lobeliamaximoff · 2 years
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Brady Parker and Monica Dutton forgiving people, who bullied and humiliated them
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bloodofthefates · 2 years
x. muse added
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                           welcome Monica Long-Dutton!!!
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pretending-ican-write · 6 months
Cowboy Up - Pt.7
Here we are! Finally into the series itself. Cowboy Up will be a combination of me inserting the reader into scenes from the show and putting together some scenes myself that I imagine happen around what is seen on screen.
Disclaimer that I am not a horse trainer or qualified in any way but I've spent a good part of my life around them so my experience is the basis for anything in the fic about horses.
Pairing: Ryan (Yellowstone) x Dutton!reader
WC: 1121
Previous part - Next part
John Dutton stopped his truck in front of the round pen where Kayce was working a horse and got out to watch his son work.  He was confused to see that his youngest daughter’s truck was parked in front of the house.  He knew that she had the day off from the ranch but John wasn’t aware that she had been visiting her brother all those years.
From inside the house, y/n was on the sofa keeping an eye out the window where her twin and father were having a tense conversation that she assumed was about the cattle that had ended up on the reservation.  Monica was next to her watching her son play on the floor in front of them.
“I know he’s my father and all but I worry about what might happen if Tate ever goes to the ranch,” y/n admitted, “it’s the most beautiful place in the world if you ask me but god does it come with conditions.
Her sister-in-law nodded, “John Dutton isn’t exactly synonymous with good news.”
They lapsed into a quiet conversation about how life had been for them both over the last few months since she’d been able to get out to the reservation, Monica smiling widely when y/n confirmed Ryan had finally made his move the other month.
Once John had driven off, the women exited the house behind Tate who ran excitedly towards the rifle John had left propped against the round pen.  Y/n leant against the fence next to Monica watching the horse come to a stop.
“I don’t trust him trying to be in Tate’s life,” she admitted to her brother, “you’ve spent all these years out of his grip.  I’d hate for dad to use him as a way back in after not being around.”
Kayce sighed, “we can only see.”
The next morning, y/n was in the barn mucking out the stalls whilst the other hands worked around her and in the corral.  Cleaning the stalls was normally considered the job of low man, but she found some sort of enjoyment in the mundanity of the task. 
As she finished the last stall, y/n wheeled the barrow out the front of the barn and was surprised to see her sister’s black Mercedes rolling down the drive.  She dropped the handles and watched as the car went past, Beth looking at the window to make eye contact with her younger sister before continuing on to the main house.  After emptying the wheelbarrow, she re-entered the barn with her mood notably dampened by the return of Beth.  Y/n headed down the aisle to the last stall where a blue dun colt was pacing the space.  She took him out to the round pen to assess the problem’s Rip had complained about the horse having.
The colt danced at the end of the rope whilst she closed the gate and when she undid the halter, he shot off around the pen as if afraid to be anywhere near a person.  Y/n sat on the fence, patiently watching the horse work his anxiety out with a cigarette smoking between her lips.  Ryan led his horse across from the corral and leant on the fence next to her.
“He’s got a hell of an opinion in him,” he commented.
Y/n shook her head, “not an opinion Ry.  Nerves.  Poor boy is a ball of anxiety, doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do or trust.”
“How you gonna sort that out then?  Can’t wear it out of him,” Ryan asked.
She watched the colt slow to a trot, “gotta show him that he can trust us and to trust in his own decisions.  Shouldn’t take too long.”
“It’s a nice shirt you’re wearing sweetheart,” Ryan smirked, referring to the blue check shirt of his she had on.
Y/n laughed, “well my boyfriend left it lying around and I was cold so figured he wouldn’t mind.”
“He doesn’t mind at all, not one bit.  In fact I think he quite likes seeing his girlfriend wear his clothes,” he mused, running his finger up her arm, “you not going to the house to see your sister?”
She sighed, “me and Beth aren’t exactly what you would call close.  She does what dad says without question, never said shit when he did what he did to Kayce and it ain’t like she was begging me to stay.  To top it off she treats Rip like shit and the bastard just lets her walk all over him because he’s been in love with her since he was 16.”
“Being in love with someone for a long time sounds familiar,” he teased 
Y/n leant back against his arm, “difference is we were both pining.  She fucks around with his feelings every chance she gets and he’ll never go against her.”
Sat on Comanche, y/n watched as her brothers reunited for the first time in years and laughed as they teased each other as if they’d never been apart.  She smiled at how comfortable Tate looked on his grandfather’s horse and, as much as the sisters fought, she was reassured that Beth had her twin’s back like her.  
“Kayce let’s go,” she called across to him, “grab a horse.”
Part of her soul felt like it was healing watching how her father was with Tate and being back on the plains with all of her brothers.  Beth hadn’t been on a horse since their mother’s death but y/n had spent days of her childhood riding with the cattle alongside her brothers, racing each other despite the annoyance of John.  As Lee and Kayce raced around the herd of buffalo, y/n rode up to where Jamie was talking to their father.
“Kayce might be the only man who can outride him,” her brother observed.
She smiled, “only man but sure as hell not the only person.”
With a click to Comanche, y/n took off galloping after her brothers.  The three of them took turns pulling ahead of the others but ultimately it would have been too close to decide a winner.  Although we all know that in a straight line race y/n had the advantage, what with being a barrel racer and all.
“You joining us to fish?” Lee asked when they finally came to a halt.
Y/n shook her head, “I’m not the one who has years to regain with him Lee.  I’ll let you have your boys day out.  I’m gonna head back with the rest and do some more work with that colt."
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i-heart-yellowstone · 4 months
1 - Lot Happens in Ten Years
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Part 2
Raised Fair Share Of Hell
I’m not sure all of the chapters will be this long but here’s the first part. If you have any questions my ask is open for them
Tag list - send an ask to be added @bvbwestfall @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close
“This is Kayce, leave a message and I’ll try to get back with ya.” I dialed his phone number but it went straight to voicemail so I put my phone in the cup holder. I put my attention back on the road in front of me with the rain hitting the windshield as the sun was setting on the land.
Tapping on the call button I dialed him again, getting a voicemail where I sighed deciding to leave him a voicemail and he’d call me back later. “Hey Kace, I’ve tried callin’ you a couple times but you haven’t called me back. I just really need to talk to you about something - I uh - went to the baby doctor today. I won’t get into the details on a voicemail - but I just need you to call me.”
Kayce and I had been in each other's life since we were five years old. It wasn’t too hard when we finally started dating at our eighth grade prom. Although the sheriff when we were in high school ain’t too fond of us when we would throw parties at my families ranch and we would get in trouble when Kayce’s dad came over to pick up his kid. Only to find that we had snuck alcohol out of the basement. That only turned into a few more charges giving us the nickname of “Montana’s Bonnie and Clyde”.
My phone started vibrating and I saw Kayce’s name pop up on the screen so I immediately hit answer. “Kayce?”
“Hey Lissa Rae, I’m sorry I missed your calls. I’ve just been dealing with Monica.” He responded through the phone. “The one that I hooked up with at Kelsea’s party a few months ago.”
I gripped the steering wheel in my hands. “Oh believe I remember.”
“Look, I know what you’re thinking. But there’s nothing going on between us - or at least there wasn’t supposed to be.”
Knitting my brows together in confusion. “Kayce, where are you at right now?”
“Monica’s house.”
I slammed my foot down on the brakes and nearly threw my phone through the windshield. “Kayce John Dutton! I have something really big to tell you and I don’t want to have to be around the girl who nearly destroyed our relationship when she came to brag to me about sleeping with you a few days later.”
“Alissa, please believe me when I say I would never destroy what we have to be with her. There’s just something I have to take care of with her.”
Brushing some hair out of my face I leaned back against the seat headrest. “Kayce, just come out and say what you need to talk with her about.”
“I think it’s just easier if she tells you herself.” He responded.
Sliding a hand down my face I quickly tried to think of what could be going on between them. But I kept drawing a blank so I had to just go see it for myself in person. “I’m coming to your location.” I turned the truck back onto the road nearly speeding to her house address that he had texted me.
Slamming the truck door closed when I got out I stomped up the porch stairs, banging on the front door where it was opened by the very girl I wanted to punch. “Alissa - Kayce said you were coming by.”
“Where the hell is Kayce?” I snapped at her pushing my way past her and she gently shut the door.
“In the kitchen. Can I get you something to drink?”
I ignored her question entering the kitchen seeing my best friend sitting at her kitchen table avoiding my gaze when I came in. “I’m here. So what is happening that I needed to see in person?”
“I didn’t think it would happen.” He ran a hand over his mouth not answering the question.
Monica stepped into the room we were in, reaching inside her pocket taking out a tiny white stick. “I’m going to try and keep it if he agrees to help me.” I took it from her hands finally realizing it was a pregnancy test.
“You gotta be kidding me. Kayce, you aren’t thinking about it are you?”
He ran his fingers through his messy brown curls. “I just didn’t know how to tell you. I don’t want us to break up but I know this isn’t the life you wanted. Especially when your dad doesn’t really like me at the moment.”
“My daddy ain’t probably let you ever step foot on our front porch now either.” I clutched the pregnancy test in my hands.
Kayce lifted his head up, soft brown doe eyes meeting my gaze. “Alissa, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to talk about it with her in the room.” I spun around in my boots running out the front door out onto the front porch and to my surprise the front door creaked open and closed shut before I felt his arm touch my shoulder.
“Alissa, hey talk to me. What’s happening, what has you so upset?”
I stared out at the empty scenery in front of us. “Are you going to choose her now that she’s keeping the baby?”
“No! I mean yes she’s pregnant but she was more drunk than I was that night. And besides it’s her choice on what she does with her body and the baby. But I don’t get it. What does that have to do with us?”
Spinning around to face him I began sobbing heavy tears, reaching into my jacket taking out a picture the doctor gave me. I had been getting sick for almost two months before my mother took me to the doctor and we found out why. But I hadn’t told my father yet - or the father yet until now. “I went to a doctor today when my momma thought I had gotten really sick from a cold and we found something out.”
“What is this, Lissa?” He takes the printed out picture from my hand scanning it over.
I wrapped my arms around my body leaning against the fence still letting some tears fall down my face. “The night we first slept together apparently put a baby in me easier than we thought it would be.”
“You’re pregnant.” Kayce finally put the pieces together.
I nodded my head slowly yes, scared for his reaction. “We’re pregnant, Kace.”
He didn’t say a word for a very long time making the nerves in the pit of my stomach grow bigger with every passing second. I didn’t want to pressure him to be a part of the kids' life but I knew it would be hard if I kept it. Regardless of the reassurance my mother gave me at the hospital. “We’re gonna have a baby.”
“Yes and I understand if Monica’s pregnancy was enough of a scare. Then I can figure out what I’m going to do on my own.” I gulped feeling the nervousness getting the better of me. I did my best to run around the young Dutton and head down the stairs to leave. “I should go. I’ll see ya later Kayce.”
He spun around grabbing my wrist quickly twirling me around so I was facing him. “Woah there. You don’t have to go through this alone.”
“Oh yeah right. Because I bet you are just overjoyed to be a teen dad.” I sent him a snarky remark. His father and mine could likely agree that us as teen parents wouldn’t work out in the long run.
Kayce gently held onto my shoulders looking down at me since I was just barely shorter compared to the height he was. “I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not scared of this but I am happy to be with you. And I’ll be happy when we have this baby together.”
“Awe Kayce…” I sniffed through tears burying my face into his shirt and he wrapped his arms around my body holding me close. I wrapped my fingers around the fabric of his jacket crying happy tears into his chest.
Footsteps came out onto the porch where we separated from each other slightly seeing Monica scowling at us. “So you’re picking the ranching Lambert girl over me now.”
“I’m dating her, Monica.” He responded to her.
I glared at her. “He can choose whatever he wants to do. Just like we can choose to keep the babies we’re having.”
“She has a family that can help her. I live on the Resveration so we don’t have everything you do.” She crossed her arms over her chest.
Kayce draped an arm over my shoulder and I laid my head against his chest before he began planning a way out of this situation before it got more intense. “Monica, look I’m choosing Alissa. But I am willing to help you out if you’ll let me. What do you think about that?”
“I suppose so.” She swayed from side to side.
I stared at her silently for a few minutes. “Maybe one day we’ll look back on this moment and laugh. And who knows we might just be able to work this out as a team.” She didn’t say anything yet I felt Kayce’s comforting hand intertwining down with mine telling me no matter what she did we would make it through this.
10 years later
Sliding my muddy brown work boots I rose to my feet looking at myself in the mirror while I finished twisting the end of my braid together. My eyes scanned over the rack with hats and jackets inside of our bedroom near the door. A familiar dark tan hat hung above my brown jacket. I heard a patter of footsteps run down the hallway and stop outside the door. “Little Rae, what are you doing up this early?”
“Couldn’t sleep when daddy promised he’d take me on a ride.” Her innocent voice replied back.
I snatched my hat from the hook and opened the door seeing my soon to be ten year old daughter standing in the doorway. “Well I think we will have to go find your daddy cause he’s already started work for the day.” His side of the bed covers was tossed over and I didn’t see his familiar black Cowboy hat in the bedroom.
My nine year old daughter stuck her tongue out. “But he said he would and he never breaks a pinky promise.”
“Don’t worry, Faith. I’m sure he just was expecting you to still be sleeping. Your little butt doesn’t normally wake at six in the morning.” I bent down picking her up in my arms and made our way down the wooden stairs of the Dutton house.
She laid her down in the crook of my neck. “Pinky promises are important, mommy.”
“Believe me I know.” I answered in agreement looking down at her in my arms. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy braid that resembles a younger me. Yet her eyes always show me a younger version of her father. We had finally made it out of the house and onto the porch seeing John was saddling up his horse for the morning ride where I walked over to him. “Morning John, have you seen Kayce?”
He shakes his head no opening his arms for his granddaughter. “No I haven’t. Come here Faithy Rae and give grandpa a hug.” She ran forward once I sat her feet on the dirt ground embracing him.
“Oh I think I see him but why’s he in his truck?” I heard the sound of a truck pulling in down our long driveway of the ranch recognizing Kayce’s truck that parked directly in front of the house.
The driver and passager doors were open and closed before I saw some black hair blowing in the wind and a set of small feet behind whoever it was till I saw who it was. “Hey baby.” Kayce walked up to me with Monica and her son Tate followed.
“Don’t hey baby me, Dutton.” I snapped at him crossing my arms over my chest. “What are they doing here?”
Kayce dropped the half smile he had on his face, rubbing the back of his neck and shifted his gaze over to his father. “He asked to know his other grandkid.” I glanced over my shoulder with John and our daughter looking at our interaction.
I certainly still wasn’t used to this situation that was created ten years ago.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Burning Desire for a Dutton
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Request from Wattpad VOIDRANBOO - Reader is Rip’s best friend and is a secret relationship with Kayce. Beth helps get them together but they are both worried of how Rip will react
Kayce’s horse halted outside the barn with me waiting inside the barn doorway. I was wearing one of his black cowboy hat, a light blue flannel shirt, some ripped blue jeans and some dusty boots. He dismounted his horse coming over to me wrapping his arms around my waist hugging me. “Morning darling, I’ll grab the gear really quick and then we can go.”
“Yeah that works. I’ll go tell Beth so she doesn’t freak out where we are.” Breaking the hug I headed towards the main house heading up the stairs. Entering the living room seeing her sitting on the couch with a cocktail.
She sat it down tapping her fingers against the glass. “How long are you two going to hide around this place. I mean it took almost two years before I finally got you two to get together.”
“He was married for a year, Beth. Honestly I still feel guilty sometimes that I broke them up.” Shrugging my shoulders I wrapped my arms around myself.
She scoffed sipping from her glass. “Yeah but Monica just couldn’t handle dealing with our family. But you can so that means you are meant to be in this family.”
Moving to sit beside her on the couch I tucked hair behind my ear. “I wish it was that simple, Beth. Even though Kayce and I are sneaking around like this, it doesn’t mean I like it. It’s only a matter of time before Rip finds out about us.”
“Look I’ll handle Rip if you want me to. Now go on and hang with your boyfriend.” She patted her hand on my back where I got to my feet leaving her alone going down to the barn.
Entering the barn I threw my saddle up onto the horse where it makes a noise. Kayce walked into the room with his own horse wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. Spinning around in his arms draping my arms around his neck grinning. “I’m sorry we’re having to hide this. I know that you want me to meet Tate someday. And to take me out on a date in public.”
“Hey, don’t worry Y/n. We can keep this a secret until you’re ready to tell him what is going on.” He declares leaning down kissing me slowly. Gripping his jacket in my fingers I deepened the kiss where my boots slide down when I leaned up on my toes.
Kayce and I had been hiding our relationship from Rip for almost two years. We were out at a bar drinking one night after he had a fight with Monica and it just somehow happened. I never intended to fall for the youngest Dutton but it happened regardless. He moved his right hand to my lower back he pressed me closer while his left hand before he pushed my back against the wooden stall. Running my fingers through his curly locks hearing him moan. “What the hell are you two doing!”
“Rip!” I shrieked gripping Kayce’s shirt turning as white as a ghost whipping my head around in that direction.
He was standing in the center of the doorway arms crossed over his chest slowly stomping up to me and the young Dutton. I gulped taking his hand in mine feeling nervous when he stopped in front of me. “Either you tell me what exactly is going on now or I’ll be kicking Kayce’s ass in a few hours!”
“Rip, before you think this isn’t a serious thing it is. I am not with her just to get back at Monica or something else crappy.” Kayce held up a hand trying to defend himself feeling nervous that he would get in trouble if he got into a fight with him.
Rip and I lived near each other and I was there the day he met John. I’ve been through everything with him and the Dutton’s. I owed them everything that they had given me even when I worked hard for it. He walked towards us pushing me away from him grabbing Kayce by his shirt getting in his face. “What made you think that you could just go and date my best friend. She isn’t a bunkhouse girl you can just knock up like you did that Indian girl.”
“No, no. It’s nothing like that.” Kayce held his hands up in surrender glancing in my direction.
Stepping towards them I didn’t want them to fight over me. “Rip, please let him go. He isn’t an asshole. We we’re just afraid to tell you because you would overreact like you are now. I just need you to trust me. I have never lied to you and I never will.” I begged him with some puppy dog eyes.
“Does anyone else know about this?” He asked shifting his gaze downward to me.
“I got them together, baby.” The three of us turned our heads back in the direction of the doorway. We caught sight of Beth stomping towards us placing her hand on his shoulder. “And do you want to know why. Because I have to listen to Y/n go on and on talking about how much she hated that it was taking forever for Kayce and Monica’s divorce to go through. I couldn’t stand it anymore so I sped up the process and then they just let their desire do the rest.”
“Bethany!” I grumbled running my hands through my hair.
She shrugs her shoulders not moving from her position. “I’m not wrong.”
Rip finally released his grip on Kayce dropping him onto the ground where I moved past him helping him to stand on his feet. He grunted leaning into my chest where he nodded at Rip. “I would never hurt her, Rip. If anything…I think I’m falling in love with her.”
“Awe I love you too, Kayce.” Grinning up at him I leaned up kissing him where it turned into a passionate kiss very quickly. He wrapped his arms around my waist never breaking the kiss even though the other two were standing right in front of us.
Beth nudged her lover. “See I told you. She can’t help her burning desire for a Dutton.”
“I suppose none of us can.” He wrapped his arm around her waist kissing he forehead.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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keep-the-wolves-close · 5 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 39: Black Sky
* Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M
* Warnings: language, angst, suicide, Malcolm Beck, injured character, character death, violence
* Word count: 6,110ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all.
Author's note: Here we are folks! Season 2’s finale! I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well! Thank you for sticking around this long, and I hope you continue to follow along with the story as we head through onto season 3!
Gonna take a little break to get season 3 and season 4 worked on some more, so bear with me!
It was still early in the morning of the second day after his son was kidnapped and his best friend landed in the hospital. Kayce had barely slept. His father was meeting with the sheriff this morning. There was nothing more they could do until Donnie cleared the way.
Kayce chewed his bottom lip as he stared off into nothing. His son was kidnapped and god knows where and his best friend was laid up in the hospital unconscious potentially never to wake up, all because he let himself be convinced to leave the ranch. He knew he should have been there. He knew it might have made a difference, but the opportunity had passed him. Now they had to defend their home and right the wrongs that had been done to them.
He could hear Stella’s voice in his head. ‘We can’t be soft defending it.’ Being soft was exactly what they weren’t going to do. If he knew her like he thought he did, she’d be practically begging to blow them and everyone involved to pieces on main street for everyone to see so that the message was received.
Kayce’s stomach clenched again at the thought of losing both his son and Stella. Monica’s soft voice came from behind him. “Have you heard anything about Stella?” Even though she was fairly certain about the relationship between her almost ex-husband and his best friend now, Monica didn’t think Stella deserved to be in the current situation she was in. Especially since it was because she tried to save their son.
Kayce wiped his hand along his clenched jaw. He hadn’t heard anything from Ryan or Colby since yesterday. The last they had told Kayce, the doctors said Stella had covered her face just barely good enough. She had some broken ribs, one hell of a concussion. There would be a gnarly scar along her face once it healed. He assumed she was still unconscious. Kayce was surprised the kick that caused the gash didn’t fracture her skull. She was lucky it wasn’t worse than that.
He absently shook his head. “Nothing new. Still unconscious I’m guessing.”
“Can we go see her?” Monica hoped Stella would wake up.
“We have to get Tate back. It — it wasn’t — supposed to be this way.”
“Your father is gonna take a while talking to the sheriff. Let’s go see her. If she’s in this predicament because she tried to protect our son, it’s the least we can do.” Monica turned to look at Kayce. “Ryan and Colby shouldn’t be alone.”
Ryan’s leg bounced continuously and he chewed on the side of his thumb. He numbly stared at his sister lying in the hospital bed. He was terrified that she wouldn’t wake up. The doctors and nurses had tried to convince him that her body was trying to heal itself. That she will wake up when she’s ready.
Aside from the bruised and swollen face, she looked peaceful. Ryan couldn’t understand any of this. He could, but the extremes threw him down into a spiral. He prayed to whatever god would listen. His mind was taken over and he was reminded of when their dad was in the hospital. He felt as helpless now as he had then. There was nothing he could do. ‘Except make sure those motherfuckers pay.’
A light knock behind him brought his and Colby’s attention to the door. It was Kayce and Monica. He breathed out loudly and his shoulders dropped. Ryan waved them into the room, standing.
Monica caught sight of Stella and gasped. Her hand flew to her mouth. She squeezed her eyes shut. She didn’t want to believe it was real. “Oh, Stella.” She whispered. “Ryan, I'm so sorry.” Monica pulled Ryan into a tight hug.
Ryan leaned into her grasp for a moment, and tried to keep himself from crying. He didn’t know what to say. At this point, he didn’t think there was anything he could say.
Kayce stopped moving the second he could see Stella lying there. His heart was in his throat and his palms went clammy. “This was a bad idea.” Colby stood and placed his hand on Kayce’s shoulder to keep him from running.
“It’s gonna be okay, man,” Colby gave Kayce’s shoulder a squeeze, “from what I can tell, it looks worse than what it actually is.”
Ryan let Monica go and said to Kayce. “Every single one of those sons of bitches are gonna pay, Kayce. For Stella and for Tate.”
Monica stepped up to Stella’s side. She prayed silently. She knew Stella could pull through. Monica knew that Stella was strong and hard-headed. Just like Kayce. However, this time around she needed some help. Kayce stood there speechless, trying to catch his breath. Monica prompted him softly, “You can come over here, you know. It won’t hurt her.”
Colby gently tapped Kayce’s arm to try and spur him into motion. A look passed between the three men. It was a glance of retribution promised, but sorrow, and understanding. Both of the most important people to the men were hanging in the balance, and there wasn’t much they could do for either of them. Kayce’s steps faltered. If he went over and touched her, it would make it real. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to handle that.
Monica was reminded of when she was in the hospital from the distressed look on Kayce’s face. She waved him over. She would at least give him some comfort, disregarding the split between them. He made it to the end of what felt like the longest walk in his life even though in reality it was only a few feet. Monica switched spots so Kayce could be closer to Stella. She placed her hand on his back, letting him know the support was there.
Kayce felt his eyes sting, and his breath got caught in his throat. He choked on his own air. He leaned down and kissed Stella’s forehead gently. He whispered to her, “we’re going to get everyone single one of the sons a bitches who did this to you. I promise you that, sugar. None of them will walk out alive.” A few tears dropped from his eyes, landing on Stella’s face. Kayce lifted his hand and gently wiped them away.
Ryan watched the scene in front of him and felt his heart crack even more. Before he could get too deep, his phone buzzed in his pocket.
Need you back at the ranch. A text from Rip read.
“Kayce, they need us back. I’m going to check in with the doctor and then I’ll be right behind you.” Ryan directed. He looked to his best friend. “Colby, can you stay with her so I know she’s safe?”
“Of course, man.” Colby patted Ryan’s shoulder. “If anything changes I’ll let you know.”
Monica gave Stella one last look and prayer as all three of them rushed out of the room. Kayce couldn’t bring himself to look back.
“Ryan, you take Monica with you. There’s a stop I gotta make on the way.”
“Kayce!” Monica called out. He snapped his head in her direction. She waved him closer. “I will not face this world without our son. You make sure you kill them,” she whispered.
“Don’t worry about that, Monica. If he doesn’t, I sure as shit will.” Ryan interjected.
Kayce pulled up to the M/T Beck Ranch to where Donnie’s deputies stood guard. He rolled the window down and the deputy closest to him stepped forward. He leaned out the window and asked, “how many in the house?”
The deputy shrugged. “Just him. As far as we know.” He placed his hands on his hips. “I need to see the warrant.” Kayce pulled the paper out of his pocket, unfolded it, and held it up to the officer.
The deputy nodded. “Alright.” His boots crunched in the gravel as he turned on his heel and sat down in his patrol car. The other deputy followed his lead. The car started and they pulled away without any further question, leaving Kayce to do as he pleased.
He pulled into the drive, just far enough that he could remain undetected, but close enough that he didn’t have to run a mile to get to the house.
He ran up to the front doors crouched, and gently opened the first set. They squealed loudly in protest and he winced at the disruption of the silence. When no one came to look, he continued through the second set of doors.
He looked in the living room and didn’t see anyone. Panning around the room, he saw a hallway to the back right. Making his way through the mouth of the hallway, he looked through each of the rooms as he passed them by, finding no one.
He continued pushing toward the back of the house. He came to a set of stairs. He looked down then first, but running water caught his attention from upstairs. He raised his pistol to aim ahead of him and traveled up the stairs. He climbed slowly and grimaced when he reached the top as the floor creaked beneath his weight. He banked on the fact the running water would drown out his extraneous noise.
Moving further down the hallway, he could see a bathroom sink at the end. The water was indeed running, and the sound of paper rustling grabbed his ears. He strode up to the doorway and spotted Malcolm’s brother Teal sitting on the toilet. He lifted his pistol with surefire accuracy and popped off three rounds in Teal’s gut before he barely registered someone was there.
Teal slumped forward and groaned in agony, holding his hand to his stomach. Kayce kneeled down onto the balls of his feet, his face flat but pleased. Teal sputtered in fear seeing Kayce’s resolute face. “Where’s my son? Where is he?”
Teal tried to catch his breath. “I don’t know,” he growled out. Kayce shot him in the calf without blinking.
Teal screamed in pain. “Stop! Stop!”
“There’s a lot of stuff I can shoot before you die.”
“The — Montana Free Militia. They’re who we used. They got him.”
“Where do they camp?”
Teal huffed and puffed. “Base of the Crazies. The Crazy — the Crazy Mountains.”
Kayce’s face hardened. “You ever been up there?”
“Yeah. Up 284. Just before Diamond City. There’s a,” Teal started to cry, “there’s a little beat up house,” Kayce made peace silently with what he was about to do after he got everything he needed from Teal. “Behind a bunch of junkers.”
Teal leaned forward and moaned. “Oh fuck. I’m shot to shit.”
Kayce remembered Stella’s words about not being soft defending the ranch and the family that stood behind it. “Don’t you know about my family?” His face scrunched in disappointment. People really had thought they’d gotten soft. “You didn’t think we’d fight back?”
Teal was crying. “No. Nobody ever fights back.”
“Until now.” Kayce raised his pistol.
“No, please. Please.” Teal begged. “Not on the toilet. I don’t wanna die on a fuckin’ toilet.”
Kayce’s face softened briefly. “I promised the mother of my son, and my girlfriend’s brother, I’d kill you. All a man has is his word.” He squeezed the trigger and the kill shot knocked Teal back against the back of the toilet.
Kayce took a different gun, and angled himself as if Teal was shooting back. He rubbed Teal’s hand all over the grip, getting his blood on it, then placed it on the ground just beneath his hand.
He stood and went back the way he came in. He pulled out his cell and called his dad.
Ryan was sitting on the porch with Jamie and Beth. They’d wanted as much of an update as he could give them. “She’s got some broken ribs, a concussion, wicked slash across her eye, and she’s unconscious.”
Jamie sighed loudly. “Shit. I’m sorry Ryan.” Stella wouldn’t be in this mess if she hadn’t been trying to protect his family member. She shouldn’t have been there at all. He wished he would have heard something, if she’d called for them.
“She’ll wake up, Ryan. If there’s anything I know about her, it’s that she’s spiteful. She’s not gonna let some pussy of a man who comes to kidnap a child in the cover of nightfall take her out.” Jamie and Ryan stared at Beth for a moment. The softness from her shocked both of them.
John came out of the house on the phone and made his way down to the grass determined. “Okay, good.” John took a breath. “You’re okay though, right?” He visibly relaxed at whatever answer he’d been given. “Thank god. Come home.”
The trio scrambled off the porch to catch up with the leader. Beth asked gently, “what did he say?”
John reached into his vest and pulled out a letter. “You need to make an amendment to the trust, Beth.” He leaned closer to give her the letter. “Read this. Then do what it asks.” He grabbed her shoulder. “I know who loves me.” He glanced at Ryan. “I know who’s loyal,” and then back at his daughter. “I always have.” He walked back into the house to get ready for the fight that was about to take place. Not only for his grandson, but the revenge for one of his employees.
Beth opened the letter and skimmed over it quickly.
Jamie watched Beth closely. “What does it say?”
“None of your fuckin’ business.” She headed off to do what her father asked. She needed to go see Rip.
“I’m gonna go down to the bunkhouse to get ready. We’re moving on them tonight.” Ryan departed as well leaving Jamie standing there dumbfounded.
John stalked back out of his house toward Kayce and Jamie standing in the driveway. A large SUV pulled up the drive fast, and out came Mo, Chief Rainwater’s head of security. He shut the door and made his way around and said, “I was sent here to help.”
John went into the red shed next to the house and grabbed a bullet proof vest. He turned and gave Kayce directions. “Go get Rip when he’s done with Beth.” Before Kayce could object John said, “I can’t risk you, son.”
Kayce marched up the hill that led to the new cabin Rip had been gifted. Beth had walked by him, letting him know where to find the man in question. Rip was sitting on the steps to the house. “Whattaya know Kace?”
“Stella’s torn up. Still unconscious. Tate’s with a militia. In the Crazies.” He shook his head. “We don’t have any time.”
“How can I help?”
“It’s a big ask,” he adjusted his ball cap, “can’t attack a fortified position without knowing the strength of our enemy. In Afghanistan, we’d send an armored vehicle into ambushes. Draw fire to know how many we were fightin’.” Rip nodded and Kayce rubbed the side of his face. “We don’t have any armored vehicles. I’d do it myself, but,” he stopped himself. He hated that he was even asking something like this of Rip.
“I know. I’ll draw your fire.” Rip rose off the steps with a groan. He began his march back to the barn with Kayce trailing behind him.
Ryan, Kayce, Mo, and Handon pulled up in the cover of darkness to the little busted up shack Teal had told Kayce about. Rip and John pulled up behind them with a horse trailer. The three men got out of the truck and put eye black on their faces to make themselves harder to see. Rip and John jumped out and started to pull their horses out of the trailer.
Kayce put on his gloves and surveyed the surrounding area with Mo standing next to him. Handon made sure his sights were good. Ryan reined in his anger and held it for when he got the chance to take the motherfuckers who hurt his sister to meet their maker. Rip walked up with his horse.
Kayce asked Mo, “you want a rifle?”
“I’m best with my pistol.”
“Pistol won’t pierce armor.”
“I won’t be aiming at their chest.” Mo looked at Kayce. He fully turned to Kayce, taking in his camouflaged face. “Got anymore of that?” Kayce handed the eye black over to him.
Mo walked over to Rip and Dude. He looked at Rip and got his approval to bless the horse for the hell they were about to go through. He traced a circle around Dude’s right eye. “So he sees danger.” He drew some more sigils on his neck. “So he is sure-footed.” He made his way to the gelding’s shoulder. “So the bullets bounce off.” He finished by drawing some on the horse’s hind quarter. “So he moves fast.”
Rip tried to lighten the mood the only way he knew how, hearing Stella’s voice in his head making a joke. “You sure you don’t wanna draw on me some?”
Mo chuckled. “Won’t work on you.”
“Yeah, I figured.” Mo walked away and Rip took a second to say whatever kind of prayer he could muster up.
John and Rip mounted their horses and trotted over to the rest of the group. John fixed his collar. “You know, of all the days to ask this of you, I’m sorry it’s today.”
“I can’t think of a better day for it, sir.” They shared a look. Rip nodded.
“I’ll be coverin’ you on your right.”
John took off to swing around on Rip’s right side. Kayce waved everyone forward. “Let’s get in place.”
Handon stopped next to him. “You think they got night vision?”
“Yeah, and thermal. You can bet on it.”
Ryan, Handon, and Mo moved forward to take cover behind some rubble that laid in front of them. They needed to be able to see where the fire was coming from and how many shooters there were.
Rip leaned back and took in the sky one more time in the moment of peace before all hell broke loose. He thought of Beth. Of Stella. “I love you.” He spurred Dude into action. He was ready to cause a ruckus.
As soon as he galloped by a small building on his right, shots started flying through the air. All of the ground men rushed behind him.
Kayce yelled out, running forward, “Livestock Police! Drop your weapons!” They dropped several men and took cover in between reloading time.
Rip pulled Dude to a stop. John cantered up to his side and hollered. “Livestock Police! Drop your weapons!” John raised his rifle and took out another one of the militia members.
Rip climbed down off his gelding, taking deadly aim and took out another. John slid out of his saddle to join him. Handon placed one of the men in cuffs.
Kayce, Ryan, and Mo came to the actual house the militia were staying in and surrounded it. Handon and Ryan took the back. Mo and Kayce took the front.
Kayce opened the front door and ducked back quickly. A few shots rang out from behind the door and while the man was reloading, Kayce and Mo took their chance to charge inside.
Each of the four took to clearing the house. Checking every room they passed by for Kayce’s son. The foursome came to a back room and there were three people left. Ryan and Handon got two of the people in cuffs. One sat in almost a meditative position.
Kayce had his rifle aimed at the man on the ground. He checked the room off to his right and went back to the man on the ground. “Where’s my son?” The man just stared blankly at Kayce. “Do you know, where my son is?”
The man scoffed. “I sure do.” He placed a gun in his mouth and pulled the trigger before anyone could stop him.
“No!” Kayce screamed. “Fuck!”
Back outside, John had just finished tying up one of the militia men that was still alive and he heard footsteps through the grass behind him. He grabbed his rifle and yelled, “hey! Stop!” He followed after the man running away.
The man that was running, turned and took a few poorly aimed shots at John, but John stopped him assertively with a round of his own. The man dropped to the ground. John stormed over to him, and he rose from the ground and took another shot at the patriarch. John squeezed the trigger again, hitting the man and making him fly back onto the ground.
He groaned in pain as John stepped closer to him. When John was almost on top of him, he realized it was Malcolm. Unbeknownst to John, the group he’d brought with him stood by the fence and watched as he stepped up to Malcolm.
“You deserve a lot worse than this.”
Malcolm rolled over to grab his gun, but John aimed his rifle and shot Malcolm’s arm. “Ah god! Fucking cocksucker!” He cried.
“There ya go. Get it all out you son of a bitch.” John retrieved Malcom’s weapon. “Now tell me where my grandson is, and I’ll getcha to a hospital.” He kicked Malcolm over. “You have my word.” Malcolm laid there crying. “Go on, scream. Scream till whatever makes you want to hurt a child, my daughter, my horse trainer to hurt me leaves you.” Malcolm rolled back over onto his back. “If there’s a heaven, and I sure hope so, this is your last chance to do something that just might get you in it.”
John sat down next the injured man and Malcolm spluttered. “You know, I think a lot about the ten-or-so years I’ve got left before there’s not much left for me to but sit around and reminisce. You on the other hand, have to cram a lifetime of reminiscing into the next thirty minutes or so. Or you could lay there, and not telling me where he is will be your last thought.”
Malcolm wheezed and John looked him over. He thought of his daughter and the atrocity of what Malcolm’s hired men put her through. “Not whoever you may have loved, or your brother’s ninth birthday. None of that shit. Your entire lifetime’s gonna be reduced to my grandson’s face. It’s up to you, Malcom.” The thought of Stella, beaten and bloodied, laid up in the hospital unconscious, for trying to protect his family. Doing the job he had asked her to do. ‘Until my dying breath, sir,’ whispered through his head and he shuddered. He prayed with everything in him that it hadn’t been her last breath.
Ryan and Kayce watched on as Malcolm twitched, trying to catch his breath. Ryan looked back at Kayce. “What’s he doin’?” Kayce shook his head and they both observed the moment before them.
John looked up at the sky while Malcolm sputtered some more. “That’s Jupiter up there, the bright one.” He shifted his focus back to the ailing man on the ground next to him. “Did you know that?”
Malcolm’s chest started to rattle. “Carter Meads. That’s his name. Whitefish, Montana.” He struggled to breathe as deeply as he could. “Whitefish, Montana.”
“I’ll call for a chopper. Get you to the hospital.”
“I ain’t gonna make it to a hospital.”
“Yeah well, I gave you my word.”
“I won’t hold you to it.”
“You want company or do you wanna be alone?”
“Alone.” Malcolm ground out. “I wi— wish we’d never met.”
“Yeah,” John laughed darkly, “I bet you do.” John made his way back to his men.
As the sun rose over the mountains in Whitefish, Montana, Sheriff Haskell’s truck and a squad car rounded the corner on the house where Carter Meads lived with their lights on. Kayce, Ryan, and Handon covered their backs down the hill from up top.
Donnie and his team loaded up on the porch, ready to ram their way in. They busted the door open and everyone filed in. They took out a few people in the front part of the house.
Going toward the back Kayce called out for his son. “Tate!” Ryan, Handon and himself made their way up the stairs.
Donnie had already made his way upstairs and opened a door in the back and immediately turned back to stop Kayce. “Kace! I need you to step back!” Ryan pushed forward. Handon held Kayce back as best he could. Donnie asked Kayce, “give my guys a minute. You don’t wanna see him like this.”
Kayce started to grapple against everyone in his way. Ryan was their last defense. Kayce busted through him yelling, “see him like what?!”
He broke through the wall of men and into the bathroom where his son was. Tate shrieked and he got up close to him, catching his focus and letting him know he was safe.
Donnie stepped up to the door and told Kayce, “we’ve got a trauma specialist on the way.”
Kayce hugged Tate and the boy finally calmed down long enough that Kayce was able to get him outside and into the truck.
The drive home was quiet. Ryan knew that everyone who had hurt his sister and kidnapped his friend’s boy was dead. A weight lifted off his shoulders knowing that everything had to look up from here. Now he just needed his little sister to wake up.
A small voice from Kayce lap startled everyone. “Aunt Stella tried to save me and they hurt her. Is she okay?”
Ryan’s heart shattered completely. They all knew Stella’s beating had to have been because she tried to stop the men. He kept the tears at bay long enough to look at Tate, who was hiding in between his father’s arms. “Yeah, buddy. She’s okay. And she’s gonna be real glad we got you back.”
Ryan, Rip, and Lloyd walked through the hospital entrance. Everything at the ranch was taken care of for the time being. Tate was home safe. Traumatized, but safe. Stella was safe, but Ryan didn’t know when she would wake up. If she would wake up. Ryan was thankful the other two came with him. He was grateful Colby was still here. That helped him shake the heebie jeebies off.
The men came up on Stella’s room. They braved themselves and entered. There were whispered curses from Rip and Lloyd. A nurse just finished taking her vitals. She smiled at the men, trying to bring some cheer to them.
“Her vitals are super strong, gentlemen. She wants to be here. She’s just gotta wake up.” She patted Ryan on the shoulder making her way out the door.
Ryan could do nothing but stand there and watch the love everyone had for his sister. Colby came to stand with him. It was at that moment that he knew they were with the right people. He leaned a shoulder on the wall to let Rip and Lloyd have a moment with her.
Lloyd walked up to her bedside. “Little bit,” Lloyd mourned. He reached out to grab her hand. “Those evil people are taken care of. Your brother and Kayce led the charge. You can come back to us now. Please.” He pleaded.
Rip joined Lloyd at Stella’s other side. He placed his hand on the top of her head after he removed his sunglasses. “Shit, Stella-belle,” he sniffled, “this isn’t the kind of trouble you were supposed to be gettin’ yourself into.”
Ryan moved into the room and took a seat next to his sister’s bed. He glanced up at Colby, “so what have they said while we were gone?”
Colby crossed his arms. “Basically what the nurse said before she left. Her vitals have been strong this entire time. Her bloodwork came back great. Her MRI came back with some swelling in her brain, but with the head trauma that’s to be expected.” Rip and Lloyd grumbled. “They have her on meds to help keep the swelling down. Her X-rays showed a few broken ribs, but thankfully nothing was punctured. She’s just gotta wake up.”
It was somber in the room for a few minutes. Lloyd sat next to Ryan. Rip still stood guard at her bedside holding onto her hand. Colby left to get them coffee and give them time to stand vigil.
Stella’s breathing picked up. Her legs started to rutch around like she was uncomfortable. Her hand squeezed Rip’s. Rip watched her intently. A scratchy mumble of, “it’s still better than meth,” uttered from Stella who kept her eyes closed.
Ryan jumped out of his skin and the chair. Lloyd quickly made it to the door, calling for a nurse or a doctor. Anybody.
Once Kayce was sure Tate was sound asleep he quietly told Monica he was going to go check on Stella. She wanted to object, but understood. They hadn’t heard anything from the three who went to visit her in a while.
“Just make sure to come back in case he wakes up,” she spoke softly to Kayce. He agreed and made his way downstairs.
John called out from his office. “Where are you going?”
“To check on Stella.”
“Kayce?” His father called his attention.
Kayce poked his head in through the door finally. His dad looked focused out the window, but worried nonetheless. Kayce supposed there were a lot of things he had to be worried about right now. “Yeah, dad?”
“I’m coming with you.”
John left no room for discussion. He stood, striding past his son. Kayce fell in line behind his dad. He wasn’t sure how to take this kind of response from him about Stella. In the past John would have asked for a report back on her. This time however, he was coming along. John knew it his fault she was in this mess to begin with.
Coming out of Stella’s room was a group of nurses. Kayce thought the worst. He stood outside the door, scared to enter. His heart dropped into the floor. Terrified of what he would find. John waited with him, uncharacteristically patient. The doctor walked out, almost running into them.
“Oh sorry! You picked the perfect time to visit, gentlemen. Go on in.” The doctor whisked off down the hallway.
Going in, Kayce could see Rip smiling. His shoulders relaxed seeing his gruff lead wrangler in a good mood. The two made eye contact and Rip motioned at Kayce and John to the others. When they rounded the corner, Kayce’s eyes casted to Stella first. There she was, sitting propped upright. Not as swollen, but still bruised. The gouge over her right eye most likely held together with liquid stitches was red and angry.
Her brown eyes peeked at him. She smiled shyly. Almost embarrassed to be seen so vulnerable. “Hey, cowboy. John.”
Kayce rushed past everyone to get to her. He leaned down and softly hugged her neck. Placing a hand on the back of her head, he kissed her on the top of her head and breathed deeply. “Jesus. Don’t you ever do that to me again, you hear me?”
“I thought I saw a few more greys on you.”
John, Rip, Lloyd, Colby and Ryan decided now was the time to give them a minute and backed out of the room to the hallway.
“I brought you somethin’.” Kayce said. He reached into his jacket pocket.
“Oh?” Stella questioned, trying her damndest to not raise her eyebrows.
Kayce pulled his hand out, surprising her with her spare pair of glasses.
“Oh my god you’re an angel! I’m tired of squintin’ at shit.” Slowly she placed her hand out to recieve them. Once she had them on and could see him clearly, she cleared her throat. The scratchiness hadn’t left yet. “You found Tate, right?”
“Yes we did. Your brother and I made sure we made a point to every single one of them.”
Emotion bubbled up in her throat. “Kayce, I tried to stop them. I really did.”
“We know Stella. Tate told us. I couldn’t be more thankful for you. What you tried to do for him.”
“I’m so glad you found him. I didn’t know he would see them attack me and come back. He must get that from someone else I know.” She paused to look at Kayce. “When he came back for me instead of running to the house like I told him… I lost all sense of rational thought.”
“I know, baby. I know.” He looked her over, deciding to take the seat next to her. He worried about calling her that. He didn’t want her to panic all over again like a few weeks ago. “I just wish it didn’t happen this way.”
Stella gingerly touched her fingertips to the cut that started above her right eyebrow and stopped on the apple of her cheek. “Yeah me too. It probably looks gnarly, doesn’t it?”
When she didn’t panic when he called her baby, he continued. “It’s beautiful. Just like you.” They didn’t know the men had come back into the room.
Her mouth dropped open. “These meds they’ve got me on must be hittin’ me real good.” She chuckled. She went quiet. Kayce thought she might have fallen asleep, but there was a look of contemplation on her face.
“What is it Stella? Is something wrong? Do I need to get the doctor?” Kayce began standing.
“No, no, no.” Stella reached out for his hand. “I was just thinking, and it’s a horrible time to ask, but if I don’t now, I never will.” Kayce waited for her to continue and gently rubbed his thumb along the back of her hand that didn’t have the IV port. “Did you really mean what you said the other night in the lodge?”
“There were a lot of things said that night, sugar.”
Stella had hoped she wouldn’t have to say it out loud. She sighed. “You said you loved me.” She adjusted her glasses, pulling her bottom lip in briefly. “Did you really mean that?”
Around the corner, the five men were about to shit a brick house. They all looked between each other with their mouths hanging wide open. This was not where they thought this conversation was headed. It wasn’t what they thought they were going to be walking in on.
Kayce thought about it. She hadn’t mentioned anything since, so he thought it was something she didn’t want to talk about just yet.
“By god Stella, yes. I meant every damn word.” He watched her as she mulled everything over. “You okay with that?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just been a lot.” She played with a corner of her blanket. “So when do you gotta go back? I don’t wanna keep you from your family.”
“Tate finally caught sleep. He should be solid for a little while. I do have to go back eventually.”
“But I’ll be here with you all night, Stellee.” Ryan announced as the men walked back around the corner.
“When they let me outta here, where am I going?”
“I’d like it if you would stay at the ranch for a little while longer.” Rip mentioned. “Just in case something isn’t feeling right, someone is around.”
“Can I stay somewhere other than the bunkhouse?” She inquired. She looked to her brother. “Please? For my own sanity?”
John finally spoke up. “Yes, you may. You have the pick of wherever you want. You say the word and I’ll get you a spot.”
Stella and Kayce shared a look of bewilderment. She smiled gently at John. “Thank you, sir.” She tried to straighten her face out to avoid stretching her skin. She grimaced with the movement of her skin. “I mean, John.” The bruises and the gash across her face were really killing her vibe for smiling. Even if it was for the simple fact that she was alive. She let out a sharp yawn.
John glanced at Stella and Kayce, then the rest of the men. “I think that’s our sign to head out for the night. She needs to rest. Ryan, you keep us updated, alright?” Ryan confirmed with a nod.
“Can I have a minute with Stella before we leave?” Kayce asked.
“Of course, Kace.” Ryan ushered everyone out of the room.
Kayce stood, still holding Stella’s hand. She watched him contentedly while he contemplated. He rubbed her knuckles. “Can I kiss you? I’ve never really asked.”
A small smile splayed across her face as far as she could without pain. It was probably the wrong time for this joke, but she couldn’t resist herself. “I dunno. Can you?”
“Oh you ass.” Kayce started to pull his hand away.
Stella gripped his fingers with a giggle. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Yes, please kiss me.”
He leaned down gently to her. He was almost afraid to hurt her.
“I won’t break, Kayce.” She whispered. Their eyes met finally in a collision of brown on brown.
He leaned forward and softly pressed his lips to hers. Time seemed to stand still. He had been so worried she was gone, he hadn’t been able to focus on anything else other than getting his son back and getting payback to the sons of bitches who did this to her. He pressed slightly harder, trying to melt into her. He hadn’t realized he wanted this for a long time until the thought of her being gone crossed his mind. Even long before Monica came along. Her partially dry lips, no thanks to the dry hospital air, opened with a gasp.
He backed up slightly thinking he’d hurt her. “I’m so sorry.”
“No, come back here. Don’t apologize. It’s just hard to breathe with a stuffy swollen nose and broken ribs.” She greedily reached for him. When his lips touched hers again, her eyes closed and she leaned into him. He trailed after her, but pulled away and straightened his back.
“I should go. When we get you to the ranch, you wanna stay in the lodge with me?”
“I think I’d like that.” She would appreciate the solitude, but would still be close to her brother, her horse.
“Wait, Abigail. Is she okay? Did you guys find her?”
“Funny enough she ran up to us first panicking, before we found you. We thought it was because everyone was running around.” He gazed down at her with a sad smile. If only he would have known before he found Stella. The memory tried to come back, but he blocked it. “So yes, she’s okay. A little spooky, but she’s okay. I’ve had Jimmy lookin’ after her. When he wasn’t, Rip was.”
Stella sat back with a sigh of relief. “Oh thank god.” She didn’t know what she’d do if something ever happened to that horse. “You go. Take care of your boy. I’ll be safe with Ryan here.”
Kayce squeezed her hand and went out to the hall to trade places with Ryan. The two shared a look, knowing that this would be a conversation had at a later date.
The three extra men that visited began to walk back out to their vehicles. John stopped, causing Kayce to pause. John faced Ryan. “Ryan!” The man in question stopped his journey through the door. “This is on me.”
Ryan’s face contorted into confusion. “What do you mean, sir?”
John looked down. “I mean your sister almost gave her life to protect my family. She earned that brand fully. This trip is on me.” John swiveled on his heel, and caught up with the other men, leaving Ryan standing there about to cry if he wasn’t careful.
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ericaand · 7 months
i am so sorry for the comment i left, i was jus too excited!! no seriously though, i apologize. but since your taking requests for Kayce Dutton…
I would love it if you could write a bsfs to lovers??
Like maybe reader grew up on the ranch with the Duttons bc she had some connection to one of the ranch hands or jus was bsfs with one of the Dutton siblings so she became Kayces bsf. Maybe he and Monica split up or they were never together (you decide) and maybe some SERIOUS AMAZING TENSION WITH THE BEST LOVE CONFESSION😍
again, thank you! and i’ll keep requesting as long as this writers block is here bc i need me and love me some Kayce!!
Seriously had a ton of fun writing this. Enjoy, and send MORE! Please.
Pairing: Kayce Dutton x Fem!Reader
Words: Almost 2k.
Warnings: slight mentions of blood. underage alcohol use. That's about it.
"You know, I hate how much I care about you." Kayce's eyes burn into yours, scanning from right to left continually.
He balls his hand into a fist and speaks through clenched teeth, "Because I know..."
He pauses, loosens his stance, and hangs his head sighing, "I shouldn't."
Earlier that day:
Driving down the familiar driveway, you began to reminisce on all the time you spent on the ranch as a child. With each spin of your tires, the car filled with dust; the smell taking you back to a time when things were easy, and playing with boys was just that: playing.
You hadn't returned to the ranch since your best friends, Kayce and Monika, married. It was too much. Too much pain. Too much hurt. Too much love.
In fact, you weren't even sure you could consider them your best friends anymore. Now, they were each other's best friend. And you? You were just the third wheel now. Sure, you talk to Monika on occasion, mostly through texting. But even that hadn't happened in months. There hasn't been any contact with Kayce at all. Except for the occasional grocery store visit. But even then, it's not like it used to be. Your hellos now feel hollow. But at least the goodbyes don't hurt as much anymore.
You weren't really sure what to expect when you got to the ranch. You knew John and Beth, and Rip would probably be happy to see you; you never really saw them at all anymore. The ranch hands were always fun to spend time with. But now, it feels different. Now, the childhood magic has drifted away, not just from the ranch but from you.
You continue to drive, spotting the tall white silo. Instantly, you're envisioning three little kids chasing after each other, round and round the silo. The side of your mouth curves into a smirk.
You put it in park and take a deep breath, leaning your head back and closing your eyes. When you've conjured up enough courage, you step out and make your way toward the corral. Your steps are slow, hands in your back pockets, head down; until you hear someone yell.
"Y/N! That you?"
You look up to see Rip, slowly trotting over to you with a smile. You tilt your head and smile with a shrug.
"Well, I'll be damned! If it ain't little Y/N." He swings his leg around the horse and graciously hops down. He wraps his arms around you, as you wrap yours around his waist.
He grips your shoulders and pushes you away from himself. "Let me get a good look at ya." He clicks his tongue a few times as he shakes his head.
"You look just like your momma. Beautiful. Whatcha doin' here, kid?"
"Well, looks like you and your boys are obviously starving." You say sarcastically, waving your hand toward the horse corral. "You're lookin at the new Dutton Ranch chef. John called me a while back and asked if I could come help out while Gator was away. I couldn't turn it down. I mean, who says no to John?"
"I sure as hell don't." Rip lets out a quick breath. "See ya later, kid. Can't wait for dinner. I always miss your mommas cooking."
You make your way to the house slowly, letting the wind flow through your hair. You stop dead in your tracks when you spot the small circle of Adirondack chairs in the front yard.
You recall it being the last weekend of summer, all those years ago. A soda bottle filled with whiskey from John's stash was being passed around between the three of you. The fire gently lights the faces of your friends. All that was heard was the crackling, the laughter, and the crickets.
"Dance with me?" The boy with dusty blonde hair reached his hand out to you. You took his hand as he delicately helped you out of your chair.
You draped your arms over his shoulders, as you began to sway slowly. Although the musk of whiskey was strong, you could smell faint bits of his cologne; pine began to fill your nostrils.
"I've gotta pee!" Monika shouted, stumbling toward the house.
You rested your head on his chest as you both continued to sway in sync, his hands resting on your hips.
"This is so perfect, Kayce. I don't want it to end. The stars. The fire. You." You mumbled.
Kayce stopped moving and lifted your chin with his finger. "What?"
"You heard me." You smiled.
Kayce slowly began to dip his head down, until you both heard Monika assert herself by asking when it was her turn for a dance. Kind and caring Kayce pulled you back into a hug and kissed the top of your head, barely whispering, "Me neither."
"You gonna stand there all day? Or are you gonna come cook some supper?" Someone hollared from the porch.
You blinked to reality, seeing John leaning on one of the stone pillars. You smiled as you began to walk towards him, him now walking toward you.
"How are ya, darlin? We sure have missed seeing you around here." John says, pulling you in for a hug. "I'm sorry about your Mom. She was my favorite chef, you know. Well, you might change that."
"Thanks, Mr. Dutton. I missed it here, brings back a lot of memories though." You spoke into his chest.
"Its John, especially to you. You know that. Where's your stuff?"
"It's, uh, in the truck. Should I -" He cuts you off.
"Eh, well have Rip grab it later. Let me just show you where you'll be staying real quick."
John escorts you up a log staircase and to one of the bedrooms. After informing you where everything was, he motioned for you to follow him to the kitchen. Nothing had really changed in the Dutton home. Maybe some updated furniture, but that's about it. You almost felt like it was a time capsule.
The kitchen was small but extremely functional. You walked through, gently grazing your fingers across the beautiful stove. You turned to meet John's gaze.
"Things have changed a bit, but this will work for you, right?" He asked.
"Absolutely." You said with a smile.
"I'll leave you to it." He said, turning and walking away.
You pulled ingredients from the fridge and various cupboards, chopping and prepping. You began to feel the frustration build in you from not knowing your way around the kitchen. You grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge, popped the top, and chugged as much as you could down in one gulp.
You tilted your head back to finish the bottle and turned to put it in the sink, only to be met with another body next to you. There stood Kayce with his back and hands leaning on the counter, smiling cheekily at you.
"Just like I remember." He said.
"Hi, Kayce." You replied, placing the bottle in the sink and going back to the stove.
"You know, I thought I was seein' a ghost." He laughed. "What're you doing here?"
Not taking your eyes from the stove, you replied. "You're looking at the new chef. I'm filling in for Gator while he's gone."
He nodded with pursed lips. "Well, I'm gonna go get washed up."
You turned and nodded with a smile, as he began to walk away. Why was Kayce here? Last you heard he was living on the reservation with Monika.
You filled large serving dishes with the meal for the night and began to place them in the middle of the table, in front of John, Kayce, and Beth.
"Enjoy, guys." You forced a quick nod, wiped your hands on your apron, and moved to leave the room.
"Y/N, stay. Eat. Please. You're not just a chef here. You're family." John spoke.
"Oh...okay. Uh, thank you." You said meekly, pulling your apron over your head and laying it over the back of a chair. Kayce slid the chair next to him out and gestured for you to sit. You obliged.
As you sat and ate, everyone caught up with each other's lives and reminisced about the good times that were had years ago. You noticed that your wine glass never seemed to be empty, but you didn't mind. There were a lot of emotions going on, so a little numbness was welcomed.
You couldn't help but notice that Kayce continually touched your shoulder with his, and you seemed to be the focus of his attention tonight. During dinner, you found out why Kayce was here, and not with his wife and son. He expressed that Monika wanted nothing to do with the ranch and didn't feel it was a good place for Tate. She told him she needed space.
As dinner finished, you piled the family's plates on top of yours and began to balance them into the kitchen, only to realize upon standing that you were much more inebriated than you thought. Before you could even stop it, one plate fell right after the other; shattering on the ground.
The tears began to flow, out of embarrassment and fear combined. You quickly dropped to your knees and attempted to pick up the tiny pieces scattered all around. Unknowingly, while picking up the shards of plates, you were also cutting small slices into your hands. You felt hands on your shoulders.
"Y/N? What happened? Stop, stop. It's okay." Kayce shouted.
You stood and brought your shakey hands over the sink, small drops of blood dripped into the basin.
"I thought I could do this. I thought I could come back here. I figured it'd been enough time. I didn't know it would hurt so much. Between everything that happened with you. And now with Mom..." You cried.
Kayce stepped behind you, his chest pressed to your back. He turned on the faucet, took your hands in his, and gently rinsed each finger and cut slowly. You leaned your head back against his collarbone, wincing at the water stinging your nerves.
After he finishes rinsing your hands, he turns you around and blots your hands tenderly with clean paper towels.
"You know, I hate how much I care about you." Kayce's eyes burn into yours, scanning from right to left continually.
He balls his hand into a fist and speaks through clenched teeth, "because I know..." he pauses.
He loosens his stance and hangs his head sighing, "I shouldn't."
You rest your forehead on his.
"Why?" You ask.
You both pull away to face each other, the eye contact almost unbearable.
"Because I fucked up...I fucked up a long time ago. And if I didn't, well, maybe things would've been different." He shook his head and stared out the window behind you. "I wouldn't trade Tate for the world. But I don't know why I didn't just speak up. I didn't want to be with Monika. But we were having a baby, what was I supposed to do?"
"Hey, you did the right thing." You cupped his face in both your hands, forcing him to look at you again. "You were having a baby! What else were you supposed to do?"
"I was supposed to be with you. I wanted to be with you. I love you, Y/N. There's no one else I ever saw myself making a life with." He lamented.
You moved your arms to drape over his shoulders, memories of that night flooding back to you again. In the same fashion, Kayce hooked a finger under your chin to align his lips with yours. Warmth flowed to your cheeks. His lips met yours, soft and tender. It felt like home.
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aerospectrum · 4 months
No honestly I’m a Beth girl through and through but it’s 100% John’s fault for like you said enticing enough fear in both of them that they felt they couldn’t go to him. I do imagine Beth thought at least John would’ve ended up sending Rip away or at worst killing him. Sure; he was a good fit for the ranch but he had no where else to go and no one would be looking for him. As much as I like the show I do know John is both the main character and the villain at the same time. I think he’s quite interesting because while he does what he thinks is right for his family and the ranch, his methods are totally flawed and he goes about things the wrong way. He feeds of off of his children’s trauma and darkness in order to keep the place going. I wonder how the rest of the series will go without him being in the picture tbh.
ahhhh I’m gonna put this under a read more just in case it gets too long lol
I love Beth so much too aaahhh if I could write with a Beth my whole soul would be soothed lol!! sometimes I feel like the writing has gotten a bit lax on the show with just making Beth and Jamie so intensely vindictive towards one another that’s it’s almost become the primary personality trait for both of them and the rest of their personality has fallen to the wayside. their beginning intensity was so intriguing and I thought well crafted.
They absolutely gave the “middle siblings” energy I love and live for in life lol. I feel like Beth and Jamie have a weird chemistry with one another and I’m telling you if they teamed up to take down Market Equities or any of the bad guys they’d be unstoppable. Beth is cutthroat and more or less fearless, hence “I’m the bigger bear” quote and Jamie is empathetic in a very witty manner but knows how to make use of his seemingly timid nature to his benefit and advantage. I think they both know how to pull their punches when it’s necessary and I think that’s why together they’d be such a powerhouse for the Yellowstone.
but I totally agree, I think Beth and Jamie both knew that Rip was a runaway kid with nobody out there to search for him I think John even mentions it in one of the flashback eps, but I think they both probably though oh yeah our dad will for sure kill this kid and have no remorse for it. Given the fact he tried to force Kayce to take Monica to the clinic for an abortion herself and when he refused literally gave his own son a brand I think John has- or maybe had no qualms about sacrificing his children for the assumed betterment of the ranch for sure!
I do love the show but yeah I’m on your page John is for sure the villain and that’s the cool thing about him as a protagonist because so many people are used to protagonist being the perceived “good guys” and the Duttons are not that, lmao, and I love it! I think John’s ego is intrinsically tied to the “worth” of the land and his children are in fact offerings to that success. Gosh John realy traumatized all his children and when faced with that reality he actively works to tear them down and make them feel worse for calling him on his toxicity. I’m super curious how it’ll end without him there too, I’m curious how the writing will go or make up for his lack of presence and part of me is worried it’ll be a bit phoned in, but I mean I think that’s normal worries for most media these days because once you really like something anything below what you’ve come to expect probably feels like an insult. I hope they wrap it up in a meaningful and worthwhile way!!
this got so long oh my god lmao I’m so sorry but my mind gets going and I go down all these rabbit trails and forget to stay on track. But I’ve loved your messages for real, they’ve been really insightful and really fun to read and respond back to thank you so much my dude for sending them!!!
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sorchathered · 5 months
Sarah my love, I'd been meaning to share this with you and was kinda holding back a little but when I saw that last post you made about Rhett, I think I need to share it (lol).
You and Rhett made the decision to adopt Amy really early on. When you found out that Rebecca was pregnant, she was adamant about giving her up, knowing that neither she nor Perry could ever take care of her.
You and Rhett sat down with Royal and Cecelia and had "the talk" that night at the kitchen table, one endless round of coffee after another (Royal goes through the Dunkin Donuts coffee like shit through a goose) and both of them agreed that something had to be done, because like hell were they gonna allow Perry and Rebecca to keep their first grandbaby in a situation like that. Royal even had a long talk with John, seeing as the head of the Dutton clan is Rhett's godfather, to make sure a plan was in place in case anything happened.
Months rolled by while you and Rhett were working to save up for your dream home in Bozeman, the foundation of your timberframe home having just been laid. Unfortunately, there had been a scuffle between the three Abbott men in the kitchen after Perry had refused to sign the papers relinquishing his and Rebecca's custody of Amy to you and Rhett. Rip, Kayce, Jimmy, Thomas, Mo and Teeter were asked personally by Royal to be witnesses and to make sure Perry signed those papers.
On Mother's Day of that year, you and Rhett get the call that Rebecca had been rushed to the hospital and no sooner do you get there than Martha Hawk comes out to hand Amy off to the both of you. From the get-go, she's wrapped around yours and Rhett's fingers along with pretty much everybody in the family.
A few days later, Perry ends up causing trouble again, leaving you and Rhett no choice but to leave Wabang and go to John's to lay low. The day you leave is the first time you see your father-in-law in tears, knowing that it'll be who-knows-how-long until he and Cecelia see their grandbaby again. But never could you have imagined Amy being surrounded by all her aunts and uncles up there, nor could you have imagined just how loved she would be. John doesn't want to put her down half the time, Beth, Monica and even Teeter keep asking if they can be her godmother. Mo had the honor of introducing her to the horses and even made a little crescent moon dreamcatcher to hang near her crib. They say it takes a village to help raise the kids.......and in this case it took a whole ranch.
I adore this! That would be the most loved baby girl in all of the west!
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Out in the Middle: Part 3 (Rhett x Reader)
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Summary: While the kids are running wild around the ranch, the grown ups get some much needed time to themselves
The grown ups rode along the trail, the horses carrying them on their backs through the trail that was littered with autumn leaves and foliage that made it look more like a postcard from New England. The air had grown crisp and cool, perfect for harvest season that would soon be imminent. Wes, Nora and their band of brats had joined them later the previous day, adding to the little group that now occupied the Dutton Ranch. 
“You think the kids are tearin the place up?” Rhett chuckled as he and Rip went ahead of the others. 
“Oh probably,” Rip answered. “I heard Teeter gave’em hell for whacking each other’s asses with sticks.” 
Rhett laughed. “Remember all the stupid shit we used to do as kids?” 
“Don’t even bring that up,” Rip told him. 
“It was us, Wes and the other ranch and reservation brats all beatin the shit outta each other,” Rhett reminisced. 
“You probably wouldn’t remember it,” Beth said to the both of them, loud enough for everyone to hear “But remember that time we were all playing leapfrog with the fences?” 
There was a collective groan throughout the group. “Beth c’mon,” Kayce groaned. “I still have PTSD from that.” 
“The hell did you do?” you asked. 
“Ya’ll never heard this story, (y/n)?” Beth asked you. 
“Rhett’s told me many things, but not about this,” you chuckled. 
“Ok so,” Beth began, trying not to laugh. “Whenever numbnuts up there would come and visit, we’d always play leapfrog by jumping over the fences instead of each other. Well, us being the dumb-as-shit kids we were, we all decide to see if we can jump over a chain link fence.....” 
“Beth don’t you tell her!!” Kayce said loudly. 
“And Kayce was at the very back end of the group......” 
“He runs at full speed,” Beth continued, ignoring her brother completely. “Leaps over the fens, rips a giant hole in the back of his jeans and then lands and skids in a wet mud puddle so it looked like he shit himself. Dad was laughing for hours after that.” 
Kayce groaned and pitched the bridge of his nose, but you were snickering at the thought of a long haired, little blonde cowboy running home with a giant hole in his pants. 
“Remember the time we all went up to Flathead Lake and had that monster rager party?” Rip said. 
“Bro, we were stoned the whole fuckin time!” Wes exclaimed. “You honestly think we’d remember that?” 
“I do,” Kayce laughed. “The Flathead Lake party was I caught my first boob.” 
You, Monica and Beth rolled your eyes. The three of you had thought most of the guys would have embarrassing stories about each other, but as the three of you knew all too well.....men would be men. 
Your little group crossed through the river and wended on over the trails, crossing over onto the Broken Rock Land. You and Rhett felt strange crossing over the river and seeing the sign, almost as though you had all stepped into another world. 
“Haven’t been here in years,” Wes said. 
“You have family who lived here?” Rip asked him. 
“My grandma lived here for years before she got married,” Wes told him. “Then she moved to Wyoming after my grandfather got back from his tour in the Pacific.” 
“She a war bride?” Beth asked him. 
“Yep,” Wes answered. “Great lady though. Ornery as hell, but a good woman.”
“She taught us all the plants, all the animals,” Rhett added. “God, I swear that woman was a horse whisperer.” 
“Remember Grandpa though?” 
“Oh God,” Rhett chuckled. 
“Oh another story?” you chortled. 
“Darlin had ya’ll met Wes’s grandfather you would’ve shit yourself,” Rhett half laughed. 
“That’s a story for another day though,” Wes said. 
Over the hills and through the forest you went, occasionally stopping to take a few pictures and to take in the view. There was no doubt in your minds that in these two places, hard work met equally hard living. 
Rhett soon began to notice a look in his best friend’s eyes, one that spoke of longing for the two most important people in his life. “You gonna dance for’em next week?” 
“Hell yeah I am,” Wes answered. “And I’m gonna win that damn relay for’em too.” 
Rhett gripped his friend’s shoulder assuringly before Wes made the Sign of the Eagle, giving it to the wind in the hopes that wherever his grandparents were, they would be with him. When everybody turned their horses back towards home, you and Rhett lingered behind a little longer. 
“You ready for next week?” you said, scratching his stubbly chin. 
“Ready as we’ll ever be,” Rhett said before leaning over to kiss your cheek. “We’ve got a hell of a year ahead of us.” 
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countrymusiclover · 2 years
34 - Dutton Life Goes On
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Part 35
Country Rancher
Tags @whateverthecostner @rosie-posie08 @kaycejdutton @kayceduttonn @kcloveswrestling @the-morning-star-falls @kaymudd @hcwthewestwaswcn @hcllfireandhclywater
“Carter, there’s always a choice here. I - I can talk to my husband and make him see that there can be another way.” He picked his tan hat up from the dust sitting on his head giving me the best brave look he could. “I’ll do it Mrs. Dutton….I’ll take the brand for Bree.”
It had been a few weeks since Kayce and Carter had their little fight in the middle of the ranch. Walking down the wooden stairs I saw Kayce sitting on the couch in the living room slowly drinking from a beer bottle from the kitchen. “So are we just not going to talk about getting that boy off the ranch. Because I don't understand why you are still defending him.”
“I am defending him because he is choosing to stay. He is choosing to be there for her, Kayce. Most guys when they get their girlfriend pregnant when they are a teenager don’t stick around.” Crossing my arms over my chest I leaned against the stone fireplace.
Kayce sent me a glare rolling his eyes at me. Our first long standing fight between one another was dealing with Monica until she broke it off with him not being able to accept his lifestyle. “I told you how that boy can earn my trust and make me believe in his loyalty.”
“You're forcing him to take the brand. Do you not see that by doing that you are turning into the man your father used to be. I thought you didn’t want to be like that.” I spat stomping up to be in his face.
Kayce jumped up from the couch getting in my face where we were both death glaring at the other. His brown eyes never broke away from mine where I could see the seriousness yet regret remaining there too. “I am not going to do what my father did. But he doesn’t deserve our daughter. He…he isn’t good enough for her!”
“That’s what this is really about isn’t it, Kayce?” Parting my mouth open I suck in a breath finally realizing that he was being a natural protective father. He repeatedly told me that he didn’t want her growing up but now he truly meant it. “You’re terrified that she will get her heart broken and as her father you feel responsible for her happiness. But we can’t control who she loves and how her life goes-“
He cuts me off short, crossing his arms over his chest. “I sure as hell can so long as she lives underneath my roof and on this ranch!”
“Kayc, come on you have to believe what I am saying here. Yes we are her parents but we have to add the truth that she will grow up. She will become a mother like I am and she will have her own children. That’s how life goes on. That is how the legacy of this ranch and everything we fight for goes on.” Grasping his hands in mine I unfolded his arm’s making him look me in the eye.
He sighed heavily, resting his forehead against mine releasing some breaths. Closing my eyes I wanted to freeze time here and now. Keep our chin all the same age and keep the ranch just how it is. So that there wouldn’t be any more changes. The wooden stairs creaked making us pull slightly apart seeing Bree coming down. “Mom. Dad, I have a doctor's appointment today. Can you guys drive me and Carter?”
“Uh sure sweetie. I’ll grab my coat and keys.” I broke away from my husband heading up the stairs to go find Tate and ask him to babysit the twins until we got back. Walking down the hallway I halted in my tracks seeing a bunch of papers scattered on my daughter’s bed. Entering her room I picked one of them up reading the dates that were all linked to 1923 and were written by a woman named Cara. Unfolding one of the letters I mumbled something under my breath one last sentence there. “Dying is the most alive you will ever feel, Spencer Dutton.”
Footsteps came down the hall where I glanced over my shoulder seeing Bree leaning against the doorway. “Mom, are you coming? Dad says he will get the truck ready.”
“Bree, where did you find these letters at? I’ve never seen them before and I mean the dates are so old.” Holding up the letter in my hands I showed it to her, moving some of the others counting a lot of them. I hadn’t studied the family tree that much even though I had named my second daughter Elsa. It was certainly complicated as most family trees are.
Bree entered the room locking gaze with me where I could see that her stomach was getting bigger where we could hopefully learn the gender considering she told me she was pregnant when she was into her pregnancy by a month or two. “I got bored so I went searching around in grandpa John’s room. I found them hidden away in his closet so I decided to read them. Please don’t be mad. I know I shouldn’t go to his room without permission.”
“You’re not in trouble this time but don’t do it again, get it. Now we should go, otherwise we will be late to the appointment.” She nodded leaving the room before I turned back towards the bed finding the bag that the letters were in. Quickly going downstairs I put them away in our bedroom needing to read them later tonight.
The drive to the hospital was quiet and intense where none of us dared to utter a word. Closing the passenger door Carter and Bree walked side by side with him wearing his tan cowboy hat. I was wearing my black one with the golden clip and Kayce had on his normal hat opening the front door for us. The nurse got us into the doctor's room. “Well I am surprised to see you back so soon Mr and Mrs. Dutton. I would have thought after the twins you two would take a break.”
“Well you see the thing is we’re not pregnant doctor. This time it’s…” I trailed off sending my daughter a look while she sat on the table playing with her hands before she gave me a small head nod. “Our eldest is pregnant, Bree.”
The doctor had to blink a few times before he got everything set up so she was laying on the table. Carter and Kayce were asked to wait outside leaving me alone with my daughter. The doctor put the cream on her stomach showing the video on the screen. “Then I suppose congratulations are in order. And according to this I should tell the gender how far along you are. Would you like to know, Bree?”
“Mom…” She lifted her head up grabbing my hand in hers.
Squeezing it back I move to the door telling the boys to come back inside so that they could hear at the same time. “It is completely your choice, Little B.”
“The gender of your baby should be a boy.” The doctor declared looking between Kayce and I then it shifted down to Carter and Bree. The Dutton name would always keep growing.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Hello darling! For the latest get to know you asks game, would you answer 58, 62 and 76? xx
Thanks for sending this in, Alex! 🥰 I’m putting my answers under the cut cuz they got long.
Send me some weird asks!
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Writing - pretty obvious, but I’m happy that I have this medium where I’m able to write out my thoughts
Academics …?? - idk what it would be called, but I’m proud of the fact that I enjoy learning and that I was able to earn two bachelor’s degrees in college
Baseball - I don’t play anymore because I have shoulder problems, but I was pretty proud of the fact that I played baseball with teams of guys up until I was finished with 2 years of college (when my shoulder injury happened)
Remembering Lyrics - idk if it’s a talent, but I’ve memorized so many songs … one of my ‘about me’ statements used to be that I know every word of the musical Hamilton
62. seven characters you relate to?
This was tough because I watch like 4 shows, so forgive me for the fact that there are only 4 shows on here.
Kim Burgess - Chicago PD … I relate to her because she’s always ready to do the right thing and get justice for the people who are usually overlooked. She also has a determination in her that I feel like is similar to mine.
Stella Kid - Chicago Fire - she’s an amazing leader, and she doesn’t care if it takes longer for her crew to do the right thing, which I also strive towards doing.
Ada Thorne - Peaky Blinders - she’s very bright and is able to hold her own despite being in some rather intense situations … although she is a bit more fearless than I am.
Adam Ruzek - Chicago PD - this man will do anything for his family, and I feel like I’m the same way…my mother and brother mean more to me than anyone in the world.
Monica Dutton - Yellowstone - I admire how she approaches teaching history, and while I’m not a Native American, I strive to teach history as it happened and not try to only push the ‘victorious’ narrative. I love learning about the groups who are often in the shadows, and I hope to shine light on them when I’m in a classroom.
Meadow Soprano - The Sopranos - she’s very bright and is constantly trying to do the right thing despite who her family is/what she grew up around.
AJ Soprano - The Sopranos - I also relate to him because at times in the series, he’s got nothing figured out and is just unsure of what to do about it. I feel like that a lot.
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Fries all the way!
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getgreys · 2 years
Yellowstone season 1
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Rip also has had (and continues to have) a semi-relationship with Beth Dutton, which makes things more complicated. Dutton has the ranch run in almost a mafia-style way (including literally branding the workers so they know they're part of the "family").and if you want out (as viewers will see in the episode "The Long Black Train"), there's really only one option. The man who is most like a son to John isn't a son at all, but rather the foreman of his ranch, Rip Wheeler (Cole Hauser). The couple has a young son that we learn John Dutton never wanted to be born, although now he strives to have a relationship with his grandson. John's other son, Kayce (Luke Grimes), has had a falling out with his father due to the fact that he married a local Native American, Monica (Kelsey Asbille), and he and his wife refuse to live on the Dutton property. Son Jamie (Wes Bentley) is both an attorney and an aspiring politician, but there is a huge strain between father and son, as John is disappointed in the man his son has become, while son resents his father because he feels he hasn't been able to make his own choices in life. Daughter Beth (Kelly Reilly) is the most similar to her father – a ruthless businesswoman when the need arises, but she has her own inner demons – most of which stem from the death of her mother, John's wife, when she was a young girl. With external forces trying to take his land, Dutton faces internal problems as well, primarily from his offspring. Again, Sheridan deserves credit here, as the "politically correct" thing to do would be to make Rainwater's character a sympathetic hero, but he's clearly the villain of this piece.although, again, at times he shows that he's just as human as the rest of these characters. Dutton's primary nemesis in Season One is Thomas Rainwater (Gil Birmingham), the Native American chief of the nearby Indian reservation who wants nothing more than to get his hands on a big swath of Dutton's land. Ewing of this show, but his character isn't nearly as wheeling and dealing (or dishonest) as ol' J.R., although Costner is far from a white hat either – which is one of the nice things about the characters that Sheridan writes.there's always shades of gray.
Doing a TV series isn't the "downgrade" it was once considered for an A-list movie actor, and if you're going to do TV, what better collaborator to team up with than Taylor Sheridan, the writer of such acclaimed films as Sicario and Hell or High Water, as well as both the writer and director of Wind River, who both writes and directs all of Yellowstone's nine first season episodes.Ĭostner stars as John Dutton, the patriarch of a wealthy family who owns a huge ranch in southwestern Montana (yes, it borders the famous National Park, hence the ranch's and the series' name). Prepare to be trampled by Y-branded cattle, The Walking Dead.Kevin Costner isn't the box office draw he once was, so it makes sense for him to turn to television at this point in his career. Yellowstone blew up its own ratings records with its highly anticipated fourth season, and the super-sized season 5 is expected to do the same. It’s not quite the “Shakespeare on the Ranch” epic it thinks it is, but Yellowstone is a pulpy, popcorn action-drama set against gorgeous scenery (it also earns its TVMA rating- Yellowstone isn’t for the kiddies). Yellowstone co-creator and writer Taylor Sheridan (who, coincidentally, played a minor role in Sons of Anarchy) strikes a tight balance between macho, Libertarian posturing and quieter, tender moments-hence, Montana-sized popularity with viewers. They include daughter Beth (Kelly Reilly), and sons Kayce (Luke Grimes) and Jamie (Wes Bentley), all of whom have their own issues, daddy and otherwise. The story follows John Dutton (Kevin Costner), the sixth-generation owner of the massive Yellowstone/Dutton Ranch, and his constant struggle to fend off land usurpers and keep his dysfunctional family together. It’s a modern-day Western with familial melodrama and power struggles-think Sons of Anarchy, but with trucks instead of motorcycles. Yellowstone is a TV drama that premiered on Paramount Network in June 2018 and quickly became cable’s second-most-watched series, just behind The Walking Dead.
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i-heart-yellowstone · 3 months
9 - The Lambert Ranch
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Part 10
Raised Fair Share Of Hell
Tag list @bvbwestfall @hcwthewestwaswcn @child-of-of-the-sunshine @elenavampire21 @keep-the-wolves-close @kmc1989 @tallrock35
“Mommy, why are we packing things up?” Faith asked while I clipped her into her car seat in the backseat of the truck.
Buckling her last seat belt strap I shut the passenger door getting in the driver’s seat pulling out and driving underneath the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch sign. “We’re going to live at your other grandparents ranch.”
“But why?” She asked me.
I paused before answering her question. “Mommy just needs a change of family environment for a little while.” Going down my family’s driveway I parked the truck in front of the house sitting there thinking back on the argument I had with her father a few nights ago.
I cared about him, I really do. But unless he was going to act like he was married to me and not married to Monica then I can’t be with him right now. Faith thankfully didn’t need to know the whole truth of what was happening between me and her father.
Flinging open my driver door I went around to unbuckle my daughter’s seated hearing someone riding up on their horse towards us. “What are you two doing here? It’s been a long time since you've come over to visit.” My sister Alana dismounted her horse bear hugging me.
“We're actually not visiting this time. I'm hoping that you haven’t turned my room into a den.” I chuckled back at my sister with a smile.
She broke the hug squeezing my shoulder and tipping her hat up just a tad. “Hey, that was daddy who wanted that. But don’t worry I didn't let him touch nothing.” She had her hair tied up in separate pigtails wearing a dark gray cowgirl hat.
I playfully rolled my eyes at her, unbuckling my daughter from inside the car. “But who threw me into the lake when we were looking for fireflies hmm.”
“Aunt Lana!” Faith cried running past my leg once I helped her out of the car.
She scooped up her niece with joy. “Hi there, you little stinker. What would you say to a ride on my horse?”
“Can I Mommy?”
Grabbing my old duffel bag I waved them on heading to the front porch. “Go on. Just be careful with her - momma, daddy, I'm home!” I hollered through the old cabin house sitting my bag by the front door shutting it behind me.
“Alissa, oh there's my girl!’ My mother Margaret came running into the room embracing me with a warm hug.
We remained hugging for a good few minutes until we heard a set of boots crossing the wooden floor and I instantly knew who it was before he said my name. “This is a surprise, Lissa. Are you just visiting like normal?” My father Griffin had a baseball cap on his head when he hugged me saying hello.
“I was hoping you and momma wouldn’t mind if Faith and I stay here for a while. Kayce and I sort of had a disagreement over his relationship with Monica Long.”
My father grumbled, breaking the hug between us. “I tried to warn you about that boy from the day he became a teenager.”
“Dad, I thought you got past your feelings for him after your granddaughter was born.”
He shakes his head no in discomfort. “It got a little better when she was born, yes. But I have secretly been counting down the days until you two finally broke things off.”
My momma scolded her husband, nudging him on the arm. “Griffin, why would you say such a thing to her? Her and Kayce have been best friends for far too long for that to happen.”
“If things are going so well, Margaret. Then why isn’t she wearing her wedding ring hmm?” He pointed his index finger down to my bare left hand that I drew behind my back lowering my gaze to my boots.
“Oh Alissa I’m sorry.” My mother touched my arm gently.
My father glanced out the window figuring he should get started on getting the ranch set up for the evening since dinner would be done sometime soon. “I’m happy you’re back home, sweet girl. But I just thought I should tell you that I was right all along. I’ll be back in for dinner.” He stepped outside walking quickly down the stairs.
Tucking hair behind my ear I cleared my throat walking in the direction of my old bedroom right across my sister's bedroom. “I’ll start unpacking my stuff and then help with dinner, momma.”
“ALissa, don’t read too much into what your father said just then. You know he just never thinks anyone can be good enough for either of his daughters.”
Tossing my bag on my bed I unzipped it pulling out the clothes I had shoved inside and out onto the mattress. “It’s okay, momma. He’s allowed to have his opinion about him. I know the Dutton family ain’t perfect. I just didn’t think he still felt so strongly about this.”
“ALissa, hey just listen to me.” She managed to snag my wrist making me look into her eyes and stop what I was trying to do at that moment. “skinny dipping I don’t want you to think that you and Kayce can’t get through this little fight.”
I cut her off slightly, needing to understand I did it for my daughter and not for myself. “I did it for Faith because he wasn’t being there for her like she needs right now.”
“And I know that sweetheart. I just don’t want you to forget the reason you said yes when he asked for your hand and why you fell in love with him in the first place.” She finished her thoughts tucking some loose hair away from my eyes, exiting the room to finish the dinner she had started making.
Hanging up my cowgirl hat on the hook near the door I sighed heavily going to unpacking. “Don’t worry, momma. I can’t ever forget young Kayce if I tried.” I halted in my tracks eyeing a picture hanging in the round mirror that stood in the corner of the room.
The picture was very small but it was of me and Kayce chowing down on the last batch his mother had made days before she had died on her birthday by a horse. I would recall that evening for the rest of my life, because we made a pact to be friends forever.
My father had woken me and my sister up hearing a heavy presence of howling from some wolves near one of the Dutton’s pastures. Riding up on my horse he dismounted drawing out a flashlight gesturing for us to slowly come up behind him. “You two come here. Nice and slow, we don't want to spook them.”
“What do you think they’re after, daddy?” Alana asked, standing by my side.
Shifting my gaze throughout the darkness seeing other flashlights coming towards us before I heard John Dutton’s voice coming out. “Griffin, I need your help over here. It’s my wife Evelyn.”
“Sure no problem. Girls, be careful climbing over the fences.” Watching carefully my father dismounted his horse and climbed over our fence line to help our neighbor. My sister and I followed the same action that he did but I saw another familiar face come into contact with my flashlight.
I stalked forward whispering under my breath not afraid that of the wolves since the other cowboys had already scared them off. “Kayce?”
“Alissa.” He called my name in a shaky breath just sitting on the ground near where his mother’s body was laying before they had put her on one of the horse saddles.
Dropping down on my knees I could see he was traumatized over what he must have witnessed. “How are you doing, Kace?”
“I’m scared, Lissa Rae. I - I saw her die before the wolves came.” He sniffed through tears where I closed the distance between us, wrapping my arms around my best friend, sensing that he needs me right now in this moment.
He sobbed into my chest gripping onto my jacket. “She’s gone! I don’t know what to do.”
“The only thing that matters is that you have me, Kayce. I’m gonna be your best friend forever.” I whispered to him, sorry that he had lost his mother this way even though I didn’t know her all too well.
Kayce nodded, squeezing onto me for comfort. “Thank you - I’m not going anywhere either.” After a few minutes we followed the Dutton boys back to their main house doing whatever we could to help them out through the difficult time.
Faith had finally been put to sleep by the time I plopped down onto the long living room couch in front of the fireplace. Brushing my hair from my face I held the small picture in my fingers wishing we could go back to what we were. “Awe I forgot about that picture. Even then he was sneaking up behind you with that height of his.” My sister leaned over the couch with her arms crossed.
“Yeah, he was a stinker with that. How did moving the cattle go tonight? I’ll be sure to help you tomorrow since I’m living here now.” I glanced over my shoulder at her.
She rounded the couch sitting down beside me. “It went fairly well. How are you doing with the whole Dutton situation?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it. Give me a few days and I’ll talk about what is going on between us.”
My sister Alana shifts to face me with a smirk playing on her lips when she questions me. “Okay I understand that. So if you don’t want to talk about it, what would you say about going to Bozeman for a couple hours.”
“You’re just wanting to get me a date, aren’t you?” I teased her with a raised brow.
She put her hands together begging me. “Come on please. You - sorry we deserve a night of fun and if we happen to land you a date in the process that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”
“Hmm, fine.” I agreed where she flings her arms around me giggling like a child and I hugged her back before we went to get ready to head to the bar, unknown that she was right I would find someone to distract me from my husband.
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Kayce dutton x reader
Tate has a nightmare from being taken and reader goes to his aid before anyone can move maybe they are all having a drink marry her kayce " mr Dutton said as moncia sat there
There's Another Girl For Him
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It rare that the Dutton family ever got together to simply have drinks and talk after the long day of work. After the death of Evelyn the family only really focused on work. I have been a childhood best friend with Kayce for years and so I am always here where everyone thought that we would end up together. I once did too until he came back saying he had gotten a girl pregnant and that he was going to live with her. That little baby was Tate who is the nicest boy you will ever meet. Raising the beer bottle to my lips I whipped my head around hearing Tate start screaming from his room. "Tate! I'm coming!" Bolting through the living room I didn't care that everyone was looking at me. Monica lifted her head up watching me heading to aid her child where I heard Kayce's boots halt on the floor watching me. "Sssh Tate. I'm here. You're at the ranch."
"I was back in the room...the floor came out...and I couldn't scream for anyone." He whispered before I pulled him into my chest hearing him start crying into my shirt. I had grown close to the boy since Kayce had started taking him here to learn how to live on a ranch so he could enjoy not just being an Indian but also a cowboy. "We need to have a talk, son." Kayce heard his father who had come down the hallway leaving Beth, Rip and Monica on the front porch. The pair walked away from the bedroom to quietly talk. "I know I can't force you to do anything, son. But I think you need to reconsider who you married...I love my grandson. I just think Monica ain't the one to hold your heart." He told his youngest son before they heard foosteps coming there direction. "Hey Kayce, I finally got him down to sleep. And don't worry I let him sleep with my hat until tomorrow morning."
Kayce shook his head taken back by his father's words. He had always been close with me but we both had no idea that the other felt the same about one another. "Uh...thanks Y/n. I'll see you in the morning." John and him watched me head into my bedroom shutting the door. Monica came down the hallway watching her son peacefully sleeping now. She was passed put asleep and so exhausted since Tate had kept her up so that was why she didn't immediately jump up to his call. "I'll have to thank her tomorrow. I'll be in our room, Kayce." Once she was gone or so John had assumed he declared to his son simply. "Son, I think you should have married Y/n. Because I think she was made to be the one for you. Like me and your mother." Monica sucked in a sharp breath hearing everything he said whereas Kayce had no clue what to say to his father...maybe just maybe he was still secretly considering there was another girl out there that was meant to be his.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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keep-the-wolves-close · 7 months
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Steady Heart
Chapter 26: The Hard Way
* Pairing: Slow-burn Kayce Dutton x OFC Stella Daniels
* Rating: M
* Warnings: language, angst, violence, Malcolm Beck 🤢
* Word count: 4,542ish
I would love to give credits to @dameronscopilot and @deanscroissant for being sounding boards for me during this whole process, giving outsider insight, being cheerleaders, and allowing me to screech at them about things that have happened during the writing process. I seriously couldn't have gotten this far without y'all
Author's note: Oooo I'm starting to get excited y'all! This is where things really start to amp up. Let's goooooooo! I hope everyone is enjoying so far! I hope you love this chapter as well!
Still not sure how I feel about the conversation he and Monica have, I feel like it’s lacking, but I’ve sat on it for a while and haven’t been able to figure out. So hopefully y’all don’t mind that part lol.
Stella followed Rip close behind. To the average outsider, Stella may have seemed like an odd choice, but out of everyone that was down there around him, John thought her approach might be a little more gentle in keeping the peace.
There were two men knocking on the door as Rip and Stella stopped their horses. Both of them sliding off their saddles, Rip came out of the gate ready to rock. Stella snarled at his quick assault.
“Can I help you?” Rip interrogated as he walked up toward the men aggressively. Stella struggled to catch up to him.
“We’re looking for John Dutton…,” the man with the light colored cowboy hat explained.
“Yeah, who's looking for John Dutton? We don't know you.” Rip accused hotly.
Stella was trailing behind him. Her legs couldn’t keep up with his long angry stride. As Rip got past the door to the stranger’s car, a man jumped out. She stopped abruptly so she didn’t smash into the door or the guy. She thought they might be some type of security. They weren’t interested in her at all.
The guy yelled at Rip and tried to grab for him. “Hey, step back. Hey!” Rip wasn’t too fond of that, and things started to go wayward before Stella could even open her mouth. He dropped the guy to the ground with a body slam.
Stella cursed a long string of expletives in her head as he continued to beat the guy. “Rip! Don’t!” The other man ran over to try and pull Rip off of his partner. Stella scrambled to grab Rip first. She wasn’t quite fast enough and the other guy got to him before she did.
She grabbed the second guy and yanked him backwards by his suit collar. “Get off him!” She caught him off guard and he lost his footing and stumbled back. He swung forward and around to face her with new momentum. The punch he landed on Stella's left cheek was solid. Her glasses flew off to the side, rendering her very nearsighted. She reeled back and shook her head trying to shake away the stars she was seeing. Everything was blurry, from the missing glasses, but also her watering eyes.
The man who just punched her raced forward and grabbed her arm. Rip witnessed the punch and propelled himself at the second man. He landed a hard punch of his own to the man trying to grab Stella.
Her eyes widened at the sight of the gun in the other man’s hand. “Behind you!” She yelled to Rip and ducked out of the way.
He whirled around and challenged the man with the gun. “Come on, mοthеrfսckеr, shoot me.” He stalked toward the man, begging him into action.
The second man that tried to grab her went for her arm again as she tried to wrestle him off. His grip was successful and he twisted it around her back and brought his other arm one up to her throat effectively caging her in from behind. He pulled out his own gun and aimed it at Stella.
She lost her cool at this point. “Rip!” He could hear the high octave of her voice and whipped his head in her direction.
Rip grabbed the first man and he yelled pitifully when Rip grasped his gun and tried to put him in the same position that his buddy had Stella in.
John yelled from his saddle as he bumped the man Rip was wrestling. “Put it down!” He raced by and sideswiped both Stella and her captor. She tried to brace for the impact, but it still hurt when she landed. She laid there, hoping her stillness would have everyone leave her alone. She also tried to regain brain power. This had been a way more dramatic event than she had been prepared for. John quickly hopped off his horse and made his way to her.
He whispered as he bent down to help her. “Stella?” He gave her a gentle nudge. She groaned in annoyance. “Stella, c’mon. Let me see those brown eyes.” She squinted open her eyes at him because she knew he wasn’t going to go away until she got up.
She sighed heavily. “Fine.” She reached out and grabbed the hand he offered to her. When she stood, she used his hand to catch her balance. Her head felt like it was swimming.
John looked at her closely. “You okay?”
She answered through her teeth. “Yeah I’m fine.” She looked around and asked out loud, mostly to herself, “Where the hell are my glasses?” She brushed his hand away. She searched around while squinting. John heard gravel crunching behind him and stood to face the uninvited guests.
“Mister Dutton, seems all the stories I've heard are true.”
Jamie busted out the door. “Wait. Wait... Whoa, whoa, whoa, everybody calm down. Dad. This is…” Stella glared at his late and failed attempt at getting everyone to relax. She found her glasses and made a place for herself next to Lloyd. She leaned against Abigail, who Lloyd had a hold of, and she checked her glasses over. She looked for cracks or scratches, or if they were snapped anywhere.
“I'm Malcolm Beck. This here is my brother, Teal.” John looked unimpressed. “Look, I apologize for everything that's happened here. Misunderstandings aside, we need to speak. Seems there's a problem that we share.”
“My problems are squarely my own.”
“Not this one. May we sit?”
“We can talk under that tree.”
Malcolm agreed. “Uh-huh.” Teal patted him on the arm. They began to make their way to the tree John pointed out.
John questioned Jamie. “What in the Sam-Hell was that about?”
“I'm sorry. They called fifteen minutes ago, I didn't know they meant now.” He explained quickly.
Stella placed her glasses back on her head and roared, “maybe if you would have picked up the fucking phone you would know!”
“I was in the middle of something!”
“I don’t fucking care, Jamie! If you would’ve picked up the phone, this whole situation could’ve been fucking avoided and we could have had a normal conversation instead of a brawl on the front fuckin’ lawn!” She rolled her eyes and whispered to herself. “Useless.”
John cut them both off from squabbling any further. “Alright, stop it! Both of you. I'm taking this meeting alone.” He pivoted on his heel and walked toward the two guests. Rip followed, naturally. Jamie tried to follow along too. John stopped walking and glared at Jamie with a stern look. “I said alone, Jamie.”
Stella watched the men stand and talk. She could feel Lloyd’s eyes on her. “I’m fine Lloyd. Thanks for grabbing Abigail. I’m going back to the bunkhouse.” She hopped up onto Abigail who snorted at the movement, but also at her rider’s irritation, and took off.
She brought Abigail to a halt outside of the barn. Everyone glanced at her, trying to gauge what was going on. Sliding off, she left the mare tied to the pole. The bay roan gently nudged her arm with her muzzle. She was trying to get Stella to wrap her arm around her neck, which Stella obliged her. She leaned on her heavily. Closing her eyes, she breathed out hard. It just officially hit her how much her face and head hurt.
She lifted her head and opened and closed her jaw. Trying to not only stretch it, but to also make sure the hinge still worked and nothing was broken. Feeling something warm run down her cheek, Stella reached up and swiped at whatever it was. As she pulled her hand away, blood covered her fingers.
Stella was jerked out of her stupor when she heard Jake yell. “What the hell happened to you?!” The cacophony that followed was overwhelming. Everyone scrambled in her direction, fighting to get to her first. Stella would have been amused at the cartoonish way they stumbled over each other any other day. Ryan pushed everyone out of the way. He marched over to her, ready to wring the neck of whoever had hit her.
Abigail quickly pulled loose of the slip knot and swung her back end around to block Stella off from everyone, her brother included. Stella dropped her arm from Abigail’s neck and ducked under the tie post. Ryan tried, and failed, to get the angry mare to move. The horse dangerously aimed her backside to Ryan and positioned her back hoof in his direction.
Stella moved with her mare, gently rubbing her chest to keep her from absolutely destroying her brother. “It’s okay girl. Shh.” She whispered softly to her. Stella peeked at Ryan from over top of Abigail’s shoulders. He stood there defeated and huffing angrily. The hard look he gave her would have had her six feet deep if it were possible. The unspoken questions of who did it and where they were now hung heavily in the air.
She spoke softly to her brother, not wanting to fight. There had been enough of that this morning. “I’ll be fine Ryan. It was very much me being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Can you watch her?” She gave Abigail a few neck scratches. “I'm gonna get cleaned up.” Not leaving him any choice, or giving him any time to respond, she walked off to the bunkhouse.
She wanted everyone to think she went there. Instead, when she got to the house, she wrapped back around and headed for the foreman’s lodge. She was sure Kayce had something left over to clean up with.
Walking inside, she leaned back against the door as it closed behind her. It was peacefully quiet. That was exactly what she was going for. She hoped she could finish before Kayce wandered in. The bunkhouse would have gotten loud and obnoxious. She wouldn’t have been able to deal with that. The remnants of her cleaning Kayce’s wounds from the fight with Rip were still on the small breakfast table. Not everything she wanted to use was there. She tapped the door and she pushed toward the bathroom, the only bathroom, inside Kayce’s room.
Before opening the medicine cabinet, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were watery still, her cheek red and angry from the hit. The guy had a ring on, she was pretty sure that was what split her cheek. She looked tired. A few locks of hair ran astray from the flurry of activity. Shaking her head with a sigh, she opened the cabinet and dug around until she found alcohol and a couple gauze pads to use as wipes.
Stella was so engrossed in what she was doing she didn’t hear someone come into the lodge. A throat cleared behind her and she nearly jumped out of her skin and through the ceiling. Her first instinct was to spin around and throw the bottle of alcohol at the offending intruder. Kayce swatted his hand out and hit the bottle away from his face.
The words tumbled from her mouth as the bottle smacked into everything on the way down to the floor. “For the love of God and all that is holy! You should know not to sneak up on me, you jackass!”
Kayce smirked. “Funny you callin’ me a jackass, in my place, that I sleep in, when you shouldn’t be in here at all.”
Stella rolled her eyes at him. “I didn’t want to go to the bunkhouse to take care of my face. Too many people. Too loud. Too many questions. Sue me.” She held her breath for a second and blew it out as she thought about it. “Actually wait, don’t. I don’t have the kind of money for that.”
He stepped forward into the small bathroom and into her personal bubble chuckling at her. Stella leaned her backside against the counter wanting to be anywhere else.
“What happened?”
Stella explained shortly. “Some guy came to talk with your dad. Jamie didn’t pick up his phone, so no one knew that they were coming. Rip and I went up to the house, Rip was a little aggressive and the guy’s security didn’t like that. They started to gang up on Rip, and I successfully got in the way. With my face.”
Kayce came to stand over her. He took off his hat and set it on the counter and checked out her face. He gently removed her glasses and placed them on the brim of his hat. He poked and prodded different parts of her cheek to make sure nothing was broken. Stella winced every so often. The area was still very tender. He was being gentle, but it still hurt.
She watched his laser focus on her face. She had to figure out how to get away from him. Being this close to him again wasn’t doing her heart any favors. His lips pursed in annoyance, most likely at her for getting in the way of trouble.
He was quiet. Probably trying to think of a way to scold her without her realizing he was doing so. Or he was trying not to lose his cool at her. Even though he was annoyed with her, she would sit there and stare at him all day if she could if they could have gone back to normal.
“I know you’re probably super pissed, and I know you and Rip are kinda on the outs again, but I couldn’t let him get jumped.” Stella looked everywhere but at him now. “I would have done the same if it were you.”
Kayce sighed and his hands dropped from her face. “I know Stella, but damn it. You’ve gotta be more careful. You’re lucky nothing’s broken.”
“You know I’ll never be that way. Especially about the people I care for.”
“Yeah I do know that. That’s the scary part. I don’t need you windin’ up dead. I wouldn’t be able to stand that.”
She shyly stared at the floor. In the heat of the moment, she often forgot how much other people cared about her. When she looked back up, Kayce was very close. Their noses almost touching close. Her breath got caught in her throat with a tiny, nearly inaudible gasp. Memories of them sleeping together the other day flashed across her mind. He made direct eye contact with her. She swallowed nervously. “Don’t.”
His voice was heavy, laced with something Stella couldn’t put her finger on. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” Kayce tossed his head to the door, for her to go out before him.
Stella’s voice was soft. “I would love to, cowboy, but uh, you’ve gotta move first.” She pointed out.
Kayce backed up, giving Stella the space to go forward. He swatted at her back. “Smart ass.” She skipped a few steps into the bedroom to get away from the swat. He followed her and continued. “Go sit out at the table. I’ll get your face cleaned up.” He picked up the alcohol bottle and breathed out hard, regaining some semblance of composure.
She seated herself at the table in the same spot Kayce was in a few days ago. He laid her glasses on the table as he positioned himself above her. Quickly, he started to clean her face.
She chuckled and asked. “Two peas in a pod, aren’t we?”
“Whattaya mean?”
“I mean, not long ago the roles were reversed here.” She motioned the reversal with her hands between them.
“Oh, that. Yeah, we have to figure out a different dynamic that doesn’t involve both of us getting hurt.”
Stella smiled sullenly as best she could while he cleaned her face. “So how are things with you and Monica? Have you two spoken since,” Stella inquired timidly. She couldn’t bring herself to mention the other night.
“I’m actually supposed to run over there tonight. She called me earlier, said she was lonely.” He took a moment to grab some gauze to use as a rag. “I am too. I miss her.”
Her chest tightened. She felt foolish. Biting her bottom lip, she took a deep breath and willed herself not to cry. In classic Stella fashion, she got caught up in her own head of what she thought may have been happening, instead of seeing what was actually happening. She had been a distraction. Simple as that.
She pulled back from Kayce’s hands carefully. “You go on ahead. You try your best to fix things. I can take care of this.” She motioned to her face. She cleared her throat trying to dislodge the lump there. “I’ll make sure everything is put away when I leave.” Faking a smile up at him, she motioned to the door.
“Stella, I can help you finish.” Kayce tried to object.
“No, no, no. You go. You should fight for the things you want. Standing here with me, cleaning up my recklessness, isn’t doing you any favors. Go.”
Kayce’s eyebrows scrunched up at her tone. There was something off. She was almost begging him to leave. He backed up a few steps and truly looked at her. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Her shoulders were slumped, defeated. She seemed crestfallen in a way that Kayce wasn’t sure he’d ever seen her before.
She looked at the floor quite intently. “Yes. I’ll be fine. I’ll clean up and head out.”
“At least go find your brother so someone can keep an eye on you. Please? For my peace of mind?” Kayce wanted some kind of reaction before he left.
“Yeah, I will. I hope things go well. You’ll have to update me later, yeah?” She looked up at him and gave him a smile tinged with sadness. He grinned back at her and she felt a pang run through her. Watching as he left, she finally let out the breath she was holding in.
Her eyes started to sting. She chuckled to herself humorlessly. ‘For his own peace of mind.’ She felt the bitter bile rise up in her throat. ‘Now, now. Don’t be hateful at him. You’ve got nobody to blame, but yourself girl.’ Shaking her head, she stood and went back to the bathroom.
With a glance in the mirror, she took three strip bandaids and placed them gingerly over the cut across her round cheek. She quickly shoved the alcohol and gauze back into the cabinet, along with the bandaids. With one more look in the mirror, she started to make a beeline for the door.
When she got back to the outside of the bunkhouse, Ryan paced back and forth. He shouted out to her as she got closer. “Stella! Where the hell did you go?”
“I went to the lodge. Too many people here. I’m fine.” She explained and motioned to her face. “All cleaned up and ready to go home.”
“No.” Ryan shook his head. “Nuh uh. Nope. You’re not driving.”
“What the fuck, Ryan? I didn’t get run over. I got punched. I’ll be fine.” Her hands slapped her thighs in frustration.
“No. You could have a concussion, and I don’t need you passing out behind the wheel.” He wasn’t having her leave his sight.
Stella ignored his worry. “Is Abigail still tacked up?”
“Jimmy is getting ready to break her down.” Ryan explained. Stella headed away from him to go get her mare from the newest hand. Ryan tried to put his foot down. “Stella Lee, absolutely not. Jimmy is breaking her down, and he’s gonna keep doing it. You’re not going anywhere.”
Turning around, she pinned her brother with a glare. “Says who?” Her eyebrows raised and her arms out to the side, as she challenged him to defy her to take her horse out. “I don’t need a damn babysitter, Ryan Stephen.” She marched toward the barn and shouted. “Jimmy! Don’t break Abigail down!”
She crossed the threshold and her brother followed directly behind. Jimmy heard the tone his name was hollered in and his head shot up from behind Stella’s mare. The ferocious look on her face made Jimmy start to scurry backward away from Abigail.
“I’m sorry Stella! I was told to get her ready for turn out.”
“It’s fine Jimmy, but I’m taking her out.”
Ryan interjected loudly. “No the hell you’re not!” He tried to reach for the bridle. The bay roan mare shot her head up when she heard Ryan’s raised voice, effectively yanking the reins away from Ryan’s grasp. She squared her body up to her heavy almost 17 hands height and crossed Ryan with a look that made his motion stall. He second guessed himself and his safety. He knew that Abigail could be extremely protective over Stella, especially when things got aggressive, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. However, in a situation like this, it really hindered his ability to get Stella to agree with him.
Stella gripped the split reins in her hand tightly. She gave Abigail a few pats on the shoulder making direct eye contact with her brother. “Ryan, I would be very careful with the action you choose next. I will not stop her.” He knew the threat was valid. Stella had been pushed to her breaking point. Even though Stella loved him dearly, she would let that mare trample him in a heartbeat. Especially when she felt backed into a corner.
He stepped back and raised his hands in surrender. “Alright, fine. But don’t come crying to me when you get in a tight spot. I tried to stop you.”
Stella gritted her teeth. “Fine.” She stepped up into her saddle and prodded Abigail into action.
The pair galloped out of the barn and headed to the river. Stella felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. She knew if she got to the river and sat down she would be fine. The tree thickets and high grass flew by them. Stella had the idea of the river, but she just let Abigail run. She hoped that the roan would take her there, but wherever they ended up Stella didn’t care.
They came up to the top of one of the many hills the property had. Abigail came to a gentle stop. She caught her breath and snorted. Stella looked out over the field. The sun was just starting to set. She had a while yet before it would get truly dark. She had a lantern attached to her saddle anyhow.
Leaning deep in her seat, she let out a huff. Today really got the best of her. Things at the house got out of hand really quick, and then things with Kayce. Well, the disappointment she had because of what she thought had been happening versus what truly was going on with Kayce. She had gotten too big for her britches and life chose to take her down a few pegs.
“Damn girl.” She whispered to Abigail. “I should have just stuck to training horses and running cattle with you.” A sad chuckle escaped her. “Who would have thought I would have ended up the super hopelessly hopeless romantic who would then become the homewrecker?” She scoffed as tears fell down her cheeks. “Fuck.”
The thoughts she was letting go were interrupted by the sound of hooves. Stella dropped her head forward and groaned. She rolled her eyes as she brought her head back up. “I don’t know which of you it is, but could it truly not fucking wait?” She propped her glasses on top of her head and wiped angrily at her eyes.
The silence that followed made Stella second guess whether or not she had actually heard someone or not. She turned her head and found that it was Rip who sat just off to her left, silent and resolute while he observed her. She was thankful that it wasn’t her brother because she didn't think she could handle more harshness.
“Your brother sent me to find you.”
“Of course he did. As you can see, I’m fine. So you can go ahead and report back to him. I’ll be just dandy by myself.” She rolled her eyes and placed her glasses back on her nose.
“Nah, you know I can’t do that.”
“Why not?” Stella questioned. Rip refused to answer. He could tell something was wrong. Not just from this morning. Stella was off, and he didn’t like it.
“Rip, come on.” She grumbled. Almost on the verge of a tears again.
“What’s wrong? I’ve seen you take a punch before and I know this ain’t how you react to that.”
Stella’s mouth hung open. She should have expected Rip to be able to read her mood. She looked back to the sunset, hoping it would give her some type of answer.
Rip questioned her again. “So what happened?”
She sighed loudly and looked down to pet Abigail. “I just went and broke my own heart, is all.”
“What do you mean?”
Feeling her not injured cheek heat up, she fixed her glasses. “I got blinded by what I wanted, and misread a lot. That’s all I’m gonna say.”
“What did you want?”
“It doesn’t matter, Rip. What I wanted can’t want me. So it’s a moot point to keep talking about it.” Her shoulders dropped, feeling the defeat and embarrassment all over again. “Why can’t I just be alone?”
“Because I’m gonna sit here with you until you’re ready to go back to the house. Get out whatever you need to. Or don’t. That’s up to you.” He shrugged. “But I’m here either way.”
Stella stared at him in reflection. “I just needed time away. After I get Abs settled for the night, I’m gonna head home.” Rip breathed in preparation to interrupt, but Stella held her hand out at him to hold him off for a second. “I’m not sleeping in the bunkhouse because I don’t want to deal with Ryan. I don’t wanna stay in the lodge either. So the only other option would be the barn or the hay loft. And I’m not doing either of those.”
“Why don’t you wanna stay at the lodge? I don’t think Kayce’ll be home tonight.”
Stella let out a hurt laugh at the mention of Kayce. “I don’t feel like being around anyone.”
“Even Kayce if he did come back?” Rip questioned delicately.
Stella’s shoulders dropped as she looked back to the horizon. She heaved a sigh and whispered. “Even Kayce.”
“Damn it.” Rip moved his horse closer. He wasn’t sure what had transpired between the two after the events of this morning, but he wasn’t sure he liked the outcome. “At least let me take you home, so you’re not the one driving. Mr. Dutton said to give you tomorrow off anyway. I can bring your car to you later on.”
Stella tapped on the horn of her saddle and thought it over. “Alright, Wheelie. You drive a hard bargain, but it’s the best bargain anyone has given me tonight. Get me the hell outta here please.” She grinned, causing her dimples to cut small craters into her cheeks. She hissed as she drew her smile back some. Rip looked at her to make sure she was okay. “I’m fine. Just smiled too big.”
Rip turned his horse to go back the way they came. “C’mon now, Stella-belle.” He directed Stella to follow.
Kayce wiped his hands on his jeans. Ever since he got out of his truck, they were sweating. This meetup with Monica was make or break. He just had a feeling in his gut.
Quickly and quietly he made his way to her apartment door. He hit the door a few times and heard Monica’s soft footsteps pad to the door. As she opened the door, he gulped.
Monica gave him a sad, soft smile and waved him in. “Have a seat.”
He searched around the hallway and the living room. “Where’s Tate?”
His wife sat down opposite of him with a sigh. “He’s with my dad. I didn’t think he should be here.”
Kayce couldn’t blame her. They had never really yelled around their son, except the last time he was here, and he would rather keep it that way. “So how’s this gonna go, Monica?”
She observed him from her seat. She had thought long and hard about the plunge she was about to take. Yes, Kayce was a part of her, and always would be because of their son, but he had proven time and time again that his John’s draw on him was too strong. She couldn’t allow her son to be roped into that, or watch his father’s bad decisions catch up with him. “Kayce, I,” she stopped. “I’ve tried to move on from you. I’m kind of seeing him.” Waves of nausea rolled through him at her admission. Now both of his tethers were gone. “I’m sorry, but I had to try. The power your father has over you is too much. You’re never going to escape him. I can’t let Tate get wrapped up in that. Or let him watch it destroy you.”
“I’m making moves to not be as involved!”
“Are you really? He’s given you a job you still carry, you’re his horse trainer and foreman now. You’ve also neglected to mention Stella at all, which makes me think you tried to move on too.”
Kayce ground his teeth at the mention of Stella. “Like I said the other day, this isn’t about her. It’s about us. Our family.”
“But it should be. You’ve always had a soft spot for her, Kayce. I could see it the first time you introduced me to her and through all the events that followed.” Monica rested back and crossed her arms. “She’s soft on you too. She was always respectful, so that’s why I never bothered saying anything. And she’s a part of your father’s world. She’s gotten more ingrained as time has gone by.”
“So what are you saying? Are you giving me an ultimatum?”
“No, Kayce, I’m not. I’m saying that I think we’ve both tried, but it isn’t fixing anything. This,” she motioned between them, “isn’t fixable. I need to keep our son safe.”
Kayce stood, pacing. “You can’t take him from me, Monica!”
“I’m not going to. We will always be in each other’s life because of him. You can still see him, and keep him whenever we decide, but I can’t let him be forced to watch your bad decisions and toxic family catch up to you.”
Kayce looked down at the floor with his hands on his hips. He wasn’t sure if it was devastation or relief. Maybe both. He knew in his heart that both of them had moved on. The tide had turned and his world had flipped upside down. “How do we do this Monica?”
“Well, we’ll take it day by day, week by week. If I need help for something for Tate, I’ll ask and vice versa. We’ll co-parent and whoever we choose to be with will have to understand that.”
“Yeah.” His answer was lame, but he couldn’t drum up the words. He’d failed. He’d fucked up. He’d lost. “I’m gonna go, but we’ll talk more about this in the daylight, yeah?”
“Sure.” She watched as he walked to the door. “Kayce?” He halted. “I’m sorry.”
“Yeah me too.”
Rip leaned his shoulder against the doorway into Stella’s kitchen. He decided to stay for a little while to make sure she got settled in and that she was okay to go to bed soon. He watched her as she flitted around. She was more concerned with making sure he was comfortable.
“So what were you talking about earlier with the “you broke your own heart” thing? Does it have to do with Kayce?” Rip asked gently. He knew that she’d been in love with Kayce forever. He just never said anything because she never did.
“Do you want anything to drink?” She asked, ignoring his question. Stella didn’t know if she would be able to keep it together if she engaged in that conversation.
Rip huffed and ignored her deflection. “C’mon, you know you can tell me.”
She braced herself on the counter and sniffed. “We slept together, Rip. And he went back to his wife because she said she was lonely and he apparently missed her.” Her voice wavered. “I can’t blame him for trying to make things work, but I can’t help but feel dirty and used.” She turned to him with tears in her eyes. “There. You happy?”
Rip’s face sobered. “Oh honey,” he walked toward her with his arms outstretched, “c’mere.” He clutched Stella tight. “It’s okay. It’ll be okay.” He placed his hand on her head and hushed her. He felt his own heart break as her sobs shook him.
“Stella, you go take care of you. Get a shower and we’ll go from there. I’ll be fine down here.”
Stella exhaled. “Okay.”
Rip reached out and grabbed her shoulders and directed her toward the stairs. “If I hear a thud I’ll come running.” He watched her toddle up the stairs. He went into her living room with a sigh. Once she was showered and he was sure she would be safe to sleep, he would go home, but until then he would listen to her soft footsteps mill about upstairs. He busied himself with straightening up the living room. He heard the water turn on and moved around the room placing pillows back and folding the throw blanket on the couch.
He heard footsteps coming up on the porch. He frowned. Whoever the steps belonged to twisted the doorknob and let themselves in. Rip walked up to the archway and leaned against it, hoping to have the element of surprise. His eyebrows rose up underneath his hat when he saw Kayce. “The nuts you have to come here after what you did amazes me, Kayce.”
“The fuck are you talkin’ about?”
“You know exactly what the fuck I’m talkin’ about you asshole.” Rip stormed over getting up in Kayce’s face. They didn’t hear Stella come to the top of the stairs. “You have the nerve to sleep with her and then tell her you missed your wife and you’re going to go play make up?!”
“I had to try for my son!”
“That’s not the issue Kayce. You jumped into bed with Stella when you knew full well you had a wife and son waiting for you to get your head out of your ass! You shouldn’t have made a move on Stella at all! You wanted to protect her, you should have done that. You should have done what I told you to do and left her alone.”
“I’m sorry.”
Stella waited around the railing where they couldn’t see her. She pulled her lips together and placed her hand over her mouth to keep herself quiet. Tears sprang up in her eyes.
Rip shoved Kayce backward. “Yeah, well you took advantage of Stella, and now I’m left to pick up the pieces.” He growled. “Just like I warned her. And the fucked up thing is, she understood why you had to do it. But it broke her in the process.”
“Well, going to Monica didn’t work! It wouldn’t have worked even though I went to her multiple times! Monica moved on. We both did.”
Rip yelled. “Save it, Kayce! I’ve only seen that girl cry a handful of times and you’ve been at the top of half of them. You can't just lead her on and then ruin her and come back because you know she’ll forgive you.” He hated Stella’s blindness to the man in front of him.
Kayce lost his cool. “You know what?! You were right! Is that what you wanna hear? She always ends up hurt because of me.”
“She deserves more than you. Take that up with her a different day. She doesn’t need your shit tonight. You can leave.”
Kayce looked up the stairs and then down at the floor. He turned and left. Defeated. His dad was right. He didn’t know how to fight for anything.
Rip stewed as he watched Kayce leave. He realized the water wasn’t running any longer. “Stella, you can come out now. He’s gone.”
Her steps were timid coming down the stairs. She stood at the bottom and Rip thought she looked so small. It broke his heart. “C’mere, Stella-belle.” He wrapped her in a hug again.
“Can you not say I told you so please?” Came her muffled request.
“Nah, I’ll save it for tomorrow.” She let out a sad laugh at his attempt.
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