sweetlycursedseas · 1 year
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Testing a thing~
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sweetlycursedseas · 2 years
The small mermaid peaked her head over the side of the dock, blinking wide amber eyes at the boy. She wasn't sure if she'd been spotted just yet, but the boy was interesting! He had so many...sparklies on him. On his person! How fascinating! 
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She didn't even realize she was giving a soft warble in fascination.
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
“Huh? This?” Law held the trinket in between his fingers. He wore it as a necklace to keep it close to him. “It’s an heirloom from my dad. I don’t know what it does, but he told me to wear it all the time. Looks pretty good, right?”
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Afterwards, he let out a sigh. Remembering anything about his father that still hadn’t come home from his voyage. Finding people across land, given its accessible, was at least more accessible compared to the unpredictable stretches of the ocean.
The ocean-bound maiden gave a chittering sound as a reply, stareing at the trinket that rested on the young man's chest as she rested her hands on the wet wood of the dock. She knew what that was, an ingrained knowledge she assumed, since she hadn't met many of her own kind.
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".....Adelaide thinks....that's a Mermaid's Promise." she finally used words that the human could understand, ending it with a strange clicking noise. "Um....mermaids give to human-things to show other mermaids the human is one to trust."
Her language skills were....lacking, that's for sure. But then, that was understandable. She barely ever interacted with humans, or even her own kind for that matter. Something about her made other mermaids steer clear....even the Sirens did so. She hadn't had much chance to interact.
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
Said mermaid gave a confused warble, not sounding entirely human but then she definitely wasn't. She'd ventured a bit too close to civilization once more, but how could she not? Humans were just so interesting! They made such interesting things. Like this, for example.
It was a man...but he was shiny! Well...a bit rusty, but still shiny!
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"Adelaide has a tail, yes. But what is...a....fairy...tale?" she rested her arms on the warf, gazing up at the shiny man. "and why is person shiny?"
“Is that… a tail? I thought mermaids were a fairy tale? I suppose anything’s possible these days. No one’s explored that much of under the ocean.” 
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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❝ Friend. ❞  She says so easily without a second thought. A smile flittering across her features. Winter hues lighting up in curiosity. A feeling she would not have felt when she had been queen of Arendelle. But, now she was merely a spirit within this magical forest inhabited by four other spirits as well. Elsa does not approach, but she does lean a little to try and get a better look.  ❝ Friend. You are safe here. ❞
Elsa opens her hand in order to gather her magic. It’s gentle, but she allows the snow to glide into the air from her palm towards her. Perhaps, she was a fellow magical being and would be able to connect and sense her magic. If now, perhaps her curiosity will lead her to come closer and Elsa can better engage with her.  ❝ Do you have magic too? ❞
What was a 'friend' again? Adelaide thought to herself, tried hard to remember. Humans spoke about friends a lot, they were people that you....got along with, right? That didn't harm you. But Adelaide had never met this lady. How could her and the lady be friends if they'd never met. Was Adelaide's definition wrong? 
That had to be it.
But it didn't matter, the mermaid was distracted by the sudden snowfall. It was cold but not at the same time? She definitely wasn't used to snow in general. She'd seen it, but the cold usually made her scales ache and her tail feel sluggish, so she didn't stick around. That wasn't the case here? Adelaide gave a confused warble, reaching up to poke the snowflakes.
This person was nice. Adelaide liked her. So Adelaide moved closer, completely and utterly distracted by the snowflakes.
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"Shiiiny~" she cooed before turning her attention back to the really nice lady, getting as close as she could without causing damage to her poor sensitive scales against the sandy floor. "Ma...gic? Adelaide doesn't know. Who is person? Did you make shinies? How did you make shinies?!"
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
Elsa found it peaceful here.  Peaceful…  Unburdened by the stress of being queen.  No longer bound to the throne.  She was able to be herself.  Gentle soul who cared for magic,  nature,  and humanity alike.  A seeker of truth.  Her gentle presence attracted all of nature towards her,  just as it had the spirits who resided upon the forest.
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Eyes widen upon sight of bright red hair.  Unable to turn away from such a sight,  Elsa is reminded of her own sister.  Red hair and all.  But,  there was no way   QUEEN ANNA   was this far up north,  up within the enchanted forest.  ❝  Who’s there?  Who are you?  ❞   She dared to approach the figure with the red hair.   ❝  I will tell you,  I am a friend.  ❞
Gentle waves shifted as the mermaid browsed the sea bed for sparkling stones and shiny rocks. She was a little too far up north for things to be made by humans to have fallen in the water, which was sad, but Adelaide didn’t let that bother her. All things shiny and sparkly were good things.
Besides, there was a serenity here that she didn’t feel out in deeper water, further south. She liked it.
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She hadn’t expected anyone around. In fact, she was sure that she’d looked to make sure no one was around....so the voice startled her, and she let out a strange sounding chittering sound before diving under the water and surfacing a ways away. She peaked out from behind a rock, making the same noise as earlier before.....
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
Certified Cutie 
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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NIGHT GLOW STONE hallo my fellow Forest of Drizzling Rain fans! this beautiful crystal is known as “opalite” and I think it looks identical to the night glow stone. i own the one on the right of the last photo. you can buy them online for a good price! i know there are a lot of fans who’d enjoy this! 夜光る石 大声で叫ぶ私の仲間の小雨雨の森のファン !この美しい結晶は"opalite"と私は同じ夜グロー石に見えると思うといいます。最後の写真の右側の 1 つを所有します。良い価格のためオンラインでそれらを買うことができる !多くの人がこれを享受ファンがあるを知っている !
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
Adelaide had found herself a bit further north than she’d normally be after following a rather large human ship. The water felt...different here. She wasn’t exactly sure why, but it definitely didn’t feel like the regular ocean. How strange.
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She surfaced near the shore, a rocky outcrop hiding her for the most part except for the vibrant red of her hair. Was there anyone around? It didn’t seem like it.....Ah, she wondered if she could find any nice shinies here.
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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‘The Dragon Comet'  I’ve wanted to make this since college when it was a rejected sketch <3
Buy it on inprnt –> https://www.inprnt.com/gallery/justasuta/the-dragon-comet/ And get 20% off on my prints until 12.17.21 with code ZYLSRY ~! 
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sweetlycursedseas · 3 years
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Ice Castles Ben Kuhns
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