#✦ v; saint magnus’s home for wayward shadowhunters || ❛ main ❜
&&. alexander // worldshq
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[ ✉ → sms ] ( magnus 💖 ): me too. [ ✉ → sms ] ( magnus 💖 ): i think we’re on the same page then. [ ✉ → sms ] ( magnus 💖 ): i’m getting used to the glitter, though i’m not entirely sure i want glitter to be the reason people notice me. [ ✉ → sms ] ( magnus 💖 ): probably. i’m not a huge fan of…most people. or things. [ ✉ → sms ] ( magnus 💖 ): i think i’m starting to. these things take time.
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[ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): i definitely think we're finally on the same page and it feels good [ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): i'm sure they notice you for more than just the glitter. and at least it's not the sort of glitter that glows in the dark. i've used that in the past [ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): you work around people all the time. how can you not be a fan of people? or other things? [ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): i feel like we might need to expose you to more things if this is how you are [ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): i know they do and trust me we have plenty of time. there's no need to rush anything
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"Why can't I remember anything?"
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Only another warlock should've been able to do such a thing. Sometimes the seelies would get lucky, but for the most part only warlocks had been able to do something like this. Which, in all honesty, slightly terrified him. He could remember who he was and the life he'd lived, but he couldn't remember just how it was he'd gotten there. Nor could he remember who the woman standing in front of him was. And Magnus was certain that he should've been able to remember both of those facts. Since he couldn't he wondered if maybe she didn't have something to do with it. Not that it was the first time he'd been kidnapped but he tried not to make a habit of it. All that aside, it looked like they never left the city. So why take him in the first place? "And what is it you want with me."
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@fcllenson​ sent a fire message:  Call me cynical, but considering it’s 2 a.m., I doubt it’s good news.
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"You? Cynical?" There was a smirk pulling at his lips as he looked at the other. As strange was it was having an angel in his loft, it was even stranger when said angel looked like someone he'd once felt something more than friendship for. He and Alexander might have had something more than friendship had it not been for the lack of communication. Maybe one day things could improve but unfortunately Magnus knew that the other had a lot of growing up to do before things could ever change. But that didn't explain why someone was actually bothering him at this early in the morning. Just because he tended to keep strange hours didn't mean he wanted someone showing up to ask him nonsensical questions. "I never would have guessed and whomever it is I'm sure it's someone that doesn't understand normal business hours."
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"Luck has nothing to do with it."
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In all honesty, he didn't really believe in luck. He liked to think he was just that good and that things happened because that's how he wanted them to. Maybe luck played a small part but it wasn't something he would ever admit. People would start to look at him differently and his reputation was already built upon the fact he do the impossible. The last thing he was going to do was tarnish that. Though standing there, Magnus was certain this one wasn't there because of luck or because of what he could do. From what he could tell the other was another downworlder and even if he wasn't those in the city knew they could come to him for help. He rarely turned anyone away and he wasn't about to start. Of course he was curious to find out what he was doing but first he needed to finish his work. "Why don't you tell me what it is you need while I work."
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"People are predictable."
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Or at least that's what he'd found out over the centuries. The same could also be said about the Clave, about the nephilim and how they acted like they were all for protecting them when in reality they were only interested in protecting themselves. He probably shouldn't have been quite so bitter but after all the time he'd spent around them he knew what they were like. At least they'd stopped some of the more horrific things they used to do. All of that aside, Magnus didn't think she came to him to talk about mundanes. Most that came to him were looking for help. If she needed his help he needed to figure that out and then see just what he could do. If there was anything he could do. Something about her seemed off and while he wouldn't call the Institute, he wouldn't allow another Lilith to happen. "Though, you didn't come here for that. What is it I can do for you?"
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He hadn't expected to see Clary at his door. Even though she'd finally figured out the things her mother had kept from her, he figured she would be spending her time in the Institute not there with him. Not that he would ever complain. In all honesty, he enjoyed her company and thought of her as one of his own since he wouldn't be able to have children of his own. But looking at her Magnus can't help but see that there is something else going on, something that seemed to be weighing her down. He knew there were problems at the Institute thanks to his conversations with Alexander, but he wouldn't have thought that Clary would be wrapped up in all of that but maybe he'd been wrong. Maybe he should make them some tea and she could explain what it was that was going on with her. "Are you okay?"
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"Since when." Laughing, he waved his hand and made more alcohol appear on the table in front of them. Of course, he also made a point to make certain there was blood for Raphael. What sort of friend would he be if there wasn't something there for his friend? A poor one and Magnus was anything but. "And just what are we talking about? Because if it's the city I'm sure I've got more knowledge than you."
@immcrtuos from here
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"I just have one small problem."
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Technically, he had multiple problems, but at the moment his current one involved one Alec Lightwood and the fact this heart still hurt for him. A part of him still couldn't believe the other had gone to Camille, of all people, to strip him of his magic. Leaving Alec in the tunnel had been the right thing to do and yet his heart still hurt. Not enough to reach out to him. That sort of move wasn't something he could easily overlook. It would be like him going to someone and finding a way to strip the boy of his runes. Magnus wasn't like that and he wouldn't ever do something to Alec. He'd just thought the other wouldn't have done that to him, either, but his inexperience was starting to show through. "Well, I have more than one but I'm not sure how to show up to this wedding without running into the Lightwood boy."
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[ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): your father seemed to think that he needed to know everything about my life [ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): and about what my intentions were with his eldest son [ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): alexander trust me when i say you don't know to know that number [ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): though i will say your mother looked lovely in dark blue and your sister looks stunning in red [ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): a gentleman never kisses and tells and while i may be a warlock i didn't tell him that about us [ ✉ → sms ] (alexander): nor have i told anyone else about us and the fact your stamina rune will kill me one day
@ofmanyworlds from here
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"What did I tell you?"
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There was a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as he stood there watching Alexander. Allowing the other to use his kitchen might have been a mistake but given the fact he'd promised not to blow it up he figured what was the worst that could happen? More than he probably wanted to think about. The strange scent had wafted from the kitchen towards where he'd been working and of course Magnus needed to find out what it was Alexander was up to. It seemed as if he was about to make some sort of mistake and he'd used some of his magic to keep him from putting something dangerous into the meal he seemed to be making. The last thing he needed was for one of them to end up sick or worse. "I thought we agreed to no disasters in the kitchen?"
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"We all do what we have to do."
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It seemed like the sort of advice he'd been giving out a lot lately. Between the goings on in the downworld and the goings on at the Institute it felt like he was constantly repeating himself. Or maybe that's just how things were supposed to be. In the past he normally didn't care what went on inside the Institute. The nephilim had always looked down on them and he knew that it wouldn't change any time soon. Not unless something changed within the Clave itself and having seen where they all came from, Magnus knew it, too, would be a bit of a stretch. It wouldn't stop him from helping those in need but he would put most of his focus on the downworld. Which had him wondering who the stranger was and why they'd come to him. Was it another mundane looking for a potion? Or something else? "Which I'm sure you know all about. So what brings you to my doorstep?"
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