#♤ butterfly in the wind without a care 》 thread ♤
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years ago
@agentjjkelly liked for a starter
"You're not from around here are you?" Lorelei sat with her elbows on the table, resting her chin on her interlaced fingers. As a succubus, she found it rather easy to read people, their energy, including things like being a vampire or a siren. But this one was different from everyone else at this academy. Something that seemed rather bland in comparison to the rest. It was curious but she wouldn't be losing any sleep over it.
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years ago
"The numbers, yes." Well, she didn't remember. It was just a number in her phone. Literally. Some fuck had gotten into her phone and deleted all her messages and changed her contacts to a list of numbers. Lorelei had let it slide, laughed it off, and just waited until they revealed themselves. Now this was the only number left, and her inebriated curiosity got the better of her. "But you... I have no idea. So who are you and why are you in my phone?"
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“ things must be catastrophic if you’re calling me at this hour. ” [ Lorelei to Anwyl ]
emotionally intense prompts.
Anwyl held his phone to his head, mostly confused as to why this call was being made. He was sure the last time they had spoken was when she was getting married, and not much after that "Oh. Now you remember my phone number, hm?" He commented, his tone hinting irritation.
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lilxmcrtes · 3 years ago
What You Are | @mortalalchemy​
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“If what you are is just what you own, what have you become when they take from you almost everything?”
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“Myself.” The irony of someone that's stolen everything that she was that she's not even sure which is hers and which is theirs. “They can't take that from me.” Not when Lorelei never really owned it in the first place.
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lilxmcrtes · 4 years ago
Tag Dump 》 Lorelei ♤
♤ short term fix for a long term problem 》 save ♤
��� smoke and drink and sway 》 aesthetic ♤
♤ you don’t know my mind 》 headcanon ♤
♤ drugstore girl so afraid of getting bored 》 visage ♤
♤ lying is the most fun a girl can have 》 musing ♤
♤ never enough and no satisfaction 》 likes ♤
♤ butterfly in the wind without a care 》 thread ♤
♤ sex don't sleep when the lights are off 》 desire ♤
♤ you want her but she’s so mean 》 wishlist ♤
♤ gonna pop your bubblegum heart 》 starter ♤
v: not the type to call you back tomorrow ( main )
v: eyes on fire
v: to sin is to be divine
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years ago
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"You." She didn't mind being blunt about it. Actually she enjoyed it. Lorelei liked to put a tough front, show people she wasn't scared. It made her cool, she thought.
"Seems like you did." She huffed in the direction of where the kid left with a smirk. Some annoying little punk, she's seen him around. She was here ditching class for a smoke but this caught her attention. "So how'd you do it? Pull some hypnosis or some shit? Is he gonna cluck like a chicken tomorrow?"
Liked starter for @lilxmcrtes
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"The fuck are you starting at?"
Godfrey being the abrupt asshole he was, had clearly been so indulged by his hocus pocus shit, that he didn't know he'd have a witness - Mind control was rarely used, but when he managed to use it around school, he knew he was going to pay the consequences.
"I'm just trying to teach the shithead a lesson" He finished, Making the poor now boy flee before anything else was to happen. Discarding his cigarette and straightening the collar of his coat, He knew he would attract attention one way or another, but he tried to use his defensive attitude as a means to sway them.
Little did he know he may make new friends in the process - Or rivals.
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years ago
His slower speech sounded like he had to be mocking her, making Lorelei open her eyes again to give a little glare and a frown in his direction. But he grinned at her and continued, speaking kind of like a caveman, a child.
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"I'm not stupid!" The sudden excitement made her head pound and she hissed. She was piecing it all together from what he said though.
She'd come to the party with someone else. They were rather boring but it hadn't been them she was there for. It wasn't long before they were separated and she ran into her new friend here. Out of the corner of her eye, she had seen her original partner. Letting them know just how boring they were and her lack of interest, she made sure to give her friend a dramatic snog and announce how she had wanted to leave. They got into a car together, not realizing it wasn't his, and drove off. As it turned out, he didn't really know how to drive either.
Yet it was someone else that hit them.
A leaf pressed into her palm, "What the-" she began, furrowing her brow. Again more pain, not just her head, but her shoulder and other various places. "Ah!! Fuck!!"
Meanwhile, elsewhere Oliver was working on his journal, one of many he's filled with new memories, old memories, dreams, anything he could get down so that he'd have a complete account of his life to access at anytime and could rid himself of the fear of forgetting something. Thought provoking techno music played softly from the headphones resting over his ears as he scribbled and pasted away. Eira had already come to take Percy to preschool, leaving him free to himself.
The buzzing and flashing of his phone caught his attention, pulling off the headphones to set aside on the desk.
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Immediately, Oliver tapped to call the message sender. "Lief?! Lief, are you alright?!"
Original post here.
"Mm. Drruuggs..." He says slower, for her, of course. Not really knowing what she was acting so funny for. Lief grinned, giving a nod of his head, encouragingly. Then he makes a face, shaking his head "No. We share. Party." He spliced simply, for her, of course. Turning his head his eyes shift around for a moment, searching, then he scrunched his nose "Together. We had fun. ...Then!-" Making a motion with his hands, he collided them together "They hit us!"
The once wild boy perked up "And it was fun, how we swirled over and over. Now we are here!" Lief had announced excitedly "You know this. You were here." Gesturing again he held up a leaf for her, one he found to calm her down a bit "Have this." Taking her hand he places it in her palm and then turns to go see if help was coming. He takes out his phone and starts to continue to text his one and only contact on it.
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years ago
Though Malcolm did not confirm whether or not her brother was safe, it went completely past Eira as she was more confused by his odd behavior. Watching the profiler with furrowed brows as he left, she was still unsure how her brother played into all this. She really really hoped Aeron wasn't in trouble for this. Maybe he just got upset when they questioned him. He was pretty lit up that night after all.
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Still, Malcolm was right. Better sooner than later and hear whatever it is from Aeron himself.
Not that Eira knew what she was in for...
Meanwhile they moved on to Lorelei, who had also been at the party according to the hosts, Oliver and Killian, mysteriously quite similar in appearance despite not claiming any blood relation. Strange.
The address given by Oliver was an apartment on the bad side of town. The foliage was brown and dead with trash strewn about. On their way, they passed a few sketchy people that seemed to scatter at the sight of them.
Upon knocking, the one who answered the door was another woman, Ivonne, or Selene, as she was known at work.
"Yeah, but she's not here right now. Hasn't been for a few days. She'll be back eventually though." Any questions on where she was or when she might be back was met with a shrug. "I'm just her roommate, not her mother. I don't even see her that often. But when you find her you should tell that bitch she's late on rent again so we might not even be roommates for much longer."
It was when they were leaving that Lorelei happened to be making her way home, struggling a bit to walk and sunglasses being pressed to her face.
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The trouble was so much, he couldn't even tell her? Aeron, what the hell?! This was exactly what she had gotten on his case about. The way he gets pissed off and does stupid shit that earns consequences for the both of them, and she was tired of dealing with the aftermath. Having to stop him from going after these punks outside the Halloween party had really set her night off to a horrible start. Though if she'd known it was because they'd poked fun at Adom...
"Okay...?" This Malcolm guy was a bit odd about her going down to the station. Maybe it was his first time doing this on his own. "Well, he's safe, right? I'll have to go after work. I'm on the clock for a few more hours." She was sure that'd be enough time for him to cool off and think about what he'd done. Whatever it was. He didn't go after those guys when she left, did he?
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years ago
“Drugs?” Her voice gave away her confusion. Lorelei tried not to let that kind of thing slip out, a sign of weakness, not knowing things, but she was weak at the moment. “Because... you give them to me?” No, she would remember him for that definitely. “Or...” She drifted for a moment, her head light and feeling woozy, and not in the fun way. “...because we... did them together? Both?”
Her eyes squeezed shut and she cursed not so under her breath. Her thoughts swirled around. She remembered him driving, and that he was pretty bad at it. Is that how they ended up like this?
❝ remind me why we’re friends? ❞ [ Lorelei to Lief ]
»        quotes from my duolingo, part 7
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lilxmcrtes · 2 years ago
"No, I wish." Then sitting through Mr. Flannegan's history documentary might've actually been interesting. Even he fell asleep five minutes in. But that gave her an out to skip the rest of class at what she thought was her spot, only to find someone was already there.
The other referred to the "fuckhead" again and she peered in their direction where they had long gone, wondering what he could've been pestering this guy about to piss him off so much.
Without answering his question, Lorelei passed him to a stone wall where she dug out her own cigarettes and lighter. Lighting one, she tucked it away and joined him, leaning against the wall.
"Why are you?" She quirked a brow at him and let smoke float away from them. "Because class is fucking boring is why."
Liked starter for @lilxmcrtes
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"The fuck are you starting at?"
Godfrey being the abrupt asshole he was, had clearly been so indulged by his hocus pocus shit, that he didn't know he'd have a witness - Mind control was rarely used, but when he managed to use it around school, he knew he was going to pay the consequences.
"I'm just trying to teach the shithead a lesson" He finished, Making the poor now boy flee before anything else was to happen. Discarding his cigarette and straightening the collar of his coat, He knew he would attract attention one way or another, but he tried to use his defensive attitude as a means to sway them.
Little did he know he may make new friends in the process - Or rivals.
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