nova-amor · 9 months
༘☁︎⋆ ◜ 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐱 ◞
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thick clouds of steam obscured the tranquil space of the shower, the golden glow of the bathroom's light casting an angelic radiance upon your wet skin. his tongue slid across his bottom lip, big attentive eyes watching as you rinsed the last remnants of conditioner from your hair.
his gaze glanced between your relaxed facial features to the droplets of water streaming from your hairline and down your jaw— his eyes following the trail of droplets going down the length of your neck, down the valley of your breasts, and down to the wet heat between your thighs before finally washing down the shower drain.
“stay,” his voice was barely above a whisper, thick arms wrapping around your waist as you motioned to exit the shower. the warmth of his breath fanned over the cartilage of your ear, teeth softly nipping at the lobe. your back was flushed impossibly close to his chest, his growing erection poking at the plump flesh of your ass cheeks.
the rough pads of his fingers caressed the slit of your folds, your body shuddering as you leaned back further into his embrace. “so sensitive already,” he teased before spreading your pussy lips apart with his index and ring fingers. “barely even touched you and you're already this wet for me, huh?”
his middle finger rubbed at your sensitive nub, swirling all sorts of shapes and letters around your clit, the euphoric sensation causing your hips to buck up to meet his ministrations. your head leaned back onto his shoulder— brows furrowed, eyes squeezed shut, mouth slightly agape. he pressed a searing kiss to your cheek, his nose nuzzling into the side of your face.
“you imagining my cock, baby? body craving for something bigger to fill you?” a thick finger dove into the wet heat of your cunt, tight walls clenching hard around his digit as he fucked his finger up into you. another moan bubbled from deep within your throat, the slick of your arousal staining your inner thighs as it trailed down his hand. “so fucking tight— love it when this pretty pussy squeezes around me like that.”
he bit at your cheek softly, rutting his hard cock into your backside as another finger slipped into you. “such an eager little thing— don't worry, baby, i'll give you exactly what you want in a sec,” he assured, his fingers massaging your gummy walls, poking and prodding at your g-spot. “just wanna toy with you for a bit more.”
tetsurō kuroo, miya twins, eren yeager, jean kirschtein, toji fushiguro, nanami kento, touya todoroki, keigo takami, simon riley, keegan russ
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292 notes · View notes
avid-idiot · 1 year
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Keep Me Going
Features: Atsumu x gn!reader, suggestive towards the end
WC: 300+
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"Baby, it's cold outside," Atsumu whined.
"And whose fault is that? I'm not the one who decided to go without a jacket," you replied.
"Now yer just being mean. Maybe I should'a stayed home then?"
You felt bad for him, really, but sometimes your boyfriend had worse of a head on him than you would have liked. Still, you can't deny the fact that his heart was in the right place.
He stood at your door, nose red and face flushed from the chill. You could see each breath that escaped his lips, like a misty cloud that slowly melded into the air. Even with his shivering form, Atsumu still managed to crack that same stupid grin that stole your heart the first time you saw it.
"Come in then, you big baby. Honestly, what would you do without me?"
"Probably freeze to death," he quipped back, with a slight chuckle.
Finally being granted permission to enter, he wasted no time in closing the distance between you two. Strong arms circled your waist to pull you closer, then suddenly you could feel the cool skin of his forehead pressed against your own.
"You idiot. You'll get sick if you're not careful. Wait here and I'll get you—"
Suddenly you were cut off. Trying to escape his grasp only led to him pulling you even closer, and you could finally see the fire in his gaze. Though he must have been freezing out there, you knew that the only warmth he craved was your own.
Your voice, your smile, the way your skin felt beneath his fingertips. It drove him insane.
Cold hands made their way across the expanse of your body, tracing the curve of your jaw, then slowly making their way down your sides, until they stopped just before the hem of your shirt.
"Don't care about that right now. Just want ya, need ya, in fact," he said as his fingers breached the space between your skin and your top. "It was so fucking cold outside. Help me out, please."
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A/n: thank you @kaisersluv for hyping this up more than needed. It's done and I will be hibernating out of sheer embarrassment
Reblogs much appreciated!!
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yanderecrazysie · 6 months
atsumu, osamu, oikawa, and suguwaru with ❄️?? i love your writing!! hope you've been enjoying the holidays ヽ(^○^)ノ
More Haikyuu bois! Yay! 
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it! More information about the Christmas event can be found here!
❄️ Atsumu likes to catch snowflakes on his tongue.
❄️ He also is quick to start a snowball fight.
❄️ And he throws snowballs HARD. He might even put ice in them.
❄️ He wouldn’t put ice in them against you, just against Osamu.
❄️ But he will find any way to cheat that he can.
❄️ Osamu’s a lot chiller (no pun intended)
❄️ He makes sure that you’re bundled up and often checks on you, asking if you’re too cold.
❄️ He mostly follows your lead, doing whatever you want to do.
❄️ He can get surprisingly competitive in snowball fights, especially against Atsumu.
❄️ Oikawa makes a lot of suggestive comments about how he can warm you up.
❄️ He’s happy to do whatever you want to.
❄️ He secretly wants to make snow angels, but he wouldn’t tell you that.
❄️ He thinks you look super cute all bundled up in your winter coat.
❄️ He’ll offer you his coat, thinking you’d look extra cute in his clothes.
❄️ Sugawara loves the way the fresh snow looks, untouched and beautiful (just like you)
❄️ He’s not really into snowball fights.
❄️ He likes making snow angels with you though!
❄️ After the cold, he’ll make you hot chocolate and watch the snow outside with you.
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satoruzlove · 2 years
m. list for @satoruzlove !
•all are gn! reader unless stated otherwise!! a lot of these don’t work, i am so terribly sorry lol
grief [iwaizumi hajime, fluff]
pouty bf gojo
unmotivated: s.gojo
dilf! oikawa
dilf! suna [borderline smut]
req:: dying your hair to match his
[kenma kozume]
he’s so proud to call you his wife that it’s annoying.
you get me so high
[angst, tsukishima kei]
jjk boys as your boyfie !
[ megumi, itadori, gojo ]
7:03 pm
[manjirou ‘mikey’ sano.]
cute scenarios !
[ osamu , akaashi , kuroo , suna , oikawa ]
christmas hcs !
[ sakusa , osamu , suna , kuroo, atsumu ]
attractive things ab him !
[ sakusa , atsumu , suna,kuroo ]
bf kiyoomi !
domestic kiyoomi !
i love you’s !
[ hinata , suna , atsumu ]
req::saving grace [ k. sakusa ] !
random headcanons !
[ suna , sakusa , atsumu ]
req:: phones at the dinner table [k. sukusa] ! ❄️
college bf kenma !
cat papa kiyo !
req::let me ride ? - 🫧
[ suna , kiyoomi , atsumu ]
bf suna !
bf bakugou !
rich bf nanami ! [a single girly thing implied !]
kiyoomi & his introvert s/o !
best friend to lovers gojo !
househusband osamu domesticity ! [ ceo ! reader ]
dilf atsumu brain rot !
kiyoomi and his girly gf ! [FEM READER, IM SORRY):]
gojo and his chaotic but mature partner !
best friends to lovers with atsumu !
req:: don’t text me, don’t call me
[ atsumu miya, suna rintarou ] 🫧
college friend group w mikasa, eren and armin ! [ polyamory kinda implied if you squint ]
ask::kiyoomi’s love language !
accidental confessions ! :: smau
[ eren jeager and armin arlert ]
accidental confessions ! ::
[ levi ackerman and jean kirstein ]
lil kiyoomi drabble courtesy of bubble anon !
dream :: hinata shoyo [ 1k event !]
butterfly :: yamaguchi tadashi [ 1k event ]
wit :: tsukishima kei [ 1k event ]
bf gojo ++ hardworking s/o!
levi ++ sweetheart s/o !
rich bf nanami taking care of u<3 !
kiyoomi doesn’t like holding hands
mornings with hajime iwaizumi!
stoner suna blurb
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jamminlocks · 7 months
Compilation to all the fanfic links along with titles of future stuff
the title in bold is the link to the fic on tumblr, while [ao3] is the one over at the archives. I ultimately suggest reading the ao3 copies since those are more likely edited to date.
Drabbles are not titled.
HQ x Reader
Suna Rintaro 🏜️🦊
Just A Wink - F/M, flirting, fluff, volleyball player reader, high school, one shot [ao3] [pt. 1] [pt. 2] [pt. 3] [pt. 4]
Sleeping Alone - A/N {coming sooner}
Osamu Miya 🍙🦊
Special Pudding - F/M, Food, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Soft Miya Osamu, one shot, not beta read, pretty much idiots in love [ao3]
Atsumu Miya 🏐🦊
Trials of the Ballsiest - M/M, Tension, Fluff (WIP)
"Fake dating atsumu fic. seriously they are fake dating" - this one is still deep in progress. but its here because yes i am writing. i have not abandoned this idea (WIP)
Komori Motoya 🏐🍌
CUTE??? - F/M, humor, fluff, funny, Komori centric fic, POV third person, Komori Motoya is a mess, original characters are unnamed and not described other than their vibes and player number, not beta read, oneshot [ao3]
Akaashi Keiji 🦉🍙
Birthday Night - F/M, established relationship, birthday fic, soft Akaashi, afab reader, soft reader, Fluff, tooth aching fluff, Domestic Fluff, Kissing, sfw, no smut, slightly suggestive in the end, One shot [ao3]
Ushijima Wakatoshi 🏐🐄
A Very Full Bed - F/M, M/M, post timeskip, Fluff, Hand holding, establish relationship, reader's gender is unspecified, one shot, not beta read, sfw [ao3]
Hoshiumi Korai 🏐🌟
Mistletoes Are White - F/M, second POV, childhood friends, friends to lovers, fluff, first kiss, kissing, christmas decoration, mistletoe, korai is soft, christmas fluff, christmas fic, actually after christmas fic i guess, post-timekip, not beta read [ao3]
Sakusa Kiyoomi 😷🧼
A Black Weasel's Witch - F/M, fantasy AU, Witch!Reader, Fluff, Slowburn (WIP)
Drabbles: #1
Kita Shinsuke 🌾🦊
Near The Lake - F/M, fantasy AU, foxspirit!kita (WIP)
Bokuto Koutaro 🦉🏐
Let's Kill Time Together - F/M, Post-timeskip, Cafe, Fluff, getting stood up, not by bokuto, Reunion, Date, spontaneous date (WIP and on the way)
Kenma Kozume 🎮🐈
Long Awaited Visit - Gen, Friendship, Platonic,
Genshin x Reader
An Inmate and A Warden - Gen, Wriothesley and Reader, Inmate!Reader, reunion,(WIP)
Alhaitham 📚🌱
Professional Relationship - M/M, F/M, slow burn, predominantly platonic (WIP)
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sassycheesecake · 2 years
Hello baby
What do you think the miya twins , Kyoomi, Kuroo, Bokuto and Wakatoshi would answer if you asked them "would you cheat on me for a million dollars?"
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Love you 😘
Oh honey you’re making me cry with this 😭😭😭😭
For Atsumu I think he would think it would be a trick question not gonna lie 😂 he‘d just stare at you with frightened eyes and not answer for a couple of seconds lol. Then I think he would say he wouldn’t do that to you. If his s/o is a confident and bold person, Atsumu would be scared af of his partner. Nonetheless I don’t think he would do it.
Miya 2, Osamu ❤️, he would give you a look that says „Are you stupid or something?“ from the Forrest Gump movie scene, where Jenny asks Forrest that. If I were to repeat the question he would simply say no. I think he is 100% loyal and wouldn’t cheat on his s/o for any money in this world. (My bae 🥹)
LOL Kyoomi. That dude wouldn’t even answer me. He‘d just give me a look and then leave the room 😂😂 but that’s how I know he wouldn‘t do it🥰 (no answer is also an answer aye?)
Kuroo, Kuroo. My first crush in the Haikyuu!! Series. Not gonna lie, he’s a teaser and has a smart mouth just like me. He would like 80% say yes and then after seeing the betrayal and sadness in my eyes, his cocky attitude be better dropping in seconds. I would give him the cold shoulder for the rest of the day haha. 😂 And he would be trying to apologize the whole time but I remain ice cold ���️. Just the nerve 😭
Omg BABY Bokuto. 🥺 He‘d probably start crying and being immediately sad af. He would question all his life choices, his hair would drop like in the anime and I can already imagine THE BIGGEST pouty face ever. I am gonna feel so so bad for even asking that and I would hug him crying that I didn’t mean it. Bokuto is like the best hugger ever, I can’t believe I did that to my baby 😭 10/10 would never ask that again
Hmm Wakatoshi-san….. he would probably take the question so serious and he would give his serious answer. Just a blunt „no“. End of discussion lol still I can imagine if it was pre-timeskip he‘d ask Tendou if it’s normal that their s/o ask something like that haha. If it’s posttimeskip, he would ask in the group chat why tf his s/o would ask such a ridiculous question lol.
Hope you’re satisfied with my answers 😂😂😂
And I wauw you too ❤️😚
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blueparadis · 2 years
ship your moots? 💘
AH ❤︎! It's my turn. They're not all moots and some I just actively keep in touch cuz we scream about our faves ! ! !
@zoraedits + Owen Knight 🤭
@rayfuyu + Chifuyu Matsuno ✌🏻
@akicore + Angel Devil 🤌🏻❤️
@dejwrites + Aran Ojiro 💞
@emissaire + Sanemi Shinazugawa 🌙
@semisgroupie + Geto Suguru ‼️
@sennsational + Baji Keisuke ✨
@sailewhoremoon + Mitsuya Takashi 🌜
@sleepy3 + Shinichiro Sano 💮
@pinkhorangnabi + kakashi 🌷
@anxious-cherry-pie + yuzuha 🥺
@haitaniapologist + childe 😌
@michiphoria + Oliver 🫂
@cherrykamado + Keigo Takami 🥺
@21-06-1996 + Nobara Kugisaki🔥
@6yno + Ayato Kamisato ☄️
@lalunanymph + KAKUCHO ❄️
@qrtmin + Megumi Fushiguro ☀️
@garoujo + Gojo Satoru 🌟
@httphaitani + HAKKAI !!! 😳
@massivementalitynut + maki ! 💫
@passionateuchiha + Kazutora Hanemiya 🎊
@mrskodzuken + Kenma 💚
@jotatetsuken + Nanami Kento ❤️
@kagejima + Ushijima 😌
@tetsutits + Kuro 🍂
@nanamis-wifey-reye + Higuruma Hiromi 🎤
@planetxiao + xiao ☄️
@luvbladez + Jason Todd 🤭
@poohbea + Geto Suguru 😎
@nkogneatho + Thoma 🥺
@munsonsins + Atsumu Miya 🤌🏻
@kentoangel + Sakusa Kiyoomi 🌪️
@devoti + Nahoya 🎇
@fueledbysano + Manjiro Sano 😏
@cyancherub + Aki Hayakawa 😬🌞
@suyacho + Semi Eita 🌷
@em-plosion + Shoto Todoroki 💚
@cursedmoonchild + Erwin Smith ‼️
@romiyaro + Oikawa Tooru 🎊
@softbajis + Rindou Haitani 😏😏
@erenyaygirl + Ran Haitani ✌🏻😳
@lvlyone + Toji 🥳
@sanomnjiro + Luffy🍁
@alias-sano + Izana Kurokawa 💜
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uravitypng · 6 days
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i have decided to make a tagging and anon guide to all my followers! this will make navigating my tumblr a lot easier to understand!
emoji's that current anons use: / ( new anons will be added to the list with each ask that someone sends an emoji with <3 )
🦈 anon ❄️ anon 🍓 anon 💌 anon 🦐 anon 🔮 anon 🍙 anon 🧌 anon 🌺 anon
tags about my original content:
♡ mine / writing (pretty self-explanatory, everything i write is under this tag) ♡ mine / talks (i talk about things related to anime) ♡ lana natters about nothing (i talk about random things that are unrelated to anime) ♡ lana's letters (asks) ♡ lana plays (games i get tagged in and ones that i just want to do. for example: picrews) ♡ mine / event (events that i do with my followers. for example: valentine's day events, follower milestone events) ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ i talk too much (series) (everything related to my 'i talk too much' series) ♡ mine / polls (pretty self-explanatory, all my polls) ₊ ⊹.𖥔 ݁ ˖ queue - avity ✩࿐ (every post i queue. this isn't my original content but i can't find somewhere else to put it) ♡ recs (all the longer fics that i reblog from every fandom. they're not my original content but i can't find anywhere else to put the tag) ♡ recs / fav (my favourite fics of all time) ♡ art (art i reblog from any every fandom. not my art but i can't find somewhere to put the tag) cw : dark (darker fics. for example: yandere, bullying, manipulation. some of these fics will be my own, others will be reblogs) ♡ multi (fics that contain multiple people in)
current tags of fandoms i have used↓↓ :
♡ recs / bnha ♡ art / bnha ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
' ♡ denki ' / ' ♡ deku ' / ' ♡ katsuki ' / '♡ shoto ' / ' ♡ iida ' / ' ♡ mina ' / ' ♡ kiri ' / ' ♡ hanta ' / ' ♡ hitoshi ' / '♡ momo ' ' ♡ jirou ' / ' ♡ monoma ' / ' ♡ natsuo ' / ' ♡ ojiro ' / ' ♡ mirio ' / ' ♡ tamaki ' / ' ♡ keigo ' / ' ♡ enji ' / ' ♡ hizashi ' / ' ♡ aizawa ' / ' ♡ toshinori ' / ' ♡ shiggy ' / ' ♡ dabi '
♡ recs / hq ♡ art / hq ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
' ♡ hinata ' / ' ♡ tobio ' / ' ♡ daichi ' / ' ♡ suga ' / ' ♡ tsukki ' / ' ♡ tadashi ' / ' ♡ toru' / ' ♡ iwa ' / ' ♡ mattsun ' / ' ♡ makki ' / ' ♡ kunimi ' / ' ♡ atsumu ' / ' ♡ kiyoomi' / ' ♡ satori ' / ' ♡ osamu ' / ' ♡ suna ' / ' ♡ kita ' / ' ♡ bokkun ' / ' ♡ akaashi ' / ' ♡ kenma ' / ' ♡ kuroo ' ' ♡ ushijima '
♡ recs / bsd ♡ art / bsd ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
' ♡ chuuya ' / ' ♡ ranpo' / ' ♡ dazai ' / ' ♡ jouno ' ' ♡ atsushi ' / ' ♡ akutagawa '
♡ recs / jjk ♡ art / jjk ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
' ♡ geto ' / ' ♡ gojo ' / ' ♡ toge ' / ' ♡ choso ' / ' ♡ sukuna ' / ' ♡ megumi ' / ' ♡ ino ' / ' ♡ nanami ' / ' ♡ toji ' / ' ♡ yuuji ' / ' ♡ yuuta ' / ' ♡ nobara '
♡ recs / tokyo rev ♡ art / tokyo rev ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
' ♡ mikey ' / ' ♡ angry ' / ' ♡ chifuyu ' ' ♡ draken '
♡ recs / bllk ♡ art / bllk ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
' ♡ nagi ' / ' ♡ isagi' / ' ♡ bachira ' / ' ♡ shindou ' ' ♡ reo ' /
♡ recs / wind breaker ♡ art / wind breaker ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
/ ' ♡ ren ' / ' ♡ togame' / ' ♡ hiragi ' / ' ♡ nirei ' / ' ♡ sakura ' / ' ♡ suo ' / ' ♡ sugishita ' / ♡ umemiya
♡ recs / bc ♡ art / bc ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
' ♡ finral ' / ' ♡ luck ' /
♡ recs / vnc ♡ art / vnc ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
/ ' ♡ noe ' / ' ♡ roland ' / ' ♡ vanitas '
♡ recs / kny ♡ art / kny ˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗ everything related to these characters: (the ones in bold are the ones i use all the time!)
' ♡ genya ' / ' ♡ rengoku' / ' ♡ uzui ' / ' ♡ sanemi ' / ' ♡ tanjiro '
𝐢'𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐢 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐱𝐨𝐱𝐨𝐱𝐨
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sunasbabie · 2 years
ah he uses amos that's why 🥲 yes she ascends with crit dmg! i have an offpiece crit rate circlet on her to help so maybe i'll try strongbox later 🤞🏼
PLSSSSS HES LITERALLY SO PERFECT I CANTTT I WISH THEY MADE ANOTHER SEASON BC THE MANGA IS SO GOOD LIKE ALL THEIR CUTE LITTLE MOMENTS THEY DIDNT ANIMATE and the angst w that other dude ugh 😭 i want a kou for myself too :< but tbh i always related to murao and wanted kominato hehe he reminds me of atsumu, just a happy ball of sunshine 😭 oh toxic kou fjdjjffjkd shhh it's ok he's pretty 😭 AHDKSJ also i watched ahr waaay before hq but it only hit me now that kou's japanese va is kenma WHICH MAKES HIM SOUND EVEN CUTER 😭
lmao apparently he's spent 3 months in the dragonspine domain but he still can't get a sands rip lol,, ohh yes yess update me on that too heh, btw idk if i've asked but what server do you play on again?
THEY REALLY NEED TO CAUSE LIKE!?!? HELLO I CAN'T ALWASY KEEP REWATCHING IT esp the ova 😭 ughhhh pls i didn't like the other dude too much cause i feel like he was kinda forcing the relationship to happen yk, like he didn't pressure futaba but like mehhh,, stop cause i relate to murao too minus the liking the teacher part lmaoooo but yeahh kaminato is just a lil baby sunshine and they actually would look good together quiet pretty girl and loud boy idjnfgkfd omg yeahhh but like kou sounds more like eren from aot than kenma tbh but still pretty good ahhhhh
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nova-amor · 8 months
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whatever miya atsumu set his mind to, he wouldn't stop until he was 100% satisfied with the final result. regardless of whether it was practicing his serves or setting a new weightlifting personal record, atsumu was always determined to succeed.
so, it shouldn't come as a surprise that after challenging him to see who could last longer during sex, that atsumu would take it personally. he had cleared off his weekend schedule— canceling any plans and appointments that he had made to have an open schedule set aside just for you.
he had even set up a mini scoreboard on your nightstand, keeping an official record of how many orgasms you gave each other through the weekend. he had made it a serious challenge, determined to prove to you that he was willing to win no matter what.
atsumu planted a fat kiss on your swollen clit, the bud throbbing and sore from the continuous stimulation. he peered up at you with half-lidded eyes, swiping his tongue over his top lip to clean off the creamy stains of your release from his mouth.
he had been eating you out for what had felt like an eternity, sucking your soul straight out from your overwhelmed cunt. "your thighs are shaking so much," atsumu pointed out, resting his cheek along your inner thigh. he resisted the urge to smile, knowing how exhausted you were based on the way your brows furrowed and chest rose and fell with heavy breaths.
"do you need a break? we can stop," your eyes snapped open at his suggestion, any sense of fatigue instantly fleeing. you shuffled your body away from his, his own moving up to sit on the balls of his feet.
"don't wanna stop— wanna keep going," you mumbled, determined to prove yourself. your hands worked quick to wrap themselves around his cock. you were absolutely determined to even out the scores, you weren’t going to lose this challenge. "we aren't stopping until you give up."
atsumu smirked, "m-me? g-give up?" he stuttered, hips bucking to match the pace you had set. you two hadn't even fucked yet— spending the last few hours pleasuring each other with your hands and mouths instead. "h-have you met me? i don't give up."
you returned the smirk, giving his shaft a rough squeeze; he let a groan slip out at the sensation. "well, you know me— i don't either."
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aozul · 3 years
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Let’s share some twitter art!!
Introducing Osamu and Sunarin for my fantasy au!! Atsumu and Osamu both often find trouble. Or trouble finds them?🧐 Rin is definitely trouble🤫 and Kita and Aran always have their hands full taking care of them.
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seijorhi · 4 years
All I Want For Christmas (Is You)
there was a much bigger, much better fic that was planned for this but it wasn’t gonna get finished in time for Christmas so have this drabble-y thing instead ❄️
Bokuto Kotaro x Female Reader
TW implied non-con, implied kidnapping, very slight nsfw
It’s Atsumu who puts the idea in his head.
‘Oi, Bokkun, whaddya want for Christmas?’
Of course, Atsumu only asked because he managed to land Bokuto for secret Santa, and wasn’t all that worried about keeping a secret. And of course, at the time he’d just kinda shrugged and made a vague ‘I-dunno’ sound, eyes all wide and caught on the spot. 
Normally, there’s a list a mile long; new training gear, expensive alcohol, designer clothes, a speaker system for his pad, a fancy new watch he’s had his eye on, a jacuzzi… 
The problem isn’t that he doesn’t want anything this year - it’s that he can’t even begin to think about stuff like that when he‘s hopelessly brokenhearted. 
He never really stood a chance with you. 
You were sunshine. The very moment you laid eyes on him, you smiled and Bokuto’s heart skipped a beat and he fell so damn hard it almost stole his breath away. He could have sworn up and down that he’d been to the little cafe just by the front desk at the gym, but he’d never noticed you before. 
And you were impossible to miss - at least you were to him.
Bokuto can’t remember what he ordered that day, can’t remember what he said or even if he introduced himself - though most cafes ask for your name when you order, don’t they? So surely he had to have told you - all he can remember is the sound of your laugh and the warmth that flooded his gut when your hand accidentally brushed against his. Your skin was so soft and smooth, he still thinks about the way it’d feel to have you touch him on purpose - hands gliding down the planes of his abs, gentle fingers cupping his cheek, your pretty little hand sitting nestled in his.
He thinks (probably a little too much) about what it’d be like to touch you.
Bokuto’s had crushes before, he knows what infatuation is - but this is different. You’re different. It’s not just that you’re so pretty it almost hurts (though you are) or even that you laugh at his jokes and spend the extra few minutes chatting with him when there aren’t too many customers (and he’s gotten pretty damn good at figuring out when those quiet moments are gonna be). He can’t really explain it - he knows it’s love, he’s never felt this way about anyone else - but it’s addictive. 
Being around you - with you - even for a few measly minutes after a long day training makes him happier than he’s ever felt. Makes him think of long summer days spent basking in the sun - a little dazed, but warm, giddy and sated.
But he had to go and fuck that up, didn’t he? 
The date was his idea, but you said yes easily enough. You liked him - don’t think he didn’t notice the way your gaze trailed after him when you thought he wasn’t looking. And if you got all wide eyed and flustered whenever he showed off, tried to impress you with his muscles and golden sense of humour, well who was he to complain?
And of course, he’d asked his teammates for advice, and when that had inevitably failed he’d turned to Akaashi for help. Bokuto wasn’t going to screw this up, everything had to be perfect. 
He was the perfect gentleman - he took you to the local aquarium and then out for dinner afterwards. He brought you flowers and complimented you on your dress (you looked so beautiful, you dressed up all nice and pretty just for him?) and held your hand the entire time - he even offered you his jacket on the walk back home!
It was going great, he just got a little… carried away, s’all. Can you blame him, really? He just loves you so, so much, and you liked him too, right? 
But the sight of you crying, flinching away from him - the pretty eyes he loves to lose himself in filling with fear as you stumbled over excuses in your hurry to get away from him hurt like a dagger shoved deep into his heart.
He thought you wanted it - he certainly did. He’s lost count of the times he’s come undone in the showers at the gym, at home, lying on silk sheets in his bed with his hand wrapped around his aching cock, imagining that it was your sweet, warm cunt he was fucking instead. You’re all he thinks about, he loves you - why can’t you see that? Why don’t you feel it too?
He still doesn’t really understand why you started freaking out when he started to lead you inside after you kissed him on the doorstep, why you fought him so hard when he tried to take your clothes off and kiss you again.
All he knows is that you won’t answer his messages anymore, and when he ducks into the cafe after training instead of a wide sunny smile, your face just pales and you find any excuse to run out back and hide until he leaves. 
It hurts.
He just needs a second chance without you running away from him to explain - no, to show you that the two of you are meant to be together. You don’t have to be scared, baby, he’d never hurt you, he’ll take the best care of you. He loves you so, so much - the two of you are made for each other, he knows it. 
Maybe it’s not something that Atsumu can get for him, but this year Bokuto knows exactly what he wants for Christmas.
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the-cosmos-network · 3 years
The Cosmos Presents...
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Cuddled in warm blankets while the snow falls outside. Baking sugar cookies and making your comfort foods. The Christmas lights glowing brightly while you drive around the neighborhood. Ice skating while bundled up and the hot chocolate waiting for you.
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Welcome to the Cosmos's first network collab! Below is the masterlist for all our wonderful writers and artists to showcase their amazing work!
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❄️christmas lights with Atsumu by @kenzumekodma
❄️ sugar cookies with Iwazumi by @clodovia
❄️ ugly sweaters with Kenma by @mrskenmakozume
❄️ snowed in and confessions with Sakusa by @haikyuufairy
❄️ hot cocoa with Tendou by @chickentendieboi
❄️ kissing under the mistletoe with Ushijima by @rosesandtoshi
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Jujutsu Kaisen
❄️ gift giving with Nanami by @mintmatcha
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All work belongs to the creators listed above. Please be respectful to them as they have worked hard on these pieces.
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jesswritesthat · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Masterlist
≪ Back to Masterpost ≫
A collection of imagines and headcanons dedicated to Haikyuu!!, find your preferred character under their Team name.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or franchise. But I still enjoy writing for them~
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Dream Team
Parental Guidance
Number 4
Studying Headcanons
Their Sunshine
Ace of Hearts
Cuddling Headcanons
Childish Antics
Tough S/O Drabble
Abnormality, Part 2, Part 3 (P4 ending soon)
3 Times
Not Iwa-chan
Fairy Tales
One Player
Brothers’ Best Friend
The Thing
❄️ + Kyōtani
All Bark No Bite
Ushijimas s/o bonding with Hinata and Kageyama.
Read Blocking
Johzenji High:
And They Were Flatmates (Series ongoing)
An Ace and His Setter
Love Languages
Senpai Shenanigans
Blue Roses
To Out-Snake a Snake
Of Tattoos’ and Florists
S/O Whose Never Dated Drabble
Local Communication
Love at First Sight is a Myth
Dating the Manager
Miya Twins Crushing on Arans’ Best Friend Headcanons — Part 2
Rice, Rice, Baby
☕️ + Atsumu
Beauty is Subjective
Rumours, Part 2, Part 3 (Completed)
Cooking Classes
Other Imagines:
Gym 3: Study Dates
MSBY Black Jackal: Acceptance
Other Headcanons:
Crush is Off Sick [Bokuto, Kuroo, Atsumu]
S/O Patching Them Up [Bokuto, Kuroo, Oikawa, Sakusa]
S/O Makes Bentos [Nishinoya, Oikawa, Yaku]
S/O Hasn’t Shaved Legs [Bokuto, Daichi, Terushima]
S/O with Peach-Fuzz [Kuroo, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi]
S/O Can Break Melons [Kageyama, Nishinoya, Sugawara]
S/O Knee Pops Out of Place [Bokuto, Daichi, Hinata] — [Atsumu, Osamu, Sakusa]
S/O with Eating Disorder [Kenma, Kuroo]
S/O has a Panic Attack [Bokuto, Tsukishima]
S/O Afraid of Dogs [Kuroo, Yamaguchi]
Comfort Headcanons [Bokuto, Suna]
Polyamorous Relationship [Kageyama x Hinata] — [Hinata x Kenma]
(L/n) Twins going to seperate schools and reuniting during a Shiratorizawa vs Nekoma practice match.
Thank you and have a beautiful day.
Fancy a Kofi? ☕️🍰
~ Jessica
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jd-loves-fiction · 3 years
ℍ𝕒𝕚𝕜𝕪𝕦𝕦 𝕄𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥
[m]- mature, [s]- suggestive, [a]- angst, [f]- fluff, [c] - crack/comedy, • - headcannon
(I’ll write for almost anyone and any team so ask away)
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Hinata Shoyo
[12:04] [f], [a]
[18:48] [f]
Kageyama Tobio
[19:45] [m], [f]
[22:24] [m], [f]
Tsukishima Kei
[19:41] [m]
[23:57] [f]
Kuroo Tetsuro
• Rainy days [f]
[13:02] [m], [f]
Kozume Kenma
[01:32] [m], [f]
[21:12] [f]
• Dimples [f]
Shinsuke Kita
[17:23] [f]
[18:27] [f]
Suna Rintarō
One week to find a man [f], [a] (feat. Hirugami)
• 2 is a pair, 3 is a party [f], [a]
[20:02] [m], [f]
Miya Atsumu
Can't resist [f], [m]
Double Celebration [f]❄️
Miya Osamu
[18:45] [f], [a]
Kiss Cam [f]
Sakusa Kiyoomi
Brighter than the Moon [f]
The doggo and me [f]
Hajime Iwaizumi
Winter Vacation [f]❄️
Aone Takanobu
• [08:37] [f]
Requests are closed :(
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cafe-de-lune · 3 years
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ଘ꒰⑅ ´ ˘ ` ⑅ ꒱♡ 𓂃 ⋆ 。 𓊆 100 event m.list 𓊇 ᵎ ⤾·˚ ༘
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‧₊˚ aren’t u brew-tiful ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
armin-ocean-eyes ( asahi, mitsuya )
em9503 ( tsukishima, draken )
alittleoaktree ( tanaka, yuzuha )
madeofsaltiness ( osamu )
chelysian ( shinichiro )
luvboku ( oikawa, childe )
levistiddies ( kaeya, sanzu, sakusa )
male piccrew anon ( nishinoya )
akaashis-liquidluck ( hakkai, kiyoko )
bimbodemongf ( saeko )
ydyf ( kaeya, wakasa, atsumu )
haitaniii ( tsukishima, sanzu )
kannra21 ( suna )
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‧₊˚ moonlit dream ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
erensoftcaca ( chifuyu )
🤨👻💃🍾✌️ anon ( kaeya )
🐈‍⬛😶🍣📚🌙 anon ( akaashi )
ravyaryn ( xiao )
💖✨👌🔪🐀 anon ( childe )
cocoaevening ( zhongli )
cerebral-codex ( akaashi )
🤡🥴😎😳😐 anon ( baji )
📚🌧🍵🎧👓 anon ( chifuyu )
☀️🐭🗿🍁🌸 anon ( thoma )
🎹🥋🤔🙄🤦‍♀️ anon ( inui )
ellefrancesscajacob ( venti )
cherri-bl0550m ( hinata s. )
🏃‍♀️🎨🤖🏀🎮 anon ( mitsuya )
🎧👍🔪✏️💭 anon ( venti )
🐰💝 anon ( dainsleif )
taemeupjin ( zhongli )
🌃🎍🥮❄️🎡 anon ( bennett )
istj, scorpio, cynical anon ( kaeya )
crown-prince-jun ( shinichiro )
👻🧶🎨❄️🕷 anon ( sugawara )
🪴🐈‍⬛🎻🍪🌌 anon ( mikey )
🛹🥂💤🧐😚 anon ( kenma )
astrxealis ( kazuha )
🍁🌧🎨🎧💤🍙🍵 anon ( mikey )
😐🤬🧠👍🎮 anon ( childe )
💌🕸🪐🕷💿 anon ( bokuto )
🌙🕯📚🔭🥑 anon ( xiao )
leftoverursine ( atsumu )
777faekvgh ( suna )
💕🐳✨🍃🌙 anon ( shinichiro )
sfugjbr5duh ( mikey )
🌙⚜️🐈‍⬛🥀🌌 anon ( thoma )
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‧₊˚ cozy corner ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
likes cats, watches horror anon ( akaashi )
spacecore/light academia anon ( albedo )
oceanofdesire ( rindou )
classic academia anon ( kenma )
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