#✨— — verse;; act 3 (to baldur’s gate)
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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@oathwilled | cont.
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"The Absolute can wait, I'm far more concerned for you," Gale assures the paladin and it is not cruel nor biting, instead an expression of soft brown eyes and genuine worry. Gale is not oblivious, not entirely anyway, he perceives the subtle shift in his lover's demeanor.
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Usual warmth and openness that surrounds them now guarded, hidden behind walls that Paerin has carefully constructed. The wizard can sense a simmering anger to his tone, and he watches as the coin he tosses through his fingers dig into the sensitive skin of his hand. In an act of reassurance, Gale places his own hand over Paerin's, feeling the tension and conflict within him. And the air around them feels charged with unspoken emotions, like a storm brewing just beneath the surface.
Gale's heart aches as he searches for Paerin's eyes, the source of the storm that has taken hold of his beloved's soul. The once bright blue orbs flicker, betraying a vulnerability he has never seen quite like this before. "Talk to me, please," because Paerin has listened to the plethora of his woes, his mistakes, and worries. Oh, he wants to be the same, unwavering pillar of support.
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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The memory of the last time, if there ever was one, Gale had been spoiled with such a grand romantic gesture eluded him. And yet, as a true lover of all things romantic, he could not have possibly dreamed up a more perfect scenario. The moon illuminates the rooftop where they sit, casting a soft glow upon their faces and highlighting the twinkling stars above. The taste of rich, velvety wine lingers on his tongue, adding to the already enchanting atmosphere. Left behind the chaos of the city and now lost in their own little paradise, just the two of them under the vast expanse of the night sky.
As the wizard stood in the midst of this, he could not help but realize what he had been missing for so long… becoming involved with a deity. The simple pleasures, instead devoid of romance and genuine affection, which make one so perfectly human. The warmth of gentle touch, laughter shared over a meal, the comfort of an embrace, all things his divine relationship lacked.
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“Have I ever told you how much I love reading?” Gale playfully responds, his chocolate brown eyes fluttering closed as she leans in to press a soft kiss against his forehead. Lips feel warm against his skin, a lingering sensation of tenderness and affection. “This is… very kind of you, my love.” He is taken aback by her words, unsure of how to accept them. She insists on spoiling him, but Gale struggles with feeling worthy of such treatment. "Thank you, truly."
One day, he hopes to be fully deserving of the love and kindness she has shown him.
@wizofwaterdeep gets random fluff!
Gale had seemed a little down as of late, and since that was weighing heavily on Eve's heart, she decided to do something special for him. Not that she wouldn't have done something nice for him regardless, but she especially wanted to make him feel as SPECIAL as she thought he was. Perhaps that would make him feel a little more important and if not, at least he might feel loved.
He had spent part of the evening making everyone dinner, and she thought that it was high time that he got a grand gesture. So, she sent him a magical note, wishing she could make a simulacron, but this was just as well. Having a note flutter in as a magical BUTTERFLY was more 'her' she supposed, and she kind of wished she could see the look on Gale's face when he got it. A late night meeting in the moonlight? That was right up Gale's alley, wasn't it?
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Even better, they had finally made it to the city, so a moonlit rooftop date felt like the right choice to show him what he meant to her. Given how much he seemed to miss Waterdeep, she figured Gale probably felt so much more at HOME in the city. So, when he found her, she had pointed out the telescope she'd gotten for the occasion--though she hadn't said quite HOW she had gotten it, and after presenting him with a flower crown and enjoying some wine and a little stargazing, eventually they'd ended up with his head in her lap as he read to her from one of the books she'd gotten for him, her fingers carding through his hair.
"Have I ever told you how much I LOVE listening to you read?" Eve mused affectionately, smiling at him with love in her eyes as she leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead. "You do so much for all of us, and you really don't take enough time to RELAX. I think you should let me do things like this for you more often so that you can have a breather. You deserve to be spoiled, in case you didn't know..." He had too many burdens on his shoulders she wanted to carry with him. "I will always be willing to spoil you."
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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@shemurder asked: "29. a kiss on the inside of the wrist." // spots to kiss;; open
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It is truly a wonder Morgana is still speaking with him. Even more so to allow him near, with a kiss nonetheless, well, it is far more forgiveness than Gale could possibly deserve. The way he spoke to her, doubted her in Gortash's throne room, it was inexcusable, no matter how grand the shock. A Bhaalspawn, how could they have ever known the depths of such brutality? Though she is far more than simply an agent of Bhaal, she is Morgana and that will never change no matter who she once was. Gale would do right to remember such truths.
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"I'm sorry and I know that is hardly enough," he apologizes and his voice is broken, a kiss pressed to the inside of her wrist. "You stood by me despite my initial deception, despite the orb. I intend do to the same for you, always." Because he trusts her, cares for her so deeply. "To think I am the cause to have you doubt me, I was wrong."
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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@wildskissed | cont.
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"Quite," The wizard's lips curl upwards in amusement as he returns the kiss, hands gently grasping her hips to tug Eve closer. The warmth of his body radiates through hers. A small sigh of contentment falls as lips linger together, the spark of magic between them undeniable. And well, Gale is a wizard, after all, quite the expert in detecting magic. "I suppose one should know you better than to resist."
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The sky above Baldur's Gate is a sea of inky black, dotted with countless stars like tiny pinpricks of light. Evening air crisp against Gale's skin, a slight chill that makes him shiver. "Perhaps, I could convince you to accompany me far from camp this evening? Wherever your heart so desires; a tavern, a florist, a library," the latter suggestion one he takes particular interest in. "What do you say?"
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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@astaricn | cont.
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The luxury of a soft bed is one Gale has missed greatly. Their travels have been far from kind to the wizard's fragile back, and once this little adventure of theirs is over, once the brain is defeated and the city safe— he would be pleased to never camp upon the ground again. Thankfully a city as vast as Baldur's Gate is home to many taverns and inns. One night's stay for their little merry band would hardly empty their pockets of gold.
The wizard was thrilled when Astarion requested to stay with him for the evening. After so long of this endless... dance between them, tentative and new, it would be quite pleasant to indulge in private time away from the party. A frenzied kiss, it's hardly the first kiss they've shared, though thrilling nonetheless. Wandering hands, the press of lips, his tunic already tossed across the room before Gale halts their progress with a question.
Astarion's response does not come as a surprise to him. Gale simply smiles, earnest affection laced within brown eyes. "You must know you're very special to me. I care about you, Astarion. Call me old-fashioned if you will, but I am unsure I could continue knowing this is no more than sex to you." Whatever this is between them, it's never quite been put into words. With his feelings on the matter clear, he only wishes to ensure they are on the same page, rather than browsing different novels.
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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Life changing, quite right. Such a declaration feels an understatement. One day this metamorphic expedition will arrive at its ceremonious close, but Gale’s life will never be the same. The Wizard of Waterdeep, a legacy of folly and failure.
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“Perhaps not,” the wizard agrees, “though I must confess, I took a liking to you, Shadowheart, from the very day we met. You held your secrets, quite like the rest of us, but always so determined to keep our party pressing forward!” He speaks, features illuminated with a bright smile and assuaging gesture of his hand—always a flair for the dramatics. They’ve come far, this merry little band of theirs, and yet still the journey remains. “I am certain whatever awaits us in Baldur’s Gate, we will find your parents. Just as Dame Aylin said.”
a flush spreads across her cheeks, shadowheart's eyes bright. grief still weighs her shoulders down, but it is no longer an anvil, no longer sinking through her stomach to the soles of her feet. there will always be anger, of course, and there will always be pain. but... it will no longer eclipse her.
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❝ well, you would know, ❞ she echoes, voice equally appreciative, though touched by a flicker of a unique empathy. ❝ I suppose no one might be able to understand quite as certainly as you. ❞ though their situations were not identical, they had both rebelled all the same. and lived to tell the tale, too. how bold, indeed. ❝ of all the things we've done, somehow this has been the most terrifying. and the most life-changing. ❞ a quirk up of her lips. ❝ I would not have guessed you and I would have have so much in common when we first met. ❞
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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@torntruth asked: "where to ? i’ll be your escort this evening. / from karlach" // howl's moving castle starters;; open
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"Much appreciated, my horned friend." Gale bends a polite bow, ever the courteous wizard. "I seem to recall your desire for a frosty pint from the very day we met. It would be quite a tragedy to arrive in Baldur's Gate, and yet never fulfill this esteemed aspiration of yours. Might I suggest a tavern?" While no Waterdeep, he is certain they could find a lovely location to spend their evening outing.
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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@sanguisarcana asked: "11 (kiss and drag to), 15 (then drag to), 17 (kiss and hickey, dragging to), 18 (between kiss and nibbles, dragging to), 19 (kiss and nhac ♥)" // spots to kiss;; open
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Throughout this arduous journey, the wizard quickly learns his plans never quite go as intended, whenever a certain vampire is involved. Finally arrived at Badlur's Gate, the party has settled upon a quaint campsite, overlooking the seaside harbor. One where he and Astarion's tents are, rather conveniently, tucked away in a corner all to their quiet lonesome. Now, whether or not this is a blessing in disguise or quite the curse, Gale has still yet to decide. Their private proximity results in unexpected evenings such as this, where plans of nightly reading somehow devolve into desirous writhing underneath his companion's cold, calculative attention.
Gale is first to attempt a kiss—a real kiss—met instead with the intentional press of lips to the corner of his mouth. A frustrated huff follows, and despite knowing his reaction is precisely what Astarion wants, he frowns anyway. Playing into his hand. He is hushed, conscious of the muffled noises he makes in response. Despite the late hour, they are never entirely alone.
The titillating flush of his cheeks, how such a pinkish hue spreads from his face down to his chest—never something Gale paid particular attention to, that is, before finding a lover who notices the warm, sultry rush of blood through his veins. A simple blush, something once so representative of innocent affection is now somehow sensual.
Glacial lips trail to the side of his neck until— a soft wince as razor-sharp fangs pierce his sensitive skin. Hardly the first time, yet he still finds momentary discomfort in the pain before fading to gentle numbness. His pulse quickens, instinctively leaning into him yet entirely still all the same. A moment of indulgence, Gale will allow him that. "That's quite enough," he nudges his companion upon the growing sensation of light-headedness, and while his voice is stern, there is no harshness behind it. "And here I thought you found me disgusting."
Clearly not, he thinks to himself as Astarion kisses his puncture wound clean. Hardly sanitary, but that ship sailed the moment Gale decided to bed a vampire. "Come here, let me kiss you properly," he requests with wide, pleading brown eyes.
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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Quite the question. Layered with intrigue and mischievous tone. For Gale, it is one of repressed feelings and poetic words not yet spoken, perhaps never to be spoken aloud. "No," the wizard answers truthful and earnest. Were he a better man, Gale would convince himself it is because he would never dare betray the trust of his friend in such treacherous manner. And while he does care for Tav, undoubtedly so, the fact of the matter is he simply could not allow himself to feign rejection.
And if Astarion was intent on sharing, well, that is hardly Gale's style.
"You were content, far be it from me to jeopardize that." There. Astarion has his answer, and Gale will not provide him more—not now anyway. He is cautious of his feelings, what more is said cannot be unsaid. A heart so fragile it risks shattering upon impact. Gale has been wounded before, and nearly lost himself because of it, he hardly wants to endure heartbreak once more.
And yet, he is drawn to cold fingers pressed to his lips, to his bearded cheek, and hooked into his velvet clothes. Astarion is testing him still, waiting amused to see if Gale will truly do it. A wizard so intelligent he somehow manages to overthink anything and everything, even a simple kiss. Gnawing anxiety erodes the edges of his thoughts, whispering sweetly all the way he can mess this up.
But not tonight.
Tonight Gale chooses to take the plunge, lest he be forced to tolerate more of the elf's provoking words. With a frustrated huff, he closes the distance between them, warm brown eyes flutter shut as lips press gingerly to the vampire's.
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Astarion fought a smile despite the weight of affairs. Came out on the losing end once those little wrinkles folded at a single corner of his undead lips. Foolishness was easy to admire when inspired by feeling, and Gale carried himself with poise closer to that of a man taken with fascination than motivated by romance.
But you are a romantic, aren’t you, darling?
And tonight was a step closer to tragedy than they’d ever been.
“So you’ve finally decided to act on it, hm?” Fatal seduction made home of the vampire’s voice, wrapped in silk and pomegranate sweet. This time, Astarion chose to toy with depravity– it got him where he wanted, after all, and it got him there fast.
Ever since the inevitable came to pass between the vampire and the leader of their entourage, Astarion had known that help was off the table where it concerned his own personal affairs. It was high time to forge new alliances. Hope his body could secure them. And if that meant weaponizing the wizard’s feelings in the process, well...
Morior invictus.
Death before defeat.
“Humour me...” One hand went up to trace the pads of two fingers across the seam of Gale’s lips, enough pressure applied to push the lower half. Stress it a little. The cant of his head welcomed the hand touching his face. Cutthroat allure and erotic mischief. “Would you have done it still?” A pause. Blood-red rubies searched for answers before Gale’s lips could voice them. “Had our little- dagger-happy friend and I been an item, I mean.”
Letting the two fingers roam south over Gale’s five o’ clock stubble, Astarion hooked them around the embroidery of the wizard’s camp clothing and tugged him closer. Perhaps close enough to savour his breath...
Perhaps close enough for a kiss.
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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The wizard smiles, gentle and earnest. A pleasantly warm campfire, the solitude of evening in direct contradiction to the bustling, active nature of Baldur's Gate. So many places to be, the many dangers which await them still, and yet, here and now this peace makes Gale believe—perhaps for the first time in a long while—everything will truly be alright.
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"I love you," and oh— he has never meant three little words so much, "I will never stop professing as much. You will always be enough for me." The paladin has stood by his side, deserving or not, through many things any other would dare not dream of. Patient and kind. Loving and tender. His faults are no worse than any regular man's folly. Lips sink into another kiss, before tugging away to inspect their familiar campsite with a sigh. "It's evenings such as these I wish we could simply sneak away, alone."
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@wizofwaterdeep inquired: ‘ you look at me like there is something in me worth looking at ’ / various things spoken in an adventuring party
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For a heartbeat, the half-elven looks genuinely bewildered. " Why would you think otherwise? " His brows draw in, furrow, and his fingers trace 'round the scars inlaid 'pon his chest, not touching but skirting just beyond. " Because of this? " Because he knows it, curses the goddess who laid this doubt in his mind. He doesn't even wait for an answer.
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A flit of blue eyes up, and he leans in, kisses him soft, and just sighs as he stays leaned there. And there's a million things he could argue, a million things he could say, but his tongue tangles around them all: instead; he pulls back just enough to set roughened fingers on Gale's scruffy cheek, and catches his eyes with his own. " You, " and he means the man, the person, what they are right here and now, " are worth everything. "
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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"Hm, yes, it would appear so." The wizard agrees, adjusting his form with little movement, merely enough to peak his gaze around the corner. "I suppose I could cast a disguise spell. One would allow us to pass through the street full in yet entirely unnoticed until—" Flustered, the words are caught dry within the back of his throat, swallowing them down before he continues to make a fool of himself.
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"You... want to stay here? With me?" And in such close vicinity nonetheless. For a man seemingly as skilled with words as Gale of Waterdeep, he is surprisingly flimsy finding them. "Perhaps, there are more appropriate venues intended for spending time together?"
she lets out a breathless laugh at his reaction, sharp teeth gleaming in the dark of their little hiding spot. he was right — they had to avoid violence as much as possible while in the city, and this was certainly no time for flirting. but she couldn't help it. ❛ knowing the likes of gortash, it's very possible that he sent those thugs after us. not to attack us, but to ruin our image. ❜
her breath has finally caught up to her and morgana settles against the wall, finding herself comfortable. after all, it might be a moment before they could leave. those thugs did seem content in chasing them. ❛ on the contrary, gale. i'd prefer to spend my afternoon with you, opposed to getting my hands dirty. especially in a close vicinity. ❜
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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"Perhaps so," Gale answers, "but my, what an adventure this has been." The looming threat of ceremorphosis could certainly be avoided, however, in the most twisted of circumstances—the wizard is grateful to be here. Gale was a broken man, consumed by the consequences of his own foolishness. The woman he loved, worshipped, cast him aside like a discarded toy. Her rejection once seared through his soul, but not anymore.
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"Without you, I would remain withering away atop my tower, alone. Awaiting my inevitable fate to the orb's destructive power." This, for better or for worse, has altered the course of Gale's life. With a determined gaze and hand placed firmly upon her shoulder. "I will do whatever is within my power to aid you in this journey, just as you have done for me," he says with unwavering conviction, words hang in the air like a vow.
he wasn't the only one to outburst on her, and the others hurt just the same. but knowing all they shared on the way to the city, she's just as afraid as she is hurt. terrified that he'd leave her as soon as he found out, because who would want to be with the daughter of the god of murder ? and the fact that she created the absolute with gortash didn't give her any further credit. she's surprised that he's still here.
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her brow pinches together and she let's out a sigh, letting her hand reluctantly drop from his cheek. ❛ i might be a good person now, but that doesn't change what i did. ❜ morgana shakes her head and she takes a step away, pressing a hand against her good eye. ❛ i'm the reason why we're all here. ❜
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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The wizard’s eyes widen in shock, but oh, brown irises light up with uncharacteristic happiness. “That is quite the relief indeed.” To know his feelings, his fondness does not go unreciprocated, it means far more than Gale could possibly construct into words. Or perhaps he could shower Astarion with poetic streams of affectionate, romantic thought. 
Another time. A more… appropriate time than this. “I understand, truly, I do,” he offers, “Quite different, I imagine.” And what does a humble wizard on the road to redemption have to offer anyhow? He cannot take away centuries of suffering, he cannot change who Astarion is—nor does he desire so. No, he is not a savior come to fix, he is a companion, an equal. Simply a man, not unlike Astarion, and his demons are no better.
“I once believed my life was defined by Mystra, that her forgiveness was somehow worth dying for, but I was wrong. You helped me see reason and you have been far more patient with me than any man deserves,” he huffs through a tilted smirk, adjusting to clasp the elf's pale hand tightly, “I can return the favor. It’s okay if you’re not ready.” Quite the long-winded explanation—getting to the point, so to speak, has never been a skill he possesses with ease. “There are other ways to express intimacy."
"I can assure you that it's not just sex, Gale." His tone is blunt, though his eyes shine with a gentle affection despite it. "If it WAS I would've bedded you weeks ago." No doubt it would've been only shortly after he began to see Gale as more than just an annoyance.
Despite knowing this was different to what he was used to, the vampire had felt himself falling into is usual motions before Gale had stopped them. This helped remind him that this was NOT a victim, not someone he was trying to lure to their demise. He had bedded hundreds, probably THOUSANDS in his years and yet in this moment he almost felt like a blushing, inexperienced virgin.
These blasted feelings were so foreign to him, and in this moment he hoped that Gale would help him through this. The wizard was always eager to assist outside the bedroom, so hopefully it wouldn't be to different here. His gaze shifts down to the sheets beneath them again, nails digging into his thigh.
"However, I am more experienced WITH just sex. This? This is different." He admits softly, evidently unable to meet Gale's gaze.
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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The wizard smiles, sincere and earnest. Gale has always rather liked Karlach—her fiery personality indicative of the unpolished passion she possesses, not to mention her indisputable skill with an axe. Perhaps he feels quite a kinship to her; he knows far too well how it must feel to exist upon borrowed time, a slave to the unwelcome presence within her chest. Ah, but this evening is intended for enjoyment, not melancholy.
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"Oh, I could never forget. Your appreciation for a chilled ale rivals even that of my appreciation for a proper glass of wine." and a proper glass of wine he would love, "Were this Waterdeep, I would have suggestions by the bushel. Unfortunately, I am not quite as familiar with Baldur's Gate."
The laugh that falls from Karlach's lips certainly isn't meant to make fun of him -- it was a joyous one. For a whole entire group of the most ragtag and different individuals, they really did seem to care. It's all she could ask for [ especially if her life span was as short as Dammon says ] . Karlach actually holds up her arm, elbow out. An indication that he can loop his own arm through if he so desires. Fun escort it is.
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" We can do whatever you want, Gale. But, Gods, do I appreciate you remembering I said that. "
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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Every horrified scream, every cry of despair, endless destruction as far as one’s eye can can see—it’s miserable. It’s terrifying. Buildings crumble to the ground vibrating streets like a powerful, unnatural earthquake beneath his boots. Guilt sits low within the wizard’s stomach, nauseating and dreadful. Gale has the power to end this, here and now. He could stop this wreckage. Save his friend. His love.
For a moment, the wizard’s mind is decided—sealed with one last kiss, one final kiss. A goodbye. A confession. An apology, most of all. Ah, but evidently Paerin knows him too well by now, knows exactly where Gale’s head stands before he even has to say it. “Please, allow me to keep you safe. You’ve given so much already.” Not only for him, for all of them. “This would be so much easier to know my memory lives on with you.”
What if there is no other way? No longer about Mystra, Gale experiences no desire to seek forgiveness or favor this time around, merely to protect those he cares for so deeply. The one who’s cheek he so tenderly cradles with his grasp, dabbing a hot tear away with his thumb. “It is the right thing to do.” He says, and for a moment he wonders if he is trying so desperately to convince himself of this as well.
Gale is a stubborn man, difficult to sway once he’s set his mind on a certain path. That is, until a muffled ‘please’ is enough to shatter his heart and derail his noble sacrifice entirely. He wants to live, truly, he does. Gale wants allow himself this selfishness and self preservation, allow himself the chance to be happy. “Alright, together it is then. The right thing be damned.”
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@wizofwaterdeep inquired: [ final ] sender and receiver share a kiss for the very last time, and they know it's their last / different kinds of kisses
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The city burns, crumbles, falls. The screams of the fighting, the dying — the copper of blood, smoke, the foul reek of something indescribable from the netherbrain and the extraplanar incursion. It's every battlefield he's been on, bloody and horrible.
And this kiss is unlike any other — something desperate, something fierce, something wanting and hungry but hungry for something else aside from passion. It’s wanting for life, wanting for love, wanting for something that feels like it’s on the very precipice of being lost forever. 
His blade drops, clatters to the stone, and roughened fingers crawl up the other’s chest, to his neck, to the back of his head —— tangle in hair lightly, and he breaks the kiss with a rough gasp. " Don’t you dare, " he says, foreheads pressed together. " I know what this is. Don’t you fucking dare. " 
It’s been years, decades since he’s allowed himself to feel this way —— and it swells, burns, clots in his throat in an agony that goes far beyond any battle wound he’s taken, tears at him worse than having his oath ripped away. Tears burn, hot and heavy, but he’s fierce: oh, he’s fierce. 
" We do this together. We find any other way. Every other way. Do you understand me? " A leveling breath, shivering in his throat. Distantly, a building crumbles, falls, crashes; he can feel the echo of it under his feet. " Please. "
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wizofwaterdeep · 1 year ago
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Gale's  piercing  gaze  fixates  on  her,  brown  eyes  conveying  a  range  of  emotions—disbelief,  confusion,  and  most  prominently,  affection.  Could  he  ever  hate  her?  The  thought  alone  seems  quite  impossible,  a  concept  that  could  never  even  cross  his  mind.  "By  the  gods,  of  course  not."  Slowly,  the  wizard's  hardened  features  soften  and  he  reaches  for  Morgana's  hand,  giving  it  a  reassuring  squeeze  that  speaks  volumes  more  than  tangible  words  ever  could.  "I  could  never  hate  you." 
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And  memories  of  their  shared  experiences  flood  his  mind,  overwhelming  him  with  a  bittersweet  ache.  Despite  all  the  obstacles  they've  faced  together,  he  clings  to  the  truth  in  his  heart—the  moments  they've  shared  are  not  just  a  mirage  of  lies.  They  are  undeniable  proof,  even  the  most  broken  people  can  be  transformed  when  given  a  chance.
what an adventure this had been, indeed. she could hardly believe that they finally made it to baldur's gate, after all this time. it almost seemed like a dream, though there were one step closer to defeating the elder brain. morgana wants to believe that she's changed throughout all of this, that she's no longer capable of being who she was before. but she has doubts, of course she does.
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❛ without me, you also wouldn't have a tadpole in your head. ❜ morgana says quietly, though there's a small smile that curls around her lips. but gale is right. all of them would still be in terrible situations if it wasn't for the tadpoles or nautiloid. in a way, it's saved them. she meets his gaze shyly, lips pressed together. ❛ so ... you don't hate me? for my part in all this? ❜
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