#❕magic anon tag
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hi mimaw 👋
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HEY HEY!! Toon M!A for 5 asks
With a sudden cloud of transformation smoke the once tall and slender cog was now a short, fluffy and partially chubby Australian Shepard.
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Oh cogs! This is rrrough-ing weird!
Wh- n-no! No my ability to curse! No! AWHHAA!
Why does my rrrghh-ing body hurt so much?! Ouughhh this sucks....
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i- ohh... no.. i dont like this place.... this is where we freed winston from... no i dont like being here... i think my adventures are done...
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go eat some toon food or something!! steal stuff!! skip around and play hopscotch!! have fun with ur life!!!!
You know what.. Yeah..! Yea im gonna go do that! I-
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As soon as it seemed to happen the poof of transformation smoke cleared
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I'm... Oh cogs im me again! Ahaha! Ohh it feels so good to be me again!
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The toonification was over
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a sight for sore eyes 💙
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oh i recognize this place! hey doesnt prester lurk up there?
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oohhhhh look how pretty that tree is!!!
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well thats haunting-
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it smells real salty here. its quite-
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a l r i g h t s u r e
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I suppose theres an upside to being a toon... I can finally visit the playgrounds and see if the hype i hear about them is really as good as toons say..
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what is your favorite type of pasta
Are we talking full dish or just the pasta..?
Man i dont know... Full dish probably Milanese.. Just pasta i guess linguini?
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Man this is humiliating.. I can hear copycat laughing at me already..
I was supposed to ask dave something too! How the arrf am i supposed to ask him like this?! Oughh...
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y o u. why did i even come here- what the rrrough is that painting-
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it's quite busy here... i wont stay long either.. this is actually quite nerve wracking..
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ouh... this place is so b-bright... brr... i h-hate it here.. im no-ot staying here...
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this is also quite a pleasant place.. no wonder Tawney likes it so much..
also sorry im posting so much in one go, i never realized how quick toons actually were-
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ah! this place! gosh its- kinda bright here.. I dont think i'll stick around long.. Didn't dave pick he music here?
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Oh! it's actually quite pretty here..
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