was still many moons before he would return home to the faces he yearned for the most. Thus he found solace in his routines, staring his days with rigorous physical activity. The training facilities at the keep thankfully did not disappoint. His concentration as he trained was fixed, nor was he expecting any interruptions in such early hours.
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
TRUTH SERUM: if you could only save one, your wife or lover, who would you choose?
Though perhaps his anger upon being as such a question only flashed in his gaze momentarily as he asserted his well practiced composure, just the thought of such a scenario made his blood boil. “The choice would be in hands of fate itself, as I could not willingly choose.”
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
𝐶𝑒𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝑇𝑦𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑙.
An otherwise productive evening had come undone in a matter of minutes. The heated exchange between the Dornishmen would likely to be remembered long after the remembrance  agreeable and cordial exchange that was had prior to between the Dornish and Reachmen. He had severely underestimated Blackmonts uncaring for propriety, he had expected displeasure though not in front of the outsiders, not so unabashedly. And in that he would take the blame.
Riyansh was still very much upset over the accusations  Ryon had hurtled his way, particularly in the matter of the sister whose future hadn’t been the topic of discussion that evening, it was one thing for Ryon to express his anger over the matter at hand but drag in all their other business in front of so many was entirely insufferable. If the man did not share blood with his own, the state of his being would be very different now. Though he suspected it was for that reason he felt so emboldened to begin with, whether it was a conscious understanding on his part or not.
Never the less, it fell on the Prince to nullify matters once more. Entering the apartments occupied by the Reach’s Regent once formally announced, his face remained composed though lacked in the placability he’d worn the previous evening. Once the formality of greetings had been dealt with he wasted no time in getting to the matter at hand. “Our discussion was cut short last night, for which I apologize. Lord Blackmont will be suitably dealt with so we can avoid future interferences of that nature. I assure you his words hold no baring over our intentions.”
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
𝑅𝑖𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑠𝘩 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑡 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝘩𝑒 𝑇𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑦 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑀𝑒𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 
Time: After the Second Battle Location: Outside Riverrun Featuring: Morra Greyjoy, Asra Dayne, Ryon Blackmont, Cedric Tyrell, Khal Nahajo, Brynden Tully, Rowan Arryn, Mathis Rowan & More
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   After the battle and the understanding that they would all be in this standstill for a time, the Dornish Prince had finally taken off his armor to have it washed of the blood and grime, he'd been tending to his twin spears when word of what had happened in the Greyjoy tent reached him. Without wasting much time he put on the straps to holster his spears and sword on across his bare chest taking a long saffron shawl across his chest to cover before making his way to the gathering, though not before stopping to collect his cousin on the way. He entered the tent with Asra on his heel, taking a moment to access the scene, furrowing his brows at the sight of the tied up scouts. For their credit they didn't look nearly as scared as they should be, and he realized it was more than lightly youthful bravado. He nodded his head towards the other leaders, watching Ryon walk toward the pair his jaw worked though he said nothing, for now.
   The prince had remained quiet through the petty squabblings of the grown men around him arms crossed across his chest. Though when it came to light that not only were the two young, but one of them was a girl he knew where he landed as far how they should be dealt with. His jaw worked as the Dragon king lifted the mouthy one clean off his feet by the scruff, though it was at the Khal's involvement that he stepped forward himself placing himself between the young girl and the Dothraki, standing at nearly his stature he had no problem looking the man in the eyes unintimidated. Though he held his gaze a moment, it was the rest of the group he addressed, "Surely, half the ruling nobility of Westeros need not concern themselves with the interrogation of a pair of children. We're wasting time here, when our concern should be the man employing the two. We know what they were here to retrieve, surely even the fish king would not entrust two welps with more than a simple task. Throw them in a cell to be further interrogated then punished by Brynden Tully."
   If nothing else this gathering was bringing to light the different personalities and morality if the different rulers of Westeros. Riyansh nodded his head in agreement with, King Arryn, and Lord Rowan. And for once Ryon too was not belligerently opposing his stance. “Allowing either to return to the Fish King is out of the question,” he began in response to the boy’s proposition. “Do you believe you will be able to persuade your father of changing his course?” He asked the river prince.
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riyanshmartell · 4 years
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name:  riyansh martell
nickname:  ry, ansh
title:  prince of drone
age:  thirty five years old
birthdate:  december 16th, 105
house:  martell
region:  drone
father:  nymor martell
mother:  aahna dayne ( deceased )
step-mother:  allyria yronwood 
siblings:  eleyana, loreza, nymeria martell
wife:  tba
lover:  tba
The first born to Ruling Prince Nymor and Princess Aahna, Riyansh was the first ray of light in the next generation of the Martell lineage. Unbowed, unbent, unbroken, and as sure as the dawn. The words of two great houses of Drone have always reverberated in the dornishmans mind grounding him, and elating him. As heir apparent every path he’s been led down, and taken of his own volition has always led toward the seat of Sunspear. And the Prince has never disappointed, as straying from his responsibilities has never been in his nature, not when he’s always had two pillars of strength to aspire to. His father who has always exemplified strength and resolve, and his mother who bore the title of Sword of the Morning until her dying breath, and upheld the promise sworn on her noble blade till the end, the picture of grace and valor.
Trained by both the sword and spears from a young age, Riyansh has perhaps always felt most comfortable amidst affray, and restless when in a state of repose. Though he lost his mother at the age of ten, he’d already spent years under his mothers expert tutelage, having started his swordsmanship training with her not long after he could walk, having known her illness would soon claim her life Aahna had ensured her son would be taken care after her passing as well. Thus Riyansh would go on to spend much time in Starfall in his youth further training with his uncle and cousin. After his mother’s passing Dawn was entrusted to Riyansh, to bestow the honor upon another knight worthy of upholding his mothers legacy. That honor went to his cousin when they both turned eighteen, the two had always been thick as thieves he considers her his closest friend and confidant to this day. It is known by all when he assumes the title of ruling prince, she will be his hand.
From his father in his early years he learned how to fight with the spears the Martells are so keen too, as well as hand to hand combat, strategy and battle formations. Though his learning did not end there, in his early twenties Riyansh traveled to Essos to see the world, and learn from cultures apart from his own. He spent some time in many of the different regions of the continent only returning home after five years when his father sent word about the impending war, though Drone had no plans to participate he got the message, he wanted his son beside him should Drone get pulled into the conflict regardless. Riyansh spent the years upon his return reacquainting with his homeland establishing his credibility and garnering support to make his ascension whenever it should happen go smoothly.
Riyansh has always been more of a militant personality, partially due to how much he favors physical might, but also because he’s a straightforward and direct man, political intrigue and the mind games have never really held any interest to him. He’s result oriented and analytical, finding solace in strategizing a battle more so than an alliance. Thankfully this isn’t the case for his sisters, and while he’s very protective of all three of them, he also respects Eleyana and Loreza enough to recognize their strengths, and not hold them back. 
As rigid as he may appear in his personal life, outside the responsibilities he has to his title and people, Riyansh is deeply passionate about the arts, having brought back with him from Essos many craftsman and artistes. He’s a man who lives by his word, and loyal to his friends and family. Someone who holds himself to just morals and despises deception, and those who go back on their word. Those closest to him see an even more impassioned side, married since his early twenties his relationship with his wife is unconventional perhaps to some, she was by his side the his first year in Essos before she returned to Sunspear to act in his stead. In their time apart they both kept lovers, knowing of all whom occupied each others time. A year after he returned home, when the woman who occupied much of his time and heart in Essos arrived barring his son, she welcome them with open arms. The three of them over time grew to share a unique bond of love, and mutual respect.
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
𝐿𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑧𝑎 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙.
Northern travel was not well fitting for the Dornish prince, raised in the dry heat of the dessert, the crisp winds of the Eyrie brought no comfort. Though Dorne would have to wait, there was still plenty to be done before they could return home. Sensing the approach of his sister, Riyansh stepped away from where he stood gazing out at the sloping landscape. “It feels as though it’s been an age since I last saw you. I trust you’re doing well?” He spoke in greeting, with a warm smile.
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
𝐿𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑧𝑎 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙.
Plucking the ripe golden fruit from a low hanging branch from the many apple trees that lined the paths beyond the keep, the Prince couldn’t help but ponder over it, the tales of the children of Garth the Gardener were well known across Westeros, and it was said it was this golden fruit that was the namesake of this keep. The beauty of the Reach was undeniable, and as observed his surroundings he pondered if his might be able to find happiness in this place, and in Highgarden. It was that question that led him out to the Garden’s to seek out Loreza. When he finally caught sight of her as vibrant a sight as the flora around them, he smiled a moment before approaching her with some amount disquiet in his heart for this was not an easy matter for the man to consider. As his sisters had always seemed so young to him, his love for them was akin to the love he now felt for his own children. He offered the fruit to her when he finally reached her, “I am glad you decided to meet us here so we may depart for home together, Reeza. How have you faired in these weeks since we parted ways?”
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
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Close up of Riyansh Martell’s chest plate
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
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Princess Aahana Martell nee Dayne, first wife of Nymor Martell. Sword of the Morning; 86 - 114 AC
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
TRUTH SERUM: What are your thoughts regarding your sister Eleyana's closeness with Dastan?
“They’ve known one another well all their lives. Dastan is capable, and no different to me than any of my own siblings. I have always believed his influence to be a positive one on Eleya.”
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@eleyanamrtll + @dastan-allyrion​
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
𝐴𝑠𝑟𝑎 𝐷𝑎𝑦𝑛𝑒.
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“If that man did not share the blood of my kin, the matter would’ve been dealt with long before he had the chance to make such a mockery of us.” Riyansh stated with all the agitation and rage he’d kept bottled for the sake of keeping his calm. Though Ryon Blackmont had put his patience to the test yet again, his indiscretions were easier forgiven within Dornish borders, though so far from him surrounded by new found allies when it had been most paramount to present a unified front it simply was intolerable. “I have resolved that it would best for everyone if Blackmont is kept away from any further communications with the Reach, as he’s proven time and time again that he can not keep his head in matters.” In the matters of their realm and most others we well there as no one else Riyansh shared the inner most workings of his mind with than Asra. His cousin, his best friend, his brother by every stretch, no one knew him longer or better.
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riyanshmartell · 3 years
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𝑅𝑖𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑠𝘩 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝘩𝑒 𝐷𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑐𝘩 𝐴𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝐷𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 
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