#✘︱he is fluent in many languages including sarcasm︱( answers )
antiiheroic · 1 year
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Here to Misbehave (Pt. 16 | S.R.)
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Series Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Finale |
Summary: Reader is trying to go back to her old life, which includes the life she led before she met Spencer. Category: Angst. Couple: Spencer/Fem!Reader Content Warning: Drug mention, addiction, jealousy, arguing, death mention Word Count: 9.3k
“Don’t wear that tie, wear the other one.”  
Spencer turned to look at me curiously, his little grin the first signal that he saw right through me. “Why?” He asked, taking off the tie he’d only just finished putting on to swap it for the other one hanging in my closet.
It’d been a week since Spencer all but moved into my room, refusing to leave my side for even a second longer than necessary. Aside from the freshly healing bullet wounds, it had been one of the best weeks of my life.
“I don’t know.” I shrugged, trying and failing to hide my smile. “I just wanted to watch you take it off.”
My boyfriend pointed an accusing finger at me as he approached the bed, using it to poke my nose before retreating. “You, my dear, are a troublemaker. I’m going to be late.”
It was hard to believe that life could resume so quickly for everyone else when it felt like I was still on my knees on the cold tile floor of the bank. I tried not to think about it, acutely aware of the terrible things that could happen when PTSD was left unchecked.
I wanted to think about nice things, instead. Like how cute my boyfriend was, acting like it was my fault he’d be late while he took his time tying his tie over and over again. He’d say it was because it wasn’t perfect, but we both knew he didn’t care about that. He just didn’t want to leave yet.
“If you’re going to be late Dr. Reid, it’s because you refused to get out of bed until I gave you a kiss for every hour you’ll be gone today.” I reminded him, joy filling my chest at the small combination of a smile and a pout I received in response.
“You still owe me two.”
“Do I?” I responded, reaching out to grab his hand and pull him back to my place on the bed. “Then please, let me remedy that.”
Not wanting me to move any more than I already had, he quickly came down to place a chaste kiss on my lips. But I didn’t let it end there, holding onto the newly secured tie and tugging him closer.
Now it might be my fault, I thought, but I didn’t care. With one hand on the bed to steady himself and the other carefully caressing my cheek, he put all of his love into one little kiss. I felt like I was going to explode with the pent up desire that had accompanied being with him for so long without being able to show him how much I loved him in a physical way.
He insisted that he didn’t need sex, that it didn’t matter to him, but it mattered to me! I didn’t have a way with words like he did, and while he was content with curling up by my side, it left me wanting more.
The doctor kept telling me it would be soon, that the time will have passed quickly in hindsight. I didn’t understand half of what he said— he was just trying to get me to accept the narcotics in hopes that I wouldn’t end up back in his hospital.
I was doing it again. I was thinking about things I didn’t need to think about instead of the way Spencer bit down on my bottom lip when he paused to let me breathe. The smell of his cologne filled my lungs and I remembered how much I used to miss it. I’d stopped appreciating it when it was around me all the time.
It wasn’t until his phone rang that he left completely, tearing himself away from me like he wouldn’t be able to stop himself any other way.
There were only a few reasons they would be calling him right now, and I didn’t like any of them.
“Oh… Alright.”
It was that exact tone, that terrified, pitiful grumble that told me what I needed to know. He had to go somewhere, and he wouldn’t be back today. He’d retreated from me, turning his back to me like I wouldn’t be able to tell what was happening just because I couldn’t see his face.
His voice was hushed. “Hotch, are you sure that I…”
The hopelessness hurt. I wanted him to go back to work; I knew he needed to. But it was so hard to let him go.
“Understood. I’ll be there soon.”
“How many more kisses do I owe you now?” I asked with a nervous laugh, fiddling with the sheets between my fingers.
“I don’t know.”
“Uh oh. I don’t like that voice.” I tried to keep my tone playful, but it wasn’t enough.
“I have to travel.”
The fact that he wasn’t looking at me made me more anxious than the fact he was now grabbing all the clothes he had in the closet and dropping them in the suitcase.
“Where to?”
Spencer paused, staring at the floor so that he could see me from his peripherals. He was torturing himself by forcing himself to see my reaction, but he wasn’t strong enough to look directly at me.
“Oh... wow.” I didn’t know how to respond, my body freezing as I tried to conceptualize just how far away that was. Far enough away that in maps of the United States, they had a separate area designated for it since it couldn’t fit.
It was too far, that’s all I knew.
“Hey, that’s fine! I can still call you.” My voice sounded foreign and the hopefulness was poorly performed. I wasn’t sure calling would be enough, but it apparently didn’t even matter.
“Not really. They don’t have service out there. Garcia is coming with us.” His packing got angrier, no matter how hard he tried to hide it from me.
“It’ll be fine, Spencer.”
His hands, unable to find any more clothing to grab, found purchase in his hair instead, running through them roughly. “What if something happens?” He asked as he finally turned to face me with a seriousness that was unbecoming.
“Nothing is going to happen. I have tons of friends who can help me. I’m just going to be sitting here on my ass all day watching bad TV.”
I gestured to the television that my friends had been nice enough to set up in my room, sighing as Spencer sulked in the other corner. It took a few waves of the hand, but eventually he dragged himself back to my side. Opening my arms to him, I took him in when his head dropped against my shoulder once more.
“I-I’m not ready to leave you yet.” The vulnerability shook in his voice, and I could feel the insistence in his grip denting my pillow.
“Well, too bad, superman.” I teased, pulling him away enough that I could show him my smile, hoping that it would be enough to calm his mounting fears. “You’ve got lives to save.”
He looked at me, his eyes still welling with tears despite the smile he now wore. He took my hand and heldit against his cheek. He closed his eyes; taking a deep breath, he mumbled, “How do you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Make me fall more in love with you every single day.”
I had to laugh, and I cursed him for it. It hurt so badly to laugh still, but the look on his face was worth it. No matter what, Spencer Reid had to be a romantic, and I loved him for it. It was so very much unlike me.
“Don’t get all sappy on me now, old man.” I chastised him lightly, “You’re going to be late.”
He wasn’t done yet, though, that protective glimmer in his eyes returning with a vengeance. He held tighter to my hand and bit his lip.
“Promise me you’ll be safe. Don’t do anything you aren’t supposed to. Please.”
It sounded like a beg, a desperation that I wasn’t used to. Up until now, it always felt like I was the one who was seeking more information and assurance. But now he sat before me, practically broken at the thought of not seeing me for a few days, pleading for me to take my own life seriously.
I hated the attention, but couldn’t tell him that. He wouldn’t understand; it would only make him worry more.
“I promise.”
He didn’t believe me, but he accepted my answer, anyway. Lunging forward, his lips crashed into mine without any reservations. I laughed into the kiss, tangling my hands in his hair so that he’d have to fix it again before he could leave me.
It was only funny until I remembered how long it might be until I see him again. I held onto him, deepening the kiss just to drag it out. He was also looking for an excuse, still refusing to part all the way when our lungs had nothing left.
“I love you… so much.” He whispered, resting his forehead against mine for a moment longer.
“I love you, too.”
I’d said it so many times in the past few weeks, but the words still felt new on my tongue. I wanted to say them more, to shower him in my affection, but I didn’t know how. Love was just another language he was fluent in, and I decidedly wasn’t. All I could do was wait for him to translate the thoughts to me whenever I got lost.
“I’m going to try to set up something so I can talk to you, okay? I can’t promise it’ll work but I’m going to try. You remember what I said about the last time I couldn’t reach you.”
Memories of papers scattered on the floor ran through my mind. I could practically feel his hand wrapped around my neck for the first time, holding my life in his hand because I’d trusted him to keep me safe. The vision of waking up in his bed, only to have him lower himself below the sheets, pressing kisses down my stomach.
Things had been so different then. It felt like a lifetime ago.
Those thoughts were suffocating and overwhelming and painful, and I shoved them back into the deepest recesses of my mind. It was too early to be emotional.
I took a deep breath, patting Spencer’s cheek with a soft palm before I summoned all the sarcasm I could in my voice. “I’ll always be with you in your heart,” I joked, smiling as he cringed at the sound.
“I mean it, little girl. If you don’t take care of yourself, you’re in for it when I get back.”
Feigning shock and a gasp, I brought my hand to my chest just in time for him to step away from me. The absence of him was colder than it should have been. At least he appeared to be in better spirits, and I wanted to keep it going.
“Dr. Reid, has that ever worked to make me not do something?”
Spencer shook his head with a chuckle, grabbing the rest of his things with more pep in his step. The closer he got to the door, the harder my heart beat. It was deafening and mind numbing in its volume.
Was this how love was supposed to feel? Or had I just grown so spoiled and accustomed to him being here, that I was being entirely selfish? I would no doubt have days to think about it.
He returned to me one more time, running his hand gently through my hair and granting me one more soft, serene kiss in the pale morning light.
“Take care of yourself.” He whispered, the begging bleeding back into his voice. “For me.”
“I will.” I promised before closing my eyes so I wouldn’t have to see him leave. I still heard him hesitate at the door, and I felt his eyes linger on me for a few seconds longer. But then the door clicked shut, and I was alone again.
Nine days. I’d been gone for nine days. It might as well have been a lifetime, because that’s exactly what it felt like. Even worse, I was only able to call (y/n) a whopping three times, each one shorter than the last. We’d only talked for a total of 14 minutes and 29 seconds. And considering that nine days is 12960 minutes, that’s a pretty abysmal fraction.
But it didn’t matter, because as soon as that stupid jet landed in Virginia, I was on my way back to her. Thankfully it was still a normal hour and the sun was still out, albeit quickly setting.
She wasn’t answering my calls, and I tried not to think too much of it. During our last call, she’d told me that she started a new medication that made her sleepy. In fact, our conversation had been so short in part because she fell asleep halfway through the call.
I didn’t mind though, listening to the soft sound of her breathing until the signal went dead again. I’d played the audio over and over again in my head to help me sleep that night, knowing that she was hours away but still dreaming with me.
I was so ready to see her again, that I’d barely knocked on her door before the keys were already in the knob. I didn’t want to wait, I didn’t want to spend another second longer than necessary before I could see her.
But before I could turn the handle, the door swung open and away from my hand.
There were a few people I’d expected to see; (y/n), her roommate, or possibly one of the other female friends the girls had mentioned that I’d yet to see. Unfortunately, it was the one face that hadn’t ever crossed my mind that appeared.
On the other side of the threshold was the man I’d only seen in pictures. To be more specific, one picture, months ago, sent to me from (y/n)’s phone in an attempt to keep her from answering my call.
I recognized him immediately, but realized I’d never actually heard his name.
We stood there for a long time, staring at the other with the utmost hostility in our eyes and postures. I hated the fact that I felt the need to compete with him, but found myself acting out of instinct. I just hoped that he wasn’t as smart or perceptive as her, and wouldn’t notice the insecurity and jealousy that immediately emerged.  
“So you must be the cop.” He drawled, leaning against the doorframe to prevent my entry. The action alone pissed me off, but I bit my tongue in the hopes I could deescalate the situation, despite how much I didn’t want to. There were many things I wanted to say to him, but only a few words came out.
“I’m not a cop.”
“Yeah, she said you’d say that.” He chuckled, rubbing his chin as he recalled a memory of her. I wanted to wipe the smirk off his face.
“That makes sense. It shouldn’t be a surprise, considering it’s not my job.” I stated matter-of-factly, trying to remind myself that the two of them were friends. She’d known him for a long time, and he probably felt just as possessive of her as I did.
The only difference was that I had a reason to believe she was mine.
“Let me guess, your sense of humor is her favorite trait.” The sarcasm dripped from his tongue. Normally I’d say that was my role, but right now all that I had to spit back was venom.
Retrieving my key from the door, I contemplated barreling past him to get to her quicker, but realized he was probably hoping to provoke that exact kind of reaction.
“You’re funny.” My face steeled and my fists clenched in my pockets, I peered around his head to the empty hallway behind him. “Where is she?”
“Sleeping.” That stupid smirk was back, his eyes trailing after my every movement, waiting for me to snap. When I didn’t, he escalated his antics further.
“I was about to go join her.” He said, licking his lips and standing up in an attempt to match my height.
But it wasn’t size or age that distinguished the two of us. It was our priorities. Because while he was here, trying to prove himself to me, all I could see was a young boy standing in the way of me seeing her again.
“No need. I’m here now.” I took a step forward, unsurprised to find that he didn’t immediately move out of my way.
He narrowed his eyes, grasping at straws to try and prolong this interaction. I couldn’t understand why, really. He couldn’t honestly believe I’d try to start a fight with him or leave, could he?
“Does she know you were planning on coming by?”
“Why does it matter to you?” I responded with a bored tone, staring him down until I saw his stance falter. It wouldn’t take much longer of this standoff for him to finally recede far enough into the apartment that I could just ignore him.
“Just wondering.” He mumbled, finally taking a step backwards and to the side so that I could enter. He shut the door behind me, but clearly wasn’t done with the conversation.
“Figured she wouldn’t have asked me to come spend the night with her if she knew you were coming. So she must not have expected for you to show up.”
I turned around to face him, knowing that I was playing into his games but unable to resist the temptation.
“She told me you got jealous last time. I would hate for you two to fight again if you found us in bed together. That would be so upsetting for her.”
“Well, you’re off the hook. No miscommunication. No worries at all.” It was times like these that I was grateful for my training, because it was the only thing keeping me from lunging at the boy and slamming him against the wall. I knew he could see it in my eyes.
He clearly had an idea of me in his head, one that was honestly probably pretty accurate. He wanted me to lose control and show that side of me, to prove that he was the better man. But he wasn’t. He’d had several years with her now to prove himself, and she’d still chosen me.
She chose me— that’s all I needed to remember.
“What if I want to stay?” He teased.
“We’ll let her decide.”
That was the first thing I’d said that struck a nerve in him. He resumed his previous stance with his back straight and arms crossed over his chest. “You’re a bit full of yourself for a dude who’s never here.” He spat, puffing his chest. The longer the bravado continued, the less intimidating it became. “You barely even know her.”
I was transported back to when (y/n) and I first started dating, when Morgan had accused me of the very same thing over lunch. My heart wrenched in my chest, because so much of me knew that it was still true.
She’d only just started to share information with me about her past, and still she spoke in vague generalities and half-thoughts. There was so much she hid from me, and I just… let her. I let her hide from me because I was scared that if I pressed her, she would leave.
At least, that’s what I’d thought. But each time someone pointed out how little I knew her, I was forced to consider the possibility that she was keeping me away for a deeper reason.
“I know all the parts of her that she doesn’t want to show you.” He taunted, sensing my anxieties that were clearly written across my face.
“Are you done? I’d like to go see her now.”
He didn’t respond, shaking his head. But I only got a few steps before I heard his voice again, this time louder and angrier.
“Doesn’t it bother you? Knowing that I’m here, in bed with your girlfriend while you’re on the opposite side of the country, not even answering her calls?” He remained rooted in his position at the end of the hall.
I lost the battle of keeping my eyes on her door, ripping them away so that I could turn to face him. My breathing got heavy and my hands finally left my pockets. “No, it doesn’t bother me,” I said, my voice falling quieter instead of growing, “You want to know why?”
The grimace on his face was the only answer I needed. I brought a finger to my own chest, not trusting myself to touch him. I barely knew this guy, and I wasn’t about to start a fight with one of (y/n)’s oldest friends to prove my manhood, especially if that was exactly what he wanted.
“I’m not worried because I trust her.” I practically whispered to him, “And even if I had some reason not to, I’m not intimidated by you.”
A fire appeared in his eyes, the desire to bite back stifled by the knowledge that there was nothing he could say to make me doubt her. He’d already tried and failed every time so far.
“I don’t care what parts of her you think I haven’t seen. Because I get to have the parts of her you wish you could. And she gave them to me willingly and without regret. Over and over again.”
There was so much more I wanted to say, but I was thankfully cut off by the hoarse, familiar voice in the backroom.
“Spencer?” She called, groggy yet excited. There was no way she could hear me from the room, which told me that she’d probably just woken up to my texts and hoped I was here. It told us both that when she woke up, the first person she thought to call was me.
“Yeah.” I said, a soft, genuine smile crossing my cheeks at the thought of her. “Like I said… I’m not worried.”
He didn’t follow me then, staying in the hallway to stew in his anger over the fact that this hadn’t gone at all how he’d planned. But I couldn’t think about him any longer, because as soon as I turned into her room, my heart melted.
She was sprawled out on her bed, hugging a body pillow like her life depended on it. Her hair was a beautiful disaster across her pillow, and the blanket had fallen far enough to see that she was swamped in the same Caltech sweatshirt she wore every time I was gone.
“Hey little girl.”
She slowly shimmied her way up the pillows, clearly surprised at my appearance despite having called me in. With half shut eyes, she spoke through a yawn, “What’re you doing here? You look like you haven’t slept in a week!”
“I missed you.” I admitted quietly, finally bridging the gap between us and climbing onto her bed on top of the covers. I couldn’t even bother taking off my blazer or my shoes; I needed to be close to her now, without any other unnecessary delay.
Despite curling up against me immediately, she still found a way to whine. “You better not have skipped out on anything for me. We know I’m not doing anything worthwhile in here.”
I leaned down to kiss her forehead, my hands holding her against me so that I could breathe in the familiar scent of her hair and perfume. “I strongly disagree.” I sighed, happy to hear her hum and giggle at the way my breath tickled her face.
I didn’t even hear the door open, but she tilted her head away from me to see her friend. I stayed where I was, not wanting to take my eyes off of her again for as long as I didn’t have to.
“I’m gonna head out. Let me know if you need me again.” He said, his voice full of repressed anger and sadness that I understood but didn’t particularly care about right now.
“Thanks for coming! I’ll probably see you next week; I’ll text you!” She chirped, waving to the man who’d already left.
His absence eased away the last remaining bit of tension in my shoulders, allowing me to bury myself in her neck while she continued to laugh. I heard the soft sounds of the tv for the first time and mumbled into her skin.
“What are you watching?”
“Just a sitcom. You wouldn’t be interested.”
She sounded... defensive, if not a little ashamed for her choice in shows. I had to laugh, realizing that she was still unaware of the shows my mom and I used to watch when I was a kid. The asinine, cheesy soap operas that taught me the dorky, awkward way to love that she constantly mocked me for.
I would save that piece of information for later, though, and instead, I chose to show her my own interest in the things she loved, or in the very least found comforting. “What’s it about?”
Apparently, it was the right question to ask. Over the course of the next thirty minutes she tried to condense the entire nine season series of The Office into one barely coherent rant. Eventually, she realized that I wasn’t following along as closely as she’d hoped, and just decided to start the show over.
I didn’t mind. She chastised me a few times for not paying close enough attention after catching me monitoring her reactions more than the show itself. But eventually she fell asleep on my chest, still murmuring about Jim and Pam until the words were just gibberish.
Without her commentary, I was forced to pay attention so that when she undoubtedly woke up and quizzed me, I wouldn’t just be repeating words I’d heard in the background. Somewhat unsurprisingly, I found myself swept up in the romantic storyline of her two favorite characters. So caught up, in fact, that when she woke up, it took me a moment to notice.
“What did I miss?” She grumbled, trying to force her eyes open while she turned to see the tv that displayed the immediate results of a very poorly timed love confession. “Oh, Casino Night.” Her voice was nostalgic and a bit solemn while she spoke. “This is one of my favorite episodes.”
“Why? It’s so sad.”
Without looking up at me, she pondered the question. It was obvious she’d never really thought to question why she was drawn to it. Her answer didn’t provide any comfort or explanation.
“I guess I relate to it. Loving someone like that.” She shrugged before turning back to rest her head against me. She’d said it so easily, like it wasn’t something jarring for me to hear. I realized then that she’d never told me about her past relationships. In fact, I didn’t even know if any existed.
She sensed the anxieties that were building and brought a hand to my cheek to reroute my gaze to her. “What’s wrong?”
“You… You never really talk to me about your life.” My voice was so pathetic, the pout on my lips so childish in its sadness. Because although I told myself I was only upset she hadn’t told me about it, another part of me was also jealous at the idea that anyone else ever got to hold her.
And what a stupid thought that was, to be jealous of men who didn’t get to keep her. I should have been hoping that she had people who loved her and held her and made her happy, not wishing none had existed.
“What are you talking about? We talk about it all the time.” She chuckled, clearly unaware of my inner debate and turmoil.
“I mean your life before me.” I clarified, taking her hand into mine and watching as she carefully wound our fingers together.
“Oh, well… Who cares? It’s in the past.”
She was using that voice that warned me that she was about to try and change the subject. She hadn’t meant to get this conversation started, and now it was quickly getting away from her. But I wasn’t ready to drop it—especially now that I was aware of a huge, life altering event that she’d managed to keep hidden until now.
“I care. If it’s important to you, it matters to me.” It didn’t seem to reassure her, a lopsided smile covering her cheeks before she tried to maneuver away from the topic again.
“What time is it? Shouldn’t you be going to sleep?”
I held up the small notepad that rested on her nightstand, displaying the several timestamps that I could tell were meant to signal the last time she’d taken painkillers. “I was waiting so I could offer you medicine.”
“Ugh, yes please.” She groaned, moving herself off me so that I could grab the bottles beside her bed.
But there was something I’d noticed before, which only became more obvious once I picked them up. I looked past the orange plastic, my mind straining to count the number of pills inside. The date didn’t match the amount.
“Did you fill the narcotics?”
She didn’t answer.
“Is that why he was here?”
“No.” She responded swiftly, shaking her head and rubbing her temples.
The mention of him brought out feelings that I’d almost forgotten, and with those feelings came stupid worries and questions. “...Why was he here?” I mumbled, turning the pill bottles in my hand like I didn’t already have them memorized.
“Are you jealous?” She teased, poking her tongue out at me. It worked to turn my pout into an awkward half-smile, but I was still sulking.
“Would he have really stayed in the bed with you?”
“What? No!” She shouted, sitting up fast enough that she winced, her hand grabbing her stomach but still talking through clenched teeth. “Did he say that?!”
Her reaction alone made me laugh, easing the tension and reminding me it was stupid to worry about it in the first place. “He might have implied it.” My hands started to sort through her tangled hair, gently arranging it back to its rightful place.
“Ugh, he’s such a fucking dick.” She grumbled, wiping her face to try and get rid of the sudden anger.
Meanwhile, I was once again distracted. It was obvious in the way she struggled to keep her eyes open and preventing her hands from turning to fists. She was in way too much pain for my comfort, and it was partially my fault for getting her riled up over something so silly.
But she hadn’t told me she filled the narcotics, and she didn’t tell me where they were. I needed to respect that, if only because I was scared that it might make her doubt me. When she turned to look me in the eyes, I held her cheek that fit so perfectly in the palm of my hand.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me where they are. I understand.”  
“No, it’s fine. I trust you, Spencer. It’s…” The troubled look shifted to a shaky smile. “They’re in my bedside table. I don’t think I can get them myself.”
I tried not to look excited by the reveal in case she misinterpreted my happiness. It wasn’t the drugs I cared about – it was the fact she trusted me with the fact that they existed. That was enough to carry me through any cravings that popped up. They were few, but like always, they were there.
I funneled those feelings into my caretaking, grabbing her a water bottle and helping her ease back down onto the pillow after she’d down the pills. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, listening to soft sound of the theme song in the background.
Just as I shifted my focus back to the TV, she brought me back to her with a tiny whisper.
“You have nothing to be jealous of.”
I looked down to see she still had closed eyes, now accompanied with a genuine smile. I laughed at the sight, and her eyelids fluttered open at the sound. She narrowed her eyes into a suspicious glare.
“Yeah, I... may or may not have said that.” I admitted, wiggling my fingers between hers.
“Tsk tsk tsk. Very cocky, Dr. Reid.” She chastised, squeezing my hand tighter and bringing it up to her chest. I could feel her heart beating softly against us, her chest slowly rising and falling as she started to try to drift off again.
“What else did you guys talk about?”
“Nothing that matters. Let’s go to sleep.”
It was a suggestion that didn’t need to be made, because she was basically already asleep by the time she replied, “Okay. I love you.”
“Sweet dreams, little girl.”
The best part of the week was waiting for the chance to spend two uninterrupted days with (y/n). But this time it was different; when I left her house this morning, she told me she wanted some time to herself.
I tried to ignore the fifty alarm bells that rang in my head, convincing myself that she just needed a break from entertaining me. We all needed alone time sometimes, right?
No, that was a lie. I didn’t ever need a break from her, and it worried me that she needed one from me. Was I stressing her out? Were there more secrets she was keeping from me? It had to be something heavy if she didn’t want me to know, but that’s exactly the time she would need me most, right?
It was times like this when I wished that I had more experience with relationships; I was panicking and I didn’t want to ask anyone for help. I didn’t want to. I was scared that they might tell me the wrong thing, or the right thing. I was worried they might talk some sense into me and tell me that waiting outside my girlfriend’s apartment was creepy, stalkerish behavior.
I knew it was. I tried to justify it with a present that I was going to leave on her doorstep and leave. But when I got to her place, a dread filled me. I shouldn’t have come. She deserved her privacy and my trust. She’d earned it, and it wasn’t right for me to doubt her.
So, I turned my car back on and prepared to leave. But before I could, I saw her. Alone.
We’d talked about it before, and she’d promised me she wouldn’t go anywhere alone. The risks were too high – not just that she might fall or get stranded, but that something could go seriously wrong. Her stitches could tear, or she could overexert herself. She could get into a car crash and no one would know about her already existing internal damage.
She wasn’t supposed to go anywhere alone. She’d promised me. But there she was, climbing into her car after suspiciously glancing around. Her car left so quickly, I barely had time to think about the ethics of following her. After a few seconds of wrestling with myself, I decided to just do it and worry about the consequences later.
I’d admit it to her later, when she was safe and sound. Maybe it would be good, too, to see that she was fine without me. I just wished she’d told me so I could come to her aid if she needed me to.
After nearly twenty minutes of driving, I still had no idea where she was going. I was a little surprised she hadn’t noticed me yet, which just goes to show she probably shouldn’t have been driving.
Actually, was she on narcotics?
My mind was spinning, my hands shaking when she finally pulled into a small, unfamiliar cemetery parking lot off the side of the road.
For all her paranoia leading up to this point, she didn’t check the other cars in the lot when she got out. Instead, she put her hand on her stomach and slowly made her way through the gate, hobbling off into the field.
And then I felt terrible for so many reasons. I selfishly felt awful that she didn’t want to bring me here. It hurt that I was violating her trust like this, but it hurt worse to know she was going through it alone.
Leaning back in my seat, I let out a shaky breath and closed my eyes, trying to calm down the emotional disaster of my mind. I didn’t need to follow her, I thought. She would come back in a little while, and I could watch her get back in her car. She would make it home, and I could call her and ask her how her day was. Maybe she’d even tell me herself.
God, I was such an idiot. I shouldn’t have come, but now I was here, and I couldn’t leave, either. This was the time she was most likely to be in danger, since the cemetery was relatively empty.
Just as that thought occurred to me, another car pulled in. it wouldn’t have mattered much to me, but the thing that followed caught my attention.
The woman inside the car climbed out and made a beeline to (y/n)’s car, peering into the windows and taking photos of the license plate. At first, I did nothing, trying to keep track of everything that was happening, noting the unfamiliar woman’s license plate number in turn.
But then she took off in the same direction my girlfriend had left in, and I realized that I couldn’t just wait here. This woman clearly knew her, and from the looks of it, it was not going to be a friendly encounter.  
This is why, I thought. This is why I made her promise.
I couldn’t just run out after her yet, so I followed as closely as I could without being clearly visible, relying on sounds, instead. But what I heard was somehow even more distressing than when I could see.
“What are you doing here?! You aren’t allowed to be here!” A scratchy, unfamiliar voice rang through the air. Even if I didn’t already know, her tone alone told me that a fight was about to follow.
I bit down on my tongue, trusting that (y/n) could handle herself. She’d done it before me, and she could do it now. The only thing worse than revealing my presence would be doing it while also discrediting her.
“Mrs. Loughton! I can explain!”
At least I finally had a name for the face, but that was about as far as my thoughts went before they turned to red. Because the only thing I could hear after that was the sound of skin against skin, and the gentle thud of someone hitting the ground.
“Get the hell out of here, you bitch!” The woman screeched, and by the time I came into view, I saw my girlfriend on her hands and knees, holding the very visible red mark on her face. Neither of them saw me, too caught up in each other to notice.
It was the panic on her face, the way she lifted both hands to cover her head when the woman grabbed a fistful of her hair that broke my silence.  
“Hey! Get away from her!” I shouted, running over to the two women. Mrs. Loughton released (y/n)’s hair, causing her to drop back onto her hands and knees while she looked up at me with an angry, frazzled stare.
“Who the hell are you?” The woman spat, redirecting her anger towards me. I much preferred it this way.
“I’m a law enforcement agent, and you just assaulted someone.”
“Assault? Ha!” She laughed, talking over me as if she’d heard the speech a million times before. I got the impression this wasn’t the first time the two have had a showdown. “That’s funny, considering.”
“Spencer, please leave.” The fear overtook any other emotion, and the tears welled so quickly in her eyes it hurt my chest. I couldn’t leave. There was no way I could leave her on her knees in front of this woman.  
“Let me guess, are you one of her dad’s friends?” She sneered, but all I could hear was (y/n) continuing to plead.
“Spencer. Go away.”
“I’m not going anywhere.” I couldn’t breathe, my chest heaving with unbridled rage, confusion, and something else I couldn’t even place.
“Oh I bet you are one of his friends. Always protecting her. You’re all a bunch of pathetic, power-hungry lowlifes.”
(Y/n) stood up now, neither of us paying any attention to the raving woman while I tried to help her up. “Please, I want to leave.” She pleaded, grabbing my hand so tightly that it trembled.
“Are you a murderer, too?”
“What are you talking about?!” I snapped, my arms wrapping possessively around (y/n) like I could shield her from everything that was happening. But I couldn’t, and I heard her soft sobs while she pulled on my shirt, now wet with her tears.
“That stupid, selfish little bitch knows exactly what she did, and she knows that she’s not allowed anywhere near here!” Her face was red, her arms waving and tears sprouting in her eyes while she ran out of breath. Then, deathly quiet, she pursed her lips and tried to bite her tongue. But she couldn’t, the words bursting through when she saw the way I held (y/n).
“If you really are a law enforcement agent, then get her the fuck out of here! She’s not allowed on this property!”
“She hasn’t done anything!”
It was the wrong thing to say, and she let me know swiftly and with full force.
“She’s the reason my son is dead!” She shrieked, stepping towards me with an accusing finger in my face. “It was her friends, her drugs, her horrible decisions and now my baby is gone!”
I hated this part. Because as much as I loved (y/n), it was impossible not to hear the absolute devastation in this woman’s voice. And the longer she talked, the more I understood what was happening. Not enough to argue back, but enough to feel sympathy for them both.
More than anything, I wanted to protect (y/n), but I didn’t know how. I held her tighter, trying to show her that she was safe. I’m afraid it had the opposite effect, and she started to fight my embrace.
“It should have been her! She should follow in her father’s footsteps and do the world a favor and...” She cut herself off, knowing the weight of her words and contemplating them a moment longer before making her decision. “And just fucking disappear!”
The shock of it all caused my arms to loosen – just barely. It was enough, though, and before I knew it (y/n) had burst from my arms, taking off at full speed through the headstones.
“(Y/n)!” I choked, going to run after her, but I was stopped one final time.
“Yeah, get the hell out of here.” The woman behind me softly sobbed, trembling as the fight left her. “Go protect her like you always do. They always do.”
I couldn’t stay on the thought; I’d have to come back to it later, because there were more pressing concerns for me than a stranger who’d just hurt the woman I loved. So I turned around and booked it after her just as she slipped through the gate and disappeared into the cover of the woods around the cemetery.
Naturally, she couldn’t stay on the level, manicured grass. My heart was pounding not just at the energy exerted to follow her, but from all the different things that could go wrong. She could fall, she could run into something, she could get lost.
But luckily, even the adrenaline couldn’t stop the pain in her stomach, and she’d barely gotten anywhere before I caught up to her. I loosely caught her wrist, pulling her gently back to me before she nearly collapsed in my arms.
“(Y/n), where do you think you’re going? You can’t be running like this! Especially not here; it’s way too dangerous!” I said through my labored breaths. Then we stopped, and she protested at my touch.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked calmer now, lifting her back onto her feet. “Did she hurt you?” When I went to lift her shirt to inspect her wound, she brought her hand down in a hard slap.
“Stop, Spencer! Just fucking stop! Don’t touch me! Get away from me!”
The venom dripped from her tongue and burned my skin, my hands jumping back away from her as I took a step back. All the negative emotions that I’d just watched her go through were growing and morphing into a painful anger, and it was all aimed at me.
I deserved it.
“Why the fuck are you even here?! I told you I wanted to be alone today, a-and now you’re what, y-you’re following me?!”
I wished I could just shut up, but the words flowed out of me like I had any right to be angry with her over a promise that didn’t even seem to matter anymore. “And it’s a good thing I did. That woman could have seriously hurt you!”
“Who cares!”
“I do!” My voice strained at the volume I used to match hers. Our angry shouting disrupted the wildlife and broke through the sounds of cars traveling on the highway on the other side of the trees. “You might not care about what happens to you, (y/n), but it matters to me!”
“Why the fuck are you yelling at me?!” And then the sniffles turned to outright sobs, her whole body shaking, her hands cradling her face while she struggled under the weight of everything that had happened so quickly.
I shouldn’t have come here, but I was glad I had. I wished none of this had happened. I just wanted to hold her, but she stepped away when I got closer, defensively covering her head. My heart shattered at the thought of her being scared of me.
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” I said genuinely, my voice still breaking, but now at an acceptable volume. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be yelling, I-I just… I got scared. I thought you were going to get hurt again and I—“
“Sometimes I’m going to get hurt, Spencer. I can’t put my life on hold for your comfort. I’m only twenty years old. I’m not ready to be a housewife waiting at home for you!” She was quick, stumbling over her words and waving her arms between us in the hopes it would force me to keep my distance.
I didn’t want to hurt her, I never wanted that. And right now, it was very obvious that’s exactly what I was doing.  “Of course. I want you to have a life, but you…”
Her hand was back on her stomach, and the action caused a sudden panic that overwhelmed the logic and sense. “You were shot!” I cried, “You almost died in my arms! I thought I was going to lose you, forever.”
She couldn’t reply yet, her lungs too busy trying to take in hungry breaths without irritating the hardly healed skin.
I clenched my eyes shut, unable to look at it any longer. “It’s been barely a month, (y/n). A-And you’re already sneaking around behind my back and putting yourself in danger and I don’t know how I’m supposed to just turn a blind eye to that.”
“I don’t want to talk to you right now.” She panted; the words hardly audible. Her skin was damp with sweat from the pain that was obviously written all over her.
This time, when I stepped closer, she couldn’t move away. I didn’t hold her yet, opting instead to place one hand on her hip and the other on the side of her face. She sighed, resting her head against my hand. She said she didn’t want to talk to me, but the way she closed her eyes and her heartrate immediately calmed down with the simplest touch told me that she wanted nothing more than for me to pick her up and take her home.
“I know you’re trying to distract me from whatever the hell just happened out there, but you don’t have to do that.” I whispered, gently wiping away her tears with my thumb. “If you don’t want to talk about it, we don’t have to.”
“Oh, you’re just going to let it go?” I couldn’t decide what was more simultaneously heartbreaking and adorable, her pauses to sniffle, or the way she pouted as she spoke. “You aren’t going to ask me every night until you get an answer?”
“If that’s what it takes for you to trust me again, then yes. I’ll let it go.” I reassured her. She took the answer with an immense amount of relief, leaning forward to rest all of her body weight against me. I tried to stop her from falling too far or too hard, hoping to ease the pain that was already wrecking her.
But she didn’t even seem to notice, rubbing her face against my shirt and further soaking it with tears. I just wanted her to be okay, and I wished I could do it faster. For now, all I could do was pet the back of her head, rocking just a bit to the side in a soothing manner.
We stayed like that for a long time, and I occasionally pressed a kiss to her forehead, whispering soft apologies to her and telling her that I loved her, no matter what. Eventually, she responded, her voice filled with guilt and shame again.
“I was going to tell you eventually.”
“I believe you.” I immediately responded, pulling her back to look at me to know that I was telling her the truth. “I love you. You know that, right?”
She gave the tiniest, saddest nod back.
“I would never try to hurt you.” I promised, earning a slanted smile. I mirrored it back to her, which made her laugh.
The sounds of the highway paired with the rustling of the leaves, and the two of us shared a quiet moment of understanding. Because I knew I shouldn’t have come, but I was glad I was there, and she felt very much the same.
“I’d like to go home, please.”
“Okay.” I agreed, taking her hand and maneuvering the woods that didn’t seem nearly as dangerous when her hand was in mine. “Let’s go home.”
“Hotch, I need to ask you for a favor.”
The man didn’t even look up from his desk, and I could tell from his posture that he wasn’t in the mood for the conversation he expected to follow. I couldn’t blame him; I hadn’t been the easiest employee to have for the past couple of weeks.
“Reid, we’ve talked about this. You either have to come back completely or—“
“No, sorry, this… isn’t about that.” I corrected, trying to ease the tension before it got any worse. Unfortunately, he still seemed combative, although there was now a guilt mixed in the frustration.
“I need to talk to you about (y/n)’s father.” I clarified, my voice breaking mid-sentence. I cleared my throat, trying to make eye contact despite the nerves gnawing at the little self-esteem I had.
But after a brief moment of thought, Hotch waved me forward, gesturing to the seat in front of him. He shoved the papers to the side and I wondered what it was he was working so hard on. I had a feeling it had to do with her, but I wasn’t going to ask.
“Does she know you’re asking me about this?”
It was the first question, and although I fully expected him to ask it, I still choked on an answer. He sighed deeply, his hands folding on his desk. He wasn’t able to look at me, either.
“I-I’m really worried about her.” I needed him to hear the desperation in my voice, to feel just how scared I really was. I didn’t want to come running to him for every little thing involving her — he’d already done so much for her just fending off the prosecutors.
I knew we were both tired, but I could see it in his eyes and hear it in his tone when he talked about her that she meant something to him, too. Even if it wasn’t nearly as much, he’d known her when she was a kid.
Well, I guess to Hotch, she still was. I hated to exploit that knowledge, but I needed answers now. Before something else went horribly wrong. So I broke into a rant, my hands running through my hair and down my legs as I tried to prevent them from turning to fists at the memory.
“The other day she did something and she got into a physical altercation with another woman a-and she told (y/n) that she should follow her father’s footsteps and…” The word caught in my throat. He narrowed his eyes, and I suspected he already knew what I was about to say.
Across from the desk, he tensed, bowing his head to look at the files lining the surface in front of him. Every single one of them contained a plethora of information about someone’s family. Someone’s everything.
“What did she mean, Hotch?”
“Reid, the information in that file is not only classified, it’s extremely personal. I’m sure she doesn’t know all the details herself. I think it’s best for you to hear it from her.” He explained it so robotically, I could tell he didn’t want to be saying it. The way his jaw clenched told me that there was a lot he wished he could discuss about whatever the hell happened.
It must be a lonely way to live, I thought. And then I thought of her, carrying the weight of uncertainty on top of whatever Hotch held. She was strong, but she was young. She had been even younger then, and she wouldn’t have had the one man who’d taught her to survive to teach her how to handle what came next.
I wrung my hands together. I didn’t mean to be manipulative, but tears stung at my eyes. They were real, and they were persuasive.
“I just need to know that she’s safe.” I begged. “But your reaction isn’t telling me that at all. In fact, it’s telling me the exact opposite.”
Now that I’d started, the words wouldn’t stop.
“If my girlfriend is in danger, I need to know. It’s not like I care about the mission or whatever her father was wrapped up in — I-I just want to know what happened to him. This woman knew, so apparently it’s not that classified!”
My voice grew in volume, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I could feel his face morph into a scowl even as I clenched my eyes tightly shut. There was so much I hated about this, but nothing more than knowing that despite everything I’ve done, I still couldn’t reach out to her and help her when she needed me.
I was still failing her, and I didn’t know how to fix it.
“Reid, stop.”
Hotch must have been able to read my mind, because something inside of him also snapped, the tension releasing from his shoulders and his jaw. I wondered if it was because he trusted me not to give it away, or if it was because he trusted her.
Either way, he spoke, his voice low and hushed.
“I need you to understand that what I’m about to tell you has never been confirmed, and should not be shared outside of this room. Even with her.”
Sitting up with a straight back and a heavy swallow, I nodded.
“I understand.”
| Part 17 |
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teaberrymagic · 6 years
Tagged! Get to know me! ✨
Tagged by: @witchy-morue
I'm excited to be included! Thank you! 💕
Rules: Answer these questions, then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
Nicknames: My partner and one of our friends have taken to calling me Pollyanna. My partner coined the nickname for me when we were first starting to spend time together and it caught on a little among our circle. He made it a bit sarcastically as I have a bitter, dark sarcasm to me, but he liked that I retain a lot of optimism all the same. It's my favorite nickname.
Zodiac: Gemini
Height: 5’6"
Time: 9PM
Favorite band/artist: I'm not one for favorites since I love all sorts of music in most every genre, but I trend towards musicals, orchestral, pop/rock, and dance music.
Song stuck in my head: Sidekick by WALK THE MOON
Last movie I saw: Errementari on Netflix. It looked a bit cheesy from the preview but was honestly great. A Basque folklore inspired tale that was fantastical without taking itself too seriously.
Last thing I Googled: The Compendium of Constellations tarot deck.
Other blogs: I'm starting a witchy WordPress where I want to write about my practice more in depth since tumblr is often a bit tough to write long form on due to the setup and readability of the website. If you're interested in atheistic witchcraft as ritualistic metaphor or science witchery, go take a look! I'll probably be trending towards kitchen witchcraft and tarot talk more than other topics.
Do I get asks? Sometimes, but often on messenger, generally not public asks.
Why did I choose this username? The teaberry is an adorable flower and most of my usernames online have a sort of cute vibe to them, often using flowers or fruits in them.
Following: 65K+ now. I'm surprised at the sheer volume, quite honestly. I hope I can get to know some of you better!
Average amount of sleep: 7 hours in bed but I hardly sleep with my chronic illness issues. I don't know exactly how many hours I genuinely sleep per night but I'm pretty much always exhausted. 😪
What I'm wearing: Black pants, black shoes, royal blue short sleeve shirt (tucked in), thigh length black knit cardigan, and a gold chunky knit infinity scarf.
Dream job: I'm not sure. I think there are a lot of things I could be perfectly happy doing but I'm trying to figure out how to reasonably get a job that lets me do those things (writing, resource management, languages, etc). Things have been kind of rough since I had to stop sign language interpreting when I became disabled, and I'm still trying to find a path to the kind of work that would satisfy me again.
Dream trip: I'd love to visit the milky blue hot springs in Iceland. The scenery seems very beautiful there and I love the idea of visiting during the colder months to appreciate the hot spring waters.
Favorite food: Don't make a cook pick their favorite food… But some things I'm particularly craving right now are Korean fried chicken, iced matcha lattes, and mulligatawny.
Play any instruments? I played the trombone for over 12 years but had to stop when I realized how much it was hurting me due to chronic pain. It was my favorite hobby in school and I even traveled a bit with my college band, I miss it terribly.
Eye color: Medium brown.
Hair color: Medium brown.
Languages you speak: I’m a native English speaker, but I’m fluent in American Sign Language. I used to study Spanish very heavily in school, as well as a little Italian, but when I went to college, my focus was on ASL as an interpreting major, so I lost a lot of my Spanish speaking ability. (My college was heavy on Indian students, but had hardly any Hispanic students.) I can still read a fair amount though.
Most iconic song: Ever? The choice is too much, I fold.
Random fact: I love Teavana's Coconut Almond Amaretti tea blend and I am absolutely distraught that I can't buy it anywhere anymore after Starbucks bought them out. I'm desperately trying to figure out how to replicate it before I run out of the tea.
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: A binder with sheet protectors full of colored tabs, organized by subject, typed and formatted. A glass teapot, dark herbal tea swirling around shriveled tea leaves that swell in the boiling water. A drawer stuffed with knit scarves and sweaters in jewel tones. A living room couch with warm, fleece blankets hanging over the back, plush animals nestled among the throw pillows.
Tags: @darkfyretheumbrawitch @the-wiccan-diabetic @witches-and-magick @whatislove-whatislife @0wlfish @witchy-angelic @lemonysharkbait @luminouspuma @noonwraiths @impeccably-gay @laavendercraft @lilacwitchcraft @xtiny-witchx @reapersroom @enchantii @cloverellla @legolaas @starryskystone @empyreanemerald @wonderouslywitchy
A great opportunity to get to know some of the people who reblogged my giveaway. I can't write everyone a spell, but I'd still love to chat and get to know you better! 🌻
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smoakmonster · 6 years
A Post-6x16 Olicity Fic
(Read on AO3)
William is long since asleep by the time Oliver makes it home. He tosses his damp peacoat onto the chair before unceremoniously flopping onto the bed. 
“You okay?” Felicity asks from her side of the bed, setting aside her tablet and scooting closer to him. 
“Yeah,” he sighs, eyes fixed on the ceiling.
“I know this must be hard for you, letting your baby sister go.” Felicity’s palm comes up to rest directly over his heart, her favorite place, fingers moving in lazy, well-traveled circles. 
“Not as hard as I thought it would be. She’s happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for her.”
“I know your parents would be proud. Of both of you.”
Oliver tilts his head to regard her. “I hope so,” he breathes quietly, letting himself wander back into simple, innocent childhood memories as he loses himself in Felicity’s gaze. 
Felicity watches him back with open sympathy and devotion, seeming to read his innermost sorrows and knowing exactly what he needs before he even dares ask for it. After a minute of comfortable silence, she slides down to lie next to him and nestles her head against his shoulder. 
Felicity’s voice is muted and gentle, and her warm breath tickles his neck, even as her words fill his gut with lead. “So about what Thea said...is that why you sometimes leave the light on in the bathroom?”
Oliver huffs and looks away, trying to mask the bleak uncertainty beneath indifference. But his old habits only last for a second, because even in the silence he feels Felicity’s persistence. Of course she would hear the pain beneath a joke. That’s a Felicity specialty. He should have seen this coming. She knows him too well for him to convincingly keep anything from her.
As Oliver wrestles with the wary voice that’s always there, telling him not to vocalize his insecurities, he brings his own free hand to meet hers, running his thumb in slow, easy strokes across the back of her hand. “It's not that I was afraid of the dark. I...I was afraid of who I am in it.” His thumb goes still. “And then, on the island, I sort of became the monster I had created in my head.”
Oliver swallows, fighting to keep the onslaught of more recent, horrific memories at bay. Thankfully, these are not in dream form, so he feels slightly more in control. Sometimes he can still feel the biting, bitter rain and ice-cold ocean spray seeping through his skin down to the bone. He can still remember the worst night of his life, that first night on Lian Yu, swallowed up in pitch-black darkness, before Yao Fei had rescued him. There had been no moon that night to guide him, no stars peeking through the heavy clouds. He’d learned very early on to either fight the darkness and lose...or embrace the darkness and survive. Maybe he’d learned a little too well.
“Hey, you're not a monster,” Felicity says against his ear. “You never were.”
Maybe Thea’s right. Maybe now, after all this time and hurt and help, after finally learning how to live again, perhaps for the first time ever, he can truly say that he wants to be the Green Arrow...and for the right reasons. Not merely to right his father's wrongs. Not merely to become something else. But to become the best version of himself. He wonders if that can really be true. He wants to be the best version of himself as a father and husband, too. Does being the Green Arrow make him better equipped to love and cherish the remaining two most important people in his life? 
Selfishly, he worries that without Thea here, the part of him that only she can help keep in the light will fall back into the shadows. 
“You don't have to be afraid, Oliver.”
Oliver’s lips twitch, and he marvels, not for the first time, if Felicity can in fact hear the conflict churning inside him. “I know. I'm not,” he tells her honestly. “Not with you.”
“Well, if it helps, I had a nightlight till I was about eight.”
“Yeah, an astronaut. Kept the aliens away. Lot of good it did me two years ago. I really needed it when my dad...when he...”
Oliver pulls her closer, tightening his arm around her back; this time, his touch is grounding her, keeping her safe from her own haunting ghosts. They give and take like this often, another secret language they share, one that grows more and more fluent every day of their marriage. 
Oliver frowns when something she said finally catches up with him. “You had an astronaut nightlight because you were afraid of space?”
She answers with a playful swat against his chest. “Yeah, well, you aren't the only one who's allowed to be enigmatic.”
He huffs. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For not making me feel alone.”
“You’re never alone,” she says, before muttering a little derisively, “I bet even the amazing League of Assassins temptress couldn’t do that.”
“Hardly a temptress.” He plays along for her sake, though he knows what she’s really hinting at. It’s taken Oliver years to learn to read beneath the layers of sarcasm, but at last he’s come to understand many of his wife’s insecurities intimately. “I’m sorry. I know it was weird having Nyssa there...”
“Taunting me about being your second wife? Yeah, that was super fun. But if you’re feeling especially penitent, a pampered breakfast would not be unwelcome.”
“Including waffles?”
“Of course. Waffles are a given.”
He chuckles, quickly kissing the top of her head. “I think that can be arranged.”
“By the way, you don’t think she expects us to, you know, keep the creepy annulment dagger, do you? Technically Nyssa cut you free or...cut herself free? So everything should still be unofficially official, even if, say, we gave it to Goodwill? I guess I should be thankful that didn’t require some kind of weird blood oath--
He waits patiently until she grows still and he’s recaptured her gaze. “You’re the only wife I’ve ever had or will have. And more importantly, you’re the only wife I want.”
She smiles, her eyes teasing him. “Well, good, because you’re stuck with me forever.”
“Promise?” he breathes.
“Promise. Now, kiss me, husband.”
And he does, pulling her close, pouring his heart out to her in his touch and in secret lavishings whispered in her ear. After a long time, Oliver twists out of his wife’s embrace just long enough to turn off the lamp, plunging their room into pitch-black darkness. But Felicity’s arms are still there, warm and soft and welcoming, and her love is so vibrant and consuming that it drowns out the darkness. 
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leafallsonelines · 4 years
Bizarre Love Triangle
I'm not sure what this could mean I don't think you're what you seem I do admit to myself, that if I hurt someone else Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be  -New Order
I didn't want to get into a relationship.
He wore me down and soon enough I was the one crazy about him. I always answer to the undefinably strong pull toward a certain person. I was soul weary and needed a break from emotional turmoil. When you meet somebody else, they're the main character of their own love story (just like I am in mine; as it should be). I'm privy to fact that we all have a history, especially when dating in your late 20's and 30's. I wasn't ready for our stories to collide.
I desperately wanted to avoid cluttering my life with someone else's relationship baggage when I haven't even taken care of mine. He campaigned hard for the relationship. I went for it.
Despite my better judgment I always cave—give in to that desire — anticipate and absorb the pain that inevitably follows.
I told you that story to tell you this one.
Back in 2014 the term Cool Girl ™ was coined to describe women who change their personality for male approval. (The shtick is contrived and annoying once you spot it.) She doesn't have a solid sense of self and basks in attention to fill. That void; hoards men like Thanksgiving hams and gets territorial when she's not The Girl. She gets kicks from seeing how uncomfortable she can make other girls by openly flirting with their boyfriends just to watch them squirm. This act is so played out most people have an eye roll ready for anyone flying the “I'm not like other girls” banner. (Gen Z now calls them Pick-Me-Girls ™.)
I crossed paths with one in 2018 — my boyfriend's best friend of sixteen years. A self-indulgent, selfish friendship. I wasn't initially jealous, didn't interrupt, and it came back to bite me; it was hideously unfair.
For storytelling purposes let's call her “Kate Luu.” Kate, an incestuous tigermom who gets jealous of any girl her son gets with, a petulant toddler that would rather break a toy than let someone else play with it. Probably has BPD. Definitely needs a good therapist.
Like a lot of dewy eyed girls newly in love I conveniently dismissed the red flags around my boyfriend and Kate. I had empathy for them because of my past platonic friendships with flirty undertones. Guys would respectfully fall back when they got into relationships or if I Was in one. I struggled with the slow withdrawal of warmth, missed the emotional intimacy, but recognized it as the right call and moved on. A lot of young adults exploring their sexuality go through this. As I got older I favored female friendships for being uncomplicated, preferring to avoid unwanted sexual tension.
Empathy without boundaries is self-destruction.
A couple weeks after celebrating our one year anniversary Kate texts me, “We need to talk.” Alarms immediately go off in my head. The last few months I had started bringing attention to the bad vibe I was getting and the inappropriate nature of the relationship. I got tired of biting my tongue. He didn't know how to process it or correct it. His lingering infatuation with her made it impossible for him to distance himself or enforce new boundaries. He started hiding it instead. I caught him being intentionally ambiguous about his plans when going to see her. He fumbled himself into an emotional affair.
Princess Diana famously described her marriage to Charles as “crowded.” It was an unmistakable reference to his affair with Camilla. Looking back the (justifiable) anxiety I had was from being crowded. Intuition is not insecurity.
I met Kate for coffee and she read aloud a pathetic five page letter telling me I'm a bad girlfriend and “full of shit.” She was intervening on his behalf as the person who knows what's best for my boyfriend.
“It's none of your business.”
But no, she has the authority to interfere as his best friend of  sixteen years  and I was a  one year  nothing. She brought up the fact he was attracted to her first, told me I'm spineless and ruining their friendship with my insecurity. (She _really _ran with the words spineless and insecure.)
Accusations are confessions when they come from a manipulative person. Textbook projection. She was mad her narcissistic supply was tapering off. (Gaslighting Pro-tip: Label rightful jealousy as insecurity.)
My boyfriend gave her personal, intimate details of my life during their oversharings and she used that information to bully me. Nothing was off the table, including my sexual history. I can see how she manipulated him, but it was inexcusable. People who enable They leave the door open for endless rows of inappropriate behavior. All of this was happening behind my back for a year. That kind of intimate toxicity are suckers for ego massages.
Don't you just love a story where the villain puts all the evidence of her misdeeds in one letter and unravels into epic, illogical rage all in one afternoon, in the space of two hours?
How did Kate have time to write five pages of false narratives designed to destroy a relationship she was jealous of? She doesn't have a job. She's a pampered dog mom living in her rich fiancé's house for free. A busybody performatively taking care of other people to avoid a mountain of personal issues. (An unevolved Virgo.)
Don't worry about what I'm doing. Worry about why you're worried about what I'm doing.
Kate has many noticeable traits as an obnoxious, self-important person — an absolute fake. She calls herself a _philanthropist _without having done anything philanthropic or even knowing how to use the word; she literally saw a big SAT word that means good person and attached Herself to it. (A word assigned to big charitable donors like Bill Gates, not bloggers). She has the same relationship with the word “unconventional” and thinks using a bigger word for unique or quirky makes her even more unique and quirky. Nope, still basic.) In place of possessing any actual humor she repeats memorized dad jokes and leans into corny, forced puns. If this isn't annoying enough she then insists she's funny. (Funny people just make you laugh. They never have to tell people they're funny. Barfs in, “I speak fluent sarcasm.”)
If I poked a finger through her shallow veneer I'd find loose dirt and dog shit.
And you know what? I'm not even against intense friend love. I get it. I groove to “One Love.” Emotional freedom is important. Expressions of love are multitudinous. It should transform to fit the situation. She didn't respect basic boundaries to make room for all of us to be comfortable. She was just mad she got demoted and tried to burn the whole thing down.
Kate wanted to be the main character in my boyfriend's love story without ever actually dating him. Oh yes, I know — the audacity, the toxic lack of boundaries, the mind numbing arrogance. She's not even protagonist material — a papier-mâché hipster who got her personality from an Urban Outfitters catalog and can't stop contradicting herself despite the fact she is working off a pre-written letter. I have never encountered someone who thought so highly of herself while having almost no substance. She calls herself a writer , but is just a pseudo-intellectual English major who posts aesthetic word salad on Instagram.
Later on I realized that if someone is mean to you unprovoked it's jealousy. One of the catalysts for the meetup was a heartfelt anniversary post I wrote on Instagram. It's not my usual style, but I felt gushy and really went full blown poetic and swoony She's jealous that her own, brought up love and Birth of Venus, blah blah blah. She mentioned my IG post and even admitted it was poetic and well written, but proceeded to use that as the jumping off point to invalidate the love in it. writing is try-hard drivel; a woman in her thirties mentally stuck in 2011 tumblr cringe.
If she truly wanted him she should have pursued him honestly and not wait to mess with another person. Hell, even just owning up to her feelings and saying, “I realize I may have lost my chance with you. Is there still anything in our sixteen year history that makes you want to give us a shot instead? ”à la My Best Friend's Wedding. Treading some moral gray area, but way more acceptable than actively sabotaging a relationship.
She didn't really want him though. She just wanted to continue their friendship in that inappropriate flirtationship space to feed her ego. After the coffee date she ended their friendship in an email. That really important sixteen year friendship became disposable to her once she wasn't able to control it.
Sometimes trash does the public service of loudly identifying itself as trash and takes itself out.
If you're a female best “friend” to a guy in a relationship and you need to flex on “I was here first” and “We did this before you were in the picture,” then you were never interested in seeing that friend thrive in a romantic relationship. You just get off on being his favorite unfulfilled option. If seeing him in love with someone new has you feeling that miserable you're just being selfish. Real love doesn't overstep in a new relationship so you can hog their spotlight. You're not even a friend; you're a skunk marking your territory and keeping him in the friendzone while not really wanting him to have a girlfriend.
You learn to love somebody in their love language and not just yours. Selfish love is not real love. That's just using someone to fill a place. Maybe a distraction. Seeking anything in return isn't real love because if you want that you actually don't have love to give; it's fake; it's toxic. If there's someone who isn't around anymore and you miss them consider the fact that you might just miss the place they held in your life. (You have the freedom to fill that space anyway you want.)
She realized she burned through all her goodwill thus the sudden ghosting and extracting herself. I never asked my partner to pick me or issued any ultimatums. Sometimes important questions stay unanswered. Sometimes you have to move on without the apology you deserve. There is grief in never receiving closure.
My partner finally saw my concerns validated in the aftermath. I bubbled with rage remembering excuses he made for her. Day in and day out I was drinking from an overflowing cup of righteous anger. So what was his role in this? Stupid or co- conspirator?
He was oblivious.
“I can't believe you could've left me for a wannabe influencer.”
I switched my phone wallpaper from his picture to a solid color. Looking at his face filled me with disgust. There's only so much letting go you can ask someone to do. I knew I still loved him, but anytime a woman is hurt she becomes less interested.
How do you recover from unknowingly letting a toxic bitch walk all over and jeopardize your relationship?
Friends told me to move on, date other people. He campaigned for the relationship again. We did the work of picking up the pieces and starting over. 
I'm not pretending to be perfect. I was reeling from back to back traumas. My soft spots turned hard and cynical. It was my turn to be the toxic one. I drove to work sobbing everyday for a month. I complained constantly. My default became anxious and suspicious. I'm so out of touch with the person I was before; she's a stupidly innocent, free-spirited stranger to me. It took time for the poison leach out.
It's a lot of baggage.
The couples who make it aren't always the ones that never had a reason to break up. They're the ones that decide their commitment to each other is more important than their mistakes. Fast forward to the herculean effort he made to earn back my trust and we're still very happily together. (This is published with his permission.)
Our relationship is more grounded in reality now. It's not crowded anymore. Somethings more precious from having almost been lost. Somethings will never be the same. I'm the villain in her story, just as much as she's the villain in mine. We get to live out our own endings and there is peace in that.
Hurtful, painful, memories. Memories of deep regrets, memories of hurting and being hurt. Memories of being abandoned. Only those with such memories buried in their hearts can become stronger, more passionate, and emotionally flexible. Only those can obtain happiness. So Don't forget any of it. Remember it all and overcome it. If you don't overcome it, you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows.  -The Boy Who Fed On Nightmares
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hellfire-bright · 5 years
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( JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER || 25 || GENDERFLUID || THEY/THEM ) NICOLAE TROUILLEFOU the (ADOPTED) child of CLOPIN TROUILLEFOU and (BIOLOGICAL) child of CLAUDE FROLLO. they’re currently a FRESHMAN & a PHILOSOPHY major at auradon royal university, where they’re described by friends as +OPEN MINDED. however, others sometimes complain that they’re -SECRETIVE. maybe that’s why they’re called the WILD CARD around campus.
Nico was born in the shadows of the Notre Dame, to a man who only found fleeting interest in their mother and turned away from her the instant she disappeared. Months later Frollo was horrified to see her return with an infant in hand and pleading for refuge for the two of them. She was a Traveler, a Roma of Irish descent rather than those in Paris, so she had no family to go to. He wanted nothing to do with the problem but fear of damnation was enough to force his hand, taking in both and claiming the woman and child were lost souls. 
While Frollo wanted the child, named Jean by his own insistence, to be gone he quickly saw an opportunity to gain more favor in the eyes of the church by saying that he would raise and teach them, guide them on the path of righteousness. The man’s anger was still resounding though, time and again taken out on both the child and mother, until she finally decided to flee rather than take the risk of that anger turning deadly. Nowhere to go and with the Church willing to condemn her for the theft of an innocent child, she was forced to take up her plight with Clopin. 
At first it was more to humor himself, even with Frollo shortly after banished to the isle it was still a wonderful joke to drag his child around the streets knowing whose blood was in his veins and what a mockery to the Church his bold choice was. Clopin treated them well enough, but it wasn’t until after Nadiya perished in an accident that he was left with the choice of turning them out to the streets or taking responsibility for them. 
Clopin choose the latter, gave them a proper Roma name, Nicolae, and took them under his wing. Without children of his own at that point a bond grew between the two and it wasn’t long before Nico was every bit their adopted father’s pride. They were a brilliant child, sharp of wit and tongue, and time and again proved their worth to the Court. While everyone else was hesitant to accept at first it didn’t take very long before they came to see them as what they were; the Prince of the Court. 
Nico continued to grow and learn, aware of where he began in life but it no longer matter; he was Roma and would accept nothing else. As the walls between the isle began to break much of the Court turned a blind eye to it; life was hard enough without concerning themselves with outsiders. But Nico was different, they wanted to see what lay beyond the streets. When they stepped forward to ask their father for a favor the Court King was hesitant to allow it. The Court had always looked after its’ own, the thought of one of them venturing out into the world was a strange one. 
Eventually Clopn relented and set about finding a way to see it happen, it came down to a delightful game of manipulation when he approached Frollo with the promise of exposing his secret if he would not use his hand to aid Nico. So the Prince of the Court left home behind, for a time, to test the idea of what lay be waiting ahead.
Attempting to get an honest answer out of Nico is damn near impossible at times; they enjoy running circles around people in conversations and love to play those games. Charming, true, and a bit of flirt, also very tactile by nature so isn’t shy about contact, but nothing gives them more amusement than out-talking another person. Someone who can match wit and sarcasm is a worthy playmate, so to speak, and all the better a friend for it. 
They are pansexual by nature, hardly something unheard of in their home. They also assume sooner or later someone in the Court will also try to arrange a marriage for them. Tradition dictates most couples end up together that way, but time has begun to wear down some of those rules. They doesn’t really give that much weight though since their own father has had many companions but has never married.
Much like their father Nico uses hand gestures when speaking, paces and moves around a great deal, very animated. Also sometimes when frustrated rambles off in one language or another and forgets that people cannot understand what they might be saying. 
Nico has a bit of a habit of stealing random things. Often useless little trinkets that catch their eye, it’s almost a compulsion of sorts. It’s for that reason their personal space is bound to be cluttered with objects that seemed important at the time but are all but forgotten just as swiftly. .
Another thing to contend with is Xari, the rather large rat that Nico is so very fond of. The creature’s name literally means ‘one who eats a lot’ and it’s very fitting to the rodent who likes to perch on their shoulder or hide in a pocket to reach and snatch food from anyone who happens to get close enough.
He’s a solid black rodent of the common sort seen in the streets and sewers of the city, Nico took him away from a rangy old cat who had already eaten the rest of the litter and raised him.
Unlike some in the Court of Miracles, father included, Nico has embraced the modern changes that outsiders have begun bringing into the city. Used to make a game of slinking about and listening to the stories tourists recounted of other places, feeding that longing to see more of the world. Phones and other devices they swiftly took to stealing, curious, and quickly learning how to use them. They have tried to encourage others of the Court to do the same but many of the older Roma dislike the idea.
That was in part one of the reason Nico left, knowing that seeing the larger part of the kingdom would allow some insight on how best to help their own people adjust to changes ahead.  
Nico has a handful of skills that served him well back home, but not so certain they will in new places. Sword-swallowing, fire-breathing, a rather good singing voice and of course, their cousin Esmeralda taught them how to dance. Not as strong as some people but fast, both on their feet and with those sly hands that do so well at picking pockets.
Surprisingly well educated, always curious and cousin Esmeralda urged them to learn as much as possible. They has a stockpile of books lifted from strangers on all sort of subjects. Fluent in French, of course, but also in English and the native tongue of their Roma clan. 
Some in the Court whisper that they might just be a demon, it’s no secret that they are the child of Frollo, even if Clopin has threatened exile from the Court to any who speak that secret outside of their family.
//Court of Miracles//
While raised mostly traditionalist there are areas of their family's Romanipen that Nico doesn’t strictly follow. It gives Clopin some grief that the they shrug aside most views of religion but Nico has a tendency to be as stubborn as their father at times so there’s little arguing it. They stay respectful of most of the traditions, it’s just a few they feels are painfully outdated.
To that point, they are cautious of outsiders but perhaps a bit more accepting of them due to their own background. After all, they was adopted, so who’s to say that they can’t find people to act as a family outside the Court? It’s not likely to be an easy title to gain; loyalty is absolute so not given easily and to earn the bond of someone like Nico it’s bound to take a real connection, and someone who can look past their..less than lawful outlook on life.
Rules, of course, belong to the lands, and those laws Nico feels little need to follow. They knows they must out of necessity with some of them but like most any Roma lives by their own code. The first rule of that being look after your own above all else, the next being do not suffer the actions of a fool to ruin your plans.
Names are something sacred, they shares their full name with none outside family; there is power in names that most people no longer believe. A name, much like one’s word, is something with meaning and gives neither away easily. 
While holding the title of Prince of the Court those there do recognize that Nico identifies as genderfluid, just as they will one day be King of the Court once Clopin steps down. The title is not really considered a gendered one to the Roma of the Court and more one of respect, a rule can be male, female or anything else and may choose to be called what they wish, Nico has decided to keep the title of Prince and later take King as a nod of respect for their father’s current title.
Isn’t exactly moral by nature, nor believes that anyone is strictly good or bad; both exist in all people. So it’s easy enough for to shrug off the idea that someone might have had a parent who was considered a villain of sorts, assuming they do nothing to cross them. Or worse, harm those under their care. Not exactly forgiving either if lines are crossed; by nature friendly enough but make an enemy of them and Nico will torment the poor soul to the point of madness and make a game of it. Has a temper, it’s true, get them riled up too much and they won’t easily back down. 
Since they were brought up in a community of sorts rather than a single home, most everyone had a hand in helping to raise them, Nico is surprisingly good with children. Enjoys looking after them, playing games, and does one day know they’ll likely have their own to look after. For all those rough edges there is a softness to how they deals with kids and is very protective of them.
When Nico went to his father with the intention of traveling to enroll in school Clopin was somewhat at a loss at first. It was less a matter of being unwilling to turn loose them loose for a few years and more that poverty was still the undertone of the life they all lived. But, true to his serpent-sharp wit, Clopin came up with a solution in the form of going to Frollo and threatening to expose the truth to his church if he didn’t agree to tend to the matter.
It’s for that reason that some of the generous donations the church receives no longer pads the pockets of those in power there but is slipped into a trust fund that Frollo waves off as a fund for the poor. He detests being blackmailed in such a way but with so many people already suspicious about the matter he can’t afford to take the risk of refusing.
Nico does still live on as little of the money as possible though, often coning or lifting money for their little vices, the rest they sends back to the Court every month in the care of Clopin for everyone.  
Nico has only tried to approach Frollo once when the man was released from the isle, out of the need to know if Frolo had any regret in abandoning them. When greeted with cold words and called a monster for a sinful life Nico never looked back; Clopin raised them and they views the man as a real father. The two share a deep bond, no matter if it wasn’t one of blood.  
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