#⚔ OOC
dashing-fandral · 2 months
will probably be hornyposting more frequently, here are the tags I will be using:
- ⚔ you enter the dungeon <- catch-all tag for dark erotic stuff. - ⚔ xxx <- general NSFW tag - nonconsensual cw
please filter if necessary, or browse if you are also a freak like myself 💕
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chbofficial · 26 days
I got distracted during capture the flag because I was thinking about how hot my gf is 😔
- Clarisse La Rue ⚔
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scndor · 3 months
btw just a reminder i love sandor with my whole heart and soul !!
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therosepetalrps · 1 month
@n0rthsqueen・❥・𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑
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𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃: for sandor : 〔𝟘𝟛𝟙. 𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕒 𝕘𝕒𝕫𝕖𝕓𝕠 𝕒𝕤 𝕚𝕥 𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤〕
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『✣』 The rain, thin as it was, had already turned the snow to slush beneath his boots. The cold bit at any hint of exposed skin. Sandor was starting to fear that he'd never get used to it. Although he had the colouring of a Northerner, he did not have their veins — which he was sure were shards of icicles beneath their skin.
The weather was hell on his joints and even crueler to his bad leg. Chasing Her Grace around this godsforsaken castle did it no favours either.
He'd gone to her chambers intent on escorting her to the Great Hall for a long morning of conferring with her vassals. She had not been there; an occurrence which he was growing to expect. The little sneak was worse than her sister had been, he swore.
He trudged across the yard, having already checked the library tower, the kitchens, and nearly two dozen corridors. The rain was picking up, and with it, the clouds were smothering the sun's attempt to rise. He approached the small wooden structure built where the godswood met the Glass Gardens. He saw her silhouette, bolstered by the bulk of a dark, fur-lined cloak. He muttered a curse.
In his dun breeches and drab layers of wool and leather, he often looked more peasant than Queensgaurd. But that was indeed his role, in all but name…and livery. No white cloak, nor emblazoned sigils. Not even of his own house. He was no more a Clegane than he was a Targaryen princess. Not anymore. He was a sword, as he'd always been. Though, he was now a sword swung by a far more merciful hand than any that had wielded him before. If she ever let him swing at all.
Sandor stepped onto the decking, the wooden slats creaking beneath his weight, staring at her back.
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vesperzyr · 2 months
You think I'm a serious roleplayer but I once did this
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The fae king rests as peacefully as he can.
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Yet another ask/rp blog run by this dumbass, Elder Faerie this time though! M!as are welcome!
This blog is getting reaction images, something a little different from lily and sugar but I might as well try it out- I'll try to portray Elder Faerie as accurately as I can but I can't make any promises- headcanons will end up sneaking in more than likely!
[Bonus Muses!] - Silverbell Cookie - Mercurial Knight Cookie
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nifft · 6 months
- ̗̀ STARTER CALL  ̖́-
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Making this post for current and new followers to interact with!
♡ Like for a simple starter ✎ Reply with a pencil for your muse to receive a drawing from Niffty 🗡 Specify who if multi-muse
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infernal-general · 6 months
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Okay! With finally getting my mind in order, time to do the same with my blog(s) as well.
First of all, my Discord is
You might want to add me there as I'm blog jumping like crazy and might not see your message.
Secondly I somehow manage the feat of being semi-active on 4 (will be 5-) blogs. If you're interested in more of the Véghváry madness/lore the other relatives are: @lightningdamned (sideblog to @phoenixduelist), @deathshadowed & @phoenixborn . Each fits into the Hazbin/Helluva verse; pls follow me there if you want to ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Also the blog hopping completely destroyed my following page so dash commentary is/will be very hard for me to do as the timeline is beyond messed up on mobile.
Now, the To Do list:
Throw myself back into people's messages to plot out starters. @arachnaemboss & @r-adio I'm so sorry for the wait I swear I'm still alive
Actually spit out said starters.
Schedule posts. I don't use queue because I'm too dyscalculiac to fully understand that.
Start the multiple story arc rolling with @infernal-feminae
Throw @ashortdropandasuddenstop into the very depths of this family.
Finish the Walking Dead sideblog's Carrd + make Eva Green icons as live action Rozy
I have 23 drafts on @phoenixborn ?? Finish majority of them and of course start new ones. Love my cosmic rocker pls
Give more attention to Raia @lightningdamned and Karma @deathshadowed .
Finish secret fifth blog carrd and tags🤫
Write out missing verse information on ALL BLOGS (ha that's going to be a good one.)
Find more writing partners/friends
Sleep sometime I guess??
Declare VWU (Véghváry Writing Universe) official
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trcstfunded · 6 months
sticks leg in - rafe's hair is very soft :)))
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quartzhearted · 4 months
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@hermidetta the silent contributor
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phoenixduelist · 1 month
շօ𝖙𝖍 𝕬𝖚𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖙 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖑
Like this for Queen verse Rozy to include/meet/take your muse(s) to a true Hungarian celebration of independence: from dances to traditional food, of course pálinka & the Queen is not planning to spend the day and night sitting
Fun fact: It was in Hungarian law to celebrate 20th August from 1222. Of course the people already did long before that, starting from 1083 when the first sovereign Hungarian King Stephen I was canonized as Saint. The law served to make it as an official holiday.
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scndor · 2 months
whatever u do don't imagine sandor in his hotd verse (sworn shield for any of the royal family) bonding with aegon while he's healing bc not only do they have burns on the same side but !!! their brothers are the cause !!! and sandor used to think he was a shitter but now feels sorry for him
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therosepetalrps · 12 days
kill  :  what  would  it  take  for  your  muse  to  take  another  life  ?  self  -  defense  ,  simply  impulse  ,  protecting  someone  else  ?  another  reason  ?
demons  :  say  if  your  muse  was  in  silent  hill  ,  a  mystical  town  that  shows  it’s  visitors  physical  manifestations  of  their  own  demons  -  what  would  they  see  ?
endings  :  say  if  your  muse  was  in  a  multi  -  ending  video  game  ,  what  would  be  their  good  /  neutral  /  bad  endings  ?  do  they  have  a  'true’  ending  ,  aka  the  ending  you  see  as  'canon’  for  them  ?  is  it  one  of  the  aformentioned  ones  ?
( all for Sandor!! )
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𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 : what would it take for your muse to take another life? self-defense, simply impulse, protecting someone else? another reason?
All of the above? Duty when under service of the Lannisters, self-defense while wandering out on his own post-Blackwater, protective instincts whenever Arya or Sansa are near. Do I believe that he kills for pleasure? That he relishes killing and delights in causing pain? Absolutely not.
"Your father lied. Killing is the sweetest thing there is." — A Clash of Kings, Sansa IV
^ That right there and the rest of its ilk? Utter posturing. The words of The Hound, and not of Sandor Clegane.
For all of his mockery of Sansa and her naive beliefs about stories and songs, he is living in the same delusion. The only difference is — Sansa desires to play the 'fair maiden' role in the song, while Sandor wants to assume the role of the villain or the monster.
"Some septa trained you well. You're like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren't you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite." — A Game of Thrones, Sansa II
If Sansa has been trained to recite pretty, empty courtesies — then Sandor's bloodthirsty boasting is just as meaningless.
I do believe, however, that he takes satisfaction in killing — which is a very different beast in my opinion.
"A knight's a sword with a horse. The rest, the vows and the sacred oils and the lady's favors, they're silk ribbons tied round the sword. Maybe the sword's prettier with ribbons hanging off it, but it will kill you just as dead." — A Storm of Swords, Arya VI
In Sandor's eyes, he is a sword. He is built to kill, to bring suffering and to spill blood. That is all he's good for. It is his purpose. And fulfilling that purpose brings him a twisted, depressing sense of satisfaction.
I have no heart, just ice and stone Made up of nails and teeth and bone And I know exactly what I'm for To hurt and destroy and nothing more — Battle Cry, Beth Crowley
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𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐒 : say  if  your  muse  was  in  silent  hill ,  a  mystical  town  that  shows  it’s  visitors  physical  manifestations  of  their  own  demons  -  what  would  they  see?
Manifestations of his brother!!! If Gregor is eight feet tall, then he would manifest as fifteen or twenty feet tall — a haunting exaggeration of how much larger he felt to seven-year old Sandor on the day he was burned.
A hulking monster, casting a long-stretching shadow that he cannot escape from. No matter how fast he runs, Gregor need only take a step or two to continue casting his shadow over him — a representation of the shroud he lays over Sandor's existence, no matter where he goes or what he does.
Fire, and smoke, and the scent of burning flesh on the wind. Thick, choking smoke would roll in like fog every so often. Rooms would suddenly spring up into flame. He would feel the flames lick at his skin, but never burn him — taunting him.
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𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : say  if  your  muse  was  in  a  multi  -  ending  video  game ,  what  would  be  their  good  /  neutral  /  bad  endings ?  do  they  have  a  'true’  ending,  aka  the  ending  you  see  as  'canon’  for  them?  is  it  one  of  the  aformentioned  ones?
𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 — Canon GOT S8. D&D's hard-on for "Cleganebowl" was beyond stupid and insulting to the character. Sandor had evolved so far beyond the blind desire for revenge that reverting back to it at the eleventh hour felt like spitting in the character and the audience's faces.
Am I thrilled with Sandor dying in general? Nope. I'm not a fan of "character overcomes and survives literal hell and finally has hope of peace only to die". But, I get it. It's GOT. People die and it's fucked. I could have lived with it had he died in a way that better suited who his character was at that point. If he was going to die, I wish he'd done so during The Long Night while protecting Arya. Satisfying in terms of narrative, emotional, and would have made one of my all-time favorite Arya & Sandor exchanges excellent foreshadowing ("when's the last time you fought for anyone but yourself" — "I fought for you, didn't I?").
Of course, S8 has a thousand more objectively worthy gripes when it comes to the idea of "George R.R Martin would never ever write that", but it's my worthiest gripe. Sandor, as a character, is very complexly and tenderly handled by George (my favorite fun-fact ever being that Sandor cries as many times as he drops an f-bomb — 4 vs 4). GRRM would never put a action-bro 'Sandor v. Gregor' cage match onto the page. You can't convince me otherwise.
And, personally, I felt like it was so gross to take this character — a man who had been horrifically tortured and disfigured by his older brother, who lived with that debilitating trauma and phobia of fire for his entire life — and have his final moments be......getting further horrifically tortured and disfigured by his abuser before dying in fire. It wasn't enjoyable to watch. It wasn't 'badass'. It wasn't 'epic'. It was gross. And a classic stop to point to on the roadtrip of "D&D don't get GRRM".
𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 — Remaining with the villagers/remaining on the Quiet Isle. Not my #1 favorite, but a beloved one nonetheless. Sandor living out his days somewhere where he's valued for something other than killing, quiet and peaceful. Repenting and reflecting on past mistakes and misdeeds. Finding a friend and confidant in Septon Ray/Elder Brother. Keeping Stranger at his side. This is the equivalent of Sandor having a 'retirement' ending and it warms my heart.
𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 — Sworn shield and Queensguard to The Queen in the North, Sansa Stark. Finding true peace in service. Having real, tangible purpose. Discovering the ability to feel pride. Sworn to a woman who would never ask anything dishonorable of him — the first master that would treat him as a human being rather than a dog. A home in Winterfell — the first place to feel like home since he was a toddler. And then, to make it really self-indulgent, Arya eventually returns from her sea journey westward and he has his pain-in-the-arse daughter back.
In terms of a canon ending, it is '𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆' for me all the way. Pure wish-fulfillment and I have zero shame about that. As far as I'm concerned, that is all cold hard facts and S8 is fever-dream fanfic
But for an objective 'true' ending? I think it would be something quite in-line with '𝐍𝐄𝐔𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆'.
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If a single human being read all 1100+ words of this, you are contractually entitled to a piece of my soul holy shit
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vesperzyr · 1 month
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call for mains!
I think it'll be useful in order to keep the storylines moving and to have people I know I can go to when I come up with a certain plots, tag on things that remind me of our characters or for random starters.
Like this post if you want us to be mains, for exclusives you should send me a message so we talk about it on DMs/Discord.
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infernal-general · 6 months
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trcstfunded · 3 months
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doin' that thing that i do & coming to tell you all i miss rafe
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