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shmowder · 5 months ago
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Alternative universe where Lara asked for help first
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broaljn330 · 2 years ago
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You can pre-order now by searching "alfred g lara" release date is St. Patrick's Day ♧ 3/17/22 and you qualify for free shipping. #sealedthebook (at Orlando, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZC9F4mOXKJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soulcluster-moved · 3 years ago
anonymous ♧ (Link) ♢ (Lara) ✍ ❀ (muns choice!)
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♧ Any part of their canon portrayal you dislike?
concerning botw at least, it’s very vague in general so it’s easy to just mold and do what I want. and that’s how a lot of the games are. I don’t think there’s anything I necessarily dislike about how he’s portrayed in any game? I guess botw can be entirely too vague and there’s this kinda running theme throughout all the games that like.......every girl is in love with link. and I get it but after the nth game it’s like, ok no. I think...actually, on a replay of TP, I really wasn’t vibing with how midna treated link and didn’t find it endearing, but I’m pretty sure that’s some kind of trope in japan. I guess my biggest complain would be the lack of development in personal relationships to link.
♢ What's your opinion on different interpretations of your muse?
I’ll keep it within the games because as far as rp goes, live your life, you know? but classic lara, lau lara, and survivor lara all have different personalities to me. 
classic is very trophy hunter, in it for the thrill and displaying things in her collection, a very literal interpretation of ‘tomb raider’. she’s definitely badass, and I mildly prefer her childhood story over the others (disowned by her parents), but overall I don’t find her that engaging personally.
lau lara...unpopular opinion probably but while I enjoyed the gameplay and a few other things, I (largely) didn’t like the plot and how lara is. she’s not a trophy hunter here but her whole reason for exploring is her mom. and that’s fine but I don’t vibe with it personally. she’s at least still badass too. also just....im sorry but legend made no sense to me story-wise.
survivor lara is my favorite as far as personalities go (which is why mine is based there). she’s not a trophy hunter, she does respect what she’s learning, and she’s not doing it for family. her dad is kind of a part of it and I wish they’d drop the family angle already but for the most part she’s her own person. I do want them to give her more agency in general and also drop the trinity stuff, which is why my own interpretation pulls from some of her more fun adventures in classic and adapts them a bit. 
❀ Share a headcanon you have not shared.
UHHH....I haven’t shared it here sooo... lara has a motorcycle collection at her manor.
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                                                       the mun’s interpretation >> accepting!! 
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inovaniteroi · 6 years ago
Fim do namoro entre Bruna Marquezine e Neymar bomba na web e seguidores fazem piada com o término
Neymar e Bruna Marquezine (Foto: Divulgação)
O relacionamento de Bruna Marquezine e Neymar é um tanto conturbado, cheio de idas e vindas. Nesta quinta-feira, 18 de outubro, a atriz confirmou o fim do relacionamento.
+Latino termina noivado, busca ajuda de profissional e tenta salvar relacionamento
“Eu sei que vocês [jornalistas] têm de perguntar, vocês sabem que eu normalmente não falo sobre a minha vida pessoal. Eu vou falar sobre isso porque tenho que falar, mas será só uma vez. Sim, nós terminamos, foi uma decisão que partiu dele” disse ela, no evento de comemoração dos 30 anos da marca Le Lis Blanc, na cidade de São Paulo.
+Bruno Gagliasso finge chilique nos bastidores da novela O Sétimo Guardião; vídeo
Porém, os fãs do casal se apegam às voltas e não desistem de acreditar que BruMar vai reatar mais uma vez. Em 2016, os pombinhos desfizeram o nó o motivo foi o fato de que Bruna não queria se comprometer tão cedo.
Desta vez, com mais um novo término, os seguidores do ex-casal repercutiram a notícia do fim do relacionamento. Veja os principais comentários:
– Bruna Marquezine e Neymar se separam de novo e choca internet -Internet: pic.twitter.com/8pJ7Midk7S
— Rai
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(@RaiContreiras) October 19, 2018
“brumar acabou” não é mais novidade para desse casal ioiô que sempre termina e volta, em dezembro já prevejo foto deles novamente trocando presentes de natal e passando o ano novo juntos e não choca mais nenhum telespectador pic.twitter.com/vedwlwvVpO
— ؘ (@sweewtener) October 19, 2018
To assim mesmo, nem ligando kkkk #brumar pic.twitter.com/gthrbmihfc
— Lucas (@Lucas57130157) October 19, 2018
Brumar acabou/lembrei que eles sempre voltam depois de um tempo pic.twitter.com/5LASZQCyZx
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(@forhsx) October 19, 2018
Semana quem vem eles voltam, rlx galera. #brumar pic.twitter.com/z57PywLYUm
— Celso ♧ (@inhou_u) October 19, 2018
Bruna e Neymar terminaram, é a sua chance @ShawnMendes #BruMar pic.twitter.com/uZMJRzU630
— mari que vai ir na tour do shawn em 2019 (@beyshawnbr) October 19, 2018
bruna marquezine n ta namorando mais, é hj que o shawn curte as fotos dela sem medo pic.twitter.com/GX1oTXhqZ6
— lara loves shawn
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(@mutualshawnie) October 19, 2018
— Dhejeison (@Dhejeison) October 19, 2018
Marquezine e menino Neymar são o Justin Bieber e Selena Gomez brasileiros. É tanto vai e volta q a gente até se perde… Agora vamos esperar os próximos capítulos.. Será q aparecerá uma Baldwin brasileira na história tbm!? No aguardo #brumar pic.twitter.com/9oadtF2Fzb
— Cristina
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(@CristinaSilvaPr) October 19, 2018
NEYMAR O QUE VC FEZ??? MEU BRUMAR CARA pic.twitter.com/29dTm6GuTS
— Maria
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(@everbaldwin) October 19, 2018
Neymar e Bruna Marquezine terminaram o namoro e deixaram o país em choque. A notícia deixou os fãs do casal devastados, mas muitos já desconfiavam do fim do relacionamento entre os pombinhos, que davam alguns indícios.
+ Segundo Sol promove casal de três e exibirá beijo triplo na Globo
Os dois pararam de curtir e comentar as fotos um do outro nas redes sociais, além de começarem a circular pelos lugares sem o uso da tradicional aliança deles. No entanto, um motivo maior teria levado o fim dessa conturbada relação.
+ Globo minimiza denúncia e protege Bolsonaro após Caixa 2
De acordo com informações da IstoÉ, o motivo teria sido um novo affair, Camila Karam, estudante de medicina e modelo, com quem ele teria tido um envolvimento no final de 2014, na época que não estava com Marquezine.
Recentemente, ela estava em Portugal e foi flagrada chegando em Barcelona, onde Neymar também estava. Eles teriam sido visto juntos em uma boate da cidade espanhola, enquanto todos achavam que o craque estava com Bruna.
Os rumores do término ganharam enormes proporções e Bruna Marquezine decidiu abrir o jogo sobre o fim da relação entre eles.
Neymar e Bruna Marquezine (Foto: Divulgação)
“Está tudo certo, está tudo bem. Eu vi muita gente falando que esse término foi por parte de um desentendimento político. E eu queria deixar muito claro: não foi político. Eu quero que isso fique claro, a gente está vivendo um momento muito crítico”, afirmou ela ao UOL.
+ Globo minimiza denúncia e protege Bolsonaro após Caixa 2
Bruna revelou ainda que a decisão de colocar o fim no namoro partiu do jogador, o que deixou diversos fãs surpresos, pois acreditavam que a atriz global é quem tinha decidido acabar com a relação. “Foi uma decisão que partiu dele, mas existe muito respeito, muito carinho. Por ele e por tudo que a gente viveu”, disse ela em entrevista a revista Quem.
+ Segundo Sol promove casal de três e exibirá beijo triplo na Globo
O post Fim do namoro entre Bruna Marquezine e Neymar bomba na web e seguidores fazem piada com o término apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
from Gazeta da Lapa https://ift.tt/2R1q7FF via IFTTT
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2q1pHUg
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gazetadalapa · 6 years ago
Fim do namoro entre Bruna Marquezine e Neymar bomba na web e seguidores fazem piada com o término
Neymar e Bruna Marquezine (Foto: Divulgação)
O relacionamento de Bruna Marquezine e Neymar é um tanto conturbado, cheio de idas e vindas. Nesta quinta-feira, 18 de outubro, a atriz confirmou o fim do relacionamento.
+Latino termina noivado, busca ajuda de profissional e tenta salvar relacionamento
“Eu sei que vocês [jornalistas] têm de perguntar, vocês sabem que eu normalmente não falo sobre a minha vida pessoal. Eu vou falar sobre isso porque tenho que falar, mas será só uma vez. Sim, nós terminamos, foi uma decisão que partiu dele” disse ela, no evento de comemoração dos 30 anos da marca Le Lis Blanc, na cidade de São Paulo.
+Bruno Gagliasso finge chilique nos bastidores da novela O Sétimo Guardião; vídeo
Porém, os fãs do casal se apegam às voltas e não desistem de acreditar que BruMar vai reatar mais uma vez. Em 2016, os pombinhos desfizeram o nó o motivo foi o fato de que Bruna não queria se comprometer tão cedo.
Desta vez, com mais um novo término, os seguidores do ex-casal repercutiram a notícia do fim do relacionamento. Veja os principais comentários:
– Bruna Marquezine e Neymar se separam de novo e choca internet -Internet: pic.twitter.com/8pJ7Midk7S
— Rai
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(@RaiContreiras) October 19, 2018
“brumar acabou” não é mais novidade para desse casal ioiô que sempre termina e volta, em dezembro já prevejo foto deles novamente trocando presentes de natal e passando o ano novo juntos e não choca mais nenhum telespectador pic.twitter.com/vedwlwvVpO
— ؘ (@sweewtener) October 19, 2018
To assim mesmo, nem ligando kkkk #brumar pic.twitter.com/gthrbmihfc
— Lucas (@Lucas57130157) October 19, 2018
Brumar acabou/lembrei que eles sempre voltam depois de um tempo pic.twitter.com/5LASZQCyZx
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(@forhsx) October 19, 2018
Semana quem vem eles voltam, rlx galera. #brumar pic.twitter.com/z57PywLYUm
— Celso ♧ (@inhou_u) October 19, 2018
Bruna e Neymar terminaram, é a sua chance @ShawnMendes #BruMar pic.twitter.com/uZMJRzU630
— mari que vai ir na tour do shawn em 2019 (@beyshawnbr) October 19, 2018
bruna marquezine n ta namorando mais, é hj que o shawn curte as fotos dela sem medo pic.twitter.com/GX1oTXhqZ6
— lara loves shawn
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(@mutualshawnie) October 19, 2018
— Dhejeison (@Dhejeison) October 19, 2018
Marquezine e menino Neymar são o Justin Bieber e Selena Gomez brasileiros. É tanto vai e volta q a gente até se perde… Agora vamos esperar os próximos capítulos.. Será q aparecerá uma Baldwin brasileira na história tbm!? No aguardo #brumar pic.twitter.com/9oadtF2Fzb
— Cristina
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(@CristinaSilvaPr) October 19, 2018
NEYMAR O QUE VC FEZ??? MEU BRUMAR CARA pic.twitter.com/29dTm6GuTS
— Maria
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(@everbaldwin) October 19, 2018
Neymar e Bruna Marquezine terminaram o namoro e deixaram o país em choque. A notícia deixou os fãs do casal devastados, mas muitos já desconfiavam do fim do relacionamento entre os pombinhos, que davam alguns indícios.
+ Segundo Sol promove casal de três e exibirá beijo triplo na Globo
Os dois pararam de curtir e comentar as fotos um do outro nas redes sociais, além de começarem a circular pelos lugares sem o uso da tradicional aliança deles. No entanto, um motivo maior teria levado o fim dessa conturbada relação.
+ Globo minimiza denúncia e protege Bolsonaro após Caixa 2
De acordo com informações da IstoÉ, o motivo teria sido um novo affair, Camila Karam, estudante de medicina e modelo, com quem ele teria tido um envolvimento no final de 2014, na época que não estava com Marquezine.
Recentemente, ela estava em Portugal e foi flagrada chegando em Barcelona, onde Neymar também estava. Eles teriam sido visto juntos em uma boate da cidade espanhola, enquanto todos achavam que o craque estava com Bruna.
Os rumores do término ganharam enormes proporções e Bruna Marquezine decidiu abrir o jogo sobre o fim da relação entre eles.
Neymar e Bruna Marquezine (Foto: Divulgação)
“Está tudo certo, está tudo bem. Eu vi muita gente falando que esse término foi por parte de um desentendimento político. E eu queria deixar muito claro: não foi político. Eu quero que isso fique claro, a gente está vivendo um momento muito crítico”, afirmou ela ao UOL.
+ Globo minimiza denúncia e protege Bolsonaro após Caixa 2
Bruna revelou ainda que a decisão de colocar o fim no namoro partiu do jogador, o que deixou diversos fãs surpresos, pois acreditavam que a atriz global é quem tinha decidido acabar com a relação. “Foi uma decisão que partiu dele, mas existe muito respeito, muito carinho. Por ele e por tudo que a gente viveu”, disse ela em entrevista a revista Quem.
+ Segundo Sol promove casal de três e exibirá beijo triplo na Globo
O post Fim do namoro entre Bruna Marquezine e Neymar bomba na web e seguidores fazem piada com o término apareceu primeiro em Gazeta da Lapa.
from Gazeta da Lapa https://ift.tt/2R1q7FF
0 notes
shmowder · 2 months ago
Well, hello there! I have a request. How would patho characters react to the random dance invitation from their significant one? Who will join them immediately and who will be dying inside with shame?
That's a fun request, like casually getting up, putting on some music and wordlessly extending your hand to them. Maybe a romantic slow dance, or a fun energetic dance as you pull them around.
Here's the most to least willing.
[Romance, Several characters]
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1. Eva
There isn't a single person on this planet who's more willing to follow you to the end of the Earth than a deeply infatuated Eva. She wants to dance with you all the time. To kiss you until you both drown.
When has Eva ever refused you a whim or a craving? When has she ever denied your affection? Be it hugs, twirls, or even your extended hand. Inviting her to join you in this declaration of love out of the blue.
Overjoyed, her enthusiasm is infectious as she accepts your offer in a heartbeat. Standing on her toes and letting you spin her around. Falling into your arms and humming alongside the melody in the air.
2. Vlad Jr.
Is love hereditary? The urge to put your partner on a pedestal and appease their every wish seems to run deep in the Olgimskys' genetics. For the average person, getting a favour out of Vlad Jr. is more akin to pulling teeth, and yet all the stubbornness fizzles into thin air once his beloved comes into the equation.
He's just curious and indulging you, is what he says. He definitely doesn't melt the second your fingers brush against his hand. He doesn't forget the concept of embarrassment once your lips curl into a smile as you whisper his name, urge him to leave the chair and stand on his feet.
He imagines putting his hand on your waist, a crystal clear picture before he follows through with the act. He imagines yours on his shoulder. He's even already predicted the pain from that one misstep you'd have over his foot. Yet he still does it all the same, follows through like it's his lifelong dream that he suddenly remembered he must achieve.
3. Bad Grief
If shame was ever worth a dime to him, your dearest wouldn't have become a criminal to begin with. That ship sailed long ago. Neither does he attempt much to keep his tough guy act going.
Sure, your request would harm his street credit and make him appear as more of a softie, so what? He can just raise it again after. Put people back in their place. This warehouse isn't a sand castle threatening to topple over at the slightest display of fragile masculinity. His people are loyal to a fault.
And he's sick of the same old boring routine. Look at you switching it up a little with a dance or two! although, a little cliché, don't you think? Not that he's complaining, if anything, he's the one pulling you back into even more dancing until your legs grow sore.
4. Artemy
It takes little effort besides the suggestion itself to convince him, maybe bat your eyelashes a little, hug his arm, and he's completely yours for the time being.
He used to watch the herb brides dance as a kid. He had his fair share of drunk soldiers stumbling around and dragging the "surgeon who saved their life" into a clumsy rowdy dance. Artemy's body is the most comfortable swaying around, deliberate controlled steps, large hands holding you close and preventing you from stumbling to the ground.
Definitely improvises, weirdly good at it. Has no problem following your leads if you ever take control of the dance. The atmosphere is light-hearted. He hasn't done something simply, just fun in a long time. The dance ends in laughter as sticky marches upstairs to ask what's all this ruckus is about. Some people are actually trying to sleep in this house, you know.
5. Lara
She reluctantly agrees after you plead your case for a while. A sigh leaving her lips as she gets up to join you. She's rigid at first, unsure movement and distant eyes. Clearly, her mind is preoccupied with a different matter, putting up very little resistance as you move her around.
So much weights on her mind, it's hard to forgo all her worries and simply be in the moment with you. Feel her heartbeat drumming along to the music, your touch on the nape of her neck, the warmth of your body so close by.
Eventually, she gives in. Walls melting as she regains her strength with a deep breath, putting her foot down and dancing to her own rhythm rather than simply making you trudge her limbless body around. She moves with fervour and passion, repressed emotions resurfacing, it's you who struggles to keep up with her. By the end, you're both breathless laying on the ground.
6. Daniil
He's too busy, he doesn't have the time. Why don't you just go to a club if you want to dance so bad? Not to mention, you're in public right now. He would like to maintain his dignity and not have the people talking about the mad doctor who lost his mind and started dancing in the streets just yet.
But if you're going to be persistent, fine. He'll do it, only to make you happy. He isn't exactly in the mood, but sure, once the two of you are back at the comfortable privacy of your home, then he'd gladly play the gentleman role as much as you want.
Daniil enjoys it more than he lets in, having someone who looks forward to dancing with him, specifically him. Even if it conflicts with his schedule, he'll make the time for you.
7. Stakh
He hasn't danced in...very long. Probably since he was a kid. Once his limb grew too tall, height too awkward, body too large for someone to properly hold.
The refusal comes out of his mouth before he has time to think about it, shaking his head and denying your earnest request. A guilty look in his eyes as your shoulders deflate.
It feels wrong, gnaws at his throat, he doesn't want to stand up. It doesn't feel appropriate yet, to celebrate, not when it's barely been a year since...he passed away. A part of him wants it, to take you in his arms and twirl you around, to smile with shakey lips as he attempts his best to recall the steps, to be a good dance partner for you, a good partner in general worthy of your heart. But he feels frozen in place, sitting on the wooden chair, back slightly hunched as he watches you move, still brimming with life.
8. Yulia
It's not that she doesn't want to. It's more of her leg not allowing her to. Making it greatly difficult for her to move around so freely. On some days things are fine and she's able to walk around the street she carved, on other days...not so much. Even the pain of her body weight pressuring down her leg as she stands is far too much to endure.
A cane might have made it easier, but she doesn't want one, nor does she care to explain why. She's more than content to sit down, nurse her drink, and watch you waltz around.
True to her word, she does pay attention. Clear eyes following your every move, her finger tapping against the table with the rhythm of the music. Maybe with enough liquid courage, she might stand up and join you for a few seconds. Although you'd have to be the one to sit her back down before she strains her ankle for more than she can endure in a moment of spite against the world.
9. Andrey
Just because he spends 90% of his day in a bar doesn't mean he's down to dancing. He watches others dance, not the other way around. The observer, never the entertainer.
Is what he claims, but in reality he doesn't mind dancing as long as he's in the mood. Make him think it's his idea, Andrey always chases after his desires, it's not that hard to make him desire having your bodies pressed together and moving to the beat of music in the air.
You'll have to be clever, plan ahead, and build up to the dance invitation. Getting Andrey to agree to something isn't that different from attempting to appease a greek god into granting you his favour.
10. Peter
It would take nothing short of a miracle to get the man to depart from his beloved corner to sulk in and actually use his god-given tissue connectors to frail his limbs around.
Peter doesn't like moving much—wait no, let me rephrase. Peter doesn't like moving much when it's not on his own terms and mood. His habit of swaying around in place only extends so far, attempt to reach for him, and he'll recoil away with a bothered expression.
He doesn't like changing his schedule for someone else, and most of all, he doesn't like getting bored. Most of his own ideas do not interest him for more than a passing second, and he's the innovative genius architect of the decade—if not century. What hope do you have with your average imagination? Even in love, he tends to be self-centered. Wanting things to go his way. For you to pay attention to him and his interests, rarely indulging yours. Why dance? Aren't we all just dancing clowns in the circus of life? Isn't society already a big masquerade? All music sounds the same, you're not doing anything new, so why even try? He might stare at you with blank eyes, dissociating halfway through.
11. Maria
Sit down before you embarrass her any further. She loves you, but this isn't the time nor the place for your impulsive shenanigans.
Spend enough time around the utopian bunch, and you, too, will quickly develop immunity to these eccentric types and their silly requests. Your display doesn't impress her. She's not letting her morning tea go cold just because you felt like taking her for a spin.
There is etiquette to these things, considerations. And your behaviour will reflect on her as well, she didn't marry so she could babysit, have some self control and wait your turn between all the other people and responsibilities demanding her attention.
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shmowder · 5 months ago
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LARA RAVEL: It's so nice of you to come. Are you tired? Hungry?
LARA RAVEL: You've heard already that all the provision's been destroyed, right? They say it was the infected meat that caused the disease... So now there's no food at all... Only the food we've managed to snatch before it all began... So I have nothing to offer, save for some bread and milk.
Daniil: Thank you, but you don't have to offer me anything. We're not man and wife.
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JESUS DANIIL. She's just offering bread and milk, not a three-way with The Haruspex!! fuck you mean "we're not man and wife" ???? Must you be wedded at the altar in order to receive baked goods and dairy products? Do you also marry your milkman Daniil? Is the local baker your fiancé??
Just take the food and shut up. Oh my god. "We're not man wife." You're starving is what you are!
Beggers can't be choosers, Danya. I would've made you do unspeakable things for that piece of bread, I would've pimped you out at the first opportunity for that 25% hunger removal. Be grateful she's giving it for free.
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shmowder · 5 months ago
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The exam season isn't doing so hot in TOG's brand new and only school... "Skool"
Inspiration + Notkin's writing and doodles were done by @torse
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shmowder · 22 days ago
hope this request is okay! could you do hcs for Daniil (and maybe Lara if it’s possible?) with a reader/partner who has ocd? (More so issues with compulsions and anxiety not anything cleaning/germ related lol) I found your one for bpd and really enjoyed! How respectfully you handled it! You’re one of the only fanfic writers I’ve found who honestly writes that kinda stuff with the proper weight! It’s really nice to see since all I usually can find it yandere stuff in relation to bpd
also what do you think about Anna possibly having ocd? She’s a canon germaphobe but she reads to me as having cohort bpd and ocd!!
With a partner who has OCD
[hurt/comfort, obsessive compulsive behaviour]
[GN Reader]
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Daniil Dankovsky
He's the type of person to be driven by what he deems as logic, reason, and proven methods. Oblivious to his own emotional motives at times, although, it doesn't make them any less real.
It creates a conflict at first, between the two of you.
His attempts to rationalise your anxiety are in vain, only serving to further frustrate. This isn't a foe that can be bested by sound reason. It never plays fair.
He's merely repeating the same logical arguments you've already used against the irrational fears, only for it to feed off of the attention. Making things worse, and in turn confusing Daniil himself as he struggles to understand why these things which usually help ground him down, aren't having the same effect on you.
It doesn't matter what the thing itself is, how big or small, a part of your brain insists that you halt your entire day just to immediately attend to it. Demanding your attention by force, a nonstop recording looping in your brain all day long.
Be it from simply glancing down to make sure you're wearing the same pair of shoes, or stopping halfway through the street and digging out your keys to read the number printed on the metal and make sure it wasn't magically swapped by a different pair of keys.
These thoughts weave themselves so seamlessly between all your other daily thoughts, adorn a mask of urgency, and make themselves seem as real as the sun in the sky during that specific moment.
They mark themselves as a need, you need to do this, otherwise the consequences will be catastrophic, and you need to do it now, otherwise your entire day—if not life—will be ruined. A cruel part of your brain makes it seem like you'll lose everything in a moment of carelessness.
So you give into the urge and do what it wants just to stop from feeling physically ill, from all-consuming anxiety attacks, to escape this fake reality that somehow enclosed you into it while you were none the wiser.
But it doesn't stop there; the cycle repeats at a later time with a different thing.
Daniil doesn't comprehend this right away, it takes him time to come to the grim realisation that he was only adding to your misery, worsening your state, encouraging the obsessive thoughts by attempting to rationalise them. Those arguments never lead anywhere, only harming you in the process.
Insisting on his version of events, that his word alone should be enough to erase all of your doubts, unaware that those were thoughts and feelings outside of your control.
The Bachelor takes it up in stride, fully admitting to his mistake, no arguments, no making things difficult, no denying of what happened. A sincere apology, not empty words and flakey promises.
And so he does the only thing he knows in time of need, he studies, researches about what ails you, consults colleagues who specialise in psychology, dusting up the old books they let him borrow.
Completely turning towards a different approach, his previous methods were flawed. It'd do no one any good to keep clinging to them when all he ever wanted from the start was just to understand you.
Daniil's self-aware when it comes to his comforting skills… or lack thereof. Reassurance hasn't been one of his best skills.
What he is good at, however, is putting on the air of being in control, of seeming capable, and knowing he is. During his brief years of working in healthcare before he established Thanatica, his confidence seemed to comfort his patients on its own, convincing them that they're in reliable hands, and allowing him the benefit of the doubt at every turn.
Whenever you get the compulsive urge to check on the state of something, like a stove being left on, or a water tap left open, Daniil offers to do it himself instead.
He's reliable, you agree, don't you? So let him do it, don't give your compulsion the satisfaction of having things done its way and its way only.
Informing you that he'll take full responsibility if the worst really comes to be. Since he already went to check the thing your fears have been pestering you about, if it really turns out to be in a dire state, then it'd be his fault and not yours.
You're not the one who left the stove open since Daniil walked back home, saw it turned off with his own eyes, and came back to tell you.
And if the house really does burn down, oh well, then it means he's in urgent need of an eye prescription. It's not your burden to carry anymore. It's his, at least, not yours alone.
He'll take the fall and deal with any consequences that may follow. You'd be reluctant to trust him the first time around, and he'd do his best to help you go through the day, offering distractions, sharing the latest news in his work with you, slightly violating patient-doctor confidentiality as he tells you about that one time a patient bit his finger 6 years ago.
Just to take your mind off things, playing the long game, knowing that consistency is the key here.
Because when it's the end of the day and the both of you return to a still standing house, your faith in him will slightly increase. And the next time he goes to check something for you and informs you about what he found, you'll have an easier time accepting his words.
Daniil abhors lying, you know that, everyone knows that. So when he says he really did the thing in your stead, you know he's telling the truth.
If this was the modern world, he'd be the one taking pictures of the state of the household just to prove that no, you didn't forget anything. It has become a daily task he never neglects, Daniil is very consistent with following through and doing what he's supposed to do.
Learning how to effectively diffuse situations, how with given time, and some rest, those fears aren't as big and scary as they first seem.
How to bring you down from a fit of anger, how to lift you up from a panicked state caused by debilitating anxiety. Using his knowledge and expertise as a healthcare professional, after all, and dealing with people in similar states is nothing out of the ordinary for him.
He's aware you're not the one he's arguing against. He's aware these thoughts and urges do not define you. You're not your obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviour, not the intrusive ideas or the clouding fears.
You're so much bigger, so much more complex, lovely, thoughtful, and whole. You're a whole capable human being.
This is merely a fraction of your brain that can be debilitating, a part that irritates you as much as anyone else. If anything, it must bother you personally even more, courtesy of being stuck inside your head all hours of the day.
Daniil views this as working alongside you against those irrational fears. If they go away, sure, that's great.
And if they don't? So what?
Daniil is here to stay as well, and he's twice as stubborn. He'll keep trying different methods, lend you his own memory and perspective, take note of the average everyday things that you might recall in doubt later, and reassure you as he stands witness against these irrational fears.
He doesn't see you as less. You are not less or wrong for having them. If anything, you're the one being tormented by them. He scoffs at the concept of you being considered a bad person for something as trivial as "bad" thoughts.
Let those people try living a day in your shoes, dealing with the constant pestering your brain has to deal with. Daniil is sure not one of them even has half your self will and control, to constantly attempt to resist these urges, to push these thoughts down and put an end to a spiraling conversation the fear in your brain abruptly started.
Dankovsky is the type of person to still stand by your side even if the worst comes to be, to take responsibility and attempt to fix things rather than waste time pointing the blame.
Even as you confide in him the intrusive thoughts your brain plagued you with, he views them as separate from you, through a passive lens.
You're not horrific or disgusting. You're not any of the names these fears keep throwing your way after, forcing you to imagine the same thoughts they've been shaming you for having.
As if a person's whole morality can be judged by whatever passing-by thoughts wandering in and out of their brain. You don't need Daniil to tell you how absurd that concept is.
And if there was no other way? If nothing worked and the anxiety became suffocating as you had to give into one of the compulsions and derail your entire day?
He'd go with you, derail his day too. Huffy and puffy sure, but he wouldn't place any real blame on you.
Bluntly stating it out if you show any sign of guilt, he's not the type to coddle. His words are concise.
You're not making him do this; he chose to be here by his own will. You're the one being forced to go through this by your brain. The least he could do is keep you company.
Reminding you that you're capable even without him, you don't require his reassurance, he's happy to give it all the same to ease your path, but at the end of the day it's you walking that path with your own two feet. It's you learning how not to feed into these compulsive urges and fears, to merely watch them pass through. No denying them, no arguing against them, merely observing and standing your ground.
Because the world is nothing like they make it seem, it's never “do this specific thing immediately or everything will go up in flames” there is no one to punish you, these fears hold no authority over you.
It's hard, unimaginably hard to have to be vigilant about which thoughts to trust since they tend to disguise themselves as common sense. It's hard to disobey what feels like a direct order from someone in a higher position, akin breaking a set-in-stone law.
Daniil can relate to those feelings more than anything. He was in a similar position and had to challenge actual authority, ones who held the power to order his execution with a snap of their fingers.
Life loves nothing more than forcing you to break your own principles. He found out the hard way. Every pillar he adhered to, forced to crumble beneath him, leaving him contradicting the person he'd been for the past decade with every action his current self took.
So yes, he's staying by your side, picking you up whenever you fall down, yet making sure you still know how to walk on your own.
Lara Ravel
For as long as she can remember, Lara believed that to be loved is to be known. But even now, she has a hard time understanding her late father, comprehending what exactly was he thinking, wasting his life away in the army, compensating her with a life of luxury as if those things could ever make up for all the time they never spent together.
She knows she loves you deeply. She cares about you more than life itself, yet for the life of her, she can never understand you no matter how hard she tries.
It's agonising, watching you suffer through the turmoil of intrusive thoughts. Not knowing what to do or how to help, feeling useless, restless, desperate to help in any shape or form.
Her haste was her shortcoming. The more she rushed to offer what she considered help in various and starkly different forms, the more you felt the sudden pressure place on you increase.
Especially when some of her help is unwarranted and abrupt, foregoing asking you what you might need, instead choosing to guess what you must need herself.
It's suffocating how she keeps throwing things at the wall to see what sticks, bordering interrogating you about your state afterwards, hoping that maybe this time, she actually did something useful.
You know she means well, you know her heart is in the right place… but you'd be lying if you said you don't feel like one of her charity cases at times, something to fix just because that's what Lara always does to "broken" things, as painful as that sentence felt to sound in your brain, let alone think of yourself that way.
You don't know how to voice these feelings without sounding “ungrateful” for her overwhelming attention, and so they begin to fester inside your chest, giving way to resentment as you become more and more distant.
She asks you to explain, and sometimes it's really hard for you to do so. How could you explain something that you yourself can't seem to grasp? It just lives with you, constantly hovering and making itself known at the worst time possible. You've learned to endure.
Rarely does the anxiety make sense. It's more of an intense feeling that keeps gnawing at your brain, repeating that your day will be ruined, your life will end, if you don't do this one thing, and do it now.
Horrific ideas and intrusive thoughts about people you love that leave a sour taste in your mouth, making you feel vile and disgusting inside. Wondering why did something like that even occur to you?
It was never one of your own thoughts to begin with, but another tool weaponized by fear to pressure you into doing what it wants.
Making your skin feel as if it was on fire, the prolonged stress giving way to nervous movements and trembles, snapping at innocents who were simply at the wrong place and time, only for shame and guilt to follow after.
Bottling it in, because sharing it with others seems to do more harm than good at times, leading to either being faced with judgement, questions you don't have the answer to, or both.
As the distance between you two increases, Lara's ways of forcing help come to an abrupt stop. The further away she is from the picture, the easier it becomes to see it whole and realise just what she's been doing this entire time.
Self-awareness dawns on her like cold water. She's remorseful for her actions, for not realising she was only adding to your pain, pushing you away, and making you regret confiding in her.
You don't have to comfort or reassure her. She's not a little kid. She knows what she did was wrong… How blinded that she was by grief.
Lara promises you never to repeat her past mistakes. Asking if you'd let her mend this, the shared life between you two, to try and make amends before she loses the person she loves most.
While it's challenging having to go against her instincts to jump into action and do something to help, she persists through them. You watch her part her lips to say something before wordlessly closing her mouth, on separate occasions.
Try as she might, she couldn't understand the workings of your mind before, so now she's decided to completely abandon that approach.
Lara's more resourceful than people give her credit for, she was the first one to think of establishing a shelter on the first day of the now gone-by plague, planning and executing it within the same day, and coordinating donations from people whom she knew wouldn't refuse to aid her cause.
So when faced with a conundrum she can't find an immediate solution to, Lara does the one thing she wished someone would've done for her during those nights of staying up worrying about her father.
She earnestly comforts you as best she can. Merely extending her unconditional support, the kindest form of love she can offer.
Foregoing all logic and reason, she repeats that she's by your side and is here to stay, through thick and thin, even during the hard days where giving into every compulsion is the only way to stay sane, especially during those.
She's endlessly patient, never rushing you as you recheck and recount things all over again just to be sure, as you take precautions for unlikely danger.
Standing up to aid in your activity, whatever it may be, observing your rituals and adapting the ones that help ease your mind when done by others.
If it brings you comfort, then it's worth it.
Anything is worth your peace of mind to her.
Slowly, bit by bit, she begins to accept your fears as they are. You don't need to understand the innermost workings of a machine in order to operate it well, and Lara is getting really good at determining what's bothering you.
She stopped asking for explanations; these fears don't deserve the courtesy of one, and it seems to only further worsen your state. So radical acceptance became her new approach.
Acceptance of you, of your fears.
You forgot to pass by your neighbour's house on the way home, and now your brain is telling you that the whole town must hate you and wish you to leave? Oh, she believes you, although neither of you have the money to move to the Capital, and if the whole town planned to siege this house with pitchforks and torches, it's kind of late for either of you to go anywhere anyway, the train only arrives once a month.
But you know what you can do? Make some tea, go upstairs into your bedroom, lock the room, and get under the cover. She'll accept death by an angry mob, but not without a warm beverage first.
The two of you spend an hour in bed upstairs, drinking warm tea and cuddling next to each other, the night passes by uneventfully, and the next day your neighbour waves hello at you as you're taking the trash out.
She doesn't challenge your compulsive behaviour as long as they don't cause you or anyone else any harm.
You two live in a small sleepy town at the in the middle of nowhere, the world won't end if you spend a day inside, the townsfolk wouldn't bat an eye if you enter and exist the same store 7 times, everything is within reach and it's a short trip back home no matter where in town you end up.
While the world itself wouldn't end, your anxiety gets the best of you and makes it seem like your world will end if certain things aren't done in specific ways and sequences.
And that's fine in Lara's book, take as much time as you need, she even helps you break them down, the rituals, turn them into a written list of small tasks spread out throughout the day so you'd still have time to eat, sleep, and rest.
It might not be the same as never giving into the compulsion, but it's definitely bars above never satisfying the urge at all.
When you do miss some steps or fail to perform certain parts, the panic in the aftermath isn't as overwhelming as it used to be when you'd forget the entire ritual, it's more palatable, easier to endure.
You can love someone without fully understanding them, and while love alone is never enough by itself, all the effort, care, and patience Lara keeps putting in seems to make it work so far.
She keeps waking up every day and choosing you, choosing this life with you.
As you are, she wants to be with you as you are.
You've been trying your best, too, which varies from day to day. On some days, you've accumulated the necessary courage to take risks and face those fears. On other days, enduring and surviving alone consumes all of your energy.
And on some days, you don't even realise that you forgot to do a certain daily ritual until after the day has ended. The comfort of knowing you have the time and space to indulge your compulsive urges sometimes makes it… easier to postpone them, which can lead you to getting distracted and forgetting them whole.
The safety Lara helped cultivate in your shared house eases your strife. Likewise, she seems to learn a thing or two from you, becoming more accepting of herself, more comfortable with the idea that she can't help in every situation, sometimes sitting things out and being a shoulder of support is the best she can offer.
And that's fine, that's okay, it doesn't make her useless despite what the cruel parts of her brain tell her. How she should offer the same kindness and grace to herself that she extends to others.
That you're stronger than she ever realised, more capable too. Your experiences made you especially understand the less talked about aspects of the human condition, in turn, Lara finds herself confiding in you as well.
Sharing words and thoughts she would've never told another person, confessing about the endless nights she spent awake in bed imagining all the worst case scenarios that would have occurred just because her father was a few hours late home.
While she doesn't have the heart to ever stop you if your compulsive urges became centred on seeking her reassurance to function, the safety at home, preservation of simplified rituals, and breaking tasks down make it much easier to break out of that cycle by yourself, step by step.
A great thank you to:
@polyhedrongf / Lena
@gamersagainstthemachine / atrickofthelight
For their invaluable help when it came to creating this fanfic, their feedback, ideas, and suggestions helped shape many parts of this story. They've both contributed greatly when it came to addressing OCD and the ways to approach it.
It wouldn't have been possible without them, so thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
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shmowder · 6 months ago
Maria kisses you as if she owns you. You either lean down or stand on your tiptoes to reach her, never the other way around. Demanding your lips against hers, orders you to hand over your love and adoration. She's too greedy at times, never satisfied with just a deep kiss or three, not until you're melting against her lips, submitting to her absolute power. Assured you'll always enjoy it much more than you'd be annoyed by how she cuts your time with others short to indulge her whims and longing for you whenever she pleased.
Eva kisses you as if she's painting a fantasy into reality, bringing your arms to wrap around her bare waist, burying herself against your chest. It's a perfect scene out of a romance book of two soul-fated lovers. Holding her close and tight, you're drowned in many small kisses, each barely lasting more than a second before another steals its place. Kitten soft licks against your lips, asking for permission and pulling away as the sweetness melts against your tongue. Bright eyed with the most lovely blush colouring her cheeks.
Lara kisses you as if she's angry at you, at the world as a whole. Frustration blended with buried sadness, pulling you closer by the front of your shirt and not letting go until your eyes water and lungs ache. She's breathless with wet lips as she stares at you like a touch starved animal finally being offered warmth. Pouring all of her intense emotions into each prolonged kiss, as if she'll never see you again. She clings to you with tired eyes, wondering if life will claw you too out of her hands.
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shmowder · 6 months ago
I am grateful for the work you wrote, it made my heart flutter, especially the part with Maria! It's very tragicomic, I couldn't help but smile when I read it. I have some ideas about the other characters you suggested. For example, Lara. She gives me the impression that she creates the most convincing illusion of domestic comfort. You can't even call her homewrecker, because she is, in fact, home. It seems to me that the relationship with her is not charged with sexual energy, but rather compensates for the longing for family warmth. The lack of love in its purest, platonic manifestation. She'll be sentimental enough to give her poor partner something small to remind her of, like a thimble.
Vlad Jr. my beloved. At first it seemed to me that he would not fit into such an affair because of his pragmatic approach to things, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. It seems to me that taking someone's spouse away is also an act of self-affirmation for him, an opportunity to declare himself. He does not like to get his hands dirty, so he will probably resort to threats through intermediaries if his courtship is not eloquent enough. I wonder what his father's reaction will be on that melodrama?..
And, well, Daniil is clearly head over heels. He will shower his beloved with promises to take them to the Capital. A little bit of an old-fashioned romantic escape scenario won’t hurt, is it? Although I think it’s mostly a manipulation strategy to bond with person even closer.
By the way, have you ever consider to try match-ups with Pathologic characters? I think it will be an interesting activity <3
Yours faithfully, 🧡 anon.
I like your take on these characters anon, I'm glad you enjoyed my previous post.
Lara's moral compass tells her that as long as you're unhappy with your current marriage, then the relationship you two share is completely justified.
Ever since her father passed away, she tends to overextend her abilities and spread herself thin, attempting to help everyone everywhere at once. Lara sees a corpse in each person she interacts with, mourning the living akin to the dead.
The world is too big, life is too unpredictable, and she desperately needs to feel in control. Establishing a shelter, giving away material goods, trying really hard to make a difference, to leave this world a better place than she found it, even if it cost her blood and tears.
Maybe that's why this affair didn't feel anything like close to the notion. It started with Lara approaching you instead of the other way around, mentioning how unhappy you seem these days, how she heard the rumours about your loveless marriage.
Offering you a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, a place to stay the night if living under the same roof with your cold spouse is too draining. Don't worry, no one will get the wrong idea, how could they ever when Lara is known to host any soul looking for a temporary home until they can get back on their own two feet.
At least, that's how it started. She'd tell herself that you just happen to bring out her overprotective nature, that it's simply nothing more than her wanting to be a good neighbour.
And you find yourself enjoying her fussing, even her nagging is akin to a melody. To have someone worry so much over you that they get frustrated and angry because you didn't wear a jacket out in this cold weather? It was a new world in comparison to your apathetic spouse.
Gradually, you've come to think of her as home.
Her presence with you over the breakfast table just felt right, grocery trips spent together as you carry the bags, and she asks for your opinion on which flavour of jam to get this week.
Mundane tasks like hanging the laundry to dry or doing the dishes feel less taxing now, especially with Lara nearby with you in the room.
The domestic married life you were promised but robbed out of, the safety and comfort... It's the sweetest dream you've ever lived.
One which you bitterly wake up from each time night falls and both of you go to your own separate bedrooms. How wrong this felt to be alone at this vulnerable hour of the night, reminiscing about the way her hand held your own as she wished you a good night.
How her nail pressed against the wedding ring you're still wearing.
The tightness around her polite smile.
Lara only realises her true desires when you eventually have to return back to your house, to leave this home you've built with her because people might talk otherwise. She rationalises it as her only wanting your happiness. Her priority is to get you out of this cage, this soul-draining marriage and set you free... even if you don't choose her, as much as that idea stings.
People love and trust Lara; she is renowned for her generosity and soft heart. If there was one person in this whole town who could organically minimise the damages to one's reputation caused by a divorce, it would be her.
...and if she had to exaggerate some unsavoury stories about your spouse in order to make you seem in a much more dire situation, then so be it. Their reputation will tank most of the damage, yours will come out intact in the end.
And maybe... you'd like to take refuge in her house again while this whole situation simmers down? She will protect you, she promises.
You'll always have a home with her, much like she finally found her own home with you. And maybe after a week or two, instead of letting go of your hands after wishing you a goodnight, she tightens her hold and leads you to her bedroom.
Nothing of note happens that night. The two of you finish your nightly routine, like always, in the same room instead of two separate ones this time.
You can't shake the giddy feeling from your chest, and Lara can't stop glancing at you with her big eyes every other minute as if she's reassuring herself you're really here.
The two of you get under the covers, she lets you hog most of the blanket.
The candle is snuffed out.
As the morning rolls around, you wake up with her face pressed against your chest. Your arms wrapped around her, her legs intertwined with yours.
And it feels just right.
Vlad Jr. is paying someone to kill your spouse.
Not in a yandere way, it's nothing personal he reassures you. He's just built like this.
How did you learn about his plan? Because he just told it to you, directly.
The two of you were simply having lunch when he nonchalantly informed you about this, in-between sandwich bites.
Listen, think about it. The best solution is usually the easiest, divorce and reputation management is hard. Getting your spouse out of the picture would be the most beneficial arrangement for both of you.
Well, yes. It is sad that they have to go out this way and have their life cut short. But like he said, it's nothing personal, really.
If anything it's a pretty straightforward deal and he'll make sure to tell the hired butcher to make it a quick clean kill so they won't even have to suffer for long.
The Saburovs won't even get on your case, people die all the time in this town and... you and your spouse are simply not important enough to cause a stir over, no offence. You know he loves you, right? But facts are facts, and this is actually rather convenient for him that you're an average person. It's why he can take you on these lunch dates around town freely and no one bats an eye.
What's that? You don't want them to die?
Ah, well that is quite the pickle huh? And he's not just talking about the one in his sandwich.
There is always option B, leaving the town together. He never planned to take over the family business, and he heard the Capital is lovely at this time of year.
The two of you can start over there, get properly married and well... live life.
But this also means you'll have to abandon all of your friends and family here and never ever return. It is literally social suicide to just up and go sneak into a train in the middle of the night and leave everything behind.
See how inconvenient that would be? I mean where are you two supposed to spend your holidays then if he can't bring you home to celebrate with father and sister?
Which is why the first option is clearly the easier one, so what do you say? Let him kill your spouse? pretty please?
If you feel sad about it afterwards, don't worry. He will spare no amount of money to cheer you up.
His father is fully supportive, surprisingly. Love is love and all of that.
The ever noble Daniil Dankovsky would directly go to your spouse to settle this matter over with.
His courtship with you has been rather public, a scandalous affair even as he spoke plainly about his clear affection for you to any person who asked. He abhors lying and doesn't see a point in pretending that what the two of you share is anything but love.
You care for him, and he cares for you too.
Daniil's convictions and reputation are a double-edged sword. They could either shield you from the social repercussions of infidelity or spell your doom and dig your grave for you.
Your friends are aware, your family is aware, and even your own spouse is aware. The one thing preventing your reputation from spiralling down the drain, is the fact Daniil is a gentleman and took it upon himself to knock at your family's door and explain himself and his intentions to them.
It's very hard to deny his sincere feelings. By all definitions, he is still a respectable and educated man. The Bachelor is walking on thin ice.
Daniil paints himself as the clearly superior choice. His methods are a little unorthodox but surprisingly effective as the most conservative of the townfolks find his crusade to earn the right to properly marry you fair and square rather than start a sleezy affair, a little admirable.
Who cares about losing face in this nowhere town when you'll gain double if not triple the prestige in the Capital just by being his spouse?
What really matters is your family, he understands. And he'll make sure they love him, he'll go above and beyond to show that he is the best son in law they could dream of.
Daniil would be one of the people who would hold themselves back from crossing intimacy boundaries while you're still married. A simple kiss on the back of your hand is the most touch you'll ever feel from him.
He just doesn't like it, the label of an affair. As if it is his fault that someone much less qualified just happened to arrive sooner. If anything, he has always been an advocate for divorce despite it still being a controversial topic.
He genuinely believes that if he proves himself and his noble intentions, then people would eventually understand that if he asks for your hand directly and courts you with honour and dignity, then things must go his way.
Because at the end, you two love each other and he knows that. This isn't some desperate bachelor chasing after shadows, this is a man with a solid conviction and a clear goal, a man on a mission to win over his beloved and earn the right to call himself your husband.
I think between all the characters you could cheat with, Georgiy Kain is simply too golden of a choice to pass on.
The judge, you're cheating on your spouse with the man who officiated your wedding himself.
Also, a whole judge, an epitome of ethics, a founding father of law in this town, an advocate for justice.
He'd be content with keeping your affair more on the hush hush side, so would Victor.
Any character with something major to lose or who knows their relationship with you doesn't fit the label of socially acceptable, would keep your relationship a secret, and think it's the best if you stay married.
Some characters like Aglaya Lilich might do it for your own safety, so you won't become a target for the powers that be as long as you have a cover relationship.
Or General Block, who knows there is a big possibility he won't make it out alive from the war. He'd rather you never become a widower, let him be a fleeting love instead.
Anyway back to the judge, it would be extra delicious if the affair started on the wedding day itself.
You're dolled up in your wedding attire, be it a fluffy white dress or an elegant sleek suit, a traditional ceremony outift or a casual and breezy wear.
The church is empty, you've arrived her much earlier than everyone. You can't help the feeling of emptiness inside you, gnawing at you that this is the wrong direction to head towards, that this couldn't be what your life amounts to.
But you swallow it down, the acidic mouthful of resentment and regret.
And you see the judge in there, much earlier than the rest. He always liked things to be done as soon as possible, it's only thanks to him that the town legal system is running at full efficiency at any hour of the day.
You look at him and force a smile, a polite greeting. People respect this man beyond believe, some marvel and aw at the Kains as if they were gods walking amongst men.
Yet you can't bring yourself to care at this moment or give more than a tight smile.
You look so pretty, so lovely... it's supposed to be the happiest day of your life.
So why...
You're crying before you realise it, soft tears streaming down your cheeks. Salty and bitter, mournful of a future you've lost, of a doomed life awaiting you outside.
And he simply... gets it. You don't have to speak, you don't have to explain your situation. He knows, of course he does.
He doesn't hush you, he doesn't rush you. He treats you with the dignity of a capable adult even in your most low moments, with the respect of an equal to him rather some lost fawn awaiting rescue.
How shocking it is to receive this treatment after your family and friends pressured you into this marriage because they saw no worth in you otherwise, no hope for you or your future. They didn't care for your brilliant mind or your fragile heart, they thought being someone's spouse was all that you could amount for.
And there he is, the judge himself, appeasing you as someome of equal importance and intelligence to him.
A man of many talents, a grand philosopher and an inventor truly seeing you for the unpolished potential that you are. The hidden gem amongst the rubble, witness the soul beating and screaming caged by your bones to remain content with this average unfulfiling life.
Someone who believes in you, that you can overcome this on your own. You don't need his help, you never needed anyone's pity or grace.
But his affection? Oh, that he can offer you. To let him be the one to steal away your kiss on your wedding day before your spouse ever could.
He's more than content with just one, a simple short kiss that made him feel things he thought were long gone with his youth.
But you pull him into a second then a third, a hunger awakening inside you. A lust for genuine companionship and understanding rather than sexual desires, a lust to taste the lips of someone who shares your mind, to never to have to belittle yourself or water yourself down.
To be understood, a longing to be seen for the brilliant complex soul that you are.
Rather than someone's spouse.
How the wedding day goes without a hitch, you've regained your resolve tenfolds.
How you receive a congratulations letter for your beautiful wedding the next day, an invitation to the Kains' residence, addressed only to your name.
I loved writing this, I hoped you enjoyed reading it!
I'm curious about match ups ngl, but I'm absolutely clueless about how they work. I've seen other blogs do it before but I've never participated or paid much attention?
I'd love to hear more if you don't mind explaining it, pathologic match ups do sound fun.
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shmowder · 26 days ago
Coming into the fruit peeling discussion with my own takes!
Artemy the surgeon Burakh would absolutely be the best person to ask to peel a fruit for you! The man has the experiences! However his fingernails might have some leftover blood he couldn’t get out so like wash it afterwards?
I think with Daniil it’d be a case where he rolls his eyes and huffs at the request but does it anyhow since he doesn’t want them to make a mess out of the new countertops least they ruin the chances of getting back the security deposit. But he also seems like someone who wants to be a proper gentleman to his partner at the same time so could also see him beaming with pride at the request as he’s being asked for help! See his skills help his partner with even the most mundane of tasks! However he’s still gonna eyeroll
But you know who would peel their partners fruit no questions asked? Lara!!! Lara!! Come on! People! Lara is a perfect choice for that! She will do it zero questions asked!
Also adding in Maria expect your the one peeling her fruit, there’s no way she’s gonna do it for you! And if you ask she’s giving you an annoyed glare before hand waving you away! You’re her knight not the other way around.
Also victor I have no doubts he’d be willing to peel a fruit for his partner if asked! Isn’t it implied he lets Nina possess his body? If he’s willing to do that I think a fruit is just child’s play to him.
(This is so silly but I wanted to place my cards on the table lol! Mostly because I firmly believe in Daniil being the type of person who’s very much lovestriken, willing to do anything his partner needs but is far too stubborn to show that, he’s like a cat too me he’ll give affection but once he’s had enough he’ll bat your hand away and slink back into his study. This is so silly I’m sorry)
Artemy's inventing a new meaning to the word "Blood Orange" I see
I almost added Lara, almost got her involved to the list of best orange peelers. But then I remembered that one time she knitted Artemy a whole sweater, said its colour is the colour of idiots, and never made anything for him afterwards ever again.
P1 Lara would fret over you, peel you all the oranges in the world without being asked, even cut the grapes to remove their seeds before handing you the plate.
While P2 Lara would call you a moron for not knowing how to peel an orange whilst peeling it for you herself, even removing the string tissue between each slice. She'd say you're an idiot for making a mess of the table before rolling up her sleeves and teaching you how to properly cut the pomegranate, with surprising patience as well.
It's hilarious to imagine Victor who's completely okay with his spouse's soul possessing his own body and spending every literal second of the day together in his head, but draws the line at peeling an orange because the citrus smell irritates his nose and makes his hands sticky.
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shmowder · 7 months ago
Pathologic meme dump 5 I'm just enough and great at doing stuff
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shmowder · 7 months ago
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What they use to shower and no I do not accept constructive criticism
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shmowder · 5 months ago
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Had an epiphany
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shmowder · 6 months ago
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