#✦  °  •    ch . tahlan  !   ┇ ❝  ——  i'm jealous  of those who fall asleep easy.
halobeared · 4 years
✶  (   kingdom killer tags .   )
#✦  °  •    s . kingdom killers  !   ┇ ❝  ——  what i am aches in me.#✦  °  •    ch . karine  !   ┇ ❝  ——  better a monster than an arrogant god.#✦  °  •    ch . indra  !   ┇ ❝  ——  let your light be your legacy.#✦  °  •    ch . gwydion  !   ┇ ❝  ——  until the world is quiet and the smells are peaceful.#✦  °  •    ch . vega  !   ┇ ❝  ——  every silence has consequences.#✦  °  •    ch . belenus  !   ┇ ❝  ——  at least being quiet is honest.#✦  °  •    ch . maristela  !   ┇ ❝  ——  some demon's mistress‚ or the demon herself.#✦  °  •    ch . tahlan  !   ┇ ❝  ——  i'm jealous  of those who fall asleep easy.#✦  °  •    ch . avital  !   ┇ ❝  ——  light does not always bring good.#✦  °  •    ch . ismeria  !   ┇ ❝  ——  half of her was made of stars.#✦  °  •    ch . seren  !   ┇ ❝  ——  something had to die so we could stay alive.#✦  °  •    ch . amadea  !   ┇ ❝  ——  we reveled in our unholiness.#✦  °  •    r . karine & indra  !   ┇ ❝  ——  is not the dragon the hero of his own story?#✦  °  •    r . karine & gwydion  !   ┇ ❝  ——  she is the death i don't like talking about.#✦  °  •    r . karine & vega  !   ┇ ❝  ——  how deep does the sadness run?#✦  °  •    r . karine & belenus  !   ┇ ❝  ——  you think you know death‚ but you don't.#✦  °  •    r . karine & maristela  !   ┇ ❝  ——  poison has always run on the blood of your veins.#✦  °  •    r . karine & tahlan  !   ┇ ❝  ——  we're all bad in someone's story.#✦  °  •    r . karine & avital  !   ┇ ❝  ——  we were chosen for the damned.#✦  °  •    r . karine & ismeria  !   ┇ ❝  ——  never wanting to be saved — just loved.#✦  °  •    r . karine & seren  !   ┇ ❝  ——  a woman is hurting from the moment of birth.#✦  °  •    r . karine & amadea  !   ┇ ❝  ——  she did not deserve this hurt.#✦  °  •    r . indra & gwydion  !   ┇  ❝  ——  just two bodies buzzing with the sadness of it all.#✦  °  •    r . indra & vega  !   ┇ ❝  ——  there is nothing but light when i see you.#✦  °  •    r . indra & maristela  !   ┇ ❝  ——  you no longer feel quite human.#✦  °  •    r . indra & avital  !   ┇ ❝  ——  a leftover rage i cannot undo.#✦  °  •    r . indra & ismeria  !   ┇ ❝  ——  i know that i have died before.#✦  °  •    r . gwydion & vega  !   ┇ ❝  ——  you won’t be the same person that walked in.#✦  °  •    r . gwydion & belenus  !   ┇ ❝  ——  nothing is crueler than memory.#✦  °  •    r . gwydion & maristela  !   ┇ ❝  ——  denying wounds came from the same source as her power.
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