#♥️ I’ll never know Russian ♥️
headkiss · 2 years
Hiii, could I request a Steve x Female reader inspired by the Little women, specifically the dynamic between Amy and Laurie. Reader is Nancys sister (feels second to her, like Jo and Amy) and got close with Steve when working with him at scoops ahoy, he confesses his feeling when they’re captured by the Russians but it doesn’t go well but plz make it a happy ending cos I need it hahaha ♥️♥️♥️ thank u!!
hiiii i love little women and i hope this is somewhat what u wanted!!! | 0.9k words, wheeler!reader, fluff :D
When Steve was with Nancy, you convinced yourself you didn’t like him, that you simply had to deal with his presence.
He was always kind to you, making small talk whenever he could, flashing you warm smiles. You weren’t used to him even looking your way, let alone talk to you, and then he was in your house.
Maybe it was the unusualness of interacting with him that put you off. Or—as you’d figure out later—maybe it was the underlying jealousy that he liked Nancy in a way he’d never like you.
Then, they broke up, and he was gone. You found out what happened, and you reached out to Steve, letting him know that you were there if he needed. That’s when you first realized you’d been lying to yourself all along; you didn’t dislike him at all.
You eventually started working with him and Robin at Scoops Ahoy, and he became your best friend. And you, his.
It got harder and harder to push your feelings for him away, to act like all you saw him as was a friend.
Then, the Upside Down invaded your lives again, and this time, you were dragged in. Russian codes, trying to crawl through vents, a secret elevator. All leading up to now, being trapped in said secret elevator. You had enough time in the room to process the fact that you might not get out, and as everyone else slept, you stayed wide awake.
You thought everyone was asleep, at least.
Steve was awake, looking at you through squinted eyes so that you wouldn’t notice. His stomach was in knots; he felt awful for involving you in this mess. You who, against all odds, stuck by him even when your sister didn’t. You who he’d grown to love, over time.
It was hard for him to accept at first, that he fell for none other than his ex’s sister. But, he couldn’t ignore it for long. What with the way you looked at him without an ounce of judgment.
You bury your face in your hands, lean your head against the wall behind you. Steve decides to get up and sit next to you. He nudges you with his shoulder, making you look over at him.
“Can’t sleep?” He asks.
“Can’t imagine why. It’s not like we’re doomed, or anything,” your sarcasm is familiar enough to make him smile.
“I’ll get us out of here, honey. I swear.”
“Yeah, I know you will.”
Though you don’t actually know anything about how or when you’ll get out, you do know that he’s going to do everything he can to keep you safe. You’ve never had to doubt that.
“What are you thinking about?”
He can tell when your mind is full, when your thoughts get a little too loud. He’s learned to know you better than he knows anyone else and sometimes it drives him nuts. All he wants to do is hold you, kiss it all away. But, he can’t.
He asks a loaded question, you think. Because, what aren’t you thinking about right now? You’re thinking about your family, what the last thing you said to them was. Thinking about the other people trapped along with you and how much you wish they weren’t here, only so that they were safe, You’re thinking about Steve, about all the things you might never say.
“Just, um, about what might happen if we die.”
“We’re not dying,” he faces you, makes sure you’re looking at him when he repeats, more sure, “we are not dying, you hear me?”
“Yeah. I know, I’m just scared.”
This time, he lets himself reach out. He takes your hand, laces your fingers together.
“Me too.”
His eyes are searching your face, roaming over every detail. The color of your eyes, the way your lashes frame them, the slope of your nose. Then, he thinks, if he does die, he doesn’t want it to be before he gets to tell you how he feels.
“Can I tell you something?”
“‘Course you can, Steve.”
“It’s gonna sound kinda crazy,” you squeeze his hand, a silent reassurance. “But, just hear me out.”
He clears his throat, clearly nervous. Your voices stay hushed, never loud enough to wake anyone, only to hear each other. It’s your turn to look him over, the way his throat bobs when he swallows, the hair that falls over his forehead.
“‘M not judging you, promise.”
“No, I know. Um. So, when we met, I barely even knew you. But now, everything’s different. You’re my favorite person, like, ever, and I don’t want you to feel like things have to change after this, but I love you,” your world halts, it’s just him. “I’m in love with you.”
“You’re lying,” you want to believe him so badly, but it’s hard not to feel like he only wants you because he can’t have Nancy.
“I’m not. Look at me,” he uses the hand that isn’t holding yours to cradle your face, thumb sliding over your cheek. “I know how it seems, and that the only reason we know each other is ‘cause I was with Nancy, but this is real. I do love you, and I’ll do whatever I can to prove that.”
You kiss him, quick and sweet, but the way he melts into you is enough to let you know he’s being completely honest. You lean your forehead on his.
“Yeah, honey?”
“I love you, too.”
At least, if this is your last day alive, you were able to have been loved by Steve Harrington, and to love him back.
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kaittalkstoomuch · 1 year
hey everyone! It’s ‘86 baby! ♥️
‘86 // Chapter Eight: Roxie’s Revelations
Tw: mentions of abandonment, horror elements, slight smut VERY SLIGHT (Roxie imagines things), angst.
The Evening of March 21, 1986
*Roxie’s POV*
“Hey you two be careful tonight.” Steve says as he and Robin help unloading the car full of beer, snacks, etc. “Don’t worry ‘dad’, we will.” I tease Steve setting the items by the door of the cabin while Robin chortles by the car. Steve laughs along with us but gets serious. “I don’t sound like your father.” “Yes you do. You do with Dustin too. It’s cute actually. Of course, I don’t blame you, he does get carried away. Like, last summer… or a few months prior around Thanksgiving… and the year before that.” “Oh yeah…. With the mall… and THE RUS-“ “ROBIN!” Steve shouts panicked.
Robin and Steve stare at each other. “What? She knows about the Upside Down, Steve. She’s not fucking stupid.” Robin says as she carries more stuff along and Steve looks at me stunned. “How?” I laugh at the specific moment I heard of the environment. Dart. One day, I believe a year after Will Byers disappeared, I ran into the little creature while taking a shower. I was almost done washing my body when I heard a noise and as the curious cat I am, I stopped the shower to investigate. When he suddenly moved, I screamed for Dustin. I was sure he had something to do with it. “DUSTIN!” I remember barging in his room with Dart.
The boy was shocked and scared to say anything. I was fully clothed, frantic. Dart was wrapped in a towel like a baby. “Roxie… I can explain.” “Tell me what your little friend is and why he was in the bathroom?” Dustin was a bit terrified to tell me. “Dustin..” “Fine, sit down. There’s so much and you can’t tell anyone. Promise on our mother.” I close the door and go to sit on his bed with him. “Promise.” That’s when he spilt the beans, well, not all of its when Billy Hargrove and supposedly Jim Hopper died, both Robin and Dustin told me everything. From the Starcourt Mall, to the Russians secret base, to the Mind Flayer, and finally, to Billy. This is also when I hear of the “Never Ending Story” segment with Suzie. Not gonna lie, I would’ve loved to see that, but they had a mission to complete.
“So, you knew about it this whole time? What the hell Rox?” Steve asks as I get antsy. “Yes, my brother told me, a lot. I’m sworn to secrecy, ON OUR MOTHER!” “Yeah! On their mother!” Robin tries to help. “Okay, fine, but Eddie doesn’t know at least, right?” I shake my head, waving my hands. “No, he’d be terrified. He wouldn’t even believe it. Yes, he plays Dungeons & Dragons, but he would FREAK. Hell, I only believed it because when I first saw Dart, he didn’t look like any type of creature in this dimension. And then with the Russian base underneath the mall, I knew to keep quiet… Oh, by the way Steve.” “Yeah?” I smile at Robin and she smiles back. “Oh god.” I hear Steve utter under his breath. “I heard you also won your first fight, great job.. A Russian, too… in that goddamn Scoops Ahoy uniform.”
Steve groans resting his face in both palms of his hands as Robin and I laugh. “I’m gonna strongly assume your asshat brother told you.” Steve irritatedly says. “Yep, and that they drugged you and Robin.” My eyes narrow as if I’m questioning him. “Did you really call him ‘Dad’? Stevie boy, I know you got issues with your father, but damn a fourteen year old boy?” “Laugh it up, Rox.” Steve says. “Okay, I’ll stop. Mostly because of my own issues with my own father. I’m sorry.” Steve hugs me as I look at Robin confused and she just shrugs. “It’s okay Roxie, I understand. I just wanted to make sure everyone in that secret base was safe. Robin, Dustin, Erica and I. It was wild.” I nod. “I bet. You really beat the shit outta that Russian huh?” “Oh hell yeah I did. Got a shiner too!” “Yeah he did!” Robin says. “Good!” Robin then clears her throat with an “ahem”. Steve and I stop hugging and look at Robin confused. “What?”
“It’s getting super late and Eddie should almost be done with his thing. Rox, I don’t think you’d want us to watch-“ “Okay, yeah. Yeah? You guys go ahead and go, I’ll put the stuff away. I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” I say hugging both of them. “Thank you for the goods.” “Yeah, you’re welcome, have a good night.” Steve says waving by his car with Robin by the passenger door. “Oh and Steve, try not to… get excited with ‘Fast Times’, ‘Kay?” I laugh as Steve playfully flips me off.
I turn to open the door and light the cabin up in its glory. “Home sweet home.” I sigh, putting the items down, then taking my boots off. Man, I love them but my feet are killing me. Ignoring that, however, I go to put everything in the fridge or in the pantry. I grab a lighter I stole from Eddie and light the candles. I go to make sure the bed is made, even though that won’t last for long. My mind starts to wander of the things we’d do.
Once everything is set up, I go to my bag and grab an old shirt of Eds and a pair of shorts while imagining the polar opposite. Eddie would tear them off. He would sit me on the edge of the bed, lay me down while climbing on top of me. Our lips would be on fire and our tongues would be fighting for dominance. Eddie would grip on my hips, possibly causing some bruising. The way he’d kiss along my jawline to meet my sweet spot, only then to suck on it so harshly yet delicate.
My mind starts veering away from those thoughts. It’s now in worry territory. How is the deal going? Is he okay? Is Chrissy okay? Are they both okay? Oh god. What if somehow Chrissy actually was using this as an opportunity to get with Eddie? No, no Roxanne. Don’t think that way. Eddie would NEVER do that to you. Nor would Chrissy. Why am I thinking like this? Ugh. I go grab a beer from the fridge and crack it open. It'll possibly calm my nerves. I just hope everything is okay.
I go back and start playing “Rhiannon” on a music player I brought from my house. It’s my go-to song for when I get way into my thoughts. Something about its lyrics speak to me. It’s stuck with me ever since Dad left. Anything I would be alone, I would play the song just so that I wouldn’t be alone. Actually, any song of Fleetwood Mac or Stevie Nicks would save me, but “Rhiannon” normally does the trick. I love when Eds sings it to me, it adds a special touch. I look at the Polaroids on the wall, holding my beer and humming the lyrics. “Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win?” Stevie and I sing in unison.
I look at the one picture with the Hellfire club. God, Dustin is so goofy. I definitely know what his reaction would be if Eddie left. Though, Eddie would definitely hurt me, or Dustin. He took Dustin under his wing and loves him like a younger brother. Chrissy seems like a sweet girl, too. She is a sweet girl. She wouldn’t harm a fucking fly. She seems too content with that asshole Jason, which irks me too. Chrissy is way too sweet and pretty for Jason. She deserves to be happy without him. She strongly deserves it.
I pull out a walkie talkie Dustin gave me for emergencies from one of the drawers. Apparently, when Will went missing, it was a major source of communication between the kids. So, I guess I should test it out. “Dustin.” I whisper, buzzing from the beer. “Dusty Bun, do you copy?” I whisper. The walkie talkie starts making noise, slightly startling me as the lights flicker a bit. “Hey Rox, do you have any idea what time it is?” Dustin smart mouths me. “Yeah… sorry. Eddie still hasn’t come by after the deal and I’m worried.” “Rox, y’know there’s nothing to worry about. He REALLY loves you.”
I laugh. “I know, I know. It’s just taking so long, and I miss him. I’m worried for both him and Chrissy.” Dustin laughs over the walkie. “You’re just lonely in the cabin. I’m sure it’s fine and he’ll be there soon.” KNOCK KNOCK. I stop in my tracks as the lights flicker a bit again and look at the door from the bed and go quiet. “Roxie…. ROXIE GRACIE! Is everything okay? Do you copy?” I wince at the old nickname I had since I was a kid. “Ew Dustin, don’t call me that.” I lift the walkie talkie to my mouth. “And yeah, yeah. There was a knock.” KNOCK KNOCK. It goes again.
I get up from the bed and go to the door slowly as the lights start flickering. I grab the bat with nails, a gift from Steve also for emergencies. “Rox-“ “Shh! It could be Eddie, but it doesn’t explain the lights.” “The lights what-“ “It’s probably just faulty electricity. I gotta go, I love you.” “O-okay. If anything happens you radio me. I love you too. Be careful Roxie. Over and out.” Dustin reluctantly says as he goes out. My hand wraps around the door knob and I turn it nervously. “Landslide” begins playing as my nerves rise once again. The lights continue flickering as I open the door, meeting a somber, drained Eddie. “What the hell?” I think to myself. “Eddie… What happened?… Baby?” Eddie says nothing and falls into my arms motionless.
“Eddie, what happened?” I help him inside and slam the door shut. I go straight to the bed with him in my arms. I set him down, not wanting to let go as the lights flicker. He winces a bit at it, making me worried. I hold his face and examine him. He’s been crying, his eyes are red. Bloodshot. The only way they’re lighting up is by the Christmas lights. “I’m gonna grab a drink okay?” I say almost walking away when I hear a soft yet alarmed, “ROXIE, NO!” He grabs my wrist, fear stricken. I go back to him and sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck and he holds me extremely close. I cup his face in my hands and look more. Something happened. Something definitely happened. The lights flicker again and he hugs me tightly. “Eds, baby.” I stroke his messy curls, looking into his doe eyes that are filled with horror. The energy seemingly sucked out of them. “Eddie what happened?” “Landslide” is about to end. Eddie’s cherry lips part. “Ch-Chrissy… Chrissy’s dead.”
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lisabmagdalena · 1 year
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I live in a very close Marina community where I am the only woman. They call me their “Princess”. Life here is through the male gaze, so I smile my way through a LOT of mansplaining!! 🤣🤣🤣
I've spent today outside my boat happily painting pots and repotting plants, and here's a host of mansplaining I’ve listened to today:
The “Old Man” who lost his wife last year is the voice of doom. No matter the conversation, he offers what could go wrong. Today he turned up with paint remover because I was incorrectly painting the pots apparently. (I did it my way anyway 🤣).
The “Carer For The Terminally Ill” always ready to chat about the size of the eels in the water 😱and why I should swim there to save showering (I’ll never want to 🤣).
The “World Traveller” and Master Of Carpentry currently creating a new wooden ceiling on my boat, will only listen to high-vibe devotional music. He insists my music (70s rock) is the wrong hertz frequency to match my natural state. (I have no idea what he’s talking about and will listen to it anyway 🙌)
The “Pirate” is hilarious and jolly handsome. He doesn't bother mansplaining because, being an Alpha Male, he expects me to know nothing about anything anyway 🤣🤣.
Then there's the neighbour that looks like “God”. (True story 🌟) He lives between his boat and the woods! I have no idea if that means a handmade bender made from natural foliage, but I hope so.
The Russian says that since a lady has moved into the Marina, the men are getting haircuts and smartening up their boats. (The power of the Feminine, I guess 🎉).
It’s great having the Emotional Intelligence Skillset to be the Queen of my World. While fiercely independent, I welcome their help and smile through the mansplaining, knowing that I rock their world a little when I step off my boat all glammed up.
On those days, most are too scared even to say hi. 😉😜
Your Coach
Lisa ♥️ xx
#Mansplaining #GenderedLanguage #EndMansplaining #MalePrivilege #genderbias #GenderEquality #Feminism #stopmansplaining #lisamagdalena #coaching #emotionalintelligence
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raubtierfuetterung · 2 years
Иногда мне кажется, я боюсь, что не лучше говорю по-русски со временем, а напротив просто совсем разучусь говорить на русском языке вообще. Так скучаю, и это безумная война, чёрт с ней, продолжается. И у меня тоска на сердце.
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thelinguaphilelady · 3 years
Introduction of thelinguaphilelady
Salut et bienvenue, first of all.
My name is Sarah and I have deep love of languages and cultures. I tend to rotate languages ever so often. Within there's a sensitive soul, simple things like nature, tea, and food set my ♥️ blaze. I currently study at community College and living at home.
Likes: 🍜🍫🍛 I frequently torture myself over food posts like gimme that food! I have a sweet tooth. I'm also a musicophile, listen to everything but country & metal rock. I vibe with the 1975, Laura Pausini, Nao/Kwabs to Gims, Tayc, and more. I'm an avid reader/writer. I take comfort in rainy/cloudy weather, especially during autumn. If I was an aesthetic, then it would be dark academia. I like colors such as lilac, sea blue, pale orange, periwinkle, light pink, etc. In my spear time, I like watching dramas (Korean, Chinese, Thai, etc.), journaling, drawing.
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Dislikes: humid weather (I hate being sweaty), spiders (8 legged creatures of hell, so 😨), tight spaces. I also don’t like being on elevators alone.
French 🇫🇷 - I started learning French in my 2nd year of high school. I did 3 yrs and another 3 semesters in community college (2015-2020). I got into French through Stromae & Celine Dion, I slowly started in fall in love with it. I'm currently learning a bit of Haitian creole, to analyze the two. I’m not using Duolingo for French currently, because there’s better resources out there.
German 🇩🇪 ‐ Never took a formal class, mainly through Duolingo. The nice thing about German is that the nouns are capitalized and the amount of words for everything. I really like learning this beautiful language, I really want to visit Germany 1 day.
Polish 🇵🇱- I was always intrigued by polish, for it has a deep history and culture. Currently learning through Duolingo. The rz, cz, ę, ł, sounds make this language unique. I tried learning Russian & Czech but it just didn’t stick, I leaned toward Ukrainian/Polish. Maybe 1 day, I’ll start studying Russian again.
♡ 🇳🇴 🇫🇮 🇸🇪 🇩🇰 - I started with Norwegian back in 2019, but I stopped for some time then I started Swedish. Before I knew it, I started Finnish and Danish as well. Currently, I go back to back with Swedish, Finnish, and Danish on Duolingo. I like Norwegian the most and starting to like Danish (though the pronunciation is rather difficult). 
♡ 🇧🇷 - I believe that the Portuguese language is the most underrated of the romance languages, but there's a certain appeal in the culture and flowing pronunciation. Started around end of 2018, for 4 months but started studying again. There's a lot a great music out there, such as Jão, IZA, Mc Livinho, etc.
♡ 🇨🇳 - started learning Chinese this year, I find the language overall nice. I like to watch Chinese dramas. I want to learn Cantonese also.
♡ 🇯🇵 - started learning this year, manga/anime is minor reason but I like the Japanese culture. It's seems so tranquil, just imagine being able to read in Japanese or exploring the countryside.
♡ 🇪🇸 - I know a good amount, I haven't studied it for a while, the last time was 2019. The novelas and music of batacha, reggaton,etc. Prince Royce was the 1st artist I listened to in Spanish. I took a semester in college.
♡ 🇹🇷 - I started learning Turkish through Duolingo, thought later I took 2 semesters. I fell in love with the culture and dramas. If you’re learning Turkish, I recommend the protector, ethos, and black money love on Netflix.
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