#✦Kantar de Cantares
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slovo-kvnnt · 10 months ago
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How long if a drawing.
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slovs02blogs · 1 year ago
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"you fell from the highest, Angelus, son of the morning..."
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jordiifarre · 4 years ago
3r mes de pràctiques
Per fí s’ha acabat aquest 2020!!! Qui ho diria que, després de tot el que hem viscut, per fí ja s’ha acabat aquest any de M***!!! (perdó però s’havia de dir).
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Aquest Desembre ha estat força interessant a l’empresa. Com a becari que sóc, m’ha tocat ajudar a la ComisiOHMM (nom creatiu que han volgut donar-li per anar a joc al malson de tots els becaris, la comissió de festes) a decorar l’oficina a l’estil “nadalenc”. A més, vaig ajudar la ComisiOHMM a fer totes les compres per preparar els paquets que cadascun dels treballadors s’emportaria a casa seva. És a dir, HE SALVAT EL NADAL! Ha ha, fora bromes, n’heu preparat alguna mai? Perquè et sorprens lo pesat i tediós que és haver de preparar 35 vegades el mateix paquet. Però bé, entenc que als herois el reconeixement va per dins, ja que encara no m’ha arribat cap nota o carta d’admiradors/es agraïnt que gràcies a mi, tenen pernil i oli aquest nadal. Suposo que sóc com el Batman, que només el meu “Alfred” (la mare) sap del què sóc capaç ;)
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A més, vaig haver de cantar part de la nadala/cançó “Quan Somrius”. T’adjuntaria la part que canto jo, però crec que et faig un favor als teus sentits si no ho faig. Fes-me cas, mai havia passat tanta vergonya veient-me en un video aliè. A més, aquest video el van passar a la trucada que vam fer grupal el dia 18 amb tota l’empresa per desitjar-nos els uns als altres un molt bon Nadal.
El premi: un pernil i un vale de 50€ a Amazon per la millor nadala. Clarament el meu terrabastall de galls a l’estrofa que em tocava cantar va fer que la nadala del meu departament no guanyés, però he de dir en la meva defensa que crec que no vaig ser el que pitjor ho va fer. 
Com no podia ser d’una altra manera, aquest Desembre l’he passat entre excels i més excels. Te’n recordes que deia que els adorava? Doncs crec que és perquè la cosnidero una relació d’amor-odi. Hi ha excels que són un tres i no res, i n’hi ha que són un malson. Per exemple, aquest mes hi ha hagut un excel que se m’ha penjat 25 vegades mínim perquè Kantar Media ha decidit que totes les dades de cada dia pesarien massa KB, fent que l’ordenador de l’oficina (si és que a aquell “trasto” se li’n pot dir ordenador) es penjés cada 5 minuts. Sí, a més de tota la feina que faig, cada dia m’he de descarregar les dades de Kantar Media i mirar les audiències de televisió per si algun client ens la demana per correu o quan fem una visita. 
És una pena ja que segons la meva tutora, abans de tot aquesta coseta del covid-19, moltes reunions es podien fer presencials amb els clients, o fins i tot ens visitàven ells a l’oficina. Ara a dures penes poden convèncer als carters que entrin a l’oficina... 
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La veritat és que aquest més ha estat força entretingut. He descobert perquè serveixen les comisions de festes d’una empresa, i ara ja sé perquè la comisió va ser tan amable amb mi al començar hahahaha. Normal, crec que durant l’època de Nadal els becaris se’ns hauria de canviar el nom a elfs. Però com sempre l’ambient de treball ha estat de 10 i saber que només em queda un mes de pràctiques em fa sentir trist, ja que ara mateix estem tots super units i tothom em coneix i sempre em tracten genial. De vegades m’utilitzen com a confident dels seus problemes i qüestions, I ALGUNA VEGADA ELS PUC AJUDAR GRÀCIES AL QUE HE APRÈS TANT A LES PRÀCTIQUES COM A LA FACU!!! Crec que sentir-te auto-realitzat a la feina entra al meu top 10 de millors sensacions possibles.
Aquest Desembre, tot i ser més curt, ha estat un mes força ple de feina i coses a fer a l’oficina. Estic molt content del que faig, aprenc i l’empresa que vaig escollir. Estic expectant a descobrir que em depararà el 2021, i què faré el mes que ve, ja que cada més que pasa, faig més coses que a l’anterior ni m’imaginava que faria. Quines ganes!!
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serilinarabalari · 6 years ago
Bağcılar Yenigün Bayan Telefon Numaraları
Bağcılar Yenigün Bayan Telefon Numaraları bir nevi seksi sempanze.12:00 ogle yemegi ve ardindan ogle uykusu (cocuk yuvasi tadinda)(bkz: misery)(bkz: sadist)sevgili yarmagül,sana niyetimi belirten bir mektup yazmakta fayda görüyorum. velakin, benim seninle evlenmem, seni evimin kadını yapmam namümkün. ama gel gör ki seni de isterim, ben bi yolunu bulalım. kestane kebap acele cevap Complain bir testiden kendisi için bir maşrapa dolusu sarımsı su doldururken, "Sopaya çekildim, peder," dedi boğuk bir sesle; suyun birazını içti, kalanıyla da saçlarını düzeltti. 0538 312 38 26 necipfazı sey * anlaminda da kullanilan guzel kelime.hayir malesef dogrusu, lasciatemi cantare(let me sing (birakin sarki soliyeyim heyttt!!!)) dir ve la$atemi kantare diye okunur. ve ayrica gulben ergen* gecenlerde okuyarak guzelim sarkiyi bok etmistir.otoriter olacağında, ona buna laf yetiştireceğinde yüzünü renkten renge sokup, kafasına ucubik şeyler takarak prenses pozlarıyla caka satan ama hafiften üç buçuk attıran durumlar olduğunda nedime kılığına girip, sinsice olan biteni gözleyen zeki derler, karizmatik derler bir kişidir.naboo adına gunganlarla birlik olmuş, kurduğu ortak ordu ile nice zaferin mimarı olmuştur hanımefendi.(bkz: iyi niyet mektubu)bir de, (bkz: akrostis şiirle niyetini açık etmek) from ümraniye escort
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slovo-kvnnt · 10 months ago
"In the beginning...
God, before he created the heavens and the earths.
He created the angels; his greatest and faithful servants.
And the angels of God rejoiced, danced and sang praises, in gratitude for having been created.
but not everyone was happy. there was an angel...
A dark angel.
He rebelled against his creator and was banished from the depths of the abyss. Where the light did not reach and the darkness would torment him... forever."
.A minor archangel suddenly closed a book.
And thus the demons and dark angels originated.He smiled kindly as the Malakim angels watched, learning from the holy Book. Lumisol left from the library, in the patio.
Karma? Do you have a few extra minutes? It's important. -
Sure, I'm coming.- Karma said as he walked with Lumisol towards the sanctuary.
The teaching was interesting, but wasn't it too... sudden? -asked Lumisol with a worried face even though he had that gas mask.
Too early? I don't think it affects premature angels.Between talks and more words, they both arrived at the sanctuary where Erzengel was waiting for them. Karma's friendly smile changed in the blink of an eye when he approached Erzengel. Dream was at his side, Lumisol serious and Karma fearing that he had done something wrong in front of his master.
"Karma... I guess the book is okay, right?..."
[Fragment of a project; ◇"Kantar de Cantares: the fall of Eden"◇]
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slovo-kvnnt · 1 year ago
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And ✦Cps(I don't like the design of Ccps, I'm terrible at drawing bald people) & Cbs✦
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slovo-kvnnt · 6 months ago
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"In the beginning...
God, before he created the heavens and the earths.
He created the angels; his greatest and faithful servants.
And the angels of God rejoiced, danced and sang praises, in gratitude for having been created.
but not everyone was happy. there was an angel...
A dark angel.
He rebelled against his creator and was banished from the depths of the abyss. Where the light did not reach and the darkness would torment him... forever."
.A minor archangel suddenly closed a book.
And thus the demons and dark angels originated.He smiled kindly as the Malakim angels watched, learning from the holy Book. Lumisol left from the library, in the patio. Karma? Do you have a few extra minutes? It's important. -
Sure, I'm coming.- Karma said as he walked with Lumisol towards the sanctuary.
The teaching was interesting, but wasn't it too... sudden? -asked Lumisol with a worried face even though he had that gas mask.
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Too early? I don't think it affects premature angels.Between talks and more words, they both arrived at the sanctuary where Erzengel was waiting for them. Karma's friendly smile changed in the blink of an eye when he approached Erzengel. Dream was at his side, Lumisol serious and Karma fearing that he had done something wrong in front of his master.
"Karma... I guess the book is okay, right?..."
Oh yeah! Of course, it's fine. - Karma smiled with the kindness that always characterized him. - Here - the sacred book was delivered to his superior archangel.
Karma, Lumisol, I need you to come with me.
oh, yes sir... -Karma and Lumisol leave with Erzengel, while Dream was waiting for an angel, an angel who would change the world forever...
Dream! Dream! -said an Angel who was running and was part of the choir
"What's wrong?" Dream asked, upset and trying to calm him down. The angel caught his breath, his eyes were tormented, worried, crystal clear.
There is something
something like that?-
It's... inexplicable... it's impossible. - Dream did not understand, but he tried to reassure Pure - dear, I don't understand anything, calm down, tell me, what happened? - Pure with fear revealed what was tormenting him so much - There is a human in the outskirts of Eden...
Dream's sight automatically became terrifying.- A human?, ON THE OUTSIDE OF EDEN-
Pure silenced her mouth- Shhhh... this is too delicate for others to know now, Dream.
But Pure, you have to tell this to Erzengel or Karma, OR SOMEONE SUPERIOR, I DON'T KNOW. But we can't handle THIS alone.
I'm sorry, but I don't think HE'S good.
He? Is he alive? IS HE ALIVE? -
SHHH.... Shut up, will you?
Come, let us go, and bring a cloak.
Carefully, the angels walked away, without attracting the attention of the guards. leaving Eden. The outskirts of Eden were very ominous. The trees lost their color and shine, the grass turned a horrible black, and the skies lacked vivid colors.
and tell me... how did you find it? -Dream asked as they walked in the gloomy place- not more like...-a branch falls on him and he gets scared but he realizes- HOW CAN SOMEONE LIKE YOU BE HERE???
Simple, lately any noise bothers me, I'm sensitive, and I was looking for a less noisy place, where I can listen to my own harp. -I was looking at the path- and... I ended up finding him here... -pointing to a man on the ground- there he is, it's him.
Among the trees, there was an area of ​​flowers, of daisies. In the center was a man, naked, unconscious.
His arms and legs were completely covered in bruises, wounds and scars. His neck and face showed signs of terrible violence, and his hair was completely damaged. as if he had survived a war.
Oh... God, what happened to him? - Dream asked.
I don't know, but we have to take him from here, we have to heal him - Pure grabs the white cloak and covers the man. Dream helps him carry him on his shoulders with Pure. The weight was light, worrying. The man constantly opened and closed his eyes without understanding anything of what was happening around him.
Once they arrived at the sanctuary, in one of the rooms, they left him on a bed, resting.
I hope he's okay... -Pure looked at the man, leaving, but at the door Erzengel was watching.
Erzengel… I can explain it – Pure was scared but his words were interrupted
No. I have seen it, but I will never do it... -grabs Pure by the wrist - Never go to the outskirts again... and certainly don't lie to my face -Erzengel was a little upset, he was carrying Pure but holding onto his wrist while Dream accompanied him to the library - Ahhg!.. Erzengel, my wrist... slow down p-please...
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Opening the library doors, Erzengel furiously released Pure, while Pure was crawling on the floor.
Lumisol, the sacred book, now...
Lumisol looked at Pure with pity, but went to look for the book, Karma looked at Erzengel and helped Pure up with Dream. -But what happened now? Erzengel, why do you treat Pure like that?
Disobedient... this is not the first time he has done it, WHAT PART DOES HE NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT NOT GOING BEYOND EDEN? -Erzengel looked furiously at Pure - You could die... Pure
Here is the book -he gives it to Erzengel- are you okay Pure?
Erzengel searched like crazy, he knew something that others didn't.
Erzengel, what's wrong? Is what Pure did wrong? He needed it, or that human would already be dead.
HE IS NOT A HUMAN. Dream, he is not human... he is not normal - he grabbed the book - The book explains that humans who deserve paradise will always appear in the center of Eden, but it is impossible for a human there to appear on the outskirts of Eden, in the border with the abyss of hell.
Wait, you mean... -Karma realized- no, really? it just can't be...
What, what's happening? -Pure question- WHAT ARE THEY HIDING FROM US? STOP HIDING!-
Shut up Pure, the action you committed is about to condemn us. -Erzengel looked at him with hatred-
But... if it is the beloved Antichrist, why did he appear on the outskirts of Eden and not in Pandemonium? -Dream asked.
have, have, This is a joke, right? -Pure answered, looking strangely- The Antichrist was supposed to COME TO EARTH, not to Eden, or am I wrong?
Pure is just a theory, don't take it personally - Karma responded - But we're not calm about that either, come on, you brought a stranger -
WITHOUT CONSULTING US-Erzengel closed the book, watching Pure until he left-
And this can sometimes cause some demons to infiltrate Eden.-Karma spoke while walking next to Erzengel. Tomorrow we will see how the new guest is... and remember -he approaches Pure- DON'T FORGET TO CONSULT YOUR AUTHORITIES, my dear Pure. Bye bye. -Erzengel was flying away with Karma.
"Don't forget to consult your authorities, my dear Pure" ahhrg... as if he had condemned the entire Eden just for wanting to save a life... -Pure was annoyed.
Well, I better go, you know, lately Erzengel hasn't been... well in his right mind, sometimes I say "sorry."
It's not necessary, and it doesn't make a difference, Dream. -He looked away, as he walked to the room- anyway, tomorrow will be a better day, I'll meet this guy and I'll prove stupid Erzengel wrong, okay?
yeah, whatever... Good night Pure. -it goes.
good night.-Pure enters the room- Well, I hope you get better- he wrapped him up well- good night... ehhh whatever your name is -he closed his door.
Hours passed, it was a new day?, and the surroundings were strange, too strange. The man woke up with a headache he had never felt before, getting up confused and covering himself with his cloak. -Where am I? What is this place?...- He approaches the door, opening it slowly. Looking at the corners, which looked like the old Gothic cathedral churches, with those bright and colorful colors and stained glass windows. He was walking in the hallways alone, barefoot, feeling the cold of the ceramics and from behind, an angel watches him strangely and with curiosity, getting closer little by little
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -The poor man gets scared, he looked with terror to the point of falling to the ground- WHAT ARE YOU!?, WHAT IS THIS PLACE!? WHERE I AM!?-
HEY, HEY, LISTEN TO ME. - He put his hands on the man's face - Calm down, look at me, I'm not one of those terrifying monsters or beasts, you're safe... - the angel watched him intently, until the man finally calmed down. .
Am I safe?... who are you?... or what are you?
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I am Angelus, as my name says, I am an angel and technically you are dead.
What? LIKE I'M DEAD!? -
Angelus, what is all this? - Erzengel's gaze changed completely - there it is...
Is he? Mr. Erzengel?
I'm not sure, but be careful.-Erzengel approached the man - hello... what's your name? -I ask in a serious and cold way-
“eh…hello,” he said timidly.
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slovs02blogs · 1 year ago
Kantar de Cantares....
Proyects.... Eeehhemsmvdkslabdnw
Idk fok, I have a big project in mind.
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onlythespiesappearhere · 10 months ago
I don't know...
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How long if a drawing.
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