#✦ tom lucitor ✦ || verse . prince of the underworld
stardustedstories · 25 days
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@pompedia liked this post for a short starter!
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"Hey, are you doing okay?" Tom asks, sitting down next to Star. "I know things have been…. rough recently, but you gotta take time to take care of yourself, okay?" He was worried about her; she was trying to do so much all the time, and someone had to look out for her, too.
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ph03nixs-artstop · 6 years
Here's my completed traditional sketch of "Estella and the Mewni Chronicles", the next generation SVTFOE story following Estella Butterfly's adventures on Mewni and across other dimensions, with and her friends and family. I'm planning to post the story on AO3 with excerpts posted here to announce new chapters with teaser images.
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If you noticed, there are two sides for this picture. One side has each of a Butterfly with their respective friends. More details about the characters are below.
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Here we have Princess Estella Diaz Butterfly, using her wand with her bestie and warlock-in-training, Mason Lynn-Thomas Ordonia. To the right of her are two friends she makes later on: Fia, a nymph from the underworld (or so Estella claims), and Jun Kiyabu, the youngest prince of the dragons, one of Earth's forgotten magic races. More about Fia and Jun will come out later on.
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On this side, we have Altair and his friends, making up the Dimensional Pathfinders. These older characters start with Prince Altair Diaz Butterfly, the older brother of Estella, a skilled magic user with or without the wand as he has passed it on to Estella, and leader of the group. To the right, Prince Zeke Sol Lucitor is the sole son of King Tom Lucitor and Heckapoo, and the navigator of the group. Alexa Lynn-Thomas Ordonia is the older sister of Mason and isn’t well versed with magic or everything that comes from Altair and Zeke’s lives, but she’s willing to put up with it to hang out with her knucklehead friends. She’s the peacekeeper of the group and the voice of reason can’t get out of a situation, that’s when her enchanted club can lend a hand into the ensured battle. Yui Kiyabu is the last and latest member of the group, the middle princess of the dragon race, but more on her will come up later.
I’m hoping to redo this picture digitally using Clip Studio Paint, but for now, I love how the sketch turned out. Look forward to the sketch requests and more work with these 8 or more about the world in “Estella and the Mewman Chronicles”.
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lawchan89 · 7 years
5 with ship of choice!
5. “You’re burning up”
Hope ya like Jantom, sis, ‘cause I couldn’t resist the pun ;)
“You’re burning up.”
He let out a low sound almost like a purr, tracing his finger along her chest as she lay sprawled across his lap, staring up at his stupid charming three-eyed face. He smiled, “That’s just the smolder.”
“No Tom really, you’re burning up–OW!”
“Sorry!” he cried out, jerking backwards as Janna rolled out of his lap, clasping the back of her neck where a shining red mark appeared. “I’m so sorry Janna, I didn’t mean it!”
“What the hell?!” she cried, not exactly angry but more dumbfounded. “You mad about somethin’?”
“No, I’m–I’m not, seriously.” Far from it, Tom Lucitor was happy. Happier than he’d been in a long time, to be honest. “It’s not just when I’m mad. S-sometimes I flare up a little when I’m…nervous. Or worried.”
“What’re you worried about?” Janna asked, swiping her long raven bangs to one side so she could see him clearly. They’d been seeing each other off and on for over four years now, steadily “on” for about two of them. How this total arrogant hotheaded demon had captivated her, she had no idea. Well, he was a demon for starters. Janna had always dreamed of being swept off her feet by a dark supernatural being ever since she was a little girl, while most girls were waiting for prince charming. By a coincidental twist of fate, she got both. A demon and a prince.
But he was a fixer upper, no doubt about it. And what struck her was that Tom wasn’t doing it for her, but for himself. He’d stated that repeatedly, and Janna was blown away. The fact that he’d grabbed the bull (in this case, his controlling anger issues) by the horns, looked it dead in the eye and said “You don’t own me” was so empowering that Janna couldn’t help but fall totally head over heels. So much so that it got harder for her to play it cool like she usually did. And soon her heart, black and shriveled as it was, was more open than it had ever been with anyone else before. Like his own resolve had brought out the best in her as well.
“Is this about me moving?” she asked more quietly, sliding closer to him as he breathed heavily, trying to cool down his scalding lilac skin. “Tom, that’s not gonna affect us. I’ll still ring every time I wanna see you.” The little silver bell that packed so much sound when she tolled it had become one of her most prized possessions. The prince of the Underworld didn’t hand that out to just anyone.
“Nah, I get that. And I know you’ve been trying to get into that coven for years. I just…” He sighed. She knew everything about him, stuff he’d never told anyone, not even Star or Marco. The human girl claimed she was darker than any of his darkest thoughts in an effort to console him, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. She was his light. He clung to the image of her sultry amber eyes, glowing tan skin and smooth blue-black hair on the really bad days, when he wanted to give up completely. She made him laugh, she’d seen him cry, he was entranced by how dedicated she was to her witchcraft, and how well-versed in demonology she was. How there was this gentler side to her that loved the color pink and ice cream sundaes and putting on a pretty dress once in awhile because why not.
He knew everything about her, and she him. Except about the little velvet ring box he had concealed under his pillow.
“Dad summoned me the other day,” Tom finally said, lowered his gaze. “He’s stepping down.”
“Really?” Janna’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, in a year or so. He’s getting old.”
“Coulda fooled me.” He didn’t look like he’d aged at all since Janna met him when she was fourteen. She shook her head a little, feeling like she’d been bowled over by a truck. “So you’re, uh…you’re gonna be king then.”
“Yup,” Tom nodded expressionlessly.
“Oh…oh geez.” She brought her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her head. This was it. They were over. Between her move and his ascension to the throne, there was no way they could keep this up. They weren’t like Star and Marco; eternally bound together, willing to sacrifice everything to maintain that bond, even compromising royal duty. Those two were so in love they were freaks. She and Tom didn’t have that, and the Underworld was way stricter about their traditions than the Butterflys were. 
Tears soaked into her sleeves. Janna Ordonia, crying over a guy? The fates had to be having a good laugh over that one. “Okay j-just get it over with.”
“Um–uh, okay,” he spluttered, taken aback. His hand fumbled under the sheets until he closed his long-nailed fingers around the box. “I mean, this isn’t required or anything, but it’s definitely recommended–”
“Faster, Tom. Like rippin’ off a band-aid.”
“Will you be my queen?”
Janna’s head snapped up so fast she nearly gave herself whiplash. “Your what?!”
“My dad said it’s time for me to get serious, and ‘quit fooling around with that Earth girl’. So I said ‘Fine, I will.’” He shrugged with a little half smile that exposed a fang, his eyes solely on his girlfriend’s stunned face as he produced the ring box. “I’m not fooling around here. I’m dead serious.”
“You want me to marry you to get back at your dad?”
“No! Well y– okay, that’s a tiny part of it, I’m not gonna lie,” Tom deflated, his hands shaking a bit. “Listen, I…I know you have all these aspirations and wanna hone your craft, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m getting in your way.”
“Why would I…geez Tom, don’t say stupid stuff like that,” Janna muttered dazedly, still not daring to believe this was happening.
“Janna, babe I-I can offer you a lot. A crown, status, security, more power than you’ve ever had. But you probably don’t care about that–”
“Are you fucking kidding me?! Of course I care about that!” Janna cried, springing up and diving towards him, pressing her forehead to his with her arms latched around his neck. “I love you, Tom, I really do, and that’s important to me. But you’re literally asking me to be Queen of the Underworld, surrounded by demons, lava, torture dungeons and dead people for the rest of my life.”
Her face broke into the widest smile he had ever seen on her, her eyes sparkling with ecstasy. “That’s everything I’ve ever wanted since I was a kid.”
A relieved laugh escaped Tom’s throat before her lips captured his in a sloppy wet kiss. Falling backwards onto the mattress, he kept the box gripped tightly in his hand until she pulled back enough for him to present the ring to her: Black gold, the most valuable in the Underworld, encrusted with rubies of all sizes from tiny as a speck of sand to large as an almond nut. Janna held out her left hand, and Tom slipped it on her finger before reaching up to dash away the tears in the corners of her eyes.
“Hey Tom.”
“If you’re not gonna be king for awhile, why’d you propose to me now?”
The demon grinned mischievously. “’Cause Marco told me he’s gonna propose to Star and it sounded like a good idea. It’s gonna take that nervous wreck forever to work up the guts. Wanted to make sure I beat him to it.”
“You little shit, I love you so much,” Janna growled like a tiger, seizing him by the front of his shirt to kiss him forcefully again. Still snickering to herself, she pulled out her phone.
“What’re you doing?”
“Pissing Marco off more than I ever have before,” Janna chortled, holding her ring hand out in front of her as she tapped the phone screen, the camera shutter going off. “And…send.”
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stardustedstories · 10 months
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@pompedia clicked the ❤️ for a starter!
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Tom had always thought highly of Star, even before they'd started dating. He'd admired her free spirit, her sense of fun, and they'd had a good time together. She'd broken up with him, and though he'd been upset at the time (and done some stupid things afterwards to try to get her back), he understood a lot more these days. He still struggles with his temper, but he's been doing a lot better recently. And the fact that he'd decided he needed to change for himself, not to get Star back, had made all the difference.
There was some sort of Official Royal Function today, and while he knew he was probably going to be bored out of his mind, it was a chance to see his friend, now that they were more chill with one another and could call one another friends.
While his mother and father made their way to their own seats (his mom always had a good view, no matter where they put her; she could see over everyone), Tom joined the other princes and princesses, offering Star a little smile when he saw her.
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"Hey, Star," he said, keeping his voice down while it was still quiet. Though if this ended up being as boring as he figured it would be, maybe they could sneak out for some fresh air without anyone noticing.
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