#❛   ‹    i.   &.   visage   ;   this is not the end ━ this is not your end.   /   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜
infinitedevilengine · 7 years
[1] The Heretic's Court is now in session
Will the defendant stand at attention
Ciocie Cioelle Estrella Von Maximus the Third
Adjudication is complete, hear our word
We find you guilty of the crime
Of wasting the heretic's time [2]
And we sentence you to suffer
The desperate ploy you offer
But fortunately for you
There are others sentenced too
Firstly Muu, pale masked in quietude
Is guilty of grand ineptitude
For submitting our taxes doubly filled
And as friend to the accountants guild
To the vault, she must let you intrude [3][A pale demon as the face, she works with the guild and must let the crew in because she accidentally overpaid the Court's taxes]
Second is Stibial, the sulfurous hag
Impudently does her bulk and green visage wag
If she won't with us share
The brimstone she does prepare
She must share with this scalawag [4][A green demon as the mechanic, she's an expert at gunpowder but refuses to share with the court]
Now meet Ahncor, of scarlet face
Believes this great court, he can deface
No blood may he spill
But some role he must fill
Any danger you ask he must embrace[A red demon as the acrobat, he must do whatever crazy things are asked but he's not allowed to fight]
Next Errienna, of the gilded masquerade
The assassin sang most poorly when bade
Guilty of her skills
She must owe you kills
Ten deaths for your cause must be made [5][A gold demon as the bruiser, and a professional assassin]
Now Kulkie the clerk, with his navy grin
Thought himself somehow safe from the Court's whim
To end his delusion
He will follow your collusion
To report when we convene again  [A blue demon as the mystery sixth role, he works for the court and must report back on what happens]
Lastly Duru Maan, our goblin thrall
A Servant like Mammon, with a different call
As our last jokeThis simple blokeMust lead your affair to its fall [An idiot goblin is assigned as group leader as a joke]
Now to our judgments you must avail
And leave to the vault that shall be your jail
Make haste, your presence has grown quite stale.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] "As with any formal affair between devils, the Heretic's Court (or perhaps Heretics' Court?) delivers judgment in melody and verse. It is still not clear to me if this is a conscious decision, or a subconscious subversion of formality."- St. Albert's Lexidaemon [2] "By my observation, everyone who stands before the Court is found guilty of something, even if it is not the subject of the hearing."- St. Albert's Lexidaemon [3] "It is considered standard practice to follow the letter, and diverge from the spirit or intent, of the verdict(s). For example, if a devil was sentenced to clean a room, the devil will likely pocket anything of value in the room and everything else will disappear: furniture, rugs, doors, chandeliers, and so on. And for any other group, I might say 'polite' rather than 'standard practice,' although the Court never seems offended."- St. Albert's Lexidaemon [4] "There are relatively few rules to break in devil society, but the most common one seems to be contempt of the Court. The Court will often demand whatever is wishes of a demon, and if the demon refuses, then it is guilty of contempt and typically sentenced to something more severe."- St. Albert's Lexidaemon [5] "The second most common transgression is somehow annoying the Court in an informal way. It is not intuitive what annoys the court however; most other judicial systems would find the entirety of the Court's workings guilty of this very charge."
- St. Albert's Lexidaemon
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prfectplces · 6 years
we back @ it w the sci fi ocs ... my loves ... maxie tags & orrin tags
#❛   ‹    i.   &.   visage   ;   this is not the end ━ this is not your end.   /   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   aesthetic   ;   how many nights would it take to count the stars?   /   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   musings   ;   i can’t talk about it.   /   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   soundtrack   ;   you and me got a whole lot of history.   /   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   bodyclaim   ;   stronger than i was before.   /   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   emotions   ;   for your eyes only ━ i’ll show you my heart.   /   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   meta & study   ;   i hope your heart is strong enough.   /   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   threads   ;   we found a way through the dark.   /   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    ii.   &.   dynamic   ;   wherever i go ━ you bring me home.   /   maximus ainsley reid   &   orrin yelich   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    ii.   &.   dynamic   ;   giving back is all i want to do.   /   maximus ainsley reid   &   maggie ainsley   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    ii.   &.   dynamic   ;   don’t kill my vibe.   /   isadora godel   &   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    ii.   &.   dynamic   ;   i’m sorry no one loved you right.   /   karine argyris   &   maximus ainsley reid   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    ii.   &.   dynamic   ;   i can’t stand to be alone.   /   maximus ainsley reid   &   merlin rose   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   visage   ;   i’ve got my heart out on my sleeve.   /   orrin yelich   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   aesthetic   ;   we could walk the street all night.   /   orrin yelich   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   musings   ;   room for common ground.   /   orrin yelich   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   soundtrack   ;   wanna drive in the night to the end of the world and go over the edge?   /   orrin yelich   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   bodyclaim   ;   i’ll be here for you.   /   orrin yelich   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   emotions   ;   teach me how to be someone.   /   orrin yelich   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   meta & study   ;   the truth is out.   /   orrin yelich   ›   ❜#❛   ‹    i.   &.   threads   ;   i’d like to sit quietly & do nothing.   /   orrin yelich   ›   ❜
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elstine-harboson · 8 years
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((Dedicated to a dear friend that has recently departed from WoW, we'll miss you Jay. I will miss you.)) The series of bells that signified that midnight had taken its hold could be heard echoing through the canyon like streets made from cobble and wood; at the end of an Elwyn road close to the city Elstine had chosen to settle himself into his favorite porch rocking chair. The only light nearby to give himself away came from a subtle orange glow that hummed from the end of his cigarette that was tucked between his index and middle finger. His gloves, boots, even his armor had been discarded for the evening, now only in a wrinkled pair unbuckled slacks and a unbuttoned white dress shirt with the sleeves still neatly rolled up; the cigarette rose to settle in between the thin line of his lips. A tired, dirt-brown visage was focused upon his yard, though exasperated from the day he kept searching the treeline, searching the edge of the hill that hid the coming path; he hoped to hear a fluttering of feathers, predatorial growl, maybe some glowing eyes peeking back at him. But he was alone. It had been several days now since he had last heard from Jagen, while it wasn't uncommon for the little Druidess to wander off for at a time without word she would also return when Elstine needed her, it's like she could smell the tobaco grom the other end of the world - could tell when he had missed a dose of his sleep inducing medications as prescribed by his Doctor and Friend. At this point, the smoking wasn't about calming his nerves anymore, it was a damned flare shooting out into the sky hoping to signal the Druid, hoping to hear the nagging voice: "Elstine, those things will kill you! If you want to live long enough to create a damn Empire you better quit - and take your medication too!" He had already chosen to leave his Father, Mother, siblings, and the family farm, his mentor and tutor had discarded him with a knife to the back, and now one of the few he trusted... How was he to confide into someone that was not there? Who would take care of him now? Who would be the voice of reason in his mad dash for eternity? In his other hand, he held a frame with an aging portrait of Jagen and her gifted Turtle Companion: Maximus. The amber eyes of the Druidess seemed to sparkle under the casual glow of the cigarette's slow burn. Elstine sure was glad there was a sheet of glass covering the only and picture of his friend as tears began to build under the frigidly calculating visage; how many more would leave his side. Difficult to have three musketeers with only two. "Mama Jay," he spat out shivering behind his words before he crumpled forward, pressing his forehead against the wooden frame and wept. "Where are you." @mylittledruid @danirel-thorson
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