#✕ ゜・。。・゜゜・INTRO.
redwritesx · 4 months
It's Heaven, Bitch - Chapter 1
Read on AO3
Adam Hazbin Hotel x Reader
Story Summary: Reader is new to Heaven and assigned to work underneath Adam. Adam takes an interest in them, exploiting the power imbalance that comes with it and enjoying it like the misogynistic sadist he is. AN: This is my first time posting fanfic to tumblr so I'm sorry if I get the format wrong... Story warnings: Mature MDNI -Adam is an asshole, he can often be manipulative, controlling, misogynistic and just overall a jerk -Power imbalance and dom/sub themes -Dubious consent at times -Age gap (by literally thousands of years) but nothing underage Chapter summary: You recently arrived in Heaven and begun settling in, as much as you can manage anyway... It's your third day of your assigned job at the Great Seraphim Hall and you bump into a very tall and very intimidating golden-winged asshole. Chapter warnings: N/A
★゜・。。・゜゜・。。・˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★
You observe your reflection in the silver-rimmed mirror of the staff bathroom as you smooth a few unruly stray hairs back into your neat bun. 
Since arriving in Heaven only a week ago your life has felt like a whirlwind, with so much new information to learn, and so many things to come to terms with. Part of you was still waiting on the moment you woke up in bed back on earth, having lived a very intricate dream.
You stretch out your small wings, fanning the sparse, pure white feathers out behind you and sighing at the reflection.
Peter, the young-faced Angel who had greeted you at the golden gates of Heaven on the day you arrived, explained that newcomers always start with smaller, less developed wings.
“They’ll grow over the next two or so years darling! Over that time, they’ll gradually get larger, and stronger, and those pretty primary feathers will continue growing in. Eventually, they’ll be developed enough for you to be able to take to the skies!”
He had waved a pale hand theatrically, like he was reading from a script (which he most certainly was, being the man who greets new heavenly arrivals every day).
Initially two years sounded like a long time to wait, but as Peter had assured you, it’s nothing when you have all of eternity laid ahead of you. The thought makes you take a dry gulp.
You had no recollection of your death, and even more unnervingly, your life either. There were only a few faint, swimming memories. Yet you remained sure of yourself, you still knew who you felt you were as a person. It was an odd feeling, you supposed akin to a form of amnesia.  But from what you could tell, you lived a happy but unexceptional life.
One that, confirmed by Peter, ended abruptly in your mid 20s to a cause he was unwilling to disclose due to heavenly protocol. The thought made you sad, but equally you found it hard to mourn for a life you could barely remember. You hadn’t asked, but you wondered if this was part of the process that was supposed to help newcomers accept their entry into Heaven and let go of the mortal realm.
You take one last glance in the mirror, straightening the white halo that hovered above your head. It was smooth as glass and cold like ice, touching it felt like touching your very soul.
It was something you learnt about in your intro presentations which Peter had directed you to immediately after your arrival, you were thrown through a series of these presentations along with many other angelic newcomers.
The more senior angels explained the basics of Heaven, including how your halo is tied intrinsically to your soul, an extension of your being, and then many other more mundane facts. Such as being assigned an apartment, where you can go and what you can do for free, what kinds of things you’ll require money and ranks to access.
They had also explained that everyone would be assigned a job, and for 99% of newcomers, those jobs would be minimal, easy, and light hours.
Then after you become more acquainted with your place in Heaven you can choose to move up, aiming for higher paying (and higher responsibility) jobs if you so wish, or continue to simply live a happy afterlife pulling the minimal weight that is expected of you in the angelic community.
Your assigned apartment was simple, but more than enough, and by day two of being in Heaven, you and your fellow newcomers were assigned your jobs.
As ‘DevineDiner waiter’ and ‘HolyInn cleaner’ roles were handed to those around you, it had been a considerable shock when you were handed the papers that in golden shimmering letters, spelt out:
‘General Assistant: Great Seraphim Hall’
You had learnt in the intro presentations that Seraphims were a big deal, the top angels, the governing authority of Heaven. So why the fuck you were being sent to work somewhere called the Great Seraphim Hall as a complete newbie had been beyond you.
You had attempted to challenge it the moment it was assigned to you, but every single senior angle whom you questioned simply followed the same script of “It’s impossible for this to be a mistake”. Offering no further guidance.
And so you were forced to attend your first day of work, despite feeling that you would be incredibly out of place as a complete newbie.
On your first day of work, you had arrived at the grand entrance of the Great Seraphim Hall and reluctantly pushed through the weighty golden doors. You didn’t have to explore far before bumping into your new boss.
The presence of the exceptionally tall woman had caused you to inadvertently shrink behind your own tiny wings despite her warm smile. Your new boss, The High Seraphim ‘Sera’, greeted you with a graciousness you almost felt undeserving of. She and her younger sister Emily had been incredibly welcoming to you, and without hesitation gave you a tour of your new workplace, the Great Seraphim Hall. They also explained your newly-found ‘assistant’ role.
As the pair explained, many Seraphims and other high-ranking individuals would frequent this building as a place to hold meetings and discuss important topics on the governing of the heavenly realm.
Your job was explained to be as simple as picking up the low-level tasks that these individuals were too good for, as well as waiting on their every beck and call for whatever they may need. Anything such as booking meeting rooms, fetching mail, and filling out paperwork.
You had gently presented them with the question of ‘Why you’ out of all other angels. But your new Seraphim boss Sera had assured you:
“I understand the confusion my dear, but rest assured no mistake was made. This is a new position, one that at its core is very simple. There is no need for you to fret, you would not have been chosen if your soul wasn’t right for the job”.
And so here you were, on only day three of your new job in Heaven as an assistant to the angelic beings who frequented the Great Hall.
 You finally step away from the mirror that you had been absently mindedly staring into and exit the staff bathroom, walking back into the main hallway.
You were still getting to grips with navigating the Great Seraphim Hall. The building seemed to have endless hallways with endless rooms sprouting from them, all with the exact same royal golden and marble architecture. It was more than easy to get lost.
Your first two days you had the Seraphim Emily by your side the entire time, the girl enthusiastically helping you adjust and learn your new role. However, today was the first day in which she was otherwise occupied for most of the day, leaving you on your own…
You make your way through the royal hallways, intending to get back to the small room that had been dedicated to you as your own tiny office space.
You approached what you were sure was the final left turn you needed to take, but upon reaching it you smacked into something solid, seeing a flash of nothing but white robes before falling to the floor with a thud, your small wings fluttering instinctively but doing nothing to soften the fall.
“AH – the FUCK?” You hear an annoyed voice exclaim from high above you.
You turn your head reluctantly, finding your gaze has to travel rather far up to meet the face...well, mask, of the very important-looking individual who you just bumped into.
His size was imposing, seeming almost twice your height, and his figure dressed in a long flowing gown that had blue and gold designs on it. It looked just as royal and important as the architecture of the Great Seraphim Hall itself.
His mask had two large horns, golden tips accentuating them, and the black face of the mask wore a livid expression, bright golden eyes set in a frown and equally golden sharp teeth bared.
You noticed he was holding a cup with a straw, the lid half knocked off and most of the contents down his gown. Fuck, this is not good.
“Are you shitting me, you knocked my fucking drink all over me bitch!” He growled at you as you continued sitting on the floor, looking up at him dumbfounded.
“Oh..Oh my gosh, I – I am so sorry, really I – I just, - I wasn’t –“ You scramble for words, heart racing.
“I – I – I” He cupped the side of his face with one hand, tilting it side to side while mocking your stuttering in a girly voice.
“shut the fuck up” He continued, his harsh tone startling you.
All it took was for the imposing figure to take a single step towards you for your brain to kick back in and you scrambled backwards a bit before pulling yourself to your feet.
“It was an honest mistake! Really! I am so sorry!” You hold your trembling hands up, trying to diffuse the man’s anger, your wings tensing up and folding in on themselves in a nervous manner.
“Angels don’t make mistakes, maybe you shouldn’t be up here on the winner's team then” You didn’t immediately understand his insinuation, but before you could reply a shrill yet familiar voice cuts through the air.
“Adam!!” Emily squealed before fluttering gracefully between the two of you, her wings all fluffed up in annoyance.
“You did not just suggest she should be sent to damnation for accidentally spilling your stupid drink!” The man, Adam, rolled his eyes.
“ALRIGHT, don’t get your Seraphim panties in a fucking twist Em-ster.” The girl’s feathers fluffed even more.
“But she did ruin my damn robe, and she wasted my drink!” You heard the rattle of what must’ve been ice cubes still left in the otherwise empty cup.
“So who’s paying for that huh?” The imposing man leant to the side to peek around Emily and angrily shot you a pointed look, one eyebrow raised. It was only now that you took in the huge pair of golden wings that he had, they were massive, just like him. And unlike your own wings, his looked abundant in large, well-grown feathers, giving them a powerful and well-maintained look.
“Put it on your expenses if it’s really that big of a deal, Adam” She retorts, crossing her arms.
You feel utterly ashamed at the fact she was having to do damage control for you on only your third day of working here, the first day in which she hadn’t babysat you the entire shift too.
“I fuckin’ will, and you best be backing my ass up if Sera questions it” The man challenges.
Somehow you get the feeling the actual money isn’t his problem at all, more the principle of having even the smallest of inconveniences on his plate. He gave off an air of superiority, heck, he LOOKED important so maybe the arrogance wasn’t misplaced.
“Of course” Emily replies, but you don’t miss the hint of condensation in her tone.
“Anyway, you should probably be on your way now if you want to make it to your session with Lute on time” The young Seraphim presses, clearly wanting him to leave.
“Well duh, especially now that I gotta portal home to change first too” He makes a point of looking at you again which makes you shrink back and avert your graze.
Without another word the man raises a gloved hand and snaps his fingers, a portal buzzes to life in front of him. You’re caught off guard when he throws his empty cup to you, your reflexes snapping to life just in time for you to clumsily catch it.
“Be useful and get rid of that. And don’t forget to recycle, babe!”
He grins at you, but it lacks any hint of genuine kindness, and he shoots an imaginary finger gun your way before stepping through the portal. It closes behind him and you let out a breath you hadn’t realised you were holding.
The young Seraphim sighs and turns to you, a sympathetic look on her face.
“I’m sorry about him, Adam’s…well, he’s an asshole with pretty much everyone!”
You look up from the empty cup to the young Seraphim's kind eyes.
“I really am so sorry about that. It…it was my fault, I should’ve been looking where I was going”
You couldn’t help but internally agree the guy had overacted and been an ‘asshole’ about it, but you still felt the burden of the blame on your shoulders and hated to have made a bad first impression with one of the angels here.
“Oh don’t worry! He has angry outbursts all the time over lesser issues than that. Trust me…you’ll get used to it” Her tone held a knowing edge, like she’d had to explain this ‘Adam’ guy's behaviour to others on their first time meeting him.
She wordlessly reaches over to pluck the empty cup from your hands and deposits it in a silver bin you hadn’t noticed till now. One that was literally right next to where Adam had been when he had thrown you his trash…That irked you a tad.
Emily guides you gently to begin walking beside her in the direction of your office and you comply without question.
“Anyway, I was looking for you because Sera has asked me to give you some paperwork to go through. Boring stuff, but worth getting to grips with now so you’re ready when other people…like Adam…dump their paperwork on your desk. It’s one of the less fun ‘assistant’ tasks I know, but it’s part of the role!”
You nod in understanding, and Emily holds open the door to your office for you. You enter the familiar room with her following behind.
The angel snaps her fingers, summoning a stack of papers into existence and snatches them out of the air, rooting through them while mumbling to herself. No matter how many times you saw others opening portals and materialising shit out of thin air it still made your eyes sparkle in wonder.
Emily said it’s something you’ll learn to do one day, but it can take some time to master it. Most newbies can take even a couple of years to begin getting to grips with that stuff.
Another stabbing worry as to why they’d pick you for this job. You’d have to do everything the manual way, even when it comes to moving around the building you couldn’t portal nor fly. You try to push the anxiety aside, Sera said you were chosen for a reason, maybe there’s more you’ll learn in due time about that decision.
“So…who exactly was that guy? Uh, ‘Adam’?” You break the silence while she flicks through the papers in her hands.
“Ah, well, he’s ‘Adam’… yknow, Adam-Adam.” You stare blankly at her response, not sure what shes getting at.
“Like, the first-mortal-man-Adam.” The angel clarifies, and your eyes widen in pure shock.
“Wait. You’ve got to be kidding me…THE Adam? As in like…’Adam and Eve’?!” Your hands cover your mouth, a mortifying chill running down your spine. Out of all the beings you could’ve knocked a drink over, you managed to pick one of the most important and ancient ones.
“Oh gosh - don’t ever let him hear you saying her name! He’d lose it!” She stills her hands on the papers to look you in the eyes, conveying the seriousness of avoiding the topic of his wife. Or, past wife, you guess? They didn’t really cover this stuff in your intro.
“Lets just say it’s a sore topic, one to avoid entirely. But, yeah, that Adam”
Your face clearly expresses how mortified you were at this revelation, as Emily sighs and places the paperwork down on your desk. She takes your hands into her own delicate fingers in a reassuring manner.
“Honestly sweetie, don’t stress about it. You’re doing great, I know this is a lot, myself and Sera both do. You’ve barley been in Heaven for a week, and you're only a couple days into the job. Most angels don’t even come close to beings like us or environments like this for literally decades! You’re handling it all so well, just keep doing your best and everything will fall into place soon enough”
There's something else behind her kind words, a withheld secondary meaning. Like there’s more she wants to say, but can’t, at least not yet.
She was right though; this was overwhelming and it’s for that fact alone that you don’t push to know more. Instead, you urge yourself to trust her words, that everything will fall into place for you soon. Whatever that did mean.
“Now, the fun stuff!” She says sarcastically, having found the sheet she was looking for.
“I’ll show you how to fill out this stuff” Emily smiles reassuringly, which you return albeit weakly and take a seat next to her.
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findlove-inthespiral · 3 months
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♥*♡∞:。.。 welcome to my intro 。.。:∞♡*♥
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hii my name is rayn and I'm 16 ᥫ᭡
♥*♡∞:。.。 any pronouns !!
I'm a black gynesexual & gender fluid person 🐌
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I love animes like MHA, demon slayer, saiki k, and currently watching jjk ᥫ᭡ + ° - .
I play on PS4, switch, and PC and some games I like are minecraft, SIMS4!!, roblox, terraria, fortnite (sometimes), project zomboid!, tears of the kingdom!!, sometimes stardew and animal crossing, and SCP games (with other horror games!!)˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
I like to make music, paint, draw digitally and traditionally, write a little, make jewelry, and do coding (mostly HTML) .・゜゜・
I mostly draw furries but humans occasionally, as well as using gacha sometimes ☆ * ٭ . -
I'm really into spirituality and manifesting and have been for about 3 years!! 🐌*・゚゚-
my favorite music artists are melanie martinez, aurora, Peirce the veil, bad omens, and bring me the horizon 。.。:∞♡*♥
besides games and stuff I do enjoy a little vocaloid and ao3 🐌.・゜゜・
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I'm not always active or consistent cuz of life and my slowly decaying mental state but I'm happy to make friends with anyone!! ᥫ᭡
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this gets updated every now an then sooo!!
byeee!!! ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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dea4ath · 5 months
Cherry Waves
Deftones ♥︎
⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻
0:49━●──────── 5:18
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Name:Death or alex
⊹ ࣪ ˖Gender:Nonbinary 'n demiboy
⊹ ࣪ ˖Sexuality:pansexual 'n demi-aroace
⊹ ࣪ ˖birthday:7th january
⊹ ࣪ ˖pronouns: he/they
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Favorite colour:black,pink,purple,blue,red
⊹ ࣪ ˖ favorite book:ranfren
⊹ ࣪ ˖ favorite animal:cats
⊹ ࣪ ˖ favorite sport:football
⊹ ࣪ ˖ favorite food:milanesas (argentinian food)
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sillycyan · 10 months
★ All you need to know about little ole me.. (INTRO) ★
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❥ ME ME ME ・゜゜・.
My name is Cyan, and I use any pronouns EXCEPT she/her, hence you can use whatever you want, including neos+.. I'm a minor, so I want to make it obvious that minor dni works both ways, cuz I'm not tryna get flashed by clicking on random blogs again... (〇_o) This is going to be a more multifandom blog than anything else because I have way too many interests and things to rant endlessly about!! Honestly it's much too many fixations to get through in a week so you can only imagine how random the blog will get.. (。•́︿•̀。) ★゜・。。・You can also check out my carrd !!
\( ˙▿˙ )/ DOING THIS ASK THIS MADD ASK GAME \( ˙▿˙ )/ ANSWERED : 7 / 1 & 24 / 6 & 19 / 9 check #ask game tags on blog // obvious credit to maddgical-boy <3
\( ˙▿˙ )/ 1-100 PARACOSM FUN FACTS “ASK GAME” \( ˙▿˙ )/ ANSWERED : 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 40 / 41 / 42 / 43 / 44 / 47 / 50 / 51 / 52 / 53 / 54 / 67 / 69 / 70 / 76 / 82 / 90 (^^ I've prewritten up to 40 !! stick to those numbers for quicker responses ^^) check #1-100 tags on blog // 45% DONE .。・゜ OPEN FOR PARAS / TAGS / OTHER ゜・。..
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❥ TAGS I USE ・゜゜・.
MaDD 〙#cyanismaddagain Para Quotes 〙#ParasQuotables Rants 〙#CyYapOfTheCentury No Context 〙#out of context fandom stuff Loveless Loser Post 〙#cyan is lonely.. Interest 〙#my art #music #bjd #plush #my plushies #cat #garfield #ferret
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I'm planning to stream on Twitch or YouTube as a VTuber. Yall get to see my current persona design, which is simple for now, but I'll have lots of toggles n stuff soon. (/// ̄  ̄///)
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﹙divider credits to animatedglittergraphics-n-more﹚
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poeticandsstuff · 1 month
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ׂ╰┈➤ hello ! this is my intro and a little disclaimer before you follow ฅ^._.^ฅ
⤑ for one, i wanna make it clear i post triggering things from time to time with no warnings ! i talk about my struggles with mental health (specifically bpd and i might occasionally bring up autism) . . . i lack a filter ! ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
⤑ i also think it's important to note i am looking for friends on here ! i am not exclusively using it as a space to vent . . . i also love meeting new people ! ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
⤑ i am HAPPILY taken by my lovely boyfriend, and i do not think its appropriate nor okay to be messaging me about anything sexual and/or flirtatious ! ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
⤑ anyways now for the actual intro ᐢ..ᐢ . . .
my name is kate ! ≽ܫ≼
i love the color pink, fashion, girlbloggers, cats, and my bed . . . (ノ´ー)ノ
my dms are always open for vents or just talking about interests ! dont be scared to reach out ! i want moots ゜゜(´O`)°゜
i don't know what else to add . . . i block without warning if something you post makes me uncomfortable or triggers me . . . dont take offense ! ┐('~`; )┌
i hope we can get along ! (〃´ー`人´ー`〃)
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3 notes · View notes
bbygobrr · 2 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Introduction ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
✭ My name is Aspen! I also go by Sap ✭
.・。.・゜Body is 18 [2-5 regressed] [Puppy, Bunny] ・゜・。.
♥ I age regress and pet regress ♥
・゜゜・. Stuffie Intro .・゜゜・
✿ Dexter ✿
╰ Floppy Ear Puppy
╰ She/They
╰ Smells Like Lavender
╰ Likes: Dress Up, Sunny Days, Lemonade, Blue, Play Trains, Flowers
╰ Doesn't Like: Rain, Coffee
☂ Bubbles ☂
╰ Pink Axolotl
╰ He/It
╰ Likes: Bath Time, Bubbles, Water, Ice Tea
╰ Doesn't Like: Hot Days, Bright Light, Loud Noises
❤ Ducky ❤
╰ Duck
╰ Quack/Quacky
╰ Likes: Ponds, Lakes, Warm Weather, Picnics, Bread, Baby Einstein. Bath Time
╰ Doesn't Like: Cold Days, Snow, Loud Music
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hiddenrunewrites · 3 months
Hey Hey! First off my personal intro before I do all of my characters intros!
(May I Have This Dance)
(Reinaeiry) ♥︎
⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻
1:01━━●━━───── 3:20
—˗ˏˋ About Me ˎˊ˗—
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Name: Rune or Ruin
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Gender: Genderfluid (maybe Genderfaun)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Sexuality: Pansexual and Poly
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Age range: I'm a minor so don't be weird!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Star sign: I'm an Aries!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Personality type: INTP
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
—˗ˏˋ My Interest ˎˊ˗—
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Likes: Mascot horror games, Minecraft, WUWA, HSR, my ocs, writing, lore, puzzles, Stars/astronomy/space, and drawing
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Dislikes: Bright places, loud noises, and creeps
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Favorite colour: Mint green and Coral
⊹ ࣪ ˖ Favorite animal: Hyenas!
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
—˗ˏˋ Extra? ˎˊ˗—
⊹ ࣪ ˖ DNI/Rules: Basic dni stuff, again I'm a minor so do not be asking me about NSFW stuff, don't steal my art or characters(if you want to draw them feel free to though)
Bye Bye! I'll make my character intros and masterlist/rules in a bit!!
0 notes
redwritesx · 3 months
It's Heaven, Bitch - Chapter 4
Read on AO3
Adam Hazbin Hotel x Reader
Story Summary: Reader is new to Heaven and assigned to work underneath Adam. Adam takes an interest in them, exploiting the power imbalance that comes with it and enjoying it like the misogynistic sadist he is. Story warnings: Mature MDNI -Adam is an asshole, he can often be manipulative, controlling, misogynistic and just overall a jerk -Power imbalance and dom/sub themes -Dubious consent at times -Age gap (by literally thousands of years) but nothing underage Chapter Summary: You meet Carson and his friends for a fun night out, despite the constant text messages buzzing in your pocket from a certain someone.
★゜・。。・゜゜・。。・˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚・。。・゜゜・。。・゜★
Nerves churn in your stomach as you stand at your kitchen counter, re-reading the invite that was scribbled on a napkin corner for the millionth time.
‘Plume Palace in the main square.
Meeting at the ruby fountain at 7.45 pm :)’
The directions from Carson naturally meant nothing to you until you had looked up the place on your phone.
You found the so-called ‘Plume Palace’, listed online as a highly popular and somewhat fancy-looking bar/club. From the pictures online you could see that at the exterior of the club entrance, there was a stunning fountain. Unmistakably that was the meeting point he had mentioned.
You wished he’d left a phone number or something, you wondered if maybe he didn’t use a phone at all?
You’re sure Adam would’ve laughed his head off at your expense if he knew that all you’d been left with was a place, a time, and a blind hope that the guy would be there when you showed up.
You had used your Saturday morning to visit the local mall for the first time, there were a lot of things you needed to pick up given the fact you had only been provided with the bare minimum in terms of clothing and other necessities. But your boss Sera had provided you with a lump sum of money to use for this exact purpose.
On your trip, among the general casual clothes and other items you needed, you picked out a nice outfit for the evening. Given how nice this bar looked, you wanted to try and match the vibe.
Your choice had been a black halter-neck dress, the fit was body con but the material had small ruffles that complimented your curves and added some texture. It was fairly simple, yet elegant nonetheless.
It was already just past 7 pm and time for you to leave, you fight to slip into the small, simple jacket you had picked out, still getting used to finding the wing holes in new garments.
You had looked up the time to travel to this bar earlier, discovering that the map app on your phone showed that flying would take 20 minutes.
Given that wasn’t an option for you, you had selected the next recommended way, a public transportation called the SkyLine which promised to get you to your destination within just under 40 minutes.
The SkyLine was an interesting experience, it was a tram-like shuttle that lowered to the group at each stop and raised above the buildings flying through some sort of heavenly magic between destinations. You felt comfortable to see many others with wings just like yours using this transport, it was the first time seeing newer angels like you since your intro.
You arrive at the final stop, the sky was gradually darkening as the evening progressed, although you’d noticed it never got uncomfortably dark in Heaven.
You spot the fountain that you had briefly seen in the pictures online. It was even more stunning in person, the base was huge, with a massive statue of an angel reaching their hands upwards towards the sky.
In their hands sat a large red ruby stone, it glistened beautifully in the fading light. Water poured from the palms of the hands too, giving the whole scene an ethereal look.
A voice interrupts your gawking, and you look to the other side of the fountain to see Carson, you’d been so distracted you hadn’t noticed him, he waves you over with a smile. You see that he is standing with two other angels, another man and a woman.
The man looks a similar age to him…or at least, a similar age in body. Did everyone keep their body at the age they died or did they get to choose how their physical appearance manifested after death? Yet another question for another time.
Both Carson and the other man were dressed in suits that erred on the side of smart casual. You couldn’t put your thumb on what, but you just knew from looking at them that the suits were not quite the kind you’d see people wearing in your century. Which made sense given Carson’s origination from the 19th century.
The woman looked a touch older in the face, perhaps in her late 30s, and she was dressed much differently. She wore a long ankle-length beige and white dress, with puffy elbow-length sleeves and a corset cinching in her waist. Her dark brown hair was curly and beautifully voluminous.
“Hello sugar, glad to see you came along”
Carson greets you with a warm smile, he stretches out a hand behind your back, welcoming you into the group.
“This is the little lady I told you two about”
He says to the other angels with him, who both give welcoming smiles.
“This here is Travis, we hung in the same circles when we were alive, we were partners in crime eh?” He introduces the other man.
Travis grins at that.
“Indeed we were, lovely to meet you”
The man gracefully takes your hand in his and presses a delicate kiss to your knuckles.
“And this is Anne, mother of the group, ain’t that right darlin’?”
He addresses the woman, who bats his arm away from your lower back playfully.
“Manners Carson” She scolds playfully with a light-hearted laugh. She has a strong British accent, and you idly think how much that makes sense given her attire.
“It’s a pleasure to have you here, hope you can hold your liquor though, these two drink like fish”
Carson and Travis seem to chuckle in agreement at that.
“Thank you, it’s lovely to meet you both” You smile.
“Right let's head in, got a whole bunch-a friends already inside, they didn’t wanna waste time when there were shots on the horizon”
Carson ushers the group to begin moving towards the entrance. Anne and Travis walk ahead of you two and the man leans over a touch closer to you.
“You look ravishing by the way, sugar” He comments, and it catches you a touch off guard.
“Oh, th-thank you! As do you” You return the compliment, flattered by his words.
Hm, maybe Adam was right - you think to yourself.
Well, fuck him either way, you were open to getting to know Carson, besides it was just a small compliment. AND the first man had no claim on you regardless, as you had made a point of in his office yesterday.
The inside of the bar was astonishing. You weren’t sure if bar or club was the right word, it was a buzzing atmosphere.
Music rumbled through the entire building, the inside was dimly lit with light effects beaming across the vast dance floor and bouncing off bottles that lined the multiple bars dotted around the room.
The pair walking ahead of you seem to immediately spot a rather large gathering of angels huddled around one of the booth seating areas, and they begin waving and hurrying over. Carson however stops and offers a wave and a smile from a distance but stays by your side, he then leans in closer to you once more.
“Shall we grab a drink?” He asks loud enough to be heard over the music, and you’re grateful to see he didn’t just abandon you the moment he saw others he knew. You nod appreciatively and approach the bar with him.
“This one’s on me, sugar. As long as ya let me surprise you with my choice”
You smile and agree with a thanks. Suddenly you feel your phone buzz in your pocket.
As Carson turns his head away, focusing on grabbing the attention of the bar staff, you pull out your phone and check your notifications.
You feel a concoction of dread and annoyance when you see who you had received a message from, but behind those emotions was a slither of excitement that made you question your own sanity.
~ How’s the date going ~
It was a pretty blunt and simple message from Adam. One that you weren’t even sure if you should humour with a response, before you can decide Carson is handing you a drink, prompting you to put your phone away.
“This here is my favourite cocktail” You take the glass appreciatively and he raises his to cheers you.
“To your first week in Heaven!” He says.
“To your 140th year in Heaven” You correct, smiling.
He chuckles and you both take a sip. It’s ironic to say, but it tastes heavenly. It was some sort of fruity cocktail mixture that immediately burns in your stomach in a pleasant way.
Carson seems pleased with your reaction and leads you both over to his group of friends, you’re grateful to have the social support of a glass in your hand.
The group must’ve been over 25 people, many chatting away in their own smaller circles, but the vast majority turn to Carson and greet him with a resounding chorus of cheers and ‘Happy Ascension anniversary’s as you suppose that’s what they called this kind of day.
The man gives you a small reassuring touch at your lower back again before moving into the group to do the rounds and give a proper hello to his friends.
You anxiously stand there clutching your glass with both hands and taking slightly overzealous gulps to quell your nerves.
You feel your phone buzz again, another confusing flurry of annoyance mixed with excitement buzzing at your fingertips as you pull it out to check.
~ leaving me on read? cold af babe ~
You scoff at his self-importance.
~ I told you, it’s not a date. Just meeting new friends at a bar ~
His reply is instant.
~ suurreee, watchya wearing then ~
You can't help the amused smile that crosses your lips. Before you can reply there’s another message.
~ send me a pic ~
You nearly laugh. No way were you doing that.
~ No ~
~ no one says no to me babe ~
~ That’s pretty funny considering I just did ~
You were getting bold, the physical distance between yourself and the first man paired with the low burn in your stomach from the alcohol was making you feel overly confident.
~ careful girlie ~
His warning dulls that confidence just a touch.
From your peripherals you see Carson re-approaching you and so you put your phone away.
“You newer generations and your addictions to those little rectangles” He chuckles light-heartedly.
“Sorry hah, do you not…have one then?” You ask softly, not wanting to seem like you were desperate for his phone number or anything, even though that would be nice.
He shakes his head.
“Nah not me, Travis however is a little tech addict, he found it a lot easier to get on with them new age screens and devices and such, as for me though I’m stuck in my ways I’m afraid”
“Nothing wrong with that! Just means we will have to communicate via post, and…I don’t know…smoke signals?”
You joke, and it earns a hearty laugh from the man.
“You’re a funny gal y’know. Hey, maybe I’ll get one, even Anne has a mobile device and she’s a good couple of centuries older than I am! Been nagging me to catch up, the pair of them”
You spend the next hour and a half chatting primarily with the initial trio, however as time goes by, and as drinks are sunk, you gain more confidence and more of the group’s friends join your little circle. You feel your phone buzz in your pocket again but are too busy chatting to look this time.
You enjoy holding conversations with more of Carson’s friends, finding a pattern in how they react to learning what kind of job you had been landed with on your first week in Heaven.
It was a confusing mixture of reassuring and concerning. You were glad that you weren’t wrong for feeling something was strange about the decision, however equally uneasy at the confirmation. But you were having way too much of a good time to worry about work.
Carson and his friends had ensured a very steady flow of drinks your way, and before you realised it, you were definitely feeling quite drunk.
“I need the toilet” You announce unceremoniously at some point after finishing another drink.
“Oh the toilets are just round that corner, deary” Carson directs you. You make your way to the toilet, head feeling like it wants to float up into the clouds.
Once you’ve finished and washed your hands you absentmindedly pull out your phone, you see an unread message from Adam and laugh to yourself, realising you’d forgotten all about him until now
~ what bar did u end up going to anyways? ~
The message read, received about 45 minutes ago.
You weren’t sure answering that question was a good idea, you felt you couldn’t entirely put it past him to show up uninvited.
~ One that has drinks ~
You smile at your own stupid sarcasm. His status flicks to online quickly. Desperate much - you think to yourself with a giggle.
~ ur fucking kidding me, a bar with drinks, never seen such shit in all my years. u little smart ass ~
His teasing words make you grin like an idiot. The sober part of your brain buried somewhere deep under at least five cocktails murmurs that you should put your damn phone down now. But nah. You decide you aren’t listening to her right now.
~ hey, fuk you, you’re a waaaaaay bigger smart ass than me ~
Your message is playful, and you pause for a moment to consider your next message before giggling to yourself and deciding you’re following through.
~ and tbh youre also super annoying, like, has anyone ever told you howw annoying you are? ~
You’re now full-on laughing to yourself, alone in the bathroom.
~ ur totally drunk lol ~
~ and how would you know ~
~ u wouldn’t be talking back to me like that if you weren’t wasted af ~
~ it’s not talking back its stating facts actually ~
You’re rather happy with your retort.
~ if I was there with u id have u on ur knees with ur mouth too full to give me that sass. theres a fact for u ~
Your thumb freezes, hovering above the keypad poised for a witty response. But the message had completely stopped you in your tracks as an embarrassing wave of arousal shot straight between your legs at his words…It was just the alcohol making you feel this way, right?
~ how bout this, u send me a nice lil pic and I won’t bring this up on Monday morning, hmm? ~
You blanch at that, not considering until now through your alcohol-clouded haze that your taunting words could potentially haunt you when you’re next forced to see him again.
~…what kind of picture exactly ~
You ask, sceptically.
~ Hey, im not a total creep babe, just wanna see u all dolled up 😉~
You beg to fucking differ on that first statement, given one of your first interactions involved him urging you to get undressed in the middle of your lunch break.
But you didn’t want to dig a deeper hole, and part of you revelled in the idea of showing off how you looked. He had been so intent yesterday on telling you all the ways he’d have you wanting him, maybe you could make him see it might be the other way around.
You cast aside your pride as you intentionally hike up the hem of your dress, just a touch, making sure he was going to get an eyeful of your upper thighs.
You snapped a picture in the floor-length bathroom mirror, flashing a sweet and innocent smile.
The way your dress hugged each and every dip and curve of your body was perfect. The picture you had taken definitely did your figure justice in the tight, black dress.
You sent him the picture and shoved your phone back into your pocket, too nervous to wait around for his reply. You forced yourself back out of the bathroom, intent on distracting yourself from your nerves with the company of friends.
You discover the group you had left in the same spot and rejoin them, instantly finding Travis handing you another drink. These angels were dangerous for your health.
As you listened to the current booze-fuelled ongoing debate around whether it’d be easier to fight one horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses, you felt your phone buzz once again.
You pulled it out tentatively.
~ Good girl, u look hot af. Hot enough that I'll let your sass slide ~
Your knees go entirely weak at his response. Something about earning his praise sent pure shockwaves of excitement through you in a way you could have never predicted.
You quickly put your phone away again, not wanting anyone to see the messages between you and the first man.
A little more time passes sharing laughs and jokes amongst the group before Carson places a hand at your lower back like earlier.
“Hey sugar, I don’t know about you but we were thinking of making a move, you coming?”
You’re glad for his question, because you did in fact feel ready to call it a night. You exit towards the fountain along with Travis and Anne. The outside air is incredibly refreshing as it hits you and you breathe it in deeply.
Carson tells the pair to give him a moment to walk you the short distance (literally across a single walkway) to the SkyLine stop, and they both give you a drunken hug good bye, chattering about how good it was to meet you. You chuckle and return their sentiment, finding it rather hilarious how wasted the pair were. Even if you were a touch unsteady on your own feet.
You walk with Carson over to the stop where the SkyLine was due to arrive any moment.
“Well thanks for joining me t’night darling, I had a great time”
“As did I! It was so nice to meet people, your friends are wonderful…thank you for inviting me” You smile sheepishly.
“Y’sure you’re alright getting home like this? I could always fly you there, y’know”
You blush at the offer.
“That’s kind of you but really, it’s okay thank you”
As the SkyLine is approaching the stop Carson pulls you forward gently and places a single kiss on your cheek which you don’t resist.
You couldn’t help but internally compare the man before you and the man whose messages had been buzzing in your pocket all night, they were like night and day.
One soft, respectful, and clearly taking things slow. The other rough, rude, and unforgivingly forward. How you’d attracted the attention of solar opposites within mere days of being here you weren’t sure.
“Get home safe, sugar”
And with that he steps away and opens his wings, fluttering off into the sky with Travis and Anne bidding you a final wave and following closely behind, although not at all in straight lines which makes you chuckle.
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lunasub44 · 3 years
Entre los de arriba y los carriles
“Arcane” la serie de Netflix que muestra como en las dispares ciudades de Piltover y Zaun , dos hermanas luchan en bandos opuestos de una guerra entre tecnologías mágicas y creencias enfrentadas. 
Por LunaSub44 "Yo digo Quiznak y comenzamos a hablar "
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Una gran recomendación de serie, inspirada en el juego de Lol,  una creación de Fortiche Productions nos trae una serie con un estilo de animación, diseño de personajes e historia que te clava a la primera.
Durante el transcurso de la serie observamos la evolución de las hermanas Vi y Powder, así como los cuestionamientos y arrepentimientos de Vi, apreciamos el cambio de Powder a Jinx, asi como el de Ekko su amigo de la infancia y como el ahora líder político Jayce se ve en la necesidad de guíar a Piltover y salvaguardar su tecnología. 
Otro de los temas a destacar es la banda sonora de la serie, dando mayor relevancia al tema principal/intro “Enemy” de Imagine Dragons con un sonido y rítmo que te dejara la canción en la cabeza por días. 
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link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9G1VOjN_84
Simple y sencillamente una buena serie que deberías estar viendo en este mismo momento. Cabe aclarar que no necesitas ser fan del juego o jugarlo para verla, asi que esperamos con ansias la segunda temporada de Arcane para descubrir más sobre Jinx y los demás junto con su evolución como personajes.
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jedsilva · 6 years
i knew i couldn’t stay away for long. hello, it is i, ash — making the dramatic return bc it’s no secret that i’ve missed u all. this one’s a very special muse 2 me, my best capricorn boi;
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—- [ rob raco, cismale, he/him, 29 ] DESPICABLE by GRANDSON? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of JED SILVA. maybe because they’re PERCEPTIVE but also WITHDRAWN. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since JULY of 2012 in 206 and have 3 ROOMMATES.
grew up an only child, had as average of a childhood as one could imagine. he was a smart, level-headed, and observant kid, albeit quiet and happy to keep to himself. a bit of weirdo, but he was fine, really.
however as he grew older, it became apparent that something was holding him back. on the rare occasion that he would talk with others, he consistently spoke too rapidly, his words sounding disorganized and abnormally ‘jerky’. it was difficult for others to understand him, and with several of his school teachers insisting, he was introduced him to a speech-language pathologist who diagnosed him with a speech disorder.
in his own head, he was fine. he never felt to struggle, therefore how could there possibly be anything wrong with him? he was quick to resent therapy, especially as several years passed and he had little improvement. from there, he continued to struggle through primary school, his hostility growing the older he got.
he was 6 when his parents separated, resulting in him being whisked away from his childhood home in san antonio with his mother. from there, things got a little rough. god dang kids were mean, his perfect marks suddenly turned into horrible grades, he distanced himself even more… basically, he was miserable. he was bitter and angry at all times, and he was an outcast, his constant silence doing nothing to help the bottled emotions. slowly, however, he found an outlet in writing and music. it helped him to organize his thoughts and words into carefully crafted poetry. it first began in the form of piano lessons, much to the relief of his mother who had come up with the idea as a desperate attempt to help her son find means of expression. from there, with his newfound appreciation for music, he seemed to excel at every instrument he touched.
for the first time in his life, he seemed to be changing… improving. his friend group was small, but they were bonded together by a mutual love for music, one that helped them to form their own band first for fun, but it would slowly take them where they never rlly imagined it would. **so uhhh this is the part where i’m gonna whip up a wc to toss on the main**
as the band progressed into… something, the world suddenly became pretty real. the stress, the sleepless nights, the small crowds, the constant criticism and the feeling of being scrutinized by every person at every moment… they may have only achieved minor success, but it was still no place for someone like jed, who tried to hide behind his bandmates and his awkwardly long hair, shying away from any form of publicity as he went.
enter the jed who went from “hello sir, it’s nice to finally meet you” to “ya daughter calls me daddy too”. no more hiding behind his awkwardly long hair, avoiding everyone and everything. nah, he pulled out all the stunts; he cut his hair and he changed his style, forcing a sense of arrogance and swaggering confidence until he didn’t know who he was trying to fool more anymore. he’s hated every minute of it, but he’s become a bit lost in it all
jed is… a lot, tbh. his personality is an overall odd and temperamental one that many people seem too impatient to handle. this persona that he’s adopted is no real reflection of him at all. beneath it, he is still very much the reserved young man he once was, with his ever-wandering thoughts that he often gets wrapped up in. for real, he’ll stare off into space without warning like he’s stoned af, but i promise he’s not. he’s too Tired™ almost always to even bother acting interested when he’s not.
over the years, he’s learned to be a bit more... comfortable with himself. there was a time when the topic of sexuality would have him running and hiding (which was the exact cause of his one and only real relationship ending – one that he’s still not over), but nowadays, it’s one of the few things he confidently owns, maybe even more than his own music.
he can be quite charming when he feels up to it, but more often than not, he’ll ramble on about nonsensical things with long pauses and a lot of ‘like’s and ‘um’s. get him talking about a topic he knows a lot about, and hold on tight for the wild ride.
he has a permanently unamused face, but beneath that, it’s a party in that head of his.
though impossibly lonely, he prefers his own company and often deters others with a rather brash attitude, but for those that kindly and patiently earn their way to his heart, they certainly have his loyalty and friendship for life<3 tbh, force a few hugs on him, and he’ll eventually love you. after all, he can’t stand to be alone with his own thoughts for long
constantly aims for that 2013 AM-era arctic monkeys aesthetic, u know the one
has a highkey obsession with bowie, locked himself in his room for a week when he died and still mourns to this day. is also prolly not ashamed to tell u he’s rocked about 13 iconic bowie lewks for halloween or otherwise
wanted to grow up to be brian may when he was a young lad
is physically attached to his moleskine notebook that he carries everywhere. touch it and die
if u haven’t seen him in a full 48 hours, pls check on him because guarantee he’s been plastered to the tv screen, playing stupid video games with no sleep
manages to look throughly confused in every photo ever taken
writes texts like professional emails — please for the love of god someone teach him text slang and how to properly use emojis before it’s too late
p.s. find a few more stats here !!
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