#♡ nekoma recs
samus-onigiri-stand · 3 months
♡ update 2024.06.15 — recs masterlists have been updated!
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shibaraki · 9 months
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hi lovelies. as the year is coming to an end I wanted to work with my followers to compile a rec list of fics that have stuck with us as one massive thank you to all of the writers in our corner of tumblr/ao3. below you will find ship and gen fic from multiple different fandoms, and everything is in alphabetical order. I am grateful to all of you for the amazing work you do, and to those who participated!
fics: 37 fandoms: 9 total word count: 2.3m...
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❄︎ HQ
ampersand by infantblue [ONESHOT] [37K] #: miya atsumu x hinata shoyo - post timeskip - pretend relationship - hurt/comfort - anxiety - falling in love
Atsumu confesses to Hinata on a dare and everything falls apart.
atsu101: how to fall in love with your fake boyfriend by solyn [MULTI-CHAP] [110K] #: sakusa kiyoomi x miya atsumu - university au - pretend relationship - slow burn - fluff - growing comfortable with intimacy
Atsumu needs a fake date. Sakusa needs a fake boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
channel: jackal by aka_aka_aka [MULTI-CHAP] [340K] #: multi - social media au - timeskip arc - humour - fluff - romance
MSBY Black Jackals' Jacksuke-kun!! ☑ @.MSBYJacksuke Jacksuke here with an announcement!! 🥁🥁🥁 We've started a YouTube channel!! Trailer's already up and on Friday next week at 8p.m. JST, we'll tell you who you'll be seeing most often (not everyone wants to be on camera after all). See you all then!! 🖤🖤 897🗨 • 16.4K⟲ • 33.3K♡
don’t talk to me or any of my fourteen children ever again by meregalaxiesandgods [MULTI-CHAP] [39K] #: gen - ukai keishin x takeda ittetsu - families of choice - hurt/comfort - team dynamics - implied child abuse - fluff - angst
Ukai Keishin was not—and had no interest in becoming—a father. He’d somehow become responsible for fourteen children regardless.
how to not fall in love with your flatmates twin by ionica01 [MULTI-CHAP] [46K] #: sakusa kiyoomi x miya atsumu - university student sakusa - pro volleyball player atsumu - coming of age - fluff - falling in love - canon compliant
Kiyoomi and Osamu are flatmates, the student life is not rose-colored, and Atsumu shows up at the most unexpected times in the most expected places. Kiyoomi is... dealing with it.
getting it right by akaashism [MULTI-CHAP] [46K] #: kageyama tobio x hinata shoyo - best friends to lovers - pretend relationship - mutual pining - idiots in love - light angst - eventual sexual content
“I just—” he swallowed, bracing himself. “I need you to pretend to be my partner for a few days.” Hinata’s eyes grew wide and something like hurt flashed over his face. “Pretend? I thought we were partners! At least on the National Team. Aren’t we?” Tobio restrained the urge to smack him upside the head. “Not like that, idiot! I mean, partner in life! Like a boyfriend!” Hinata’s mouth snapped shut.
new horizons by popplino [ONESHOT] [10K] #: iwaizumi hajime x oikawa tooru - growing up together - animal crossing - friends to lovers - mutual pining - hurt/comfort - fluff
Oikawa always figured he'd end up falling in love with Iwaizumi, but he didn't expect for it to happen through a video game. Or: Iwaizumi, Oikawa, and the Animal Crossing franchise, through the years.
never stood a chance by litalana [ONESHOT] [9K] #: kuroo tetsuro x kozume kenma - fluff - jealousy - feelings realisation - coming out - love confessions - getting together
When the entirety of Nekoma finds out Kenma is gay (which was never meant to be a secret), Kenma becomes the focus of many of his male classmates. He could really live without all these love confessions though. So could Kuroo, for that matter.
no thoughts required by tawaki [ONESHOT] [9K] #: miya atsumu x hinata shoyo - friends with benefits - sexual content - heavy pining - introspection
It's the same shit, just on a different day: Atsumu is sleeping with Hinata. Atsumu wants to do more than sleep with Hinata. And Atsumu is—regrettably, completely, pathetically—whipped.
other boys in other ports by buttonstuck [MULTI-CHAP] [26K] #: sakusa kiyoomi x miya atsumu - science fantasy au - space sailor miya atsumu - bartender sakusa kiyoomi - fluff - sexual content
It’s stupid, waiting a year and a half for three meager days. Three days is all Kiyoomi gets, because he’s in love with a sailor who only makes port every few months. A sailor who has other lovers in other ports across the galaxy. But Kiyoomi can be happy being a warm bed, if it means he gets those three days every few months with Miya Atsumu.
that should be me by dillpicklechipsenthusiast [ONESHOT] [10K] #: iwaizumi hajime x oikawa tooru - love confessions - fluff - crack treated seriously - pining - first loves
After a disastrous night, Iwaizumi only has one solution for dealing with his drunken confession to his best friend: enlisting an unlikely group of friends to help him run away.
vren by icandigelvis [MULTI-CHAP] [100K] #: kageyama tobio x hinata shoyo - mythical beings and creatures au - historical fantasy - slow burn - fluff and angst - protectiveness - creature kageyama tobio
It was the boots that caught Shoyo's attention. They looked new and expensive sticking up from the tall grass, visible from the small trail he was walking on. He cautiously trudged closer, almost against his will. What Shoyo didn't notice, however, was the creature watching him; blue eyes following the oblivious human.
accidental (problem) child acquisition by shadecrawler [SERIES] [209K] #: gen - canon divergence - foster parenting - social services - child neglect - emotional hurt/comfort
After Aizawa Shouta's famous Quirk Assessment Test where he chews out his newest Problem Child for lack of Quirk Control and tells him blatantly that he can't become a Hero, he finds out two things. That Midoriya Izuku's Quirk came in on the date of Yuuei's Entrance Exam and that he is now in need of a foster parent. And it just so happens that Aizawa Shouta is in the best situation to raise a kid with such a self-destructive Quirk.
as small as an elephant by feelingstabby [MULTI-CHAP] [43K] #: gen - quirk accidents - animal transformation - fluff - angst - platonic cuddling - parental aizawa shouta - hurt/comfort - trauma
The one where Izuku and his sensei are turned into cats and have to learn to trust each other while struggling to find their way back home.
cardiac arrest by amournfulhowlinthenight [MULTI-CHAP] [190K] #: gen - psychological thriller - canon typical violence - kidnapping - character studies - character death - metafiction - revivals
All of the dead at Kamino Ward had been accounted for, sans one. One body had been pulled from the rubble, lifeless and limp, and taken away.
candy canes and christmas crackers by bigdorkenergy [MULTI-CHAP] [103K] #: bakugo katsuki x todoroki shouto - fake dating - christmas - fluff - romantic comedy - mutual pining
“So….your huge family somehow all think that you have a long term boyfriend and are insisting that you bring him to your week long Christmas family reunion?” Despite his efforts the end of his question raised in pitch as Kirishma swallowed down a giggle.“How does that even happen?” Kaminari added popping some of the hashbrowns Bakugou made into his mouth. OR Your classic holiday romcom where Bakugou needs a fake boyfriend to bring home for Christmas and Todoroki is willing to take that bullet
conversations with a cryptid by amournfulhowlinthenight [SERIES] [187K] #: gen - canon divergence - metafiction - midoriya izuku centric
The man was over a century old. There had to be more to it. In hindsight, it hadn’t been one of Izuku’s better ideas.
ground walker by kinguo [TWOSHOT] [42K] #: bakugo katsuki x todoroki shouto - slow burn - canon compliant - pining - fluff - angst
Tired of the way Bakugou Katsuki is treated unfairly, Todoroki takes matters into his own hands (though with careful scrutiny) to solve what he thinks is an issue. He doesn't expect to see new sides of one Bakugou Katsuki though, and he doesn't expect to become maybe a little more curious than he previously let on.
he calls you kacchan by bdugo [MULTI-CHAP] [50K] #: bakugo katsuki x midoriya izuku - introspection - friendship - pining midoriya izuku - oblivious bakugo katsuki - fluff - physical affection
After Katsuki apologized to Deku, they hadn't really gotten the chance to just exist with each other without some sort of life-threatening, world-saving shit going on. So Katsuki is picking up where he left off by extending his hand to Deku in an offer to rekindle their friendship, if that’s what Deku wants. Of course, Deku very much wants that, but the degree which Deku wants Katsuki in his life comes as a bigger surprise to Katsuki than anyone thought it would.
(phone) call for help by rejectscanon [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [96K] #: gen - todoroki family centric - canon divergence - child abuse - angst - hurt/comfort - escaping abuse - sibling relationships
Touya wants nothing more than to get him and his siblings out of their house and away from their father. To do this, he makes a last-ditch attempt and calls into Present Mic's radio station.
message delivered by dekusneakers [MULTI-CHAP] [20K] #: bakugo katsuki x midoriya izuku - manga spoilers - pining - hurt/comfort - texting
Kacchan: i miss you [2:03am] Kacchan: that was a typo [8:16am] Kacchan: go fuck yourself [8:17am] In which Katsuki grieves in the only way he knows how. With rage and double texting.
🔒 my (favourite) person by deviance [ONESHOT] [6K] #: bakugo katsuki x kirishima eijirou - established queerplatonic relationship - mild aphobic behaviour - asexual bakugo katsuki - hurt/comfort - alcohol consumption
Kirishima squeezed his hand, leaning into Bakugou’s other hand in his hair. “Have I told you lately that you’re my Favorite Person?” Bakugou huffed a quiet laugh, nose scrunching a little like it did when he was hiding embarrassment. “Only every day, hair for brains.”
no, I’m not afraid of hard work by froggenbie [ONESHOT] [12K] #: bakugo katuski x midoriya izuku - manga spoilers - friends to lovers - PTSD - fluff - shared trauma - literal sleeping together - hurt/comfort - getting together
Around the anniversary of the war’s end—of Izuku’s vigilante phase, of All For One’s return, of Katsuki’s death—Izuku gets clingy. Katsuki deals.
reconcile by whatagoodegg [MULTICHAP] [150K] #: gen - canon typical violence - imprisonment - slow build - hurt/comfort - platonic intimacy - forced proximity - angst with a happy ending
Midoriya and Shigaraki get hit with a Quirk that basically locks the both of them in an indestructible box and makes them unable to physically harm each other. The only way for them to get out? They have to reconcile their differences. Obviously, this is easier said than done.
❄︎ JJK
at the end of the world by freckledgeto [ONESHOT] [20K] #: itadori yuuji x fushiguro megumi - post-canon divergent - road trips - emotional hurt/comfort - yearning
Megumi does this routine everyday without difficulty. But he’s already awake when his alarm goes off today, like he was the day before and the day before that one— so he reaches over and turns it off and doesn’t move from his bed for another ten minutes, staring at his blank wall instead. Because it’s the beginning of February, and Itadori Yuuji only has one more of Ryomen Sukuna’s fingers to ingest before he’s set to be executed in the morning.
eternity enshrined by apartment [MULTI-CHAP] [134K] #: ryomen sukuna x fushiguro megumi - canon typical violence - time travel - dubious consent - sexual content
Transported back in time, Megumi must rely on the only familiar face in Heian Japan. Ryoumen Sukuna, a curse to some and deity to others, decides to keep him.
hey son, I killed your daddy by missingnooo [ONESHOT] [5K] #: gen - parental gojo satoru - character study - canon compliant - hurt/comfort
Gojo admits something.
heart on my sleeve by katarasvevo [ONESHOT] [2K] #: itadori yuuji x fushiguro megumi - yearning - injury - intimacy - friends to lovers
Megumi’s throat unsticks. “You can’t—you can’t just say things like that,” he murmurs, quickly averting his gaze. “And I thought you liked girls who look like Jennifer Lawrence.” Itadori gives him an odd look. “Yeah. Girls.” He smiles sheepishly, running a hand through his hair. “Never said anything about the guys, though.”
moth light by chuuyasoup [ONESHOT] [1.3K] #: gen - sneaking out - fluff - friendship
Shoko stops in front of the sports drinks, gazing at the wide selection. “What’s so interesting?” They look up, twin grins in place. Shoko squints, then dismisses the possibility that they’re making fun of her. An inside joke, more likely. “The sugar content,” Gojo says, waving a can of sweetened coffee. He snickers. “Yeah, the sugar content,” Geto parrots, and then they both burst out laughing.
❄︎ MP100
out of body by bobmoss [MULTI-CHAP] [50K] #: reigen arataka x serizawa katsuya - slow burn - case fic - mental health issues - hurt/comfort - recovery
Serizawa's recovery seems to be going so well, but then he suddenly develops a habit of accidental out of body experiences during panic attacks.
all our missing parts by viraaja [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [30K] #: halsin x astarion - smut - touchstarved - ritual sex
Halsin discovers Astarion was turned before his maturity and all the sacred elven rites that come along with it. Including the sex one.
friday nights by sadinasaphrite [MULTI-CHAP] [28K] #: gale x astarion - university au - modern with magic - getting together - blood and violence
Professor Gale Dakarios loses his research, his magic, and his lover Mystra all at once and only has himself to blame. When he goes to drown his sorrows, he meets a pale stranger with mysteries of his own.
flowers from hell by entanglednow [MULTI-CHAP] [40K] #: aziraphale x crowley - slow burn - idiots in love - pining - romantic gestures - sentient plants - family bonding
In which Aziraphale makes more of an effort to be involved with Crowley's interests and hobbies.
"the more you say the less i know (wherever you stray, i follow)" by notcaycepollard [ONESHOT] [22K] #: bucky barnes x sam wilson - mature - canon typical violence
It starts in the desert.
my big fat wolf wedding by aggressivewhenstartled, galwednesday, quietnight, silentwalrus, skellerbvvt [ONESHOT] [12K] #: bucky barnes x steve rogers - supernatural elements - wolves and vampires - fluff - accidental marriage
“I can’t just promise him a ring, take him home, drink from him three times in a row and then wake him up the next morning to say oops, just kidding!” Steve casts around, looking at his wreck of an apartment. “I don’t even have any good champagne!”
the definition of insanity... by twilight_starr [MULTI-CHAP] [183K] #: akechi goro x kurusu akira - time loop - canon divergence - hurt/comfort - suicidal thoughts
...is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. They're disjointed. Confused. And Akechi isn't giving him anything to work with.
the strength of a thousand by toastedcatbrea [MULTI-CHAP] [147K] #: sephiroth x cloud strife - time travel fix-it - romance - comedy - everybody lives
Cloud Strife was older than most of the typical cadets, but his blue eyes burned with the strength of a thousand men. The Firsts (and Zack) find out exactly how strong he really was.
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jinkicake · 4 years
♡ Masterlist ♡
Okay, I was having some issues T T specifically with my Haikyuu masterlist so I made another one. I have so many works under Haikyuu that I decided to give each team their own page so it can all load easier!!! I hope this helps~ This is like my third(?), fourth(?) masterlist update LOL I like organizing it so I hope it doesn’t bother you all too much and that it makes things easier to find!!! (*ゝ∀・)v If this doesn’t work... I- LOL 
-  Sarah (:˒[ ̄] (Last Updated 05/07/22)
☆ Attack On Titan
☆ Haikyuu
   ♡ Date Tech
   ♡ Fukurodani
   ♡ Inarizaki
   ♡ Itachiyama
   ♡ Johzenji
   ♡ Kamomedai
   ♡ Karasuno 
   ♡ Nekoma
   ♡ Nohebi 
   ♡ Seijoh (❀)
   ♡ Shiratorizawa 
☆ Hunter × Hunter
☆ JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
☆ Jujutsu Kaisen 
☆ Kuroko No Basket
☆ My Hero Academia
☆ Naruto
☆ Obey Me
♡ 2022 Valentine’s Day Masterlist
♡ March 2022 Shoujo Manga Recs
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samus-onigiri-stand · 4 months
♡ update 2024.05.23 — recs masterlists have been updated!
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samus-onigiri-stand · 4 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ೀ⋆ ˚。⋆ lists !
♡ recs masterlist & tags | updated 24.05.23 ♡ find my full masterlist here!
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tags — ♡ (school name) recs . ♡ (character's full name) recs
(ex. #♡ aoba josai recs #♡ kunimi akira recs)
♡ school
who i do read for who i do not read for
note; I've only separated them by schools for convenience, all are post-timeskip! I mean no offense with the bottom line!
the characters I might read for the most are in bold!
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♡ 烏野高校 。karasuno
kiyoko . yachi . sawamura . sugawarai . asahi . nishinoya . tanaka . kinoshita . kageyama . hinata . tsukishima . yamaguchi . akiteru ukai . takeda . ennoshita . kazuhito
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♡ 青葉城西高校 。aoba josai
oikawa . matsukawa . hanamaki . iwaizumi . yahaba . kindaichi . kunimi . kyotani watari . yuda . sawauchi . shido
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♡ 都立音駒高等学校 。nekoma
kuroo . yaku . kenma . haiba kai . yamamoto . fukunaga . inuoka . teshiro . shibayama
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♡ 梟谷学園 。fukurodani
bokuto . akaashi . konoha washio . sarukui . anahori . komi . onaga
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♡ 白鳥沢学園 。shiratorizawa
ushijima . semi . tendou . goshiki . shirabu soekawa . ohira . yunohama . shibata . kawanishi . akakura . yamagata . sagae . umeda . suzuki
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♡ 稲荷崎高校 。inarizaki
kita . ojiro . a.miya . o.miya . suna . akagi omimi . ginjima . kosaku . riseki
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♡ 井闥山学院 。itachiyama
sakusa . komori
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© samus-onigiri-stand (2024) do not copy or repost my works!
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samus-onigiri-stand · 4 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ೀ⋆ ˚。⋆ lists !
♡ nekoma recs masterlist | updated 24.05.23
♡ find my full masterlist here! ♡ find my recs masterlist here! ♡ find my nekoma masterlist here!
please read the rules before sending an ask!
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tags — ♡ (school's name) recs . ♡ (character's full name) recs
(ex. #♡ nekoma recs #♡ haiba lev recs) ♡ F | fluff; cute scenarios ♡ A | angst; sad scenarios ♡ S | smut; sexual/suggestive scenarios ♡ H | heavy; scenario is mostly this ♡ L | light; scenario has a bit of this as well
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[都立音駒高等学校] nekoma | 12.05.16
stawbeemilk - their love language // HF lcvemiyuki - cliche romance tropes // HF
[黒尾���朗] kuroo tetsuro | 94.11.17
cottonlemonade - period sex // LS
[夜久衛輔] yaku morisuke | 94.08.08 loading...
[孤爪研磨] kozume kenma | 95.10.16
educatedsimps - boys who say "i love you" // HF epilary - orange peel theory // LF cr4yolaas - husband headcanons // HF
[灰羽リエーフ] haiba lev | 96.10.30 loading...
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© samus-onigiri-stand (2024) do not copy or repost my works!
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ೀ⋆ ˚。⋆
0 notes
samus-onigiri-stand · 4 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ೀ⋆ ˚。⋆ lists !
♡ nekoma masterlist | updated 24.05.18
♡ find my full masterlist here! ♡ find my recs masterlist here! ♡ find my nekoma recs masterlist here!
please read the rules before sending an ask!
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tags — ♡ (school's name) . ♡ (character's full name)
(ex. #♡ nekoma #♡ haiba lev)
♡ F | fluff; cute scenarios ♡ A | angst; sad scenarios ♡ H | heavy; scenario is mostly this ♡ L | light; scenario has a bit of this as well
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[都立音駒高等学校] nekoma | 12.05.16 loading...
[黒尾鉄朗] kuroo tetsuro | 94.11.17 loading...
[夜久衛輔] yaku morisuke | 94.08.08 loading...
[孤爪研磨] kozume kenma | 95.10.16 loading...
[灰羽リエーフ] haiba lev | 96.10.30 loading...
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© samus-onigiri-stand (2024) do not copy or repost my works!
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ೀ⋆ ˚。⋆
0 notes
samus-onigiri-stand · 4 months
˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ೀ⋆ ˚。⋆ lists !
♡ school masterlist & tags | updated 24.05.18 ♡ find my recs masterlist here!
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tags — ♡ (school name) . ♡ (character's full name)
(ex. #♡ aoba josai #♡ kunimi akira)
♡ school
who i can write for who i cannot write for
note; I've only separated them by schools for convenience, all are post-timeskip! I mean no offense with the bottom line! this is not because I don't like the other members, I just may not know enough about them and fear I won't do them justice if I try to write for them qwq
the characters I might write for the most are in bold!
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♡ 烏野高校 。karasuno
kiyoko . yachi . sawamura . sugawara . nishinoya . kageyama . hinata . tsukishima . yamaguchi . akiteru ukai . takeda . asahi . tanaka . ennoshita . kinoshita . kazuhito
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♡ 青葉城西高校 。aoba josai
oikawa . matsukawa . hanamaki . iwaizumi . kindaichi . kunimi yahaba . watari . kyotani . yuda . sawauchi . shido
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♡ 都立音駒高等学校 。nekoma
kuroo . yaku . kenma . haiba kai . yamamoto . fukunaga . inuoka . teshiro . shibayama
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♡ 梟谷学園 。fukurodani
bokuto . akaashi . konoha washio . sarukui . anahori . komi . onaga
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♡ 白鳥沢学園 。shiratorizawa
ushijima . semi . tendou . goshiki . shirabu soekawa . ohira . yunohama . shibata . kawanishi . akakura . yamagata . sagae . umeda . suzuki
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♡ 稲荷崎高校 。inarizaki
kita . ojiro . a.miya . o.miya . suna . akagi omimi . ginjima . kosaku . riseki
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♡ 井闥山学院 。itachiyama
sakusa komori
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© samus-onigiri-stand (2024) do not copy or repost my works!
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