#✖ ¦ musings.
mcltiples · 2 days
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"Morty and I -- w-we're reuniting, at last."
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"Unfortunately, the rumors are true. I've decided to take on another Rick as my second-in-command. So, that means I'll have two. One for general duties and the other for secretive reasons."
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"C-Can't wait to work with him, sir....."
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emotionlcss · 1 year
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❝ there aint nothing like that moanin’ when the tip’s in, good god - look at you, you’re doing such a good job. ❞ 
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pcthole · 11 months
open : m/f/nb
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    “ i just think it’s funny how i’m always there for you when you need something, but let it be me — let it be me. you wanna act like i’m the biggest inconvenience to your day. when are you going to start treating me like a friend and not a sidekick ? “  
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jfouler · 3 months
right, now i can post my jamiecore posts i saved on pinterest the past couple months
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silkchvffon · 11 months
❛ ✖︎  —  closed  starter  —  @mccntower​. °
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      HIS  FIRST  MISTAKE  WAS  PUTTING  HIS  cup  down  in  the  first  place when  it’s  as  crowded  as  it  is.  for  safety  reasons  he  probably  shouldn’t  be  drinking  it  anyway,  but  gabriel  has  misplaced  his  gin  and  so  whatever’s  left  in  his  cup  is  whatever  he’s  left  with  tonight.  if  only  he  could  find  it.  a  row  of  identical  red  solo  cups  stare  back  at  him  on  the  kitchen  counter,  all  containing  the  same  clear  liquid.  «  oookay,  »  gabriel  breathes  out,  muttering  to  no  one  but  himself.  his  hand  hovers  above  one  of  the  cups  hesitantly.  «  it’s  probably  ...  this  one  ?  »  well,  probably  not.
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mvrkednmvrred · 9 months
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Where oceans bleed
ーInto the S K Y
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semi-selective Sonic OC rp. part of an AU w/ @foretoldwings . penned by Arcane About✗Rules
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gloireceleste · 10 months
Aziraphale, your books or Crowley's bentley?
[ meme ] || always accepting!!
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he might be subtly crushing one of the handkerchiefs he owns between his fingers nervously, the one in his pocket. he worries the inside of his cheek between his teeth before wiggling the fingers of his hand that's still against his side.
" my books. " he answers, slowly, guilt already flashing in his eyes, guilt that he squashes from sight, but it's still there, nesting heavily on his heart. they're just earthly belongings, it shouldn't feel this way to choose. " albeit... " he sighs. flexing the same fingers that have been uselessly wiggling prior. " practicality wise... choosing the car would be... logical. " heaven it hurts.
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hlysins · 1 year
New muse drop! Also, I got rid of Randi from FT. Do the icons look alright (I am not certain I am happy with them but I digress)?
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✖momo ic║when my time comes forget the wrong that i've done help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
✖momo headcanon║the officer responsible for the fifth division
✖momo musings║& you're feeling empty keep me in your memory
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lunalyt · 1 year
what flavor is your soul?
tagged by @shrapnelsong​ ( a year ago but I just found it in my drafts ;u; ) tagging @sunbcrned ; @sylvva ; @sxrosee 
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ah, the old soul, nice to meet again. the time of ages is etched into your bones, you see clearly. you've watched the heartache in this realm and sworn to solve it. but kindness without limits is self destruction. oh little leaf, strong and wise, you seek to bring peace with your presence. I'd be wrong to say you fail at this effort, but you mustn't set yourself on fire to keep others warm. you wish to please everyone, to protect them all. but if you shield the saplings from the sunlight they will never grow, and you one day will wither. protect yourself too. you know there are no happy heroes, so don't be one. be a friend. your loved ones will not forsake you for not being perseus slaying all their demons. you have your own monsters, why not meet them first before you conquer anyone else's nightmares. oh true-hearted paladin you are brave, and you are good enough. you know that right? be true to yourself, one cannot do anything saintly if they did not tend to their own wounds first.
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"sugared mel e lingua serpentis." sugared honey from a serpent's tongue. oh dearest, look how you gleam. how the sunlight dances off your shoulders, how the heavens shine across your wingtips. but you are hollow, hollow, hollow. even the taste of nectar can choke a man. sometimes the sweetest flowers hide the sharpest poison. you lie to yourself, the worst lie of all. you needn't be so obsessed with perfect. the greatest beauty lies in our faults. do you think the moon apologizes for their mara? no, their craters add to their glow. my dear, breathe. you are not an island, breathe, before the honey drowns you. you wish to be lovely, you long to be loved. but did aphrodite trade her powers for perfection? she did not. you can be beautiful, and also whole. be whole above anything else dear. a heart of diamonds is worth nothing if inchor oozes from it. inward. look within and question how well do you know yourself? 
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oh child of spice you are bound to the core of the earth. can you feel the heartbeat of nature pulsing through your veins. you are the mouthful of autumn that scorched through your throat, you are the pepper of life that wakes up the weary. the foolish and shaking will attempt to dilute you with sickening sugar, do not let them. your spark is what keeps us alive my dear. keep burning, little star. you see the beauty and the light, but oh you have been fed poison and refuse to drop it onto other's tongues. be wild. I know what your heart is chanting. run. run. run. run dear, find your story. do not trade your spirit for safety. you are a child of the earth, forever seeking, forever dancing.
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varnaedhar · 1 year
I will wear you down I will break your crown Because it's mine Mine, all mine I will scream your name I'll make your body shake Because it's mine Mine, all mine
And I will take your fears And make them disappear But let me make it clear that I-
I will break your heart I will make you cry I'll take you apart Because you're mine Like a brand-new toy I'll destroy in time Leave you in pieces, boy Because you're mine Mine, all mine
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ryeonah · 1 year
Tap that heart for something in your inbox!
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mcltiples · 3 days
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@muses-inn sent; (for Rick C-151)
[🪨 Pimple] "The galactic news broadcasted that entire planets get eaten by some planet-eating monster. Do you know anything about that?" [⭐ Rash]  "Wait, why are we just talking to people here? I thought we came here to fight that huge-ass monster and save the day? Whatever happened to communism?" [🚀 Zitz] "It's called communication, Rash. And I'm pretty sure we all agreed that we would do some investigations first this time. And it can't hurt to learn more about the planets we try to save, on top of it."
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Curious, blank eyes look at the three creatures before Rick. It was strange that they had approached him. Only then to go on about something. He barely caught onto the context. Something about a planet-eating monster? They appeared to be bickering. So they must all know each other.
Leaving Rick there to stand in silence for a bit.
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"I-If you're talking about the monster that's been destroying the whole place, then sure," In fact, he almost got swatted by it when he first came to the planet. Damaging his ship from having to swerve. "A-Are you three going to destroy it?"
The question brought upon an idea to his head. "Because, i-if you are, I-I can offer my services. I'm a skilled fighter."
To showcase this, he activated mechanical tendrils to come out of his form. They moved organically despite the metallic hardware that they were made up of.
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emotionlcss · 1 year
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social media + my muses               ↳ parker thoma feat. axel ( @douchebagiism )
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pcthole · 11 months
open : m/f
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     “ you want to lie to me again ? i dare you. watch this phone go upside your head with a quickness. “
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badheart · 1 year
Helooooooooo!!! I'm not sure if this still counts but some day in past I saw your art of Ginjo with huge Kali tattoo on his back :big eyes emoji: . I'm curious - did he choose to tattoo himself because he worships her or he just liked the design?
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So we know each other??? Originally it was actually his Zanpakuto Spirit, which is partially inspired by Kali though, I honestly forgot, how I learned about her (but possibly googling and seeing some list of gods, where her stuck to me the most) For his modern AU, there are no Zanpakuto etc, so there it would be a full on Kali tattoo, but due to that reason, there is sadly no deep hc behind it now - to his Zanpakuto Spirit, he certainly held a deeper bond than to any god, even though I made him mildly religious (perhaps bit agnostic), but he is sadly too much out of touch with his culture, due to his past and upbringing, but that is also one of the reasons, he decided to go with an indian entity, and not a japanese one, which the tattooist may had chosen (when he was still with his yakuza-family). A small attempt to be a bit more in touch with his culture again, and it is possibly a goddess, his mother had told him about in the past, otherwise he honestly would not know. Kali sure stuck with him, and he generally seems to be biased with tougher women, (but there I would dive into other issues), but he also enjoyed her destructive side, and the fact that she associated with sexuality (as he is very active in that department).
Even he would say, it is not that deep now. (It's almost bizarre, as he has no good relationship with his mother, but Kali also associated with motherly love) But he definitely glad to have her on his back, feeling pride, but also a bit less alone. His tattoo sure a way of comfort and belonging (to two different cultures).
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namizc · 1 year
Here's a brand new starter call because ya girl lost the other one in the void! Multis, please specify s'il vous plaît!
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