#✘ : ( ooc )
hargrove · 5 months
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「 I'm putting this account on a short hiatus. my hyperfixation of Resident Evil is too real right now and I just don't have it in me to write replies for anyone but Ada. I'm definitely not leaving Billy! when my focus evens out, I'll be back to dig into my drafts. In the meantime, I want to be able to focus on my new shiny toy without feeling guilty.
so yeah, for now, you can find me here ➠ @thespyinred 」
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slashervideo · 4 months
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「 I have a josh url saved... 」
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I feel confident enough to post these now. A collection of all the existing posters after some edits from the other post that got 13k notes! These are full size/quality. Go nuts.
You may use them for wallpapers, tabletop campaigns, whatever. Consider tipping me or buying a print or sticker on ko-fi here! If you do use them, let me know what for, or send pictures!
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Expanding a thought from a conversation this morning:
In general, I think "Is X out-of-character?" is not a terribly useful question for a writer. It shuts down possibility, and interesting directions you could take a character.
A better question, I believe, is "What would it take for Character to do X?" What extremity would she find herself in, where X starts to look like a good idea? What loyalties or fears leave him with X as his only option? THAT'S where a potentially interesting story lies.
In practice, I find that you can often justify much more from a character than you initially dreamed you could: some of my best stories come from "What might drive Character to do [thing he would never do]?" As long as you make it clear to the reader what the hell pushed your character to this point, you've got the seed of a compelling story on your hands.
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spookberry · 14 days
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this came to me in a vision
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oobbbear · 8 days
More portal fiddleford
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This is set after they’re a bit more used to dimension hopping, and their relationship is healing in progress :]✨
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secretidentie · 2 months
Tim for literally no reason: Hey Jason do yk where I can get some cocaine
Jason: Why tf do you need cocaine
Tim: I'm a teenage CEO why tf do you think I need cocaine
Jason: Fair enough. But I'm still not selling you cocaine
Tim: Why not? I just want to hang out with the other young finance bros
Jason: Hey dick head, tell your brother I'm not giving him cocaine
Dick: Tim are you okay? do you want to talk about this??
Tim: Uhg I'm fine. You're the one ones who said I should stop drinking coffee
Jason: and you thought this was a good alternative???
Tim: Come on I'll only do a little
Dick: Is this coz we spoiled the ending of wolf of Wallstreet
Tim: Why can't I just have some? You do!
Jason: No I don't
Tim: You're a crime lord
Dick: Yeah isn't it like part of the job
Jason: WHAT NO Stereotype much. I've never even seen cocaine up close
Jason: Yeah not a drug dealer THERE'S A DIFFERENCE
Tim: I should have known your not cool enough to have drug dealer connections
Dick: Woah woah that's enough both of you. No one in this house is doing drugs. If anyone talks about cocaine again I'll tell Bruce you said you want to start a new crack epidemic. He'll make you sit in at strangers AA meetings and read through old case files of ex dealers and their autopsies. Don't. TEST. me.
Tim: ............
Jason: ............
Tim: Can you sell me meth?
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spaceistheplaceart · 1 month
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more ford and mabel bonding because i said so :)
bonus ford under the cut:
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mellosghosts · 2 months
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that one the pacifier 2005 scene but it's laura annoying logan just a few days before he fucking dies
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pyxiscowboy · 4 months
the editors are the funniest people alive
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hargrove · 9 months
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「 HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I resurrected this blog at the end of 2023, but in these few months, this dash has given me more happiness than I could have imagined. honestly, I came back as a means of escape when I had a major loss in my family and just didn't want to deal with irl. and y'all have been so welcoming and so amazing, that I want to take this moment to hurl my love right in your faces!
@havvkinsqueen ➠ Victoria!!! I was so excited to learn that you were still bombing around on the dash since I last left. your heather was always a treat, but your Chrissy is such a delight and I'm so stoked to have her in Billy's life. you are an absolute gem, a POWERHOUSE of kindness and positivity. you exemplify everything the rp community should be. I type this wearing the bracelet you made for me, it gives me so much good vibes. I really am serious about running around in cosplay at a con with you this coming year. it'll be rad as hell! here's to a whole new year of crazy rp and irl shenanigans!
@zoomingupthathill ➠ I cannot describe the sheer joy I feel every time you're on my dash, Bee. from waaaaay back when I was writing Klaus and you were Katherine, to now in the ST fandom, you always leave me in awe. the love you have for your own muses is infectious and in turn, makes me love them and want the best for them. you know I don't really do exclusives, but I always considered your Max and my Billy a packaged deal. whatever your Max is going through, she can always count on my Billy to have her back. likewise, I am always there for you. you're an amazing talent and an even better friend. I look forward to a whole new year of sibling craziness, as well as other muse stuff. and good lord, CAN WE GET THIS GIRL A LUCAS??? (I'm trying my best to work on it, I am lol).
@thebabysittertm ➠ dude. friendo. bruh. stark. I don't even know where to begin. my favorite kind of rp is the slow burn stuff filled with lots of character development and headcanons and background stuff, etc. it's basically the hardest thing to find but somehow from the moment we started talking, it all just clicked. the details and thought you put into all of your muses is astounding. I adore the thought process you have in your muses' reasoning behind things. and your writing is out of this world! I feel so lucky that I get to bounce hc's and au's off you all day. all of our ideas and stuff makes me so excited and has fueled me to jump back into this hobby only 10 times harder. all your talent aside, you also an incredible friend who I'm so stoked to talk to every day. here's to a 2024 filled with our two idiots!
@malka-lisitsa ➠ how do I even begin to compliment the sheer amount of talent that exudes from you, November?? from muse development, to writing, to graphics, to server maintaining, to... I don't even know what else! seems like you can do it all! I can't lie, when I initially came back to the dash, I was shying away from any and all cross overs because I have so much anxiety in this community and wanted to keep my corner of the world super small. but your Katherine broke through and I'm so glad she did. I love how you took a character that so many people (even the freaking writers of the show!) wrote off as 2 dimensional and you give her life! layers! meaning! she never feels like a self insert style oc, but she feels so much more well rounded than any version we saw on the show. it's honestly admirable the amount of work you've put in. I'm so lucky to count myself as one of your rp partners and I can't wait to see where Billy and Kat will take us in 2024.
I unfortunately don't have the time to write a seperate message to all of the people on my dash, but I still want to tag people that bring me joy every time I see your urls. all of the following has made the past few months (that should have been dark and awful) feel bright and full of hope. I appreciate every single one of you. ➠
@pierprincess / @nancewheelr
and of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't list my ride or die. the people who make tumblr rp the amazing place that it is, and people that I will cherish always, whether we're writing together or not. y'all are stuck with me! ➠ @seesgood @breakthings @mysharxna 」
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slashervideo · 5 months
「 Ada Wong is officially getting her own blog!! 」
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 4 months
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54prowl · 1 year
⚠️ this blog does not support works created by AI software ⚠️
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orpheusilver · 1 year
me individually reviewing the lyrics for every single song on a character playlist nobody else will ever hear for an oc approximately 3 people know about
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