lemecdlucas · 8 months
  ▐ ⦙ ❛ *   ♡ ·゚ Ꮺ ࣪˖ ᥫ᭡ 🦢ˎˊ˗ Sofya/ @lemecdeliott❜ ♥
                         🌾 ❛❛Era realmente estresante llevar la regencia pero, era un trabajo que realmente estaba disfrutando de no ser por lo efectos secundarios que eso podía traer. Se miro en el espejo la herida y aún le sangraba a demás de que tenía un aspeco poco prometedor. Sonó el timbre se cubrió la herida y se movio a abrir. Después de verificar de quien se trataba abrió la puerta.—Gracias por venir ¿te aseguraste que nadie te siguiera?—Preguntó dejando pasar al brujo. Era el único a quien podría llamar, sabía que no debía confiar en nadie pero, Kellan tenía un efecto positivo en ella. —Será rápido no quiero exponerte a ti también ¿crees que puedas hacer algo con esto?—Mostró la herida que le dolía intensamente pero, como siempre debía estar fuerte como había sido entrenada.
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redstringraven · 2 months
TMNT’s 40th anniversary ask game ~ May I ask for number 22) , 26) and 35) ? Lots of love <3
TuT!!!! THANK u, cherry. loves of love to you, too 💜✨
(please excuse that this ask is visually a bit more of a mess. i wrote too much again for tumblr to be chill with my usual formatting. why am i like this.)
TMNT's 40th anniversary ask game!
22.) what is your favorite kind of pizza?
terrible news, everyone: i'm a pro-pineapple bitch. you may block and unfollow me now; i forgive you for being incorrect (/lh). i tend to be pescatarian if i can help it (i'm flexible due to money, and also i hate inconveniencing others especially if i'm a guest), so i prefer pizza without meats. i'm happy to eat any kind of veggie combination with the exception of banana peppers. never liked those for some reason. i also really like mushroom and eggs as pizza toppings. i'm kind of just an egg fiend in general; i love the taste of a well-made egg.
26.) what is one of your favorite pieces of TMNT fan art?
these things keep asking for one, but i'm gonna continue responding with however many i feel like. because it's not my dad. the scarf, by @hamsterandturtlesoup weakness is a sickness and a virtue, by @tatortart various candid illustrations by richard chen vis dev by kellan jett
35.) which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
...since we're both OC people, i'm gonna take this as an opportunity to gush about canon and OC relationships: two of my favorite brotps. because they're character relationships i adore writing with all my heart and soul.
mikey, gwyn & ash i mentioned previously that @plantdonutwrites (jenn) writes for mikey in our RPs, so i consulted her for mikey's perspective on this brot3. i will paraphrase her answer in this paragraph:
"all his life, mikey's been used to only having his bros as company; they're family in a way that puts the rest of us to shame. but as they grew older they met all sorts of people, some became an extension of that family. raph has casey or maybe angel when he wants to dip for a bit. don has leatherhead or the professor (bree, too), and leo has usagi even if he's not 'as regular' (and min-ji, too). his brothers have their separate circles of friends, but, against all odds, mikey doesn't seem to have that (at least not until cassia shoved her foot in the loneliness door). then he bonded with gwyn and ash... but then they left. he realized that it wasn't just that they didn't treat him like 'the annoying brother who tags along' but because they'd actually become friends, and they were friends who didn't humor him. they liked the comics he talked about, they love klunk, and they're interested in his art and ideas. it meant a lot to him to have that--to know what it was like--and when they weren't around, he really felt the difference. in an odd way they helped him become a more empathetic person, too."
it's harder to answer in ash's perspective because she has a lot less agency than gwyn and, because gwyn's paranoid/won't let ash out of her own hands much less her line of sight, ash doesn't get a lot of one-on-one time with mikey. she's interacted with him a LOT more than she's interacted with most people--which absofuckinglutely means something--but since she does consider herself 'dead' and is at peace with the possibility she'll be a literal shapeshifting weapon for the rest of her sentience, i think a lot of his meaning to her (right now) is very rooted in what he means for gwyn. THAT being said.
mikey is gwyn's first real friend. like. ever. in all the time she's been alive. very much in the same way that the brothers only had each other for most of their lives, gwyn only ever had ash. her community considered her a parasite and an omen, so she was essentially outcast. gwyn grew up feeling she wasn't wanted, had to earn any love she received, and when ash died and became trapped in the weapon, all that transpired and followed afterward re-enforced that. i haven't talked about darach a lot--deliberately--but know that he's a masterful manipulator in more ways than one. if ch'rell was brute force and intimidation, darach is more like the pot you put a frog in and slowly turn up the heat. you don't realize you're being boiled alive until it's too late. thanks to his influence, gwyn's been tricked, back-stabbed, cornered, and watched people suffer 'because of her' countless times. when i said she was paranoid, i wasn't really being hyperbolic. she has SEVERE trust issues. ...then came mikey. someone who, unknowingly, had already given them a taste of his character.
gwyn and ash had heard of mikey's rematch with kluh during their travels--that the match was made mortal, that mikey had not only won but had spared kluh's life when he had every reason not to. darach wouldn't approach someone like him, they figured. and as time passed, mikey continued to not just be open and kind with them, but again and again he's emphasized to gwyn that they just... CARE. to quote him "we don't keep you guys around for any benefits other than being able to know you". which, in so many ways, is unheard of for gwyn. she still struggles to believe him sometimes, but she trusts him. mikey is her first and best friend, he's someone she admires, and he's proven time and time again that ash isn't the only person capable of loving her, and that she's worthy of that love by just being herself. i had to spend a lot of this answer on exposition because OC, but... i earnestly can't emphasize enough how much mikey's come to mean to gwyn. he asked her not to leave again without them, and she promised she wouldn't. that promise to him has kept her from running away and isolating. even though she's terrified--for herself, for ash, for them--she trusts him. writing them makes me so happy. it's been such a delight to see their relationship evolve and the influences they've had on each other and their worldviews. i love this brot3 so goshdang much.
min-ji & raph min-ji belongs to jenn and, oh my god, i love her relationship with raph so, SO much. when we rp, jenn's obviously writing for min, and i write for raph.
again! consulted jenn! her answer paraphrased below:
"raph's pretty much the first assertive person in her life that had her back early on? her home life is complex; her family DOES love her but sometimes that love can veer controlling and toxic (responsibilities/obligations). raph was a type of personality she'd never been around before, and he cared about her well-being in a way that was unconditional. hanging out with him more helped her become more assertive and in touch with parts of herself she was forced to suppress to be more palatable to her family. she's found that being angry about something that happened to her, or something that was said to her, doesn't make her bad or a burden. raph doesn't expect her to shy away from her flaws or nuances. he lets her be a person."
as for raph's end, it's kind of hard to put into words. but i love that min-ji has become one of the very few people he will allow himself moments of vulnerability around. like. instead of it just happening, he makes the choice to let a wall or six down. they've created a mutual safe space between each other.
i think this has cultivated from a lot of things. min was much more timid when they met--raph even made a bit of a point, initially, to not interact with her so much because she was skittish and on-edge thanks to surrounding events. but through the events of our writing, he's watched her grow in self-confidence, be more open, and allow herself to 'take up' more space. she's also survived two major threats to her life, now, both of which have scarred her physically and emotionally, yet she persists and continues to extend kindness to people who, in his opinion, don't deserve it. but that's HER business (while he makes his feelings known, he stays out of it unless she signals him otherwise). she may not be a fighter in a literal sense, but he sees her as an equal. like, he's still protective of her in dangerous situations since she's not trained to fight--obviously--but... i dunno, i guess it's more like "i've been through shit; you've been through shit; if i say things look bad right now, you won't like it but you also won't give up". he doesn't feel a pull to coddle her if things are looking grim, i guess is what i'm trying to say?; he'll shoot straight with her because he knows she IS a fighter. even if she doesn't fight. does THAT make sense?
like i said, it's hard to put into words. but i think it's a combination of min-ji's emotional strength and kindness as a person, as well as the fact she's not an immediate family member, that make it easier for him to let those barriers down around her and have severely needed moments of vulnerability where he doesn't dismiss pain or fear or anything else he might be feeling. he knows min would never lash out at him, physically, emotionally, or however else. min-ji is kind, and she's strong, and she's safe. he trusts her, values and respects her judgment and input. much in the same way his presence lets her feel like a person, she's extended that grace to him. just in a different way. i love getting to write interactions between them. there's always something warm and comforting in their exchanges, light-hearted or more melancholic. it's nice. the love is very much there.
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helsenn · 11 months
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Making some original artwork of my OCs to sell at con ✨
Will, Kellan and Guiz
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shinyhappysims · 10 months
(Thank you all for the warm welcome!!! Semi long post ahead but hope you all enjoy finding out just how holier-than-thou Bre is as well as getting some context on her current ✨season of life✨)
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My sisters in Christ have sent me so many lovely messages wanting to know more about me and my family, so here we go!
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I was born and raised in Tartosa. Pictured here are my lovely parents, Gillian (68) and Ayodele (67). My father was an executive for a big corporation and my mother was an author, but they have both since retired. They didn’t raise us to be Christian, but other than that they did a rather fine job raising us girls. I just hope they learn the word of God soon, as their time in this life is coming to an end…
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Please excuse everyone’s immodest dress! From left to right are my cousins Femi (35) and Damilola (38), my older sister Samaiyah(37), me (34), and my oldest sister Kyrah (39). I’m the baby of the family! Here we are last year celebrating Samaiyah’s baby shower. She has since had her baby, Milo (6mo), who joined his big sis Diana (7).
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Samaiyah and her husband Asahi (37) are both detectives in Mt. Komorebi. Samaiyah seems more married to her career than her husband. She’s even a higher ranking officer than him… When she’s not working, she goes snowboarding and hiking. They’ve climbed the summit of Mt. Komorebi several times (it’s also where Asahi proposed to her!) and while it’s an incredible feat, I can’t help but to think it’s odd she partakes in such… masculine activities. At least Kyrah mostly works from home.
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Speaking of Kyrah, she lives in Copperdale and is a video game streamer. She also has 2 kids, Kellan (6) and Kortnee(3). She has struggled with fertility and insists she and her husband Krystian (44) are happy with only 2 kids but I pray for the Lord to open her womb at least once more!
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As for my cousins, Damilola is a florist and Femi is a charity organizer for a non profit. They live together in San Myshuno, and they both are unmarried with no children. They both claim they don’t want marriage or children but I can’t expect them to know any better, considering my aunt Genesis is a career-driven feminist doctor and raised her girls in sin-filled San Myshuno. I hope God eventually brings them the one who will change their minds.
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On to a happier topic, here’s my handsome hubby Chukwuma (38) and I on our wedding day. We’ve been married 9 years! Looking back I wish I picked a less revealing dress, but hey, we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God! All of our kids names are in Chukwuma’s native language, Igbo, which are usually reverent to God. We weren’t Christian when we decided to do that;We just liked the sound of the names. How amazing it is we picked names that glorified Him before we even knew Him!
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Our oldest Nnadi, which means “father God is alive”, is a mini-me in the making! Lucky she turned 6 right as we became Christian, so she hadn’t started public school yet and we could just cancel her enrollment. All of our kids will be homeschooled, praise be!
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Next is our 4 year old son Kelechi, which means “thank God”.
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Lastly are our 2 year old twins Chidi, meaning “God exists”, and Adaeze, meaning “daughter of the king” (King Jesus, that is!) The twins were a big surprise to us when they were born but now we know they are the biggest blessings God could have given us.
As for Onyeka #5, SHE will be making her grand debut soon. Yes, I’m expecting a little girl! I hope you enjoyed getting to know my family! Until next time, sisters.
With love, Bre <3
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
👀 ✨ 🎧 for the ask game?
I'm going to go ahead and answer one tonight and the other two soon. I apologize for the delay, life and work have been killer the past few weeks. I'm going to answer the 👀 because @writingmaidenwarrior asked the same one.
👀 What first inspired you to make this story? Does it still influence the wip?
If I go all the way back to the beginning in 2001ish, Abriella's first iteration was inspired by the roleplay group I was in. They needed an elemental and a healer, and so she was born. When that group disbanded, I wrote her solo story for a while till some friends of mine who I used to play D&D with and I were talking about Cassandra Claire's Mortal Instruments books and what we liked/didn't like about them.
As we talked more we said we could write it better, and since fantasy RP can very closely resemble and online D&D game, the origins of the current story were born. The original cast was Abriella, Cruz, Dez, Talon, Talia, Char, Raguel, and Arioch. The latter two were written by the writers of Talon and Dez. At this time, they were all just Nephilim. We took the parts of Claire's Nephilim theory and world that we liked and kept them, then we through out the rest (which was the bulk of it).
We wrote for a few years and then life got in the way. When my friends stopped roleplaying online, I decided to continue to write Abriella's story (she has been known as Gabrielle, and Briella previously). Because they're all my friends, they had no problem letting me keep all of the other characters in the stories if I wanted to, and even helped me get a feel for the voices of them. I've made little changes, other than Cruz doesn't literally sound like reading the King James Bible every time he speaks. I just never could get the hang of that, but he is otherwise true to that. So for the last approximately 6 years I have written them all myself.
While watching a show on Apocalypse prophecies, I got the idea for the Four Horsemen storyline. I killed off Dez, sent Talon and Talia off, and brought in Olly and Deacon. Arch has always been a solid side character, and he's grown some since this started. While writing all of that I did extensive research into prophecies, different religious theologies, pantheistic religious beliefs, and I now know more about angels, demons, and the beliefs of most of the major world religions past and present than I ever could have considered previously.
My Horsemen are not your standard Horsemen, and there are 5. Death, War, Famine, Conquest, and Destruction. Conquest and Pestilence are often interchanged for the same Horseman due to translation differences and theological differences that would take days to explain. For what I wanted to do Conquest worked better. I took Abaddon from the Bible and made him the 5th Horseman. And, if you look at the list, they all fit.
So, starting in 2018, I wrote the preface and the origination of the Horsemen, and hundreds of chapters of 1-3k words have been written since then. The inspirations for the Nephilim and the Horsemen remains mostly unchanged. The world that they live and interact with is the same as it was. It was only now that I have added Uffern to bring in Kellan and his family, which you will learn why in the future, and Pustota for Leviathan, Abbadon, and the others to be written in since I needed something to call it here, but their stories are still true to the original inspirations for them. There are times I still have to go back and research beings from different belief systems, gods and goddesses, and religious practices. I cannot claim to be perfect, but I do try to handle every religion with the same amount of respect.
I will get to the other answers as soon as I can, but it is getting to be bedtime now, so off I go. <3
THE IMPERIUM CHRONICLES TAG LIST - @ceph-the-ghost-writer @kjscottwrites @writingpotato07 @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @late-to-the-fandom @autumnalwalker @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet @jessica-writes22 @dogmomwrites @mjjune @verba-writing @blind-the-winds @shipping-through-eternity @outpost51 @inkspellangel @blind-the-winds
Please ask to be +/-
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Taylor🤝my fiancé Kellan
Violence against the father-in-law
LMFAODISKJEJS and i bet they could both take our fathers 🥰✨
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kirkwallgremlin · 2 years
✨ Eila facts ✨
Their last name (du Val) means ‘of the dale’ and while she’s not Dalish, she’s very proud of her elven heritage and fascinated by Dalish and elvish history
She says she doesn’t like kids but she absolutely has a soft spot for them and will teach the local kids around various rouge and fighting skills any time they show an interest
They love to bake and often spends her free time in the kitchen. She also slips little biscuits and treats into people’s pockets and packs every time they’re heading our somewhere (even when she’s mad at them, like when Carver did something stupid in a fight again and got himself hurt)
She’s a pretty good cook too but doesn’t enjoy cooking as much as baking.
They’re scared of fish. It’s not a rational fear or based on anything but she hates them. They will not cook them.
She often sings to herself under their breath when they’re focusing on something, often Elvish and Orlesian lullabies their mother taught her
They have two living younger siblings, a sister Kira (Kee for short) and a brother Kellan. Her youngest brother Eoin passed away as a child in a rock slide accident - Eila blames herself because she was the one that led them there and has a scar on her leg from the accident.
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varioda · 3 years
I drew Kellan from the Summoners war game today 💫✨
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dixiecotton · 3 years
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Repost from @kellanlutz • Soooo “Emmett” Excited to hang with all y’all at this years @c2e2 with some of my favorite @twilight siblings! 🐻🙌💪 See you there Dec 11-12 in Chicago! Let’s do this! Can’t wait to hang with YOU! Check out the link in @c2e2 bio for all the fun info! #Repost @c2e2 with @make_repost ・・・ Say it… Out loud…. #Twilight is coming to #C2E2! Kellan Lutz (Emmett Cullen), Ashley Greene (Alice Cullen), and Jackson Rathbone (Jasper Hale) are coming to Chicago on Sat, Dec 11 and Sun, Dec 12 for Photo Ops, Autographs, and even a reunion panel 👀 Sparkle with your favorite vamps ✨ Buy Photo Ops & Autographs at the link in bio. Badges available at link in bio! https://www.instagram.com/p/CW4GNf5lSCG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I was scrolling through your Asher tag and came across an ask that was about fancasts and I thought I’d chime in (I’m late I know haha) I love the C.H idea but I always picture his as soft and cuddly which I don’t identify with Asher much but Kellan Lutz who played the role of Hercules, there’s this specific shot of him in a pit with a sword and shield, his side profile and I just thought that’s him, that’s Asher! Haha!! Love that even after a disappointment with the game the characters can live on, really great fandom and your art!!!! Omg, how great are you!
Oh hello, I love talking Asher so bring it in! I have never seen Kellan Lutz in anything except the first Twilight movie and even that I kinda think I hallucinated, but I looked it up and yeah, looks legit! I'm still team Jordan Patrick Smith but I support you ✨💛
You're too nice about my art, but thank you and I'm glad you enjoy it! The fandom really is great and I wish we'd gotten more closure
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jcinktinder · 4 years
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rock star m shadows wanted as the current/future boyfriend for my lyndsy fonseca ballerina!
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odette annable wanted as the loving and supportive wife of kellan lutz!
[tw] pregnancy issues, history of abuse (in kellan’s childhood) 
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johanna braddy as the ex fiancee of torrance coombs for unromantic angsty unresolved feelings
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semi-open faced younger sister for kellan lutz 
[tw] death of a parent, abuse, & homelessness
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feel free to add me on discord at midnightxxxtish#4566 if you’re interested in any of these characters! 💖
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thedeadthree · 2 years
#leg.txt#HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO MISS YELENA VORONIN and! ROMAN my girlies! ✨🥺#the birthday twinsies! which i love that they have the same birthday? same zodiac but COMPLETELY different personalities and birth charts!#astrology my beloved ✨😌 which was something i LOVE about these two characters ✨😌#polar opposites in every way but best friends all the same!#yelena as of new vegas and the new canon im working on for this is in the mojave with alaric and kellan!#eline and morgaine (my old courier and morgaines FORMER best friend which the reasons for this will be coming soon ✨😌)#but specifically eline may or may not know of a way to access the entrance into the area and….. he wants in!#and since yelena caught wind of the conflicts in the mojave and wanted desperately to help (bc she’s a SAINT) they set off!#kellan believes as well that through an old colleague of his fathers that arthur (his dad) might have went that way ✨🥺#alaric was in search of a way to get into big mountain (u know bc science TREASURE trove for that mad scientist husband of hers ✨🥴)#AND team roman consisted of kai and minerva! and both teams arrived at different times with yelena and alaric having gotten there first#and while yelena and alaric are in new vegas and found eline (who sort of betrayed she has REASONS morgie and is there) roman finds morgaine#with victor! which maybe I’ll write about her meeting them? it’s fun! roman is bad at making new friends and the gang calls her out on it#like? oh yea sorry about ur head do u know where your friend is? SKDJXHJX ROMAN#OH and a update for y’all as i had to step back ✨🤧#ahhh my wicked wacky week of health episodes is over ✨🤧 it was the WORST i tell ya#it was like? my stomach? and back issues? ✨🤧 so i had to take a step back but im feeling so much better now! ✨#I NEEED TO CATCH UP ON MY ASKS + TAGS THEYRE TAKING ME A SECOND BUT IM DOING THEM ✨🤧🤍🤍 ty so much dears!#(hopefully my computer won’t fry while I write them this time too ✨🥴)#do not rb! 🌿#*personal
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thedeadthree · 2 years
💖 + fallout series 👀
ALYSSA YOU SWEETHEART YOU HI HUN! 🖤🖤 i hope ur doing well love! thank you so much for the ask and i hope ur having a lovely day/night! hhhnhhggg fallout my most beloved this was HARD jsjxjxj it may be one of/is my favorite series so the list to narrow was TOUGH ✨🤧🖤🖤 thank u sm again!
i would have to say the one character who pops into my mind the most when i think of my favorite character at the moment would have to be hancock from fallout 4!!!! his character arc has to be one of my favorites and THE DEVOTION HE HAS TO WHAT MEANS THE MOST FOR HIM AND THE PEOPLE OF GOODNEIGHBOR and his personality is something i adore!
send me 💖 + a fandom and i’ll tell you my fav character!
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thedeadthree · 3 years
the hardest speech check for yelena wasn’t convincing colonel autumn to step back from project purity it was convincing roman that she didn’t have to take her father off the wasteland census to do it ✨😒
#SHE WAS ADAMANT about it and yelena was like I LOST MINE IM NOT LETTING YOU LOSE YOURS TOO#roman is FRUSTRATED at her as usual bc yes roman thought about that too like maybe he can be talked down?#BUT at the same time she knows her father and knows that it won’t be just like THAT he isn’t going down without a fight#not after this has been a 30 year search for the GECK for him and everything that he and the enclave have come there to achieve#so to her the only way this ends is through him and yelena is like yea ABOUT THAT no we aren’t taking him out#so hence the arguing and the chaos of the moment observed by everyone around#kellan and colonel autumn are there like 😐 as their arguing#minerva is entertained as usual! the girls are fightingg!#and alaric is still trying to guess the purifier code while mumbling ‘just let it go colonel we lost’ under his breath 😑#<- HENCE THESE TAGS jsjansk#roman ends up leaving and escorting her father out after yelena convinces him. minerva leaves with them too bc she’s the pilot#and she will be DAMNED if anyone touches her babies her vertibirds ✨😤#it’s an emotional moment between the trio and it’s the last time one another sees the other for another 10 years ✨😖#they don’t formally reunite until the commonwealth and yelena is PISSED#they were besties the three of them! and yelena planned to throw roman a birthday party since romans never had one!#and she promised! but the bos thought she had betrayed them and yelena set off for the remnants in the Mojave#*roman not yelena UGH brain is mush sksnak#kellan stayed and alaric was asked to by kellan as a favor. he stays with the institute for a time but ends up leaving#leg.txt#c. yelena voronin#c. roman autumn#c. kellan richardson#c. minerva graves#c. alaric alexander#im sad and on my lunch break and missing the gang already ✨🤧#leg plays fallout 3#*personal
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thedeadthree · 3 years
2, 4, 11, 12 for Calpurnia? She sounds really cool.
hiiii!! thank you so much for the ask!
2. what are their S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats?
S- 10
P- 10
E- 10
C- 3
I- 10
A- 10
L- 1
4. how do they feel about people before the war?
this is definitely a curious question with a curiouser answer to be sure! it’s because of them the world is the way it is. And her ancestor casimir is the one who developed the strain of FEV that she (and prior generations of her mother’s side) was infected with. Like the reason she is the way she is. But there’s a lot to be learned from the past. Things that can be passed on to this new state of the world, for them to learn from! She definitely wants to have a talk with casimir though. boy howdy does he have explaining to do ✨😤
11. what weapon type do they prefer? (ballistic, energy, radiation, melee, etc.)
oh energy weapons without a doubt! has her own fancy plasma pistol! given her background it’s what she’s most comfortable with! but roman is also VERY aquatinted with her skills in melee and unarmed training :)
(anti material rifle is a go to for her in 2281 though ✨)
12. what armor type do they prefer? (power armor, army fatigues, combat armor, etc.)
roman also has her own very fancy unique version of the stealth suit that she got on always!
send me some questions about my fallout ocs
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thedeadthree · 3 years
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