#♥ If love is what you need a soldier I will be (Khaz x Bella)
pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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under the cut because. there's a lot.
i may have to do two of these posties.
Under the cut is also the urls for everyone involved, if you wanna know the song it's from just lmk and i'll link you mwuah
@tximidity, @resolutepath (for kiribb), @geistxhund both romantic and platonic, @dethqveen, @sensoryled, @artificeheart romantic and platonic for airu, @smokes-and-bullets, @thuganomxcs, @pastballads for corbin, @xamassed for luke
Sullivan ☼ I wish I could breathe without getting it stuck (Sullivan) Kirishima ☼ I know you were way too bright for me (Kirishima) Khaz ☼ I just can't decide what I'm running from (Khaz), ♥ If love is what you need a soldier I will be (Khaz x Bella) Eerie ☼ Dancing discordant spinning in retrograde (Eerie) Marcellus ☼ Tonight the foxes hunt the hounds (Marcellus) Airu ☼ One bright moment is all I ask (Airu), ♥ Something in you lit up Heaven in me (Airu x Bella) Francis ☼ Misery pays no salary (Francis) Yusuke ☼ I thought of angels choking on their halos (Yusuke) Corbin ☼ I know I'm bad news (Corbin) Luke ☼ Heaven's got a plan for you (Luke)
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: gently nibbles her finger, quite cautiously indeed due to his chompers- technically the bite meme
{ ♪ } -- Her face flushed at the gentle little nibble, unable to ignore how heat crept up her neck. Sure, she'd told him to bite her, but she didn't mean it literally. Having him actually take her hand and gingerly use his teeth against her skin... Well, it was enough to fry her brain.
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"I- Khaz, it's.. It's a figure of speech... I didn't-"
Her other hand came up to cover her face to the best of her ability so he couldn't see how red she'd become. Hopefully he wouldn't end up teasing her about it.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: ✪
My muse would like to… ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  dance with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  sing for your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  ask your muse out on a date. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  take a bath with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  hold your muse tight. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  lean onto your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  kiss your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  sleep with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  marry your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  watch your muse sleep.
✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  cuddle your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  go to a party with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  watch a movie with your muse ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧ ✧  play video games with your muse ✦ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  steal horses with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦  cook together with your muse. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ support your muse’s hobbies. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✧  get drunk with your muse.
✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  watch your muse cry. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  send your muse away. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ make your muse trip. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  deny your muse’s existence. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  slap your muse. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  crush your muse’s dreams ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  set your muse’s home on fire. ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧  kill your muse.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: ❉ for one muse to nap against the other
{ ♪ } -- Bella had a horrid habit of staying up far too long. This often resulted in really hard crashes when she did eventually sleep. Most often it was when her body just couldn't go on anymore and she'd finally stopped and relaxed just enough that sleep could claim her.
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She lay quietly, nestled against Khaz's side. Her eyes had closed as they started to watch a movie, and before she could realize it and attempt to keep herself awake, she'd fallen asleep. Breathing slowed and her face nestled a little closer to the warmth of his side. Khaz was warm, for one, and it made it so much easier to rest against him.
Hopefully he wasn't looking to go anywhere anytime soon... She was likely going to be out for at least a few hours.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: [ MELT ]  for the taller muse to lean down so they can bury their face into the shorter one’s shoulder. 
{ ♪ } -- She hummed softly, a curious noise that came about when he stopped right in front of her. When he leaned down and hid his face against her shoulder, though, she tilted her head to the other side.
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It took less than a second for her to gently wrap her arms around his shoulders, brushing her fingers over his back. The redhead wasn't entirely sure what had prompted him to nuzzle against her this way, but she wasn't upset about it in the slightest. No, she'd happily accept the affection, and find out the purpose for it when he was ready to share it.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: in hawaiian shirts, we are all equal before god.
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{ ♪ } -- "Khaz... Are you feeling alright? That was weird. Do you have a fever? Are you drunk? High?"
She reached out to touch the back of her hand to his cheeks and then his forehead.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: [ HANDS ] : our muses’ hands touch. (anything from grazing past or the hand holding content we all deserve.)
{ ♪ } -- It always felt like little shockwaves going through her skin when he touched her. Even the soft little brush of their hands sent her hand racing, earning a sideways glance at the coyote. She hesitated though, teeth working at the inside of her cheek.
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There was a slow movement of her fingers, slowly reaching over to link with his. Her small palm pressed against his larger one felt warm. It was... comfortable here. Bella gave a little smile, moving again to lean against his arm a little.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: ❝  i’m happy…are you happy?  ❞
{ ♪ } -- He'd been so... anxious lately. At least it seemed that way to her. A gentle hand slid down his arm, taking his hand in her own as she smiled and have it a little squeeze.
"I'm very happy, Khaz. You make me very, very happy. So much so that I can't even come up with enough words to properly explain it. You don't need to worry... I promise."
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She shifted then, moving to press a kiss to his forehead. Perhaps he just needed reassurance... it happened sometimes, after all. The strange thoughts that would make you question your worth...
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: ❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ . - w/ a dumb n' goofy, lovestruck grin prolly
{ ♪ } -- The expression he wore... It caused warmth to spread from her chest. It inevitably flooded her face, coloring the skin there with a red hue. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, averting her gaze.
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"Wh-What's that look for? I'm not doing anything..."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: ❛  let's go outside and dance in the rain.  ❜
{ ♪ } -- Whenever it rained, Bella was visibly more relaxed. The gentle pitter patter of the droplets against the window brought her peace and the quiet rumbling thunder seemed to soothe her soul. Today, she was sitting by the window, idly watching the rain fall and the trees sway in the wind. When Khaz spoke, she looked up at him and tilted her head curiously.
"Dance in the rain...?"
Immediately, her face lit up. She scrambled to her feet, nearly falling in her rush to stand, and dashing up to him. Her eyes sparkled with mirth, hands balled up against her chest.
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"Are you serious? For real?"
Bella didn't wait for him to confirm, afraid that he'd tell her he was kidding. Taking his hand, she rushed for the door. It took less than a second to slip one of her very few pairs of flats on and dart outside to dance and act with childish glee.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: /(・x・)\
{ ♪ } -- Her face flushed, a hand moving to try and cover some of the cleavage. She was embarrassed about the amount of skin showing in general. The poseable ears on top of her head felt strange, the fishnets weren't entirely unwelcome, but she stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed Khaz watching her.
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A loud yelp tore from her throat, arms flying to cover as much of herself as she could. Her neck and ears joined her face in a deep red flush. It took a moment or two, but Bella eventually looked up, slowly shifting to uncover herself despite how her heart thundered against her ribs.
"I, um... I... Was thinking of doing a, ah... A different sort of Halloween costume this year..."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: ‘ there’s no way this bed is big enough for you and me. ’ - cough self-indulgent cough
{ ♪ } -- The circumstances leading to then traveling together were complicated enough, she'd hardly comprehended them herself, but here they were. The hotel was packed, probably because it was just after a holiday and people were likely still out on vacations and whatnot... so, all they'd had left was a single room... with a single bed.
Honestly, this was straight out of one of those trashy romance novels she sometimes liked to read. Bella's mind swam with all the other situations that typically followed this development in those novels... and her face burned red. Covering her cheeks with her hands, she shook her head.
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"I mean..."
She sighed, frowning a bit at how shy she was being. This was no big deal!
"If we lay closer together, or even cuddle up a bit, it should be fine. There's no couch or anything for one of us to take instead, and I'm not so rude to make you sleep on the floor... and I doubt you'd let me do it instead, so..."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: [ CLOSER ]:     while pinning the receiver against the wall, sender glances down at their lips, suddenly aware of how close they are to one another…
{ ♪ } -- No matter how flustered she got at being pinned by him, she still pushed herself to focus on being upset that he was doing this in general.
"Wh-What do you think you're do-"
Seeing his gaze drift to her lips and linger there, a flush took her cheeks. Bella found that she suddenly couldn't ignore their proximity, how he leaned over her, the gentle warmth heating the space between them because of how close they were. Her heart thundered in her chest and she looked up at him more demurely than she would've liked.
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"... What's this for...?"
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: [ check ] -  sender checks receiver over for injuries, insisting on checking receiver over themselves to be sure that they’re okay - meanwhile he's probably littered in holes and barely hanging on himself but insist he is fine :)
{ ♪ } -- "Khaz... Khaz, I'm fine."
She smiled softly, strangely pleased that he was so concerned about her. The fight wasn't major, and honestly she'd kind of unintentionally instigated it by prodding the guy who'd swung, but still.
One hand lifted, gently brushing her thumb across the skin below his eye. It was already starting to bruise.
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"You, on the other hand, are going to be left with a black eye at least. He didn't hit too hard anywhere else, did he? No pain anywhere? Tell me what you're feeling so I can help."
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: [ lacerate ] for one muse to get stabbed while protecting/working with the other 
{ ♪ } -- "KHAZ!"
She shrieked, feeling her heart stop as the dagger plunged into his side. Her body moved before she could think, quickly taking him and pulling his head to her chest. His body was shifted under hers, wanting to protect him from any more harm. Immediately, she straddled his hips and placed his face in her hands, trying to keep him conscious.
"No, no, no, no, no! You're gonna be okay, it's gonna be fine, it has to be fine!"
Her fingers shook, panic evident on her face as tears began rolling down her cheeks. This wasn't how this was supposed to go! This was supposed to be easy!
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
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@untoterxhund whispered: [ HEART ] for one muse to rest their head on the others chest and listen to their heartbeat
{ ♪ } -- It wasn't unusual for her to pull friends or towards her as they sat together and letting them rest their head on her chest as she brushed her fingers through their hair. It was different here, though. Even as he settled his ear to her heart, she knew it was thundering like mad.
Still, she smiled and let her fingers brush through his hair, cheek resting on top of his head and her eyes fluttering closed. This... was nice. It felt good to sit here this way with him.
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Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to put a voice to these feelings...
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