#✶ * . — v; THE DREAM OF FREEDOM. let's settle this with a toss of a coin.
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tags drop —— castiel & billy & charley & sabin !
#✶ * . — m; CASTIEL. naive / faithtul.#✶ * . — v; FAITHFUL GUIDANCE. you are not weak for believing.#✶ * . — m; BILLY JOE COBRA. fame / tragedy.#✶ * . — v; THE STAR FELL; LONG LIVE THE STAR. fame makes immortal.#✶ * . — m; CHARLEY. butcher / mercenary.#✶ * . — v; LET THE MACHINE SING. there's no space for weaklings here.#✶ * . — m; SABIN RENE FIGARO. coragious / heartfelt.#✶ * . — v; BALANCE & RUIN. the world is changing before our eyes.#✶ * . — v; THE DREAM OF FREEDOM. let's settle this with a toss of a coin.
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Tainted Love|Chapter 4
I/II/III/IV/V Tainted Love – How can you tell a lady no? The White Wolf claimed he needed no one, but his collection of misfits started with Lady Helena of Oxenfurt… and ended with her, too.
Chapter IV: 𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕱𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝕿𝖎𝖒𝖊
Two seasons had flown by and landed the pair in the thralls of winter. Unbeknownst to Helena, a bounty sat on her head. She was being hunted by her father's men and her White Wolf wasn't alerted until she was all but cornered. Once captured, a deal was struck , a compromise was met . Her adventures were to be viewed as her studying abroad. Warranted freedom that was also an extension of her education. Her parents allowed this independence, yet still kept her on a short leash. She had to promise that she would send a letter home at each fort and would return in time for a summer wedding.
They never did pick up where they left off in the forest of Blaviken, often leaving her to wonder if it was a dream. They shared many baths, but other than stolen looks, nothing came of it. She stopped questioning her place as his ward once they stopped at a brothel a week ago.
The chill of the night made Helena tremble and shiver. She hugged her cloak closer and rested her head on Roach's shoulder with a sigh. She was kicked out of her room for non-payment -- the owner refused her broaches in place of coin. Geralt was able to finish his philandering but she couldn't even finish her meal.
"Don't judge me." Geralt told her he sauntered out of the brothel as he took note of her pouty lip. She responded with a half-hearted shrug. He turned to the brothel keep that was escorting him out, "I'll be back with payment in a few days. Anything happens to my horse..."
"You don't scare me," He snorted
Geralt glowered down at the shorter man who was now trembling. He demanded to know where Temeria is and the keep immediately pointed in the right direction.
Helena set forth, not sure of where she was going, but more than willing to keep a distance between her and Geralt. She had difficulty adjusting in the dark and could feel his eyes bore holes into her back as she stumbled every so often .
"Lena," He called out after watching her trip once more. She kept her pace and kept quiet. "Mind telling me what your problem is?"
She let out a sarcastic laugh, unable to bite her tongue, "Mind telling me what that was? To... tease me for months, only to bring me to a brothel and leave me to my own devices. A respected noblewoman surrounded by immodesty. I don't have experience with men, but what kind of mind games are you playing?"
Helena stopped to face him and questioned whether she was being daft given his emotionless expression . Ready to give up and forget it, she turned around, only to have him grab her wrist to stop her.
"I am still a man, Helena. Would you have preferred you to be the one to warm my bed?" Geralt provoked, voice gruff. She could feel the heat rise to her face and with her free hand, she slapped him across the face. A blow he expected but caused him to grimace nonetheless.
"I don't expect you to feel how I do --"
"Because I'm a Witcher?" An argument he always chose to default to whenever the pair bickered.
"No, you absolute dolt." Helena huffed and returned his glare. "forget it."
The pair continued to walk to Temeria in silence, but this time, side-by-side. They arrived within the mines and listened to the worker's demonstration.
"My son, rest his soul, told me in Nilfgaard the king diddled whores while his subjects starved. Then someone came: The Usurper.
And he rallied the people, and they took back what was theirs! I say we follow their lead!" The man's story was met with cheers from his comrades, but a chuckle from Geralt.
"You can't kill the Vukodlak so you decide to kill your king?" He asked in a condescending tone before pretending to think about it, "Great plan."
"Another fuckin' Witcher." He was met with distaste as some of the works spat at his feet, "Your kind already swindled us once."
"I take payment after the job is done and for a third of the price," The white-haired man corrected.
Helena nodded her head towards the workers, "An utmost apology from ours to yours."
The demonstrator seemed hesitant and looked to his fellow men for reassurance, "And if you can't kill it ?"
"Then I die." The Witcher responded matter-of-factly .
The march of armor caused the crowd to go tense; pick-axes were now held like weapons at the ready.
"Lower your weapons and return to your homes," A nobleman commanded, "Do so quickly and without further theatrics and you have my word that our king will not hear of this treason ."
"Foltest commits treason. He hides in his winter castle as we are eaten ." The demonstrator's argument met with more cheers.
"Mikal was a good boy." The nobleman told the man, feigning empathy as he clasped his hand on his shoulder. "Revenge will not ease your pain."
The mourning man removed his hand and spat at his feet. Forces were at the ready to clash but were called off with a waved of the hand.
"You know nothing of my pain." He left with his men following in suit.
Geralt sighed at their departure and looked to the nobleman, "Does Foltest have a plan?"
He ignored Geralt's question despite looking at him. "See this one to the borders. Temeria's had their fill of Witchers."
Knights escorted the pair with only the moon lighting their path. After walking for a short time, the four horsemen slumped off onto the cold ground as a fog surrounded the party.
As Helena opened her mouth to voice her concerns, her bones felt heavy. She struggled to breathe before she too fell in the snow. She could feel strong arms pick her up and cradle her. She strained to hear them speak, but their voices fell on her deaf ears. Feeling weak and unable to continue to fight the spell, she let herself be consumed by the darkness.
Helena awoke to the smell of incense that permeated the air. She blinked away the sleep in her eyes before sitting up to note her surroundings. Geralt's cloak tucked in around her and she drew the cloth closer to her frame. She attempted to call out for him, but her voice was hoarse and her mouth felt as if she swallowed sand. What little sound she could summon was enough to alert someone that she was awake. Footsteps made their way towards her.
"In my defense, I presumed you were also a sorceress. I didn't expect you to pass out." A melodic voice offered her. The speaker rounded the corner in tandem with Geralt, revealing herself. She was pretty and lithe, almost unnaturally so, with her honey skin dusted with freckles. She gave Helena a soft smile as she clasped her hands in front of her, "I'm Triss Merigold."
Helena strained to speak but was met with only a wheeze. She huffed as a blush crept up her cheeks, prompting Geralt to laugh. He strode towards her and patted her back before introducing her.
"she means to say she's Helena."
"I can fetch a maid to bring you some tea if you'd like," Triss offered. At Helena's quick nodding, she continued, "Though King Foltest didn't prepare for your arrivals, I'm sure I can get you two settled in the guest chambers . Would you like to room together or separate?"
"Separate." The pair spoke in unison, though Helena's response was more of a croak.
Triss nodded, her soft smile now contorted into a smirk, and left to have their rooms readied.
Helena would be lying to herself if she said she didn't mind having a bed all to herself. She could stretch out and didn't have to deal with Geralt's tossing and turning. And yet she still missed him sleeping next to her.
She sat up and stretched with a sigh. Was it unfair for her to still be annoyed with him? He owed her nothing. After all, they weren't a couple. She was betrothed to another man. And yet…
" I think I'm falling for him," Helena slumped back into the bed with a groan and ran her fingers through her hair.
She mentally wrestled with this conclusion. As she did, her bedroom door flew open, causing her to shriek and clutch the duvet to her, hiding her dressing gown.
Geralt stood at the entrance, a small grin played on his lips. Speak of the devil.
"Haven't you ever heard of knocking?" She huffed with a scowl, which caused him to smile more.
"Glad you have your voice back. Pack your things."
"I... may have accused Foltest of fucking his sister."
Helena rubbed her temples, "So we're leaving?"
"No, of course not. We have a curse to break."
The duo stood outside the abandoned castle that housed the Striga. Geralt had given her the full run-down. Princess Adda, Foltest's sister, was presumably cursed during her pregnancy. She and the child died during birth and the stillborn grew into a Striga. A beast with an insatiable appetite that was powerful to kill a Witcher once before.
The wind blew causing the old castle walls to groan. The men on guard shuddered and flinched at every small noise. Their knuckles were white as they held their weapons at the ready.
"You were told to leave Temeria," Triss said as she approached them.
Geralt replied in a flat tone as he gestured around him, "But come on. These views."
"Are you going to kill her?"
"I don't want the miner's coin."
"Or mine, apparently ." Triss accused, eyeing them both. "What is this girl to you? Why do you care?"
"You first. I saw how Foltest and his boy spoke to you. Why help those who won't listen?"
The other woman sighed. Accepting that she wouldn't win this argument, "And how do you plan on getting past the guards?"
Helena picked up a large rock amongst the rubble and tossed it overhand behind the guards. At the sudden commotion, they abandoned post with their tails between their legs. She looked to the others with a smug smile.
The group wandered into the castle and Geralt tried each locked door. Helena regarded the skeletal remains that littered the floor.
"Temeria reeks of secrets. I could sense them," Triss spoke, " Just like I could these bodies before we entered. I imagine you sense them, too."
Though she was speaking to Geralt, he didn't reply, causing Helena to respond to him.
"A big, spooky castle has dead bodies in it? How revolutionary."
Triss rolled her eyes and stopped to view a painting, "Foltest and Adda. Whatever happened to them?"
Helena shook her head, unsure. The sorceress looked to Geralt, hoping to get a response from him, but got nothing.
"Not answering questions is a pillar of his brooding charm," Helena answered.
"I'm pretty sure Foltest is the father," Geralt kept walking as he ignored the women. They followed him in silence until they reached the master bedroom.
"Do you think he cursed her?" Triss questioned. When she only received a quirked brow from Geralt and a blank stare from Helena, she clarified. "Foltest."
" Maybe ."
Geralt sniffed the air around the bed as Triss played with a music box. The eerie tune made Helena more on edge as it added to the ominous presence. The music stopped, the noise of tinkering followed, then Triss called out.
"Guys. Letters from Queen Sancia, Foltest and Adda's mother.
'My dearest Adda, you must leave your room one day soon, my child. You must maintain your strength. Despite the crimes you have committed against the crown, you remain my only one, my little girl. Understand that you and Foltest may not see one another again so that your sin cannot be repeated'..." Triss trailed off and stopped reading the letter.
"Looks like you were right, Geralt." Helena quipped with a crinkled nose and a shudder.
Unsure of the next step, Triss suggested they take the letter to the king's courtier, Ostrit.
"A Queen Mother cursing her own children for their affair," With a click of his tongue, Ostrit tossed the parchment onto his desk . "This could destroy the throne."
They asked questions such as whether the Queen Mother had any ties to dark sorcery. These letters now making her a prime suspect. None of these questions seemed to strike a chord with Ostrit, but one.
"What was your relationship with Adda?" Helena asked.
The older man faltered but attempted to act indifferent, "Well, I like to think that she saw me as a confidant. A protector, even. She could be naive."
"Did she ever mention her relationship with Foltest?"
" Certainly not like this," He replied, gesturing to the letter.
Triss furrowed her brow, "She was ashamed .
"Or she was frightened ." Ostrit offered, "What if the relationship was not... consensual?"
Helena crossed her arms with a frown, "You think he raped his own sister and then cursed the child to cover it up?"
"Kings have done more for less."
"True," Geralt nodded as he stepped towards the courtier. "But there is one small wrinkle, though. Your scent was on her sheets. Old ones... and new ones."
"Geralt, what would he be doing in a dead girl's bed?"
"I could smell what he was doing." His tone was dark and the realization hit her, causing her to cringe.
Ostrit began to tremble and cried out, "Foltest had no right! He seduced Adda. He abused his position. He was always nagging her for attention. But he didn't love her. I did!"
"You cursed the woman you loved?" Triss spat as her hands formed fists.
"I cursed Foltest, not her."
"Countless are dead because of your jealousy."
"Countless are dead because of Foltest! He spoiled Adda with his seed. He refuses to kill this striga. He lies to his people. And yet you wag a finger in my face."
"Cool motive, still murder." Helena jeered, "If you wanted him to suffer, you could have just exposed the affair."
"And hurt Adda? Never. Her memory will not be sullied while I'm alive to protect it."
"Your actions led to her death regardless. You weren't protecting her."
Geralt cut off Helena and looked down his nose at Ostrit, "Tell us how to lift the curse."
"No," He stated with a defiant glint in his eyes, "Foltest will watch as Temeria turns against him. Just as he turned Adda against me."
Geralt hummed and punched the man, knocking him out cold.
Helena checked each tip of her arrow was sharp enough as the full moon neared. Once she satisfied, she put the last bow in her quiver and tightened her straps. Geralt readied his own things and once he saw she was prepared , he stood with a sigh.
"Look, Lena..." He began as he scratched the back of his neck.
She raised a brow. Was he about to apologize? Make any sudden declarations?
"You're going to sit this one out," He continued, "It's too risky. It's not the same as fighting a ghoul."
"Do you not think I'm ready?"
"Lena, please don't start. Triss will look after you. I'll see you when the sun rises." He squeezed her shoulder as a goodbye before taking off.
Helena looked to Triss with a scowl who threw her arms up in mock surrender.
"I'm not the one who told him he should make you stay."
"He keeps treating me like a child. He makes me practice combat every day, and for what?"
"Are you going to follow him?"
She paused, having not considered that as an option, then nodded. She grabbed the last of her things before leaving the sorceress behind.
"Okay, but if Geralt asks, I put up more of a fight!" Triss called after her.
She sat holed up as she listened to the terrible screams of the Striga. Her vantage point wasn't the greatest. Though she could see that this was the ugliest beast she had yet to encounter. As she watched the fight take place, she cheered Geralt on. But once the Striga broke free of the chain Geralt bound her in --
"Fuck," Geralt and Helena uttered in unison.
The creature tackled and pinned the Witcher to the ground as he struggled under her weight. With a piercing screech, the Striga had overtaken him and her spit pooled on his face. He attempted to grab his sword, only to have it knocked away and out of reach.
Helena drew her bow back and paused. With a deep breath, she released and the broad sharp pierced its shoulder. The beast reared with an unpleasant cry. Though it was now distracted from Geralt, the beast's attention was now on Helena. Before she could position another bow, the Witcher used the symbol Aard. Thrusting both him and the Striga through the stone floor and onto the lower level with a heavy thud.
Helena scrambled from her hiding spot and raced to the second floor. She was trembling as she attempted to use her bow to steady herself. She looked at the Striga who lay motionless then to Geralt as he inspected a broken vial.
"Is it dead?" She asked, nudging the creature with her foot.
The White Wolf threw the broken glass and scowled at her with bared teeth, "You disobeyed me."
The young girl clutched her bow tighter and avoided his gaze. She mumbled about how it was Triss's idea for her to come. He towered over her, face stern but eyes soft, as he clasped her hand.
"You have to trust me as I trust you. If we are to be a team, I need you to follow my instinct."
He gave her wrist a soft squeeze and let go, walking off to the crypt's entrance and placing a protection ward.
"I'm here now," Helena called after him, voice shaky. "So what do we do?"
"Keep the Striga out of her crypt 'til dawn."
"Simple enough." With a final look at the beast, she took her station at Geralt's side as he tested the ward.
Moments later when she went to check on the Striga, she noticed it had gone. Before she could even voice her concerns, the beast tackled her. Its weight enough to bring them both hard on the ground. Helena cried out for Geralt as claws dug into her shoulders. She pressed her bow against the creature's neck, pushing it off. The wood splintered and broke under the force.
Geralt grabbed the Striga. In retaliation, the Striga tossed him into a stone pillar, treating him as if he was a ragdoll. With a final blow to the Witcher, the beast retreated to the crypt only to be blown back by the protection charm. Furious, the Striga ran to assault Geralt once more. He was ready this time and punched it back with a pair of brass knuckles.
Sunlight infiltrated the castle -- they finally made it to dawn. Geralt picked Helena up and carried her as they ran to the tomb. He threw them back into the coffin. He clutched her to his chest as he closed the lid and sealed it with a protection charm. Helena buried her nose into his tunic as a feeble attempt to hide from the scent of death and decay. He stroked her back as they lay waiting. Once they heard the rooster crow for the third time, Geralt opened the coffin and helped them both out.
The Striga was now transformed into a human but lay bloody and shivering. Geralt approached her. The small movement was enough to spook her and she attacked him. She bit deep into his jugular.
As he bled out and succumbed to darkness, she inched away. Terrified eyes locked with Helena's. Helena wanted to scream, cry, anything, but she knew it would further frighten the girl.
Helena held her hands up to show she no longer had her weapon. Her face was soft and she cooed to the girl as if she was speaking to a stray dog on the street.
"Hi there, Princess. I'm not going to hurt you." Helena slowly took off her cloak and tossed it at her feet. She mimed shivering and pretended to wrap an invisible cloak around herself. "Brrr, cold."
Apprehensively, she stood and put on the cloak as she followed Helena's lead.
Helena stepped towards her, causing the other girl to flinch at each step. "Outside." She pointed and rubbed her belly, "Find food."
Together they walked out of the castle -- Helena kept her distance as the other struggled to walk. At the end of the bridge, Foltest and his men waited. The princess eyed them suspiciously and looked to Helena who gave a reassuring smile and a nod.
With no time to help reunite the estranged daughter and father, Helena went back to tend to Geralt. She thanked Melitele that he was still breathing. She knew that she didn't have the strength to drag him out alone, so she would need to nurse his wounds where he lay.
She grabbed her satchel and rummaged for her things. With a rag, she held pressure to the bite and her free hand brushed his stray hair out of his face. Once assured that the bleeding had stopped, she grabbed her bottle of vodka. She poured it onto the wound to clean it. The burning was enough to wake him; his golden eyes shot open and he clenched his jaw.
Ignoring him, Helena dressed the wound tight and secure. Satisfied with her work, she hummed and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"I'll put some salve on it later. It looks like it'll lead to a nasty scar."
"Add it to my collection." Geralt tried to sit up but was met with a small hand to his chest, pushing him back. He sighed and strained to look around.
"She's with Foltest," Helena answered. "You were magnificent, Geralt. You could have killed her and yet..." She shook her head and exhaled, "Look, I'm sorry I didn't listen to you."
Before she could ramble, Helena was cut off with a deep kiss. She stiffened and didn't return it and instead broke away. Geralt seemed pained by the rejection which she quickly shook off.
"You're just... covered in a lot of blood."
"Oh," He blinked. "That I am."
"We can try again later." She assured with a laugh. She rose and walked over to where her weapon lay. The bow was completely splintered and Helena grimaced, casting it aside.
"Time you learned how to wield a sword. Lucky for you, I know a good master."
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SOFTER // accepting! @ultimateutopia‘s edgar murmured: “you don’t ever have to pretend. not with me. not ever.”

a hiccup from sabin follows those words, before being chocked by both hands by the young prince. he’s trying, he’s trying so hard to be what he wanted, the prince that is supposed to become the king of half of figaro, but he just... cannot. and now edgar arrives, and makes it all so much more difficult...!

« i-i —— am no-not pret-t-tending...!! » he stutters, hating each moment of his unsteady voice ruining everything. the hands let go of his visage, stubbornly turned away from the twin, and clench quivering the battlement near which he’s leaning from. eyes look down, down at that long fall just a feet away from him, not wanting to go there, but unable to look away. his tears slide down the cheeks, and fly away over the walls.
« pleas-se, e-edgar... l-let m-me be...! »
#ultimateutopia#ultimateutopia / edgar.#✶ * . — THREADS. the slow and constant flow of dreams.#✶ * . — m; SABIN RENE FIGARO. coragious / heartfelt.#✶ * . — v; THE DREAM OF FREEDOM. let's settle this with a toss of a coin.#q.
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