#✦ letters // james buchanan barnes. ✦
buckybringsviolets · 7 months
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Just a tiny sweet Buck letter 🥰💌
Hey doll,
I'm really bad when it comes to writing things like this. Or saying them. But I wanted you to know that I love you. Yes, I said it. I do love you. Never thought I would be saying that, not after Hydra, after everything I became, everything I did. Who in their right mind would want to be with a monster?
I know what you would say to that, Bucky, you are so not a monster, never were one. That fucking awful organization used your body for their twisted wants. That was not you!
You are honestly too good for this world sweetheart.
But you get it, you understand where I am coming from, what I've been through. You've never pushed me for anything. You don’t lecture me to stop thinking badly about myself, having faith that one day your words will sink in. You have just stood by me. Quietly there when I come back from a solo mission gone bad. Taking care of me, both physically and emotionally. Not one other person has done that. Only you, baby girl. Only you.
Those nights, the ones that I wake up in a fucking sweat, shivering, shaking. You come to me, gently putting your arms around me, silently letting me know that you are here for me. Stroking my hair, softly humming some beautiful song in my ear, until I'm sound asleep, not waking until morning. A beautiful nightmare-free sleep.
You don't pry when I have moments where I don't want to talk to anyone. I know you understand that I can't, won't, talk about it. You leave me be. But I know you're watching me, thinking you're so sly, sitting in the fucking corner, hiding in another room but so close by, never out of earshot. I know you doll, you're worried but try your hardest to give me my space. Maybe someday I will let you in with me when I have those times. Until then, thank you. Thank you sweetheart for knowing me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
It’s Valentine’s, and while I can’t be the man you deserve, I can’t do things with you that the average guy can, I can give you my time, my love, and my devotion. You're my Valentine, today, tomorrow and forever.
I love you doll,
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bucksangel · 2 years
Drabble idea for the sb!au: Bucky enlists the help of his girl's brothers when, in the future, he decides to propose!
this is so cute oh god😭😭
The Most Important Question - sb!au
pairing: ceo!bucky x personal assistant!reader
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none really, mentions of anxiety, allusions to panic attacks, mainly fluff
a/n: i love this series so much pls send more ideas yall!!
sugarbaby!au masterlist | tip jar
Dread. Horrible, frightful anxiety. Shaky hands and a heart beating too fast. A whirlwind of uncertainty spirals into what is sure to be a panic attack if left unattended.
Bucky is nervous.
He’s accomplished many things in his life, has been through hell and back, climbed - metaphorically - to the top of Mount Everest, and seen all the beauty - and pain - the world offers.
But no accomplishment, nor any obstacle, could have prepared him for this.
He snaps his eyes open - not even realizing he’d closed them - and fixates his eyes in front of him. There, standing with a tilted head and confused expression, stands Ezekiel. His right hand is holding the door open while his body leans to the left in a casual, relaxed demeanor, which only seems to further Bucky’s anxiety. Why? He doesn’t know. But it does.
Maybe it’s the secret he’s been keeping, the nearly $8,500 secret currently resting in Bucky’s right pants pocket. He’s opted to wear his nicest jeans and a carefully picked out soft, but not inexpensive, cream-colored sweater. It’s a non-offensive yet homely look, just what he’s going for.
Though maybe he’s put too much thought into his outfit because Ezekiel immediately gives Bucky an inquisitive look, scanning his body as though he feels something is off.
“Not that it’s not cool to see you, but I thought you were supposed to be out of town. Is my sister with you?”
Bucky sucks in a deep breath, his heartbeat quickens, here goes nothing.
“No, she’s with some friends getting lunch, I think. And, technically no. I-I told your sister I was so I could…” Bucky trails off, clearing his throat and wetting his dry lips.
“Can I come in?”
Ezekiel, with his confused expression only deepening, nods slowly, stepping off to the side and allowing Bucky to pass through the threshold of your brother's apartment.
Things are quiet, and a little tense, when he wanders into the living room. Robbie and Lucas have made a home on the couch, laying haphazardly across it as they stare intently at The Lord of the Rings playing on the tv. Though they quickly pause it once they notice Bucky’s presence.
They glance between him and Ezekiel, now standing behind him.
“Hey guys, um. I wanted to… talk to you about something.”
Bucky shuffles nervously, hands clasping together in front of him as he sits precariously in one of the lounge chairs.
All three boys pass a confused, concerned look each others way before setting their gazes on the man’s semi-hunched form.
Everything is once again quiet, tense beyond belief as Bucky struggles to find the right words.
“Look, Bucky, just spit i-“
“I want to marry your sister.”
The atmosphere shifts dramatically, and Bucky’s breathing has stopped almost entirely as your brothers turn to each other once more. A silent conversation passes between them, Bucky’s shaking hand reaching into his pants and pulling it out - a small, black, velvet box. Facing the box towards him, he opens it carefully, showcasing a little less than a dozen simple diamonds forming beautifully intricate patterns around a golden band.
“I love her,” He starts, glancing down at the ring and then lifting his head, gazing at the three boys in front of him - all with blank, neutral expressions.
“And I know that I hurt her, and you still might not fully trust me - and while I know that it was a couple of years ago, I also know how protective you guys are. But, she’s my everything. She’s the love of my life, and while I want nothing more than to be with her even into the afterlife, I know that your opinion is important.”
Bucky pauses, sucking in a few breaths in an attempt to even out his tone.
“As much as she denies it, your judgment, whether good or bad, influences her decisions, big or insignificant. And I know she loves me, but honestly, I… I don’t know if she’d say yes if you didn’t approve of it. I don’t even know if I’d actually ask if you guys would say no.”
Another pause. Another deep breath. His eyelids blink rapidly to prevent the tears that so desperately want to fall down his flushed face at the admission. Because it’s true, he loves you with everything he has. But this is the make-or-break moment, what they have to say is basically determining the rest of Bucky’s life.
“So,” Robbie starts, a little uncertain after a long minute of silence so thick you could slice through it with a blade. “Our opinion is important to you?”
It’s almost as if he’s testing Bucky, guiding him into some sort of trap. But, again, Bucky’s faced hairier situations than this, so he nods resolutely as his eyes travel between the three boys - now all sitting on the couches.
“Yes, it is.”
“Just to clarify,” Lucas glances at Ezekiel and Robbie quickly to gauge their reactions, then clears his throat. “You wouldn’t ask her to marry you if we don’t want you to?”
Again Bucky nods, rubbing one clammy hand over his jean-covered thigh as he mentally forces himself to push the ever growing anxiety to the side so he can get through this conversation.
But then, Robbie throws another question at him, one that Bucky hadn’t actually expected - and he’s gone through what must have been a hundred different fake scenarios to prepare for anything they might throw his way. But this? It catches him off guard, makes his heart constrict in his chest.
“Would you break up with her?”
Bucky has to physically stop the shudder that wants to run through his body. He hasn’t actually planned for the event that they actually would say no. It’s evident by the way he flounders, clearing his throat twice while furrowing his brow as he thinks over what to say.
Would he?
His immediate answer is ‘no’. Of course he wouldn’t break up with you, he loves you too much to let you go. But, then again, if they say no then that says so much about how they feel about him and your relationship. And, truthfully? Bucky doesn’t know if he could live knowing that they don’t want you two to be together in the way Bucky so desperately wants. He doesn’t know how he could go on with having you so close, yet so far.
“Robbie stop.”
Ezekiel’s voice cuts Bucky off, everyone in the room turning to look at his clear exasperation, accompanied with an eye roll.
“Listen, Bucky,” Ezekiel continues. “You’re a good man, a great one, in fact. And… we’ll be honest here and say that what you did is still in the backs of our minds. But…”
He pauses, adding tension to the air, before finally offering Bucky a sly smile.
“I mean it, you’re a good man. And I know - we know - that you love her, and that there probably won’t be anyone else that’ll love her like you do. And, yeah, you’ll have arguments and petty fights, but, if you can promise us, here and now, that you won’t ever hurt her like that again, then I say ‘yes’.”
Bucky’s heart leaps, nearly out of his chest. And he’s surprised he doesn’t get whiplash from how fast he nods.
“I won’t. I swear it upon everything I have, and everything I am.”
Then, Robbie sighs, nodding resolutely. Lucas does the same, offering Bucky a smile as he chimes in with “I say ‘yes’ too, then.”
And now Bucky wants to cry, but this time for a different reason. Because he’s going to ask you to marry him. Your brothers approve of him marrying you. Holy shit, he’s going to ask you to marry him. But he can’t even freak out over that right now, because the way your brothers are looking at him with fond, amused smiles, make him nearly certain you’ll say yes.
“Thank you,” Bucky croaks, voice thick with emotion. “I-I meant it, thank you guys so much. You have no idea what this means to me.”
Someone chuckles, Bucky’s not too sure who. But that doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you’re going to spend the rest of your life with him, and his with you.
“I do have one question, though.”
Your brothers stare at him expectantly, Bucky evening out his breath carefully.
“Can you help me figure out how the hell I’m going to do this?”
tagging: @fandoms-writings @vayollie @bucks-metal-arm19 @southernbe @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer @ilovetaquitosmmmm @banana-man0 @whitewolfstar01 @awkwardalie @flawssy227 @princessdancingonthesunshine @nataliewalker93 @britishvamps @elbell20-blog @purple-vodka-99 @bport76 @star017 @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @giftedyoungster3000 @xcaptain-winterx @igotmajordaddyissues @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @povlvr
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yours-dearly · 1 year
Tangled in my soul
My dearest, I long for you greatly
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The feeling of dried blood on the tips of his fingers while he rubbed them together was distracting, he made the choice to focus on that instead of what had beed occupying his mind , but once the door slammed open he was brought back to where he was currently seated outside the office of LT. Williams, looking down, he took notice of the absence of blood anywhere near - for the time being he reminded himself - and that his fingertips was clean or well at least they looked like it.
After following the lieutenant into the small space he took notice of how his left leg seems to have gotten worst since last time, he didn't have time to think about it when the higher rankings man rasped out a cough and started speaking “ welcome back CPL. Barnes it's good to know that you've made it “ , despite the warm words the tone that was carrying them was not delivering the sane warmth, it was empty and monotoned like he just said those same words over and over until they lost the soul within them now only syllables rolling off onto the air.
“ S’good t’be back lieutenant but we both know y’aint bringing be here for all’at so get to it “ I ain't in no mood for formalities he thought but kept the last bit reserved in his mind , the older gave him a side eye from where he stood looking almost reliefed to get to the point, “ well aren't ya in a hurry , and here I was thinking you'd be happy to hear what I have for ya “ he spoke finally looking at him in the eyes before taking a seat the chair screeching lightly under his weight with how old it was .
“ the last time you ‘ had something for me ‘ -” he mimicked his tone not thinking it through earning a stern look before muttering an apology and continuing”- ya had me shipped off to a hell-made-hole almost freezing alongside my men, I feel i shouldn't be all'at optimistic with ya “ he finished and the cold started creeping up on him again, like the mere mention of it was enough to summon the winter.
“ nah don't you worry , it ain't an order I just thought ya’d like to know that you got promoted, congrats Sergeant “ well- that took a turn and not the one I was expecting he thought and although it was a ‘ promotion ‘ he felt the heaviness of the syllables tug at his shoulders but he smiled nonetheless “ well I sure wasn’t expecting that “ he spoke his forehead wrinkling with the rise of his eyebrows.
He ran, sprinted, head first from that tent into his own ,he needed to write to her , short tempered because that could have waited, lunching himself onto his seat he fished his pocket for what was sitting heavily in it since he got it , for what tugged at the strings of his heart with every second calling him oh so desperately.
He carefully unfolded the pages , he can't afford even a mere fold in his darling's very own dear words , the words that kept him from losing his sanity ever since he got drafted into this hell of a war
My dearest, james
I hope this letter finds you well and warm, it's been a while since I received anything from you so if you haven't lost your hands yet I better not find my mail box empty.
It's been really hectic here jamie, bonnie got a telegram a few days ago regarding the death of Daniel, sweet soft Daniel oh how cruel it was to watch it all down on her , so please for my sanity come back to me because I don't know what I'd do with myself if you didn't .
how's it been going? You back yet oh I hope you are, I hope you are nothing but warm and safe I really do , I know I can't keep the nightmares away , I'm no medic either so all I can do is sit and hope and pray for this big act of horror and terror to end so could finally come to me , to your ma , to your home.
I'd make you the warmest meals , hold you close and never let you go unless you are so sick of me , I'd bring you all the sweets that you love from mrs. Ann 's bakery, everything you my heart will ask for I'd kiss the pain awwy and stand guardian of your dreams at night but until then I'm sitting playing your laugh like a broken record so I'd never forget it , so I'd never forget you .
Not that I'd be able to even if I tried
Tell me more about it there, your fears, your nightmares and demons, I want to share your pain buck , your pain is my pain ever since you took your heart with you to the front lines and laid it vulnerable because that'd be the only explanation to my heartache.
I'm writing to you sitting on nails and daggers until I hear from you , Can't get my mind to do anything else, Can't worry or care about anything except you , so please once you can once you're safe write to me james write and make it long so long it's enough until the next one because getting enough of you was never and never will be something that I can manage to do .
Yours, truly and utterly yours
He felt warm, the winter is no longer there and it's spring now , it's the only way there could be butterflies and he felt them all too well, he grabbed his pen Can't leave the pretty dame all worried now can we ?
My dearest, y/n
how much I'm wishing to hold ya right now, to melt your beautiful body with mine and to tangle our desperate souls with each other you can't even imagine sweetheart it's all that I think about everything pretty here is you and you are everything pretty.
I'm sorry I couldn't write to ya sooner it's been shitty awful and once I got back I got called into the lieutenant office, nothing that pretty head of yours needs to worry about ya officially are the girl of a sergeant
Sergeant Barner's got a ring , I'm still not planning on telling ya about the stuff in here - the bad ones at least which is the most of it - and I still want ya away from those terror speaking radios only music and laughing and everything good should get to those ears of your , and I don't want you biting those nails
I'm sorry about Daniel and bonnie , things like that really stop my heart love because what if it was me ? I don't want to leave knowing I would hurt you, that's your plan eh? To make me determined to come back to ya , well i gotta tell ya you don't need one sweetheart, I'm coming back and hearing your stop-all-of-the-wars laughter
Are you laughing enough doll? Are ya smiling the same way that I left ya to be? I hope to god you are because I can deal with nightmares and bombs and death but not with a world without your smile or laugh, you gotta guard your happiness sweetheart, for me, and don't let this war steal it or why the hell am I fighting for ?
How about food ? Ya eating well? And pancakes don't count sugar, please eat well I'm dying here not being able to check up on ya , to protect ya from All the guys I know were waiting for my departure to sneak up on ya n try n snatch ya , i know there's a lot cause I got the prettiest dame in Brooklyn, hell in the whole of New York.
Give em the cold shoulder sweets , be rude and bitchy - sorry but yeah give to em , men sometimes don't understand "no" steve got into enough fights about that for me to be burning here , speaking of the little rascal gemme a realistic check up on em please and give ma and Becca my dearest regards, keep each other save while I can't please.
I can't fit everything that I have to say to ya in a million letters but this 's all I can do for now , but don't hold back on me my darlin not one bit , send me anything 'n everything ya got happening there I'll be waiting for ya ' on needles n daggers ' .
yours faithfully sergeant James Barnes
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Hey, it's my first time writing something I wrote it in a hurry so there might be a few mistakes here n there also english isn't my first language, feel free to point out any mistakes and tell me if you'd like for me to write more of this
( also someone teach me how to tag )
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navybrat817 · 6 months
Hello!! I love your writing so much and felt compelled to tell you about Hozier’s song “Too Sweet” and instantly thought about Nick Fowler and Bucky Barnes (or really my obsession with Sebastian Stan)!! Not that you have to write anything, but I hope that song gives you inspiration or motivation to write something!! I just really wanted to share that song with you since I look forward to all your writings! ☺️💗
Hi, nonnie! I'm so glad you like my nonsense. And yes! Hozier is a gift to us all and I adore Too Sweet. I actually listened to it a bit ago followed immediately by Sleep Token's Give. I think many of us are going to be inspired by it.
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Grumpy and Sunshine vibes. "You're too good for me" vibes. All the vibes. I'm here for it. ❤️
Love and thanks! ❤️
PS - As I'm getting ready to post this, Sleep Token popped back into the rotation with Sugar. Oh, the thots...
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dear-reader-letters · 11 months
Welcome to my passion project, Dear Reader!
A little about myself: I am a college student who loves to write. I am a part of a ton of different fandoms, but my most involved fandoms are Top Gun and Marvel.
I am in love with the concept of creating personalized letters from some of your favorite characters, and as much as emails are convenient, I prefer physical mail. Nothing compares to the excitement a physical letter brings me, so I wanted to share that with everyone here.
I will write you a personalized letter from your favorite characters in the fandoms and mail it to you!
Character Options:
Top Gun:
Pete “Maverick” Mitchell
Tom “Iceman” Kazansky
Nick “Goose” Bradshaw
Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw
Jake “Hangman” Seresin
Robert “Bob” Floyd
Steve Rogers
James “Bucky” Barnes
Peter Parker
My letters are broken down into Two Tiers:
Tier 1 ($5):
-A typed and printed, personalized letter from your favorite character.
-You get to choose the relationship you have with your character (Romantic, Platonic, Parental, Confessional of Feelings, etc.)
-Tone of the letter
-Any nicknames the character uses for you
Tier 2 ($10):
-A typed and printed, personalized letter from your favorite character.
-You get to choose the relationship you have with your character (Romantic, Platonic, Parental, Confessional of Feelings, ect.)
-Tone of the letter
-The Nicknames the character uses for you
-A trinket unique to each character.
+$2 for handwritten letters.
Payment will be made through Venmo or Cash App!
How to Order:
DM the Instagram account!
Please include
-The Tier you’re ordering
-The character you’d like to receive the letter from
-The relationship you’d like with the character
-The tone of your letter
-Nickname you’d like included
I will do my best to get back to you to confirm within 24 hours; however, I am a college student, so please be patient.
Once I’ve confirmed your preferences and order, you can pay via Cash App or Venmo.
Please do not pay until we have talked about your letter and I have confirmed. This will prevent any incidents of letter requests and payments going unfilled. My goal is to make sure everyone gets the letter they want!
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not-that-syndrigast · 6 months
Happy Birthday to the gayest movie ever made; captain america the winter soldier
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ervotica · 3 months
Bucky as the winter soldier will always leave tears running down my thighs! Especially in Civil War🥵
YESSS that red henley does things to me😍😍😍 gonna have to start writing for him again methinks
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Heyyy I absolutely love your work!! Could I request a drabble of Bucky being completely smitten with the reader or a headcanon when the reader is sick??? Merci beaucoup mademoiselle🫶💖
Two Floors
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PAIRINGS: 40's!James "Bucky" Barnes x Reader
WARNINGS: FLUFF, angst (if you squint), mentions of not haveing enough money
WORD COUNT: 1,759 (got carried away lol)
*not proof-read*
“Oh c’mon doll, can’t leave a poor man hangin’,” he says as he runs to catch up with you. You roll your eyes as he comes to walk along side you.
“Buchanan, I told you to go annoy Rogers instead. I have much more important things to do,” you bite in his direction as you make your way through the streets of Brooklyn.
Graduating high school, a month ago with your best friends, Bucky and Steve, was something your dreamed of when you met the two boys the first time your moved into the old apartment complex.
Since then, the three of you have become inseparable.
But something eats away at your heart, a painful piece of emotion that just slowly chews away at your peace.
“You got a job already?” Bucky asks as he slides his hands into his pockets. You adjust the strap of your purse on your shoulder and nod your head, “just a small secretary job at the library. Enough to earn something until I finally decided what I wanna do with my life.”
Bucky laughs and lets out a low whistle, “still that ‘always need to know whay my future is’ type o’ girl, yeah?” You shake your head and slap his arm, “quit it, Buchanan. Or I’m telling Winnie your being an ass.”
Bucky rubs his arm, a little sore from your slap. “My ma trusts you more than the Lord himself,” Bucky comments, the loosely swinging his arm over your shoulder.
You doesn’t push it away.
“That’s because I don’t go bring random girls back home and make them scream my name in the middle of the night,” you smirk as you reveal you know of his nightly activities.
Bucky stops, forcing her stop. The look on his face is horrific and you snort and slap his chest at his reaction. “How’d you-,” he starts, but you continue to laugh.
“Becca tells me everything, Buchanan,” you wink at him before you start walking again. He breaks out of his reverie and jogs to catch up with you, “doll, it ain’t like that.”
You laugh and shake your head, “do I look like I care who you mess around with, Buchanan?” He pauses and shakes his head, it looks like to you he’s a bit upset, “no, you don’t”
You were about to say something else, but something caught your eye.
You stop and gasp as you walk towards the window of the shop.
The great glass pane with the large painted letters on it does not stop you from viewing the contents inside of the store.
The dainty little locket sits at the back of the display, hiding behind all the extravagant jewels. You know that the owner would’ve expected people to look at the jewels.
But the locket, it hangs lovingly from a thin gold chain. The oval case rests just in between the collarbone.
You think it’s the most beautiful piece you’ve ever seen.
Bucky see’s you view the locket and how in awe you are in as you frame a picture of it in your mind.
“Why don’t you get it,” Bucky suggests, nodding at the piece of jewellry. You let out a sad laugh, “because it costs more than our parents’ rent combined, Buchanan.”
You bite your lip while still looking at the necklace, “a girl could dream.”
You sigh and pull away, “let’s go.”
------- The Rogers’, the Barnes’ and your parents all stand in front of you as they sing ‘Happy Birthday’ for the eighteenth time in your life.
After they finish the song, out of key, you drag the simple knife down the cake, and they start cheering.
Your mother cuts up slices and hands it to everyone, you get up from the dining table and smooth out the wrinkles of the emerald green cotton dress your mother sewed for you.
The dad’s gather as they converse about the lastest sports, the mom’s are in the kitchen laughing as the cook dinner. Steve, Bucky, Rebecca and you sit in the living room.
You go against the opinions of Steve’s and Bucky’s as they complain about how high school was the worst time of their life.
“Look guys, you can’t say that,” you chastise them softly, “Becca, you’re in your junior year. It’s one of the best times you’ll ever experience.”
Becca nods, as Steve shakes his head to Bucky and Bucky mouths a ‘No’ in Becca’s direction.
“Buchanan,” you throw the couch pillow at him.
“Hey, can I come in?” Bucky knocks on the window of your bedroom.
The party was over, and you’re parents went out to have a quick little dinner. They were upset because they didn’t want to leave you on your special day, but you knew how hard they’ve been working, and they didn’t have time to themselves. So you pushed them out the door and yelled a ‘have a great time’.
Bucky crouches on metal ridges that is your fire escape, waiting for your permission to enter your room.
You jump out of bed and raise your window a bit higher so he can fit in. “Are you out of your mind, Buchanan?” You whisper-yell at him.
He shrugs, “what? I live two floors above your doll, nothing to be worried about.” The wink he throws you way, makes you roll your eyes.
But there’s a place in your heart where it instantly becomes warm.
Because, even if Bucky was a player at times, he still caught your heart.
You did roll your eyes at his antics. But your smile was true from how playful he is.
You’d say ‘Quit it, Buchanan’, but in your mind you’d always whisper a ‘Don’t ever stop’.
You knew you were falling for Bucky, but you always forced those feelings down.
Because you knew, he won’t feel the same.
“What needed my attention so badly, that you had climb down to get here,” you cross your arms and narrow you’re eyes at him.
He smirks and sits on your bed, “well, I haven’t given you my present yet.”
You freeze.
You’re also confused.
“What? Of course you did, your family gifted me the Aesop Fable set,” you say as you walk to stand in front of him.
You vividly remember getting the gift, because it was something you have been telling Becca about for so long. And you squealed when you opened their present
But Bucky shakes his head, “no doll. They gave you, their gift. I haven’t given you mine.”
You pause, and you swear your heart starts beating a little faster.
“What”? You whisper, because you know you voice will crack if you spoke louder.
He pats the space next to him, “sit down, doll.”
You gulp and go sit down next to him, you obediently place you hands on your thighs as you wait for the next part.
Bucky gives a smile. But it’s different, you have never seen this look on Bucky before. The softness of his eyes, the way his cheeks are slightly flushed, the little crinkles at the corners of his lips as he maintains that smile.
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a tiny box.
The box looked like it was originally used to store a single chocolate ball, but the lettering on it worn out and the edges are a bit jagged.
You look at bucky with confusion, “what is thi-.”
He interrupts you, “just open it f’me, doll.”
And you do.
“Bucky, no.”
The locket stares back up at you, the gold glints under the light of your room.
“You-you can’t be serious, thi-this has to be a joke,” you turn to face him with tears lining your eyes. You heart has never beaten so fast in your entire life.
Bucky’s grin widens and nods, “got it this morning, just for you.” He says your name so softly that you think it might break if he said it to harshly.
You wrap your arms around his neck and push your head against his shoulder as you whisper your million ‘thank you’s’.
Bucky chuckles and rubs your back, “anything for you, doll.”
“Why, why me? Why this?” you shake your head against him.
“Because I gotta tell the girl, who lives two floors below me, that I’m in love with her,” Bucky pulls back and cups the back of your neck.
You gasp softly and furrow your brows at him, your shock so evident on your face.
“Gotta tell her that I’ve been after her since the day she moved into this building,” Bucky leans in and you follow.
How have you been so daft to not see this?
You close your eyes and stop until you’re a hair width’s away from Bucky’s lips.
“Gotta tell her how much I’ve been dreamin’ about her, and how she’s the only thing on my mind,” Bucky whispers, and you feel his breath hits your lips.
He softly places his lips on yours, and you move your hands to cup his face. You both move your lips in tandem to the other, as you try to feel more of one another.
He pulls away breathlessly and you follow suit.
“I’ve been meaning to do that for a long time, doll,” he chuckles and leans in to place soft kisses on your jaw.
You giggle and whisper a ‘me too’.
Bucky takes the locket from your hands and starts to put it on for you.
He soon as he done, he leans back and sees how beautifully the necklace sits just above the dip of your collarbone.
“Open it up,” he nods at the locket. You smile and follow his orders, you gasp as you see a picture of your seventeenth birthday, with the Rogers’ and Barnes’, at Coney Island. And the other side had a picture of you and Bucky at Prom.
You didn’t have a date, well you did but he stood you up. So Bucky stepped in and became your man for the night.
You look up at him and have no words to say.
“I-,” you start but can’t finish your sentence.
“I know, doll. I know,” he smiles. “Been saving those tiny pictures for a while, but it was worth it,” he leans in and presses his forehead against yours.
You close your eyes and relish this feeling that hangs in the air.
The feeling that you have been wanting to feel for so long now, it feels like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.
“Bucky?” you whisper.
“Hmm, doll,” he whispers back.
“I love you.”
“I love you, doll.”
Love this ask, I've always had this idea in mind, but never really knew how to write it.
I guess this is just a messy way of writing it lol.
I hope this is what you were looking for nonnie!!!
Lemme know what you lovelies think!!
Till' then,
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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insomniumstella · 2 years
stuck in the middle (1) | bucky x avenger!reader 
summary: Steve’s silly joke happened to inspire the best, or possibly the worst, idea Wanda had ever come up with — send James Buchanan Barnes and y/n on an all-expenses-paid honeymoon in Hawaii. the problem? they cannot stand to be around each other.
warnings: enemies to lovers, forced proximity, explicit language, alcohol consumption, sarcastic!bucky
word count: 4,050
taglist is down below (please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list!)
series’ SPOTIFY playlist 
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Wanda had never considered herself too lucky, but she had not been entirely unfortunate either. 
She’d often get the last croissant at her favorite coffee shop or find money in every little corner of the compound — abandoned lockers at the gym, behind the coffee jar in the pantry, in the pocket of Tony’s pants that one and only time he had asked the girl to wash them for him.
Wanda could remember the day she had won her first contest vividly. The anxiety at the pit of her stomach, the crinkling of paper as she tore open a brown envelope, the pure joy when she had found out about receiving a pink toaster oven. That fateful day had forever been burned into her memories. 
A couple of weeks later, she had entered a second competition after accidentally stumbling upon it in a random magazine and won again and again until Wanda, getting all sorts of things for free, became a running joke at the compound. It had been no different after a major travel company had announced a contest for a free vacation in Hawaii months ago, she could sense, before she had even opened the oversized box Maui Dreams had delivered to the Avengers’ headquarters. 
Wanda had been right; she had not exhausted her luck yet. 
“Bucky, I’m sorry!” She threw the soldier a sheepish glance before dragging y/n out of the training facility that afternoon. Wanda had paid little mind to James, and if looks could kill, she would’ve been six feet under. 
It was only when the two girls had reached the compound’s kitchen did y/n notice that Wanda was still in her pajamas, holding a bright pink paper slip. The redhead’s expression was a mixture of anxiety and bewilderment, and y/n couldn’t decide which one she’d prefer to experience first if neither wasn’t an option. 
“Training with Bucky is a nightmare, so thank you for the temporary rescue, but,” she gestured to the paper Wanda was holding before getting a water bottle from the fridge, “what’s this, and why is it making you upset?” 
“This,” Wanda held up the CONGRATULATIONS: HAWAII AWAITS! letter, “is a note granting me a free vacation in Hawaii.” She chewed on her lip, staring at y/n. “Hawaii!” 
“Yes, Hawaii.” She nodded, unsure as if one wrong word would cause Wanda to lose her temper. 
“This,” she waved the paper in y/n’s face, “is a free pass for a week in paradise, and I cannot go! I read their terms and conditions and, shit, I even emailed them, but,” heavy accent laced itself around her words, “they’ve decided that for the reason that Vision is a robot, and I’m a foreign weapon of mass destruction we cannot go.” She spoke mockingly, rolling her eyes. “They worded it differently, but it seems ridiculous nonetheless.” 
“Modern problems require modern solutions.” She offered Wanda a half smile, trying to make a joke out of the situation. “Besides, they might’ve been right about the destruction part of the email.” She added in a much quieter voice, referring to the complex of buildings her teammate had recently destroyed. 
It had been purely an accident, a blunder of magic most would've had a difficult time controlling if one was to ask y/n. However, it had been a pure catastrophe if one was to ask the American government. 
“It was an accident, and the houses were empty.” The redhead cocked her head to the side, face painted in faux shock at y/n’s accusations. 
“Offer the trip to Steve. Heaven knows Captain Rogers needs a break.” She finished the water bottle, throwing it into the trash. “We can talk later, but I must get going.”
James Buchanan Barnes was undoubtedly still waiting in the training facility, and, though y/n had little desire to finish training, she couldn’t bail again. Besides, James had been beating her ass at hand-to-hand combat the past few weeks, and she’d be everything she had always despised if she gave him the satisfaction of giving up that easily. 
“I did.” The guilty undertones in Wanda’s tone stopped y/n in her tracks, and she glanced at the redhead from over her shoulder. “I signed up the two of you for the vacation.” 
Bewilderment burned in y/n’s eyes. “What?!” 
“Pack your bags.” The younger girl chuckled, leaning against the bar. Her smile was everything but innocent. “The plane leaves tomorrow evening.” 
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The woman tried arguing, she did. 
As soon as James had dismissed her from training, she had been running around in meek attempts to locate Steve, and even when she had finally succeeded, Wanda’s story proved to be true. The schedules had been cleared, Steve’s bags had been packed. It was suspicious, way too suspicious — the Steve she had known for almost ten years already, wouldn’t have willingly signed up for a vacation. It was an all-expenses-paid vacation in Hawaii, yes, but everything had appeared too perfect for it to be true.
She found herself on the plane the next evening nonetheless because if The Captain Rogers agreed to it, she could see herself tanning topless, a Moscow Mule in hand, as well. The universe must’ve heard y/n’s prayers and decided to bless her with a miracle. Thank you, universe, she thought, sipping on a vodka soda the flight attendant had given her as soon as she sat down in the business-class seat. Though the airplane could never compare to the luxury of Tony’s private jets, which dripped with excessive luxury, it was far better than flights with the team, for this flight had no bickering or shouting. I need more of these, y/n decided when a nearby passenger kept slamming their backpack into the overhead bin, I need more vodka.
“This compartment must be full. Perhaps you should try the compartment next to it?” She softly suggested, flipping through the airline’s in-flight shopping catalog.
She loved boarding first for the copious amounts of space in the overhead bins because the loss of storage was the sorrow passengers who boarded last suffered.
“What the fuck?” Bucky gawked at her before giving the backpack a final push and deciding to shove it underneath the seat when it didn’t fit. “Where the fuck is Steve?” His loud voice earned judging glances from the people with kids in the row ahead of them, but he paid the family no mind.
Devil himself sat beside y/n, his perplexed expression matching hers. No, no, no, Steve wouldn’t.
The woman had been overly excited to meet Bucky in all his glory after the court had declared him innocent. And, sure, he had stabbed her the first time they met, but y/n had been willing to put the past behind the pair and start fresh. Everyone deserved a second chance, or everyone except Bucky, she had determined, when he had been nothing but an asshole for the last five years. It had never been a ‘James hates everyone’ issue, no, it was a ‘Bucky hates y/n’ issue. If he was determined to make her life a living hell, she was more than happy to return the favor, declaring war.
“Did you put him up to this?”
“Did you switch places with Steve?” He repeated in a far bolder and louder voice.
She could not comprehend the words that rolled off of his tongue. Why would she, the woman who had recently replaced his almond milk with whole milk, knowing he’d suffer immensely, but doing it anyway just for the fun of it, ask Steve to go on a vacation with James?
“Yes, sergeant, I begged Steve for a week in paradise with the great James Buchanan Barnes.”
The soldier raised a brow, digging into his back pocket to retrieve something y/n deemed as a brick — an old, barely usable cellphone Bucky used for his personal endeavors. She peeked at the contact list of three whole people and snickered to herself. Steve, Sam, and his therapist were the only numbers he had saved. Though it did not come as a surprise, it was amusing to witness.
“Sir, please put the phone away, we are preparing for takeoff.”
His head shot up at the sound of the flight attendant’s voice. James glanced between the insufferable woman in the seat on his left and the woman with a pleasant smile standing nearby, carefully choosing his next battle.
“There’s been a misunderstanding.” He grinned apologetically, but closed the flip phone. “I just need to make a quick call.” 
“The plane door’s open,” y/n shrugged, pretending to look unbothered as if Bucky’s appearance on the plane wasn’t the most horrifying of problems, “you could let me go on the trip alone,” she paused, pretending to be in deep thought, “I’d be distraught, of course, but it’d be nothing a little Hawaiian sun and a martini couldn’t fix.”
Bucky scoffed at her. Was she really that stuck up to believe she was the only one in need of a holiday? 
James wouldn’t outright admit it, but he desperately craved a break from the stress of high-stakes missions, frequently occurring chaos in the compound, from y/n, who had ruined his last Wednesday by switching his almond milk to whole milk. He had stayed up in the bathroom until midnight, missing out on a potentially incredible date. It would've been his third after James had gotten his mind back and y/n had wrecked it, prompting a stream of angry messages from Jennifer, a bartender at a local bar. 
“The door is actually closed, ma’am. Please fasten your seatbelts and turn all devices on airplane mode.” The flight attendant’s smile faltered for a second. “Would you like me to bring you another vodka soda when we’re in the air?” She questioned, gesturing to y/n’s empty plastic cup as an offer for consolation.
“Make it double, please.” She nodded eagerly, the appalling realization of James and her being stuck on an airplane to Hawaii slowly creeping in.
The soldier threw an unamused glare in the girl’s direction, "if you throw up-“
“Oh my,” the annoyance in her tone was evident when she spoke, “that was one time, James,” she pushed a finger into his chest, “It was Halloween, and I wanted to outdrink Steve, and-“
“And I don’t care.” He shuffled in his seat for a more comfortable position. The plane was suddenly too hot and too cramped for James to stomach. “Just don’t throw up and, this one you might find difficult executing, stop talking to me. It’s bad enough I got tricked into getting on a plane with the most aggravating woman alive.” The words dripped with poison, firm and calculated. The former sentence was harsh, but it was his truth.  
“When we land, you could stay at the airport,” she turned to face him, her knees bumping against his half on purpose, half because of the tight space between them, “and get on the next flight to upstate New York.”
James sneered, “sounds like a plan. I sincerely hope you’ll exceed at completing it.” If anyone was to catch the next flight to NYC it would be y/n, he’d make sure of it.
She studied him, hoping her deadly stare would frighten the soldier, yet he didn’t move, make a sound, or change facial expressions. He remained entirely cool on the outside, and it infuriated her.  
The next time her knees bumped into his, it was deliberate. “I need a vacation.” If James wanted to, and he did, he would’ve purposely mistaken the comment for a plea. A plea for sympathy from none other than y/n, the woman who never begged people for anything.
“As do I.” 
“This is only the beginning then, princess,” she snatched the phone from his hands, aggressively flipping it shut from when he had turned it on after the flight attendant had left his sight, “this monstrosity is old enough to be a safety hazard, and it definitely does not have airplane mode.”
“Good. Perhaps it’ll kill us both and put me out of this misery.” He hissed, capturing y/n’s wrist.
She almost hoped it would.
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“I might have twisted the truth slightly,” Wanda’s voice sounded distracted over the phone.
“Slightly? I’m on a fucking honeymoon with Bucky Barnes, Wanda.” She could see Bucky through the glass windows from where she was standing in the smoking area outside of the hotel.
“They’re putting us in the Lovers’ Suite as we speak. There’s probably going to be rose petals everywhere.”
“First, calm down.” Wanda switched the iPhone to her left side, holding it in place with her shoulder and cheek as she painted her nails.
Though she wouldn’t admit it, hearing the betrayal in y/n’s voice was the highlight of her week. She loved the girl, and if it came down to it, she’d die for her, but the situation was amusing at the least.
Steve had been the first person to find out about Hawaii, and when he made a seemingly silly joke that she should send Bucky and y/n on a honeymoon, a plan had been born.
“Second, you love roses.” A foolproof plan of Steve and Wanda to help the idiots notice what they had been blind to. “Besides it’s just for one week.”
“One week with Bucky Barnes is one week too long.”
“Please send me photos of you two at the beach.” The redhead chuckled.
“There will be no photos of us at the beach,” she replied, her tone dripping with poison, “I hope you know that I will forever hate you.”
“Don’t blame me. I didn’t know Bucky would show up instead of Steve.” Wanda lied through her teeth. 
She had known about the ordeal that would unfold. In fact, she had masterfully orchestrated it all. It was y/n’s fault for believing Captain America would choose a vacation over missions and meetings he had been scheduled to attend.
“Steve better sleep with his eyes open when I get back.”
“I love you!” Wanda hung up the phone before y/n could get another word in.
“Shit.” She cursed under her breath when the phone suddenly became silent.
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The soldier’s sickeningly charming smile was the last thing y/n expected when she strutted up to the reception desk.
“Darling, would you mind showing your ID? It’s the final thing we need to check in.”
She raised a brow at James, confused. “What?”
He threw her a brief, unimpressed glance before softening his eyes and gesturing to the woman. “Aaliyah has the room ready early, but she needs both of our IDs to check us in. It’s mentioned in the rules of the contest.”
The contest Wanda had used to trick her. May she burn in Sokovian hell.
“Yes, both parties must present their IDs. It’s simply a formality.” Aaliyah chimed in. “Our staff always get informed of the winners’ names. It’s the only way to redeem activities, meals at the à la carte restaurants, and special discounts.”
“Would a driver’s license work?” She asked, rummaging through her purse before sliding a random ID over the counter.
“Of course!” The receptionist’s smile was too bright and too happy for nine in the morning, y/n decided, but then again, it was Hawaii, so perhaps people functioned differently here. “Is this your first honeymoon?”
“It is!” She answered too quickly and without giving James a chance to speak. “We’ve just been too busy to notice as time flew by. Today’s our fourth wedding anniversary.” The words fell out of her mouth quicker than y/n could stop them, and she winced at the lie.
“Congratulations! I’ll have a romantic dinner arranged for tonight. Would seven work, or should I schedule it at eight?”
She had been entirely wrong. The universe cursed her — the tipsiness from the vodka was wearing off, the week in paradise turned out to be a faux honeymoon, and the random ID, she had provided hurriedly so as to not arouse suspicions on why a regular traveler carried that many driver’s licenses, was issued under the name of none other than Amelie Barnes. The ID had never been a problem until today when it incriminated y/n as Bucky’s wife and became the ultimate punishment for all the sins she had committed against the soldier.
Perhaps I should clean out my wallet sometimes. 
“We wouldn’t want to cause any trouble, Aaliyah.” He awkwardly patted y/n on the shoulder. “You must deal with hundreds of honeymooners every day.”
“Nonsense. It’d be my pleasure.”
“The flight was exhausting,” James tried again, “we’ll probably enjoy a drink or two and call it a night.”
"It's fine, really." She chimed in, stepping further away from James and his awkward touches. "We want to order room service anyways." 
"Yes!" He agreed, glancing at y/n. "A burger sounds divine." The timber of Bucky's voice was utterly unconvincing. 
"Scheduling a dinner? It sounds too tiring and too long of a process." The woman offered Aaliyah a foolish grin, resting her elbows on the reception desk and propping her head in her hands. 
She had attempted to sound unbothered, but her delivery of words had been quite ridiculous. She appeared eccentric, stupidly staring at the employee through panicked eyes. I am not his wife, he is not my husband. Please, woman, do not arrange a romantic dinner for the two of us tonight.
Unfortunately, the receptionist did not turn out to be a mind reader. 
“It's not," she narrowed her eyes before her tightly pursed lips switched into a smile, "seven it is then! Toro Toro is our finest restaurant and will be perfect for a passionate anniversary celebration.”
“Great.” Bucky muttered under his breath.
She slid two pamphlets over the desk, “One of the pamphlets is a map of the hotel, and the other is a list of honeymoon activities. Couples massage seems to be the fan favorite.” She typed something on the computer before pushing the IDs and two sets of room keys in their direction, “Brody will lead you to the suite. Welcome to Hawaii Mr. and Mrs. Barnes.”
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“I’m not going to the dinner.” James slumped into the couch.
The room was spacious and elegant, and, her intuition had been right, covered in rose petals. A bottle of champagne stood in a bucket of ice on the coffee table, a generous fruit basket and a note next to it. She landed on the opposite side of the sofa, picking up the postcard to read it.
Welcome to Hawaii — paradise awaits. We wish you a passionate and blissful honeymoon. The mea inu (drinks) are on us!
“Fine by me.” She let out a strangled chuckle at the irony of it all. “Do you think the receptionist was in on it?”
“Aaliyah?” James reached down to pop the champagne open. “She might be on something, that much I can say, but,” he took a sip from the bottle before pouring himself a glass and then, after a second of hesitation, begrudgingly poured y/n a glass too, “to think Steve would set her up is a reach.”
“Wanda would. She knew about the flights and the honeymoon package, and,” y/n got silent and took a big gulp of champagne when a sudden realization set in, “what were the rules of the contest?”
“I’m not Google on legs, y/n.” An aggravated sigh slipped past his lips.
She craved to spit a sarcastic comment at James but refrained against it. 
“What if we have to pretend to be a couple? What if the contest is designed in a way that a pair of friends or strangers cannot redeem the prize, and we’ll have to pay for everything? Tony would skin us.”
“The receptionist mentioned something along the lines of people scamming the contest’s company, but this is utter nonsense. There were five winners in total, they couldn’t possibly monitor each pair.”
“They could take away the activities.” She raised a brow, finishing her drink. “Bye, bye scuba diving.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Besides, we are,” the word got lost in his throat as James made a disgusted face, “a couple as of thirty minutes ago. In fact, we’re celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary.”
“The ID was issued a little over four years ago, Barnes.”
“And? You just had to run your big mouth and get us a reservation for a romantic dinner, didn’t you?”
“I panicked!” She raised her voice, finding a way into the bedroom. It was a monstrosity compared to the living room, decorated with not only rose petals but Hershey's chocolate kisses and candles everywhere. “The driver’s license I pulled happened to be under the name of Amelie Barnes, she saw it was issued a little over four years ago and most likely assumed I had changed my name soon after our wedding.”
“The wedding we never had.”
She had been wiping roses off the bed and onto the floor, emptying a pair of heavy suitcases on the satin sheets as soon as it was clean.
“It’s not like I could’ve snatched the ID and presented another. Perhaps she recognized you, the infamous Winter Soldier, but I, if you need a refresher,” the woman disappeared into the balcony when James came into the bedroom, “work under disguises.” Her voice was almost a whisper in the morning’s wind. “I’m the Avenger without a name.”
Nick Fury had imposed a great deal of strength and a great deal of sorrow upon y/n when she had finished S.H.I.E.L.D. training. She had excelled in many areas, but lying was her forte. The woman had once loved to be a ghost story, to embody a superhero without an identity, especially when fellow Avengers couldn't show faces in public without getting recognized. All good things come to an end, she had learned when the lies had become a burden, bleeding into her personal life, and y/n had found herself largely alone. James, a man she despised, had more genuine memories of y/n than her past lovers ever would. Over the years, it had evolved into as generous of a problem as it had been an opportunity. 
“This is bad.” Bucky followed after her. “We cannot be seen together.”
“As if we usually are.”
“I’m being serious, y/n. Forget about the money. What if someone recognizes me and connects the quite obvious dots that you might be working for the  Avengers as well?” James leaned on the balcony railing, too close to y/n for her enjoyment.
The woman stayed silent, enjoying the view. The sky was stained with various hues of blue, lighter than the endless ocean ahead of them. It was nothing short of breathtaking, glorious even. Hawaii was truly a paradise on Earth with its sandy air and pleasantly warm sun, whose rays gently caressed her skin.
“Officially you are retired. The public isn’t aware of your affiliation with Avengers.” She reminded. "Amelie Barnes is the wife of a retired officer, nothing less, nothing more."
There was a chance they could run into a former HYDRA agent or a politician the Avengers had tried and failed to lock up, but the chance was too slim to become a burden. Perhaps we could make this work, she thought and stole a glance at Bucky. She would stay on her side of the hotel while he would stay on his, and if need be, they’d pretend to be a couple without getting noticed by these vacationing villains James referred to. It had happened before, once, when Sam had a genius idea of catching an arms dealer at an upscale club in New York City. James had kissed her then, and much to y/n’s surprise, she hadn’t stopped breathing or dropped dead. They had caught the trafficker and went on their merry ways — Bucky continued to exhaust her ass at training, and y/n had switched his conditioner to body wash amongst other, less innocent, endeavors. Much to her dismay, his hair continued to stay shiny and, in Wanda’s words, quite fabulous.
“Yes, sergeant, villains just happen to vacation at The Maui Resort.” She poked fun at his obnoxious concerns, disappearing back into the bedroom.
As of now, there was only a single problem y/n needed to resolve.
Should she suggest James sleeps on the floor or in the marble bathtub?
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buckybringsviolets · 2 years
I've Got You
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Bucky x Female Reader
500+ words
For anon, if this is not what you were asking for, please don't hesitate to ask for a redo!
Request ~ hello! ive never used this button on this app before so forgive me if its a bit confusing! - i saw that you were doing letters from bucky? and i was wondering if i could ask for one? " my preferred pronouns are she/her and if its at all possible can you do CW bucky? as for specifics: can it be comfort and reassurance for issues with anxiety? thanks so much !! have a great day
This takes place when Bucky was hiding out in Romania, right before the action in Captain America: Civil War
   I’m just running out to grab a few things. When you get this, before you do anything else, PLEASE make sure to latch the locks that I couldn’t. I checked the windows before leaving so you’re all set there. Make sure the volume on the radio is down, I know you love to jack it up, but darlin’, please don’t! And remember, I love you, and don’t be scared. 
      I’m so fucking sorry I dragged you into the mess that is my life, I hate you have to live like this, I do. I should have turned away the minute I laid eyes on you. Jesus, sweetheart, you were so beautiful, standing there, trying your hardest to communicate with the merchant, but struggling. I couldn’t help but smile at you. And you graciously let me help you, quickly inviting me to join you for a coffee. 
  I knew it wasn’t a good idea but I let you in. I told you things I know I shouldn’t have. But how couldn’t I? We are as much alike as we are different, but we fit. Like we were meant to be. And my love for you outweighs my guilt. Unfortunately for you I’m afraid. 
  But now? Now you are suffering. Holed up in this dingy apartment, scrounging for mere scraps to survive. Yet you tell me you’re “fine with it” that “it’s true, love conquers all, Bucky!” And you smile at me, that breathtakingly beautiful smile of yours, hugging me so tightly I feel like I’m back together again. Whole. 
  But I know you have so much on your mind. I mean, who wouldn’t? This kind of life ain’t for the faint of heart, always looking for threats, leaving your old life behind. “It’s okay, Buck!” You tell me. “I was just traipsing around the world, no rhyme or reason to where I was going. And I’ve got no place to go back to, you’re my home now, Buck, and I plan on helping you find your home, wherever that may be.”  But what about you darlin’? 
   I want to take you somewhere nice, warm maybe. Some place that no one can find us, find me. I want to take you somewhere where you won’t have to wake up with anxiety, fears. I know you try to hide it all from me, but I know. I watch you, I see it when you turn from me and that gorgeous smile disappears. I notice the slight tremors in your hands when you're doing some mindless chore, your eyes darting around. I hear your sniffles in the bathroom. But you always deny it when I confront you with it, “I’m fine Bucky, honest!” 
  When I get home tonight I’m going to treat you to something special, promise. I’m not tellin’ you what, but I will say it will involve lots of blankets and cuddles. And I want you to know that I will do anything to make you feel safe, to make that anxiety you’re feeling go as far away as I can fucking toss it. It’s gonna be okay, it’s going to. Because, sweetheart, I believe we can overcome anything. Together. 
Love you with every fiber of my messed up self
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thesexydevils · 2 years
The Psychologist
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only.
I do not give permission for my work to be re-posted anywhere even if you give credit. But please re-blog and comment. Thank you!
Pairing: Criminal/Mafia Bucky x female reader
Summary: You, a young criminal psychologist, takes up a task with the government to study and make reports on the worst criminals in NY. One of them is James Buchanan Barnes.
Warnings: 18+ only, Dark fic, Noncon, breeding, blood, violence, force. GIF is not mine!
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“Hello Dr. L/N, I got the call just an hour ago. Are you sure you want to do that?” You were sitting in front of him in your black dress pants and a beige sweater. 
“Director, I can see you are not a fan of this but it is my job to study and understand humans like them.” His humorless laugh interrupted you and then he looked dead into your eyes. “Humans? This place is not made for humans. This prison is for those who are the scums of the society. Even animals are better than the monsters we cage here.”
You looked out of the window, the sky was gray with dark clouds. It was pouring outside and the gloomy weather made you low spirited. You took a deep breath and looked back at the man sitting behind the beg desk.
“Director Foster, I understand your hatred and disgust for the prisoners or as you said monsters, but right now you are stopping me from doing my job. I am here, because the Governor has appointed me to make a thorough report on the most dangerous criminals. This report is not only to see how dangerous they are, but also to see how and why they become like this.”
You took out the official letter out of your bag and handed it over to him. “I know you are worried that he will put them in a normal prison or pardon some of the crimes, but I assure you that this will never happen. Our goal is only to prevent others from becoming  monsters.”
Director Foster leaned back in his chair and thought for a minute. “Fine Dr. L/N, but realize that you are putting yourself in danger. These are not just some thieves or drug dealers, most of them are criminal masterminds. Some of them will study you as you will them and play mind games.” 
You nodded and told him that you will keep that in mind. As the door opened you picked your bag and stood up. A guard stepped in to take you to the first inmate, but before you left the office you heard the Director again. 
“ Doctor, 2 guards will wait outside the room when you are alone with the prisoners and their hands and feet will be cuffed to the chairs. But still don't go near them.”
“I understand Director. Thank you.” 
On the way to the room you talked with the guard. Apparently not many guards lasted longer than 3 years. The longest one worked 8 years but last year he had a breakdown and never came back on duty. 
According to the young officer, he was a tough man with a military background, but one of the inmates got under his skin and made him lose his mind.
“Officer Peterson, can you get the inmates file and then get him too?” The Officer stilled for a moment, it took a few seconds for him to react. He turned around and looked a bit uneasy about your request. “ Are you sure Doctor? Maybe you should start with someone else?”
“Officer, I am sure, please bring him first.” He nodded and left without a word. You looked around the room, it looked like an interrogation room. With 2 chairs and a small table in between. You sat down behind the table and read through the file. 
Name: James Buchanan Barnes aka Bucky
Born: 10. March 1984 in Brooklyn, NY
Criminal charges: 42 murders (31 first degree, 9 second degree), smuggling of weapons, drugs and humans, kidnapping, rape,...
Before you could read more the door opened, Officer Peterson entered the room. 2 other Officers were holding the tall man you were just reading about. He was roughly pushed down on the chair and the chains around his body were tightened and secured on the chair. 
You thanked the Officers as they left the room and Peterson took his place outside beside the door.
You looked back at the man sitting in front of you, when he jerked his head and his long dark brown hair flipped to the sides. This was the first time you saw his face, he had a short untamed beard.
He was gorgeous, but him being a criminal left a bitter taste in your mouth, so you pushed all other thoughts out of your mind.
“James Buchanan Barnes, I am Dr. Y/N L/N. I am a criminal psychologist, my job is to understand the motivations of criminals, clinical evaluation of a defendant and criminal profiling. I work with the FBI and sometimes with the police too. You are one of the few people I will be profiling and making some reports.”
Your eyes met his, a cold feeling went down your spine. It was like his cold and dark eyes could see directly into your soul. But you still held eye contact with him, even knowing he was making a profile of you like you were making his.
You asked him questions about his childhood and parents, but he just sat there without answering any of it. After 40 minutes of trying to get him to speak up about his childhood, you stopped. The whole time he didn’t move, never said a word or looked away from you.
“Mr. Barnes, I will be back in 3-4 days and hopefully you will be more cooperative.” You called Officer Peterson in the room and in a few minutes he and 2 other Officers were untying him. As the three were about to leave the room you said to him. “Goodbye Mr. Barnes.”
“Bucky!” You looked shocked at him, this was the first time you heard him speak. He only smirked at your reaction. The Officers pulled him out and closed the door, leaving you with Officer Peterson.
“That was weird, no one calls him Bucky here. All the other prisoners call him Barnes. Doctor, you should be careful around him. Barnes likes to play mind games.”
You nodded and sat down again. The officers brought another prisoner, but Barnes was the one you kept thinking of.
Exactly on the third day you were back and entered the room when James Barnes was already on the chair and secured. You greeted the officers and took your seat behind the desk.
Like the last time his eyes were staring only at you. You took out your notepad and started talking. “ Mr. Barnes I hope today you will be more talkative than the last time. Can we talk today about your childhood?”
You heard him chuckle lightly. “Bucky, call me Bucky doll. Why should I tell you anything about me? Don’t you think I should get something out of it too?”
I saw the slight smirk on his face. “Mr. Barnes if you have forgotten then let me remind you that I am only a psychologist. I don’t have the authority to make any kind of deals or promises.”
He moved his head to the side and looked directly into my eyes. “Don’t worry doll, it is something you can do to make this fun for both of us. For the last time, call me Bucky or this conversation is over.” 
The way he said the word fun, made your heart skip a beat. Not because you found it pleasant, but because it sounded more like a threat to you.
“Okay tell me Mr. Bar... I mean Bucky.” His tongue moved over his lower lip and he bit on it. “See it wasn’t that hard. I want to play a game. A game that wouldn’t be hard for you to play. The game is 20 Questions.” That took you by surprise and seeing his reaction, you could tell he was enjoying the expressions on your face.
“What the ...? Why this game? We are not teenagers or on a date.” He laughed, like a real genuine laugh. “Come on doll, it is not everyday that a beautiful woman comes in here to spend some time with someone like me. Just humor me a bit and I promise to behave and not ask any dirty questions.”
Bucky winked at you and you could only roll your eyes at him. His behavior shocked you. It was like day and night. You had to be careful around him and not share much information about you or your personal life.
“Okay fine, tell me about your family.?” “I had a normal family. My mother was a faithful christian and my father was a hardworking man in Brooklyn and then there was my older brother Nick. Joined the military and a few years later died in Afghanistan.”
You were about to apologize but were interrupted by him. “What is your favorite color?”
“Really? Purple. Okay what was the turning point in your life?”
“If you believe that something really bad happened that made me like this, then no, there was not a turning point in my life. Why did you become a criminal psychologist”
You took a minute to answer this question. “My sister was killed. Why did you become a criminal?”
“I am sorry about your sister.” Your vision narrowed at him and you could help but to scoff at his heartless apology. “No, you don’t. You felt nothing at all.” “ Well doll, that's what normal people say, don’t they?”
You snorted derisively at him. “Normal people? Bucky, you are far from normal people. Just answer my question.”
“Don’t be so cold, doll. It does not suit you and I wasn’t making fun of you.” His cold eyes turned mischief and he shifted his head to the side. “I always felt peaceful when I could bend people or situations to my will and to do this you need power. And power comes from money, the money that you can’t get by working a 9-5 job.”
“So you kill for money and what about the women you raped? They didn’t deserve that, no one does.”  
His laugh was cold and humorless. “Doll, it’s my turn. Play fair and don’t be naughty. Why was your sister killed?”
Fury flooded you, as the dark thoughts came back. The room turned quiet, but your heart  beat throbbed in your ears. You felt like the time had slowed and the clock on the wall was ticking louder. One minute turned into two and then into five, but he did not say anything or asked again.
A loud knock on the door told you that the time was over and you felt relieved knowing that now you could breathe normally again.
The officers entered the room, but Bucky kept staring at you without saying anything at all. He was pulled by two officers but before they left called you. “Doll, we will continue this in 2 days. I will be waiting for you.”
Almost a week went by, but you didn’t see him again. Of course you were there and met with other inmates, but  somehow you couldn’t talk to him again. Barnes got under your skin and it scared you, because you met many criminals but only a handful people were this manipulative.
You were in the prison waiting in the room for him. Not because it was your decision, but because you got a call from the prison director. The director told you that Barnes had beaten an inmate almost to death, because he was telling all that you were very beautiful and nice. Somehow Barnes heard him talk about you and broke 4 ribs, 3 fingers and his jaw.
The inmate was in intensive care because of the head trauma and Barnes was held in solitary confinement. But it didn’t go well, because he banged his head against the wall till he started bleeding. The only thing Barnes wanted was to see you again and so you were waiting again for him.
You heard loud footsteps outside and you prepared yourself for him. “Doll, you came. I have been waiting for you.” You were weirded out as he was smiling so brightly, like he hadn’t almost killed a man and then went full psycho on himself.
He willingly sat down and when the officers were ready he shooed them out of the room. “So Doll, tell me, what did you do last week?” 
“Mr Barnes, do you think this is funny? You almost killed a man and then went crazy on yourself.” he only laughed at me.
“It is your fault, you shouldn’t have avoided me and then you visited other guys here. It made me angry and right now you are pissing me too. I have told you to call me Bucky.”
The way his mood changed scared you. But you were going to end this now. “Bucky, you are not a part of the group I am working with anymore. I don’t think we will get any clear results if I am going to do the clinical evaluation, that’s why my colleague will do it.” 
You thought he would get angry at you but he just smirked and said. “Really, we will see about this later, but now let's continue our game. Last time it was my turn, but I am going to change the question for you. So you had a sister, are there other family members?”
You looked away pinching the bridge of your nose. “My personal life is none of your business. I know you are trying to manipulate and play your sick mind games with me, but I will not let this happen.”
You stood up with your purse and went to the door, but then you heard him speak again. “
Mr. D/N L/N your dad is a professor at NYU and your mom, Mrs. M/N L/N is a family lawyer. With 3 children, the oldest daughter was killed then you came and after you there is a brother who is studying law. Then there is your boyfriend who is an assistant district attorney. Met while working on a case 3 years ago, he just proposed to you a few weeks ago. How sweet.”
“How the fuck do you know this? Did you bribe a ward to get the information?” He chuckled at you and said, “It’s all about power, love. You think, just because I am in a prison I don’t have the power anymore? Of course I do have the power, why do you think they didn’t take any actions? Because doll, I have the money and if I say jump they will only say how high.”
The anger in you was rising, but you stopped yourself from screaming at him. You were not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you panic. You quietly stood up and packed your things and went to the door, but stopped when you heard him speak again. “Y/N, break up with your fiance. It will be much easier for you and it will also be better for him if you break his heart now then I break his neck later.”
Cold fear spiraled through you, as you heard him threaten your love Andy. You harshly turned around and started shouting at him. “Don’t you dare ... don’t you fucking dare to threaten my love or my family. James Buchanan Barnes I am glad you are rotting in this prison and one day you will die like any other disgusting low life.”
Hearing you scream the guards enter the room and it made you feel a bit better. You told them to take him back to his cell. Officer Peterson was talking to you, trying to calm you down. All of sudden one of the officers was lying on the floor with a bloody nose. The other one took his truncheon, but before he could land a hit Bucky grabbed him and banged his head on the table again and again, till his face was covered in blood. 
Officer Peterson was as shocked as you were and he tried his best to protect you from him as he could. Bucky smiled sickly at you when Peterson got in between and tried to overpower Bucky, but you just heard a ugly cracking sound. 
You stood, frozen with fear as his tall figure moved closer towards you. You tried to run past him but he was fast and graped your neck and pinned you to the wall. 
No sound escaped your mouth, as he moved his face closer to your neck. You tried to scream as you felt his wet tongue on your neck, but Bucky covered your mouth with his hand. “No doll, not yet. I want to hear you scream, when I will push my cock into your small cunt. You taste so sweet and I bet your pussy tastes sweeter. Fuck I can’t wait to have you. See how perfectly you fit against me.” 
Bucky pressed his hard on in your stomach, tears rolled down your eyes. You tried to shove him away, but the bastard only chuckled and licked your tears away. “Hmm, tasty.”
A half dozen officers ran into the room and pulled Bucky off you. One of them hit him on the back of the knees and the other one took him in a headlock, but Bucky just grinned like it was the most amusing thing in the world. 
“I will see you soon doll.” 
After all the disaster you were not in the right mind space, you didn’t even remember entering the directors office or him talking to you. Only after Andy arrived and crunched down to your level and held your face in his hands did you come out of the shock.
You broke into tears and hugged him tightly. Andy whispered sweet and encouraging things to you. About 10 minutes later you both were leaving the prison building and led you to his car. All the while you didn’t say a word to him and he didn’t push you to talk.
You closed your eyes as soon as he started the car and in less than 5 minutes you were lulled in a dreamless sleep.
After 3 months you were back to normal like you used to be. Andy was a sweetheart, always taking care of you and supporting your decisions. You continued your assignment in the prison but you stayed in the right wing only with another psychologist in the room.
It was a beautiful day, Andy and you had finally decided a wedding date and the venue was booked. You were out with your friends, helping you with other wedding related matters. Andy was free today and he was all happy to stay home and cook dinner for you. 
Surprisingly he was a fabulous cook and you were really excited for tonight, because you had some dresses in mind. You said your goodbyes to your best friends and entered your car and drove back to your apartment. 
Shortly after you arrived at home and even before you opened the door you smelled the heavenly delicious Italian garlic bread. You entered your home, it was dark inside and only the fairy lights gave you the directions to the living room. A table was set with a red wine bottle and the food. You saw Andy’s silhouette and smiled at him.
The beautiful moment was disturbed by your mobile. “Andy, give me two minutes. I will make it quick.” You turned around and left the room and picked up. “Dr. L/N there is bad news ... the prisoner James Barnes escaped from prison with the help of his team. Please stay safe ...” The mobile slipped from your fingers and you ran back in the room. You hastily turned the light on, but when you looked at Andy, you screamed out.
You ran up to him, softly touching his bloody face. His hands were bound on his back and a dishcloth was stuffed in his mouth. You reached to pull it out, but suddenly you were yanked away from him. 
Bucky caged you in his arms, his chest rubbed against your back and his face was between your shoulder and neck. He took a deep breath and spoke huskily in your ear. “I missed you doll. 3 fucking months ... Do you know how pissed I was when you visited, but never  came to meet me. But don’t worry we will catch up soon.”
“Andy!” You called out his name, he looked up at you. His blood dripped down his chin. Bucky saw this and chuckled lightly and nibbled the soft flesh on your neck. One of his hands slipped under your blouse and grabbed your boob. 
Seeing this Andy screamed but his voice was muffled by the cloth. You shrieked in pain when Bucky bit your shoulder blade. Andy screamed again and tried to pull himself from the chair, but his beaten up body was not helping much. 
Bucky grabbed your hair harshly and pushed you forward to Andy. He yanked the cloth out of his mouth and spoke to him very softly. “Andy, between us men, how is she in the bed? I bet she is a wild pussy cat. Look at her how sweet and innocent she looks.” 
He pushed her face near Andy’s. “Barnes, let her go! Please, just let her go. Don’t hurt her.”
Bucky tugged you back and pinning your body against his. “Hurt? I am not going to hurt her. I am going to fuck her. You have no idea how much I wanted to do that the first time he came to the prison.” Without any warning his lips were on you. You punched his chest, but he did not stop. 
“Barnes, let her go. You fucking bastard. I will kill you, just leave her alone. Fuck, I will kill you. Fuck...” One moment he was forcing his tongue in your mouth and the next moment you were on the floor. Before you realized what happened, you heard an ugly stabbing sound. You turned your face back and saw a kitchen knife in Bucky's hand.
Everything stilled around you as you saw the blood running down the knife's edge. Bucky stabbed Andy a second time in his stomach, as you crawled towards him. “ No, no,no. Please, no! Andy, baby no. Please don’t leave me. Andy ...”
But Bucky picked  you up and threw you on his shoulder and walked to Andy and your bedroom. You tried to grab Andy’s shoulder, but could reach him. 
You were tossed on the bed and somehow it knocked the air out of your lungs. Bucky pinned you down on the bed, but you lashed out. You hit, punched and scratched his face, shoulders and arms, but nothing moved him away from you.
You screamed and cried. “No, please let me go. Don’t do this. Andy, HELP! ANDYY!”
A sudden slap shocked her to silence, the force turned her face to side and her cheek had a stinging sensation. Bucky was not done yet, he grabbed her neck and whispered harshly in her ear. “If you again say his name, I will make sure the police will not find his body in one piece. My people will scatter every part of his in different city districts. From now on you will only say my name.”
He kept his grip on her neck. “I thought I would take my time with you today, but now you have pissed me, doll. Last chance, calm down and enjoy or ...” He grabbed your face aggressively and invaded your mouth, but as you didn’t kiss him back, he growled into your mouth. “Fuck, doll! Kiss me back.” You cried harder, your tears soaked your cheeks. Bucky grabbed your hair, his lips were back on yours. You whimpered as his tongue was back in your mouth. He tugged your hair again, till you didn’t move your tongue against his. 
Meanwhile Bucky pushed your leggings down, his  free hand slipped between your legs and cupped your pussy though your panties. In panic you bit into his lip, making him bleed. Bucky pulled back and touched his bottom lip with his fingers and smirked. “Doll, why didn’t you tell me, you like it rough?As you wish, Y/N.” 
He ripped the blouse open and then he took his pocket knife out and slid it between your boobs and cut your bra. The cold air made her nipples tight and hard and he saw that. Bucky pushed the teared fabric to the side and took your nipple between his lips and bit down on her nipple.
You yelped and started begging him. “Please ... no, let me go.” Then you felt his strength as he just ripped your panties from bothside. He let you go for a moment and you took  the chance and crawled away from him, but he gripped your leggings and pulled it down. Before you got off the bed, Bucky yanked you back by your ankle. “NO ... no don’t do this.” 
He lifted your leg and pinned it on the bed. His body weight on your back made it impossible for you to move. His finger slid between your pussy lips and rubbed your clit.
You winced as he entered you with his finger, as you were still dry. 
“BUCKY!” You yelled when you felt his dick between your thighs. Bucky pushed his cock against your pussy. “Sssshhh ... relax, it won’t hurt much.” 
“Please.” You choked, as he entered you completely in one push. “Fuck, you are so tight.” you gripped the sheets tightly, when he pulled all the way out and pushed back in. You cried out, when he slammed in your pussy again and again. He groaned into your ear. “ Doll you are made for my cock. I can feel you getting wet.” One hand was holding your leg apart and the other one moved down to your clit and circled your clit. 
He was right, you were getting wet and coating his cock. It shocked you, how your body was reacting to the abuse and rape. You whimpered and shook your head. “ Soon you will learn to like it and then there will be a time where you will beg me to fuck you.” 
“Never!” You spat and tried to push him off your back, but he just fucked harder. You yelped again when he bit your shoulder and sucked the skin, leaving marks all over you.
Suddenly Bucky pulled out, but before you could react he turned you around and got between your legs. He slid back into you, you felt him so deep that his dick was almost touching your womb.
One of your nipples was in his mouth, his tongue rolled around the hard bud, his right hand was pinching the other bud. His other hand was holding your leg around his hip, as he pushed his cock harder into you.
Bucky released your nippled with a pop and kissed your jaw, like you were lovers. “I love fucking you, doll. I could fuck you all day.” A kiss silenced your protest. He slammed harder and you could help but arch your back. “I knew, you will like it. Your little pussy is gripping so tightly. You are about to cum in my cock.”
He spread both of her legs wide and held them open, as he moved deep in her. “I want to see you cum, fuck you are creaming me so well.” You cried harder, because you felt your body let go. “ Stop ... please don’t make me. Bucky ... don’t.” He continued fucking you while he was rubbing his thumb on your clit.”
“Doll, cum on my cock, I know you want to. Your pussy loves my dick.” He rubbed your clit harder, his thighs slapped against yours. “Noooo!” Your legs trembled as the organsam grew and washed over your body. Giving into his assault you came hard on his cock.
“ Good girl, now it’s time for you to take my cum. Fuck, you got tighter.” 
“No, don't cum inside me, I will get pregnant, please don’t!” He pulled you up and held you tightly against his body, his lips pushed against your and his tongue was in your mouth. You groaned as he went faster in a new position into your over stimulated pussy.
Your legs shook, because the over stimulation made you cum again and with that he spilled his cum inside you. “You are mine Dr. Y/N L/N.”
You heard him say, before your eyes closed and you welcomed the darkness with open arms. 
A few hours later Bucky was sitting in his private jet and with you sleeping in his lap and in one hand a whisky glass. You would sleep for at least the next 12 hours. The drug he gave you after you blacked out was a bit strong, but would make sure you didn’t wake up during the entire flight. 
A couple hundreds miles away a man was dead on the operation table only to be revived back to life in a few minutes.    
Assistant district attorney Andrew “Andy” Barber opened his eyes after 32 hours, only knowing one thing. He will get you back safe and he will kill James Buchanan Barnes.
“Y/N I will find you. Promise.”
The End
If you like it, leave comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!!!
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My Sweetheart: Part 2
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: You purchase a vintage sweetheart bracelet from an antique store and with it, comes the spirit of the woman who owned it. Through her, you go on an interesting journey to find out what happened to her old lover.
Part 1
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It's been two days since you've basically taken a ghost back home with you. Said ghost named Dot who was attached to the sweetheart bracelet you bought. In the few days since discovering her, you've discovered that she can be pretty powerful. She'll open doors, knock things over, stuff to grab your attention. While she does have a lot of energy, communicating with you can take a lot out of her sometimes. Now it's day three and you're at your computer with a pen and paper beside you to see if she can give you the name of this Jamie person.
You watch as the pen moves a bit but doesn't lift. You're sure she's trying her best, but it kind of frustrates you. You want to help Dot so she can move on and so that you can get back to living your regular life, completely alone without your newfound ghost roommate.
Ways to talk to ghosts
You type the words into google and click on the first link you see: ouija board, a spiritual medium, pendulums, rods, voice recorder, or a spirit box.
Out of all the options, you felt like the ouija board would be the best bet to communicate with Dot. So later that day you go to your local Target and purchase a ouija board, because, yes, they do sell those there. The board being considered as a game.
Later that night, after you've had dinner, you sit in your living room. You have the ouiji board set on your coffee table. The lights are off in the room except for a few candles you lit. You place the sweetheart bracelet beside the board, hoping it'll bring as much of Dot's energy as possible. Beside that, is a pad and paper for you to jot notes
You take the planchette, sliding it over to HELLO.
You take a deep breath, "Dot, are you here?"
With your fingers lightly touching the planchette, they slide towards YES on their own.
"Alright. What is your full name?"
You watch at the device slides over each letter to spell out D-O-L-O-R-E-S-M-I-L-L-A-R-D.
"Dolores Millard. Okay. Nice to meet you, Dolores. But I'm assuming you prefer Dot?"
YES, she says as it slides to the upper left of the board.
"Alright, Dot. Who is this Jamie you want me to look for him? Why do you want me to look for him?"
"James Barnes? Uuuhh, is there anything else you can give me? Does he have a middle name? It'll make things easier to looking him up."
"James Buchanan Barnes. Alright. Give me a second," you pull out your phone and type in James Buchanan Barnes as well as 1940s.
You went through a list of men, Dot either telling you YES or NO. Then it hit you, "Wait. Hold on."
You type in BUCKY BARNES to google and tap on a picture captured of him and Sam Wilson, "Is this your Jamie? Is Bucky Barnes your Jamie?"
"...well shit!"
Bucky didn't expect things to go this way. He didn't think he'd find himself working beside Captain America again. However, he did find it therapeutic in a way. Sure, he still went to therapy, just not with Dr. Raynor anymore, but this was a different kind of therapeutic. This was him doing good, to make up for all the bad he's done as the Winter Soldier.
The newly renovated Avengers Compound in upstate New York was where Bucky stayed a majority of his time. He still had his place in Brooklyn when he needed to get away from Sam and the newbies, but, for the most part, this was where he can be found.
"Uh, hey, Mister Barnes?"
Bucky looks away from the tv to see Kamala looking at him confused, "What is it, kid?" He asks the young Avenger.
"So there's this lady in the main lobby asking for you. She said it's important?"
"Define important."
Kamala shrugs, "I don't know. Something about a bracelet and a lady named Dot."
Bucky's brows raise in interest, "Dot?"
"Yes, Bucky?"
"Bring up the CCTV footage of the lobby?"
"Got it," a holoscreen appears and you're seen sitting in a waiting area. Your leg is bouncing, your fingers are tapping on your lap.
"Is she someone you know?" Kamala asks.
Bucky shakes his head, "Nope, but she's mentioned someone that from my past. So I guess I'm gonna talk to her."
Kamala excitedly asks, "Need backup?!"
He chuckles at her eagerness. Even after working with Carol and Monica, Kamala is always wanting to jump in to help, "I think I'll be okay. You can watch the live footage if you want, just in case."
"OKAY!" Kamala plops herself onto the couch where Bucky previously sat and watched the holoscreen eagerly.
It takes a few minutes for Bucky to get to the lobby. The new Avengers Compound is much bigger now after Thanos destroyed the first one.
His brows furrow as he thinks about Dot. It's been literal decades since he's seen her. He knows she's long passed away after looking her and several other of his loved ones up on the internet. She ended up marrying another guy, had a few kids, and a few grandkids. She died about a decade ago.
When Bucky entered the lobby, you spotted him immediately. One of the security guards rushed to stop you, but Bucky held his hand up, "It's okay."
He then looks at you, "Do I know you?"
You shake your head, "No, sorry, um...can we go somewhere private?"
It's Bucky's turn to shake his head, "Sorry. Since I don't necessarily if you're a threat or not, this is the best we can do."
"Alright," you sigh and pull up your sleeve to reveal a bracelet, "Does this look familiar to you?"
Bucky looks down at your wrist and gestures, "May I?" You slip it off and place it into his metal hand. He looks at it and suddenly remembers, "Dot. I gave this to her before I was shipped out for the war."
"Right. Okay, so, um...do you believe in ghosts, Mr. Barnes?"
He snorts, "Call me Bucky, and, I mean, I've fought aliens, super soldiers, died and came back a few times now, so, sure, I guess ghosts are real. Why?"
"Soooo it seems that Dot's spirit is still connected to this...realm...? Anyway, she's attached to this bracelet and her spirit asked me to find you. I think, maybe, for some closure?"
"Is Dot here now?" Bucky asks, a bit, weirded out by this whole thing.
You shrug, "I don't know. I can't see her."
"Then how'd you communicate with her?"
"She wrote on my steamed up mirror the first time and then it's been primarily through ouija board."
"Those things actually work?"
"Seems so. Anyway, I'd really appreciate it if you helped me give her spirit closure so I can start living a normal life again, sans my new ghost roommate."
Bucky snorts. You're very interesting. It seems you're also very determined and a little desperate to solve this Dot situation out. Bucky's not busy. Sam's away on his own mission, so that leaves Bucky to some free time.
"Yeah. Sure, I guess I'll help."
"Thank you!" you fist bump the air, "Should we start now?"
"What exactly should we do first?"
You slip off your tote bag that you've been carrying and pull out the ouija board you've been using, "We can make contact with Dot?"
"You're...efficient," you shrug and Bucky chuckles, "Yeah. Sure. Okay. Um, we need to get you clearance first so, uh, come with me." You follow him to the desk and watch as he discusses your clearance badge to one of the security. You never thought buying a pretty vintage bracelet from an antique store would lead you to meeting an Avenger.
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Always Read the Fine Print Chapter 1
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Who actually reads all the terms and conditions? After mindlessly checking a box years ago, our Reader unintentionally agrees to be part of a scientific study to create super soldier babies. To make matters worse, her fellow test subject is the brooding and intimidating Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: arranged marriage, eventual smut, lots of angst
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A genetic test for antidepressants. That's what got you into this mess. When the paperwork asked if you wanted to use your data to "contribute to future studies," you thought sure, whatever I can do to help. Little did you realize that those studies had absolutely nothing to do with antidepressants. What you also didn't realize is that little box you checked was legally binding.
It was a completely boring Wednesday when you received a fancy letter with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo inviting you to participate in "a scientific study that could change the future." Get some bloodwork done, maybe answer a few questionnaires, what more could they need from you? In hindsight, you should've questioned why they'd need you to fly you out just for that. But the fact that the study was from S.H.I.E.L.D. made you giddy - yes, you were a major Captain America fan. In fact, growing up you've done several school projects on Captain America and the Howling Commandos. You always thought his right hand man, James Buchanan Barnes, was the most handsome of the group, and of course your friends gave you plenty of shit for having a crush on a guy from the 1940s. So yes, you were very much excited to go.
Once your plane landed, you were taken right to S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. Damn, this study really must be a big deal. You were escorted to a small room with no windows. There was a round table with four chairs, a very fake-looking plant, and some nondescript art hanging on the walls. For being such an impressive building, this room was mediocre at best. You sat in a chair facing the door, anxiously wringing your hands and trying to dispel nervous energy. Right as you let your mind start to wander, a man in a suit walked through the door and greeted you. He held a locked briefcase that he set gently on the table. Sitting across from you, he opened the briefcase and pulled out a folder stuffed with papers. His nonchalant attitude calmed you down. Just some boring paperwork, you thought, nothing crazy. The first packet he pulled out looked familiar - it was the paperwork from the genetic testing you did years ago. You saw your signature at the bottom of the page. Then he pulled out other packets of paper and set a pen in front of you. You were trying to gather what it might be by the questions he was asking, but you were still clueless. Do you have a history of seizures? Are you or could you be pregnant? Do you have asthma? High blood pressure? Those are so generic it could be anything. He started flipping through the pages and pointing to where you needed to sign. Did you ask why? Nope. Did you question it at any moment? Absolutely not. You signed all over those documents and never considered that it wouldn't be in your best interest. Once you were done, you were escorted into an exam room. This is what you were expecting. They did a physical and some lab work and asked even more questions. They told you to get dressed and a car will take you to your hotel room. They'd give me a call tomorrow when the results come in, and we'll go from there. Easy enough, I can spend the rest of the day to myself. The anxiety of what tomorrow could bring was eating you up, but you willed yourself to go to a local restaurant and walk around. This was partially a vacation, after all.
The next morning, you got up early. You contemplated sleeping in, putting your phone on loud so you don't miss their call, but your nerves got the best of you. You showered, got dressed, put on some makeup, and headed down to the lobby for complementary breakfast. By the time you were done eating, it was 9 AM. Still no call. Give them time, you thought. You headed back up to your room and decided to read your book. Lame, you're in a new city and reading in a hotel room, but what if they called? You had to be ready. Just as you were really getting into your book, your phone rang. You jumped from the sudden noise in your quiet room. Quickly calming yourself, you answered the phone. The results were in, and a car would be at your hotel in 15 minutes. Finally, the wait was over.
Unlike the last time, you were escorted to a room with giant windows overlooking the city. You once again sat across the table to face the door, mentally preparing yourself for whatever came next. Nothing exciting, it's literally going to be more paperwork, you told yourself. Stop hyping yourself up over nothing. Once again, a man in a suit walked through the door. This one seemed just as indifferent as the last one.
"The results came back, and we're quite impressed. You're the perfect candidate for our study. In fact, you're the only one in this group of recruits that match our criteria. You've been cleared to move forward," the man said.
That's good, right? You inquired about the next steps, which again seemed vague. You were told that you'd get to meet your fellow candidate and get acquainted, and the experiment can begin shortly after. But then he started saying things that made you realize you made a horrible mistake: "potential for a viable pregnancy" and "genetics that could withstand the serum" were the only two you heard, after that you couldn't pay attention. What the fuck. What the actual fuck.
Your spiraling thoughts were interrupted by two men walking through the door. They helped you out of your chair and lead you down the hall to a room that already had people inside. You were too dazed to actually look at who was in the room, you just sat down in the chair that was pulled out for you. At one point you realized someone had asked you a question.
"Sorry, what?"
"Have you been briefed about your duties in this study?' It was a tight-lipped woman standing at the head of the table.
"I think so," was the only response your little brain could spit out.
"Perfect, I believe Barnes has some stipulations regarding details of this experiment. Shall we discuss them?"
You snapped out of your daze and looked at the people sitting across from you. Holy shit. Bucky Barnes was staring right at you.
Chapter 2
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untilnextchapter · 1 year
Masterlist : Marvel
Marvel Cinematic Universe
* = Smut (Minors DNI) || 🦋 = Series || Beware of the TW please
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Do you love Bucky series? @justkending is the writer for you! Here are some of my favourites:
Finding Memories 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader, Waking up with little to no memory of her past, and being saved by a group of individuals who call themselves heroes, sends a long time captive for a whirlwind trying to find some form of grounding in this world she quickly learns runs on chaos. But she’s not the only one trying to figure out her forgotten backstory. Bucky Barnes, along with the other Avengers, can’t help but sense that there is a lot more to the whole situation than a diagnosis of amnesia. Her background slowly starts to come forward in pieces of her past and hidden information discovered. Who is she? And why was she in the room they were meant to destroy?)
The Number One Rule 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Rogers!Reader, Y/N has always been seen as “Steve’s rambunctious sister.” However, she grew up, graduated, and moved to London to study abroad for 4 years and get her bachelor’s degree. The girl that returns looks nothing like the teenager that left. But don’t worry, the attitude is still there and stronger than ever. What’s to come of the two grown adults that used to push each other’s buttons, but now have a lot more in common than they’ve ever realized?)
The Slip Up 🦋 (Bucky Barnes x Single mom!Reader, After a last hurrah to graduating college with a future to be a family practitioner, a little slip up happens… Seven years down the road, just when things just now seem to be going smoothly, Y/N approaches that slip up from all those years ago. She’s not looking for anything right now. She is just where she wants to be in life. It seems the universe has a different idea though. One called James Barnes.)
So, my number one for smutty Bucky is the wonderful @sinner-as-saint. Here are a few of my favourites:
Capital Letters * 🦋 (Bucky AU x Fem!Reader, You were fortunate enough to work for who was considered to be one of the best, most admired and affluent authors of your time; Mr. James Buchanan Barnes. And soon, things weren’t so professional between you and the man…)
His Obsession * (Mob!Seb x Housekeeper!Reader, You work for the notorious mob boss. You’re at his house regularly; tidying up and cleaning and surprisingly you’re not scared of him like the rest of his staff are. Sure he is authoritative, and mean but he’s never disrespectful or inappropriate, nor does he bark orders at you like he does with the guys. And you were almost certain that he barely pays attention to you. Until one evening he confronts you about something. And what starts out heated, ends in a night neither of you will ever forget…)
Miscellaneous Authors:
Diner Girl || @ofstarsandvibranium (Fem!Reader, After coming across a small diner, he becomes enamoured with you, a waitress)
Set me free || @intrepidacious (Bucky x Nymph!Reader, Once upon a time, a soldier fell from a train. Thankfully, this time, he is found by gentle hands, and a beautiful voice keeps him safe from the cold)
Heal me, baby || @/intrepidacious (Bucky x Nurse!Reader, Your friendship starts with you cleaning up his wounds and Bucky paying to get the blood stains out of your couch. Something else starts, too)
Nightingale’s Song 🦋 || @thatfanficstuff (Barnes x OC, James Buchanan Barnes. Captain America’s best friend. Hydra’s secret weapon. A man lost in time who can’t remember his own name let alone those he held most dear. Florence Anna Charles. A nurse on the front in World War II. A mutant in a time they weren’t known. A woman who can heal with a touch that catches the attention of Hydra)
Lessons in Love || @violentdelightsandviolentends (Bucky x Fem!Reader, Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you.)
[Not Named] || @terry-perry (Dad!Buck x Fem!Reader, Can I request of Jack is clinging on Y/n like koala. Like when Bucky try to pry him off of her but he said “No! I’m staying with mommy and protect her!”)
Mood lighting || @frankieetaylorr (1930s!Bucky x Fem!wheelchair-user!Reader, You never understood why he always came to the dances your resident home threw but you were always so glad when he did)
TW: brief mention of abandonment
Secret Book Club || @starks-hero (40’s!Bucky x Reader, Bucky’s got a new book and he just can’t seem to put it down)
Instinct || @dilemmaontwolegs (FATWS!Bucky x Blind!Fem!Reader, After trying to stop a mugging before Bucky intervenes as reward is offered and so he tracks you down)
Fall into Winter * 🦋 [Ao3] || Miajah (Bucky x Reader, Mae was just doing her civic duty when she saved Iron Man, now she can't seem to get rid of him. Then there was the Winter Soldier and of course Captain America himself. A girl can't catch a break)
Running From the Past * 🦋 [Ao3] || @green-eyeddragonfanfiction (Buck x Mutant!Reader, Reader is a mutant who was experimented on by HYDRA. Due to her unique powers, she escapes without being seen when the Avengers attack the Hydra compound she’s been kept in for the last 5 years of her life. Her mutations and Hydra experiments allow her to blend in with her surroundings (like a chameleon/cuttlefish/octopus) and change her appearance in minor ways (such as hair, skin, and eye color), though the changes are only temporary. She’s now on the run, avoiding both Hydra and SHIELD)
Steve Rogers x Reader
You and Me Together 🦋 || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Single Parent Steve x Fem!Reader, After the death of his wife, Sharon, Steve Rogers is now the single parent of their daughter, Grace. Three years after his wife’s death, his friends convince him to go back into the dating game)
Not a Perfect Princess || @shmaptainwrites || (Steve x Princess!Reader, Reader meets one of the heros who saved her country and realizes around him she doesn’t have to be a perfect princess)
Making the Team || @heliads (Dad!Steve x Daughter!Reader, The reader is the daughter of natasha and steve, and she is nervous about for her first mission. Her mom and dad tell her that everything is gonna be great, and the mission is complete, but the reader is badly injured and her parents and Bruce takes care of her)
10 Years Time 🦋 || @/justkending (Steve x Stark!Daughter!Reader, As princess of Alberia, it is your duty to grow into a rightful young lady if you plan on ruling your family’s country. Of course, the only way your father can see this happening is sending you off to a boarding camp at the age of 14 for 10 years to learn what it means to grow into a Queen.That means leaving all your friends and family behind. One specific person, your best friend, you never want to say goodbye to. But 10 years later, you come back grown into a young lady, and find your best friend has grown into a knightly young man. How will you two adjust after 10 years apart? Will things be the same, or will all that’s happened in that span of time affect your relationship?)
Tony Stark x Reader
Dum-E || @mostly-marvel-musings (Tony x Fem!Reader, DUM-E has probably tried petting Tony's hair with his grabby claw when Tony falls asleep in the lab because he's seen you do it and noticed that Tony likes it)
Hot Chocolate and Hoodies || @deadlymistletoe (Tony x Fem!Reader, A dare involving a hoodie eventually leads to hidden feelings being revealed)
Maybe to annoy you || @specialagentlokitty (Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Tony's daughter and she has a crush on Steve, like everytime she sees him she blushes and Tony is a little annoyed)
Two Wicks, One Flame * 🦋 [Ao3] || AmberSnapeBlack (Tony x Soulmate!OC, Emma has had it rough her whole life. Her experiences have shaped her into who she is today, a twenty three year old bus girl with no self esteem or backbone. She hates the lime light...well she hates socializing at all. She has never paid her soul mark any mind. Most days, she forgets it even exists. That will change for her in a way she never anticipated. What comes with bearing the soul mark of the man who is the forefront of the Avengers? Who is almost always in lime light? Who is possibly, already taken? Does she want to know?)
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Little Love || @/ofstarsandvibranium (Loki x Short!Reader, where the reader is super short)
Shatter This Glass And Set Me Free * 🦋 [Ao3] || @shiningloki || (Loki x OC, Loki hasn't seen the light of day in years. He has been locked away in Stark Tower, waiting for Odin to free him of his punishment after his attack on New York. He's angry, he's spiteful, but most of all, he's lonely. It is not until one day when a new face comes along Stark Tower that everything begins to change. She's different from the rest. She's trusting, she's curious, and she's willing to give Loki a chance at companionship that no one has ever offered him)
The Eyes of the Beholder 🦋 || @/starks-hero (Gorgon!Loki x Blind!Reader, Loki has spent years in solitude, hidden away in the mountains south of Athens. Having been cursed by the gods for his trickery, anyone that sets eyes on him shall turn to stone. But what happens when an unfortunate mortal wanders into his domain?)
TW: Descriptions of blood, violence and injury, angst
Dances and Daggers 🦋 [Ao3] || Cozy_The_Overlord (Loki x OC, The Summer Festival is upon Asgard, as is the tradition of the dagger ceremony, where each unmarried gentleman chooses a lady to bestow with the honor of carrying his dagger for the night. As Prince Thor's betrothed, Teki's only goal is to accept his dagger with grace and hope that her violent stepfather doesn't find fault with her in the process. But Prince Thor is unpredictable, and when he ignores his engagement on a whim Teki finds herself in a desperate situation. Luckily, Thor isn't the only prince in Asgard…)
Avengers x Reader
Not a burden || @/specialagentlokitty (Autistic!Child!Reader, Would you be comfortable writing something where Bucky and Steve (or maybe the whole Avengers team if you like that better) adopt the autistic reader after finding out her mother emotionally abused her?)
Some Things Never Sleep 🦋 [FF.Net] || MotomamiBizcochito (Avengers x OC, Emma Rogers, AKA The Viper Assassin, has been under Hydra's thumb for nine long years until the Avengers rescue her from a Hydra base after receiving anonymous intel from the Winter Soldier. She's thrown into a world of freedom which she's never known but with the help of her grandfather, Captain America, she slowly becomes accustomed to her new life until Tony Stark brings up the Sokovia Accords. Emma is caught in the middle of a war as she becomes intent on protecting the man she calls her father and siding with her grandfather. Not to mention she crosses paths with a certain webslinging nuisance that knows just how to push her buttons like no other...what Emma would give for the days she spent knife fighting with her father in Siberia)
I know it's a Spiderman x OC but it's because of this story I discovered MCU and Emma has a lot of relations with Avengers. A LOT of TW, check them all please
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dear-reader-letters · 10 months
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Somebody give this man a hug. He needs it.
Want a personalized letter from everyone’s favorite asset? Check out my Insta!
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 7 months
Breaking the Class Ceiling Chapter 1
This is set in early 1900s U.S.A., during the Edwardian era with some style changes into the upcoming Art Nouveau period. I've changed history a bit for this. Pretending that America didn't have a full Civil War and trying to create a more optimistic outcome for the purposes of the story. I've also tried to research what the rules for society/socializing were back then, and tweaked some of them.
Warnings for upcoming chapters: minor character death, some sexual harassment/assault (but nothing too graphic or traumatic), smut.
Next chapter
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The year was 1904.  America was in a technological boom and desperate to prove itself as a major power.  After infighting and a near civil war there had finally been peace and treaties made just years before, and as everyone learned to live with each other and create equity within their communities, prosperity flourished.  The World Fair was to be held in St. Louis, Missouri, that year, and the entire eastern seaboard was abuzz with excitement.  As families who had been previously destitute were now doing better financially they were all making plans and investing in the finer things in life, including making the big trip to St. Louis.  
James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, the son of an office manager, was taking up on his father’s work under a local lawyer in Brooklyn, New York.  He’d been working as a clerk in the office since he was a teenager, balancing books and ordering supplies.  His penmanship was the best in the office out of all the other clerks and receptionists, thanks to his mother, so he was in charge of handling official letters and working with dignitaries in the area.  It got him connections with the high class, and he was able to make good friends with business men’s sons, who were born into money.  He was able to get invited to all the big parties, hitch along with the high-brow at sporting events, and court the higher class women.  
His father, George Barnes, was proud of him for rubbing shoulders with the old money men.  Bucky and George were able to make a good living, but nothing that compared to the types of things that Bucky had been able to experience.  George encouraged him regularly to find a well off young woman to marry so that his future would be set.  Bucky worked and saved to make sure he had the best clothes and accessories so he would blend in with his friends, saving for his future when he could.  No woman in high society would give him a chance otherwise.
As Bucky was partying and scouting the local women, you moved back into town.  A rich woman whose family had hit it big in the beginning of the oil industry, you were the only one left after a long bout of illness that took your family.  All you had left was your uncle Alonso, who pretended to care for you, but was hitching his wagon to yours in hopes of a monetary gift and retirement.  He acted as your chaperone and matchmaker, looking for promising young men that he felt were worth your fortune.  Unfortunately for him, you were not looking for the same criteria of men he was.  He wanted someone high class, also from a well off family, or someone who would add to your fortune.  You wanted love, friendship, companionship, with someone who wouldn’t be intimidated by your fortune and your confidence.  A rich woman with full access to her own money was few and far between in this century, and you knew it.  You didn’t need a man, you wanted one.  A good one. 
The news of your arrival spread quickly.  Your last name was plastered on many a product and business, as you invested heavily in your home state, and the idea of an American princess returning after years of traveling was an exciting change of pace for Brooklyn.
“Good morning Bucky!” Steve Rogers greeted loudly as he swung open the office door, making it bang against the window behind it.
“Jeez, Steve, don’t break the glass, will ya?” Bucky grimaced, but gave him a clap on the shoulder in greeting.  “‘Morning, punk.”
“Oh, sorry,” Steve said sheepishly, checking on the glass then turning back to the front desk.  “Hey, did you hear about the Y/L/N girl coming back to town?”
Bucky didn’t look up from his paperwork, “Yeah, I heard.”
Steve looked at him expectantly.  “And?”
Buck glanced from the papers, the pencil in his hand hovering over the stack, “And what?”
Steve snorted at his best friend.  “And what?  She’s throwing a party!  It’s gonna be the biggest party Brooklyn’s ever seen!”
“Yeah, and I’m sure you got your invite already,” Bucky looked back down at his paperwork.  Steve came from a wealthy family who had made good money after selling a number of sugar and tobacco plantations.  His father had invested well and they were able to live on without needing to work anytime soon.  Of course he’d get an automatic invite.
Steve sneakily took out an envelope, a sly look in his eye.  “Yep, and I may or may not have bribed the mailman to give me yours, too,” he waved the envelope in Bucky’s face.
Bucky gawked at him, his eyes widening as he stared at the envelope.  Sure enough, his name was written on it in pretty script.  He ripped it from Steve’s hand and hastily opened it.  The paper was high quality, the writing done with a neat hand.  His eyes flew over the page as he tried to comprehend the words.
“I got an invite?” he wondered quietly.  
“Yep, that’s all you, bud,” Steve beamed at him.  “And before you ask, no, I didn’t pull any strings or make any calls.  She invited you specifically.”
Bucky was having a hard time understanding.  He never got personally invited to things, he was always the tagalong, the guy who had to be let in by his friends who put a good word in for him and opened those doors for him.  
“But…why?” he thought out loud, looking off through the window at the people passing by.
“Beats me,” Steve said nonchalantly.  “But it’s gonna be the bee’s knees.  That mansion we’ve always wondered about downtown?  That’s hers!  The whole place is being cleaned up and prepared for a big night.  You’ll need new clothes,” he finished quickly, straightening up and dusting off his suit jacket.
Bucky sighed at that.  “I don’t have enough savings for a whole new outfit, Steve.”
Steve waved him off, “Please don’t insult me.  When you’re done today stop by Barton’s and he’ll get you fixed up on my tab.  And I’ve given him strict instructions to not let you barter him down to cheap materials, so don’t you dare try it, Barnes.  You will go to that party in glad rags just like everyone else.”
Bucky wondered what he’d done right in a past life to get a friend like Steve.  “Thanks Stevie, you don’t have to do that.”
“Bullshit I don’t,” Steve countered.
“Language!” a yell came from the back.
“Sorry Mr. Fury!” Steve yelled back, looking sheepish again.  
“Alright, I’ll go,” Bucky quickly agreed, knowing he’d have no other way of looking appropriate for such a fancy function.  He knew of you, hell anyone would have to be living under a rock to not know who you were in America and many parts of Europe.  He wondered how you’d heard of him and what made you want to invite him at all.  Things were changing in society, but inviting a clerk to a multimillionaire’s mansion was still strange.
The weeks seemed to fly by as the party approached.  Bucky had been fitted with a whole new suit from Clint Barton’s warehouse.  Steve bought him a new straw hat for it being the first spring party with a crimson red ribbon, a matching crimson lounge coat and pants, white dress shirt, an off-white and navy plaid waistcoat, cobalt blue bow tie and cognac-colored Oxford boots that were shined to perfection.  To up the ante Steve threw in gold chain cufflinks and a matching plaid pocket square.  Bucky always brought his own pocket watch given to him by his father.  It wasn’t in the best condition, so it could give away his status, but it was the one piece he wouldn’t compromise on.
Bucky had seen the hustle in town get worse as the party got closer.  The women were desperately trying to find new fabrics and accessories to make them stand out and be in-fashion to catch your attention.  The barbershops and salons were busier than usual as people got themselves cleaned and spruced up.  There was one particular day where the sounds on the street had become quite intense as a crowd followed someone.  He looked out the window and could only make out the top of the hat on your head as people not-so-discreetly-whispered your name repeatedly, some being brave enough to approach you on the street and introduce themselves to try and gain favor.  He wondered what you looked like, what you’d be like, what things you’d seen on your travels.  He didn’t want to get his hopes up.  He was getting older than most of the upper class men around him, and hadn’t been able to peg down an upper class woman, let alone any woman yet, but you had invited him to what would be the biggest party of the season, so he hoped you were a little more open to people from all walks of life rather than just the upper crust.
Party day began with a buzzing excitement over the city.  Bucky could feel it himself as he finished work that day and ran home to wash up and get ready.  Steve was going to pick him up in his car so that they could come in style, and Steve was desperate to show off his new 1903 Pierce-Arrow.  Bucky knew he wouldn’t be able to fool you into thinking he may be in a higher social standing than he was, but he would at least show you he could play the part.  
The mansion was nestled in between other downtown homes that paled in comparison to its opulence.  The gilded aged home was covered in turrets and filigree detail around the edges and doors.  Fresh flowers were adorning every window facing the street and the front entrance that people were filing into by the time Bucky and Steve pulled up.  Pastel floral colors and shining buttons with pristine white satin gloves shone in the sunset as they entered the front hall.  Traffic jams were happening every ten steps as the partygoers got lost in the decor of the mansion, craning their necks as they looked up at the paintings on the walls and the murals on the ceilings.  Bucky found himself getting caught up in the majesty of the mansion as well.  He and Steve had peered into the windows through the years as it sat empty, wondering what it looked like inside.  Nothing in his wildest dreams could have prepared him for what it was.
The ushers herded the people along the hallways towards the middle of the house, which opened up into a grand ballroom.  Seating was scattered along the walls with waiters holding platters of decadent-looking food and sparkling champagne flutes.  A small orchestra was playing in an upper balcony above the party, with another balcony across the way holding a band that waited for their turn to play.  The fresh flowers continued inside along the walls and pillars providing a sweet smell to waft through the room.  As everyone was finally admitted and waited in the ballroom the orchestra became louder to gain the attention of the audience.
Everyone fell silent as the orchestra finished and all turned their eyes towards the doors at the other end of the ballroom from where they’d entered.  After a brief pause the doors opened and presented the host of the party.  Good god, Bucky thought.  You were dressed in a cadmium blue evening gown that had elaborate ruffles and appliques that shimmered under the lights.  The neckline was wide, the off-the-shoulder sleeves hanging on your upper arms showing off your upper body, and the front dipping lower down your chest than what was considered normal or appropriate in American fashion, displaying a tantalizing view of your cleavage.  Whereas all the other women had their hair curled and pinned up on top of their heads, your hair was in intricate braids and wispy curls with pieces deliberately falling out, the rest pinned up with sapphires.  Instead of traditional white pressed gloves your hands were adorned with lace gloves that matched the color of your dress.  You also weren’t wearing an overly restricting corset.  Everything about your outfit made you stand out.  Bucky could hear a few light gasps and whispers in the crowd at your dress choice, and it made him smile.  As you confidently walked into the ballroom, smiling kindly at everyone, he noticed a mark on your upper left arm.  Was that…a tattoo?  Unheard of.  You were a walking contradiction, and he felt like he was going to like you already.  Just a step behind you was an older man that was dressed more in the British fashion, looking out at the crowd and scanning carefully.
“Well, this should be interesting,” Steve murmured next to him, raising his eyebrows and taking a sip of the champagne in his hand.
“Mmhm, this should be fun,” Bucky agreed, his smile widening.
A butler walked forward from the side where you entered and cleared his throat, “Presenting, Lady Y/N Y/L/N, and her uncle, Mr. Alonso Y/L/N!”
The band now took a turn as you let people come up to you first, greeting them politely and giving customary head bows and occasional handshakes.  As you glided through the people Bucky pulled Steve along to a point where you’d be walking by soon.  “Come on, Steve, you gotta introduce me,” Bucky urged him.
“Buck, you introduce yourself, you got a personal invitation.  You don’t need me,” Steve protested, trying to finish his drink.  
As they settled in their spot, slowly pushing forward to greet you soon, you finished talking to a man who evidently thought highly of himself, a Mr. Rumlowe, who eyed you like something to eat.  Bucky knew him and his reputation.  Seeing the tightness of your eyes as you dismissed yourself from him, he hoped you could already see past his facade.  Your eyes fell on him and Steve and you smiled politely as you walked up to them.
“Miss Y/L/N, my name is Steve Rogers,” Steve spoke up first, giving you a head bow.
“Ah yes, Steve, your father was a good friend of my late father,” you said, your eyes shining at the recognition of his name.  Your uncle behind you shifted as he recognized the name as well, his mood lightening.  “He always spoke highly of your family.  I am planning to call on your parents at a later date, I hope you’ll join them when I do.”
Steve seemed delighted at the prospect of the meeting, “Yes of course.  My father has spoken of nothing else since your arrival.  You may get his card before he gets yours.”
You laughed lightly at him, introduced your uncle to him, who was very interested in Steve, then turned your attention to Bucky.  Your bright Y/C/E eyes gave him a quick look up and down, as if memorizing him.  Bucky knew he looked a bit more colorful than the other men in attendance, a purposeful choice that he was now patting himself on the back for making.
“And you must be James Barnes,” you offered him in greeting.
Bucky’s eyebrows raised, “Yes, Miss Y/L/N, I’m surprised you know me already.”
You raised an eyebrow conspiratorially at him, “I do, your mother was a favorite of my mother’s.  I do wish I had had a chance to meet her.  My mother always spoke fondly of her,” you added, a look of mourning flashing across your face.  “I have a photograph of them together, and you look just like Winifred.”
Bucky’s breath hitched at the mention of his mother.  She had died suddenly a few years ago, taking his father’s cheerfulness with her.  She had been a bright light in the community, always looking out for others and educating the girls in the neighborhood.  He remembered her mentioning your family’s name before as being good people, but nothing concrete that would have made it seem like they were close friends.
“Oh, that’s very kind.  I am sorry I didn’t know they were good friends, but she always spoke highly of your family,” he added politely.
You nodded, your eyes searching his face for a moment.  You then surprised him by reaching your hands out for his.  He quickly met you halfway, reciprocating the greeting so as not to embarrass or reject you.  Your uncle scoffed and excused himself at your actions.  If his dismissal bothered you, you didn’t show it.  A quick glance at your hands and arms revealed that the tattoo peeking out from your sleeve was an elephant with an Indian print inside of its shape.  He could feel the stares on him as you held his hands, stepping closer to him to speak lowly.
“I hope you and your father will accept my deepest condolences.  Losing a mother is…” you trailed off, your eyes growing sad as you searched for the right words, “it is one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced,” you squeezed his fingers.  “I plan to call upon you and your father as well, please promise me you’ll accept?  I’d like to be your friend,” you proclaimed.
Bucky was floored.  It was extremely bold for a woman to ask for friendship outright from a man, and yet you showed no signs of embarrassment or hesitation at the situation you’d just created with him.  He lightly squeezed your fingers back, giving you a small smile.
“Yes, of course, Miss Y/L/N.  I’d love to be your friend, as long as you save me a dance,” he teased her.  He knew he was pushing his luck and protocols of manners, but he was rewarded when you gave him a hearty chuckle.
“Of course, Mr. Barnes,” you answered him, letting go of his hands and lacing yours together in front of you.  
“Oh please, Mr. Barnes is my father.  Friends call me Bucky,” he added.  Although it was incredibly informal to give you the option to call him his nickname, he could tell you were more open to a break in etiquette.
You smiled widely at that, “Hm, Bucky.  I like it.  Well my friends call me Y/N,” you offered him your first name back.
“Y/N,” he repeated, liking the way your name sounded on his tongue.  
You gave him a quick sly smile, “I like your candor Bucky.  Come find me soon for that dance.”
“I will, Y/N,” he gave you a smirk back.
As you bowed your head in farewell and moved on to the next person Bucky couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.  He turned to Steve whose wide eyes were gaping at Bucky in amazement.
“What just happened?” Steve asked once you were out of earshot.  
Bucky shrugged as he picked up a champagne flute from a nearby waiter, “I don’t know, but I like her.”
As the night drew on and you had greeted everyone at least once, the dancing began.  The orchestra and band took turns each song, playing slower European melodies and then switching to more American upbeat tempos.  You flitted across the dance floor, taking short breaks here and there to speak to the groups of women in the room, making small talk and promising audiences and outings.  Bucky was impressed with your ability to charm each person you talked to, ignoring the stares and sideways glances from disapproving eyes and enjoying yourself.  You ate freely, which was also strange, as most women didn’t snack offhandedly in upper class dance settings, and you nursed a champagne flute between each break you took from dancing.
Bucky decided it was time to take you up on that dance, moving through the crowd until he was on the outskirts of the dance floor, waiting for you to finish your current dance with Steve.  You spoke with him as you danced, your laugh ringing out periodically at something he said.  As he watched he felt a hard nudge to his side.
“You’re a real popinjay,” Brock Rumlowe muttered, bumping his shoulder into Bucky.  
Bucky rolled his eyes, not deigning to turn towards him, “And how’s that Rummy?”
“Don’t call me that,” Rumlowe grunted.  He pulled out a small box, opening it to reveal a white powder.  “Tonic?” he offered it to Bucky.
“No,” Bucky scoffed.  
“Your loss,” Rumlowe shrugged, taking a quick sniff before pocketing it so no one would see.  “You think you’re real big stuff, hm?  Getting to hold her hand and get an invite?”  He circled around Bucky’s back.  “You’re nothing,” he spat.  “Here among the high life, you’ve got nothing to offer her, or anybody for that matter.  I wonder if she knows your clothes were bought for you, by your beau Rogers.  Just go home, you mooching, freeloading, indigent bum.”
Bucky breathed deeply to calm himself.  Normally he’d just sock Rumlowe, but not here.  His father would never forgive him.
Rumlowe chuckled at his silence.  “We’ll see who she chooses.  Her uncle’s scouting for suitors.  She’s getting older, needs to marry and hand down that fortune to somebody.  Don’t want a spinster with that much money and a dead womb, such a waste.  I think he likes me,” he added.
Bucky sighed, “A woman with her fortune doesn’t need an elder to decide her future for her, Rummy,” he chided, finally giving him a glance.  “You’ll have to impress her, not the uncle.  And judging from the look on her face after meeting you earlier, I’d say you’re not winning any prizes soon.”
Before Rumlowe could say anything the dance ended, everyone clapping as they separated from their partners.  Steve saw Bucky on the side and led you over to him.  
“Ah, there you are, Bucky!” you chimed, your eyes lighting up.  “I was beginning to think you’d disappeared on me.”
“Never,” he said, placing a hand on his chest in jest.  It made you giggle.  “May I have that dance you promised me earlier?”
“Yes,” you answered, nodding resolutely. 
Bucky offered his arm to you and led you out to the floor, giving Rumlowe a triumphant smile.  Rumlowe gave him a scathing glare then stalked off.  Steve laughed and pumped a proud fist in Bucky’s direction.  As they got into position and the music started Bucky tried his best to look like he knew what he was doing.  He’d had some practice in dancing at other parties, but wasn’t the best at remembering which dances went with which songs.
As you came together and he took your right hand in his left, then wrapped his left hand around your waist, he pulled you in a little closer than he would normally.  Your eyes widened slightly but you smiled easily, letting him guide you across the floor.  
“You’ve come back from some long travels, is that right?” He started the conversation, wanting to learn more about you.
“Yes, I’ve been working my way through Europe, Africa, parts of the Ottoman Empire, and then the East Indies,” you answered.  “After my family passed, I was looking for an escape, so I quite literally ran away from my problems to tour the world.”
Bucky laughed at the forwardness in your answer.  “Well what better way to handle grief than to ignore it?”
You chuckled at his joke, enjoying the fact that he was willing to entertain you and speak plainly without such pretense.  You meant it when you said you enjoyed his candor.  You were looking for someone to not only share your life and fortune with, to create a family, but for someone you would genuinely enjoy spending time with and who would let you live your life without constant chastisement about rules and standards.
“I wouldn’t say ignore it, more like work through it while working through the countries,” you explained.
Bucky’s eyes lit up, “Oh? And what did you find while you were out there?”
Your eyes glazed over slightly as you remembered your travels.  “I found a new god in each place.  Rejection of a god.  A new way of living.  A new way of grieving.  Acceptance,” she trailed off.  
Bucky tightened his hold on you, grounding you back into reality.  You wistfully came back to the present, squeezing his arm that you were holding.  “It was beautiful,” you whispered.
He smiled at your tone.  “It sounds beautiful,” he agreed.  “I would like to see more of the world someday.”
“I hope you do.  It’s good for you,” she smirked at him.
“Is it?” he chuckled again.  He then leaned in and lowered his voice, “If you don’t mind me asking, is that where your tattoo comes from?  The east indies?”
You glanced at the tattoo and nodded.  “Yes, India, it was amazing there.  The air is filled with spices!” you whispered at him, your nose scrunching and eyes narrowing as if you were telling him a secret.  
Bucky had never met a woman like you.  All the etiquette and propriety that everyone else was adhering to you seemed to throw to the wayside.  It was hard to get to know women in society well before courting them, and even then everything was watched by chaperones or the public around you.  Finding someone with a full personality that she was unafraid to boldly show off was new.  He wasn’t sure how to handle it, but he liked it.
“I’ve read about India, my father was always picking up books about far off places.  He loves learning about tropical flora and fauna.  He used to have quite a garden before my mother passed,” Bucky continued the conversation, not wanting to lose the momentum in their interaction.
Your eyes widened considerably.  “Ooh!  I have a greenhouse!  In the back courtyard!  I was able to bring home many tropical plant species, and I’ve had a gardener taking great care of them.  I will show it to you when you and your father come to visit,” you offered excitedly.
The music died down and you both pulled away to give a proper bow.  As you straightened up Bucky quickly took your left hand, and in a quick flourish pulled your glove off your hand and kissed over the knuckle of your ring finger.  There were audible gasps around you at his brashness, whispers and gossip erupting in quiet fervor.  Pulling off a glove was scandalous, seen as a form of undress.  You gasped lightly, a look of shock briefly gracing your features, but you quickly schooled yourself and smiled widely at him.
“Thank you, Y/N, for this dance, and your offer,” Bucky held your bare hand in his for a moment longer, giving you a deep gaze before placing your glove back in your hand.  “I look forward to the greenhouse tour.  My father will be pleased.”
He bowed his head, gave you a wink, then walked away into the crowd.  You stayed still, your right hand sliding over your bare left hand, gingerly touching the knuckle where his lips had been.  A blush filled your cheeks as multiple women surrounded you, giggling, gossiping and fussing over getting your glove back on.
Here's something I thought of. I hope you guys like it. I tried to write it as a "You" fic rather than Y/N, but there are a couple of Y/N's here and there for dialogue.
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