#✶ * ⋆ — 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭. ( answered )
spydcddy · 3 months
-mocking- my names loid and im the best sorcerer
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@ntzenin | unprompted ask !
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❛    well  i'm  certainly  not  the  worst   ..   it's  a  mantra  i  use  to  set  my  day   —   not  for  you  to  find  humor  in.    ❜    peeling  his  ear  phones  away.   his  morning  ritual  was  the  same  everyday.    &. toji  happening  to  walk  in  on  it  was  the  greatest  form  of  disorder.    sometimes  he  really  hated  that  guy's  comments,    ❛    now  i'll  have  to  start  over.    ❜
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spydcddy · 1 month
✨ my one and only juice !!!! loid of my heart !!!!!
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@seachant / send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
LOVE OF MY LIFE <3333 nini you're the bestie and i'll be on that writing train with you to the ends of the earth. thank you for being one of my biggest support systems and always pumping my muse for this man up!
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spydcddy · 1 month
✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ !!!!!! i suck at explaining things , but your writing is just so amazing , i look up to you so much ! you embody your muse perfectly and truly bring him to life so vividly and it's so entertaining and wonderful to witness ! i love how much care and thought you put into all his headcanons and how you help us all to learn so much more about him this way ! i love how you're able to put it all into words so clearly and concisely , which is something i rlly struggle with , so it's really inspiring !
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@fcundfamily / send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
not me being a role model *sniff* !!! wow, i'm very HONORED to hear that. you've been such an awesome person ooc and ic and you've truely helped bring out the best in my writing. us gushing about our muses &. writing together is an absolute joy. you inspire me to give my 110% effort! i put my whole heart into loid, i love him oh sooooo so much &. i'm so happy you're receiving him well. i hope we can continue to grow and thus grow our muses together <3 thank you my dear!
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spydcddy · 1 month
✨ - admittedly i don't know much about spy x family but i love your blog!!
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@electricea / send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
listen close - do yourself a favor &. watch it when you get the chance! it's SO WHOLESOME istg and actually probably the best family-oriented, action, romance, comedy anime i've seen in a while. besides that, for you to not know much about the show &. still show your supportive i'm c rying AHHHHH!! asdfghkl, thank you sm for sticking by <3 this is such a compliment, thank you!!!
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spydcddy · 3 months
body count but violent ?
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anonymous | nsfw questions meme !
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as  suspected   ,   this  would  be  the  next  interview  question  in  the  line  up.   it  feels  like  an  attack.  (  no  good  deed  would  forever  come  to  the  surface  ).   ❛   more  than  i'm  proud  of.    ❜     he  surrenders  but  a  whisper.   his  hands  were  dirtied  many  years  ago.
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spydcddy · 3 months
I just wanted to stop by and say that I love all the headcanons you've been sharing with us for your different crossover verses with Loid! I've been enjoying reading them and seeing you around! The JJK, KnY, & BNHA verses / headcanons especially?? 💜 *chef's kiss!* Thank you for sharing your headcanons with us, always such good reads.
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@starjynx || unprompted ask !
AAHHHHHH STAHPPPPP, you flatter me 😭 ! asdg hljkfjd, i’m really glad you’re enjoying them. i love trying to shed some light on his character and doing so in the other verse is just SO MUCH FUN. there’s plenty more to come, this is just the beginning ;) so hold on tight and get out your popcorn. i hope you’ll continue to enjoy them overtime 👍
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spydcddy · 3 months
" twilight - san , that's exactly it ! you're doing amazing ! everyone , pay attention to our movements ! " sing - songy voice rang out from the love hashira , matcha eyes glistening with pride. regardless of how sudden this new training arrangement was , those who worked hard always shined the brightest. more than anything , mitsuri was overjoyed whenever her training brought someone a step closer to reaching their full potential. it meant they had a better chance at survival , & most importantly , bringing an end to the nightmare that was kibutsuji muzan. " ... & jump ... ! one , two ! yes , like that ! you're a natural , twilight - san ! " / from mitsuri !
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@fcundfamily || unprompted ask !
one .. two, three ! he jumps. the cheesy music plays as the girl carries on with her whimsical tune ; the rest of the slayers watching what seems so easy to the both of them in their own demonstration. a back hand spring avoids her graceful kick, aiming for his jaw. from afar the love hashira's swings appeared light, but up close they drew on the wind with ferocity. anyone who under estimated her strength was sorely mistaken — they're perfectly in sync &. their dance made even more entertaining. however, ( this was training ), limbs conversing equally. she eggs on his spirit, ❛❛ so you've noticed. fortunately, i'm just warming up. ❜
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he perceives that the room is stunned given their absolute silence. that maybe they'd learn something now with their heads small &. empty, ❛❛ you see if your lines are sharp and your body is loose, you can adapt to anything. but never take your eyes off your target. ❜ plunging into a front split. ❛❛ — is that correct, miss kanroji ? ❜
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spydcddy · 1 month
🌺 Send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful. 🌺
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@fcundfamily / unprompted ask !
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i love you more than you know <3 thank you for this lovely pick me up!
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spydcddy · 1 month
it's been a while . a familiar face turned [ . . . ] different. older in various ways , . the same way her own had changed , morphed into something a bit different. " oh my -- it's been a while hasn't it ? " her words come rushing out , almost in a nervous manner . briefly she rows curious of who invited him , it ' s not a rare get - together . rather , it's nearly tradition by now , the bar grows louder , the better they all feel slipping into the normalcy they crave , this is the normalcy they carve out for themselves . she shifts in the booth , squishes herself against shoko to allow him to sit . she ' s only a few drinks in , mainly beer as she ' s less likely to get drunk that way , though she did have a shot of sake at the insist of their friends . :))))
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@hiohaku / unprompted ask ! [ secret plot ♥ ]
loid  was  hesitating  to  come  in  at  first,   with  a  boisterous  crowd  fueled  by  the  energies  of  fuddled  tongues  who  lost  themselves  over  reckless  fun  ;   soon  to  be  forgotten  by  tomorrow.   it's  never  been  his  scene   &.  as  with  age,  that  position  hasn't  changed.  but  amongst  the  madness  was  a  familiarity  he  had  almost  refused.   classmates   —   matured  like  himself.   
he  approaches  the  booth  with  its  occupants,   undoing  the  tie  he's  put  up  with  all  day.   off  duty   &.   an  ordinary  man  like  any.   the  blonde  resigns  to  greeting  them,   tone  raspy  with  fatigue  but  subtly  crested  by  surprise.   blue  eyes  cast  over  the  women  he  knows  well,   ❛   years,  if  we're  specifying.   ❜   his  suit  jacket  folded  and  placed  on  the  hook  attached  to  their  seating,  he  grants  an  explanation,   tucking  sleeves  up  to  elbows.   the  glow  of  his  silver  watch  passionately  kissing  the  fluorescence &. sounding  it's  10  o'clock.   he  doesn't  remember  how  long  it's  been  since  retiring  but  providing  a  reason  for  that  was  pushing.   jujutsu  tech  was  a  loaded  mashed  potato  bowl  of  distant  memories   ...  
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❛   an  old  connection happened  to  pass  me  by  in-route  home  &.  begged  that  i  make  an  appearance.   was  afraid  i'd  be  having  to  entertain  but  thankfully  she's  trying  to  make  a  deal  with  the  bartender   —   i'm  more  surprised  to  see  the  both  of  you.    ❜   
utahime  shifting  to  lend  him  room  is  appreciated  when  he  had  originally  decided  on  pulling  a  chair.   he  didn't  plan  on  staying  long.   a  nod  of  thanks  follows,  carefully  perching  beside  her.   it's  a  nearly  tight  squeeze  til  loid  resolves  to  hook  his  arm  round  the  back  of  their  heads,   body  modestly  angled  towards  the  raven  haired  woman.  one  he's  never  physically  been  this  close  to.  they  looked  (   cozy   )   if  mistaken.   ❛   if  i'm  intruding  on  your  space,  i'll  move  you  know.    ❜   the  courtesy  low  yet  direct.  everyone  had  boundaries.
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spydcddy · 1 month
✨️ u give off really good vibes ooc but ic I really like the way you portray loid despite knowing very little abt spyxfamily, ur a delight on my dash :]
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@thunderbringcr / send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
AWEEEEE !! i'm giving you a true virtual hug. i know we LITERALLY just started being mutuals recently but this warms my heart. THANK YOU SO MUCH. i really do think it's important to be as genuine as possible ooc as is irl, and i'm wildly appreciative that you're liking loid/twilight so far, even though you're unfamiliar with sxf. he's a great character to work with. i'll be happy to bring him your way and please don't hesitate to plop yourself in my ims to chat :D
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spydcddy · 1 month
✨You and your writing made me such a huge fan that I decided to read / watch the series. Keep being awesome.
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@braveryhearted / send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
i've been a good influence XD LMAOO !! i just kid, but this is the sweetest. i know i'm not perfect but to see that you gave it a shot because of me goes above and beyond kind words. thank youuuu :3 i hope you're enjoying everything the animanga has to offer and i hope i keep feeding you that GOOD GOOOODDD serotonin and blessing you with that extra sxf content on the dash!
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spydcddy · 1 month
✨ hhhh where do i even begin; i like your style of writing overall, it feels nicely dynamic, setting the pacing as well as the atmosphere, but also just loid remaining loid wherever you take him is priceless ✨
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@gyofukuki / send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
AHH ASDFGKL i appreciate you :') if there's one thing i'm gonna get straight, it's making sure he's consistent no matter what. i will say the hardest part for me about loid is narration but i'm very glad to hear the hard work is paying off! mucho thanks <3 i look forward to what we can get into soon.
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spydcddy · 1 month
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@lightcreators / send ✨ if you like my writing and feel free to tell me why !! the rpc is in serious need of some positivity.
a thousand and one thank you's to you !!! you've been around a long time &. i appreciate you following me through the years and through the blogs. <3 <3 sending you all my gratitude! if there's anything i can do to get better, please let me know :)
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spydcddy · 3 months
" your hair looks longer than normal "
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@amplichor || unprompted ask !
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❛❛ when you've taken extended trips like i have, expect your routine maintenance to go to the wayside. .. — i've dealt with longer, ❜ he slides his fingers carefully through his mane, allowing his bangs to sit upright. hair was just hair, but ( who knew ) utahime was this observant. ❛❛ now that i'm home, i can freshen up. 'm no good in this heat. ❜ spoken with a sigh. he feels the sweat beading together on his hairline.
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