♒, ♚, ✘
♒ : Sentence my must would describe yours with?
“Tiny but fiercely strong.” 
♚ What my must thinks your good at?
Obviously her job. As well as non-verbal spells.
✘ What would my muse change?
Fenrir would say that she back the right side. 
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“Sister of the manipulative one.”
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♒ : How my muse would describe yours in one sentence.
A danger to his pack’s location and a person to be wary of. 
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❤ Would your muse have sexy with mine if asked?
Fenrir would indeed, he rarely passes that up unless he feels there’s an ulterior motive  … most of the time it’s his. 
✉ What would my muse write yours in a love letter?
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Fenrir’s a very romantic writer….
☼ What kind of outfit do they think my muse should wear?
Fenrir prefers all natural, if he could get away with it, he’d be naked all the time. He’d have no quarrels in Alecto being nude anytime. Otherwise he’s not much into clothing, so if Alecto asked, he’d probably pick the strangest thing in the closet and simply say, “I’m not the one who bought it, otherwise it would be red.”
★ : What is their favorite think about your muse?
She does what she wants.
♚: What my muse thinks your good at?
From what he’s seen, seduction and manipulation.
♋ Who would be the big spoon and who would be the little spoon?
Fenrir’s not much for cuddling unless he’s completely intoxicated or someone’s really good at manipulating. Physically he is much bigger so he’d be the big spoon. 
♒ How my muse would describe your muse in one sentence.
He’s still uncertain about her.
☢ Friend, Enemy, or love interest?
Fenrir doesn’t view her as an enemy, more of an acquaintance. She is neither friend or foe. He’s also not one to label anyone as ‘love interest.’
✘ What one thing they’d change about your muse?
Well Fenrir, thinks the whole wizarding world should be taken over by werewolves, so that’s pretty easy. 
❥ Where would they kiss your muse if they had to right now?
The neck. Fenrir always caves for the neck, call it the instinct growing inside him for the weak spot on prey. But he’s less of a kiss and more of a bite, hope Alecto wouldn’t mind.
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★ : What’s their favorite thing about your muse?
Fenrir doesn’t really know Sirius well, only what’s gossiped about with certain people and the occasional glimpse. Although it would be his name, and there would be many puns. Perhaps not outloud, but in his head for sure. If he knew about Sirius’ transformation however, that would be his favorite as later Fenrir himself begins to play with Transfigiration to attempt to alter himself to be more wolf-like. 
♚ : What my muse thinks your muse is good at?
Through rumors and what he’s vaguely heard: Being a cheeky little shit. 
♒ : How My muse would describe your muse in one sentence?
He’d never want to be locked in a room with Sirius and Skeeter… maybe?
☢ : Do they view your muse as a friend, and enemy, or a love interest?
Fenrir doesn’t give Sirius much thought, but it would be more towards enemy. He knows Sirius is a capable wizard, but he would not hesitate to fight him. He’d prefer on a full moon, but beggers can’t be choosers. As far as love interests? Fenrir doesn’t pay that much mind, but a good shag is never passed up.
✘ : What one thing would they change about your muse?
Fenrir wouldn’t mind a new addition to his pack. 
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Send me a symbol, and my muse will answer:
❤ : Would my muse have sex with yours if they asked.
✉ : What would they say in a love letter to your muse.
☼ : What kind of outfit they think your muse should wear.
£ : If our two muses went on a date, who would they expect to pay for it.
★ : What their favorite thing is about your muse.
♚ : What my muse thinks your muse is good at.
♋ : Who would be the big spoon and who would be the little spoon.
♒ : How my muse would describe yours in one sentence.
☢ : If they view your muse as a friend or enemy or love interest.
✘ : What one thing they would change about your muse.
❥ : Where would they kiss your muse if they had to kiss them right now.
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Fenrir observed her, he could never tell if this women was being honest or was just good at hiding it. His sources were intoxicated but he knew them not to lie. She had to have opened her mouth to someone for the rumor to start. Here he had not proof to continue the argument and if Rita Skeeter showed up in any ill position on the property they’d know exactly who, based on rumors, might be the culprit. He let a smile spread across his face, no trust in it.
“My apologies, perhaps my sources aren’t as good as I once thought,” said Fenrir, “I’ll have to have someone look into those rumors.”
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Confrontations: Greyback | Skeeter
Fenrir leaned against the tree as he ate the semi-decent fruit he still had left for this mornings breakfast with his pack. He heard the crunching of foot steps along the path that led towards the house part of the property, they were heavy, apparently a witch on a mission. He scoffed for a moment as he heard her mumbling to herself, he waited for her to move passed him. He grabbed tight to her arm and swung her into a tree, a quill was flicked in his face, where a wand was intended. He saw any concern flea from the eyes that fell into narrowed brows when she saw who she’d be dealing with.
“What do you want, now?” she gave a deep sigh and then smirked, “Why Mr. Greyback, can’t say I’m not flattered, but I don’t see this working out.”
“Dare say it wouldn’t, libel to get caught on that sharp tongue of yours, or hung by that mouth,” scoffed Fenrir, but he kept his position, “Rumors say someone’s been telling the Aurors tales about werewolf packs out here.”
“Really?” she looked aghast, but the subtle movement of her eyes confirmed what he already knew, “Maybe you should be more careful.”
“Perhaps gossipy women looking for a good tale to tell should watch the company they’re around when doing so,” he moved away slightly.
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La Tour Eiffel | Eleanor & Elis
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Fenrir nodded and began to circle the perimeter of the wooded area, keeping low as to get on the other side so Rod would have a better angle to stun her. She was an order member and would most likely put up a fight if she even thought someone was near. He crouched near the small step, she was in sight, he had no idea where Rod was so he waited to hear the sound or see the light of a stunner spell. Something loud banged from inside the cabin, causing her to swing around to look back towards it. A streak of red flit passed where she had stood. Fenrir jumped but the spell had not hit due to her sudden movement. He dove to cover her mouth and restrain her, a few spells flew from her wand, one nicking his right ear. Another streak of red flew from where Rod was and she was out. His brow furrowed, Rod wasn’t going to shut up anytime soon about this possibly folly. Fenrir moved quickly as he heard movement in the cabin, in case they’d saw what ever was causing his ear to sting. He stepped on a gold necklace the girl had lost in struggle, but hadn’t noticed. He disapperated.
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The Abduction: Meadowes | Lestrange | Greyback
@fenrir-nipya-greyback​:  The evening was peaceful, almost pleasant. The weather permitted many bonfires and parties to celebrate the summer air. Streaks of dark shadows filled the dim setting sun, barely a sliver on the horizon as the crunches of leaves and twigs barely broke the sound of birds settling in. Two figures appeared barely noticeable in the dark shroud of the woods. A small cabin sat cozily a small ways off, the sounds of laughter and small disagreements were the only real things disturbing the picturesque scenery. Fenrir sneered at the sillouettes in the shaded window and scoffed as his companions cloaked form peered around him.
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“Not complaining, I’d like nothin’ more than to tear through the order’s little party, but how’d we get roped into this job?” asked Fenrir as the man next to him pulled up his mask, his bored look giving Fenrir a glance.
“That is complaining. Besides better this than going after muggles, too many damn Ministry officials skulking around,” said Rod, as he fell back into the shadows, “Wonder who gave us this little tip-off anyways? Got a bet going actually, you want in?”
“What are we wagering?” Smirked Fenrir, his brow raised in interest.
“Well…” What Rod was about to say was cut short as they could hear the cabin door open.
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@lyinginthemeadowes:  It was another sleepless night under a pitch black sky. Desensitized from the intoxicants spreading through her body, Dorcas fought the faint breeze as she pushed through the doorway, intentionally separating herself from the intimate gathering held inside. Twigs and leaves crunched beneath her booted feet as she descended from the steps. Nearing the thickening tree-line, a friendly roar continued resonating inside the cabin, which housed the whole lot of more than impaired Order Members. Tonight was the dawn of a new night, and with Frank and Alice back where they genuinely belonged, a new light illuminated on the once dim horizon. It almost seemed like too strange a time to celebrate, but life somehow carried on. Despite the odds, their friends returned home and it was a victory boosting morale, however small for the time being. 
Everyone was crammed into the confines of what felt like four walls, though all appeared more than satisfied from the luring effects the alcohol had on them. The ensemble was made up of friends, colleagues, and mentors alike; hardly any strangers, but maybe more like family. Dorcas would die for any of them, which was more than she would care to say about her actual family. The same passion flowed through their veins, which sparked their fight in these innocent moments; together they took small strides to protect an idea bigger than any one person or thing, share their virtues, and free a future generation from the chains they would be born into should Voldemort and his followers succeed. For the time being however, she needed to get away and catch her breath; and by that, she obviously meant have a cigarette.
Whiskies and tequilas burned before setting in her stomach. This was no different from most nights, except tonight her stomach was empty and she suffered from the alcohol’s nauseating burn. While she drank often, Dorcas hardly indulged for the delight of sheer drunkenness. The ability to toss back scotch as if were water came with the job, as did a short life expectancy (she was often reminded), but the hit witch seemed to live under the false pretense she was invincible. Fumbling through her pocket, she retrieved a fresh pack of cigarettes, but when she revealed its contents a single tobacco sealed stick remained. A sigh escaped her lips at the realization she only bought the pack this morning; chain-smoking was a telltale sign Dorcas was under the utmost stress, but it was next to impossible to find someone who wasn’t with Muggle Baiting climaxing to such extremes. Maybe that’s why they needed this one night.
She lit the cigarette and smoke quickly filled around her petite silhouette before exhaling into the night. She peered through the distant trees, though all seemed oddly at peace. Or maybe she was just too dizzy focus, but reckoned the cigarette would level her out and allow her to quickly rejoin her friends inside. At least, that’s what she thought.
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                                            Fenrir’s Patronus
“The Wolf is a symbol of intuition and instinct. A strong connection of self and the wild.”
Fenrir idly spun his wand in his hands, he didn’t use it much, preferring to rely on his own strength and skill for persuasion. That being said, he was a capable wizard, perhaps he’d be more so if he’d been able to go to school, but things don’t work out as planned. Most of the spells he’d taught himself, if not the basics learned from his father. He had many wands, kept in supply for instances he may not have access to his own custom one. It was no Olivander’s, but some don’t have that privilege. 
His mind was lost in thought today, he’d come across dementors a few days back, for some reason the effect they had on him seemed less and less when he’d have a run in, he had his ideas why, but those concerns would wait for another time. He’d watched others cast a patronus, well really two wizards, it was a complicated spell. He’d only tried it a handful of times. He muttered the words and focused, a tiny mist appeared and then vanished.
He didn’t need to think of what it was, it would be a wolf, he knew that. His whole being knew that simple thought. He imagined it would be large and a swirl of silver blue mist. But the problem was not the complexity of the conjuring, no... in order to create one, you need one simple happy thought or memory. No matter how much he tried, no matter what he thought. He new it would never be happy enough, because Fenrir could never figure out what ‘Happy’ meant to him.
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Fenrir thought quickly, there was a dozen ways to continue his pursuit but only two came to mind, he could still see the girl running and spinning in the distance, one of the others had apparently been able to actually hit her with a quick Confundus spell. He looked at the tiny blonde in front of him, he could easily push her aside with barely any force. He still didn’t know if she was just a bold muggle or not. It would be his luck, if he didn’t play the part right, she could be some sort of Auror... he had no desire to be dragged into questioning.. again. He could only play dumb so many times, and it wasn’t like he was completely under the radar now. Instead, he put on his best pleasant smile.
“It seems to be,” he said, “I apologize on behalf of my friend there. She had to many ‘nips’ of  brandy tonight. Clod at the party gave her a scare and she was off.”
Fenrir could see the girl still wondering, she hadn’t gotten far, but the spell would wear off in  short while. His mind raced with what he could remember, he could tell the women in front of him wasn’t buying it or wasn’t sure, he couldn’t tell. He needed to remember what the girl’s name was; it might get the women to bugger off.
With Shadows||Pandora&Open
He wasn’t sure how he’d gotten roped into this today, not that he minded a little chase once in a while. They were simply tracking today, the full moon wasn’t for a few days yet, so it was simply all in location. A small group, two new young pack members, himself, and a straggler had been working together. He had chosen a handful of choices. The girl in question he was chasing, was planning a gathering the very night he needed. However, one of his younger pack members had gotten grabby before he could hear the details. He could easily have gone back to finding more places or even capturing a few for later, but with the Order getting word of his current location, he couldn’t risk it. ‘Damn that Nosey Witch.’ It would be much easier to find where this women lived and play off that, it was getting to close to the next spree. He heard the women pleading to someone as rounded the corner. Instead of the one he’d been pursuing, he was greeted by a women standing in wait. Her stature poised and focused. He didn’t know at first if he was dealing with a witch or a stupid muggle. He slowed his approach but stayed focused on the retreating women. 
What was Pandora even doing. She should have been home, curled up on her couch reading a book with her cat on her lap. Magic or not she probably wasn’t the best person to be dealing with whoever was bother the girl but she couldn’t in good conscience let it go. Here she was. So she did what she did best. Smiled. “Hello!” She chimed brightly. Pandora wasn’t naive, her hand was still gripped on her wand in her pocket, these were dangerous times, she would just rather talk out issues. But she wasn’t naive. He wasn’t focused on her. The girl still frantically running, as if she was lost or just confused. Pandora was kicking herself for not helping her find her way home instead, that seamed more logical. The blonde needed to distract him, keep his attention off the young woman, easier thought then done. Twisting her hips back and forth her floral skirt twirled back and forth around her legs. The man before her was….huge. Just huge. She was petite, he could squash her, but looks were only the first thing people saw, perhaps looks were deceiving. “Strange evenin’, ain’t it.” For once in her life Pandora was lost for words. She grimaced a smile, unsure of what to do. 
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He wasn’t sure how he’d gotten roped into this today, not that he minded a little chase once in a while. They were simply tracking today, the full moon wasn’t for a few days yet, so it was simply all in location. A small group, two new young pack members, himself, and a straggler had been working together. He had chosen a handful of choices. The girl in question he was chasing, was planning a gathering the very night he needed. However, one of his younger pack members had gotten grabby before he could hear the details. He could easily have gone back to finding more places or even capturing a few for later, but with the Order getting word of his current location, he couldn’t risk it. ‘Damn that Nosey Witch.’ It would be much easier to find where this women lived and play off that, it was getting to close to the next spree. He heard the women pleading to someone as rounded the corner. Instead of the one he’d been pursuing, he was greeted by a women standing in wait. Her stature poised and focused. He didn’t know at first if he was dealing with a witch or a stupid muggle. He slowed his approach but stayed focused on the retreating women. 
With Shadows||Pandora&Open
There was an unsettling chaos lingering in the air. Pandora felt it all around her, clinging to her skin. There was a strange warmth and she should have just gone back home. The blonde looked around, a setting sun and no one around, a street lamp flickered, now if that wasn’t a sign she wasn’t sure what was. Putting her hands in her sweater pockets Pandora walked along the curb, one foot in front of the other foot. She stopped, turning on her toes she heard a noise coming from behind her. Running her towards her was a woman, sobbing, shaking. Pandora ran towards her, the woman stopped, breathing heavily, “Help. Please…help. I don’t…help….please…Chasing me…” There was a laugh and Pandora nodded, “I’ve got this. Go, just go.” The woman didn’t need to be told twice and continued running off. Her mother’s uncle was a policeman, warning her a long time ago that there streets more unsavory then others, but Pandora had a feeling this wasn’t the average thug, this was magic. Something in the air, that strange chaos. Gripping her wand in her pocket Pandora moved cautiously towards the direction the woman came and braced herself for whatever was there. 
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To Taste The Flesh
Sometimes after a transformation, he got lost in thought. Trying with all his might to remember the details of the night prior, it was sometimes like a mystery game; piecing what he could find and coming to a conclusion. Other times, if he stayed awake through the night, when he would transform back, he would have a memory or two. Sometimes he could remember voices, screams, and even the sweet taste of a nightly kill. In his true form, it tasted different, and the flavors and sweetness differed in his human form, the flavor becoming lost in a differ of senses. Still sometimes it lasted, like now.
He ran his thumb through the blood on his hands, its darkening crimson color seemed the reflect the sun rising in the distance, making it dance in his mind. He could smell it's iron, its sweet nectar he knew tasted even better the night prior. He ran his tongue over his lips in memory, still finding the flavor present ever so slightly. To him it tasted of the finest wine,a nectar all its own, each flavored by it's originator. Perhaps, it was all in his mind, but that didn't make it less real. He brought his hand to his mouth and licked at the blood, wishing to remember how much better it had tasted. His musings were lost as he heard breathing, gasping really. A body lay in the distance, a mangled carcass of a once leaving women, blood and bone were bare, her clothes no longer blue and pink but now purple and crimson. What remained of their blonde hair was a brilliant red and pink as the gashes of her face stained it. Fenrir approached slowly, never were the ever any survivors if he got there hands on them, perhaps she was a younger member of the packs kill. He looked down at her face, rapidly moving dark eyes looked up at him, pain, fear, and pleading filled them. Pleading for what; help, death? He couldn't figure which, something in him felt pity, not remorse, but pity.
He ran his hand along her face, what was left of it, its flesh was gouged and puckered. Bone could be seen on one side, torn muscle broken along it, ripped with young fangs. He could walk away and let her die slowly, kill her quickly with his own hands, but there was something in his core craving something else. He wanted to taste her still warm flesh, something he'd yet to do in his human form. He'd had urges, but the idea of cold flesh wasn't as enticing yet. He looked at the hallow of her neck, flesh still lingered, the young werewolf hadn't gone for her neck, hadn't committed to the kill, that's why she was still alive. The human part of him told him to kill her, but something else urged his lips forward. He took a bite.
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Who had the biggest influence over your character and why? Was their influence positive or negative?
His Uncle Aesir, and definitely not in a positive way. His Uncle spent most of Fenrir’s youth torturing and abusing him because he was a “Half-breed Bastard” and a blotch in their family names. His uncle ended up assaulting Fenrir’s childhood best friend whose father was a muggle werewolf. In a bloodfuiled revenge attack in wolf form the man ended up attacking young Fenrir. Ultimately turning him into his true self. This only fueled his uncle, after killing the wolf, into treating Fenrir like a dog. This continued until Fenrir at the age of fifteen managed to orchestrate his uncle’s death. Years after, Fenrir still fought his instincts and tried to become the civil scholar his father had intended. But upon seeing how other werewolves were treated, forced to register, and to be treated like animals. It spurred the memories and caused him to ultimately give into his true self and show the wizards what real power was. Whilst giving into his darker carnal instincts. 
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//hi hi we were paired for a random para and I just wanted to pop in and say hello and how excited I am for there to be a fenrir Greyback in the rp! I'm going to be headed out for mimosas momentarily but I wanted to say hello and welcome you to the rp since I've been a bit too exhausted to say hello in ooc or on the Skype group chat (:
Can’t wait to RP, we’ll have to coordinate soon, have a good time. 
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// Doe is pretty savvy with a wand, but I'd be all game for working some physical fighting into it if you'd like. She's actually goes missing the week prior to the full moon. She supposed to get snatched outside of an Order soiree, so I don't know if you might be interested in something involving that. Then later later on she is used to help instigate the attack. Totally okay if you wanted to roll with something different too, I just wanted to toss that option out there. :)
I like that idea, its a good way of explaining her disappearance and putting the plot in motion. 
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