#⛥ knock three times :: reply ⛧
@arcanescholxr from [x]
It came out of the boy like a flood -- difficult to understand though the tears and choked sobs. Then the reality of the situation sank in past the surprise, and John's eyes widened with shock. Elias' twin brother had rarely been the topic of conversation, but he knew some of the worse details.
It was a story that could have reflected his own, had his twin been successfully born. Everett was the favorite, the golden boy, while Elias was the unwanted outcast. The Blackburns took it a step above by setting them against each other in a duel to the death, one that Elias barely escaped from.
That was the big secret of Elias Blackburn's life, or so John had thought.
Here, in front of him, crying and scared, was the real secret. He knew Elias well enough to take a guess at the con he'd been pulling. He'd kept himself and Dwight a secret from the Blackburns. He had to, didn't he? They wanted him dead, either in their past or their present.
"Right, then." John dipped down onto one knee to be at eye level with the kid, taking him up by the shoulders to hold him steady. "We'll get this sorted. I have some ideas, but let's not jump to that just yet. Tell me what's happened. How did he find out about you?"
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laughing-hellblazer · 8 months
[@arcanescholxr || cont. from x]
"I can and I will," John said as he lit a cigarette in the obviously marked non-smoking room.
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The kid had gotten himself into a right mess, grabbing the attention of a magic-eating spirit. It would drain him dry the next time it saw him, like a vampire for wizards. The only choice was to keep the witchling in one location and track the thing down. Or maybe, just maybe, lure it there instead. More risk to poor Dwight, but easier for him. Slowly, he began to lower the ward around the hotel room, inviting the spirit to wander closer.
He took his coat off of the rack, beginning to slip it over his shoulders. "Now try and leave and I'll cast a binding spell to keep your feet stuck to the carpet like glue."
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@sanguine-salvation [x]:
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“What? A little shaken about what it might say about you that I have so much in common? Oh well, the mirror can be scary. Your loss, my dear.”
"Don't get me wrong. I've got plenty of bats in my belfry, but you're a right piece of work, there."
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"Besides, two Constantines dead to serial killers is enough for me. Best not chance a third."
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Kink meme: exhibitionism
[Send Me a Kink and I'll Rate It - Sinday Leftovers]
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
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"Done it a few times. Some occasions for sex magic, others for fun. Always gives me a rush. Didn't think of it much before, but I'm beginning to see the benefits of a little showing off."
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⛥ tag list ⛧
#⛥ child's play :: dash game ⛧
#⛥ ravenscar files :: headcanon ⛧
#⛥ thought boxes :: musings ⛧
#⛥ passing moments :: ic status ⛧
#⛥ bump in the night :: ask meme ⛧
#⛥ voices from beyond :: answer ⛧
#⛥ talking to ghosts :: drabble ⛧
#⛥ form the circle :: starter ⛧
#⛥ knock three times :: reply ⛧
#⛥ mucous membrane :: music ⛧
#⛥ another tool in the kit :: keepsake ⛧
#⛥ i'm john fucking constantine :: gallery ⛧
#⛥ child's play :: dash game ⛧
#⛥ ravenscar files :: headcanon ⛧
#⛥ thought boxes :: musings ⛧
#⛥ passing moments :: ic status ⛧
#⛥ bump in the night :: ask meme ⛧
#⛥ voices from beyond :: answer ⛧
#⛥ talking to ghosts :: drabble ⛧
#⛥ form the circle :: starter ⛧
#⛥ knock three times :: reply ⛧
#⛥ mucous membrane :: music ⛧
#⛥ another tool in the kit :: keepsake ⛧
#⛥ i'm john fucking constantine :: gallery ⛧
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“Look at that Johnny, I think we make a good pair~.”
"We made a great pair."
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"Then we did what we do best. We ruined it."
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@the-shattered-seas: Shit I’ve Said To My Cat :: “ what's in your mouth? ” --@laughing-hellblazer [ Shit I’ve Said To My Cat — sentence starters - ACCEPTING ] All six eyes went big and bright, pupils uncharacteristically round pools of abyss. Their tail flickered and their ear spines flared out like a fan. Their immense draconic form was arched over like an inchworm, primed like a vicious kitten rather than the Mother of All Dragons. And of course, as nature dictated, even up and far as the divine itself... They began chewing suspiciously faster with the crunchy sawblading of far too many gigantic teeth.
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"Oi!" He could swear he saw something in there. Something that didn't belong in anyone's mouth, even the supposed god of dragons and dreams. And he wanted it.
He took a few steps to close the gap, an arm outstretched with little regard for its safety. "Go on, now. Spit it out for us. Call it a wish -- you're a wish dragon aren't you?"
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