#✧ ⦙ we are just the children of the sky ⦗ the 100 ⦘
regallibellbright · 2 years
“And then, um, sparkles? And then, kablam!”
Any time we get a magical girl transformation sequence viewed from the outside or described from bystanders’ perspectives and it’s not instantaneous, I love it. I loved it in that one episode of Healin’ Good where Nodoka and Rabirin fell out of it mid-transformation and then we see the MASSIVE LIGHT SHOW from the monster’s perspective when they finally resolve their problems, and I love Mashiro here summing it up like that.
Fun fact! Both of these sequences involve a character voiced by Kakuma Ai, who is both Mashiro and Rabirin!
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ktempestbradford · 7 months
I have been on a Willy Wonkified journey today and I need y'all to come with me
It started so innocently. Scrolling Google News I come across this article on Ars Technica:
At first glance I thought what happened was parents saw AI-generated images of an event their kids were at and became concerned, then realized it was fake. The reality? Oh so much better.
On Saturday, event organizers shut down a Glasgow-based "Willy's Chocolate Experience" after customers complained that the unofficial Wonka-inspired event, which took place in a sparsely decorated venue, did not match the lush AI-generated images listed on its official website.... According to Sky News, police were called to the event, and "advice was given."
Thing is, the people who paid to go were obviously not expecting exactly this:
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But I can see how they'd be a bit pissed upon arriving to this:
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It gets worse.
"Tempest, how could it possibly--"
source of this video that also includes this charming description:
Made up a villain called The Unknown — 'an evil chocolate maker who lives in the walls'
There is already a meme.
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Oh yes, the Wish.com Oompa Loompa:
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Who has already done an interview!
As bad (and hilarious) as this all is, I got curious about the company that put on this event. Did they somehow overreach? Did the actors they hired back out at the last minute? (Or after they saw the script...) Oddly enough, it doesn't seem so!
Given what I found when poking around I'm legit surprised there was an event at all. Cuz this outfit seems to be 100% a scam.
The website for this specific event is here and it has many AI generated images on it, as stated. I don't think anyone who bought tickets looked very closely at these images, otherwise they might have been concerned about how much Catgacating their children would be exposed to.
Yes, Catgacating. You know, CATgacating!
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I personally don't think anyone should serve exarserdray flavored lollipops in public spaces given how many people are allergic to it. And the sweet teats might not have been age appropriate.
Though the Twilight Tunnel looks pretty cool:
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I'm not sure that Dim Tight Twdrding is safe. I've also been warned that Vivue Sounds are in that weird frequency range that makes you poop your pants upon hearing them.
Yes, Virginia, these folks used an AI image generator for everything on the website and used Chat GPT for some of the text! From the FAQ:
Q: I cannot go on the available days. Will you have more dates in the future? A: Should there be capacity when you arrive, then you will be able to enter without any problems. In the event that this is not the case, we may ask you to wait a bit.
Fear not, for this question is asked again a few lines down and the answer makes more sense.
Curious about the events company behind this disaster, I took myself over to the homepage of House of Illuminati and I was not disappointed.
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I would 100% trust these people to plan my wedding.
This abomination of a website is a badly edited WordPress blog filled with AI art and just enough blog posts to make the casual viewer think that it's a legit business for about 0.0004 seconds.
Their attention to detail is stunning, from how they left up the default first post every WP blog gets to how they didn't bother changing the name on several images, thus revealing where they came from. Like this one:
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With the lovely and compact filename "DALL·E-2024-01-30-09.50.54-Imagine-a-scene-where-fantasy-and-reality-merge-seamlessly.-In-the-foreground-a-grand-interactive-gala-is-taking-place-filled-with-elegant-guests-i.png"
"Concept.png" came from the same AI generator that gets text almost, but not quiiiiiite right:
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There are a suspicious number of .webp images in the uploads, which makes me think they either stole them from other sites where AI "art" was uploaded or they didn't want to pay for the hi-res versions of some and just grabbed the preview image.
The real fun came when I noticed this filename: Before-and-After-Eventologists-Transformation-Edgbaston-Cricket-Ground-1024x1024-1.jpg and decided to do a Google image search. Friends, you will be shocked to hear that the image in question, found on this post touting how they can transform a boring warehouse into a fun event space, was stolen from this actual event planner.
Even better, this weirdly grainy image?
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From a post that claims to be about the preparations for a "Willy Wonka" experience (we'll get to this in a minute), is not only NOT an actual image of anyone preparing anything for Illuminati's event, it is stolen from a YouTube thumbnail that's been chopped to remove the name of the company that actually made this. Here's the video.
If you actually read the blog posts they're all copypasta or some AI generated crap. To the point where this seems like not a real business at all. There's very specific business information at the bottom, but nothing else seems real.
As I said, I'm kinda surprised they put on an event at all. This has, "And then they ran off with all our money!" written all over it. I'm perplexed.
And also wondering when the copyright lawyers are gonna start calling, because...
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This post explicitly says they're putting together a "Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory Experience" complete with golden tickets.
Somewhere along the line someone must have wised up, because the actual event was called "Willys Chocolate Experience" (note the lack of apostrophe) and the script they handed to the actors about 10 minutes before they were supposed to "perform" was about a "Willy McDuff" and his chocolate factory.
As I was going through this madness with friends in a chat, one pointed out that it took very little prompting to get the free Chat GPT to spit out an event description and such very similar to all this while avoiding copyrighted phrases. But he couldn't figure out where the McDuff came from since it wasn't the type of thing GPT would usually spit out...
Until he altered the prompt to include it would be happening in Glasgow, Scotland.
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You cannot make this stuff up.
But truly, honestly, I do not even understand why they didn't take the money and run. Clearly this was all set up to be a scam. A lazy, AI generated scam.
Everything from the website to the event images to the copy to the "script" to the names of things was either stolen or AI generated (aka stolen). Hell, I'd be looking for some poor Japanese visitor wandering the streets of Glasgow, confused, after being jacked for his mascot costume.
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f1reladymai · 6 months
Aang getting so, uncharacteristically angry when Appa was taken by the sandbenders wasn’t just because of his love for his sky bison. Of course, that was a big part of it. Appa is more than just a pet to him, he’s his best friend and soulmate, someone who’s been around since Aang was very young and is meant to be a “companion for life”.
But, Aang ran away on a random Tuesday, got caught in a storm and it changed the whole trajectory of his life. He ran away because he was upset his life was changing so rapidly, he suddenly had all this responsibility at 12 years old that he wasn’t ready for but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have gone back. We don’t know what would have happened; he could have needed a few days to cool off, he could have seen the start of the war and stepped up (from what we know of Aang, there’s no way he would have ignored it for his own needs), but that didn’t happen.
He got caught in the ice for 100 years and when he woke up he discovered that not only was everyone he knew and loved were dead, but brutally murdered in an act of power. That everyone from his teachers, friends (children, like him) and animals, were gone. Not only that but his whole culture; traditions, foods, clothing, music… everything important was eradicated and possibly most of the documentation of the culture, too. He’s suddenly handed this new responsibility on top of being the Avatar, trying to uphold this culture (as literally the last airbender alive) and grieve at the same time.
And Aang grieves very privately, in fact, does he even give himself a chance? He discovered the horrible truth and his immediate response it so go have some fun, maybe because he knows if he thinks too hard about it and gives into the pain, he’ll turn into something he’s not, he’ll forget what the monks taught him and he can’t let that happen.
So he tries to channel all his grief and anger into being the Avatar, even if he still has his reservations, and by his side is Appa. The only thing keeping him tethered to his life 100 years ago and his culture. He’s been with him through everything, and will continue to be, like I said “companion for life”.
And then he’s gone, he’s taken, and all of a sudden Aang cannot keep the crushing weight of his loss at bay anymore and he… snaps, he loses control. He gives into the avatar state because not only is everything he knew and loved gone, taken from him for nothing more than political gain, but now his soulmate that represented everything he lost is gone, too and he doesn’t know what happened to him. Is he dead? Is he scared? Is he fed? Who knows.
Aang losing Appa with the final straw and his grief, something he was ignoring and refusing to deal with, was brought to the forefront when he lost Appa, making it impossible to ignore and if it wasn’t for us friends trying to ground him and remind him of who he was, who knows what would have happened.
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tobitofunction · 2 months
The Pact of Fire and Ice part 7
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part5 part 6
Spoilers for the future of house of the dragon, not a 100% accurate to the book
after a thousand years it updated again
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You tighten your flight jacket around your body, "It's still not too late to stay here" Cregan said, "It's a fight of dragons, as a dragon I need to fight" you said turning towards him, he was in his armour his fur coat currently missing, he hummed and cupped your cheek,"I love your flight gear so much" he said placing his other hand around your waist, "You should walk around like this more often" he added kissing you gently, "I could say the same thing for you, the fur cloak his hiding to much of your armour" you said against his lips, kissing him again gently pulling at his locks "Don't tempt me now wife, we won't leave the bed for another week if you continue like this" he said as his lips ghost against yours,"My Lord?" a servant said gently," What is it" he said closing his eyes and leaning his forehead against yours," Aemond Targaryen took over Harrenhall and killed everyone within the walls" he said straightening his posture”Any word from Dragonstone?”,” They are preparing to use Aemond absent as advantage to take over Kingslanding and they want you to march as soon as possible” Cregan hummed,” Are the troop’s ready”,” Yes Lord, the Greyjoy and Manderly ships are also deployed to strengthen the sea snakes and help out to invade Kingslanding and destroy the Lannister fleet ” you turned to Cregan and patted his chest,"Well my Lord husband it's time, send worth to my mother that her army is coming" you said making the servant nod and bow before leaving. Cregan sighed and wrapped his hand around yours,"Off to war then".
You ended up deciding to ride your horse alongside Cregan. Tyraxes was flying alongside the winter wolves, high in the sky, she was just a blop in the bright white sky. “The roads are treacherous,” you said,” The north doesn’t have the privilege of the west wife, our harsh winters just keep destroying the roads so we don’t fix them, as it a waste of resources we rather put them elsewhere to good use” Cregan explained riding closer to you,” My men don’t find it a good idea to bring you along,” he said after a while,” Why not?” you questioned,” They believe you should stay in winter fell, swollen with a child,” he said softly, you sighed,” I suppose that was the deal of our marriage. I provided you with heirs in return for your help to get my mother’s crown back,” you said,” It’s different now however, our first born won’t be the Lord of Winterfell but heir to the Iron Throne,” he said,” Or daughter” you added making Cregan nod after a while,” Or daughter,” he said with a smile which you returned," I'm not bringing a child into this world until the war is over, I don't want to be pregnant while the danger of being assassinated by the greens is an option" you said which Cregan nodded at,"I agree with you on that one, also I'm scared of you carrying my heir" he said," My first wife died on the birthing bed with my son following in the days after",he said softly remembering the pain of losing his childhood love and first born child, he felt like dying in months after,"I'm scared too, losing children during pregnancy is common within my family, maester stated that each one of them had dragon like deformities, my sister had scales and a tale when she was born, I guess our blood is cursed" you said,"The Stark blood line isn't any different, I guess we can be cursed together" your cheeks heated up at that comment,"I guess we could". "My Lord it's getting dark and the men are tired" Greyjoy said,"Than we set up camp for the night".
You sat in front of the fire with Cregan sitting next to you, he was drinking some ale and talking to his men while we waited for the food to cook. You looked over your shoulder and saw Tyraxes, you excused yourself from Cregan and walked over to the large beast," Ao merbugon hāedar? (you hungry girl?)" Tyraxes lifted her head and pressed it against your body gently,"Nyke find nykeā tīkor hen ōtor syt ao hemtubis nyke kivio (
You sat in front of the fire with Cregan sitting next to you, he was drinking some ale and talking to his men while we waited for the food to cook. You looked over your shoulder and saw Tyraxes, you excused yourself from Cregan and walked over to the large beast," Ao merbugon hāedar? (you hungry girl?)" Tyraxes lifted her head and pressed it against your body gently,"Nyke find nykeā tīkor hen ōtor syt ao hemtubis nyke kivio (I find a flock of sheep for you tomorrow I promise)" you said rubbing her scaly head,"You need to teach me Valyrian" Cregan's said from behind you, one hand found it's way around your waist.While the other rubbed Tyraxes forehead," She still seems to like me which is good" he smiled,"Or tent is ready if you want to sleep" he added after a second, "I will, I just wanted to check on her, we need to find her food tomorrow, she will need all the energy when we fight the greens" you said, Cregan hummed.
You shed your riding gear and got into something more comfortable,"If you are looking to take a bath there is creek close by" Cregan said sitting down on a chair,"A creek?" you lifted a brow,"Yes, my dear wife we are off to war so we won't have our usual luxuries but you are always welcome to fly home" Cregan said,"I know what you are trying to do and it won't work, I'm coming with you. I will be in the creek....fish don't live there?" Cregan chuckled and stood up,"I protect you from the fish, I will go with you" Cregan said,"It also will stop my men from spying on you","Spying? Aren't most of them married?","Even a married man will stop to take in the natural beauty surrounding them" you licked your lips.
The water was freezing against your skin, you wrapped your arms around your bare body, you turned to Cregan and saw that he was unfazed,"Aren't you freezing?" he chuckled,"I'm a northerner darling, and you are a dragon" he said wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you closer,"Can i be honest with you?" Cregan's brow furrowed but he nodded,"I feel useless in this war so far, so many people have given their lives and I just hid in a castle for the majority, I didn't know my brother died, I didn't even know he went to battle, the same with my grandmother Rhaeny's. My mind is filled they could have been alive if I assisted them. Cregan listened carefully, his hand cupping your cheek,"You might not have fought with sword in hand but you forged alliances, you proved to the other Northern houses that your mother's side deserves their alliance when you faced your Uncle when he took our men hostage. Don't disregard yourself my dear wife" you sighed,"But they still rather have me back in Winterfell than fight alongside them" Cregan sighed as well,"That's different, men usually range wars while the women stay at home. Times have changed something I needed to realise too" he said before kissing your forehead,"You and your dragon will bring an advantage to us," he said pressing you closer to his body,”You look so beautiful, standing bare in nature” he said softly kissing your neck,”Cregan” you whispered softly,”Ever dreamed of making love in the wild” he said his fingers tracing your skin,”The men could see or hear us” Cregan hummed against your skin,”They won’t come near the river bank, I told them to stay away and for the hearing part that didn’t seem a problem back in Winterfell Princess” he said making your cheeks darken,” Than my Lord Husband, ravish me like a wolf does”
You spend days riding your horse, Tyraxes becoming more restless with each day, she was feeding of your energy , you nearly reached Harrenhall, even though Kingslanding is your goal a jab of taking it back is planned. “We will reach Harrenhall in two days time we set up camp here” Cregan explained as he stopped alongside his men, he helped you off your horse Tyraxes landed in the open space which made the ground shake a bit,” From now own I want you to ride your dragon, if Aemond is at Harrenhall by chance we need air support but if it gets to dangerous I want you to promise to fly away, back to Winterfell” he said grabbing your shoulder,” Cregan I can -“,” Promise me” he cut you off,” I promise” he nodded, caressing your cheek with his thumb gently and kissed your forehead,”My Lord your camp is set up”,”Let’s rest wife, we have long days ahead of us” Cregan said holding his hand to you.
“Aemond one eye is still at Harrenhall, we should avoid it and go around it to get to Kingslanding” Cerwyn said,” We need all the men we have to keep the city under our control”,” We are here so we should take over Harrenhall while we have the chance” Lord Bolton said leaning forward in his seat,” How would you suggest doing so? Aemond has Vaghar” Cerwyn says,” Even though, I didn’t agree with her presence first, it be to our benefit having the Princess here, she is the heir and a girl, they would assume she be hiding in the north-“,” her dragon is not even half the size of Vaghar” Lord Frey son interjected,” Tyraxes might be smaller but she is quicker and Aemond had the chance to kill me but didn’t, if we draw Aemond out on dragon back, we can surprise attack him with Tyraxes and me” I defend,” My brother promised you Harrenhall didn’t he? I thought you be eager to take it back from Greens my Lord” I said,” Than we have a plan, we take over Harrenhall beforehand we continue to Kingslanding” Cregan said and his tone didn’t leave room discussion.
I changed into my nightgown while Cregan read the letters of the Greyjoys and the Manderly’s,” Any news?” you asked walking towards Cregan,” They haven’t reached the Lannister fleet yet but they are ready and that’s all what we need to hear” Cregan said pulling you on his lap,” I need you to promise me something” you hummed and moved a piece of stray hair from Cregan face,” If Aemond tries to kill you, fly to Winterfell, Tyraxes is faster as you mentioned use it to escape if needs be” he said his hands on your belly,” Cregan-“,”Promise me” you sighed,” I promise….if I have to flee I want to make love to you, I don’t think be able to live long without your touch” you smiled
The next day you saddled Tyraxes, she gently nudged you with her snout making you smile,” Ready my girl?” you asked patting her neck,”Try to keep up with us, I know it be tempting to fly head first to confront your Uncle” Cregan said placing his hand on your waist,” I can’t believe everyone who called Harrenhall their home is dead now”,” Aemond will repent for his sins, he won’t survive to see the end of the war. He will die, but the hand he will die on is still in the stars” Cregan said cupping your cheek, you looked up at Cregan, you pecked his lips gently,” Let me help you” Cregan said helping you on Tyraxes,” Be careful and remain what you promised
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suuuupernovaaa · 2 years
asap si
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‘ASAP SI [English] to be shocked, be startled
Adult Neteyam returns home to find you’ve grown into a beautiful woman, and you’ve been keeping a secret from him all these years.
18+   |   1,177 words
My hands had begun growing tired, the joints in my fingers aching, but I still had a little time before my parents were expecting me home, and I could finish just a little bit more here at the mother loom.
Li’ei and Zoavey had been generous to allow me not only to use the mother loom, but to teach me. Between them, they possessed over 100 years of experience creating tapestries and cloths for our clan, and they were both held in very high regard for what they provided to our people.
“Y/N,” Li’ei chastised the next time I sighed under my breath, “go home. We must all rest.”
I sighed once more, feeling the thick, coarse fabric between my fingers. “I feel as though the job will never be done.”
Zoavey tsk’d at me. “It does not matter how long it takes - only that you do the job properly.” 
Standing up, I nodded at the two elders. “Thank you for your time today. May I return tomorrow?”
Li’ei smiled. “Yes, darling.” I felt compelled to ask every day, even though they had made it clear they were training me so that I could take their place when the day came.
Touching my forehead and lowering my hand, I signed my respect to my elders, who had so graciously taken me under their wing, and quickly turned on my heel to make my way through our village back to my parents’ home.
The closer I got to the center of our village, to my home, the louder things seemed to be. It’s was always quite busy at this time of day, but this seemed to be something else; a commotion, almost.
As I neared the epicenter of home tree, my parents rushed to me, almost out of nowhere.
“Y/N!” my mother gasped, wide eyed. “Jakesully and his family have returned.”
The tools I was carrying fell from my hands, clattering on the ground. I should have bent and grabbed them, pay them the respect they deserve, but I am frozen to the ground.
Neteyam is home.
Suddenly, I am transported to five years ago. Once again, I felt Neteyam gripping my arms too tightly as he told me his family was leaving, and he didn’t know if they would return. He left, with so much left unsaid between us.
Tears pricked at the back of my eyes, and I forced them away.
“Where are they?” I asked  finally, after a long pause that I knew my mother noticed.
She gestured to the fires, around which we cooked and ate our meals. I saw it then, the large crowd gathering, almost too large to push my way through - but I knew I had to try.
“Sorry, excuse me, sorry,” I repeated over and over as I wormed my way through the throng of bodies here to see Taruk Maktow and his family.
It’s was hard to believe it had been 5 years. After the Sky People left and Jakesully and his family didn’t return, we weren’t sure what to think - maybe they had died in battle, or found another clan they wanted to stay with instead.
I never gave up hope... but it was hard some days, especially with Ueku nearly relentlessly pursuing me the last two years to be his mate. 
Ueku was one of the most desired of The People, our strongest hunter, and everyone was staring to look at me as if I had two tails - they could not figure out why I would not agree to be his.
And it felt so dumb to explain that it was because of a crush I’d had when I was fifteen, on someone I hadn’t seen since then. 
It took much effort, but I finally made it to the front of the crowd, and saw them standing there.
Oh, they looked so different. All four children were taller, the boys had much broader chests and Kiri and Tuk had grown into lovely young women. I wanted to cry and rush forward to greet them, but they were being bombarded with welcome greetings.
I stood back, staring, and finally allowed myself to really look at Neteyam. His hair was longer now, halfway down his back and braided intricately, woven through with many beads and fine weaves. He was taller, as tall as his father, with strong shoulders and a wide, firm chest.
The sight of him made me feel light headed. I closed my eyes, and took a steadying, deep breathing. 
Tuk called her name, and Neteyam snapped his head to see where his youngest sister was looking. Since the moment they’d arrived, his only thought was to find Y/N, his oldest and best friend.
Tuk took off from next to him, rushing towards a woman in the crowd who was almost unrecognizable. This beautiful woman lifted Tuk up in her arms effortlessly and hugged her tightly.
She was an angel. Her hair was impossibly long, and she wore a woven crown around her face to keep it out of her eyes. Her leggings were green, and he could tell the care and effort that went into making them. Tucked into them were various tools for use on the loom. 
She looked tired, but her amber eyes were wide and full of joy. His eyes trailed down to her smile, ear to ear as she excitedly talked to his sister, her full lips spread across white teeth. 
Ewya, was this Y/N?
Tuk was pulling her towards him now. He lifted his foot to take a step forward, but before he even moved an inch, Lo’ak had her in his arms.
“Y/N!” he shouted excitedly. 
“Oh, Lo’ak!” she exclaimed, returning his hug enthusiastically. It made a quiet rage bloom in Neteyam’s chest, and he shoved it down quickly.
“Wow!” Lo’ak exclaimed, taking a step back, and Neteyam stepped up beside him. Lo’ak threw his elbow forcefully into Neteyam’s side.
Neteyam winced and grabbed his ribs as Lo’ak said, “Y/N sure grew up, didn’t she?”
“Well, we all did, Lo’ak. It’s been five years!” Y/N replied with a soft smile. Even though she was speaking, the beauty of her voice sounded like a song to Neteyam’s ears.
Neteyam raised his hand to his head, touching his fingers to his forehead, and lowered it as he took a step towards Y/N. “Y/N...” he said, but after all these years, words failed him.
He had spent countless nights thinking of Y/N, but never had he imagined her to have such an effect on him when he was finally able to stand in front of her. His mouth felt dry, and his heart was beating out of his chest.
“Neteyam,” Y/N said, returning the gesture. “I’ve missed you.”
She threw her arms around his shoulders, and after only a moment, he wrapped his around her waist. She even smelled lovely, like fresh tapestry and earth, and he took a deep breath.
He would savor this moment forever.
It was a while before I could get Neteyam alone, but I was determined. Something about the look of shock on his face when he first saw me gave me hope.
Had he been missing me too?
After we ate and the excitement began to die down a little as the singing began, I grabbed Neteyam and pulled him from the crowd, into the jungle.
We walked in silence for a while, until I found a familiar spot to sit. It was a large fallen tree next to a small pool of water. We could sit and dangle our legs, our toes just dipping in to the small pool.
“I missed you, Neteyam,” I said finally. Though I had been shy when Neteyam left, five years had made me bold. It felt as if I had to tell him how I felt, or I might stop breathing. “I thought of you often.”
Neteyam smiled, and though much about him had changed, his smile had not. “I missed you as well, Y/N. Lo’ak had to tell me I was not allowed to speak of you anymore... but I still did.”
I glanced away for a moment. “It’s been a long time. You might have... you might have found yourself a woman, while you were gone. I, uh, Ueku has asked me to be his woman, but I-”
Neteyam cut me off. “Ueku! Bah!”
I grabbed his arm, trying not to laugh at the disgusted look on his face. “I told him I would not. Well, that I could not. Neteyam, I have been yours since you left. I wanted to tell you, but you left so fast, I could not.”
His look of anger softened, and his eyes widened in surprise. “You would be my woman, Y/N?”
My lips spread into a wide smile. “I would.” My heart felt as if it might leap out of my chest, and my fingers trembled. I clasped my hands together to steady them.
Neteyam reached over and took my hands into his.
“I have thought of almost nothing but returning and claiming you for my own, since we left. Y/N, you have become more beautiful that I ever could have imagined, and one of our people’s most prized women. I would be honored to have you as my mate.”
The stars swam in front of my eyes, and I reached up and pulled Neteyam’s face to mine, capturing him in a kiss I had waited five years for.
He wasted no time, and lifted me up into his lap so that I was straddling him as he deepened the kiss.
“Teyam,” I moaned into his mouth.
“Paskalin,” he replied in a breathy voice, pulling me even closer to him. His hands roamed my body, up and down my back, and I pushed down onto him, creating friction between us that made him groan into my mouth.
He was kissing me desperately, feverishly, as if we would have to part for another five years after this.
I was equally as desperate as I pushed him back onto the mossy tree, and lay on top of him, stopping to look at him for just a moment.
“I should have come back sooner,” he said with a sly grin, and I laughed.
Leaning down, I pressed my head to his chest to hear his heartbeat - it was quick, to match mine.
“We have all the time we need now,” I whispered, and he wrapped me in a tight hug.
“I will never let you go again,” he whispered, his voice full of determination and reverence.
I believed him.
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sapphicseasapphire · 5 months
Chain as Cryptids au: Huggability
My back hurts, have some comfort! Characters are ranked by who gives the best hugs to the worst hugs, and a little bit of an explanation!
(Under the cut because long)
1. Sky
Do I really need to explain myself? He’s Sky. He’s the softest, sweetest, most cuddly hero to ever exist and we love him for that. He’s kind of known for taking a random hero into his arms, wrapping his mighty wings around them, and then flopping onto the ground and falling asleep. He’s just. So soft. His wings? So warm. Every hero- even Legend, who’s pretty touch averse- would kill to be wrapped up in his crimson feathers. (Eh, except maybe Time. At first). He has a knack for finding whichever Link needs a hug the most and seeking them out.
2. Twilight:
This guy? Is extremely gentle. He’s so incredibly strong but also so incredibly soft. His Hylian hugs are second only to Sky’s, but he also had the added bonus of being a Shapeshifter! One moment, he’s got a Link all wrapped up in his arms and the next, he’s a purring cat on their lap. A wolf wrapped protectively around them. Warm and cuddly and always so careful. Gotta love Twilight.
3. Suprisingly (?), Legend:
Legend’s pretty touch averse most of the time. But when people need him, he’s there. He has so much love in his heart that he keeps bottled up. He has experience, and he has a knack for reading people. He knows exactly what they need.
4. Wind:
Little big brother. He’s surprisingly good at comforting the others and when he wants to be, he’s biggest cuddle bug in the world (second only to Sky, I guess haha). He’s really good at curling up and holding on tight, and he definitely 100% uses his younger age to his advantage. You wouldn’t tell the child to let go, right? You wouldn’t tell the child to get up. Even though, in reality, he’s comforting them more than they’re comforting him. He lets them think that they’re being the strong ones- it’s his little trick haha.
5. Hyrule:
Little guy. His hugs are always warm and gentle since he’s absolutely buzzing with magic. Fairy magic is inherently healing, so even if he’s not actively casting spells, the others are affected by his Good Vibes when they hug him! Having a bad day? Not anymore, Hyrule won’t let it happen. (Disclaimer: when he’s in his True Form, the two inch tall fairy, it isn’t wise for the others to try to hug him. Unless they’re Four and are also two inches tall.)
6. Ravio:
TOUCH STARVED BABY!!! GIVE HIM A HUG!!! Ravio is so eager to be affectionate haha! He kind of jumps directly on top of Legend like all the time, and when be hugs people, be squeezes them tightly as if he’s making up for lost time. While this is comforting to some, it might catch others off guard. I think he should be tied with Hyrule and Four but that’s not how these things work haha.
7. Four:
Four’s hugs are good hugs! They would be higher up on the list if it weren’t for their horns getting in the way. Sky’s go-to move is to rest his chin on peoples’ heads when he cuddles, but the top of Four’s head is deadly. Because they’re shorter than almost everyone in the Chain, the horns will get in the way. It’s no problem! The others can work around them! But they are gonna knock them down a few points. Sorry, Four.
8. Time:
This man. This God. Is so incredibly bad at being social. He’s awkward and not very good at reading social cues. And that’s not because he’s not mortal, it’s because he was raised by a tree. He’s not sure when it’s appropriate to hug the other Links (he’s more confident with Malon and his children), so he just tends to leave them alone. His philosophy, in this and in everything, is that if he gives them space, they’ll eventually come to him. That’s… not always correct. His hugs have great potential- he’s big and gentle- but he can’t give good hugs if he doesn’t give hugs.
9. Wild:
Wild doesn’t really… hug. He’ll sit next to a Link and flop against them. He’ll lean. But he doesn’t quite understand to wrap his arms around, and he doesn’t respond well to someone wrapping their arms around him, feeling trapped. So the leaning is about as close as they’re gonna get haha! And that’s perfectly fine! He’s not heavy (like at all) but he is warm (absolutely buzzing with spirit magic), so he’s always a welcome snuggle buddy. Just as long as he doesn’t try to steal their things while he’s half on top of them haha!
10. Warriors:
I’m sorry, I truly am. He’s a sword. He doesn’t do hugs. And even if he did, his physical form is metallic. Cold and hard and just about the least comforting ever. I love the guy, but this just isn’t his strong suit.
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joels-shitty-puns · 5 months
Kings & Queens
Pairing: Post-Outbreak!Joel Miller x Reader
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Summary: I saw a list of reverse writing tropes, one of which was "too many beds" which I thought was hilarious until my brain went crazy. So here's where my mind went when there are oddly... too many beds.
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: None! This could even be read as platonic.
Other stuff: No descriptors. It can be romantic or friendly. Choose your adventure.
To those of you who are reading this: Thank you! I know I haven't written in months. I have barely even been on here. I want that again, but mentally I just haven't been feeling like much of anything lately. That being said, I saw the trope and I had an idea and quickly scribbled this down. It is short, not my best work, and doesn't have much emotion, but I did it :) To those of you who might also be struggling, I see you! You'll get through this. I hope all my tumblr buddies are doing well. I miss you guys.
It had been nearly a year of patrols with Joel. A year of nasty buildings and hard rocky floors to take shelter for the night, a year of either taking turns on watch, or being stuck sharing the same sleeping bag. Or the same mattress. Your only reprieve was your nice bed in Jackson, which you knew was safe, and warm, and most importantly… yours.
Joel was… alright. You two were friendly at best. But for the most part, it was all business. He didn't like to talk much, and you became tired of receiving looks or grunts when asking about Ellie, or Tommy, or his former life. But you worked well together, you made a good team, and you trusted each other to stay safe. You had run into trouble before, and you always had each other's backs. Words were often left unsaid, but you both knew what you meant to the other.
So when you stumbled upon an abandoned shopping mall while scoping potential areas of left-behind goods, it was a breath of fresh air. Malls could be dangerous with so much ground to cover, and so many potential hiding places and dark corners for the cordyceps to fester.
But the mall could also be a light at the end of the tunnel. A plethora of abandoned items to loot and sell or keep for yourself.
After hours of digging through every nook and cranny, you managed to fill a couple of bags full of items, and planned to make it a regular stop on your raids. But as the time grew later, the long-broken clock didn't tick on, and the windows grew dim, you knew it would be an overnight stay. However, choosing a sleeping spot was becoming exhausting with Joel around.
“I saw a sporting goods store. They probably have some sleeping bags, or maybe even a tent,” you provided.
“Nah, we're indoors. I wanna sleep like I'm indoors,” gruffed Joel.
“Oookay. How about that old food place? I think I saw a conveyer belt in the kitchen, next to the oven! It looks like it was used to make pizza,” you chirped excitedly. “I bet we could set up some blankets and make it like a bed.”
“Look, I know that machinery and oven have been dead for years, but on the off chance there's some malfunction, that just seems like a Final Destination event waitin’ to happen,” Joel shook his head.
“Wow you're difficult..” you huffed. “What if we go into the old children's photography studio and make a fort! The walls are even painted to look like a sky,” you offered with doe-eyes.
Joel just looked at you before grumbling back a “no. My back would kill me. There's gotta be a bed in here somewhere.”
Upon finding an old, faded mall map, Joel studied it before picking up the pace with a clear destination in mind.
He came to a stop in front of “Royal Mattressty.”
You raised a brow before saying “royal… mattress-tea?? What?”
“It's a play on words. Royal majesty.” 
“That's the stupidest thing I ever heard,” you rolled your eyes.
“No, no, it's because mattresses come in Kings, Queens, and-” he broke off at your grimace.
“You're such a dad!” 
The two of you made your way inside, only to find nearly 100 beds. Memory foam, spring, water, reclining… the possibilities were endless.
“WOW!” You squealed, running from bed to bed. “There's too many beds. I can't choose!”
Joel stretched, moving to a bed near the back corner. “I'm gonna set up here for the night. Sleep where y’want,” he gestured.
Sitting on a few different beds, you finally settled on one. A perfect, firm yet soft bed at the far end of the store. It was against a wall, allowing you to still see the door and keep your back safe. Perfect.
But as the night ticked on, you tossed and turned. You weren't at your home in Jackson. This bed was nice… but it wasn't your safe, cozy cabin.
When you aren't home, you're with Joel. All this time you've been wanting space at night, but now you feel scared and alone. Even a bit cold. But Joel was over on his own bed, probably sound asleep. You wouldn't dare take that away from him.
Until what felt like an hour passed.
And then another hour…
Finally, it had been about an hour and a half when you gave in. You wouldn't be getting any sleep at this rate. Fatigue is a dangerous fate when you need to be alert in this world. So you swallowed your pride and walked over to Joel's bed in the far end of the store.
But he wasn't there…
You wandered back, a bit nervous, until you spotted him. Curled up on a mattress only a row away from yours, you saw him blink in the night.
“You moved beds?” you whispered.
“Yeah, there was a draft over there…”
“A draft? In a mall with no electricity and no windows in this store?” You asked skeptically.
“Mmhm…” he grunted, sleepily.
“Sure. Well… turns out there was a draft over in my corner too. Move over,” you nudged.
“Draft, huh?” He wiggled over, letting you in the bed.
“Mmhm…” you mimicked his earlier grunt, settling in next to him.
“Good night Joel,” you whispered.
“G’night,” he replied, pressing his body closer to yours in the king sized bed.
Maybe there is such a thing as too many beds after all.
Thanks for reading!!! Let me know what you think, and be sure to check out my masterlist for more. Reblogs are appreciated! Xoxo
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gerec · 3 months
Do you have any canon movie fics to recommend? (could be canon divergence too)
the best ones of course
Hi Anon,
It's impossible to define 'best ones' when it comes to fic as everyone has their own set of preferences but I'm happy to share some of my personal favourites. :D And this list barely scratches the surface of all the incredible fic we've been blessed with in this fandom so def. do your own search on ao3 and filter for your preferred tropes! Also, feel free to check out some of my previous fic recs posts on my blog for more options! Happy reading!
never too late to be who you might have been by acetamide Erik wakes suddenly and takes a deep breath, and realises that there is nothing.
Replay by SlightWeasel (series) After Magneto of an X2-ish future succeeds in the unthinkable, Charles sends his consciousness back to 1962 to guide Erik away from the path that will lead to the genocide of the human race forty years hence.Charles knows that Erik has always loved him, and intends to use this knowledge + sex to seduce Erik away from his ideals in his youth.There’s no way this well-thought-out, sensible, debugged and 100% bulletproof plan can possibly go wrong.
When We Two Parted by nekosmuse At the end of X3, a still depowered Erik travels back in time to meet 1962 Charles. Cue angst, desperate kissing and happy endings for all. Written for the x-men kink meme.
Lucid Dreaming by listerinezero Magneto finds himself in 1962, on the morning they go to Cuba, in the bed of the young Charles who’d spent months letting him think they were in love before breaking his heart. But he is not the same man he was forty years earlier, and as he gets to know young Charles again, he discovers that things might not have been exactly the way he remembered them after all.
Time to Grow by zarah5 In which you'll find chess dates which aren't dates (or maybe Charles is wrong about that). -- Based on First Class, this turns (slightly) AU during the beach scene.
Not Half As Blinding by keire-ke Cuban beach AU. Charles discovers that death does, in fact, solve everything.
Blood and Steel and Miles Between by dreamlittleyo (Post-movie AU.) On a beach in Cuba, Charles manages to talk Erik down from the edge. But even after the missiles have been diverted, compromise is impossible. There are two different futures to build, and Erik and Charles will always be separated by their principles. But when Charles is kidnapped and the X-Men can't find him, Erik will get him back no matter the consequences.
Homecoming by nekosmuse Five years after they part ways on a beach in Cuba, Charles sends a telepathic message: We are under attack.. Erik drops everything to rush to Charles' side. In which battles are fought, war is avoided, a middle ground is found, and happily ever afters do exist.
how near to fairyland by ikeracity Since childhood, Charles has kept all the things he can't let go of in a beautiful room in his head. Cuba brings his precarious balancing act crashing down.
The Line in the Sand by ikeracity The CIA agents on the base are bullying the children, mocking them for their mutations. Charles will not tolerate it.
Hope by daymarket  A near-decade of hatred can't be wiped out with a single summer, no matter how eventful that summer might be. When Erik shows up uninvited at the mansion, Charles is just barely civil enough to not throw him out, but that doesn't mean he'll let him stay.
Mile High by cygnaut There’s only so much time you can spend sublimating your emotions into chess.
Spark Me Up by blarfkey “This is Erik raw. This is Erik lost. This is Erik looking at Charles like he is the only piece of wreckage in a vast ocean. The only star in the sky.
And such a look does things to Charles.”
After ten years, they are both starving for each other.
third time's the charm by Gerec XMA ficlets and missing scenes
Regrets by SlightWeasel After Apocalypse, Charles and Erik sleep together—but it’s way too soon for Erik.
as it arcs towards the sun by pearl_o
night by night by pearl_o
things worth fearing by pearl_o
Dark Phoenix
After the End of the World (One Bad Day) by kianspo Set during and immediately after the events of X-Men: Dark Phoenix. Everyone deals with the aftermath of Jean's transformation and everything that comes with it in their own way. Could there be found a measure of peace and happiness after everything they've lost?
Never a Place by kianspo It takes some getting used to. Charles hasn’t seen Erik cheerful, actually cheerful without a homicidal intent of some sort in a very long time—perhaps never. Or. Charles takes Erik up on his offer while trying to process everything. Erik is remarkably patient until he isn't.
rue de la paix by Ireliss Post Dark Phoenix. Charles, Erik, and the winding road towards peace.
The First Move by TurtleTotem Charles and Erik live together now, in Genosha. They get up together, spend the day together. And then... go to sleep in their separate beds.
Charles is going quietly crazy.
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anemoi-i · 3 months
On Venti "sleeping"... & why it doesn't make him a bad Archon, nor does it mean he doesn't listen to the prayers of Mondstadters.
After the fall of Decarabian, it is common knowledge that Barbatos departed afterwards because he did not wish to become a tyrant as he was and did not wish to actively rule over Mondstadt. He would awake during the Aristocracy and the cries of the people once again having their freedoms taken away from them by the Laurence Clan.
There are arguments such as Venti let this happen. No, Venti chose to believe in humanity and that Mondstadt would remain a free nation, and that decision [believing in humanity] betrayed him, which is far more tragic than him "letting it happen" on purpose. These arguments also carry the same rhetoric which, with what little we have to go off of, can be disproven:
Venti's sleeps are voluntary.
Venti does not listen to the prayers of Mondstadters.
& other rhetoric that falls under these two categories and/or are similar.
The nature of Barbatos' slumber and the conditions for it is unclear. What is clear is that it isn't simply Barbatos choosing to take a nap for a couple of thousands of years because he doesn't want to do his job. It is the opposite, in which he believes that allowing Mondstadters to live freely without his rule is the best option, but still influences and provides support in a way that is not oppressive. On his slumbers, though, there is nothing stopping Barbatos from staying awake and pretending to be a normal person, so why must he sleep? It has to be something along the lines of being involuntary, even if it is only partial.
Barbatos slumbered again, this time awakening when Durin attacked:
But at last, calamity came upon this land. The songs that had once flown joyfully in the wind were drowned by a venomous dragon. In the wake of its earth-shaking footsteps, even the cries and the flames were ripped asunder. The Anemo Archon heard their agony, though he had refused to rule. But to protect his old friends' dream, and defend the wind-kissed fields of green, He woke from his long slumber anew, and with the sky dragon in battle he flew... - Elegy of the End
Now, after Durin attacked, both Barbatos and Dvalin fell into a deep slumber after the grueling battle. Dvalin was tainted with Abyssal Blood that seeped into his teeth after biting into Durin's neck, and would rest at Old Mondstadt. Barbatos would attempt to cure his friend during the beginning of the main story, which is also known. However, it is important to note that Barbatos has always awoken when Mondstadt needed him most, and he does not ignore the cries of the people.
So, let's just say I am wrong and his sleep is strictly voluntary: Whether or not his sleep is revealed to be 100% voluntary in the future, there are several facts that remain evident: he is always awoken when the situation is dire (which would imply that Barbatos being awake now means that there is something else that needs the attention of the Anemo Archon, but this is strictly speculative) and that the reason he even awakens is because he has heard the cries of the people, which contradicts the main argument that he does not care or listen.
Barbatos called upon the winds of the far-flung past in the Weinlesefest event and successfully reminded Razor, Rosaria, Diluc (and Kaeya by proxy) of heartfelt memories and calls the people of Mondstadt his children. He is implied to have helped Callirhoe, a Oceanid travel to Springvale after she could not find a safe haven to live in during the Waterborne Poetry event. His first incentive was always to purge the Abyssal Corruption from Dvalin and did not (and would not have) idly sat by and let his friend be corrupted. It was Dvalin who formed a likeness for the Anemo Archon first.
Now, does that truly sound like a God that does not care, does not listen and does not hold his people dear to him? I think not.
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sass-squat · 1 year
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Part 3 of the Linked Universe Winged Au! As requested, this time around we got our favorite wolf man, Twilight!
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Did you know that Ravens are actually oftentimes called Wolf Birds? This is because Ravens are known for their symbiotic relationship with wolves! Ravens typically help guide wolves to meals and get to eat as well in return. They are also known to "adopt" wolves and even play with them as they grow up.
Anyways, it should be pretty obvious why Twilight is a Raven in my headcanon. Mainly because of the irony of the wolf man now being a wolf bird, but also because I believe that the typical Raven behaviors and characteristics fit his character as a whole.
Throughout Twilight Princess, he is shown to be very good with children to the point where the people in Ordon Village all practically adopt him and he becomes a big brother figure for their children in return. In the Linked Universe, he often looks out for all of his fellow Links in a big brother-like fashion regardless of if they are older or younger than him. So while Twilight may or may not be able to turn into a wolf in this au, I headcanon that everyone he connects and forms bonds with become his "wolves" that he watches over just as any other Raven would.
As far as physical characteristics and flying abilities, I believe that Twilight is pretty decent! Ravens are known to be excellent acrobatic flyers and are actually deceptively fast compared to other birds. On top of that, Ravens are known for being able to fly about 100 miles a day! So while Twilight isn't as talented in the sky as well...Sky, he is still a very good flier and is definitely one of the best in the group.
Anyways, that was a short summary of Twilight's lore for this Winged Au! Kudos to those who read it all! As requested, coming up next will be our favorite little shorty, Four!
As always, let me know if you have any requests for who or what you would like to see! Thank you all for your kind words and encouragement!
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ms-scarletwings · 11 months
Endearing through the Alien Lens: A Clue About the Primitive Irken?
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I love literary xenobiology. I love it a whole lot, in fact. There’s a paradoxical line I dance across, between criticizing intelligent fictional aliens for their likeness to our species, and criticizing them for their unlikeness. It’s a pretentious and laughable dance between “Come on, the sky’s the limit, there’s no real reason for a bucket of different extraterrestrial races to just all be more flavors of quirky humanoids! Boring, show me something actually alien!!” and the yearn for the use of alien races as a funhouse mirror of mankind’s own evolution. I think the way Irkens nonchalantly dwell somewhere on that subjective tightrope is a good part of why I can’t seem to stop thinking about them.
They are inspired and yet creatively original. They are truly alien, and yet, they can still play foil to the bottomlessly decadent humanity that Vasquez’s Earth has set the stage for.
Before, in the very first brain dump I let loose about them, I noted a few of their parallels to the worst in Homo sapiens and the insects they resemble. This time, something is chewing on me that i haven’t seen another put into perspective. A something that seems contradictory to our collective view of the heartless, sexless, atomized conquerors that all of the cosmos will fear:
They… have parental instincts.
I didn’t necessarily say drives or wants; however, they undeniably havewhat seems to be an actual, instinctual “cuteness response”. Like us, like social pack animals which invest a great deal of resources and time into their young. Given that the closest thing that 100% of smeets born on the home world get to call a parental figure is a literal cold, unfeeling, automated machine, this seems kind of weird, doesn’t it? They’re not even born like mammals or nested like birds, they’re mass produced, like hived wasps or ants, miles beneath their actual society and out of the business of the adults. So, what the heck with them being written to be humanized with this baseless, arbitrary trait?
But, ah ah ah, nitpicker Scarlet, it’s not baseless. It’s only ✨vestigial✨
Y’all could probably make a good guess to what the cuteness response is and why it exists in Homo sapiens, but to sum up- it’s the phenomenon of when we see something we find “cute” and it makes us react to it in a protective, nurturing fashion- or also want to bite/squeeze things, weirdly, if it’s just too damn cute. Well, what do humans find cute? Things that resemble human infants, basically. It’s a biological reflex that makes us want to defend and provide care for our kind’s absurdly dependent and slow-developing young, rather than abandon them in the shrubbery like they’re just screamy, food-leeching paperweights.
“Pff, really? Well I must be special cause I don’t even LIKE babies. I think babies are icky gross, not cute! So, genetic instinct my ass!”
I hear you, sure, but what about… harp seals? Or koalas, or pandas and puppies and fawns and kittens? Or funny little cartoon blorbos? At bare minimum you’d have to be an alien yourself to feel nothing looking at photos of young hedgehogs
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See, the fact that a lot of us may often find baby animals a great amount more endearing than even humans’ is not even in conflict with this understanding of cuteness.
The concept of the “baby schema” was formally proposed in 1943 by Konrad Lorenz, an Austrian ethologist. Fun fact is he was also the same researcher who originally observed and described imprinting behaviors, as seen in newly hatched waterfowl. Point is that his “Kindchenschema” idea grouped together a handful of infantile traits that make fireworks go off in the parts of your brain that wants to keep things alive and baby-talk to them. Included on the list were features like proportionally large heads, big eyes, round faces, short noses, etc. despite the name, the baby schema’s effect is something applied not to just actual babies, but children generally, and even in our reactions to non-human animals.
It’s the hypothesis behind both why we’ve jacked up the skulls of so many small dog breeds in the name of aesthetics and why we generally find the portraits on the left side of this image more appealing to look at than the ones on the right.
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The consistency of these features across many species may also give some hint that they experience a similar phenonemon, especially given that these are traits shared among bird or mammalian offspring which require significant attention and protection to survive. And, it may also explain why this image likewise gives me a huge dose of that sweet, sweet response.
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Awww, look at that lil’ mans! Look at his teeny noodle arms!! I just wanna pinch him like a marshmallow!
YOU are not immune to cuteness psychology, and neither are the proud Irken warriors. I’m going to cite Zim’s proclivity to what I can only describe as paternal bonding as a demonstration of this response, but before you go reminding me about his pak defects, it’s far from the only evidence that this is a natural Irken trait.
Check out little Timmy (importantly, the surrounding response to him), a hilariously out of place youngster who appeared briefly in the trial transcript for the sole purpose of a dark gag and to get us some lore revealed.
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Take further note of the complimentary nature of smeets themselves.
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Suddenly finding themselves alive, fresh Irken babies too, like the hatched gosling, begin to immediately seek an emotional attachment with the first animate thing they see. While mobile and fast learners, smeets are far from being able to truly fend for themselves. They’re tiny and naive and they need lots of mental enrichment/teaching. They also play and form something akin to friendships, much like human children. In the bygone era before Irkens were so reliant on Paks and all of the advanced technology of the modern empire, smeets would have been exceedingly vulnerable. All signs point to a phase in Irk’s natural history where they were once nurtured after by adults of their own kind, and commonly bonded with their caretakers. This could mean compact family units, or maybe even a communal raising situation, akin to penguin crèches (Personally I like to headcanon that the tallests/queens were traditionally the only breeding members of the population but that’s neither here or now). Either sense, the evolutionary remnants of a parental creature are still around.
Taking all that to note, instead of perceiving Zim as the bizarre outlier to the Irken condition when it comes to having this soft spot, I instead see him as an opportunity to see natural behaviors in action without the suppression of his militarized society and its distractions. Even someone as warped and selfish as he can be is still very, very full of love to give that he doesn’t even understand enough language to describe. He pretty clearly shows he has no cultural understanding or reference of cuteness, and still, he’s not so different in this “weakness” than the very humans he manipulated into fawning over Ultra Peepi. It just took an example his own sensibilities could relate to instead of an unfamiliar, repulsive alien rodent.
And when he’s given the rare circumstance to show that potential, well-
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*(With the rough shape/size down, no nose, and huge, bug-like eyes, Li’l Meat man may actually be a great approximation of the key “smeet schema” features. More importantly, it was made to specifically resemble Zim himself)
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- I feel that’s downright adorable.
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the-air-nomad · 1 year
Burning Destiny (part.2)
part 1 : https://www.tumblr.com/the-air-nomad/719741684747059200/burning-destiny?source=share
part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/the-air-nomad/721589459145080832/burning-destiny-part-3?source=share
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  How many years had passed? 3 or 4? You didn't even know anymore. The town where you hid was suspended in time, it seemed as if the 100-year war had not existed. This state was due to the lack of resources that made it unimportant both for the Fire Nation and for the Earth Kingdom. People were peaceful and welcoming to the rare visitors who ventured into their corner of the world.Although you appreciated the kindness of the townspeople, you always complained to Agni about the endless monotony. Every day you went to the market, then to the school where you worked as a teacher, then home.
            It was a new day and you had just gotten out of bed. Confused, you looked out the window and noticed that the Sun was not yet in the sky. You were sure you heard a child crying. You slowly left the house and looked at the street. Not far from your house, a small child is staring in amazement at a boy no older than 12 years old. You thought it was just Li and his younger brother Taro and that the two of them were sneaking into your house to play a prank on you. Remembering that the last time they did this you lost an eyebrow you headed towards them wanting to scare them.You threw yourself at the older boy managing to immobilize him and pull his hat off his head to pull his ears. Both you and the boys screamed. The two were scared of you and you were scared of the blue arrow that adorned the head of the young man in your arms. The Avatar! You knew Agni hates you! If he is here, it means that the Fire Nation is not far away! You quickly send the smaller boy to his house and push the avatar towards your house.
 Y/N: what are you doing here?! You're crazy?! The Fire Nation will destroy the whole city to find you!
 Aang: Um, me and my friends stopped by to get some supplies ma'am..
 Y/N: my name is Y/N, I'm one of the teachers in this town. I will help you stock up, but as soon as you do, you and your friends will leave. We have a deal?
       The boy approves energetically and then bows respectfully. Y/N helps him cover his arrow and then they leave together for the market. There they meet two panicked teenagers dressed in Watertribe clothes. Y/N sighs, no wonder the Fire Nation always finds these kids. They don't even bother to change their clothes to blend in better with the crowd. The teenagers run towards the avatar looking suspiciously at the y/h/c woman. Y/N quickly explained the plan to them. She quickly buys them a good amount of food and other goods that could be useful to them on their journey. Then the woman offers them a bag with a reasonable amount of silver coins. The children hug her gratefully but she tells them that she is just trying to do her part in winning the war and advises them to run away quickly. You agreed to help them carry the supplies to their bison to make sure they would actually leave. There you met a small girl dressed in the clothes of the Earth Kingdom who seemed on the edge between panic and anger. The girl comes towards you and taps her foot accusingly. 
Toph: what took you so long?! we have to leave quickly! The crazy princess and her even crazier friends are close. i feel the komodo rhinos approaching.
 Y/N: Azula?! Run away from here immediately! 
        In a few minutes, the bison rises to the sky, and the noise of an angry Komodo rhino pierces the silence of the forest. The y/h/c woman tried to run away but it was too late as a circle of blue fire surrounded her. 
Azula: what else do we have here? who are you peasant?
 Y/N giggled bitterly. She takes a deep breath in her chest and turns to the princess. 
Y/N: let's just say I'm not exactly a peasant my dear
 The princess's face falls to the ground. All of a sudden, more expressions appear on her face than she has in years: insecurity, amazement, sadness, anger, happiness. The older woman looks at her with a broken smile and opens her arms in anticipation. The young woman throws herself into her arms and gives her a tight hug. Y/N sighs and returns the hug.Ty Lee and Mai also arrive and look at the scene in front of them confused. Then they analyze you and finally recognize you. Ty Lee quickly runs towards you and tries to join the hug but Azula angrily pushes her away then hugs you again. Y/N gives the girls an apologetic look and orders them to set up camp. After a few minutes, Azula moves away from you and begins to interrogate you. You sigh, feeling like you're talking to the old Ozai, this girl doesn't know how much she really resembles her father. But you hope that she will not go down the same path of destruction that her father decided to go down. You stop her talking with a wave of your hand. She blushes slightly and then regains the dangerous calm that is so characteristic of Fire Nation nobles. 
Y/N: let's just say I needed a break from all the stress of the Palace. I have no excuse for my actions, and my only regret is that I felt like I left you alone. I know Zuko had Iroh, and your father deserved to spend some time and rethink his actions. But, I'm afraid that Ozai applied the tactic of blaming any other people besides himself.
 Azula: You're saying my father was the reason you left? But why? He did nothing wrong!
 Y/N: let's say that the two of us had some adult arguments. You are too young to understand, believe me.
 Azula: I'm sure you'll sort everything out when we get to the palace. 
Y/N: that's all I could wish for.
            The journey to the palace was fast and tiring. Azula was getting more and more impatient with each passing day. If at first Y/N thought about a possible escape, an idea she gave up because she didn't want to hurt the three girls, then she reconciled with the idea that she would at least have a chance to roast Ozai a little for the Agni Kai with Zuko. Someone has to take the place of Ozai's heart until she returns from vacation, that is if she didn't die with Lu Ten. Y/N was starting to think that the second option was the most plausible of the two.
          Arriving at the palace, Ty Lee and Mai went to their rooms and Azula hid Y/N in her rooms. Y/N tried to rest but that was almost impossible with all of Azula's talk. Y/N had already noticed from the trip that no one had paid attention to Azula, only to the wonder princess. The good part was that now Y/N knew everything that had happened in her absence. The bad part was that the only way Azula knew how to show her affection was to report all the useful information and do anything else despicable to get recognition. Okay, maybe there was another bad part. Azula had become worryingly paranoid, Y/N had noticed how Azula tentatively smelled and tasted her food before letting her eat, how she eyed the guards suspiciously, how she seemed to check on her every few minutes to make sure she hadn't disappeared.
          After a few days in which Y/N ​​tried with all her might to make Azula a little more relaxed, the day of truth arrived. Now she was outside the Fire Lord's chambers waiting for Azula to leave so she could enter. Azula had insisted on breaking the news to Ozai but Y/N didn't want to risk that psychopath venting his anger on Azula because of her actions. Azula left the room and told Y/N she could come in. Y/N stopped thinking and entered. Ozai was sitting at his desk reading a scroll. He didn't even bother to look up and said boredly: 
Ozai: I hope you have a very good reason to bother me, Minister of Agriculture 
Y/N: I look like an old man struggling to walk without a cane, Ozai?
           Ozai gets up from the desk and for a few moments looks at the woman as if he saw Agni before him. The woman rolls her eyes but bites a sharp remark from her tongue. There are more important things than her pride at stake. She knows Ozai and knows that he is not extremely difficult to handle if you know what strings to pull. Ozai approaches her like a predator who doesn't want to lose his prey. She looks at him the way the old dragon tamers looked at a wild dragon. Yes, if she has to die, she will die fighting because she is a firebending master and is no longer afraid of burning herself.If the price to protect Azula and the rest of the world from this monster is her life, then she will pay it with a smile.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it. please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see my next posts! Don’t forget that the request are open💖💖💨
You can buy me a coffe if you want:  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
Tell me if you want part 3!
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coatl-cuddles · 1 month
PLEASE infodump to me, how do we know for a fact the skiddo in the trailers and concert is the prince? I am starved for Alef lore
💫 HAYYY~~~~ 💫
I will GLADLY info dump about my favorite sky kids!!
Obligatory nothing is absolutely confirmed in sky unless stated by creators since there's no dialogue. So lots of stuff is always up to interpretation.
Howeverrrr the likelihood of Alef being the sky kid we see is essentially 99.9%!!
So here we go!!!
First thing to note is that the spirit from isle and the concert is totally the same Sky Kid. And we can tell thanks to MAMA Spirit! Or well- the adoptive mama spirit! More specifically... the adoptive mama spirit who unfortunately dies :(
One of the FIRST spirits in the game is a feminine looking ancestor with a relatively high pony tail, who discovers a fallen sky child (likely to be Alef)! This occurs in the Isle of Dawn!
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Then, in the concert, we get a similar looking spirit ( high ponytail ) who ALSO took in a sky child-- who dies tragically :( leaving the sky child orphaned and alone.
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Granted it is a different body type!!! But considering the amount of retcons and redesigns of areas / updates to the game around this time I'll look past it for now. But regardless, ponytail stays the same.
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And of course lastly is our mama from the trailers with our Dawn Ember :(
Who is also wearing a bag on her shoulders like the aurora spirit (you can see the rope strap!)- and who also tragically loses her life as confirmed by TGC during the anniversary livestream. This can be found when they state it's the tale of two ORPHANS... implying our Dawn Ember does not have a guardian. Or at least not anymore. (Which also implies our Dusk Ember/The Stewards parents who gave him the butterfly pendant ALSO die, but that's for another time)
Something to note is that Sky Kids and ancestors are NOT the same race. They are completely different. Ancestors do have children!! But Sky Kids are a separate thing.
And they're rare.
Very rare.
So rare in fact that it's heavily believed by the fandom that Alef/Resh was the FIRST sky kid.
So the likelihood of two different pony tailed ancestors (who live in the Isle of Dawn AND who die tragically) adopting a sky kid is SUPER UNLIKELY!
So that's how we vaguely know it's the SAME Sky kid. BUT!! Most importantly, we know the Sky Kid is Alef forrrrr kinda shallow reasons, but they hold water!!! So it counts!!!
Which is basically to sayyyy... Dawn Ember is wearing a baby version of King Resh's mask.
So like- not the most GROUND BREAKING lore reveal. But---
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That's our favorite star prince right there!
Also the implication that he got the extra four points AFTER prophecy, explains why as a kid he only has the main 4 points at the top and sides. Plus he already has suspiciously placed "cracks" in his mask where the 4 other points will come out of. That's our baby boy for sure!!!
Obviously, this isn't concrete proof of tgc just going HEY that's Alef!
However, for a game with zero dialogue and the most complex game of charades ever, this is basically as good as it's gonna get when it comes to tying everything together!
Also his name is Dawn.
Dawn Ember. For isle of Dawn. Which took me until 5 minutes ago to realize.
Which explains a lot, because we've all been kinda side eyeing the names like why tf did they name Hopeful Steward the Dusk Ember. But, if they're naming them off of AREAS and not literally the day/night motif that makes sense. Especially since a ton of Dusk Embers trailer scenes seem to take place in Wasteland, which the devs call the Dusk area. Despite him probably being from prairie or aviary village.
So badabing badaboom that's our baby boy right there!!! 3 different ways. 3 different flavors!!! All for the sake of mama spirit dying. Tragic. But that's our boy alrighttttt yayyy!!!!!!!!
Watch me be totally 100% wrong and all the fanart make zero sense a couple months from now. BUT IM DYING ON THIS HILL (for now!)
🎉🎉 That's our Prince right there!! 🎉🎉
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bokettochild · 11 months
Hello, Ketto
I have had two of your concepts/ideas pinging around my brain in a manner vaguely reminiscent of the logo screensavers. So I’m asking a question in the hopes that vibes will solidify into actual plot bunny or that maybe brain will be satisfied and let it go for a bit.
Chain and birth order dynamics:
Wind and Twilight are oldest siblings
Time and Hyrule are baby siblings
Where do the others fall? Is Sky the weird combination of “whatever he needs to be” since he’s a ward of the academy/Gaepora?
Is Legend an oldest, middle, youngest or only?
I’ve read 😅 way too many versions of people’s backstories to remember.
So, funny story! I actually was exploring this concept in a fic that has been giving me troubles since I sat down to write it T-T
I wanted to write a fic about Wind big-brothering the chain into taking care of themselves but the boy rambles and I feared it would become tedious to read. Unfortunately, that's why I never post any of the stories I write about or from Wind or Wild's perspectives; they won't shut up and I can't make them speak more concisely.
Long story short though! Wind was going to sort of dig into the temperament and behavior of each hero and started to go "clearly a middle child, that one's a youngest, good golly Time you are 100% obviously the baby of your family" to himself. It felt sort of weird when writing it, but it also seems to have potential now that I've reread it.
I classify Twilight, Warriors, and Wind as Eldest children, Time and Hyrule as Youngest kids, and Legend and Wild fall into the middle-sibling category (I'll expound on that in the story if you all would like me to write it again). Wind classifies Four as a single-child (the irony) who is still adapting to having siblings out of nowhere, and is utterly innocent of how accurately he's assessed the smithy.
As for his methods of forcing them to take care of themselves, I have a snippet of one of my many drafts below if you want
“From now on, if you say or do anything self-deprecating or otherwise diminishing to your value as a person, which yes, includes throwing yourself into the way of a weapon to save someone who’s got it handled,” back comes the stern voice, just for Wild, who only cocks a brow back at Wind in a challenge (yeah, middle or eldest sibling for the champion, one of those), “then you have to add a rupee to the jar.” 
  The vet scowls at him- an expression that is more mature, but not too very far from Aryll’s pouts when he scolds her. “And why should we go along with that? You’re not the boss of us, Wind, we’re adults.” 
  The sailor crosses his arms, staring over at the vet sternly. “Because if we do this, then Hyrule’s not allowed to call himself lesser than the rest of us.”  
  The vet’s ears twitch forwards, treacherously curious. 
  “Because if we do this, Wild isn’t allowed to throw himself in danger.” 
  Twilight and Time both sigh in relief (they all do, but those two are the most noticeable). 
  “Because if you all go along with this, Warriors isn’t allowed to hide his problems in a bottle.” 
  The captain thinks he is sly, but Wind knows, and it appears the man hadn’t expected that as his gaze darts away shamefully. Time looks even more relieved though; both he and Wind have been watching since the war, they know. 
  “Because Legend doesn’t get to refuse help when he’s in enough pain to cry.” 
  Hyrule is the one pricking up this time. 
  “Because Twilight won’t be allowed to take on everyone’s problems and bottle up his own.” 
  Wild’s turn to sigh in relief, to glance at his mentor in worry as Twilight avoids his gaze.  
  “And Four can’t bottle everything up and yell at himself in the woods instead of talking to someone about his problems rather than the air.” 
  Unlike the others, the smithy actually just looks insulted, but while the shortest hero does open his mouth to protest, he closes it a moment later with a hiss of frustration, crossing his arms. Yeah, single child. He isn’t used to other people calling him out unless they are leaders like Time or adults like his grandfather. 
  Wind isn’t done though. “And Sky?” Crystal eyes meet his, curious and a bit confused. “This means you don’t get to agonize over whatever nonsense has been eating you and not get help. It’s making you depressed and your sleeping habits are reflecting that.” 
  People who sleep a lot are usually only ill, injured, or depressed in Wind’s experience, and while he knows there are such things as sleeping disorders, he’s snitched some of Four’s books and none of them mention anything that matches whatever is up with Sky. Depression though.... Tetra had slept a whole lot when she’d been trying to come to grips with her self-image and identity after their adventure, and the constant exhaustion through that time is a close match for Sky’s own behavior. 
  “Alright.” It’s Warriors who speaks, stepping up to take the lead and meeting Wind’s eye with a nod. “I won’t lie, I don’t like the idea of all of you fussing over me, but if this means the rest of you will be getting help, which yes, Wind, I do mean you too, then I’m game.” 
  The sailor chuckles. This isn’t a roll your eyes and huff in annoyance moment, this is a peacemaker moment. They are negotiating with the others, he needs to set an example and be mature. “I was planning on including myself, Wars. If I need help, I’ll ask, but if one of you thinks I’m failing to take care of myself you can call me on it, and if the others agree I’ll pay up just the same as you will.” 
  And that seems to do it. There’s some debate about it of course, Legend and Wild putting up the most fight about it (them being the worst at self-care as he’s seen) but eventually all cave at the promise of their brothers actually taking care of themselves, which is what Wind was counting on. 
  Rules are set of course, by Twilight’s insistence. “We can’t just punish each other for whatever we want, there needs to be ground rules and boundaries, even if they’re just a loose framework to reference.” The rancher insists. 
  That goes uncontested, so Warriors pulls out one of his notebooks and Legend one of his pens and, because Wild’s handwriting is the best, they all gather around the Champion and consider rules together. 
  In the end, they have nine. 
Rule 1: Self-deprecating comments regarding skills, the worth of a person and/or the validity of their life will result in a 20 rupee fine and extensive cuddles 
Rule 2: Blatant self-neglect (i.e. refusing to eat, refusing to sleep, not tending injuries or allowing help with injuries, lack of bathing/basic hygiene etc.) will result in both a 15 rupee fine and someone helping to ensure basic needs are met 
Rule 3: Self-injury and/or allowance of injury through purposeful carelessness in battle or throwing of self in the way of danger will result in a 20 rupee fine and a long talk 
Rule 4: Joking comments regarding a lack of self-worth will result in a 5 rupee fine 
Rule 5: Ask for help.  
Rule 6: The group must be in agreement regarding fines and consequences whenever an offence is made (with the exception of the accused) 
Rule 7: All money in the ‘care jar’ will go towards the group and will not be kept by any one person 
Rule 8: If someone believes they have not been judged fairly in regards to punishment they will be allowed to contest their sentence and defend themself without interruption or correction (all comments/questions will be saved for the end of the explanation) 
Rule 9: If someone hits a depressive state, punishment will be with-held and will be instead replaced with discussion in order to not further aggravate the deteriorated mental state 
  The last one is something Wild adds himself, but no one contests it; it’s a good one. Personally, Wind thinks it’s a good list in general, and he knows the others agree. Legend and Wild specifically look relieved when he suggests the eighth rule, which makes sense. He knows those two don’t have a great record with being allowed to speak up for themselves in certain regards. The champion has only hinted at being made to be silent, but they all know about the vet’s criminal record and how it resulted from misunderstandings he was never allowed to clear. 
  Once done, the list is carefully pasted to what Hyrule has aptly titled the ‘care jar’ and the thing is slipped back into Wind’s bag for the night, waiting (hopefully for a long while yet) to be pulled out for the first offence. 
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heartilywrites · 2 months
Hiii how are you? Can i request a korra fic with a reader who is the princess of the earth kingdom? Like korra met her during a mission in the earth kingdom and they got closer and reader expressed that she’d rather be out there helping the world with korra than stay stuck in the castle but her father would never allow it? So they end up secretly dating 😱😱
،، 𝓞ur love is dahlia ; Korra
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request guide | masterlist
resume: where you found hope in the avatar.
content warning: just fluff ; Korra x fem!reader ; eye color description (since r is an earthbender) ; r is the crowned princess of the earth kingdom ; no use of y/n
wc: 2.5k
a/n: i swear my hands were twitching to write your request since i got it cus i read it when dahlia by g-idle was playing and it fitted so well with this,,, so if you're one to read with music i do recommend to listen to that song because is 100% based on that hehe. THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING, LOVE, ENJOY:D
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“ I’m drunk on a flower called you. No matter what they say, I’ll choose to love you anyway.
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Most children dream of being part of the monarchy. Wear fancy clothes to fancy events, always eating delicious foods made by private chefs and show off the most expensive pieces of jewelry the royal family had inherited with each generation.
You felt as if being born as a royal you had already won the lottery, at least that's what everyone had been telling you since you could remember. "Be grateful to be from golden cradle" was almost a daily reminder everyone says your way, but it didn’t feel like that to you. Your parents were so used to overprotect you that they forgot how it was important for one to learn how to defend themselves out in the world.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “The world out there is dangerous,” the king said. “You don't need to see it, you're fine here.”
That was usually his answer everytime you asked to go out, to you it felt as they were trapping you from knowing the truth of the outside. How were you supposed to rule the kingdom when they didn't allow you to see it?
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “The avatar is here, Your Majesty.” a voice announced, making you suddenly interested again in whatever was going on in the room.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Great! Let her in.” your father allowed, everyone composed themselves. Suddenly your dress had wrinkles you were getting rid of with your hands.
A small group of four entered the room lead by the most beautiful girl your eyes had ever laid on. The air got caught on your lungs when her sky colored eyes crashed with yours, it was as if someone had punched you in the stomach and your face grew warm when she smiled at you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Your Majesty.” she talked, bowing slightly to the man walking to her with a big smile. Her voice sent a wave of chills down your spine.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Avatar Korra! We are so honored to have you here!” he said giggling a little, he called you by name two times as you were hypnotized to the point of being distracted, when you arrived by his side he introduced you. “The crown princess. Darling, this is avatar Korra.”
Such an uncomfortable bow you gave to her when your nervous were starting to get to you. “It is a pleasure meeting you, avatar Korra.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “The... The honor is mine, Your Highness.” voice sounding as if she just ran a marathon, a couple of seconds of silence felt as if it was an eternity looking at such distracting eyes, almost like they were trying to decipher each other.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You may leave us, honey, we're going to discuss some important things.” the king tried to dismiss you, your eyebrows furrowed a little.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Shouldn't I be here, father? After all, I'm supposed to be taking your–.” mossy green eyes turned to look at you, dark and determined.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Be obedient and go with your mother, princess, she is in need of your help.” you took a step back and nodded.
You bowed both to him and to the group of new arrivals after almost running to the queen's side, who took your hand to reassure you, you both walked out the throne room.
For the remaining of the day, your mind was taken by the thought of the girl you met. How her eyes shined so beautifully thanks to the light of the room, wondering if they would look different under natural light. How she smelled like ocean breeze, her scent felt almost familiar, as if it was nostalgic to you. And Korra was just like you or worse, at her meeting she hardly put attention to what the king was saying, her eyes and expressions were in the room, but her mind was on you. How your emerald eyes were sweet, innocent, nothing like the ones the man infront of her had. How you looked so shy, but at the same time well composed with an intimidating aura to anyone who looked at you. How you had a faint scent of wet earth that she adored and thought if there would be a way she could be by your side again to memorize every detail your face had; almost as if you could read her mind, being careful to not be seen by your father or someone on his close circle, you had invited yourself to the avatar's temporary housing when you saw your father wandering the palace and was notified the reunion with the girl had finished.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Your Highness!?” she exclaimed in a whisper, blinking surprised. You turned around after closing the door.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Avatar Korra.” her name fell your mouth like butter, she had to fight to not smile like a teenager in love. “I'm sorry to interrupt like this, it's just... I... Uhm, I felt like we didn’t get to know each other like we're supposed to.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh...” the girl felt her own face starting to heat up. “You... Want to get to know me?”
An almost desperate nod was given by you. “I live here in captivity, I'm not allowed to see anything or meet anyone outside the palace.” your feet moved to seat beside the avatar. “And I thought... Well, since you are the avatar, I'm sure you had seen the world and... Maybe we can be friends.”
Blue eyes looked at you with compassion to your sudden confession, she knew exactly the feeling you described, she had been in your shoes before and knew how frustrating it was to be kept away from the world she was supposed to know.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “At some point you will be the Earth Queen, won't you?” she started, your eyes sparkled with emotion. “I'm sure we can make an arrangement with you while I'm here for a mission.”
The way your whole face lit up made Korra smile big, burning such beautiful sight in her core memory as you hugged her with excitement and giggling. A minute later, you realized what you were doing and were quick to distance yourself.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I apologize, I got too excited.” your face felt hot and your eyes looked down your hands. One of hers rested on top of yours and when you looked up again, a sweet smile met your gaze.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Don't apologize, Your Highness, I liked it.” to such confession, both your and her face heated up to its limit.
The next days by Korra's side were the most exciting time you had in your life. She was teaching you what she knew about the nations, Republic City and anything she could think of that would be important for you to know. One of your meetings was fully her teaching you new earthbending moves since you just knew the basics, but not enough to defend yourself and she praised you saying how you were a quick learner and a great student.
Now laying down in the grass, Korra and you were looking at the stars scattered all over the night sky, pointing constellations you could see and recognize.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You know, Korra?” your voice called for her attention. “This days by your side has to be the only time I have truly felt alive.”
Ice blue gaze fought with the emerald on your orbs at such words, a smile started to paint her lips. “I'm glad to bring happiness to you, princess.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I would love to go with you and help out there,” you whispered, Korra turned to rest on her stomach, closer to you. “To help my people... To be by your side as much as I'm allowed to.”
Your hand reached to her face which leaned to your touch, a sweet smile adorned your face now and you were witness to how the blue eyes you grew so quick to adore softened to your sight.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Maybe one day we can be together.” she whispered back, hoarsely. Korra leaned more to you to the point of having her nose brush yours. “Hope is the last thing one loses, princess, if we keep that flame alive I'm sure we will find our way.”
The feel of her lips claiming yours was better of what you've dreamed before, you felt tingles on your own lips and you were so sure your heart was so close to escape your chest and land on her feet. Amaze by the way Korra had brought such amount of joy to you, how you were finally feeling that kind of love you had read about on the dozens of novels after wondering if you could ever feel that. And there you were, feeling loved romantically by someone, feeling desired in such a sweet way, your first love finally and probably the only one as you had already extended your heart fully to her.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “We are grateful for your hospitality, Your Majesty.” Korra said to your father with an ephemeral smile. “I'm also glad we were able to come to an agreement.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I am too!” your father smiled, he turned his gaze away from her for a moment. “I hope you found your stay here pleasant.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I assure you I did.” her eyes now were fixated on you, winking your way that made you smile. “Hopefully I will be back soon enough.”
When he turned back to her, both of you returned to your original stand. “We will be glad to have you back, right, honey?” he was talking your way now.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “We will, avatar,” your eyes tried to burn the memory of her face in your brain now that she was leaving. “You know you have a place always with us any time you need it.” Korra felt like she was about to melt.
Even with distance between you, the communication never broke.
Korra had bought a messenger falcon to which she showed a way to the Earth Palace from the back to not be seen by anyone other than you and for so long that was how you two kept in touch with each other without your father knowing.
“Referred to as the “Queen of the Autumn Garden”, the dahlia flower has a long flowering season and long-lasting blooms. This is partly why it symbolizes commitment and a lasting bond between two people. Our love is a dahlia, my dearest.” you sent one day with the messenger bird after your instructor had given you a book of flower language, alongside the letter one dahlia was attached for her to keep and she did, she froze the flower on a sphere of water for it to last as long as she desired to. Loving the meaning of the flower and calling you her dahlia from that day forward on every single letter you received, even if it was ink you could feel the love which she was writing with.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I intend to host the first ball of autumn to celebrate our youngest engagement.” your mother said at dinner one night. “And I was thinking on inviting all the powerful people too, what do you think, my king?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “That could be a great idea,” the man said after thinking of it and nodding. “We can get better alliances from it.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What about inviting the avatar?” you asked suddenly, both sets of green eyes turned to you. “To... Uh, show the other nations we have a good relationship with her. At the end of the day, she's an important person and I think having her on our side could help.”
Such a quick excuse was given by you to not let them suspect anything and you breathe calm when they accept and said how that was an excellent idea.
The days passed at a slow pace that it almost drove you crazy, but when the night of the celebration finally arrived and the people started to walk in your eyes were fixated on the doors while one of your siblings talked to you. At the first sight of a blue dress with such gorgeous laugh you had missed you excused yourself from the conversation saying how you needed to greet someone and were quick to walk to your girlfriend.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Avatar Korra.” you greeted smiling big, turning to her friends later. They all bowed to you shortly.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Your Highness, it's so good to see you again.” she said back, her hands itching to touch you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “We will be at the dance floor,” the inventor said watching the scene with a sweet smile and took the two boys by the arm. “Have fun!”
You let your eyes followed them and after checking that not a single person of your family or court was watching, you took her hand to guide her to the empty library that was secluded from the main event.
Closing the doors with lock to make sure no one would interrupt, Korra was the first to attack your lips with hers in such a hungry and desperate way that made you whimper, making her be as close to you as humanly possible.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You have no idea how much I missed you,” she said after distancing once her lungs were burning, asking for air. “I thought I wasn't going to see you this soon, my love.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “We have to thank my youngest sibling for getting engaged.” you whispered with a giggle, your hands cupped her face while hers hugged your waist. “I missed you too, dearest... There's not a single day that went by without me thinking of you.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Soon enough they will do a party like this to celebrate our engagement.” she said in a fun way, but even so your heart skipped a beat. “Or bigger, maybe bigger.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “First we need my father's approval and I'm so sure he won't accept our relationship,” you answered with sadness taking over the brightness of your eyes. “He wants for me to marry a strong alliance for the kingdom.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What better alliance than the avatar herself?” she attacked back, one hand taking your chin softly. “I will fight for you, darling, my love for you is strong to the point of challenging the king himself if I need to just to be by your side. To have you as my partner.”
Emerald colored orbs fought against sky colored ones after such comment she had said and after a big smile, your lips took over hers once more in a soft kiss that was quick to escalate tone. That night were only the moon up in the sky was witness of your love and promises you knew your life would change for good, you finally saw a light at the end of the tunnel after meeting the southerner and were thankful to the spirits for letting the love between you two bloom in such harsh conditions and for it to maintain its strength even if time passing by, you knew that relationship was going for a really long run.
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castorfell · 9 months
Mount Rageous Worldbuilding Headcanons
Thoughts, interpretations and a lil analysis of the culture and lifestyle of rubber noodle people based off of what we saw in the movie and some behind the scenes stuff
Lmk if anything doesn't make sense!
It's been stated before in an interview that all the inhabitants of Mount Rageous are teenagers, but Velvet & Veneer's convo and flashback confirm that there exists full grown adults with paying jobs and also child Rageons who need to live under said adult's care until they become teens. That scene also states that suburbs are a thing which I assume is just like a regular neighbourhood type area, most likely not as flashy as the main of Mount Rageous
Since Mount Rageous is a floating city, it's suburbs are under it on the ground
I like to think that the water from the yacht riverways on Mount Rageous eventually fall from the sky and becomes rain for the suburbs
Mount Rageous' entire shtick is that it's a big teenage hangout. It's run by teens for teens. It's structure is mainly based on entertainment
Mount Rageous have different districts that focus on different types of entertainers like how the troll tribes are seperated by music genres. The areas of Mount Rageous we see in the movie is in a district dedicated to Singers. The other districts are Streamers, Actors, Comedians, etc with their own set of subclasses. Basically anything that appears on a screen for entertainment purposes is someone's teen career on Mount Rageous
Of course there are also jobs on Mount Rageous that have to actually keep the place running. Like bouncers, security guards and cops such as we've seen in the movie. Normal day-to-day jobs like barista or fast food worker are still a thing, they just don't procure you fame
Rageons have a lifestyle structure based on the concept of 15 minutes of fame. They're raised from birth as regular, boring nobody children, reach their teenage years and set off to Mount Rageous to either party their youth away or try to achieve fame of some sort, then go back to the suburbs to begin their life as a boring nobody adult. Not all Rageons care to be famous superstars, instead just focusing on having fun and making friends
Life as an entertainer on Mount Rageous is brutal and harsh, such is the life for anything related to performing arts. You need to have what it takes to make it and to stay making it. But if you've got talent, you'll probably make top 100 at some point
Achieving ultimate stardom (the Life-Award that V&V were on their way to accept) on Mount Rageous means that they basically get to be solidified in Mount Rageous history forever. EVERYONE will know you. It's FAME! It lets you live forever (metaphorically). It also guarantees a cushiony adult life where you don't have to work as a dentist
Since trolls bleed pink I like to think that Rageons bleed purple. Fun blood colours! Homestucks DNI /nsrs
Rageons have dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. Pizza before school and cereal after. V&V's dad asked about school while they were eating cereal bc it was dinner time
Rageons don't have the same hair powers that trolls do but I like to think that it's still manipulatable in some ways seeing as how Veneer apparently grew longer hair for his mullet in the final act of the movie
Das all I can think of for now I don't like how much I've thought abt this
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