#✚ ── in the land of smash and fairytale : ✧ : undecided
valiantsword · 1 year
@lifefcrged said, ❛  stop moving , you’re only making this worse.  ❜
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a string of choice profanities fall from the immortal's lips at the poking and prodding. arthur's so used to leaving his body alone while the injuries heal. in some lucky instances, everything's already healed by the time he comes back from the dead. no harm. no foul.
on this particular occasion he'd returned to her with his collar bone decimated. each and every breath was like infusing glass shards into his upper chest. his left arm was all but hanging by the proverbial thread ( not so much now that he'd healed a fraction but still not very pretty ). even as mikkah looked over the injuries the body was trying to knit itself together. he'd always figured there was little to be done until his immortal form finished healing.
" it's not like it's going to get infected, em. you really don't need to do anything to it. i'll heal on my own. "
the former king doesn't think he'll ever get used to this. what's more, he's still not sure if he wants to get used to this. he'd spent so long tending to himself even while in the presence of the old guard that the gentle touches almost hurt worse than the injury itself. that's not a wound his body knows how to fix. body, sure. mind and heart? absolutely not.
" please, just leave it be. "
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realitymoves · 2 years
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FROM: @ofbloodandbulletsRE: ❝   i’m not really the advice type,  but i am damn good at coming up with distractions to forget the bullshit for a while.  ❞ STATUS: accepting
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     admittedly, the saving grace that came out of literal nowhere to help his ass hide was something of a shock.  those things didn’t happen to him.  in fact, life normally would’ve thrown him another division agent behind that door instead of the guardian angel he happened to find.  it was enough to keep him on edge, hidden behind a thankful smirk.  when life was going well that meant it was about to go real bad.  nick just needed to angle himself so he could land on his feet and roll with the punches.
     “ my dad used to be good at it, too, “ he said despite every alarm in his head telling him to walk right back out the door.  the few seconds out of the chase was enough to swerve directions.  he could be on the other side of town by now, packing up and thinking of a new place to hide.  but, fuck he was tired.  no one ever knew who he was until the wrong person did.  it was exhausting keeping up the pretenses and keeping everyone away with a ten foot pole.
     “ when my mom was sick he had this knack for just, “ nick shrugged.  slowly, the happy memory helped a smile develop.  they’d sit together on the floor and play a game or put a puzzle together.  no talk of division.  no talk of why she was sick or why they couldn’t go see her.  it was just stolen glances through a window in the middle of the night.  something about his dad’s energy just made it seem like she was right there with them, no matter what was happening.
     nick coughed to bring himself back to the present.  “ anyway, uh, i should probably start running the other way while they’re, “ he pointed in the last known direction of the men in suits.  “ or they might think to come knock on some doors. “
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endlight · 2 years
tag drop !
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ghostsrevive · 3 years
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FROM: @bokketo​_nat RE:  ‘  i’ll  bite  you.  ’ STATUS: accepting
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           “ you and barton have a weird biting thing going on right now, “ one of bucky’s eyebrow raises as he thinks back to what clint said to him just a little while ago.  was it a secret plot?  had he accidently made them both mad at the same time?  certainly plausible.  “ anything i should know about? “
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dreamsaved · 4 years
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❝ I need help testing some new gear. ❞ by @romcnovc​
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          “ do you? “ clark raises an eyebrow.  it was certainly a very suspicious to hear right after walking into the building.  when he was asked to come in he assumed there was a mission involved or maybe they were going to ask him a logistical question about powers or capabilities.  then again, those could’ve happened over the phone, he supposed.  the relationship with the avengers was still an odd one he was trying to find a fit in.  they struck him as a tight knit family ( sarcasm and in-fighting included ).  clark, on the other hand, was still trying to push his father’s hard words from his mind.  the idea of being so openly him around other people even if they were just as strong, caused mild panic whenever he thought about it too hard.  he questioned everything he did, wondering if that was going to be the straw that pushed them all to be terrified of him.
            with natasha nearby that anxiety wasn’t quite so fierce.  considering everything they’d been through together she’d never so much as flinched ( as far as he could tell ).  so, he held on to the courage she always managed to infuse him with.  back straightens just a fraction for his own benefit.
         “ are we talking actual battle gear?  or is this a trick to get me out of another hoodie? “
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huntmade · 3 years
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@sayitsdrawkcab​   :   ‘i’m not asking you, i’m telling you – get out of here!’ stranger things   :   accepting
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          sometimes sam wondered if things would get easier.  he wondered if there would come a day when he came up against a big nasty and wouldn’t be scared.  at the same time, the hunter worried about what that day would mean.  until then - until he figured it out - he’d go through this cycle of mental gymnastics like it was yet another reminder that he was still alive.
          as a chill vibrated down his spine, sam turned on his heel so hard the rest of the room started to spin.  a gun was held up and at the ready for whatever it was that kept slipping in and out of the shadows.  sam felt out of his depth, which said a lot considering how many things he’d fought at this point.
         “ i’ve never been all that great at listening, “ one shoulder lifts up in a shrug.  every sense he could afford was pointed out towards the rest of the room, trying to listen for the thing that was trying to shake the house down to the foundation.  poltergeist, maybe?  as soon as they were out he’d jot down everything he saw, heard, and smelled so he could start looking it all up.  from there, he and dean could come up with a plan.  but, first, he needed to make sure to get this woman to safety.  “ so, if it’s all the same to you.  i’ll get out of here when you get out of here. “
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firedescends · 3 years
tag drop !
#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        give me something to see        [    portrait    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        tell me what you believe        [    musing    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        don’t care who you’re imitating        [    imagery    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        the end is closer now        [    study    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        you think the world’s beginning        [    meme    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        in truth it’s really ending        [    answer    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        keep me still ; keep it all        [    headcanon    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        you are the one reflection        [    interaction    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        the life inside me now        [    wishlist    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        created false rejection        [    desire    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        fall back on my faith again        [    promo    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        give me somewhere to be        [    ooc    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        the fate of millions depends on you        [    main    ]    .#˗ˏˋ 💀        ————        in the land of smash and fairytale        [    undecided    ]    .
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starscoded · 4 years
loading words . . . ok    > loading closed starter    > streaming @rubinsteind​ remote access
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          “ gotta hand it to you, “ wrench slips on to one of the bar’s dirty stool’s.  fingers tap down on the surface to signal a beer his way.  drinking in public was always a toss up because that meant lifting the last just enough to consume the beverage.  if beer weren’t so damn fizzy he’d get fancy with a straw.  “ no one asks me to dig up the fucked up shit quite like you do. “  a crinkled, folded piece of paper is pressed between two fingers.  they’re held up in shelley’s direction.  on it was a phone number and an address.  “ it’s not sitara’s style but i can hack the guy’s socials and put him on blast if you want.  let the world know what kinda skeletons he has in his closet. “
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everknight · 4 years
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FROM: @hisflaws​ RE: “ if this is my best, kill me right here, right now. “ STATUS: accepting
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          it’s not always easy to know what to say regardless of how long he’d known someone.  sometimes there simply wasn’t anything to say no matter what.  for instance, nicky could only tell andromache so many times that she needed to believe they were doing the right thing.  his mouth could form the words and make the sounds but it was ultimately up to the other side to believe them.  support was the most he could do.  although, it was always his aim to do it well.
           “ there’s something i learned a long time ago and it’s that life is all about perspective.  that is, the perspective of your knowledge and experience. “  easy for someone to say from the outside.  not always so easy to believe from the inside.  reaching up, nicky rests his hand on the taller man’s shoulder.  “ we learn new things every day.  we learn to grow.  to be better.  to do things better.  the saying is that the best is always yet to come because it’s true.  your perspective of the best moment of your life is only in relation to every other moment you’ve lived so far. “
          tilting his head, he tries to gauge the facial expression to see whether or not he was helping.  while looking up he offers a gentle smile.  “ it gets better, max.  it always gets better. “
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stardanser · 4 years
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DANCE MIX: umbrella academy PLAYING: what are you not telling us? come on, big boy, spit it out. CHANNEL:  @saviare​
          whoa, she’s pretty...
           it took a few seconds for peter to realize his jaw was hanging on the floor.  his back straightens and rough fingers feel along the zipper of his leather jacket until he can tug and smooth out the material.  the thief clears his throat, desperately trying to remember why he’d run in super fast to begin with.
          he’s tempted to lead with a joke.  it’s amazing how fast he’d become extremely uncomfortable.  like an animal cornered.  “ uhhhh. “  gulping down his anxiety, blue eyes flicker between the several bodies standing before him.  the tip of his tongue wets over his dry bottom lip and the star lord can feel the familiar mask settling over his shoulders.  keep everyone behind ten feet of sarcasm.  it’s how he survived the ravagers and how he’d survive everything else.
            “ there’s a little hitch in the pre-flight check, “ hands splay out before him.  “ nothing to worry about, good terran doctor lady.  we will be back in the stars before you know it. “
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valiantsword · 2 years
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FROM: @brittlefcrged RE: ‘ you were talking in your sleep. ’ STATUS: accepting
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before arthur can make any kind of response, he's yawning. the moonlight still filtered through the windows. he'd gotten up because a noise made him twitch. grabbing the knife he always kept on the night stand, the blonde wandered through the house to make sure no one was sneaking up.
with nothing standing out, he'd stood in the kitchen to have a few sips of water. that also gave him the time to wake up a little more just in case any reaction was delayed. maybe there'd be another sound or maybe the sound would suddenly make sense. again, not a peep. either his imagination or something in a dream made him think it was real. either way, arthur decided it was safe to plod back to bed.
" was i? " he yawns again, sitting on the edge of the mattress and setting the knife back in it's proper place. " i hope i didn't say anything too embarrassing. "
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shieldrevive · 2 years
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FROM: @bokketo RE: “  if you’re gonna stay here insist on remaining in my presence you can’t be sober so either take the fruity beer Asgardian mead or the shitty wine subpar ale or let me be vibe drink in peace.  ” // thor STATUS: accepting
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as a general rule, steve didn't like to drink. the burn never did anything for him even before the metabolism went into overdrive. but, it made him think of his father and the fights that used to erupt with his mother. not everyone was like that but that's where steve's mind tended to go. as a matter of fact, whenever his grandfather drank there wasn't any shouting or violence. no, there'd been music. music and then snoring.
for the sake of fitting in, though, he tended to hold one. especially around the tower. if he wasn't holding one people tended to want to shove one in his hand.
and then there was the whole drowning his sorrows thing back in europe but he wasn't very proud of that.
this, though, this felt a little different. did thor need the company? or was this an asgardian thing?
" alright, big guy, " the soldier leans forward to smell one of the cups right in front of him. one smells like an odd combination of apple and citrus. the other smells like...wine? was ale supposed to smell like wine? he raised an eyebrow at the cup before taking a sip. " not bad. " another sip. " what are we drinking to? "
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realitymoves · 2 years
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FROM: @bokketo RE: “hey !  what’d you do that for ?” (clint) STATUS: accepting
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honestly? to see if he could pull the other from wherever their mind had drifted off to. he wasn't about to say that out loud, though. nick grins to himself and distracts himself with the small little boat of fries in front of him. another is tossed gently in clint's direction, halfheartedly trying to hit him in the chest for the sake of being playful. this one missed. so does a third. at least he managed to catch the first one against clint's shoulder.
" just trying to make sure you're still paying attention, " he reaches for his nearby soda to take a sip. it's been a while since he was last in new york. at least there was a nice visual distraction to keep his mind off the pain.
" alright. now that i'm way too full. where next? "
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forgcdasseta · 4 years
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FROM: @weaponizedembrace​ SUBJECT: ❛ you can miss something but not want it back. ❜ ( steve ) FILE: various starters STATUS: accepting
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          “ but i do want them back, steve. “  there was something very homey about sitting around a large, wooden radio and hearing the nightly dramas come on.  maybe it was war.  maybe it was the time he spent under hydra control, but all attempts to watch movies on large, flashy screens only made him dizzy. a few select things had been enjoyable.  but, for the most part, there were just a lot of loud noises and image blur.
           bucky sets his mug down on the counter with a soft clink.  “ don’t get me wrong.  younger me would’ve been excited to see where technology ended up.  cars look a hell of a lot better now.  still don’t hover.  not sure how howard dropped the ball on that one considering the prototype’s as old as we are... “  his head casts down ever so slightly as memories come back to him of that stark expo before shipping off.  that car did spark a lot and it did end up only working for a few minutes.  still, seventy years should’ve been more than ample time to make that thing work.  especially considering he could put a computer on his wrist.
               “ i’ll say it again. give me radio dramas back.  what’s wrong with someone reading to you and letting your imagination run wild? “
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ghostsrevive · 3 years
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FROM: @purplequvr​ RE: "so grumpy." he says softly, stepping up close and dragging bucky into a warm embrace. STATUS: accepting
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          at first, bucky just huffs.  he’s not grumpy.  he’s just tired of various things life had thrown at him which also meant he was too tired for all forms of social etiquette.  fighting took a lot of energy.  fighting for over seventy years?  pretty much his energy was frayed at this point.  but, he took inspiration from his best friend.  bucky did his best to keep standing back up.  
            at first, he only lifts one arm to gently cradle the back of the archer’s head.  lips go to clint’s temple for a kiss that seems short but lingers if you know him well enough.  there’s the temptation to joke how annoying clint could be.  over the years, though, he’s learned to see past the exterior.  everyone dealt with their trauma in their own way.  bucky was not grumpy or stabby.  clint put on a persona of sorts.  steve punched at everything in arm’s reach for any decent reason under the sun.  they were soldiers who never really came home from their own versions of war.  the last thing bucky wanted was for a joke to make clint think they’d gone backwards in any way.  not when they hadn’t in his eyes.
                        and that always made bucky feel just a little protective over clint.
                                                just a little.
          the other arm lifts to complete the circle.  the fingers at the back of clint’s head gently massage at the base of the blonde’s skull.  “ only sometimes, “ he mumbles eventually.  “ you help tame it. “  another kiss but this one goes to clint’s forehead.  “ hungry? “
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dreamsaved · 4 years
@shieldedsouls​ cont. from ( x )
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          there’d been the great donut debacle of several weeks ago ( months? ), which had escalated a little farther than intended.  then again, that’s what clark gets for getting playful before bucky has any coffee in his system.  mistake was noted and since skirted around.  the last thing he actually wanted to do was upset the soldier who’d been through far more than any one should.
          messenger bag lifts up, over his head, and settles down on a nearby chair.  honestly, he’d been expecting a grunt or a gruff or maybe even a side eye in his direction.  all of which were valid.  not everyone needed to exchange words in order to have a conversation.
           “ ooooh, “ eyes widen ever so slightly at the baked treasure trove staring back at him.  they looked perfect in their color.  the smell wafting up to his nose was nothing short of sweet perfection.  “ you know, i used to bake a lot with my mom growing up. “  fingers dip in to the container to pull one out.  teeth sinked in and flavor washed over his tongue.  “ mm, and let me tell you she would love this recipe. didn’t imagine you as a baker, bucky. “
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