#⚜️ i shall find a way or i will make one // in character
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@scrvives​ said: “  i’m here and i’m not leaving or letting you change the subject.  now talk to me. ” // karl
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    “There is a third option - I could leave instead.” But even as he says the words, he makes no move to leave. He also doesn’t look at Karl, unable to meet his gaze. He shakes his head, hands shoved into his pockets. “If I talk to you about this - it could change the way that you see me.” And that was what Elijah was afraid of; of opening up to someone about - this. Then him seeing that Elijah was not who he thought he was and deciding it wasn’t worth it ( that elijah wasn’t worth it ) and leaving. “And perhaps I want to be SELFISH - I like the way you see me.”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@scrvives​ said:  “Sorry to put you through that. I guess I owe you one now.” // karl
I guess I owe you one now. All Elijah could do, at least momentarily, was stare at Karl, mouth slightly agape as he was, for the time, utterly lost for words. Sorry to put him through that-?
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"Karl-" the way Elijah says his name is strangled, frantic emotion from the last few... hours? days? gods, he didn’t even know - slipping through the cracks, unable to completely reign it in. "You were kidnapped." By Elijah's enemies. Sorry to put him through that???
           ( elijah had nearly lost his mind with panic - but that wasn't karl's fault. it was elijah’s - all elijah’s fault. )
"You don't owe me anything." Elijah pulls Karl into an embrace, arms wrapped tightly around him as if he intended to never let him go again. "Let’s just - go home.”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@scrvives​ said:  hope ( adams ) hands elijah a framed photo. it's a black wolf with a snow on his muzzle and a grumpy 'i was not playing in the snow' look. "maybe it's a little weird, gifting you a pic of your boyfriend, but - " she shrugs, a shit eating grin spreading across her face. "i think he'll love it. merry christmas."
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        He wasn’t expecting Hope to give him a present, but as soon as his eyes fall upon the photo, he understands. A smile pulled at his lips as he looks at the glorious photo in the frame. “I’m sure he will. I know I do.” The wolf pictured could easily be taken for Karl, from the fur to the absolute perfect expression on his face. The snow smattered across his muzzle just topped it all off. He looked at Hope, a soft yet amused expression clear in his eyes. “It’s going to go straight up on my wall.”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@scrvives​ said: " you're my hoe. my heaven on earth. " // karl
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            Elijah pauses for a moment, gaze meeting Karl’s with both an amused look and perhaps an expression of befuddlement. ( karl was good at making elijah befuddled - for many different reasons. ) He walked up to him, cupping the side of Karl’s face with his palm and smiled. “Darling; how positively romantic.” Though Elijah did not know HOW Karl could see him in that way. “But - perhaps I’m not ‘up’ with the ‘latest lingo’ but I could have sworn that meant something different.”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@scrvives​ said:  " there are at least three houses in new orleans. " // freya
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        Elijah pauses for a moment, eyes flicking towards Freya with an amused smile on his face. “Well, sister, I must say that you are not wrong. There are AT LEAST three houses in New Orleans - though there may potentially be even more.” 
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@mythaelogie​ asked: “ i’m not here to talk about me. what the hell is going on with you? ” from hayley
        “I’m FINE.” There’s a bite to the word that he couldn’t quite contain; and he’d turned away from her as to avoid having to look at her ( so she couldn’t look at him; couldn’t look him in the eyes and see gods know what. ) His hands were shoved deep into his pockets; clenched into fists so no one could see them shaking.
       He’s fine. Elijah Mikaelson is fine. He has to be fine. He’s always fine.
                                           ( What would he do if he wasn’t fine? )
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       “I didn’t mean to concern you, Hayley.” This time his tone is even, natural - hiding the pain that lay inside. “I am quite alright - and you came a long way. Let’s talk about more… important things. How’s Hope?”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@gilbturd​ asked: “ i feel uncomfortable around tall people, what if they try to lick my head? ”
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       “While I doubt many tall people enjoy the idea of licking the top of your head and getting a mouthful of hair - if it is such a concern to you, you can always wear a HAT.”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@scrvives​ said: elijah gets a witch sister hug
     The hug comes almost as a surprise, but he doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around her, chin coming to rest on her shoulder. He’s missed this; missed him and Freya working together as a functioning team, on the same side, missed how they just clicked together. He’s not sure why it changed; not sure what happened for the shift - but he hates it. He hates that he couldn’t work out how to fix it. Hates that he kept making it worse.
     Hates that all they did was argue before her heart stopped, and she nearly died. Hates that all they did was argue before he died.
     ( there’s an itch underneath his skin, telling him he needs to leave this place; he needs to get away; too many bad things have happened; he can’t - how can he stay - he needs to go - but he CAN’T go )
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     He took in a deep breath, his hug around Freya tightening slightly. “I love you, sister.” Quiet words, barely a whisper, but he knows she can hear it.
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@vcnishes​ asked: I’m one step away from going crazy!
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“Darling sister, you’re a MIKAELSON. I do believe that ship sailed several centuries ago.”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@dcvastates​ asked: I don’t understand what you want from me.
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     “Then allow me to make myself very clear, Freya.” His tone is firm, as is his gaze which is locked onto her. “What I WANT from you, is for you to stay in that bed and rest.” The amount of energy she had extended, it was a wonder she could even get out of the bed. It had been enough to make her incapable of casting magic ( temporarily, he was sure. He hoped. Magic was important to her. If she lost it because of them - it just was not fair. ) “I promise you, we will be fine. Rest, relax. Perhaps watch a movie or a TV Series.”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@dcvastates​ asked: Are you going to avoid me now?
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“I’m not-” he cuts himself off because well, had that not been exactly what he was doing? It’s not because of her though. It’s because of him. Of course, he doesn’t expect her to believe that ( he understands why she’s mad with him, but every time he tries to make it better, all he does is make it WORSE. ) So instead he just rubs his temple and looks at her, and says perhaps the only thing that won’t start yet another argument. “I’m sorry.”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@livingprophecy​ said:  “  you’re getting that look in your eyes like you’re about to ask me what’s wrong so i’m gonna save us both the awkwardness of finding an excuse to leave and just go now.  ” / from HOPE >:)
Elijah only raised an eyebrow as he looked at his niece. She clearly was not okay, as she wouldn’t have switched her humanity off if she was doing WELL. However, no humanity did not mean no feelings. Just the absence of feeling bad or sad or morals. Really, the humanity switch was a TEMPORARY solution, one that young vampires often relied on too much. ( after all, all old vampires have their humanity well intact and cannot turn it off. they just do what they want anyway. )
“Or we can just have a conversation, Hope.” Elijah said, his tone even. “But to ease any concerns you may have, I’m not going to drag you home and try to force you to turn your humanity on. That is highly unproductive.” All that would achieve is making her angry with him, and if he did manage to get her to switch it on before she was ready then the pain she would be forced to deal with all at once… ( he remembered when he had been hit with over a thousand years of memories all at once, reliving every pain and loss in an instant. he would never force her to go through anything similar. )
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The best he could do is make sure she doesn’t do anything that she would regret when eventually she did get back in touch with her humanity. “How about we talk over milkshakes. You still like the peanut butter blast with whipped cream on the bottom, yes?”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@thiefwclf​ said: The big black wolf flops on top of Elijah, trapping him beneath layers upon layers of soft fluff. With a yawn, he stretches and rests his muzzle against Elijah's neck. Nap time.
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           “Oh, hello.” Elijah smiles, shifting slightly where he lay to be more comfortable. He had just been about to get up and do some work, but it appears that Karl had other plans ( and who was elijah to deny the large wolf when he wanted snuggles. ) He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Karl’s neck, his hands sinking into the soft fur. He lifted his head just enough to kiss the top of Karl’s nose. “You know, you’re making me quite LAZY these days.” his tone is light and full of amusement. “How can I possibly do work when I have a very cuddly wolf who deserves my utmost attention?”
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dcvilmade · 4 years ago
@thiefwclf gets an early TO s4 reunion starter
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         There had been plenty of thoughts on Elijah’s mind that day. Getting into New Orleans without any more of his siblings coming to harm, freeing Niklaus, and returning to the safe place where Hope was, so they could all be there to protect her and see her reunited with her father. Revenge had also been on his mind, burning anger, revenge, guilt - but they did not have the means for that, so he pushed it aside ( to fester and grow ) and focused on the task at hand. It wasn’t until they were almost at the safe house did Hayley mention Karl was there and a wave of emotions washed over him, emotions he couldn’t place or name ( excitement, fear, relief, terror? ) and found himself waiting anxiously until they pulled up in front of the house, in the dead of night.
         Karl was probably asleep, Elijah told himself. He wouldn’t want to wake him up. It could wait to the morning, he was sure. It’s not like it’s been years.... Elijah wouldn’t blame him if he decided that all of this was worth too much trouble - there had been no guarantee that any of the Mikaelsons could be woken up in a timely fashion. But as they approach the house, he sees Karl waiting on the porch and he knows there’s no delaying this ( he didn’t want to, he wanted to see karl, he’s missed him so much. ) so he approaches as his siblings and Hayley head inside. There’s so much he could say, so much he’s thought about saying in the Chambre, but all that he manages to say is: “Hello Karl.”
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dcvilmade · 3 years ago
@dcvastates​ said;  “  you’re getting that look in your eyes like you’re about to ask me what’s wrong so i’m gonna save us both the awkwardness of finding an excuse to leave and just go now.  ”
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All Elijah can do for a moment is stare at her. Then the moment passes, and he frowns. “You’re not going, sister.” He said with a shake of his head. “I have the perfect solution to avoid that particular awkwardness in which you just TELL ME THE TRUTH.” Was it really so hard? ( as if he didn’t do all he could to avoid answering that question too. )
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fcmilybonded · 5 years ago
“Finn?” That line of questioning makes Elijah’s eyebrow raise, and guilt churn in the base of his gut. No sign of it reaches his face; but his older brothers last admission to him has left Elijah haunted. “He is dead. Killed by Lucien Castle.” The name is spoken with utter contempt. But then the other him changes the subject and that fills in some more of the missing information. “We’ve demolished plenty of rooms in our days; but I am also MATURE ENOUGH to not let our arguments chase me away from the rest of my family. Perhaps that is not the case for all of us.” His tone is NOTHING but polite and he offers the other a pleasant smile. “And of course; there is not a single thing in the world that would keep me from being there for my darling niece.”
@fcmilybonded (x)
Ah. Deeper the rabbit hole went. He wouldn't have questioned the status of heretic, even if it were blatantly obvious. This one, wasn't one, then. "Where is Finn?" Or was he too different in this world? Still a witch, as he was in their own world, or a vampire or dead? "More importantly," Switch of track, if for nothing else than it continued to grate on him. "What was it that lead to this?" A vague wave of the hand, at the clear cohabitation. "I'd have liked to think even void of power--" And was he not just that? Had this version of himself been so de-fanged as to bow to Niklaus' every mistep and tantrum? "That not a single universe would exist in which myself and Niklaus could be in a room longer than to demolish it. And yet, here we stand."
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