#⚡️ ; bart <3
1mpulsee · 6 months
@prettysuper / starter call .
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❝ hey . you ever think about how NOTHING is real ? ‘cause i do . ❞ as always, his train of thought is as spur of the moment and incomprehensible as he is .
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but Kon’s one of his BEST FRIENDS . Bart would tear apart the fabric reality for him — and, well, he HAS . ( and totally doesn’t regret it, for the record . ) … Kon is easy to talk to .
❝ how come our lives are so WEIRD ? you think in some different planet we’re normal guys …. doing whatever normal people do ? ❞
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themothnotthemap · 7 months
🎧baby, i was born an effigy. noa “atlas” ketch. amab genderfluid. -> 9teen. occasionally nsft ; blacklist atlas.mp4 -> hem/locks/hem's/hemlockself -> tau/taunt/taunt's/tauntself -> he/she/they/it. -> bodily 6teen. -> therian (ask me abt it! /nf) playlist
splitroject - shift of @fleaearred. (think like a kinshift, just.. not quite!) source is ghost rider. sideblog.
oh, why do i beg my legs to take me much farther than they were meant to?🎧
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bjdboyy · 8 months
fictive sideblog <3
Wes “Wessie” Acosta 🎀 she/he/quet/pop/de -> masc terms. (guy, dude, boy, etc.) [partners have exemption] -> 20 , bodily 6teen ; full neos and prev. urls under cut <3
mutant (balljointed doll) -> noncanon X-Men Evolution fictive
queer and genderfucked as hell !! -> dont like it? dni <3 i block freely and do not owe you an explanation 🫶
main is @fleaearred .. layout by @dollrelicz
pinterest . playlist
quet/quets/quet's/quetself , pop/pops/pop's/popself , de/des/de's/deself
bjdboyy ->
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soupiero · 5 months
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⚡️— bart allen agere moodboard ⛺️ !
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 🖍️ ^_^ divi + der 🚚
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ao3feed-birdflash · 6 months
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star-realities · 10 months
Bart and his kinda twin-His name is apparently Thad btw-had me make like 50 or so computers then sold them on EBay for like $800 each so they made like $34,700 and split it 42/42/15 I got the 15 since I made the computers and boxes and tape
The bad part of that is that Barry walked into his living room saw his grandkids packaging a bunch of brand new nice looking laptops while I was helping Wally out with a fracture in his wrist that didn’t heal like it was supposed to and he put 2 and 2 together
the GOOD part is I told him there was nothing illegal about me selling my own design of computer and splitting the profit with my little buddies so we’re good! He did find it very sus I was giving them so much though so I’ve been promoted to 33/33/33 and the remaining .3 we’ll either donate or do Bart’s idea which was get it in dollars then hide it in small amounts in the Titans’ bags and lockers as surprise gifts they don’t realize are gifts
He says that usually goes better than how he tried to give them money before which was directly gifting them bags and bottles full of change he finds while running-As it turns out people like being gifted $200 just not when it’s in pennies go figure ❤️⚡️
THAD-???? Sorry hold on give me a moment. Idc anything about the flashes but why is his name THAD???
Don’t let me meet this boy in civilian attire because I WILL be bullying him (IM SORRY /j)
Slay though. Infinite money glitch!!! But DONT give any of that money to Robin. He has WAY more than enough. And he WILL do something nefarious with it. (I’m always here to humble Tim, sorry bestie ily)
Also… Barry mind ur own business (/j I’m sorry don’t kill me king)
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Hey a te,
Sono più o meno 2-3 ore che stavo pensando a cosa scriverti. Volevo trovare un modo carino, che non fosse banale e scontato, per sorprenderti. Non scrivo spesso alle persone. Anzi in verità quasi mai, perché difficilmente qualcuno mi colpisce. E quindi sai, quando ho iniziato a scriverti ho riprovato la stessa sensazione di me a 11 anni, quando mi apprestavo a scegliere tra la squadra del cuore (Milan a vita) ed il Pokémon iniziale, perso tra infiniti dubbi, ed alla fine sceglievo sempre Charmender. Arancione. Un po’ come te. Mi ha sempre incuriosito questo colore, perché è un colore particolare, a sé. Semaforo arancione. Alba arancione. Una margherita arancione. Un’aranciata. Un mandarino. Una volpe. La maglietta di Bart Simpson. Grattastinchi. Marte. È un colore che sta nel mezzo, tra il rosso ed il giallo. Ma è unico. Lo noti. Più degli altri due precedenti, perché é diverso. E più o meno, questo è quello che è accaduto con te. Ho letto un po’ il tuo blog e mi ha incuriosito, perchè in tutte le frasi che scrivi, che posti, che reblogghi ci sei tu. Lo si vede dai dettagli e dalla sensibilità delle parole che utilizzi. Sono potenti, come una supernova, sopratutto se pensi che oggi “Tumblr” è diventato più un sito porno, dove tutti hanno perso la propria identità. Peró poi ci sei tu, che più che nascondere la tua identità, la mostri, senza confini e senza limiti. Lo sai, mentre ti scrivevo mi è venuto in mente un quadro che ti rappresenta: “Campo Girasoli” di Van Gogh. Un po’ per i colori tra l’arancione che più dei tuoi capelli, rispecchia un po’ la tua anima, il tuo spirito. Colorato, pieno di vita ed energia. Un po’ anche per il colore dei tuoi occhi che è rappresentato dagli altri fiori e dagli alberi in lontananza. La caratteristica che più mi piace di Van Gogh è il tratto. Delicato ed energico. Un po’ quello che ho rivisto nel tuo blog. Ho letto che studi CTF, praticamente quasi l’equivalente di Pozioni (non fare come Seamus però)… Piton sarebbe fiero di te. Ah, se ti avessi scritto ieri, ad Halloween (ah, zucche arancioni), ti avrei inviato a guardare una maratona dell’orrore, partendo da Scream, Shining, It ecc…Ho cercato di dirti tutto quello che pensavo e quello che ho percepito di te. Spero che sia valso più del solito “Hey sei bellissima ecc…”. Di quelli il tuo blog è pieno, e sopratutto, credo che tu sia più di quelle parole. Non so perché alle 1:35 ti sto dicendo tutto questo. Però sai per era importante farlo. Vivo di attimi. E se questo attimo fosse passato e non ti avessi scritto, forse l’avrei rimpianto. Buona serata ⚡️
Hey a te!!
Non vorrei poter sembrare superflua dicendo che son rimasta senza parole ma è proprio così. Per davvero(in senso positivo ovviamente ).
Ti ringrazio poiché in pochi riescono ad andare aldilà di ciò che vedono, a non esserti soffermato sulla superficie.
Tra l'altro Van Gogh è uno dei miei pittori preferiti e lo sono anche i girasoli (un po' scontata direi).
Ti ringrazio per aver speso il tuo tempo scrivendomi tutto ciò, sappi che mi ha fatto enormemente piacere. <3
PS. per le pozioni ogni tanto sono Seamus e ogni tanto no. [Allego foto prova carina di oggi]
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fictionkinfessions · 9 months
post on 1/1 please
I know you don’t remember your actual birthday. Butttt- Love you <3 <3
-Hound, it/sin. #🐾⚡️🪦 (#dcfictive, #dccomicsfictive , #noncanonfictive , #youngjusticefictive , do not tag as houndfictive) 
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vorobey-sergey · 11 months
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⚡️Новости криптомира 📎Биржа OKX исключит из листинга 26 торговых пар, которые "не соответствуют критериям" платформы. Незакрытые до делистинга позиции будут отменены, перечисление средств на пользовательские счета может занять до 3 дней. 📎Binance уведомила о приостановке транзакций в токенах TOMO из-за ребрендинга TomoChain. Согласно объявлению, 20 ноября в 03:00 (UTC) биржа исключит спотовые торговые пары TOMO/BTC, TOMO/TRY и TOMO/USDT, а также отменит ожидающие торговые ордера TOMO. 📎Национальное агентство перспективных проектов Республики Узбекистан (НАПП) выдало лицензию на осуществление деятельности криптовалютной биржи компании COINPAY. 📎Павел Дуров отметил успех блокчейна TON, который установил мировой рекорд по скорости транзакций. "Мы правильно выбрали TON в качестве блокчейн-платформы Telegram. С технической точки зрения конкуренты на годы отстают по масштабируемости". 📎Cценаристы «Симпсонов» вновь спародировали криптопространство. Теперь в фокус попали NFT. Вышла глава "Wild Barts Can’t Be Token" в рамках специального эпизода к Хэллоуину. В ней Барт превращается в токен, а Мардж отправится в мир блокчейна на его поиски. #новости #биткоин #криптовалюта
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sketchingtons · 3 years
could you do the past times palette with bart? absolutely love the content btw you are doing gods work for core4 fans <3
*running in the 90’s playing faintly in the distance”
(So glad you’re liking the core4 content!! I am happy to provide it 😌🙏)
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1mpulsee · 5 months
// I love making my characters cringefail and less powerful on purpose . Bart is such a fucking loser (/affectionate) and it’s on purpose . he doesn’t understand how to interact with people and society in general . he can’t take compliments and can’t flirt . he jokes at the worst times and doesn’t take much too seriously . he’s a fucking nerd who likes to read . he’s quite literally a genius but acts stupid all the time . he has so much trauma and mental issues but instead of talking about it he copes with humor and being silly . he has godlike powers and simply chooses to use them for dumb antics and cartoony gags . he knows how reality, time, the multiverse, and the fourth wall works but uses this knowledge almost exclusively for sillies . everyone thinks his hero persona is lame . he’s popular on accident outside of his superhero identity . BART IS SUCH A LOSER AND HE HAS SO MUCH CRINGE IN HIM <3
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1mpulsee · 9 months
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objectively hilarious comic panels
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1mpulsee · 4 months
very shy dibs. the best bart to ever do it
send me a ‘dibs’ if you are ridiculously attached to me as an rp partner — accepting !!
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1mpulsee · 4 months
// cw discussions of suicide / suicidal thoughts
// bart isn’t suicidal — most of the time . he’s said in canon that he doesn’t WANT to die, he just doesn’t CARE if he lives or dies, he can’t find himself to be concerned with his own well-being .
// it can be difficult to believe for some, since he seems to put his life on the line on PURPOSE, but for the vast majority of the time, it’s just not true .
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// that doesn’t mean he hasn’t had those THOUGHTS when things get really tough, and hasn’t had a few extremely dark moments when he’s considered it . ( and isn’t proud of it, and doesn’t know how to tell people, and is definitely worried what people would think . ) but he’s not an actively suicidal person and doesn’t think he’d ever try to attempt anything like that . passively ? … unfortunately yeah, almost definitely, not that he’s HAPPY about it .
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ao3feed-birdflash · 1 month
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star-realities · 10 months
So I got the gos apparently blond who was all cute with nap kid is his boyfriend and blond who’s Bart’s twin is technically not his twin and is older than him by multiple years and tried to kill him once or twice by that I mean several times. Hes starting to warm up to him tho since they can leave him alone with Bart and he’s stopped trying to strangle him Bart’s warming up to him too but most of the effort looks like it’s on Bart’s side. He’s helping Bart with his EBay scheme tho so they can at least get along in the name of making $200
I don’t think he minds me either since I realized it was his birthday too and he didn’t want a thing about it so I updated his phone and made a Switch for him too and also he’s so small for his age like Bart is like half his age and he’s smaller than Bart??? What’s that about? ❤️⚡️
Are they scamming people?? 😭😭
Also Bernard! Love him <3 what a sweetie
Aww that’s sweet of you <33 honestly idk why he’s smaller I’ve got VERY limited knowledge on the Flashes. Honestly I’ve got limited knowledge on EVERYONE who’s not a bat 😭
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