#♫ Temperaturen är hög uti kroppen närmare 40 än 37 komma 5 ♫
windfighter · 2 years
It doesn't work like that
Prompt: "Shouldn't you be happy?"
Kouji was sitting in the garden, leaned against a tree. Wolf laid next to him, head in Kouji’s lap and Kouji petted him. Kousei leaned against the doorframe, watched them. Kouji’s eyes seemed to look at something far away, and yet they didn’t seem to see anything. Kousei sighed and walked over to Kouji.
”Shouldn’t you be happy?” he asked.
Kouji blinked, turned to look at him. His movements were slow and Kousei realized Kouji must have been deep in his own thoughts. Maybe he shouldn’t have interrupted. He guestured at nothing in particular.
”You’ve found your brother, and Tomoko. You have friends. We’re not going to move any time soon”, Kousei continued. He was still waiting for Kouji to show any anger about keeping Tomoko and Kouichi a secret. ”Shouldn’t you be happy?”
Kouji buried his fingers in Wolf’s fur and frowned. He slowly shook his head.
”...Depression doesn’t work like that”, he said.
Kousei knew that. He had been there when Kouji got diagnosed, had read up about it to be able to help, but it was still… He still thought the depression was because Tomoko’s death. He scratched the back of his neck.
”I know, it just… hurts to see you like this.”
Kouji smiled. It wasn’t happy, but it also wasn’t forced.
”I’m fine”, Kouji said. ”You don’t need to worry.”
”I’m not worrying”, Kousei said. He realized it was a lie. ”Okay, maybe a little. I just want to see you happy.”
”I’m not not happy”, Kouji said. ”Sometimes I just need to go outside and touch grass.”
Kousei put a hand on Kouji’s head and ruffled his hair. He tried to smile.
”Okay then”, he said. ”You know I’m always here if you need me.”
Kouji rolled his eyes before he nodded.
”I know, dad.”
Kousei knew Kouji well enough to tell that it was a lie. It would be useless to press. He patted Kouji’s shoulder.
”Dinner’s in an hour, after that we’ll take Wolf for a walk”, he said. ”Don’t lose track of time.”
Kouji nodded and Kousei walked back into the house.
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