#❛  —  ii.  relationships   /   LORI GRIMES
missusgrimes · 6 years
* M E T A  0 2:  lori and shane’s relationship
requested by anon.
the  sheer  complexity  of  lori  and  shane’s  relationship  is  worthy  of  a  novel,  with  its  numerous  components  and  explanations.  however,  in  this  meta,  i  will  summarize  what  i  believe  are  the  most  vital  points  to  understanding  lori’s  perspective  in  all  this,  relying  primarily  on  direct  evidence  from  the  show  itself.
❝ yeah,  you  always  do,  just  like  that  time  you  showed  up  rick  fixing  our  sink. ❞
there  is  something  to  be  said  about  the  strength  of  lori  and  shane’s  friendship  even  before  the  world  fell  apart.  it  is  established  that  shane  was  somewhat  of  an  extension  to  their  family  as  a  whole,  having  a  relationship  with  all  three  members  of  the  grimes  family  ( with  carl  even  seeing  him  as  a  sort  of  uncle  figure ).  there  is  a  clear  amount  of  fondness  and  trust  that  already  exists  between  shane  and  lori,  built  upon  at  least  a  decade  of  knowing  each  other.  so  by  the  time  of  the  outbreak,  shane  is  perhaps  the  only  other  man  besides  rick  with  whom  lori  would  entrust  the  life  of  her  and  her  child.
however,  there  is  a  distinction  between  rick  and  lori’s  respective  friendships  with  shane ;  he  is  rick’s  best  friend,  not  lori’s,  and  as  such  he  will  be  on  rick’s  side  of  the  court  when  it  comes  down  to  it  ( just  as  lori  has  her  own  friends  that  serve  similar  roles ).  rick  and  shane  alike  consider  each  other  to  be  as  good  as  brothers,  having  known  each  other  at  least  since  high  school  and  being  the  best  of  friends  ever  since.  shane  is  a  dear  and  beloved  friend  to  lori,  but  he  is  first  and  foremost  rick’s  brother. 
the  two  main  factors  behind  lori’s  decision  to  be  involved  with  shane  are  i.   rick  was  dead,  and  ii.  the  world  was  ending.  it  is  important  to  recognize  that  without  both  of  these  factors  present,  lori  never  would  have  pursued  a  relationship  with  shane.  of  course  they  have  chemistry,  of  course  she  cares  for  him  greatly,  and  she  obviously  is  not  thinking  advantageously  or  logically  when  she  makes  this  choice.  but  after  rick  returns  and  she’s  brought  back  to  reality,  lori  is  able  to  deconstruct  her  behavior  and  the  thought  processes  that  explain  it,  which i  am  going  to  expand  upon  below.  tl;dr:  her  relationship  with  shane  serves  as  a  coping  mechanism  for  lori’s  grief  and  fear.
i. rick was dead
❝ look,  i  thought  my  husband  was  dead.  and  i  felt  like  i  died  with  him.  and  i — i  wanted  to  feel  something — anything.  and  now  I  hate  myself  for  it. ❞
rick  and  lori  were  canonically  married  and  had  carl  at  a  very  young  age  ( early  twenties,  when  you  do  the  math ).  this  means  that  for  practically  all  of  lori’s  adult  life,  she’s  been  married.  even  through  all  of  their  problems,  rick  and  lori  were  partners,  they  didn’t  really  know  how  to  function  without  each  other,  and  they  ultimately — as  sarah  wayne  callies  says — ❝ loved  the  living  daylights  out  of  each  other ❞.  so  when  rick  dies  and  she  is  forced  to  leave  him  behind,  the  internal  impact  on  lori  is  so  great  that  it  makes  her  feel  like  she  ❝ died  with  him ❞.  her  grief  left  her  in  a  state  of  numbness  at  having  essentially  lost  her  life  as  she’d  known  it  for  so  many  years.
so  naturally,  lori’s  psyche  longed  to  a.  break  that  sense  of  numbness  and  b.  regain  the  partner  that  she  had  lost.  romantic  and  physical  intimacy  with  shane  satisfies  the  former,  and  the  stability,  companionship,  and  care  that  came  along  with  being  in  a  relationship  satisfies  the  latter — and  who  other  than  rick’s  best  friend  and  partner,  an  already  dear  person  in  lori’s  life,  would  better  fill  the  rick-shaped  hole  in  her  heart ?  it  is  also  vital  to  note  that  shane  could  doubly  fill  that  role  by  serving  as  an  invested  father-figure  for  carl,  a  factor  which  surely  sealed  the  deal  and  made  shane  infinitely  more  attractive.
ii. the world was ending
❝ do  you  remember  that  night ?  the  flames,  the…  and  i’m  sitting  in  your  car  thinking,  ‘we’re  gonna  be  all  right.  he’s  gonna  make  it  all  right.  we’ll  get  out  of  here.’ ❞
the  obvious  thing  here  is  to  bring  up  the  now-or-never,  ‘we  could  die  tomorrow’  mentality,  which  is  definitely  at  play  when  it  comes  to  lori’s  expediency  in  starting  a  relationship  mere  weeks  after  her  husband  is  declared  dead.  if  the  fact  of  the  matter  is  that  the  rest  of  them  may  die  at  any  moment,  then  of  course  this  places  a  ticking  clock  on  lori’s  life  and  motivations  ( as  it  does  with  shane’s ).  in  addition, on  some  level,  lori’s  focus  on  survival — particularly  for  carl’s  sake — pushes  her  to  become  closer  to  shane  because  of  the  protection  and  safety  that  he  offers.
but  the  end  of  the  world  also  means  that  actions  don’t  have  long-term  consequences.  this  serves  as  more  of  a  catalyst  and  becomes  less  of  a  factor  as  time  goes  on  and  their  group  of  survivors  stabilizes,  but  even  so,  lori  would  not  have  been  thinking  of  a  future  with  shane.  her  mindset  is  oriented  towards  surviving  one  day  at  a  time.  
❝ even  though  things  got…  confused  between  us,  you  were  there  for  me.  you  were  there  for  me.  thank  you.  […]  whatever  happened  between  us,  whatever  the  hell  we  thought  it  was — and  not  just  you,  but — i’m  sorry,  shane.  please  believe  me.  i  am  so  sorry. ❞
the  short  answer  here  is  no — the  spell  is  broken  as  soon  as  rick  returns,  and  lori  is  forced  to  look  the  errors  of  her  ways  straight  in  the  face.  she  makes  it  abundantly  clear  that  her  actions  were  a  mistake,  something  she  hates  herself  for  and  wishes  she  could  take  back.  her  guilt  causes  her  to  cut  off  from  shane  completely  at  first,  and  it  also  fuels  an  undeserved  rage  towards  shane  in  a  desperate  attempt  to  find  someone  other  than  herself  to  blame.  she  does  not  fully  come  to  terms  with  what  she  has  done  until  her  very  last  interaction  with  shane,  where  she  finally  expresses  ownership  over  the  wrong  she  has  done  by  him  and  the  pain  she  has  caused.
her  line  about  things  getting  ❝ confused ❞  refers  to  the  fact  that  her  emotions  were  indeed  involved — she  wasn’t  merely  using  him  for  sex.  as  the  rest  of  this  meta  explains,  there  are  many  feelings  at  the  core  of  this  relationship,  which  lori  allows  herself  to  get  sucked  into  as  a  way  to  cope  with  her  consuming  grief  and  fear.  but  all  of  that  shatters  once  rick  returns,  and  lori  can  see  for  the  first  time  with  a  clear  mind  how  she  had  used  shane  and  how  wrong  it  all  was.  
does  this  mean  that  lori  doesn’t  genuinely  care  about  shane ?  of  course  not.  much  of  the  paragraphs  above  detail  the  intricacies  of  her  feelings  for  him.  with  that  said,  of  course  she  doesn’t  love  shane,  because  while  what  happens  between  them  in  those  few  weeks  is  undoubtedly  complicated,  ‘love’  is  not  at  all  the  word  to  describe  it.
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kokoleeks101 · 5 years
I might continue this.
“OH….. Richard stop before someone sees us.” 
“Why, you and I belong to each other, I don’t care what my parents say, I don’t care what society thinks. He says as he removes his hand from her waist to grasp her chin, looked around to see if anyone was watching and attempted to kiss her. 
Richard Grimes III was the son of King Richard Grimes II. His father is the ruler of the kingdom of Alexandria and he was expected to be wedded to Lady Lori Annes of Wales.
 Michonne was a maid in the castle, she had met the Prince, and they had fallen in love, although they know that their relationship would never be accepted by the kings because of Michonne’s place in the world. They knew that they could never publically claim each other, so they would enjoy each other to the fullest in private. She was blessed with chocolate colored skin, and it glowed in the light along with her brown eyes. She was so beautiful that heads would turn when she walked. She was wearing a regular maidens’ outfit that she spiced up by cutting shorter and adding a few more designs than needed. It was a black dress with white trimes, a half-apron white apron, with a ruffled headpiece, and high heels paired with a black garter. It hugged her body so tight, that you could see her full body curves and all her edges. 
She pulled back and said “Rick, I’m working, you have to stop. Someone’s gonna see us.” Then he countered he reason for stopping him from kissing her. “I don’t care anymore, why do we have to hide. I don’t wanna hide anymore, I wanna be with you and only you. I love you, Michonne.” “Rick, you’re getting married in a few days and you a new chapter waiting for you to start.” Before he was given a chance to speak the head of maidens was approaching and they pulled away from each other. “Oh there you are Michonne, you’re needed on the second floor, to change the bedding in room bed chambers.” The blonde haired woman, named Jessie said as she was also curious what the Prince and a maid were discussing that had them standing so close. “Okay ma’am, thank you for telling me.” “Oh, and Richard, your father’s looking for you. He wants you in his office right now.” “Thank you Jessie. I was headed that way and stopped to help, Michonne here.” He walked away and headed for his father’s office and the top floor where the Royal family stayed, separate from the servants. As soon as he was far enough away Jessie moved closer to Michonne and asked “I know he wasn’t helping you so what were you two truly discussing.” To which Michonne replied “Nothing, ma’am, my basket fell and all my things sprewed out and he was helping me get my things together.” “Okay, well hurry down to the chambers, you know how needy Lady Annes is and if you come to her late that will be your third strike and you would have to be fired.” She quickly rushed to get the herself together and she moved to where she was needed. 
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ao3feed-snape · 2 years
Magic and Walker's
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/uhc5iNx
by DrarryLover2696
Harry and Blaise Zabini-Black sent their youngest son Aries to Ilvermorny for his magical education. Two months after that Inferi or what seem to be Inferi starts to attack the muggle and Magical world.
Rick Grimes finds a deaf little boy in a bar around his son's age with a pet tiger hybrid named Winter.
This is my first story that i'm willing to post
Words: 3137, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Walking Dead (TV), Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Harry Potter, Blaise Zabini, Orion Zabini-Black (OMC), Pollux Zabini-Black (OMC), Castor Zabini-Black (OMC), Aries Zabini-Black (OMC), Duane Jones, Morgan Jones, Fred Weasley, Katie Bell, Severus Snape, George Weasley, Angelina Johnson, Roxanne Weasley, Fred Weasley II, Scorpius Malfoy, Lori Grimes, Carl Grimes, Rick Grimes, Michonne (Walking Dead), Daryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Maggie Greene, Hershel Greene, Beth Greene (Walking Dead), Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Carol Peletier
Relationships: Lori Grimes/Rick Grimes, Maggie Greene/Glenn Rhee, Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini, Katie Bell/Fred Weasley, Angelina Johnson/George Weasley, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood, Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Carl Grimes/OMC, Duane Jones/OMC, Rick Grimes/Michonne, Connie/Daryl Dixon
Additional Tags: Fred Weasley Lives, Severus Snape Lives, Good Severus Snape, Deaf Character, Original Character(s), Bottom Harry, Master of Death Harry Potter, Healer Harry Potter, Unspeakable Blaise Zabini, Protective Siblings, Duane Jones Lives, Carl Grimes Lives, Protective Carl Grimes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/uhc5iNx
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