#โ›ฆ โฅ— ๐Ÿฆข ๐’๐“๐„๐‹๐‹๐€ {Ic} // โWrath ruined Purityโž
out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 4 months
Continued from X // @mnstcrsiiistcrs
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"That depends, really." that sounded harshier than intended, truthfully Marsha would only really be in trouble with her if she refused to be honest. Frankly the very idea that a lot more was happening right under her beak with her unaware, has already put her on edge.
"Are you dating my daughter?"
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 9 days
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Ya'll are lucky she's unconscious and fighting off the brink of DEATH otherwise she'd have some words for you little shits-
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 11 days
"I might need to have a word with the chief's. This Gougรจres tastes odd."
"Ugh, I'm tired of seafood. Can't I just order a pizza?"
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"If you must but you need proper nutrition to gr-"
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"Okay. Thanks mom." The owlette has left the table, food untouched.
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 22 days
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"Unless someone like you cares an awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It's not."
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 22 days
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Don't look at her, the Stolas in her universe is dead.
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 3 months
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"Mother loved us."
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"And we suffer every day because of it."
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 3 months
๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธMarsha for Stella and Octavia?
send me ๐Ÿ•ฏ๏ธto hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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"Truthfully? I don't know how I feel about her since it's been revealed she's more than just a friend to Octavia, I want my daughter to be happy, don't get me wrong. And it's certainly nice she has someone, I was never allowed to date at her age, and if my mother had found out? It'd be...nasty, to say the least. And I don't think Octavia understands how drastic everything would be if Paimon found out I just-"
"I want to protect her, but I don't want her to hide who she is, I spent the majority of my own life doing just that. I just hope their romance ends well."
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"Oh! Marsha is great! Like, okay, I always thought she was cool, ya know? I don't make a lot of friends and most girls in my age range don't like the same things I do. So, having someone that I could talk to and enjoy a good book reading session with? It was great! Then well... once dad died... I felt real alone. Moms loves me, but she hated my father, and no one seemed to be there for me, but she was. Now we're dating with is really cool, I never dated anyone before not that I've been allowed to really but it's been great. I want to keep spending time with her, I'm always happy to see her and I just...really like her."
Was she falling in love with this girl?
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 4 months
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"Why is this nuke nonsense still continuing?"
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 9 days
The fact that the poison used on Stella was enough to kill a sin is just funny to me. Her will to live was just that strong.
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 11 days
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.......She hasn't even finished dinner, and she's starting to feel strange. She simply pushes aside the plate and stands, wincing a bit as a sudden stabbing pain courses through her head.
Headaches weren't unusual after a day of handling the goetias affairs, but this was intense. Perhaps she should retire early for tonight....
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 19 days
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"...I know about you and Marsha."
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She froze, then blinked in rapid succession. "What?"
(Read more for length. brief mentions of force heteronormativity)
Stella sighs, this conversation had been coming and there was no use in delaying this any further. Before Octavia could attempt to deny or even ask how Stella finally put together that information, Stella speaks again. "You two are dating yes? At least that's what Marsha herself told me."
The owlette continued to stand there, much like a deer in headlights. She fully intended to tell Stella about her relationship and sexuality at some point, but very much on her own terms. Not being found out like this, especially when she couldn't tell how exactly her mother felt about this information. Wait- Marsha told her?
"You....I...you spoke to Marsha?" she asked finally, trying to better figure out the direction of this conversation.
"I heard some rumors about your 'friendship' and it occurred to me that perhaps I have been a little....naive about how you two interact with each other. I asked and she confirmed, I specifically told her to not speak about our conversation until we had talked properly about the issue." again, Stella's tone was calm but unreadable. Though the fact she referred to this as an 'issue' didn't instill high hopes in the young goetia.
"And you....approve...of us?"
To her surprise, Stella nodded. "I am not going to tell you to stop pursuing someone you care about, you're my daughter and I love you. And Marsha is by all means a respectable choice as a suitor, but even if I didn't think so I would only disapprove of your relationship because I felt she wasn't suitable as a person. Not because of her gender."
That was good. It wasn't an overjoyed response but any means but the best she could hope from her mother, but if she's not her to express her disapproval and she's not here to congratulate them on being together then, "What's this all about then?"
Stella paused, though only for a moment. "How serious are you about her?"
"Serious? You mean like...marriage?" she asked, clearly still too young for such a thing but even then it was weird to give the concept any real thought. "Are we allowed to get married? Like, the goetia will allow it?"
"Paimon has lightened up on his regulations regarding it and likewise lightened up on how heirs are acquired. So yes, who two are both old enough there's nothing stopping you from marrying." from a legal sense at least, "That being said, it doesn't mean your relationship will be approved of by everyone."
She sighed, now this was the conversation she was expecting, "So much of the goetia is fucking gay anyway, why do they even care?"
"Some are old and set in their ways, some just like having something to complain about, and some simply prefer the traditional arranged marriage despite the issues it has caused. Again, I will support you throughout all of this but your relationship and a family....if you wish to have one will be unconventional by the goetia's standards. And there will be ridicule in some form or another, I say this not to discourage you but to prepare you and make sure you know what you're getting into." it was the least Stella could do, it was more than her own mother ever prepared her for her first relationship if you can even call it that. "So, I ask again, how serious are you about her?"
Marriage. Starting a family. Two things that didn't even cross her mind until this moment, granted for a long time she was questioning her sexuality, living in fear as to how the other members of the family would react, and being single until her very first relationship happened. And by all means she likes Marsha a lot, being around her is....easy in a sense. Her presence is like a breath of fresh air, she's sweet, thoughtful, amazing, she could go on forever. Thinking more about it, she can't really imagine a future without her and there's a growing intensity in her chest the more she thinks about it.
Is she....in love with her? It's the best way to describe this emotion, though it's still extremely new to her.
"I...don't know." she says partly because she hasn't spoken to Marsha about the future of their relationship and...if she's going to say she loves Marsha...well she wants to say it to her first. "Does it matter? Do we really have to decided all of this now?"
"Not necessarily but you will eventually. You are royalty and hell leeches the life out of all gossip, there will be ridicule, people will make expectations then instantly expect you to comply with them, and when you are of age there will be responsibilities of the goetia that might put a strain on your relationship. It's better to decide now than to be uncertain later and that uncertainty will be the reason your relationship crumbles." words spoken with experience, "I will support you no matter what you do, but if you are serious about this girl then you will need to stand by her no matter what. But if you aren't? Then my concerns are mute, it's all up to you, understand?"
She's silent. Not having the right words at the moment and frankly having too many emotions to even try expressing them all, but she nods. "Yeah..I get it."
"Good." with her usual sense of formality, she walks forward and places a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "I only wish you the best, no matter what happens."
Octavia gave another nod, having come to understand that Stella was doing her best to show support. But now she was blessed with, a lot to think about.
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 22 days
@infinity-multi-muse "Thick or thin," Ose crosses his arms with a smirk on his face, "Us lower-rung nobles gotta stick together, yeah?"
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"But of course." The sentiment would always remain true, even if she was technically married off to a higher up demon. "You know I'd always have you by my side."
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 2 months
Cursed thought: Hunson x Stella
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W h o ?
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 3 months
blitz reaches out grabby hands for his birb wife.
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Scoops him up.
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 4 months
๐Ÿ’ฌ (To Stella) Rumor has it that Stella, Noble Swan Princess she is, has been cavorting around with some lower position President of Hell. . . How scandalous!
Send ๐Ÿ’ฌ + aย rumor and my muse will react to it.
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"Sounds like you ought to mind your own business."
She tires of the extreme classicism in hell sometimes, at least she could somewhat understand all the hatred Stolas had gotten for his affair with an imp, but Ose (despite some faults) is perfectly respectable. Is she the only one that sees that?
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out-of-heaven-and-hell ยท 4 months
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What else can they be other than friends? They seem close, yes, but there's nothing to indicate a romantic relationship is there? Besides, Octavia isn't gay-
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....is she?
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