#♥; coming to you live from the depths of hell. (ooc.)
emystic · 1 year
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the salty af munday meme / Accepting!
@ama-tcra-su sent a letter: ❤️ (if you're still accepting?) ♥ What's the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
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Well, I don't know if it's the worst thing sometimes memories do come and go but it definitely some memories that live rent free in my mind more than others that I wish didn't.
Another, DeviantArt memory cause let's be honest it was just the worst place for me be for my first few years of role playing. I was playing this OC I had, he was like a young teen who knew martial arts. I think now I used old aspects of him for current ocs I have now after I unofficially retired him.
All this boy had to do with interact with one dude, it wasn't even a in depth thing. Just a "Hi, I'm so-and-so. Who are you?" without much continuation at that. After that this boy is getting his ass kicked almost killed by another person, a completely different character from a different mun at that which I didn't know. So I was very OOC for that and just asked "Whoa, the fuck is going on. Who the hell are you and what are you doing?"
So, I guess all I had to with interact with two characters that have beef with each other and one have a like a hired assassin guy too. So, now my OC have the to die too but the thing is no one told me this? You can't put in some big multi-part story with like three other people with no say. My dude was doing his own thing and is not connected, which makes not want to interact with anyone now if y'all gonna just throw into some bullshit without ME knowing it and I'm suppose to just play along. At that I don't know one of you and two of you guys I BARELY talked to y'all got me fucked all the way up.
Not mention they made it creepy as fuck too. I wasn't down with whatever was going on or what weird plot they was cooking up, especially since one of them acted way too weird for my liking toward my muse.
Just typing this out remind me of how much I was happy to leave past rp partners or communities as a whole. This is why though I have pet peeves or gripes about certain things, but I will straight up be down right pissed if you plot anything or make up anything involving my muses without having me be in the conversation and expect me to go with it. Those that have tried have been cut off completely and depending on I felt got chewed out by me. All because of people that made me deal with that dumb ass shit.
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heartbxmbs · 2 years
listen i know i'm just rbing things to be rbing them but nora is such a special part of my heart & i do miss writing her. rt will have to fight me for custody of her :/
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heartbxmbs · 3 years
not to be rude but i miss my nora more than i miss canon nora
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