#♩ 》 ( verse. genshin impact. ) // forsaken kairi sei onna.
kuratm · 10 months
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@avaere asked: " hey hey hey ------------ wanna see a coooool trick ? ? ?" but the issue about certain onis , more specifically those under the name of arataki itto , is that while most people are given a chance to answer such questions by the one in charge , he does not wait around . there's an impression to be made , one that requires eye contact as he simply squats down towards the ground , claws digging into the soil between them as he --- you guessed it --- scoops up a portion of brown, dry dirt. there's a smirk lingering on the oni's face as he , dreadfully so , shoves his hand confidently towards his widening mouth. he devours the dirt, rocks crunching between sharp teeth ( determination or idiocy ? ? ? ) as he knows people DIGS ! DAREDEVILS ! for what bigger daredevil than an actual oni would see it as suitable and ... normal enough to consume dirt in order to ... impress someone. it's almost concerning how eager itto is about this achievement. " ------------------------- i can eat anythin' y'ant ! " the rocks smash up against the oni's teeth as he ... swallows some of it ... a hand slapping against his chest proudly ; " ain't --- ain't nothin' arataki itto won't put his mouth on ! ! ! no challenge is great enough ! ! ! " is this ... courting ?
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sayu has come to know a certain, eccentric oni whose presence was grand yet entire personality, well...colorful. it's almost funny how much they contrast each other, with the musician of inazuma having cooler colors, mellower temper and quieter nature whereas him being bright, loud and pompous. was it bothersome? honestly, not at all - she's met far, far worse individuals throughout her experience on the stage - and actually enjoyed this energy. the nation of eternity tended to be quite stuck up with past traditions and refused to move onward alongside other nations of teyvat, so the electro wielder found itto's nature a much needed, fresh air.
however...the same couldn't be said for his strange competitiveness. seeing how much effort he puts was commendable, sure, but sayu quickly understood he didn't think through his actions ... hence why amethyst eyes widened in shock when the way, way taller oni kneels and begins putting dirt in his mouth. what in great seven was he thinking?!
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almost instantly, sayu rushed to him and suddenly grabs his hands and forcibly guides them to toss the remaining dirt off. ❛ i-itto-san, please stop that...! spit it out, now...!!! ❜ she can't remember the last time panic took her over like that, but could you blame her?! first off, this was plain unsanitary and secondly, completely unsafe for him! while fussing over itto, a thought popped in her head: what WAS he trying to pull off, in that very moment? regardless, she'd rather focus on making sure he spat it all out and check if he was alright or not.
the pure irony of the inazuman rock musician, whose career rolls around intense music and deep messages, would be quite the worrywart and wouldn't understand the gist behind itto's...impressive gesture, wasn't it? ❛ hahhh...great seven...come on, i'll get you some water, alright...? ❜ if this was his attempt of courting, then it clearly didn't work.
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kuratm · 2 days
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@ultmanias asked: i saw you hiding. / from ayato !
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hiding wouldn't be an appropriate word for hannya's current course off action - in actuality, she was observing in the shadows. truthfully speaking, the immortal being remained skeptical and wary of those daring to step any further within seirai island - her home island, so to speak - and nary found herself relaxing around one. mortals weren't hard to frighten, and they found the unknown the most terrifying. this one - ayato, as he claimed - whilst not one to show threatening signs, was yet to gain hannya's relaxed stance. of course, it didn't mean she'd draw her sword without any care - no, she was a skilled warrior who knew ins and outs of battle - but being overly chummy was out of the question. then again...perhaps she was just unsure on how to approach the apparent "commissioner" of "yashiro commission" ... whatever that meant. heavens above, did the world outside this island change ... including inazuma, itself. could she even call it her home?
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regardless, hannya's soulless glare continues piercing through looming shadows the trees offered as thunder continues crackling above their heads. while it seemed as if she was ready to strike a vicious attack, the truth was far from complicating ... seeing that she was just looking ayato up and down whilst contemplating the words through her mind. in the end, the artificial yokai summoned herself before ayato in blink of an eye, dark amethyst eyes softening only a smidgen as one hand reaches to press against her chest - as if showing respect. ❛ ....sorry. ❜ she begins, her tone quiet yet monotone. ❛ ...i was making sure there weren't monsters nearby. hm...how are you, ayato? ❜ this should've been the first thing she said, but alas, she hoped the taller of two would understand the gist.
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LOVE IS COSMIC .... accepting!
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kuratm · 3 days
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@ultmanias asked: i'll always be here for you. / from aether !
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had it been prior to inazuma's cease of civil war, hannya wouldn't even acknowledge the sentiment and, for better or worse, shoo it away - be it in harmless or threatening way. aether wasn't anyone else, however, for the traveler was quite the stubborn kind. since he stepped on this island and coming face to face with the one who shouldn't ever resurface in society, he's been nothing short but a regular visitor. she couldn't understand his reasoning for wishing to spend time with her - even after discovering who she actually is, aether never gave up the stride. somehow, the artificial yokai found her mind reeling on the more, well...pleasant times of her past. yes, they were sparse but they were there, tucked in and resurfacing to remind her of times when someone wouldn't see her for a cruel, vicious monster which served for the shogun...but a mere girl who knew nothing but her sword, death and destruction.
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perhaps such memories is why hannya wasn't as stiff around aether - maybe he reminded her of the one who first showed her the beauty of this world. regardless, the immortal woman would peer directly at the traveler without a blink before nodding in almost robotic fashion. then and there, hannya crosses her arms and lets her gaze wander towards the dark purple skies. ❛ ...i will....be there for you too, aether... ❜ she replied in stiff fashion then cleared her throat. ❛ i only hope...you'll keep that promise. i don't usually wish people being there for me, is all. ❜
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LOVE IS COSMIC .... accepting!
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kuratm · 7 days
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@ultmanias asked: i want to know you. / from kazuha !
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many have vanished out of the sight just by sheer thought of meeting any sort of individual in desolate land such as seirai island. why, the mere notion of visiting this place would send shivers down any mortal's spine - this wasn't a "tourist spot", so to speak, nor the safest area. hannya, on other hand, found tranquility in here - the sound of rapid winds and unpleasant crackling of thunders seemed to put her mind at ease. perhaps it's odd but to her, it proved perfect to withdraw and sit alone, with nobody but her thoughts. she'd provide additional sound with a shakuhachi - the only thing that's about pleasant about seirai island - but other than that, never had the immortal being been in presence of a mortal who stayed here for longer than 5 seconds, let alone stood before her without an ounce of fear.
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the wandering samurai was different for those reasons, alone. despite the seemingly aloof demeanor, his tone was as gentle as the scent he brought with the outside wind. perhaps it's due to his anemo vision, but hannya never wafted a ... pleasant, calming breeze in all these years. come to think of it, how long has it passed since the shogun - her creator - banished its' creation? it seems there were many things hannya is yet to learn, especially if others were insistent for her to reconnect with this world...'twas a slow but painful process, but one she needed to push through. this included kazuha's offer to meet the artificial yokai, which earned him nothing more but hannya's nod and blank eyes peering directly into gentle rubies. was he not afraid? would he truly wish to know the dried blood which stained her hands? so many questions lingered in her mind, but she chooses not to perceive them.
❛ …alright, then. ❜ she begins quietly, eyes closing for a brief moment as arms crossed over her chest - almost as if she went in defense mode the second his question reached her ears. hannya's stance remains stiff, even after choosing to sit next to the rouge samurai, but her eyes, now less blank and more gentle - more curious, even - open and gaze back at kazuha. ❛ ....ask away. what...do you want to know about me...? i'm...not one to talk so easily. ❜ her words were strained, but it really was due to her lack of knowledge on mere talking.
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LOVE IS COSMIC .... accepting!
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kuratm · 8 days
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@ultmanias asked: this isn't the end …remember. / from dain !
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silence prolongs, allowing the words to flutter along the rapid wings of seirai island - them being the only source of tiniest comfort. hannya wasn't sure what this man, dainsleif, wished from her, yet she knew torture and loneliness very well. hell, they were akin to an old friend - one she didn't wish to have yet they stuck too close. perhaps it's why the forsaken being, with eyes exhuming such loneliness, could detect the exact feeling in him. many would say it's too dangerous to be in her presence, yet she wished nothing more but peace and quiet, as well as for small pleasantries. that's what being a hermit meant, after all - a hermit to the rest of teyvat, no, this world. if not even the shogun yearned for one she created, then what's the point of beginning?
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that's the thought hannya stood by, initially, but those would come to pass after inazuma reopened itself - after the traveler stood by the hermit's side, never refusing to move an extended hand. after living in solitude for this long, you certainly couldn't expect hannya to be the best with communication - verbal one, at least - but she was far from foolish. she knew, very well, that exterior influences were responsible for bringing her a variety of people, whom she formed connections with...this included the man with many mysteries, himself. who or what he was mattered little to her ... they were both detached from this world, at the end of day.
having him, out of all people, remind hannya that no, this wasn't the end, felt almost ironic...then again, who was she to judge? what was once the shogun's shinigami was now an empty husk...one which needed to be taught and guided in times such as these. mulling over her thoughts, the shorter woman could only gaze up at dainsleif before nodding slowly, quietly murmuring: ❛ ...i'll remember you, then...for it isn't an end for either of us. ❜ - did this make sense? alas, verbal talk was not her forte.
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LOVE IS COSMIC .... accepting!
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kuratm · 1 year
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@peachiiihearts asked: 28 .   a  kiss  over  a  scar . || itto (for hannya)
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after battling through hoards of hillichurls, which dared interfering hannya's momentary peace, she is quick to draw her sword back. after looking around with sharp eyes, the artifical yokai exhales and turns to find the crimson oni, who fought alongside her, looking over what appeared to be...a scar? for a moment, hannya stood still with an intense gaze, obviously curious of the situation at hand, before an echo comes in her mind.
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in cases like these, one person will come closer to press a kiss over another's scar...something hannya didn't entirely understand, but after seeing the one on itto's being, she finds herself inclined to do exactly that. thus she does so, after approaching the larger oni and takes hold of his arm. she looks over the wound before inching it closer to press tender kisses down it, not minding the blood whatsoever. was she...doing this right?
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kuratm · 1 year
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@peachiiihearts asked: 22 .   a  kiss  on  the  forehead . || itto (for sayuri)
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an onslaught of laughter was all that could escape the musician, being unable to stop for the last minute or so. almighty shogun, the electro girl almost forgot how silly the oni could actually be, by himself or with his fun gang. while sayuri could understand shinobu's constant concern over them, knowing what sorts of "trouble" they got into, she couldn't help but find them even more endearing. despite her gloom, itto was always there to shine her day even more brightly...just where did he find this much energy?
when she catches her breath, she looks over at itto and, while waiting for him to fully immerse himself in an usual ramble, she sneaks in to press a kiss on his forehead, as a surprise. she giggles, seeing the look on the oni's face, and tilts her head as if feigning innocence. ❛ oh, i'm sorry...i didn't mean to interrupt one of your great stories...~ go right ahead, i'm listening. ❜
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kuratm · 1 year
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@peachiiihearts asked: 30 .   a  kiss  to  say  goodbye . || heizou
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ah, how much time has passed? if the electro idol could be honest, spending time with the famed detective of tenryou commission became one of her favorite pastimes - so much so that said time went by much faster than she anticipated. once realizing it was time for her to return to practice, as well as heizou needing to return to a case, sayu could only sigh and let for their time together to end...for now, at least. she couldn't help it! his stories were always so fascinating for sayu, albeit them being "too grueling", at times.
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before they could part ways, she'd lean in and press a soft kiss to his cheek as if making sure her lipstick stays behind. after breaking off, her smile is soft and a little timid before giggling. ❛ i'll see you around, heizou~ ❜ is all she'd say before walking past the detective, waving off and going her merry way. oh, almighty shogun, had she truly just done such a bold act!?
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kuratm · 1 year
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@peachiiihearts asked: 17 .   a  kiss  last  thing  at  night . || lumine
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despite the traveler's stories, each detail being sucked in like a sponge, hannya felt nothing short but disconnected from them. while yes, her adventures in sumeru have been harrowing - even needing to deal with him - she couldn't say she understood them. after all, the artificial yokai has lived a hermitic live for 100 years, unaware of the rapid changes which inazuma, no, teyvat went through. regardless, she always did her best to be a good listener. talking wasn't up hannya's forte, but surely, listening was much easier.
after lumine expressed tiredness, hannya nods quietly and allows the other to lay her head on her shoulder - a vast improvement, considering she would've gone in her fighting instincts - before putting a hesitant hand on blonde locks. such softness and tenderness...to this day, hannya feels underserving, and she likely never will, but she supposed there was a first time for everything. at that moment, empty eyes look at the slumbering girl and leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead. she didn't need to talk - actions spoke for her.
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kuratm · 1 year
tags - verses!
♩ 》 ( verse. fandomless. ) // leader of a gothic rock band!  ♩ 》 ( verse. persona 5. ) // you are a slave. want emancipation?  ♩ 》 ( verse. persona 3. ) // remember that you will die. ♩ 》 ( verse. genshin impact. ) // forsaken kairi-sei onna. ♩ 》 ( verse. honkai star rail. ) // path of nihility. ♩ 》 ( verse. twisted wonderland. ) // we will show you a happy ending. ♩ 》 ( verse. kingdom hearts. ) // destined wielder of darkness. ♩ 》 ( verse. danganronpa. ) // ultimate j-rock sensation. ♩ 》 ( verse. sk8 the infinity. ) // elusive and beautiful sirena. ♩ 》 ( verse. tmnt 2012. ) // the youkai of new york city.
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