#♦ VERSE → post-doma.
neverwavers · 2 years
Smirks: Kiss meme — Raphael
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send me a character's name and i'll say if resa will kiss them! // accepting!!
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Annnnd —— THWACK! In her hands is the plushie she intended on giving Ryou as a surprise present, but now it's a weapon to brush Jounochi on the back (she, of course, means no malicious intent here.)
"Mate, that's like asking you if you'd kiss Shizuka. You know full well that Raphael's like a big brother to me, you drongo!"
Just to emphasize her point, there's a pointed glare now thrown in the Yankee's direction, too.
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neverwavers · 2 years
[ @praeteritus-memories || continued from here! ]
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Even though the muscle in her arms is sore, Resa still moves them to give Ryou a comforting hug before her hand rubs his back. Her head cants to the side to rest it upon his own, along with her giving a warm, comforting smile to reassure him. He must have been so scared, so frightened over the possibility of losing her here... That is something she ultimately wanted to avoid at all costs.
"It's gonna take a lot more than that to take me out, Ryou. But, I don't plan on putting myself in that situation ever again. Come, sit with me. You must be tired if you kept vigil over my bedside here."
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neverwavers · 2 years
[ @praeteritus-memories || continued from here! ]
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Almost instantaneously, Resa moves to take his hands into her own since she could see that he's already feeling anxious over the question she wants to pose to him. Slowly, but deliberately, does her thumbs run over the back of his hands to further calm any anxieties he may have. She wants to show to him she's not upset one bit and is actually rather nervous about posing this question to him, which isn't like her to do.
"I'm not mad, don't worry. Listen, I just... I wanted to ask if you've thought about us living together and us finding our own place to settle down after we both graduate." Even though she's trying to be strong for the both of them, it's clear with how she's holding his hands that she's equally nervous about this, too.
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neverwavers · 2 years
Kiss meme: Kemo Saruwatari
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send me a character's name and i'll say if resa will kiss them! // accepting!!
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No amount of alcohol could make me do it || Ew || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || I want to kiss them every day
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neverwavers · 2 years
[ @praeteritus-memories || continued from here! ]
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"Well, if you're so confident that you can handle more than just that..."
On the table in front of them, Esme places a bag full of the single chip packets, wearing quite the venomous smirk towards her beloved thief.
"It's no fun if there's nothing wagered, so... How about you eat as many as you can and I'll be a good little subservient pet to you? I think that's a suitable reward."
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neverwavers · 2 years
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❛ She's a 10, but m' Spidey senses ar tinglin' an' they're tellin' me she's possessed. ❜ He doesn't know the full extend of it where ESME comes from, but he's ready with garlic and talismen at hand.
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call my muse out // accepting!!
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"You think I'm possessed, mate?" As far as she's aware, she hadn't encountered any evil spirits aside from the one residing within the Millennium Ring. A finger was brought up to tap at her cheek in thought, her lips pursed together in a brief moment of thought.
No one said she couldn't have a bit of fun here, right?
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That thoughtful look that previously settled upon her features soon turned into quite the mischievous smirk before her hands are raised with her fingers, positioning themselves like she's ready to grab on to the Yankee here. There was a small groan coming from her next, along with her walking a bit haggard, as if she was imitating a ghost.
"I hunger for your soul, Jonouchi!"
Now she was going to have fun here.
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neverwavers · 2 years
[ @praeteritus-memories || continued from here! ]
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As if to reacquaint herself with the familiar and warm feeling of her lover's lips, Esme allows the kiss to linger between them. She can tell that her beloved king of thieves was worried about her, an emotion he didn't express at all to just anyone. It's why her arms, as heavy as they are right now, envelop around him in a warm embrace. A hand rests upon his ivory locks, with her other cupping his cheek to gaze upon his hazel hues.
"If I had a choice in the matter, I wouldn't have put myself in that position to begin with. What good am I if I lose my soul?" Honestly, her mask is quite troublesome to keep track of sometimes. "...but, I am glad that I've once again returned to you, my king. I'm... I'm sorry for worrying you like that."
Hell must have frozen over in that moment for her, of all people, to willingly apologize like that. However, it was said in sincerity, another aspect she isn't too experienced on.
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neverwavers · 1 year
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Looks like today's the day to make her tear up, though out of happiness and gratefulness for having such good friends in the form of @ofhardknoxxx and @devildukem to defend her from those comments.
Truly, she's never regretted opening her heart up to having friends in the first place, especially during moments like these.
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neverwavers · 1 year
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"I still don't think I've earned being defended like that, but... thanks, mate. It means a lot."
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neverwavers · 2 years
@kurai-honoo said: "You want to fight him? Be my guest."
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"Been there, done that, didn't get the t-shirt and ended up losing my soul because of it. Zero out of ten, wouldn't recommend. However, I would do it again just to regain my agency and freedom over myself so that I wouldn't be a good little puppet for him dancing on marionette strings."
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neverwavers · 2 years
Would you kiss Dartz?
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send me a character's name and i'll say if resa will kiss them! // accepting!!
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No amount of alcohol could make me do it || Ew || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || I want to kiss them every day
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The name itself brings forth quite the venomous taste in the Brit's mouth, which causes her to place the cup down that she was drinking out of on the table so that she could cough behind her hand. Well, if Ryuji's intent was to hit her with a critical strike like that, he certainly got his intended reaction! It takes Resa a few moments to recuperate, mostly so that she could at least enunciate clearly here.
"O-Oi, mate... Warn a girl before you do that, will ya?"
A hand rests upon her chest to draw in a few short merciful breaths before she slumps back in her seat. That same hand is brought up to massage at her forehead while she allows a heavy sigh to pass her lips.
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"Lemme be honest with you for a sec here. I'd be lying if the idea didn't come to me from time to time, but only because I viewed him as a savior like Amelda, Varon and Raphael did. I also viewed him as my prince charming, as corny as that sounds, 'cause a part of me still wanted to believe in fairy tales, you know?"
Back then, she was definitely a naïve fool for still having those beliefs, even after she had been so mistreated in the past.
"This was obviously before my path crossed with Ryou's own and also before I realized Dartz fed his loyal Swordsmen spoonfuls of bullshit again and again to cover up that he was the one behind making all of our lives a living hell."
Her fingers curl into the hem of her skirt with her gaze lowering to her lap, her shoulders visibly shaking from all the unresolved feelings of anger that she still had for the Atlantean. She never quite got her moment of closure, even during her duel where she can she can still feel his last attack that caused her soul to be ripped from her body as if it had happened yesterday.
"I guess... I just want to ask him why he did all of that to us. We were bloody kids, Ryuji. Kids! And he..."
Now her hands move to cover her face with her desperately trying to not let the sobs rise to the surface here. Bringing him up definitely has nothing but negative connotations for those whose lives he upended with his own hands.
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neverwavers · 2 years
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❝ Resa’s a 10, but she sold her soul to a really messed up cult. ❞
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call my muse out // accepting!!
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"Oi, come off it now, Ryuji." There was a small whine that came from the Brit over what he said. In addition, there was quite the small pout that settled on her face, too. "Surely I've more than made up for that blunder by now, yeah?"
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neverwavers · 2 years
"Do I make you uncomfortable?"
unprompted asks // always accepting!!
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"Aren't I the one who's supposed to ask you that question?"
To her, it'd make sense why she'd need to ask that question. He wasn't the one who ended up manipulating her as it was the other way around during those days when she was nothing more than some puppet dancing on marionette strings.
"I mean... I would have understood if all of you told me to go to hell after what I did to not just you, but the others. Hell, I wouldn't hold it against you now if all of you told me that to my face. I know I fucked up pretty badly. I just hope that what I did in the end made up for it a little."
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neverwavers · 2 years
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affectionate texts // accepting!!
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[ txt - Duke 🃏 ] ...so, I was thinking. Your game doesn't require people to get hurt while playing it or gamble with their souls or whatever. Thing is, I don't quite know how to play it. [ txt - Duke 🃏 ] Would you mind showing me the ropes sometime soon? Is it strictly a board game right now, or are there holographic capabilities like Duel Monsters?
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neverwavers · 2 years
out of cards: so none of my tags have been working, which means ig it’s time for a new tag drop! also a new dynamic tag for @praeteritus-memories‘ Ryou and Bakura ^^
♦ VISAGE → so many masks but which one is the real ‘‘you’‘? ♦ MUSINGS → thoughts that swirl around a tumultuous mind. ♦ MANNERISMS → the way she holds herself; the sight of a proper lady but even more lies within. ♦ AETHESTICS → what may appear as a materialistic desire is anything but. ♦ CARDS → what helps her excel on the high-stakes battlefield. ♦ WARDROBE → illuminate the sky with your ephemeral beauty. ♦ ABILITIES → some may call you a jill of all trades with your many skills. ♦ ALLIES → you are never alone; at least someone has your back. ☠ VISAGE → behold the sight of the monster within; she who has a venomous gaze in hateful eyes for the world itself. ☠ MUSINGS → what thoughts come from such a burning desire to see the world crumble at your feet? ☠ MANNERISMS → such cruelty & malice are reflected in these actions; watch yourself for she might tear you asunder. ☠ AESTHETICS → such a rich taste for the finer things in life; why should she settle for anything less than what’s suited for a queen? ☠ CARDS → mere tools so as to secure a win from impossible situations. ☠ WARDROBE → wrap yourself in garments that are made for royalty; settle for nothing less. ☠ ABILITIES → strike swift & fast from the shadows themselves for no one will be able to keep track of you. ♦ MEMES → it’s all fun & games here! ♦ VERSE → battle city. ♦ VERSE → doma. ♦ VERSE → post-doma. ♦ VERSE → dark side of dimensions. ♦ VERSE → post-dsod. ♦ OUT OF CARDS → the duel is over! you have lost the game! ♦ DYN / praeteriterus-memories: even death won't separate us for our souls are forever intertwined by the sands of time.
#♦ VISAGE → so many masks but which one is the real ‘‘you’‘?#♦ MUSINGS → thoughts that swirl around a tumultuous mind.#♦ MANNERISMS → the way she holds herself; the sight of a proper lady but even more lies within.#♦ AETHESTICS → what may appear as a materialistic desire is anything but.#♦ CARDS → what helps her excel on the high-stakes battlefield.#♦ WARDROBE → illuminate the sky with your ephemeral beauty.#♦ ABILITIES → some may call you a jill of all trades with your many skills.#♦ ALLIES → you are never alone; at least someone has your back.#☠ VISAGE → behold the sight of the monster within; she who has a venomous gaze in hateful eyes for the world itself.#☠ MANNERISMS → such cruelty & malice are reflected in these actions; watch yourself for she might tear you asunder.#☠ AESTHETICS → such a rich taste for the finer things in life; why should she settle for anything less than what’s suited for a queen?#☠ CARDS → mere tools so as to secure a win from impossible situations.#☠ WARDROBE → wrap yourself in garments that are made for royalty; settle for nothing less.#☠ ABILITIES → strike swift & fast from the shadows themselves for no one will be able to keep track of you.#♦ MEMES → it’s all fun & games here!#♦ VERSE → battle city.#♦ VERSE → doma.#♦ VERSE → post-doma.#♦ VERSE → dark side of dimensions.#♦ VERSE → post-dsod.#♦ OUT OF CARDS → the duel is over! you have lost the game!#☠ MUSINGS → what thoughts come from such a burning desire to see the world crumble at your feet?#♦ DYN / praeteriterus-memories: even death won't separate us for our souls are forever intertwined by the sands of time.
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