#♦️♥️♠️♣️Five Of A Kind
princeinsomniavoid · 4 months
Midnight Crew...
Save me Midnight Crew
Midnight Crew plea
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twistedhc · 8 months
Fem Heartslabyul NSFW alphabet
Rules and event details
You can request any or all of the fem Heartslabyul characters. But you can only ask for up to five letters. And please check the list below to see what characters and what letters I've already done. But if you do request one that someone else did I'll put a link to the original post as a response to your request.
All posts will be written as gender neutral as possible.
The event will end as soon as all the characters have run out of letters.
Fem riddle🌹 C D F W
Fem trey♣️ K M O T U
Fem cater♦️H K V X
Fem deuce♠️ F K M X
Fem ace♥️ H K V X
A-Aftercare(what they're like after sex)
B-Body part(favorite body part on there partner)
C- Cycle(would they have sex on there piereid)
D-Drty secret(a dirty secret they have)
E-Experince(how experienced they are)
F-Favroeit position(what position do they like the most)
G-Grooming(how well groomed are they what do they smell like)
H-Hands(how skilled are they with there hands what do they look and feel like)
I-Intimacy(how romantic are they in bed)
J-Jobs(how good are they at giving a hand job and would they)
K-Kink(one or more kinks thay have)
L-Lingerie(what kind of nightwere do they have)
M-Motivation(what gets them going)
N-No(what will they not do)
O-Oral(do they like receiving or giving)
P-Place(where they like to do it)
Q-Quickie(do they like doing them in what situation)
R-Risk(are they a risk taker or do they play it safe)
S-Stamina(how many rounds can they go)
T-Toys(do they like using them what kind do they like)
U-Unfair(are they a tease or are they nice)
V-Volume(how loud are they what kind of sounds do they make)
W-Wet dream(how often do they have them what are they about)
X-X-ray(what do they look like under there clothes)
Y-Yearning(how high is they're sex drive)
Z-Zzz(how quickly do they doze off)
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sooniessoulmate · 3 months
𝙻𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚘𝚗 - 𝚌𝚑.𝟺 - 𝙰𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚣 𝟶𝚝𝟾
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♥️𝚌𝚑.𝟹 ♠️ 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♦️𝚌𝚑.𝟻♣️
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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺 - 𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚢
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Wooyoung took his time getting a shower. His normal 5 min shower turned into a twenty-three-minute one. After he finished showering, he got dressed and then went down into the kitchen to get a drink, trying to postpone the upcoming alone time with Y/N. He didn’t quite understand what was happening to him, he never had actual feelings for anyone like he was beginning to feel for her. Well, there was one other time he did but that ended very badly which landed him in a Psychiatric hospital for many years. But that was when he was younger, things could be different now but he still isn’t sure he is willing to take that chance. 
After Wooyoung finished his drink he slowly crept up the stairs and made his way to his bedroom. He opened the door to see an empty room and his window opened. 
“Son of a bitch,” Wooyoung yelled as he turned around and ran back downstairs. 
He yelled for the other boys, after hearing the panic in his voice they didn’t hesitate and ran upstairs to where Wooyoung was standing.
“What happened?” Mingi asked, being the first of the men to come into the room.
“She’s gone,” Wooyoung announced trying to act calm.
“What the fuck do you mean she’s gone?” San growled.
“I got a shower and when I came back into my room, the window was open and she was gone,” Wooyoung explained.
“She couldn’t have gotten too far,” Yunho declared. “For christ’s sake, you only take a five-minute shower.”
“Well about that,” Wooyoung hesitated, “I was kind of in there for like thirty three minutes then I came down here for something so she could have been gone for over an hour.”
“You stupid son of a bitch,” Hongjoong rolled his eyes. “Did you decide to spank one out today and that’s what took you so long?”
Wooyoung looked at Hongjoong confused, “spank one out?” he repeated, “I’m not sure what that means.”
San rushed up the stairs and returned a few moments later, holding his favorite handgun. He placed the gun in his holster.
“I’ll go get her,” San announced.
“I’m coming too,” Wooyoung said racing up the stairs to get changed and grab his weapon of choice. 
Once Wooyoung returned downstairs, he followed San towards the front door.
“Remember, she has to remain unharmed and alive,” Mingi reminded the boys.
Neither San nor Wooyoung responded as they continued to leave the mansion and enter a vehicle that was parked outside.
San turned the ignition on and started to drive out of the driveway. They rode in silence until San eventually broke the reticence, “what is going on with you?” he asked.
“What are you talking about?” Wooyoung wondered, staring out of his window.
“There has been a change in you, ever since Y/N has arrived,” San announced.
“I don’t know what you're talking about,” Wooyoung sighed, still staring out the window.
“Are you falling for her?” San asked.
Wooyoung whipped his head around to stare at San, “why would you say something like that?” he growled. “You know I don’t ‘fall’ for people.”
“I know you usually don’t but this one seems a little different,” San smirked.
“THIS ONE IS NO DIFFERENT,” Wooyoung yelled, “she means nothing to me.”
“That's good,” San nodded, “don’t let some pussy start to cloud your judgment.”
Wooyoung didn’t respond as he turned back to the window, scanning the surroundings, looking for any sign of Y/N. He spotted a large man standing over what looked like a female.
“I think that’s her,” Wooyoung pointed down a long alley.
San slowed down and scanned the alley, “yea it looks like that is.” He pulled the vehicle over and put it into park. 
Wooyoung went to get out of the vehicle when San grabbed his arm, stopping him. 
“Look we gotta do this smart,” San ordered, “we don’t know what he's done to her already. She could already be bleeding out so we don't want to give him any reason to finish the job.”
“If he laid one finger on her, I’m going to rip his fucking throat out with my bare hands,” Wooyoung growled as a red glint flashed through his eyes.
“Ok,” San nodded, “you’re ready. I’m gonna go around the block and get as close to them as I can without being spotted so I can assess the situation. Get that AK thats in the back, set it up, and get ready and when I give the signal…”
“I’m gonna take that motherfucker out,” Wooyoung snarled.
“Yes,” San smiled as he exited the vehicle, running around the block.
Wooyoung retrieved the AK-57 and set the assault rifle up on top of a closed dumpster. He laid down and got the large man in its crosshairs.
San slowly crept up to the two at the end of the alleyway.
“Please don’t kill me,” Y/N pleaded.
“If you don’t want to die, Y/N, you need to prove to me your worth,” the large man ordered.
“What do you want from me?” she cried.
“Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I always wanted the same thing,” the man confessed as an evil smile overtook his face. He reached down, wrapping his giant hands tightly around Y/N’s throat, “to make you scream.”
Y/N gasped for air as the man’s grip grew tighter, slowly cutting off her air flow.
San jumped out from the shadows, “hey motherfucker,” he screamed as he threw his arms in the air, signaling to Wooyoung.
Before the man had a chance to respond a bullet entered his head, in between his eyes, splattering blood all over Y/N. The man’s lifeless body collapsed onto the ground. She grabbed her throat, breathing heavily, in shock of everything that just happened.
Wooyoung hopped off the dumpster, threw the assault rifle into the vacant vehicle and took off running towards Y/N. When he reached her, he wrapped his arms around her, lifting her off the ground to carry her to the vehicle.
“Nice shot,” San said, following them to the truck. 
Wooyoung opened the back seat door and threw Y/N inside, without saying another word he got in the front passenger side of the car, San entered the driver’s side and started the ignition. He turned the car around and headed back in the direction in which they originally came from.
The three drove in silence as Y/N stared out the back window still in shock.
Wooyoung turned around so he could look at her, “why did you run?” he snarled.
“I don’t know,” Y/N sighed. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not ok,” San interrupted. “You almost fucking died. If we wouldn’t have found you when we did, you wouldn’t be able to be sitting back there, appologizing.”
“I know,” Y/N agreed, looking down at the ground. 
“That was the stupidest fucking thing you could have done,” Wooyoung growled. “I thought I could trust you.”
“I can’t say I’m sorry enough,” Y/N teared up. “I really mean that.”
Wooyoung didn’t respond as he turned back around and stared out of his window. The rest of the ride back to their mansion was in silence.
San pulled into the driveway and parked the vehicle in front of the mansion. Wooyoung got out of the front seat, opened the back door where Y/N was sitting. She smiled and reached her hand out for him to grab. However, Wooyoung ignored her little gesture and grabbed a hold of Y/N’s wrist, pulling her harshly behind him.
Wooyoung threw the front open, pulling her inside behind him, seeing Jongho standing at the bottom of the staircase with his arms crossed. 
“The Dragon is waiting for you in his office,” Jongho announced.
Wooyoung nodded, pulling Y/N down a hallway into a room that she was never in before. San and Jongho followed behind, closing the door behind them.
“Bring her here,” Seonghwa growled from behind his desk. His face was barely visible due to the poorly lit room.
Wooyoung did as he was told and violently yanked Y/N across the room.
“So this is Y/N?” Seonghwa asked, cocking his head while examining her. “A bit disappointing, I must say.”
Hongjoong, who was sitting on the sofa with all of the other members of their gang, started laughing. “I thought the same damn thing,” he announced.
Wooyoung shot Hongjoong a look of death as a red glint once again flashed through his eyes.
Seonghwa put his hand up, signaling he wanted silence, “you sure know how to make a lot of trouble, don’t you?” he asked.
“Umm, who are you?” Y/N wondered, ignoring his question.
Jongho spoke up, “this isn’t the time for you to be asking any questions, little girl.”
Y/N glared at Jongho, “I think I have a right to know who I’m speaking with. Thank you very much.”
“Why is this bitch so unruly?” Jongho asked, smacking the back of Mingi’s head with his hand. “Haven’t you guys learned anything about proper hostage procedures?”
“I am not a hostage,” Y/N proclaimed.
“I mean it kind of appears you are,” Yunho smiled.
“Enough!” Seonghwa growled. “Wooyoung take the girl to your room for tonight. We will discuss this and what will come of her in the morning.”
Wooyoung nodded and started pulling Y/N’s arm again.
“Wait what do you mean, ‘what will come of me’? What’s going to happen? What are you going to do to me?” Y/N panicked as she was drug out of the room.
Seonghwa nodded at Jongho and he walked over, closing the door after Wooyoung and Y/N were gone.
“Where did you find the bitch?” Seonghwa asked.
“Shin Hoseok had her in an alley,” San explained. “He was in the process of strangling her, when we got there.”
“Hmmmm,” Seonghwa contemplated as he sat back in his chair. “Why is this bitch so damn important to them?”
“She has shown us no reason for anyone to want her,” Hongjoong declared.
“Well I’d want her,” Yunho announced, “If she was dead, of course.”
A look of disgust crawled across Mingi’s face, “what’s wrong with you?” he asked.
“Yeosang,” Seonghwa said.
Yeosang looked up from his lap top, “Yea?”.
“I need you to get a camera on that window and an alarm, San, you need to keep your eagle hearing active and listen for any sound of concern. This SHALL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN. Understood?” Seonghwa commanded.
All the boys nodded. Before they were able to exit the room, Seongwha cleared his throat making everyone turn back to look at him. 
“I forgot to mention,” Seonghwa said, looking up from his desk. “I brought a guest back with me, who will be staying here for a few weeks. I expect you all to treat him with as much respect as you treat me.”
“Who is it?” Yunho asked.
“You will all meet him tomorrow.” Seonghwa announced, waving his hand, “now get out of here and do as you were told.”
No one asked another question, they all just turned back around and exited Seonghwa’s office.
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A woman walked up to the body of Hoseok, along side of another man. Two men dressed in suits followed closely behind.
“Where is Y/N?” the woman asked.
“I don’t know, she must've gotten away,” the man standing next to the woman answered.
“Well clearly she got away,” the woman growled. “Where were you when this happened, Woojin?”
Woojin took a long, exacerbated breath before speaking, “I was on my way. I told him to wait till I got here, but Hoseok didn’t listen.”
“So this is your fault then?” the woman smirked.
“Medusa, I swear this wasn’t my fault at all,” Woojin scrambled for words.
“Of course it was your fault, you should have been with him like I ordered,” Medusa argued placing a hand on his shoulder. “But it’s ok, we all make mistakes.”
“Thank you for being so understanding” Woojin whimpered.
“Oh I understand completely. I gave you an order and you didn’t listen and now one my best men is dead,” Medusa smirked. “Someone needs to pay for this.”
“I will get revenge for you,” Woojin announced, trembling in fear.
“No,” Medusa shook her head, “I can no longer trust that you can follow my orders.”
“I can I swear,” Woojin pleaded.
“Here,” Medusa said holding out a silver dagger, “Take this and stab yourself in the thigh,” she commanded.
Woojin stared at her with a blank look on his face, confused on what he should really do. He weighed his decisions and as he went to grab for the dagger, Medusa coldly stabbed it into his lower abdomen. With a look of pleasure on her face she pulled the dagger up to Woojin’s chest cavity, carving everything in the way. The gaping hole in his body allowed his intestines to fall out onto the ground, his body falling hard on top.
“I can’t have any weak links in my establishment,” Medusa smirked, walking away from Woojin’s lifeless body. “I’m coming for you Y/N, I hope you’re ready.”
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♥️𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟 ♠️𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝♦️𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝♣️
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♥️♠️𝚃𝚊𝚐𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 - 𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽♦️♣️
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maceofpentacles · 2 years
cartomancy: playing card meanings and info
cartomancy is a form of divination done with cards, tarot and oracle cards are used in cartomancy but regular playing cards (like poker or go fish cards) are also an option!
playing cards tend to be easier to read and a lot more straight to the point when it comes to readings. there are some overlaps with card meanings but that’s where your intuition comes in. what really matters is how you learn interpret the cards as you go.
♥️ hearts: represents feelings, love, relationships, home, and family
ace - new friendships or relationships coming your way
two - good luck in friendships and relationships
three - be cautious towards people trying to get closer to you
four - future change or travel
five - someone is jealous of something you have
six - a surprise new relationship is forming
seven - broken promises
eight - new visitors and possible new invitations to things
nine - your wishes are on their way to coming true
ten - good fortune is coming for you and those around you
jack - represents a good friend
queen - a kind blonde woman in your life
king - a kind blond man in your life
♠️ spades: represents challenges that may be coming in the future
ace - chapters ending or misfortune
two - a tough decision is coming, change and deceit may follow
three - possible trouble in relationships
four - personal illness or broken promises
five - obstacles followed by eventual success
six - improvements and small wins to build confidence
seven - bad advice from someone close to you, can lead to grief or loss
eight - be cautious, danger may be closer than you think
nine - bad luck, depression and anxiety might try to take hold
ten - bad news that will cause lots of worry
jack - an unpleasant, immature person in your life
queen - a selfish dark haired woman in your life
king - a selfish dark haired man in your life
♦️diamonds: represents money and finances
ace - you may receive an unexpected gift soon
two - disapproval of a friendship or relationship
three - possible legal trouble or arguments regarding money
four - you might stumble upon some unexpected money soon
five - improvements in your business or career
six - relationship troubles due to finances
seven - challenges at work
eight - surprise travel with money you didn’t know you had
nine - new business opportunities are around the corner
ten - good fortune and prosperity are coming to you
jack - a possibly unreliable light haired friend
queen - an outgoing light haired woman in your life
king - an accomplished light haired man in your life
♣️ clubs: positive things in your future
ace - financial gains and good news to come
two - possible challenges or maybe gossip about you
three - a wealthy partner may be on their way to you
four - betrayal by someone you trust
five - new friends and a new support system
six - success and prosperity in every aspect of your life
seven - success in business that leads to promotion and recognition
eight - difficulty in business, followed by a slow progression of growth
nine - new opportunities
ten - unexpected travel opportunities
jack - a reliable dark haired friend
queen - a helpful dark haired woman in your life
king - a strong dark haired man in your life
you may notice there is no solid meaning for the joker card, that’s because the joker can be used with a number of different meanings or not used at all. i personally don’t use the joker card, but it can represent surprise events outside of your control, foolishness, immaturity, secrets being kept from you, etc. it’s all in your interpretation and intuition.
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🦇 A Crown So Cursed Book Review 🦇
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
❝ Don't forget to mind your Muchness, and keep moving forward. ❞
❓ #QOTD What's your favorite fantasy retelling OR your favorite character from Alice in Wonderland? ❓ 🦇 The long-awaited final installment of L.L. McKinney's Nightmare-Verse trilogy is finally here! The Nightmares that are leaking into the mortal realm are no longer so easily defeated with Figment Blades. With the monsters now seeping through the Veil, Alice and her crew must save Wonderland from itself. Between Hatta's Madness, Humphrey and Chess's strange, shared nightmares, and Alice's family in danger (again), it's almost more than Alice can take. Can she confront Wonderland's dark past to save the mortal realm's potentially darker future?
[ Find my full review below or on: Goodreads | Insta | StoryGraph ]
💜 L.L. McKinney is a magical moon goddess who weaves words with exquisite, unmeasured Muchness. As always, McKinney excels with both her word choice and dialogue, painting vivid pictures and powerful, raw characters that bounce right off the page. There's no refuting how fun, creative, and enchanting the entire Nightmare-Verse series is, and McKinney's spellbinding prose is perfect for an Alice in Wonderland retelling. How can you not love the badass, multi-fandom-loving bi baby girl that is McKinney's Alice? From the first chapter, readers are rushed off their feet, out of this reality, and into Alice's. Every fight scene conjures spectacular, action-packed imagery. Each line of dialogue sounds like you're talking to a familiar, fascinating friend. Alice in Wonderland is one of my all-time favorite classics, and no one has rewritten that world quite like McKinney has. I devoured this book in one sitting, as I'm sure many readers will (after all, we've been waiting since 2019 for this final installment, and it's finally here!).
🦇 Though I'm sure this will be a five-star read for many, this is my least favorite of the Nightmare-Verse books. The entire story, while action-packed, seemed rushed, as if the author was trying to fill 300+ pages to get to the grand (unsurprising) reveal. There are many plot points that are never fully resolved. For starters, the relationships in the book are a mess (Alice/Hatta, Alice/Chess, Chess/Humphrey, and Alice/Haruka...the latter seems like it was thrown in there to remind us that Alice is bi, even though she's kind of dating Hatta at the time?). There's a reveal involving Hatta, Chess, and Humphrey that gets mind-wiped, leaving us with no resolution there (a reveal that complicates the confusing ships mentioned above). Perhaps the most frustrating is the reliance on magic as a quick fix to a messy plot. The majority of the story is meant to get Alice to an epic final battle, but there aren't enough clue drops or slight reveals placed throughout the story to build suspense or intrigue.
🦇 Recommended to fans of Alice in Wonderland retellings, action-packed fantasy fight scenes, and magical mayhem.
✨ The Vibes ✨ ♠️ Alice in Wonderland Retelling ♥️ Third in a Trilogy ♦️ Love Triangle (Square?) ♣️ Young Adult Fantasy Fiction ♥️ Bisexual MC
🦇 Major thanks to the author @ll_mckinney and publisher @macmillanusa / @mackidbooks / @fiercereads for providing an ARC of this book via Netgalley. 🥰 This does not affect my opinion regarding the book. #ACrownSoCursed
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crossed-starbound · 5 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist
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1 - Smut, sfw, kinks, and all that are welcome. DDdNE (Dead Dove do Not Eat) are now allowed, but if it’s something religious related or heavy age gap I will refuse it. (Along with spousal abuse - Especially that.)
2 - All the basic DNIs apply, especially Minors DNI since this is a mostly NSFW blog and I wouldn’t want to be the reason a small humanoid ends up getting into the NSFW side of things.
3 - This partially contradicts the all kinks welcome part, but kinks like scat and watersports are not welcome, especially if someone tries to Ask or Request something that has Scat or Watersports with it. It’s separate from other rules because I wanted to specify on it specifically.
4 - If you and someone else are talking within my books or anything I write, I want you both to be civil about things or I will remove the ability to comment on my stuff. (If there even is an ability to do so)
I will say in advance that if I don’t get to your request or ask in time, it’ll probably be from doing other stories or irl things, or probably a chance of me doing storylines for my AUs. It’ll depend on the moment.
That should be all for the rules! Please follow them, for the sake of my sanity and others.
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“ You’re My Stripes ”
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
“ A Shadow of Death ” - Ending’s Arsenic!AU
“ The Flood of Annihilation ” - Drowned Demise!AU
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All of the Books I have as of right now! This will be updated when new ones release. So be sure to check frequently if need be!
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- This blog is ran by an AuDHD person, who has neopronouns; Void being the preferred which you all can use as well, I don’t mind any pronouns used, but preferable ones are always best.
- My interests are wide and vary quite a bit, but the main ones are; UnderTale/Deltarune, CoD (Call of Duty), MLP (My Little Pony), FNF (Friday Night Funkin’), FNaF (Five Nights at Freddy’s), PJS (Percy Jackson Series), TKC (The Kane Chronicles), GI (Genshin Impact), HSR (Honkai: Star Rail) ZZZ (Zenless Zone Zero), PK (Pokémon), SV (Stardew Valley), S:CotL (Children of the Light), CotL/LC (Cult of the Lamb/Lamb Cult), TF2 (Team Fortress 2).
- The reason behind the blog? I redid it from being a Welcome Home account into what it is now, and just kind of wanted to embrace what I like. I’m quite sexual intense, and I make too many stories within my head so I wanted to share with all of you. If you don’t want to see my content, filter it out or block me, I’ll be fine with it, I promise, you are a being like I am so I understand fully.
- This blog is sea and snow themed, so if you find anything snow or sea themed, @ me! I adore snow and sea stuff.
“ That’s all from me folks! Tune in next time~ ”
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- Non-follower Emojis: 🫥, 💀, ☠️, 🎃, 👾, 💃, 🕺, 👠, 🥾, 👟, 🥽, ☃️, 🌧️, 🌨️, 🌩️, ⛅️, 🌤️, 💥, 🔥, ✨, 🌟, ⭐️, ⚡️, 🌙, 🌚, 🌞, 🌝, 🌸, 🌼, 🪸, 🎋, 🌾, 🍄.
- Follower Emojis: ❄️, 🌊, 🪴, 🍃, 🪼, 🦋, 🦕, 🦈, 🐬, 🪽, 🦌, 🐈‍⬛, 🐈, 🐾, 🐉, 🌳, 🌲, 🌿, ☘️, 🍀, 🌱, 💐, 🌷, 🌺, 🪷, 🪻, 🥀, 🌻, 🪐, 💫, ☄️, 🌫️, 🕸️, 🍄‍🟫.
- Hidden Status Emojis: 🥩, 🏳️, ♦️, ♥️, ♣️, ♠️, 💬, 💭, 🪞, ⛓️, ⚙️, ⚖️, 🕯️, 🎲, 🎻, 🎮, 🪈, 🎭, 🎬, 🍬, 🥃, 🍧, ☕️, 🍯, ☕️, 🍩, 🍪, 🥮, 🍡, 🧇, 🪶, 🦭, 🦇.
“ Hope to see you next time~ ”
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fandom-with-no-hope · 9 months
Rare post about my oc because you will not hear about it them again for a long while until I find the motivation to draw them or smth.
The villains:
There are Five of them, which is why they're called "The Five", obviously (I'm not creative.) They all obey the Queen Mira, who wants them to gather shards of a certain artifact, no matter the cost. While Mira could be considered the real villain of the story, we never get to actually fight her.
♦️: His real name is Molly, he's probably 21 years old. He has fire powers and he's supposed to be the first boss of the game (not necessarily the easiest though). But he gets a redemption arc near the end of the game and fights with the heroes. Pronouns are He/Him, he's trans FTM and he's bisexual. He's not that close to the other members of the Five, except with Maxwell, because she's the best.
♣️: Her real name is Maxwell and she's either 20 or 21 years old. Her powers are a sort water manipulation. She can do everything with it. She's meant to be a recurring enemy but she never attacks directly, preferring to create abominations with her powers and distract the protagonists while running away. She also gets a redemption arc, because of Molly, but she does not fight in the final battle. On the bright side, she's the protagonist of the second game. Pronouns are She/Her, she's trans FTM and she's bisexual aswell. She loathes the other members of the Five, ESPECIALLY Spade.
♥️: His real name is Aelys, and he's a sort of celestial being who betrayed his kind. A fallen angel in the universe of my story. He's around 3000 years old and he is directly connected with one of the biggest tragedies of my story, although no one is there to actually prove it (I will not elaborate for now). He has wind powers, and since I hate the guy so much we barely see him outside of the final fight. He never changed his views and preferred to stay with the Queen until the very end. Pronouns are He/Him and he is unabelled.
♠️: His name is Xian, he's from a certain species that are supposed to be shapeshifters. He's 19 years old. He was with the protagonist the entire game to keep an eye on her until he betrayed her in the end because he's an asshole. He has earth powers, being able to cause earthquakes when really pissed off (this guy's a menace). He does not have a proper boss fight but I had planned a sequence where the main characters had to run away from him in his own territory 👍. Pronouns are He/They, he doesn't understand anything about gender and he's asexual
🃏: Orion!!! They are the worst of them all. The strongest of the Five, the main antagonist who does everything to seem nice to the protags to carry their plans. They're 3000 years old and they should know that attempting to annihilate a country will not right the wrongs of their past. They have the power of nature. It's pretty adorable compared to the sheer power they hold. Pronouns are They/Them, they don't have a gender and they're aro ace.
I could spend hours talking about them
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princeinsomniavoid · 24 days
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