#✒️ - Marble's arts
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they r causing confusion and delay as we speak, someone stop them!!
Forgive me for I (still) suck at drawing trains
#✒️ - Marble's arts#ttte#thomas the tank engine#ttte thomas#thomas and friends#Hatsune miku#miku hatsune#vocaloid fanart#ttte fanart#I wonder if I should do more Vocaloid × ttte#ibispaintx#my art#fanart
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NAMES︰ adeline. agatha. alastair. alex. alexander. alexandria. alisa. amber. ambrose. ambrosia. amorette. andrew. annabel. annabeth. annalise. anya. arden. artemis. arthur. ash. ashford. aspen. athena. atlas. atreus. augustus. avery. beatrix. blair. blake. blythe. bram. bronwyn. caspian. charles. charlotte. christopher. circe. claude. coraline. crimson. damian. damien. damon. daphne. darcy. demeter. diana. dorian. durant. ebony. eden. edgar. eleanor. elenor. elizabeth. elvira. emberl. enid. eris. everett. fantine. felix. fern. genevieve. george. grey. griffin. haven. hazel. hecate. henry. hester. holmes. hyde. inkesse. inkette. inkie. inky. isolde. ivie. ivy. james. jane. journalle. julian. julius. juno. kane. killian. lenore. lilith. lorelei. luna. magnus. malachi. mallory. maude. meredith. naomi. narissa. nicodem. nightesse. nightwing. nimue. noire. noiresse. noirette. odessa. odette. oliver. ophelia. orion. percy. persephone. peyton. phineas. phoebe. quill. quille. quinn. raven. ravenesse. ravenette. ravenne. remus. romero. rory. rosalind. rose. rowan. rowena. rufus. salem. scriptesse. sebastian. stoker. sylvain. tanith. theo. theodore. theodosia. trista. tristan. victor. victoria. vincent. virgil. wilhelmine. willow. wynona. xanthe. zoltan.
PRONOUNS︰ acade/academia. amber/amber. an/antique. arch/architectself. arch/archive. art/art. art/artist. arti/article. arti/fact. artifact/artifact. baro/baroque. bea/beauty. bis/bisque. book/book. bookworm/bookworm. calligraphy/calligraphy. can/vas. candle/candle. cer/ceramic. char/charcoal. chess/chess. clas/classic. clay/clay. clock/clock. co/collect. coco/coco. cocoa/cocoa. cof/coffee. coffee/coffee. col/color. coll/collection. collage/collage. con/cept. crea/cream. crow/crow. cur/curate. dra/drama. dust/dust. essay/essay. fea/feather. feather/feather. fig/figure. fil/film. flicker/flicker. gal/gallery. glaze/glaze. globe/globe. gold/gold. hazel/hazel. his/history. history/history. hon/honey. hue/hue. hypo/hypothesis. illus/illustrate. ink/ink. journal/journal. ki/kiln. knowledge/knowledge. le/letter. learn/learn. letter/letter. li/library. lig/ligature. lit/literature. mar/marble. mur/mural. murder/murder. muse/muse. muse/museum. night/night. no/note. novel/novel. page/page. paint/brush. paint/paint. paint/painting. paper/paper. para/dox. pen/pen. pho/photo. pi/pigment. piano/piano. poe/poet. poem/poem. por/trait. porcel/porcelain. print/print. qui/quill. quill/quill. raven/raven. rea/read. read/read. ren/renaissance. rev/revolution. scrapbook/scrapbook. script/scripts. scroll/scroll. sculp/sculptor. sculp/sculpture. sketch/sketch. speci/specimen. spine/spine. sta/stamp. stai/stain. stamp/stamp. statue/statue. story/story. stu/dy. study/studie. study/study. surreal/surrealism. tea/tea. theo/theory. theory/theory. thes/thesis. time/time. tweed/tweed. violin/violin. wheel/wheel. ⌛. ⌛︎. ☕. ✒︎. ✒️. 🏛️. 🏺. 📜. 🕯️. 🖼️.
#pupsmail︰id packs#id pack#npt#nput#name suggestions#name ideas#name list#pronoun suggestions#pronoun ideas#neopronouns#emojiself#nounself#dark academia#light academia
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Neopronoun Suggestions 〜 Light Academia , Art , Sculpture & History ✦

An Antique Antiques Antiqueself ◟ Acade Academia Acades Academias Academiaself ◟Arch Archive Archives Archiveself ◟ Arc Arch Archis Architectself / Architectureself ◟Art Arts Artself ◟ Art Arti Artis Articleself ◟ Arti Fact Artis Artifactself ◟ Art Artist Artists Artistself ◟ Baro Baroque Baros Baroqueself ◟ Beas Beaus Beas Beautyself ◟ Bis Bisque Bisques Bisqueself ◟ Book Books Bookself ◟ Can Vas Canvas' Canvas Canvaself ◟ Cer Ceramic Cers Ceramics Ceramicself ◟ Char Arc Chars Charcoalself ◟ Clas Classic Clas's Classics Classicself ◟ Clay Clays Clayself ◟ Cof Coffee Cofs Coffees Coffeeself ◟ Co Collect Collects Collectionself ◟ Col Color Cols Colorself ◟ Con Cept Cons Concepts Conceptself ◟ Crea Cream Creams Creamself ◟ Cur Curate Curates Curateself ◟ Dra Drama Dramas Dramaself ◟ Fea Feather Feas Feathers Featherself ◟ Fig Figur Figs Figures Figureself ◟ Fil Films Filmself ◟ Gal Gallery Gallerys Galleryself ◟ Glaze Glazes Glazeself ◟His History Historys Historyself ◟ Hon Honey Hons Honeys Honeyself ◟ Hue Hues Hueself ◟ Hy Hypo Hypos Hypothesis' Hypothesisself ◟ Ill Illus Ills Illustrates Illustrateself ◟ Ink Inks Inkself ◟ Ki Kiln Kis Kilns Kilnself ◟ Le Letter Les Letters Letterself ◟ Li Library Lis Libraryself ◟ Li Lig Ligs Ligatures Ligatureself ◟ Lit Literas Literatureself ◟ Mar Marble Mars Marbles Marbleself ◟ Mur Mural Murals Muralself ◟ Muse Muses Museself ◟ Muse Museun Muses Museumself ◟ No Note Nos Notes Noteself ◟ Paint Paints Paintself ◟ Paint Brush Paints Paintbrushself / Brushself ◟ Paint Painting Paintings Paintingself ◟ Para Dox Paras Paradoxself ◟ Pen Pens Penself ◟ Pho Photo Phos Photoself ◟ Pi Pigment Pigments Pigmentself ◟ Cel Porcel Porcels Porcelains Porcelainself ◟ Por Trait Pors Traits Portraitself ◟ Poe Poet Poets Poetself ◟ Qui Quill Quills Quillself ◟ Rea Read Reas Readself ◟ Ren Renai Rens Renaissances Renaissanceself ◟ Rev Revolt Revs Revolutionself ◟ Sculp Sculptor Sculpts Sculptorself ◟ Sculp Sculpt Sculpts Sculptureself ◟ Sketch Sketchs Sketchself ◟ Speci Specimen Specimens Specimenself ◟ Stai Stain Stains Stainself ◟ Sta Stamp Stamps Stampself ◟ Stu Dy Dys Studys Studyself ◟ Surr Surreal Surreals Surrealismself ◟ Tea Teas Teaself ◟ Theo Theory Theos Theorys Theoryself ◟ Thes Thesis Thesis' Thesisself ◟ Wheel Wheels Wheelself ◟ 🏺 🏺s 🏺self ◟ 🖼️ 🖼️s 🖼️self ◟ ⌛︎ ⌛︎s ⌛︎self ◟ ✒︎ ✒︎s ✒︎ self ◟ 📜 📜s 📜self ◟ ⌛ ⌛s ⌛self ◟ 🏛️ 🏛️s 🏛️self ◟ ☕ ☕s ☕self ◟ ✒️ ✒️s ✒️self ◟ 🕯️ 🕯️s 🕯️self
#꒰ ⚔ ꒱ 〜 The Box Cutter's Emblem#mogai#xenogender identity#mogai identity#pronoun help#neopronouns#neopronoun suggestions#neopronoun help#neopronoun list#pronoun list#pronoun suggestions#//#light academia pronouns#art pronouns#sculpture pronouns
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🤡🤔👗 for francis dez thursday and vincent
❣️✒️🎲 for the kiddos in angel express
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Desmond - That he isn't any good at math. sad!
Francis - The fact that movies 'freak her out'
Thursday - Honestly? Nothing lol. not a shame in his body
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
Desmond - people being mean or hurting others on purpose or out of enjoyment due to being a victim of that his entire life
Francis - people being NICE or well intentioned for no reason or on purpose, mostly due to having her trust broken and being used her entire life
Thursday - people who 'play life by the rules', wtv the fuck that means (the meaning changes every time someone asks)
Vincent - why people keep trying to tell her that drugs are bad for her
👗 - How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress?
Desmond - if he knows that he wouldn't get made fun of or yelled at he'd be fine with wearing a skirt!! otherwise no v-v
Francis - very much a no-no. it'd be like forcing a feral dog into baby clothes
Thursday - if Friday asked/had him to he'd do it otherwise no LMAO
Vincent - she wears dresses and skirts when not on the job and just hanging out around town!
now for the angel express boobers-
❣️ - What are their love languages?
Tobi - acts of service and physical touch; he'll do stuff for his friends and his way of showing physical affection is bonking his head on people's shoulders. like a cat!
Xiaolan - PHYSICAL TOUCH, GIFTS AND WORDS OF AFFIRMATION!! she showers friends in compliments and hugs and such and is very loud about her love for the people she cares about :D
Crimson - quality time! he's usually very detached and selfish; they can't stand most people so if they spend lots of time with someone he ok with them…or at least tolerates them lol
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
Tobi - probably bird watching and playing marbles :3
Crimson - painting, martial arts, and reading cuz he's boring af
🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list. /🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like?
Tobi - non-existant. he can be up for days at a time but can fall asleep pretty much anywhere anytime. he can be standing up somewhere and his head'll just go slack and fall asleep standing LOL
Xiaolan - inconsistent as a courier, the most she'll get a night is about 6 hours but in between jobs she'll try to sleep in 10+ hours
Crimson - heeee should not be in the career that she's in LMFAO. he used to get sooo much beauty sleep but now he just kinda…tries to stay awake for the entire duration of a delivery job and then crash once its done but its starting to take a toll lmao
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⭐️⭐️⭐️Lớp Huấn Luyện Nail tại Garland, Texas - tháng 08/2022⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🤔Bạn chưa biết dip/đắp bột hoặc muốn nâng cao tay nghề?!? 👉🏻Hãy tham gia khóa huấn luyện nail 2 ngày, thứ Hai 01/08 và thứ Ba 02/08, từ 10am đến 6pm, tại Garland, Texas để học cách làm từ căn bản đến nâng cao cho các môn móng bột dip, móng bột đắp, và các loại móng nghệ thuật. 💖Nail artist và huấn nghệ viên dày dặn kinh nghiệm giảng dạy, Andy Hải Đinh, sẽ tận tình hướng dẫn các bạn những bộ môn sau: •Dipping powder •Đắp full set 1 màu + làm fill •Làm móng ombre •Làm móng marble •Làm móng Pink & White (Trắng - Hồng) •Kỹ thuật chọn và gắn móng típ - dũa shape chuẩn •Kỹ thuật đắp bột nhanh và dễ để không cần dũa nhiều •Kỹ thuật dũa tay và dũa máy (cùng cách sử dụng đúng các loại đầu dũa). •Các kiểu móng nghệ thuật dễ làm-dễ kiếm tiền để tăng thêm thu nhập •Học viên cần mang theo máy dũa, đầu dũa, 1 cọ đắp bột size 14 hoặc 16, 1 hộp móng típ, keo dán móng típ, đèn gel, cọ vẽ French, và chung đựng nước liquid khi đắp bột. ✒️Học phí: $600 *Deposit: $200 (non-refundable) 📝Để đăng ký lớp, xin nhắn tin cho Andy số: 832-348-7773 ⭐⭐⭐Basic-to-Advance Nail Class in Garland, Texas in August 2022⭐⭐⭐ 👉🏻Invest in your career and get paid what you deserve •Nail artist and educator: Andy Hai Dinh •Monday 08/01 and Tuesday 08/02, 10am to 6pm. •Class fee: $600 •Deposit: $200 (non-refundable) •Class Programs: Dipping Powder Nails, Acrylic Scupting, Shaping, E-Filing, Acrylic Full Set & Fill Services, Pink & White, Ombre, Marbleized, and nail art. •Please bring your gel lamp, electric drill, drill bits, dappen dish, and acrylic brush (size 14 or 16). •To sign up, please text Andy at: 832-348-7773 💖Thank you💖 #andyhaidinh #nailartist #naileducator #acrylicnails #dippingpowdernails #gelnails #nailart #ImpulseNailTraining #MyImpulseBeauty #ChiselNailArt #nailclass #nailtraining #garlandtx #mesquitetx #plano #richardson #allen #carollton #sachse #dallastx #dfw #arlingtontx #rowletttexas #cantontx #rockwalltexas #texas #oklahoma #arkansas #louisiana (at Garland, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgDfFonJGFl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Thomas & miku play roblox and other stories
#✒️ - Marble's arts#thomas the tank engine#ttte#ttte thomas#miku hatsune#hatsune miku#vocaloid fanart#my art#ibispaintx#Making more vocaloid x ttte as we speak#<- I should make that an au#Lawl#Thomas is a bitch but it's ok I forgive him
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shhhh he's eeping
#✒️ - Marble's arts#ttte#ttte thomas#ttte gijinka#thomas the tank engine#thomas and friends#doodle#Thomas and his stupid little night cap <3 ooooough#white boy jumpscare rahhhhh
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#✒️ - Marble's arts#Project sekai#prsk#proseka#prsk fa#pjsk fanart#colorful stage#wonderlands x showtime#wondershow#wxs emu#emu otori#ibispaintx#artists on tumblr#fanart
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rosieeee heyyyyyyyyyy
I tried 2 make her a strawberry blonde but I think it came off as more of a ginger color 💔💔
#✒️ - Marble's arts#ttte#thomas the tank engine#thomas and friends#ttte gijinka#ttte rosie#cutieee#ibispaintx#my art#doodle
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You can't find something if it was never lost in the first place.
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Wooh! I had a buncha fun making this, but now that means I gotta finish my other projects (shit)
#✒️ - Marble's arts#ttte#thomas the tank engine#ttte thomas#thomas and friends#hatsune miku#Vocaloid#ibispaintx#made in ibis paint#artists on tumblr#my art#fanart
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Thomas's new driver (he calls her ms. songbird =3).
Thomas × vocaloid collab when???
#✒️ - Marble's arts#ttte#thomas the tank engine#ttte thomas#thomas and friends#hatsune miku#miku hatsune#vocaloid fanart#work in progress#ibispaintx#2 divas queening out on sodor <3#I think they would b friends#No question asked
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I (hopefully) will post a wip related 2 our diva tmrw if I'm not too busy 🤞
#✒️ - Marble's arts#ttte#ttte humanized#ttte James#doodle#thomas the tank engine#artists on tumblr#ibispaintx#shitpost#You can tell I put 1% of effort into this#I woulda said 0% but I like 2 toot my own horn every once in a blue moon
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I can't draw trains 💥
#✒️ - Marble's Arts#artists on tumblr#digital art#ttte#ttte thomas#ttte humanized#ibispaintx#Yeah I like the funny train show now I think it's neat 🛸
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almost done
#✒️ - Marble's arts#ttte#thomas the tank engine#ttte thomas#thomas and friends#Hatsune miku#<- I mean ig this counts#work in progress#Mattel if you can hear me now...#I WILL shell out my live savings and a liver for ttte x vocaloid merch /j /j
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little percy is marveling at something, it must be you =]
#✒️ - Marble's arts#ttte#thomas the tank engine#ttte percy#percy the green engine#percy the small engine#ibispaintx#artists on tumblr#work in progress
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quickly doodle this and didn't feel like coloring 😛 rahhh this look so lazy
#✒️ - Marble's arts#ttte#ttte humanized#ttte thomas#artists on tumblr#ibispaintx#sketch#Doodle#ttte gijinka
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